Statements about therapists. The medicine. Optimistic quotes about medicine. Sun Simiao's advice on a healthy life

Statements about medicine. Quotes, aphorisms about doctors. fun

Cool and funny sayings, quotes, expressions, aphorisms about medicine and doctors

Free healthcare is often more expensive. (

The good of the patient is the highest law for doctors. (

Sick, wake up. It's time to take a sleeping pill.

The patient behaved badly, for which he was operated on a second time.

The patient refused an autopsy...

If a person had thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would be no poorer than dentists. (quote author: Ilya Gerchikov)

Be careful when reading medical books. You can die from a typo. (quote by Mark Twain)

The great advantage of the physician is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. (Posted by: Agatha Christie)

Faith in a doctor comes along with illness. (author of the aphorism: Baurzhan Toyshibekov)

A visit to the doctor is often more painful than the reason for it. (author of the aphorism: Boris Krieger)

The possibilities of medicine are endless. The patient's options are limited!

The doctor is the most humane profession. Especially the pathologist!

The doctor, when first starting to treat his patient, should do it gracefully, cheerfully and with pleasantness for the patient. And a gloomy doctor will never succeed in his craft. (quote by Montaigne Michel)

A doctor who has never lied to a patient in his life is a bad doctor. (author of the statement: Baurzhan Toyshibekov)

A doctor may have a great talent, be able to catch the most subtle details of his appointments, and all this remains fruitless if he does not have the ability to conquer and subjugate the soul of the patient. (quote author: Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev)

A doctor retires when there is not enough strength to fight his own illnesses. (author of the statement: Valery Krasovsky)

The doctor must have the eyes of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake, and the heart of a lion. (author of the aphorism: Avicenna)

A doctor is nothing but a consolation for the soul. (author of the aphorism: Arbiter Gaius Petronius)

The doctor is Satan when he demands a reward. (author of the statement: unknown)

The doctor is a philosopher: there is not much difference between wisdom and medicine. (author of the aphorism: Hippocrates)

Doctors are hated either out of conviction or out of avarice. (

Doctors know better what the patient is in pain. (author of the statement: Valery Afonchenko)

Doctors are not as willing to share diagnostic and treatment methods among themselves as patients who are waiting for a doctor's appointment. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

Doctors, at best, know something about diseases, but they do not understand health at all. (quoted by Prentice Mulford)

Doctors are with us like children with toys - they are interested in what we have inside. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

Doctors love to prescribe common truths to patients. (

Physicians work incessantly to preserve our health, and cooks to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success. (

Doctors cannot prolong life, but they can prolong illnesses.

Doctors rule over life and death and are almost the main representatives of God on earth. (quoted by: Stieg Larsson)

Physicians treat Nature's faults with their own. (author of the aphorism: Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The doctor does not have to believe in medicine at all - the patient believes in it for two.

The times of thinking doctors are being replaced by computerization. (

Time heals, so don't waste it on doctors. (

Time heals, and doctors ascribe merits to themselves. (author of the aphorism: Garry Simanovich)

Always give the patient hope, even if it seems to you that death is already behind him. (author of the aphorism: A. Pare)

Everyone knows what a magical healing effect one comforting word from the doctor can acquire, and, conversely, how sometimes deadly ... the severe cold sentence of a doctor who does not know or does not want to know the power of suggestion affects the patient. (quote author: Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev)

Cure the disease and exterminate the sick. (

There are more mentally ill patients in hospitals in the United States than all other diseases combined. (quoted by Dale Carnegie)

There is nothing exact in medicine, everything in it is built on mere hypotheses, more or less witty conjectures, the only serious approach is doubt. (quote by Miguel de Unamuno)

The new version of the Hippocratic Oath reads: “Only if you have an insurance policy…”

In Russia, you need to try to recover before the doctors begin to treat.

There is nothing true in psychoanalysis but exaggerations. (

Hygiene and medicine are also important, but health is the most important. (

Where G. Malakhov begins, medicine ends there!

Gynecologist to dentist: “It’s not for you to pick your teeth!”

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine.

The main task of the paramedic is to prevent the patient from dying by his own death.

The main task of paid medicine is to transform acute pain into chronic pain!

The main medical secret is medical errors. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

The main medicines are clean air, cold water, a saw and an axe. (author of the statement: V. D. Polenov)

The effectiveness of medicine is weakened by unbelief and strengthened by hope. (

The effect of surgery among the branches of medicine is the most obvious. (

The business of medical art is not to make every person healthy, but to approach this goal as close as possible, because it is quite possible to treat well such people who can no longer recover (quote author: Aristotle)

Diagnosis: acute intellectual disability.

