Deputy Commander of the Baltic Fleet Sergei Eliseev. Urgently. Vice Admiral Sergei Eliseev was appointed acting commander of the Russian Baltic Fleet. Yellow card theory


The Baltic Fleet was headed by a graduate of the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School in 1983, a Pacific Ocean resident, former First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces (VMSU), Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV.

In the photo, Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV (left) and the commander of the Baltic Naval Base, and now the Commander of the Caspian Flotilla, Rear Admiral Igor OSIPOV.

The media learned the name of the acting commander of the Baltic Fleet - this is Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV, who after the collapse of the Soviet Union served in the ranks of the Ukrainian naval forces. A source in the Baltic Fleet told Fontanta about ELISEEV’s appointment. It is noteworthy that he became the only representative of the fleet leadership who was not dismissed.

The day before, Defense Minister Sergei SHOIGU removed almost the entire leadership of the Baltic Fleet from their posts - more than 50 officers and admirals. The reason for the dismissal was a recent inspection carried out in the fleet, after which facts of distortion of real data by senior officers of the Baltic Fleet were revealed.

Admiral ELISEEV joined the Russian Navy in 2014, having previously served as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy. This is the first time that a former Ukrainian officer has been appointed to such a high position.

In Ukraine, a criminal case has been opened against Eliseev on charges of desertion, treason, encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, terrorism and waging an aggressive war. The military prosecutor's office of the Southern region of Ukraine announced suspicion of committing crimes under articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine"desertion" and "high treason"

former First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces Sergei Eliseev. Currently, Vice Admiral S. Eliseev is the deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation.

This was reported on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine.

The Military Prosecutor's Office informed the Pivdenny region of Ukraine in accordance with the procedure established by law about the suspicion of committing crimes, referred to Part 1 of Art. 111 (Derzhavna zrada) that part 1 art. 408 (desertion) of the CC of Ukraine to the first intercessor of the commander of the Military-Naval Forces of Ukraine S.S. Eliseev.

The appointment of the Vice-Admiral is suspected of the fact that in the cruel - birch of 2014 fate, having welcomed the military alliance and with the method of conciliating foreign occupation of the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, initiating desertion from and service, and later entered military service with the Zbroina Forces of the aggressor country, being stationed as the intercessor commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Military-Navy Fleet, this power agrees with its rival activities against Ukraine.

The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Pivdenny region of Ukraine plans to soon launch the procedure for a special investigation and sentencing of a prisoner in absentia.

Sanction Part 1 Art. 111 CC of Ukraine (state council) transmits punishment in the form of reduction of will on lines from 10 to 15 years.
Sanction Part 1 Art. 408 CC of Ukraine (desertion) transfers punishment in the form of a reduction of will on lines from two to five rocks.

Management of communications due to population size and health issues
General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine

“The said vice admiral is reasonably suspected that in February - March 2014, having betrayed the military oath and in order to facilitate foreign occupation of the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, he deserted from service, and later entered military service in the Armed Forces of the aggressor country and, while serving as deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy, contributes to this state in subversive activities against Ukraine", the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement.

Speaking at a rally on March 19, 2013 in the hero city of Sevastopol, First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, Vice Admiral S. Eliseev said:

Officers, midshipmen, foremen, sailors!
Dear veteran submariners!
Allow me, on behalf of the Military Council and the entire personnel of the Ukrainian Navy, to congratulate you on the 107th anniversary of the formation of the submarine forces of the fleet!

True! Service on submarines, and later on submarine cruisers, has always been, is and will be a school of courage, a school of courage and heroism, naval camaraderie and friendship. Today, the crews of submarines of the Ukrainian Navy and the Black Sea Fleet are in the same formation carry out joint tasks to protect our maritime borders.

Today I address words of gratitude to veteran submariners, whose invaluable experience, examples of heroism, patriotism, selfless service to their homeland serve as the basis and cement for improving the professionalism of young submariners.

Today I cannot help but remember those who, at the cost of their lives, remained in the depths of the sea. Unfortunately, among them there are the names of our Sevastopol residents. Eternal memory and glory to them.

Today we educate our sailors using the examples of history, traditions, and naval comradeship. I am sure that thanks to the close constructive relationship between our sailors, which has already become a tradition, this is precisely the basis for strengthening the defense capability of the southern borders of our states. I am sure that this will continue to be the case.

