Yana Poplavskaya does not want to marry a young man. Yana Poplavskaya (Little Red Riding Hood) - biography, personal life: not love, but torment! Yana Poplavskaya and her new boyfriend

home Having lived 25 years in marriage with director Sergei Ginzburg, in 2011 the star of the Soviet film “About Little Red Riding Hood” Yana Poplavskaya was left alone, but two years ago the actress found new love

in the person of radio host Evgeny Yakovlev, who is 12 years younger than her. Now the couple is preparing for the wedding, which they spoke about in one of their latest interviews.

Yana and Evgeniy, as it turned out, met on the radio. Moreover, their meeting took place 11 years ago, but then both Poplavskaya and Yakovlev were in official relations.

We said hello. Yana was married, I am married. Two and a half years ago I got divorced. Since then, Yana and I have been together. If anything, I didn’t get divorced because of her! There were other reasons.

Poplavskaya prefers not to talk about her personal life, sharing only some general details:

Everything happened by itself, naturally. I don't want to go into details. This is our personal life. I was very lucky with Zhenya.

From her previous relationship, Poplavskaya has two sons: 32-year-old Klim and 21-year-old Nikita. The celebrity divorced Ginsburg because of his infidelity, which she did not hide from the press, declaring:

I don’t want to continue a disabled relationship and live a lie, and I don’t want my children to have such an example before their eyes. By the way, Yakovlev also has a child - a 5-year-old daughter, who, according to him, quite often spends time with him, Yana and her:

youngest son

Yana's eldest son lives separately with his family. And the youngest Nikita is with us. I'm taking my daughter to us for the weekend.

When asked whether the lovers want children together, Yakovlev answered “yes.”

As for the age difference (Poplavskaya celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday, Yakovlev is 38 years old), it doesn’t bother either Yana or Evgeniy.

The age difference doesn't matter to us.

— said the radio host, noting that he and his chosen one are planning to legitimize their relationship: We definitely will! A bit later. I am for marriage registration. And Yana too. We are planning a beautiful wedding celebration, we just need to prepare. But this is a settled issue. AND Honeymoon

there will be too. I love making surprises.

On June 28, the star of the film “Little Red Riding Hood” Yana Poplavskaya celebrates her 50th birthday. Komsomolskaya Pravda congratulated the actress on her anniversary and learned about the pleasant changes in her personal life.

In 2011, Yana separated from her husband, director Sergei Ginzburg, the father of her two sons. The couple lived together for 25 years. The actress did not hide the fact that she was divorcing her husband because of his infidelity. “I don’t want to continue a disabled relationship and live in a lie, and I don’t want my children to have such an example before their eyes,” she said. Yana had a hard time recovering from the breakup. And two years ago, suddenly appeared next to her new man- young radio host and, as he is called, golden voice Evgeny Yakovlev. Recently, the couple began appearing together at public events. And many noted: Yana is beaming with happiness.

“It will be a beautiful wedding”

We called the actress's boyfriend:

- Evgeniy, is it true that you became Yana’s husband?

Yes. We are living civil marriage two years already. They haven't officially gotten married yet.

- Where did you meet?

On the radio, a very long time ago, 11 years ago. My main place of work is the Vesti FM and Mayak radio stations. Additionally, my friends and I have our own business (corporate radio broadcasting for business partners - Ed.). Yana hosted radio programs. We said hello. Yana was married, I am married. She has two sons, I have a daughter (she is five years old. - Ed.). Two and a half years ago I got divorced. Since then, Yana and I have been together. If anything, he didn’t get divorced because of her! There were other reasons.

- It turns out that you discovered each other after divorces and unsuccessful experiences in family life?

Yes. And we can no longer imagine life without each other.

- Where do you and Yana live?

In her apartment. Yana's eldest son lives separately with his family. And the youngest Nikita is with us. I'm taking my daughter to us for the weekend.

You seem to be a very calm person. And Yana is sharp and energetic. It seems that it is not easy for a man to be with her...

Personally, it’s great for me! In outside world Yana - yes, very much strong-willed person. But at home she is completely different.