For the patient, the doctor must be a father, for health - a friend. (author of the statement: V. A. Danilevsky)

A conscientious physician, before prescribing treatment to a patient, should know not only his disease, but also his habits in a healthy state, and the properties of the body. (quote by Cicero)

Doctor if you cure me of internet addiction I will add you as a friend

The doctor is not a horse, he does not eat flowers.

Doctors are those who prescribe medicines they know little about to treat diseases they know even less about in people they know nothing about. (author of the statement: Voltaire)

The patient who made the doctor his heir will hardly recover. (authored by: Thomas Fuller)

The only doctor who thinks that everything is in order with you works in the military registration and enlistment office.

The only man who cannot live without women is a gynecologist. (

If a hopeless patient recovers, then he was treated incorrectly. (author of the aphorism: Ilya Gerchikov)

If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor. (author of the statement: Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev)

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless. (author of the aphorism: Ranevskaya Faina)

If the doctor prescribes many different drugs for you, then he does not know what can really help you. (

If you have been ill for a long time or are hopelessly ill, it means that you have not yet found your doctor. Your doctor does not have to be outside.

If the doctor knows what your ailment is called, it does not mean that he knows what it is. (

If you pay the doctor properly, the disease can become chronic ...

If the client recovered faster than we were going to cure him, this is a flight to health. (

If it helped, nature is praised; if not, the doctor is blamed. (

If you already got to the dentist, then grit your teeth - and be patient. (

If a person really wants to live, medicine is powerless ...

If a person takes care of his own health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better for his health than he does. (quote by Socrates)

If I am a doctor, then I need patients and a hospital ...

There are doctors who know everything, but know nothing - these are therapists. There are doctors who can do everything, but know nothing - these are surgeons. And there are doctors who know everything and can do everything, but we get to them too late ....

There are many ways to improve your failing health, and the best of them is to see a doctor. (

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is misleading, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, and those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activity. (quote author: Hipokrates)

The commandment of the doctor - do not treat the disease, but the patient!

Hello Free Doctor!! Hello, hopeless patient!

The art of medicine consists of three elements: the disease, the patient, and the doctor. (

Feeling compassion for the patient, the doctor heals better, and feeling this compassion, the patient recovers faster. (Eduard Alexandrovich Sevrus)

A true doctor is one who, in thought and doubt, does not lose his temper and knows how to influence the patient beneficially, as well as on the people around him. (

Everyone who goes to see a psychiatrist must first check whether he is in his right mind. (quoted by Samuel Goldwyn)

What is the worst disease of all? These are the doctors. Only a doctor can kill a person with impunity. (

What kind of health you need to have today to endure medicine! (

When a doctor cannot do any good, let him do no harm. (

When the doctor leaves no chance, there is a chance to change the doctor. (

When the doctor is full, it is easier for the patient.

The council of doctors ordered the patient to live long. (

We go to the doctor for the prospects of life, and we leave the doctor with the prospects of death. (

Treatment is a confrontation between the body and earnings. (

Treatment is a transfer from the majority of the sick to the minority of the healthy. (

The doctor heals diseases, but nature heals. (

It is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the soul. All methods of treating patients with modern medicine are similar to smearing with iodine and greenery the four legs of a bed on which a dying person lies. (

It is better to be in good health than to have an excellent doctor.

It is better to fall into the hands of a happy doctor than a learned doctor. (

The best cure for dandruff is the guillotine. (French proverb)

The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most medicines. (

People in white coats, less negligence! (

The mask on the surgeon allows you to replace the professor with a trainee, even before anesthesia. (

The physician occupies a very special position within any society, any civilization: he is everywhere the subject of public attention and almost always irreplaceable. (

Doctors have found that astronomers have the greatest number of occupational diseases: sleepwalking, flatulence, star fever, not to mention a whole group of venereal diseases.

Medicine is advancing so rapidly that health cannot keep up with it. (author of the statement: Yankovsky Stas)

Medicine is the only profession that is tirelessly trying to destroy the basis of its own existence.

