Feminine name Melania. Name in different languages. Talismans, symbols, signs

What does the name Melania mean?

“The darkest, or blackest, perhaps gloomy, and sometimes cruel” - this is exactly the translation that can have such a name, even caressing the human ear.
Origin of the name Melania: The history of this wonderful name is connected precisely with.

Ancient Greece

Character conveyed by the name Melania: Women with such a sonorous name are often classified as choleric. So these individuals are extremely restless, but they can also be quite balanced, possessing an enviable will and a truly unusually well-developed sixth sense. Also, sometimes it may seem that she seems to see right through any person and even reads all his innermost thoughts. However, at some particularly critical moments in this difficult life , Melania can rely not on intuition at all, but only on common sense

or clear logic.

They are always very efficient, which even their many ill-wishers are ready to admit. She can achieve everything in this life herself, without resorting to any patronage or acquaintances. But with all this, it would be better for such women not to make them angry, since they simply have an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem. And believe me, their reaction to an unpleasant stimulus will be simply instantaneous and incredibly violent. They will also be friends only until a friend accidentally affects her personal interests.

Many Melanias may well turn out to be simply excellent doctors, or linguists, sometimes excellent psychologists, or businesswomen, and, a little less often, wonderful teachers. They will also be quite able to work as educators, probably because they always love to teach almost everyone, and sometimes even impose only their opinion. But the appearance of many Melanias is always quite sexy, probably in order to attract maximum amount men. However, Melania themselves may relate to even with some aggression and hostility. Melania will choose her husband only herself, guided, as in practically everything else, by sober calculation. However, already in marriage, they are always very faithful, and of course devoted wives, and also always simply magnificent housewives and madly loving and extremely caring mothers. Also, family for Melania is always the most sacred thing. Leadership in her family will always belong only to the woman, and if suddenly the husband always agrees with absolutely everything, then this can truly be the happiest family. It should also be noted that she is always an economical housewife, moreover, she knows how to cook beautifully and deliciously, and will never be averse to shifting some of the women’s household responsibilities onto the strong shoulders of her husband. She will not be too happy to have guests in her house, especially if these are purely female companies or get-togethers, which she does not really like.

But, despite her fantastically developed intuition, she does not always see, and sometimes simply does not notice, something bad in many people. And more than once, human meanness can bring her real suffering. Yes, and her memory is always excellent, but there is such a peculiarity - Melania can remember only the best for a long time, and very quickly forgets about all the bad, she really is not vindictive at all.

Short form of the name Melania. Melanya, Malan, Malana, Melana, Lana, Lanya, Melasha, Mil, Mila, Molya, Melanyushka, Malanyushka, Malanya, Malasha, Malya, Melli, Meli, Mel, Mel, Melina, Nike.
Synonyms for the name Melania. Melanya, Melanie, Malanya, Malania.
Origin of the name Melania. The name Melania is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Melania has Greek roots and means “black”, “dark”. The name Melania is used not only in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia and the Czech Republic, but also in Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Romania.

In England, France, Germany and the USA they use an analogue of this name - Melanie, and in Belarus - Malanya and Malania. When the name Melania is pronounced, “and” is heard in the first syllable of the name, therefore there is an erroneous spelling of the name - Milania, and a derivative name - Milanya. Therefore, the names Melania and Milana, which have completely different origins, are often confused.

The name Melania was not among the frequently used names until the 30s of the twentieth century, until the author of the famous bestseller “Gone with the Wind” used this name for his heroine. After the release of the book and the film of the same name, the name Melanie began to gain popularity in English-speaking countries. In the name Melanie, the stress can be on either the first or the second syllable.

The diminutive Mellie (Meli) is also used for the names Melinda, Melissa, Pamela, Emily, Emilia, Amelia. And the short forms used among the Russian-speaking population, Mila and Lana, are also independent names.

The dates of Melania's Orthodox name days are January 13 and June 21. The remaining dates listed are Orthodox name days Melania. Male name Melanium is quite rare.

The owner of the name Melania is quite hot-tempered, capable of changing from one emotional state to another for very short term. Has hypersensitivity and vulnerable soul, she is feminine, charming, loves tenderness and affection. This is a very capable woman, she could be called fatal. She knows how to be seductive, bold, as well as timid, modest, dependent, knows how to obey and manage. It combines various opposites.

