All important meetings are random. Magic poem: “All important phrases should be quiet...


What wise and precise words...

All important phrases should be quiet,

All photos with family are always blurry. The most strange people

always great

And the reasons for happiness are always insignificant.

The most honest thing you hear in the kitchen at night,

After all, if you talk about feelings - not on the phone,

And if you really cry, then howl like a wolf,

So that a sad echo for half the area.

All my favorite poems are unknown. All arrogant people

always insignificant

And all close people are always not local.

All important meetings are always random.

The most loyal subjects are traitors,

Funny clowns are all sad,

And stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.

If the house is cozy, it’s definitely not a castle,

And the apartment is old in Odessa.

If you contact someone - forever, firmly.

It may not be the case now, but you have hope!

Yes, it’s different now, but believe that we will come true,

If you change it, then change it all your life in a new way.

What is most important will not be forgotten,

And brilliant thoughts are always crazy.

Those who have crossed out unnecessary ones are free,

You need to let go of those with whom you are too different.

The poems of the author with the pseudonym Ok Melnikova are extremely popular on the Internet. Each poem is a real confession, each one is on the razor's edge. We are publishing one of the works of this author, which will be understandable and close to many of our readers (the author’s punctuation has been preserved.)
all important phrases should be quiet,
all photos with family are always blurry.
the strangest people are always the greatest,
and the reasons for happiness are always insignificant.
the most honest thing you hear in the kitchen at night,
after all, if you talk about feelings - not on the phone,
and if you’re going to cry, then howl like a wolf,
so that a sad echo for half the area.
favorite songs - all in a hoarse voice,
All my favorite poems are unknown.
all arrogant people are always nonentities,
and all close people are always not local.
all important meetings are always random.
the most loyal subjects are traitors,
circus clowns are all sad,
and stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.
if the house is cozy, it’s definitely not a castle,
and the apartment is old in Odessa.
if you contact someone - forever, firmly.
Even if things are not like this now, but you have hope.
yes, it’s different now, but believe: we will come true,
If you change it, then change it all your life in a new way.
what is most important will not be forgotten,
brilliant thoughts are always crazy.
those who have crossed out unnecessary ones are free,
you need to let go of those with whom you are too different.
That means you’re definitely celebrating with the wrong people.

<Ок Мельникова>

Poetry lovers will definitely appreciate

What wise and precise words...
All important phrases should be quiet,
The strangest people are always the greatest
always great
And the reasons for happiness are always insignificant.
The most honest thing you hear in the kitchen at night,
After all, if you talk about feelings - not on the phone,
And if you really cry, then howl like a wolf,
Favorite songs - all in a hoarse voice,
So that a sad echo for half the area.
All arrogant people are always nonentities,
always insignificant
And all close people are always not local.
All important meetings are always random.
Circus clowns are all sad
Funny clowns are all sad,
And stubborn skeptics are all dreamers.
If the house is cozy, it’s definitely not a castle,
And the apartment is old in Odessa.
It may not be the case now, but you have hope.
Yes, it’s different now, but believe: we will come true,
Yes, it’s different now, but believe that we will come true,
If you change it, then change it all your life in a new way.
Brilliant thoughts are always crazy.
And brilliant thoughts are always crazy.
Those who have crossed out unnecessary ones are free,
After all, if the mood is not New Year’s,
So you're definitely celebrating with the wrong people.

© O. Melnikova, 2012

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