Medicine is the art of deceiving the patient until nature takes care of the disease. (

Medicine is one of the greatest delusions of mankind. (

Medicine is the sister of philosophy. (

Medicine is a dubious science; rather, it is also an art - the art of putting into practice the conclusions of other people's research. (

Medicine is love, otherwise it is worth nothing. (

Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good. (

Medicine is a way to die painfully, slowly and expensively. (

The medicine of the future is hygiene in the broadest sense of the word. (

Medicine makes us die longer and longer

Medicine rarely cures, relieves often, and always consoles.

Medicine is truly the noblest of all the arts. (

Medicine has taken a huge step forward. She decided that if a patient gets sick or dies, there is nothing to worry about, because how many healthy people are left? (quote by Boris Krieger)

Medicine is made up of science and art, and over them stretches a wonderful veil of heroism. (

He respected medicine, but his representatives did not deserve it. (

There is unhealthy competition between free and paid medicine. (author of the statement: Leonid Krainov-Rytov)

The Ministry of Health warns about what it is unable to prevent. (

We are urologists-doctors extract from urine for wine and grub!

Aphorisms, quotes, phrases about medicine

Doctors<...>rule over life and death and are almost the main representatives of God on earth.
Stieg Larsson

Diseases cannot be cured with medicines, my dears... you have to live right...
M. Weller "Testers of Happiness"

Some doctors are smart, others are not, but fifty times out of a hundred, even the best doctors don't know how to treat you.
Agatha Christie

No matter how great you live, you will still order to live long!
Boris Krieger

Medicine has taken a huge step forward. She decided that if a patient gets sick or dies, there is nothing to worry about, because how many healthy people are left?
Boris Krieger

The surgeon differs from the butcher in that the butcher does not cut alive.
Boris Krieger

The humanism of butchers deserves respect: the butcher first kills and then cuts.
The surgeon cuts and then kills.
Boris Krieger

An optometrist is a dentist who treats sharks.
Boris Krieger

No matter what happens in the world, people will always be interested in how to treat their own and other people's sores. Moreover, they will ask doctors about their own, and strangers will try to treat themselves.
Sergey Lukyanenko

A visit to the doctor is often more painful than the reason for it.
Boris Krieger

Neurosis is a highly contagious disease.
Boris Krieger

The harm caused by doctors can only be compared with the harm caused by their absence.
Boris Krieger

More often suffer from those diseases for which it is easier to get sick leave.
Boris Krieger

Every illness is like love: if you forget about it, then everything is gone.
Sergei Alekseev "Standing by the Sun"

There are no bad diseases because there are no good ones.
Mikhail Mamchich

Medical cynicism is just a defensive reaction.
Natalia Grace

There are no filthy doctors. No ailments.
Andriy Krizhanivsky

The desire to be treated is perhaps the main feature that distinguishes man from animals.
William Osler

One of the main duties of a doctor is to teach people not to take medicine.
William Osler

There is nothing in the most advanced modern medicine that could not be found in embryo in the medicine of the past. M.E. Littr

Helping hands are holier than praying lips.
R. Ingersoll

The great advantage of the physician is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice.
Agatha Christie

To heal means to alleviate suffering, not to abolish death.
B. Siegel

Physical ailments are the tax that our accursed life takes from us; some are taxed more, others less, but everyone pays.
F. Chesterfield

I'm dying from the help of too many doctors.
Alexander the Great

Causeless fatigue portends illness.

Other medicines are more dangerous than the diseases themselves.

The successes of medicine are obvious: people do not die from many diseases, but only suffer.
Source unknown

Profession: Doctor

Blessed are we, doctors, if we remember that in addition to the bodies before us are immortal souls, whom, according to the gospel commandment, we must love as ourselves. This is our satisfaction, and not in hearing how we are proclaimed healers of physical ailments (especially when our conscience tells us that the physical ailment has passed by itself!). - Giuseppe Moscati

God's work is to soothe the pain.

Patients who rely on an inexperienced doctor suffer the most. - Hippocrates

Diseases don't conform to doctors' theories. The doctor must understand the cause of the disease and adapt to it, that is, find a way to treat it. - Paracelsus

Illness is against human nature. Therefore, the doctor's task is to return the patient to his natural state by all means. - Hippocrates

The rapidity of the disease, which gives no opportunity for delay, makes a good doctor seek not profit, but rather the acquisition of fame. It is better to rebuke those who are saved than to plunder those who are in danger beforehand. - Hippocrates "Instructions"

To be the happy happiness of others is the real happiness and the earthly ideal of life for anyone who chooses the medical profession. - Nikolai Pirogov