- Yana is older than you. Doesn't this bother you?

No. For us, the age difference does not matter.

- Will you register the marriage?

We definitely will! A bit later. I am for marriage registration. And Yana too. We are planning a beautiful wedding celebration, we just need to prepare. But this is a settled issue. And there will be a honeymoon too. I love making surprises.

- Personal question: they say that a new addition is expected in your and Yana’s family?

No. It is not true.

- Do you want children together?

- Are you glad that fate connected you with Yana?

Well, of course. This is a gift of fate.

“Yana has become softer”

Her friend, psychologist Anetta Orlova, told us about the actress’s new relationship.

“I have known Yana and her mother for a long time,” says Anetta. - In addition, I host a radio program and intersect at work with her current husband, Evgeniy. Even as a psychologist, it was interesting for me to observe how Yana had changed. She always had an inner drive - to be at the forefront, to achieve goals. Often such pressure occurs when there is internal dissatisfaction. So, in new relationships this is no longer the case. Yana became softer next to Evgeniy. The inner core was and is, but this relationship softened her and calmed her down. Unlike the previous marriage, they became less rigid, the struggle for primacy disappeared.

- And with ex-husband did she have a rivalry? She is an actress, he is a director...

It seems to me that she and her ex-husband generally had a difficult relationship. Then I talked a lot with her mother, from whom I know something. After the divorce there was great amount offense. Yana came out of that relationship, it seems to me, with great psychological damage. And in the new ones, she feels like a woman and can allow herself to be capricious, to be weak. Her feelings are of great value to Eugene. He is a very strong and confident man. Takes decisions upon himself. He even takes care of Yana! At first glance, this may seem strange - he is younger than her. But him inner age older.

- Is the age difference felt in their couple?

Not at all! In general, there is now a trend when a woman is married older than husband. Because men are very tired of women constantly looking to them for a solution to their financial problems. At the same time, many accomplished women have appeared who can do everything themselves and simply want equal relationships. We also need to take into account that today a woman can be young for a very long time, because progress has stepped forward and there are many ways to preserve youth.

- What signs of attention does Evgeny show to Yana?

He loves to give her gifts. Regularly, every five, six, or seven days, he must please her with something - a bouquet of flowers, some kind of present. He is very attentive to her birthdays and is passionately interested in what is important to her. He gives her trips, and she never knows where or when they will fly. For example, a day before Valentine's Day, Evgeny told Yana that they were flying to Thailand on a romantic trip. I also reported about my trip to New York the day before. And she was shocked because she had plans. But everything was sorted out, and she flew off, happy.



I'm very lucky with Zhenya

When I dialed Yana’s mobile phone after talking with Evgeniy, she and her husband were at the airport, and the actress managed to answer just a couple of questions.

- When did you realize that Evgeny was your destiny?

Poplavskaya prefers not to talk about her personal life, sharing only some general details:

- How will you celebrate your birthday?

There will be a holiday. We love to gather friends. We'll definitely celebrate and sit somewhere. And gifts are not so important!


The way to the heart is through the stomach

Yana and Evgeniy actively post pictures together on their pages on social networks and exchange declarations of love there. “My beloved is the best woman in the world! Well, who else can make a delicious cake early in the morning before work?” - writes Evgeniy. Subscribers immediately asked about the cake recipe. Yana replied: “This is sour cream and curd cream, thin sponge cakes, white and chocolate, each cake layer is filled with cream and raspberries. Do it for your health."

Then Evgeniy left the following post: “Friends asked: “Your belly is growing, are you eating well?” To which I immediately said - very much! I don't even like going to restaurants. After all, my beloved wife (Yana) cooks a hundred times better than the coolest chef in Moscow. And she has a million other talents!”

The unwritten rule that a wife must be younger than her husband is an outdated truth for these girls from show business. Stars are getting married one after another. But if previously there was an opinion that a young husband is the lot of accomplished ladies, who are no longer looked at by peers and older gentlemen, now “youth” wins over young hearts. The trend was set by the couples of 41-year-old Tina Kandelaki and 30-year-old Vasily Brovko, 39-year-old Ekaterina Klimova and 31-year-old Gela Meskhi, 39-year-old Anfisa Chekhova and 36-year-old Guram Bablishvili.