On this festive, solemn day, I take this opportunity to wish you, all your loved ones, relatives and friends health, good luck, peace, clean fairways and seven feet under the keel!!!

Vice Admiral Sergei Stanislavovich ELISEEV graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School (faculty of artillery and anti-aircraft missiles) in 1983. He began his naval service as a group commander of the missile and artillery combat unit of the BOD "Sposobny" (10 OPS of the Pacific Fleet).

After the collapse of the USSR, he served in the Ukrainian Navy, and for 14 years he was deputy commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. Acted as commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces with the rank of vice admiral. In addition, he headed the Sevastopol garrison.

In the photo is Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV


The Baltic Fleet was headed by a graduate of the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School in 1983, a Pacific Ocean resident, former First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces (VMSU), Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV.

In the photo, Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV (left) and the commander of the Baltic Naval Base, and now the Commander of the Caspian Flotilla, Rear Admiral Igor OSIPOV.

The media learned the name of the acting commander of the Baltic Fleet - this is Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV, who after the collapse of the Soviet Union served in the ranks of the Ukrainian naval forces. A source in the Baltic Fleet told Fontanta about ELISEEV’s appointment. It is noteworthy that he became the only representative of the fleet leadership who was not dismissed.

The day before, Defense Minister Sergei SHOIGU removed almost the entire leadership of the Baltic Fleet from their posts - more than 50 officers and admirals. The reason for the dismissal was a recent inspection carried out in the fleet, after which facts of distortion of real data by senior officers of the Baltic Fleet were revealed.

Admiral ELISEEV joined the Russian Navy in 2014, having previously served as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy. This is the first time that a former Ukrainian officer has been appointed to such a high position.

In Ukraine, a criminal case has been opened against Eliseev on charges of desertion, treason, encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, terrorism and waging an aggressive war. The military prosecutor's office of the Southern region of Ukraine announced suspicion of committing crimes under articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine"desertion" and "high treason"

former First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces Sergei Eliseev. Currently, Vice Admiral S. Eliseev is the deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation.

This was reported on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine.

The Military Prosecutor's Office informed the Pivdenny region of Ukraine in accordance with the procedure established by law about the suspicion of committing crimes, referred to Part 1 of Art. 111 (Derzhavna zrada) that part 1 art. 408 (desertion) of the CC of Ukraine to the first intercessor of the commander of the Military-Naval Forces of Ukraine S.S. Eliseev.

The appointment of the Vice-Admiral is suspected of the fact that in the cruel - birch of 2014 fate, having welcomed the military alliance and with the method of conciliating foreign occupation of the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, initiating desertion from and service, and later entered military service with the Zbroina Forces of the aggressor country, being stationed as the intercessor commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Military-Navy Fleet, this power agrees with its rival activities against Ukraine.

The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Pivdenny region of Ukraine plans to soon launch the procedure for a special investigation and sentencing of a prisoner in absentia.

Sanction Part 1 Art. 111 CC of Ukraine (state council) transmits punishment in the form of reduction of will on lines from 10 to 15 years.
Sanction Part 1 Art. 408 CC of Ukraine (desertion) transfers punishment in the form of a reduction of will on lines from two to five rocks.

Management of communications due to population size and health issues
General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine

“The said vice admiral is reasonably suspected that in February - March 2014, having betrayed the military oath and in order to facilitate foreign occupation of the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, he deserted from service, and later entered military service in the Armed Forces of the aggressor country and, while serving as deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy, contributes to this state in subversive activities against Ukraine", the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement.

Speaking at a rally on March 19, 2013 in the hero city of Sevastopol, First Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, Vice Admiral S. Eliseev said:

Officers, midshipmen, foremen, sailors!
Dear veteran submariners!
Allow me, on behalf of the Military Council and the entire personnel of the Ukrainian Navy, to congratulate you on the 107th anniversary of the formation of the submarine forces of the fleet!

True! Service on submarines, and later on submarine cruisers, has always been, is and will be a school of courage, a school of courage and heroism, naval camaraderie and friendship. Today, the crews of submarines of the Ukrainian Navy and the Black Sea Fleet are in the same formation carry out joint tasks to protect our maritime borders.

Today I address words of gratitude to veteran submariners, whose invaluable experience, examples of heroism, patriotism, selfless service to their homeland serve as the basis and cement for improving the professionalism of young submariners.

Today I cannot help but remember those who, at the cost of their lives, remained in the depths of the sea. Unfortunately, among them there are the names of our Sevastopol residents. Eternal memory and glory to them.