To be the happy happiness of others is the real happiness and the absolute ideal of life for everyone who has chosen the medical profession. - Nikolai Pirogov

What the sick suffer because of the inability to quickly see [their latent disease] is not the fault of the doctors treating them, but the nature of the patient and the nature of the disease; after all, a doctor, when he can neither see with his eyes nor hear with his ear, suffering, reaches him through rational consideration, for everything that sufferers of a latent disease try to tell doctors about their illness, they say rather from their own opinion than on the basis of exact knowledge . - Hippocrates "About Art"

What the sick suffer because of the inability to quickly see [their latent disease] is not the fault of the doctors treating them, but the nature of the patient and the nature of the disease; after all, a doctor, when he can neither see with his eyes nor hear with his ear, suffering, reaches him through rational consideration, for everything that sufferers of a latent disease try to tell doctors about their illness, they say rather from their own opinion than on the basis of exact knowledge . After all, if they knew for certain, they would not fall into these diseases, since it is inherent in the same understanding to recognize the causes of diseases and be able to treat them with the help of means that prevent diseases from intensifying. If in this way it is not possible to obtain unerring clarity from what the sick have proclaimed, then the attending physician must look for something else, and the reason for this delay is not at all art, but the nature of bodies, for art, when it understands the disease, considers it necessary to determine the cure, meaning to cure not by daring, but by understanding, by an easy way, and not by force. As for the nature of the disease, if it can be seen, it can be cured. But if, in the interval of time when the disease is recognized, nature is overcome by the disease, either because the patient was slow to consult a doctor, or because of the speed of the disease, the patient will die. After all, it is not the disease that goes hand in hand with the treatment that flows faster, but the one that prevents the treatment; but it warns either because of the density of bodies, in which illnesses invisibly hide, or because of the negligence of the sick. This is a common thing: not captured by the disease, but captured by it, they want to be treated. It is, therefore, much more just to marvel at the power of medical art when it restores someone suffering from a subtle disease, than when it undertakes the impossible. And in none of the existing arts is it possible to do anything like that; but those who work with fire, in the absence of it, are inactive, and together with it they are ready to get down to business. There are also other arts that work with easily worked material: with wood, with leather, with drawing implements, with copper, with iron, as well as others, numerous of this kind: although they can easily perform everything that is from them. material and with its help is done, however, they are not looking for speed, but for correct execution; and, not to mention anything special, but if they lack any tool, the work stops; and this slowdown, unfavorable to their interests, is still preferable to others. - Hippocrates "About Art"

In ancient China, a doctor received a reward as long as his ward was healthy. It was believed that the disease is the result of omission and oversight. If the patient is ill, the doctor does not work well. - Yuri Buziashvili

In medicine, the main medicine is the doctor himself. - Anthony Kempinski

In the presence of a doctor, nothing is harmful.

An important part of the doctor's art is the ability to formulate one's conclusion well, as well as to correctly understand what another doctor has written. - Hippocrates

The probability of a doctor's error is directly proportional to the importance of the patient. - Igor Karpov

Influence of detective novels: Surgeons operate with gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints.

The appearance of the doctor, the expression of his face should tell the patient that in front of him is a sedate and thinking person. - Hippocrates

When visiting a sick doctor, one should remember about the place to sit, about outward decency, about clothes, about brevity, about not doing anything with an excited spirit, in order to immediately sit down to the patient, show attention to him in everything, respond to all the objections made on his part, and with all the emotional unrest of the patient, remain calm, blame his anxiety and show himself ready to help. With all this, the first preparation must be kept in mind; if not, stand firm on what is prescribed for relief. - Hippocrates "On Good Behavior"

The doctor is, first of all, a compassionate person. - Renat Akchurin

There is no cost for a free doctor.

The doctor will cure if God wants.

The doctor must be just under all circumstances, for in many cases the help of justice is needed, and the doctor has many relations with the sick: after all, they place themselves at the disposal of doctors, and doctors at all times deal with women, with girls and with property very a great price, therefore, in regard to all this the physician must be temperate. - Hippocrates "About the Doctor"

The doctor is a philosopher; for there is no great difference between wisdom and medicine. - Hippocrates

Time is the most skillful doctor: it heals the disease or takes it away with us.

A doctor is a person who stuffs drugs in which he understands little, an organism in which he understands nothing.

Some are always sick because they care so much to be healthy, while others are healthy only because they are not afraid to be sick.