Emotional well-being and balance are essential for Melanie's self-confidence. Thus, she can be alternately shy and reserved, going unnoticed, and then mischievous and playful, wanting to be the center of attention. Melania is able to take risks, put everything on the line.

Melania is sensitive and emotional, she understands well that in order to have a friend, you need to be a friend. She is an excellent listener, an insightful and subtle interlocutor, showing genuine interest in the subject of conversation. She has a good sense of humor, which she resorts to not only when necessary to defuse tense situations, but also in her life in general.

As a child, Melania should be encouraged to be creative and develop her talent for languages. Parents should do everything possible to instill a sense of order and discipline in her life, these are precisely the qualities that she is slightly lacking. They also need to help their daughter learn to manage her emotional outbursts. This girl is curious. Melania loves to read, but chatting is one of her favorite pastimes!

Melania is an extrovert, so she cannot live without communication, the attention of friends and other people. From birth she knows how to attract, seduce and charm. She dreams of occupying a central place in the life of the class, faculty, or at her job. Melania hates monotony and loves adventure and novelty. After all, life is just a game for her, and she knows how to play! She is pleasant and good-natured and will add zest to any team. An outstanding housewife and an excellent mother. But we should not forget that Melania can behave like an angel, but it is difficult to call her obedient, but seducing her is even more difficult.

Melania can choose one of the creative professions related to artistic, oral or written self-expression. She will also be close to active professions related to movement, sports or travel. Her strong point is communication, so Melania can easily become a psychologist, diplomat and journalist.

Melania's birthday

Famous people named Melania

  • Melania Siminko ((1921-2002) Soviet collective farmer, achieved a corn yield of more than 10 centners per hectare, for which she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1966)
  • Melania the Roman, Melania of Rome ((383-439) Christian saint)
  • Saint Melania the Elder ((350-410) Christian saint, grandmother of Saint Melania the Younger)
  • Melania Trump ((born 1970) last name before marriage - Knaus; Slovenian fashion model, currently a designer jewelry, as well as wristwatches)
  • Melanie Lynskey ((born 1977) New Zealand actress)
  • Melanie Myron ((born 1952) American actress, also director and screenwriter, winner of the 1989 Emmy as best supporting actress)
  • Melanie Valdor ((1796-1871) French writer (poetry, drama), opened her own literary salon)
  • Melanie Houdin ((born 1991) American tennis player, multiple participant in the Grand Slam tournament, was also a winner)
  • Melanie Griffith ((born 1957) American actress. Starred in such films as “Body Double”, “Wild Thing”, “Working Girl”, “Two is Too Much”, “Project 281”, “City of Fear”, “Bonfire” vanity" and many others. Winner of the Golden Globe, Emmy. Participant in the musical "Chicago" (2003).
  • Melanie Klein ((1882-1960) English psychoanalyst, specialized in child psychoanalysis, developed a play technique for working with children)
  • Melanie Fiona Hallim ((born 1983) Canadian singer)
  • Melanie Jane Chisholm ((born 1974) pseudonyms - “Mel C”, “Melanie C”, “Sporty Spice”; British singer, former lead singer in the group “Spice Girls”)
  • Melanie Phillips ((born 1951) English journalist, collaborates not only with native but also foreign publications)
  • Melanie Leupolz ((born 1994) German football player, member of the German national team, became European champion in 2013)
  • Melanie Behringer ((born 1985) German football player, player of the German national team. Twice winner of Olympic bronze, also twice European champion, became world champion.)
  • Melanie Adele Martinez ((born 1995) American singer)
  • Melanie Robillard ((born 1982) German curler)
  • Diam`s ((born 1980) real name – Melanie Georgiad; French rap artist)

The beautiful name Melania is of Latin origin. It arose from the name Melania, which in turn was derived from the ancient Greek Melayn and translated means “dark”, “black”. There is a version that the original meaning of the name sounded like “dark,” “tanned,” and only several centuries later it began to be used in its modern interpretation.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: gold
  • Color: red, yellow
  • Plant: ginger, heliotrope
  • Animal: eagle
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

The name Melania, as a rule, belongs to a pretty and gentle girl who, from childhood, attracts the attention of others, creating the impression of a sweet and open young lady. But being a lively and restless child, the baby causes her parents a lot of problems, although she studies more than well at school.