Today we educate our sailors using the examples of history, traditions, and naval comradeship. I am sure that thanks to the close constructive relationship between our sailors, which has already become a tradition, this is precisely the basis for strengthening the defense capability of the southern borders of our states. I am sure that this will continue to be the case.

On this festive, solemn day, I take this opportunity to wish you, all your loved ones, relatives and friends health, good luck, peace, clean fairways and seven feet under the keel!!!

Prepare the corvette "Dnieper" for battle and campaign
Submariner's Day. Sevastopol. 03/19/2013

Vice Admiral Sergei Stanislavovich ELISEEV graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School (faculty of artillery and anti-aircraft missiles) in 1983. He began his naval service as a group commander of the missile and artillery combat unit of the BOD "Sposobny" (10 OPS of the Pacific Fleet).

After the collapse of the USSR, he served in the Ukrainian Navy, and for 14 years he was deputy commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. Acted as commander of the Ukrainian Naval Forces with the rank of vice admiral. In addition, he headed the Sevastopol garrison.

In the photo is Vice Admiral Sergei ELISEEV

Sergei Eliseev, a former Ukrainian admiral who defected to Russia in 2014, was temporarily appointed as the new commander of the fleet.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu dismissed the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Viktor Kravchuk, and the chief of staff of the same fleet, Sergei Popov. Following them, and captains of the first rank.

The leadership of the military department comments on the ongoing purge sparingly, but very frankly. “Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu signed an order to remove from their posts the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Viktor Kravchuk, and the chief of staff, Sergei Popov, due to systematic distortion of the real state of affairs in official reports, as well as serious violations found in the combat training of troops,” the statement says. press release issued by the ministry.

Experts shrug their shoulders: such a large-scale purge has never happened in the history of the Russian fleet. “Nobody knows what exactly happened. They carried out an inspection there for a month, but it is absolutely not in the style of either Putin or Shoigu to openly talk about why people are being fired, even in such formulations. This is something new. One can only guess what they did,” military observer Alexander Golts told the St. Petersburg publication Fontanka. Kaliningrad political scientist Vladimir Abramov also agreed with him: “In all the post-Soviet times, by God, I don’t remember anything like this. Usually they tried to fire quietly. On the one hand, it is quite possible that this is such a demonstrative action.”

Repetition of "Kursk"

The decision to dismiss high-ranking officers was made at a visiting board of the ministry, held in the Patriot Park near Moscow. As the press knows, the documents contain language “for serious omissions in the organization of combat training, the daily activities of troops (forces), failure to take measures to improve the conditions of accommodation of personnel, lack of care for subordinates, as well as distortions in reports of the real state of affairs.” In other words, the country’s leadership has come to the conclusion that the fleet under the leadership of Kravchuk is losing its combat effectiveness, its personnel are vegetating in unacceptable conditions, and the fleet commander himself is lying to the eyes of the leadership of the Russian Federation, Fontanka observers explain.

The immediate factual material for making fundamental decisions was indeed provided by a sudden inspection of the Baltic Fleet conducted by a commission of the General Staff. What exactly was the impetus for its beginning is not yet known and may remain a state secret in the coming decades. Last year, President Putin expressed satisfaction with the way things were going in the Baltic Fleet.

According to one hypothesis, the test could have begun in connection with the April incident in the Baltic, when, according to Polish and Russian media, two submarines collided. It was reported that the Polish submarine "Ozel" received serious damage, lost speed and was delivered to the base using tugs. Nothing is known about damage to the Russian ship. Presumably, the diesel-electric submarine Krasnodar was involved on the Russian side in the incident.

The Ministry of Defense neither denied nor confirmed this information. Commentators noted that the emergency could potentially result in a repeat of the tragedy of the Kursk submarine. It is possible that the management of the Baltic Fleet tried to hide information about the incident not only from the public, but also from their immediate superiors, which was the reason for the unprecedentedly harsh reaction.

Yellow card theory

“Mr. Kravchuk has been looking for this for a long time. The condition of the fleet under Kravchuk, as his subordinates say, has worsened even in comparison with his predecessors, who experienced times of much worse funding,” Kaliningrad journalist Ilya Stulov told Fontanka. Using an analogy with football, he noted that the Komflot managed to receive “yellow cards”, which was followed by removal from the field.