Although the doctor saved the sick ear, he accidentally gouged out the eye.

My wife started seeing a nutritionist and lost three hundred dollars in two months.

A truly refined and kind physician who invents a new disease for each of his patients.

The business of medical art is not to make every person healthy, but to get as close as possible to this goal, because it is quite possible to treat well such people who can no longer recover.

Good quotes about doctors. Wise men about doctors

The doctor is a philosopher; for there is no great difference between wisdom and medicine.

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.

Stunning kind quotes about doctors. Wise men about doctors

Physicians work incessantly to preserve our health, and cooks to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success.

The doctor does not have to believe in medicine at all - the patient believes in it for two.

The doctor, when first starting to treat his patient, should do it gracefully, and with pleasantness for the patient; and a gloomy physician will never succeed in his craft.

One doctor may perhaps cure you of an illness, but two doctors will cure you of your desire to be treated.

It is not so much the medicine that heals, but the patient's faith in the doctor and the medicine. They are crude substitutes for the patient's natural belief in their own strength, which they themselves have destroyed.

The hope of recovery is half recovery.

In the questionnaire that I filled out before the operation, there was a question: who to call in case of emergency. I wrote: to a more qualified surgeon.

It is not enough to be a doctor, you must also be able to help.

We are not doctors at all - we are pain.

The dream of Russian doctors is that the poor never get sick and the rich never get well.

The reputation of the doctor is created by celebrities who died under his supervision.

The physician must have the eye of a falcon, the heart of a lion, and the hands of a woman.

The intense struggle between medicine and disease is always harmful, because this fight takes place in our body.

If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor.

Ultramodern kind quotes about doctors. Wise men about doctors

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.

Just as it is impossible to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole organism, so it is impossible to treat the body without treating the soul.

One of the benefits of being poor is that a doctor will heal you faster.

The most wonderful physician is nature, if only because she cures three-quarters of all diseases and never speaks ill of her colleagues.

A good doctor is a person who knows the remedies for certain ailments or, if the disease is not familiar to him, calls to the sick those who can help him.

The doctor's joyful expression is the beginning of the patient's recovery.

If a doctor cannot do any good, let him do no harm.

Why is piety required of a clergyman when it is not the duty of a physician to treat others and to be healthy himself?

When doctors talk about religion, they are like butchers talking about life and death.

There is no need to hide your illness from two people: from a doctor and a friend.

The art of medicine is to help the patient pass the time while nature heals the disease.

No doctor knows a better cure for a weary body and soul than hope.

Cartoon kind quotes about doctors. Wise men about doctors

A charlatan is a false doctor who sends you to the next world, while a real doctor lets you die a natural death.

To mobilize the will of man against his disease is the highest art of medicine.

As long as the medicine is delivered from Iraq, the bitten by the snake will die.

Diagnostics has achieved such success that there are practically no healthy people left.

The strange thing is, I can always make out the doctor's bill, and I can never make out the prescription.

Anyone who wants to be healthy is already recovering to some extent.

You, who have recently been ill, should not offend the doctor, will you - who knows - again need a skilled doctor.

I don't heal. I help the patient to be treated.

The patient, if he cannot rise, and the golden bed will not help.

Not the one who is sickest of all, the one who hid a small illness from doctors will die sooner.

The great advantage of the doctor is that he is not obliged to follow his own.

In youth, medicine should help nature, in old age it should counteract it.

The doctor is nothing but a consolation for the soul.

Vibrant kind quotes about doctors. Wise men about doctors

A good doctor's medicine is not in the pharmacy, but in his own head.

I don't understand how our doctors learn from the dead and treat the living.

Everyone knows what a magical healing effect one word of consolation from a doctor can acquire and, conversely, how sometimes deadly ... a severe cold sentence of a doctor who does not know or does not want to know the power of suggestion affects the patient.

When a person is ill for a long time, he becomes more knowledgeable than the doctor himself, and begins to understand his illness, which does not always happen even with conscientious doctors.

Don't spare your strength, work and don't cry. For us humans, work is the best doctor.

The new doctor - half the village is crying.

This is an outstanding doctor: he invented several diseases and even managed to spread them widely.

A good doctor will save, if not from illness, then at least from a bad doctor.

I call a good patient one who, having found a good doctor, does not leave him until he dies.

The ideal doctor is a person who has a deep knowledge of life and the human soul, who intuitively recognizes any suffering and pain of any kind and restores peace with his mere presence.