2 years difference:

Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov

The most spectacular participant of Comedy Woman was looking for the man of her dreams for quite a long time. After breaking up with her project colleague Dmitry Khrustalev, many claimed the hand and heart of the languid beauty Ekaterina Varnava. But only one could achieve it. The handsome young man began to appear more and more often in photographs on Catherine’s social network. It turned out to be a dancer from Penza, Konstantin Myakinkov. Catherine was tired of hiding and admitted that she not only received a ring from her lover, but also Wedding Dress chose. And a few days ago, information leaked that 32-year-old Varnava and 30-year-old Myakinkov had quietly gotten married. Moreover, they openly wear wedding rings to social gatherings.

12 years difference:

Yana Poplavskaya and Evgeny Yakovlev

The famous Little Red Riding Hood recently celebrated her 50th birthday. But everyone congratulates Yana Poplavskaya not only on her birthday, but also on upcoming wedding. The actress is happy in a civil marriage with a 38-year-old radio host of Vesti FM and Mayak, and soon Yana and her young lover Evgeny Yakovlev plan to legalize the relationship in the registry office. Six years ago, the artist and TV presenter divorced the father of her sons - a 25-year marriage with director Sergei Ginzburg fell apart due to her husband’s infidelity. Yana met Evgeny Yakovlev when the family could no longer be saved. At the same time, Yakovlev also decided to divorce. And in new ones joint relationship they went headlong only two years ago. Today they cannot imagine life without each other - the age difference for Yana and Evgeniy does not matter at all.

6 years difference:

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin

Finding out something about the last year and a half of the life of the performer of folk songs and romances of her own composition is worth a lot of work. Previously, Pelageya Khanova was everywhere: sold-out tours, participation in popular television projects and mentoring in children's and adult "Voice". But her relationship with 25-year-old CSKA hockey player Ivan Telegin changed her life. For the sake of the singer, the athlete left his pregnant wife, and Pelageya completely focused on creating new family: she is not on social networks, she does not give concerts, left “The Voice”, does not give interviews and has not updated her personal website for almost a year. Pelageya and Ivan had their wedding in secret from their many fans, and in January 2017 the singer gave birth to a daughter, Taisiya. She also celebrated her 31st birthday in a low-key manner last week. Happiness loves silence, and the age of the spouses does not matter to him.

12 years difference:

Irina Toneva and Alexey Birzha

The soloist of “Factory” Irina Toneva has been singing in the group for 15 years, and during this time VJ Yuri Pashkov, then the lead singer of the “Band’Eros” group Igor Burnyshev, managed to be among her companions. It didn’t work out with the first, the second married someone else, and Irina was able to keep the name of her last chosen one a secret for a long time. And just as quietly, without glossy covers, the singer managed to have a wedding. Her husband was a dancer from Kharkov, Alexey Birzha, performing under the pseudonym Alex Soul. My husband is with his other half everywhere: they are together even on tour. And in his free time from the life of the Factory, Alexey works as a choreographer at a dance school and produces in a recording studio. At the end of June, the “manufacturer” celebrated her 40th birthday, and her husband turned 28 years old.

6 years difference:

Elena Vaenga and Roman Sadyrbaev

At the beginning of the year, one of the public’s most beloved singers celebrated her 40th anniversary in the status of married woman- On September 30, 2016, Elena Vaenga officially got married for the first time. The singer's chosen one was the Krasnodar drummer from her musical group - five years ago the couple had a son, Ivan. Elena, her relatives and fellow musicians kept her relationship with 34-year-old Roman Sadyrbaev secret. And only shortly before the wedding, Elena let it slip - she published a photo with Roman on social networks, where she called him her baby’s dad. Vaenga doesn’t care at all about the six-year age difference, because she needs nothing but love from the man of her dreams, who has success and a decent fortune.

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