According to the journalist, one of these “cards” was the failed situation with the construction of housing for the military and the ineffective investigation of the funds allocated for these purposes. As an example, he cited the story of the Pentagon, a building where the families of 73 officers live. Since 2011 it has been recognized as dangerous. Stulov noted that a collapse had already occurred in the building: part of the fourth floor collapsed onto the third. By luck, no one died. However, the fleet leadership forbade officers to complain about living conditions under threat of dismissal.

On July 12 last year, a similar emergency occurred at the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk. Then 24 paratroopers died under the slabs of the collapsed building. Naturally, the minister and the General Staff did not have the slightest desire to deal with the consequences of a similar incident; Therefore, when the Pentagon story surfaced, clouds began to gather over the career of Kravchuk and his closest aides.

Possible connections between the navy leadership and organized crime were also reported. “It turned out, for example, that Kravchuk was friends with the “amber baron” Viktor Bogdan, known under the nickname Ballet and now on the international wanted list. The Ballet group not only took over the amber trade, it also dealt with other things directly related to the Baltic Fleet. For example, several years ago, special officers detained a fuel truck, in the cabin of which there were a certain Alexander Fomin, an active member of Bogdan’s group, and Igor Bogdan, his nephew. The fuel tanker contained 22 tons of diesel fuel stolen from ships,” the journalist recalls.

Colossus with feet of clay

The Baltic Fleet is a key element of the security of the Russian Federation in the event of a war with NATO. In 2012, Viktor Kravchuk was given the task of creating the Kaliningrad defensive region. The Commander of the Fleet received large forces of fighter and attack aircraft and air defense systems under its subordination. The Iskander operational-tactical complexes and large infantry forces were reassigned to him.

It was also decided to create the 11th Army Corps on the basis of the Baltic Fleet. Among other things, 4 infantry divisions were subordinate to the admiral. The implementation of the plan meant the formation of a powerful formation capable of operating on land, sea and in the air under one command. Destroy the enemy's key targets in operational depth and destroy his border covering forces. Russia simultaneously received a shield and a sword, with the help of which it could effectively neutralize the threat from American and Western European troops gradually concentrating in the Baltic states.

However, the combat power of this colossus turned out to be largely exaggerated. Successful reports about the exercises turned out to be lies, as reported by the Ministry of Defense. According to sources in the department, during the inspection, which was carried out from May 11 to June 10, the number of equipment failures “exceeded all acceptable standards.” This means that in the event of a real conflict, the Baltic Fleet and the 11th Corps would simply have nothing to fight with the armies of NATO countries. The best that these formations could do was to die heroically in an unequal battle with the enemy.

New course

Currently, the Baltic Fleet is structurally subordinate to the Western Military District. The head of the Western Military District, Andrei Kartapolov, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Korolev, took up their positions relatively recently. It is possible that it was they who initiated the cleansing of the fleet.

Today the information was confirmed that the new head of the fleet. He made a career in the ranks of the Ukrainian Navy, but in 2014 he switched sides to Russia and was assigned to the Baltic. Observers note that he was the only Baltic admiral who was not removed from his post by Shoigu. He has now been appointed acting commander.

Former Ukrainian admiral Sergei Eliseev had the opportunity to command the Baltic Fleet for just over a day. In a couple of hours, a plane with a real acting commander of the fleet will land in Kaliningrad. By the way, he is also from Crimea.

The acting commander of the Baltic Fleet (a position that Minister Shoigu had made vacant the day before with the most rare formulations for the armed forces) was taken by Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov, who only served for a month and a half as the head of the VUNTS Naval Academy named after. Kuznetsova". According to Fontanka, personnel decisions had to be made urgently - after it became clear that the Baltic Fleet was actually in the hands of an officer who had already betrayed his oath once.

Let us remind you that, according to Fontanka, this week more than fifty high-ranking officers lost their positions in the Baltic Fleet. First of all, the commander, Vice Admiral Viktor Kravchuk, and the chief of staff of the fleet, Vice Admiral Sergei Popov. Their Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu removed them from office with the wording “for serious omissions in the organization of combat training, the daily activities of troops (forces), failure to take measures to improve the conditions of accommodation of personnel, lack of concern for subordinates, as well as distortions in reports of the real state of affairs.” Formally, only the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, that is, Vladimir Putin, can fire Kravchuk. But today, few people still have hope that Vice Admiral Kravchuk will continue his service in the Navy.