There are no healthy people, there are underexamined.

Doctors are hated either out of persuasion or out of economy.

Doctors easily define insanity: as soon as they place a patient in a psychiatric hospital, he immediately shows signs of extreme anxiety.

If a person takes care of his own health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better for his health than he does.

Hundreds of warriors cost one skillful healer.

The elderly hero of the day was given the doctor's address.
Emil Krotky

Doctors are the least sentimental.
Boris Paramonov

No skillful and ingenious physician will undertake to treat a disease until he knows the whole course of it and all the twists and turns of the circumstances that accompanied it.
N.V. Gogol

The beginner doctor prescribes twenty remedies for each disease; an experienced doctor - one remedy for twenty diseases.
William Osler

A doctor from a good society invents a special disease for each of his patients.
Elias Canetti

If a doctor knows the name of your disease, it does not mean that he knows what it is.
Arthur Bloch

In medicine, the main medicine is the doctor himself.
Anthony Kempinski

Alfred Conar

If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor.
Vladimir Bekhterev

Doctor's advice has not yet cured anyone, but still it is some kind of entertainment for the patient.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Benjamin Franklin

A doctor who does not take a fee does not deserve it.
Talmud (Gemara)

One of the benefits of being poor is that a doctor will heal you faster.
Frank Hubbard

My doctor gave me six months to live. But when I didn't pay my bill, he gave me six more.
Walter Matho

Some doctors tell patients the bad news face to face, others prefer to mail the bill.

Doctors are hated either out of persuasion or out of economy.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

The strange thing is, I can always make out the doctor's bill, and I can never make out the prescription.
Finley Peter Dunn

A specialist doctor is a doctor who taught his patients to get sick only on visiting days.

The best medical specialty is dermatology. Patients will not wake you up in the middle of the night, they will never die of their illness, and they will never recover.
Martin Fisher

Other doctors make the same mistakes for twenty years in a row and call it clinical experience.
Noua Fabricant

A doctor cannot become a truly good doctor until he has killed one or two patients.
Indian saying

Optimistic lying is so necessary in medicine that the doctor, unable to sincerely lie, has chosen the wrong profession.
George Bernard Shaw

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

George Bernard Shaw

"You heard Mr. Smith died." “Yes, but what kind of doctors treated him!”

A charlatan is a false doctor who sends you to the next world, while a real doctor lets you die a natural death.
Jean La Bruyère

A good doctor will save, if not from illness, then at least from a bad doctor.
Jean Paul

If you think that time is the best healer, then you have never sat in a doctor's waiting room.

It is not enough to make an appointment with a doctor - you still have to live to see him.
Konstantin Melikhan

Doctors are surprised how, with such treatment, patients are still alive. Patients are surprised how, with such a salary, doctors are still alive.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Doctors, at best, know something about diseases, but they do not understand health at all.
Prentice Mulford

The doctor's duty is to prolong the life of the patient, but not to die.
Thomas Horder

Others believe that doctors can put a broken egg back into its shell.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher

The great advantage of the physician is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice.
Agatha Christie

The qualification of a doctor is inversely proportional to the frequency of his duty.
Murphy's laws

One doctor gives work to another.
English saying

He started his medical practice a year ago and had two patients - or perhaps three: yes, three: I was at their funeral.
Mark Twain

If your deadline has not come, even a doctor cannot kill you.
Meyer Pearlstein

I am sick, but I stopped going to the doctors, because I have nothing to help them.
Veselin Georgiev

Robber demands: purse or life. The doctor takes both the wallet and the life.
W. Shakespeare

The better the doctor, the more useless drugs he knows.
B. Franklin

If after talking with a doctor it does not become easier, then this is not a doctor.
V. Bekhterev

The reputation of the doctor is created by celebrities who died under his supervision.
B. Show

It is important for the doctor to know what harm he is going to cause.
D. Mackenzie

Physicians work incessantly to preserve our health, and cooks to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success.
D. Diderot

Only healthy people believe in the power of doctors.
A. Konar

There is a great similarity between doctors and priests, that both serve as intermediaries between people and heaven.
author unknown

The dream of Russian doctors: that the poor would never get sick, and the rich would never recover.
M. Zadornov

Intemperance is the nurse of doctors.
Ancient aphorism

You need to go to the doctors for health.
Folk humor

One doctor may perhaps cure you of an illness, but two doctors will cure you of your desire to be treated.
author unknown

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