Her character attracts people to her, so she has many friends, to whom she, thanks to her developed intuition, knows how to find the “right key”, using her natural charm and charm. She likes to study social activities and be the center of attention. But you shouldn’t consider Melania an “angel” - the secret of her name gives her a certain rancor. The woman is also touchy, so others should remember this circumstance when communicating with her.

The origin of the name Melania gives its owner perseverance and willpower, which helps to cope with even the most difficult tasks, in which her remarkable memory, brilliant mind and knowledge help her a lot. But more often, to achieve her goals, she uses not intelligence and logic, but charm and charm, which does not leave anyone around indifferent.

Interests and hobbies

Melania loves to take care of her appearance, so shopping and beauty salons become her hobby. In addition, she visits a fitness club and swimming pool, a yoga or dance studio, choosing those areas that she does not like, but are trendy in a particular season.

Profession and business

Melania can become a good psychic; she has all the data for this. But she does not seek to develop them, believing that this profession will not bring her moral satisfaction, and most importantly, a stable income. The owner of this name can realize herself in the profession of a teacher, tour guide, journalist, designer, stylist. By nature she has good leadership abilities - she knows how to use hidden talents people, and also resolve issues diplomatically, without stooping to petty familiarity or an overly rigid management style.

In business, a girl is a “dangerous player”; she perceives others as rivals who stand in the way of her intended goal. She can achieve enormous success without hesitating to use “forbidden” rules, but only if the matter is interesting to her.

Upbringing. Laws. Health. Development. Family. Pregnancy

Melania has strong, even excellent health. True, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can bring some discomfort. The weak point is the top Airways, so in the autumn-winter period she should be especially careful.

Sex and love

Melania has an amazing sexuality that is born from the very depths of her nature. She forces the girl to make the first step, take the initiative and even dominate in bed. If a man is able to find the right approach to her, a woman is able to open up “to the bottom” in her intimate life, becoming the kind of lover that one can only dream of.

Family and marriage

The characteristics of the name Melania hide a rather calculating personality who rarely marries for love, considering it romantic rubbish. Choosing a soft, calm husband, she quickly takes power in the family into her own hands, but carefully hides this fact, skillfully maintaining the spouse’s reputation in public.

The bearer of the name loves to do housework - the importance of everyday life in the life of this woman is truly enormous. She likes to create a cozy atmosphere in her home, especially if others notice her efforts. She loves to receive guests and always prepares a generous table for them, bursting with dishes.

Melania loves children and becomes a kind, good mother for them, providing for the kids not only financially, but also spiritually. Her relationship with her husband's relatives is quite strained, as she tries not to let her mother-in-law near her house.

Version 2. What does the name Melania mean?

- from Greek. black, gloomy; folk Malaniya and Malanya; decomposition Melania.

Derivatives: Malanyushka, Melanya, Lanya,
Lana, Melasha, Milya, Molya, Malakha, Malasha, Mali.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Dressing up like Malanya
for a wedding.

They gave it to the hungry Malanya
pancakes, and she says: “They weren’t baked well.”

What is Ananya like?
he and Malanya.

St. Day Malanyi
popularly called Vasilyeva's carol, a generous evening, since it used to be
on December 31 and was New Year's Eve, Vasily's Day.


Melania is a woman of rare virtues: kind and loving to the point of sacrifice, caring,
attentive, affectionate, responsive to someone else's misfortune. Naturally smart and quick-witted,
has a brilliant memory. Sometimes this bothers her: she remembers too much of what
For your own peace of mind, it’s better to forget. In principle, tolerant of human
shortcomings, and although she is given the ability to see through everyone, she does not use her insight
for your own good. Maybe in vain: she could make a good fortuneteller,
even clairvoyant.

3 version of the meaning of the name Melania

1. Personality. Those who wrap around.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sensitivity - Intelligence
- sociability - morality.

7. totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Totem animal. Boa*.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem, entwine
the object of his desires so strongly that he loses the ability to resist. Love it

11. Psyche. They need wide open
a window to the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. These girls don't mind
guide your will with your mind.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability
leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Reaction speed. They are absolutely not objective.
But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own” life. They rush through life,
like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania is engaged
everyone in a row, will try everything, they have no problems with choosing a profession, this
determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time:
for example, they can be teachers and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: “she has
just a sniff...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. A living mind of a synthetic type.
Everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory, they remember especially well and for a long time
the grievances caused to them.