It so happened that Vice Admiral Eliseev was the only one at the top of the Baltic Fleet who retained his position after the “cleansing”. He apparently did not have time to apologize to the Russian Ministry of Defense: he has been serving in the Russian Navy for less than two years, since July 2014. Or his services to Russia are very great. In any case, on the morning of June 30, Fontanka learned that it was he who actually performed the duties of commander.

Sergei Eliseev moved to Russia shortly after the annexation of Crimea. Before him and together with him, several other senior officers of the Ukrainian fleet did this. In particular, the ex-commander of the Ukrainian Navy Denis Berezovsky and the chief of staff of the Ukrainian Naval Forces Dmitry Shakura. Eliseev was the first deputy commander and chief of the Sevastopol garrison. In the spring of 2014, these officers played an important role in the fact that the Ukrainian fleet did not oppose the reunification of Crimea with Russia. In particular, Eliseev and Shakura, as the press wrote, said they were sick and went to the hospital at the height of the events in Crimea, and Berezovsky, appointed to the post of commander on March 1, 2014, already on the 2nd went over to the side of the pro-Russian authorities of Crimea. All of them in Ukraine have been charged with desertion, high treason, encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, facilitating the activities of a terrorist organization, and waging an aggressive war. The Ukrainian prosecutor's office believes that these officers, through their actions or inactions, contributed to Crimea becoming Russian.

In the summer of 2014, former Ukrainian officers were appointed to senior command positions in the Russian Navy. Berezovsky - deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Shakur - to the Caspian Flotilla. Sergei Eliseev became deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet in July 2014 and was engaged in combat training of personnel.

Sergey Eliseev is a graduate of the Kaliningrad Naval School, graduated in 1983. After the collapse of the USSR, he served in the Ukrainian Navy, and since 2000 he has been deputy commander. After Berezovsky switched sides to Russia, he acted as commander for some time, then followed the example of his commander.

Left alone in the management of the Baltic Fleet, Sergei Eliseev was not even considered, according to Fontanka, as a candidate for the post of fleet commander. Initially, it was planned that he would “steer” while the Ministry of Defense decided who to entrust the western borders to. Apparently, in a hurry, they forgot about the “Crimean” part of his biography. And when it came to who the fleet was left to, Alexander Nosatov was hastily appointed as acting acting director, who could get from St. Petersburg to Kaliningrad faster than his “competitor” - Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet Vladimir Kasatonov.

Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov is 53 years old. He must, apparently, know Sergei Eliseev, because he was born in Sevastopol and graduated from the Nakhimov Naval School there, and since 2012 he has been deputy commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, that is, they probably crossed paths in the spring of 2014.

Nosatov began his service as commander of an anti-aircraft missile battery in the Pacific Fleet. Then he commanded the missile and artillery unit of the destroyer Bezboaznenny, was the senior assistant to the commander of the missile cruiser Varyag, and the commander of the destroyer Bystry.

He is no stranger to the Baltic Fleet. Having graduated first from the Kuznetsov Naval Academy and then from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, in 2009 he was appointed commander of the Baltic Fleet naval base. From there he went to serve in Sevastopol.

On the same days when former commanders of the Ukrainian Navy moved to Russia, after the annexation of Crimea, in May 2014, Nosatov was awarded the rank of vice admiral.

Nosatov's appointment cannot be considered final. Simply because Vladimir Putin must approve it. After the Baltic Fleet is in more reliable hands, Defense Ministry officials will have time to think about the second candidate - the chief of staff of the Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov.

Vladimir Kasatonov is also closely connected with Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet: he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School. Then the Kuznetsov Naval Academy and the Military Academy of the General Staff. He served in the Northern Fleet as commander of an anti-aircraft missile division, assistant commander of the nuclear cruiser Kirov, first mate and commander of destroyers. When he commanded the nuclear cruiser Pyotr Velikiy, in 2003, he received the rank of rear admiral. Until 2012, he commanded the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces, then he was appointed first deputy commander of the Pacific Fleet. He was awarded the orders “For Military Merit”, “For Naval Merit”, and medals of the USSR and Russia. Kasatonov is a hereditary military sailor: his grandfather was an admiral of the fleet and Hero of the USSR, his uncle was an admiral, first deputy commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy.

At 17.00, a special flight with the commander of the Western Military District, Kartapolov, took off from the Levashov military airfield, who at 19.00, at a meeting with the commanders of the Baltic Fleet formations, will introduce Vice Admiral Nosatov and determine the range of priority tasks.

Yulia Nikitina,

Irina Tumakova,

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