18. Receptivity. They prefer to love themselves
than to be loved.

19. Morality. Adapt with enviable ease
to friends from very different backgrounds and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. Overall not bad, but sometimes they feel
an incomprehensible ailment, most often of mental origin. They need to listen
to yourself". The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that the totem animal
these individuals are a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood
can be quite charming!

23. Sociability. Such women simply have a need
be among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers of African flora and fauna
They will tell you that the boa falls on its victim from the tree from which it was watching.
But getting out of her arms is a problem...

A large snake of the boa constrictor family.

Name day named after Melania

January 13, June 21,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Melania

Name number: 2

Those who are lucky enough to be born under a deuce will not have to worry about having good friends and public recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead a deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds her way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Melania

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance.

People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring job. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Melania in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Melania in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name Melania has ancient Greek roots and came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus'. Translated from Greek the meaning of the name Melania means "black" or "dark". This name is written in Greek as Μέλαινα, and pronounced as Melaina. As you understand, it was church names that became widespread with the Orthodox faith, which means the name Melania is revered in Orthodoxy.

The meaning of the name Melania for a girl

Girls named Melania grow up to be very charming children. Melania understands the power of charm at an early age and uses it in every possible way. She knows how to evoke affection in adults, teachers and peers. The girl is endowed with excellent acting skills, although she uses them mostly for selfish purposes. Another thing worth noting high activity girls. Melania loves active games and having fun. The girl is growing up as a fairly brave child. Melania is confident in herself and her abilities.

Melania performs well academically. Despite the craving for active actions, the girl has sufficient perseverance and hard work. She is also endowed with beautiful oratory skills, which often helps her out in her studies. He knows how to talk a lot and not much, but it’s very exciting. Melania has good organizational skills, so she can even be the class leader. Public projects occupy a fairly prominent place in Melania’s life.

Melania is in good health for the most part. Her weak point can be called the gastrointestinal tract. She should carefully monitor her diet and diet. In principle, this can be recommended to bearers of any name, but for Melania it is highly recommended. And of course, it is better to solve any health problems with professionals.

Short name Melania

Melanya, Melanya, Melasha, Melanie, Lanya, Lana.

Diminutive pet names

Melanochka, Melanushka, Melanyushka, Melanchik, Melashka, Lania.

Name Melania in English

IN English language The name Melania is spelled Melanie and pronounced Melanie.

Name Melania for international passport- MELANIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Melania into other languages

in Arabic - ميلانيا
in Belarusian - Malannya
in Bulgarian - Melania
in Greek - Μελανία
in Spanish - Melania
in Italian - Melania
in Chinese - 梅拉
in German - Melanie
in Polish - Melania
in Portuguese - Melânia
in Romanian - Melania
in Serbian - Melanija
in Ukrainian - Melania
in French - Melanie
in Czech - Melánie
in Japanese - メラ

Church name Melania(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Melania. The name Melania is church name, which means it does not have to be changed when performing the sacrament of baptism and subsequent church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Melania

Melania is characterized by such traits as emotionality, charm and sociability. She knows how to start relationships literally out of nowhere. Melania charms those around her no less masterfully. It is worth noting that the ability to manipulate people becomes second nature to Melania. This can make her narcissistic and overly selfish. She often has capricious character traits.

Melania works well. She is diligent and hardworking, and also has excellent intuition. The combination of these qualities makes almost any of Melania’s activities successful. In addition, it has strong strong-willed qualities and can be absolutely cold-blooded in business sphere. Excellent combination of qualities for business.

Melania builds family relationships from a leadership point of view. She is very active in the family, which over time leads to a complete loss of activity from Melania’s partner. Initially, Melania is looking for a man who can come to terms with such a role, which of course leaves a certain imprint on the time and success of the search. In household chores, Melania achieves excellent results. She always keeps her house in order and cooks great. Melania is a very caring mother, but she can be too strict with her children.

The mystery of the name Melania

Melania's secret can be called her inability to take other people's interests into account. She is selfish by nature and sees nothing wrong with it. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions among the owners of the name, but these are rather exceptions that confirm the rule. Melania should cultivate the sprouts of love within herself and remember that selfishness is the product of such a mortal sin as pride.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Puma.

Name color- Black.

Tree- Fir.

Plant- Thistle.

Stone- Morion.

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