Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom. It’s very good that we’re still feeling bad... (collection) Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom author

Well, everything on my own, yes, on my own, but here it is.
My Royal Life! All you have to do is do nothing.
- Ah, then you just need to get to the distant kingdom.
Ha, will you really get there? - Why not?
Where is our fairy pencil? Here it is, I found it.
Stand right here. Head to the right, calmly.
You know, books can only have drawn boys.
But you and he are one and the same. Is not it?
: - Fact, are you a sorceress?
- Well, what are you talking about! There is no magic here.
I just read this book regularly. Well, go ahead, my friend.

Nobody there. Hello! And where is who here?
(the king sings): - “I have a mountain of cakes, And there is something to eat, and there is something to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences, so as not to be branded as a parasite."
Tsar! Tsar, ah, king! - Oh my God!
Hehe! Oh, how I was scared!
I thought someone had taken our fairy tale to read, but here I am like this.
- No it's me. Why are you painting the fence?
You are the king, you are supposed to do nothing!
- I know, I know, my position is like this: do nothing but do nothing.
You'll die of boredom!
And then, I’m not really a king. I am fabulous.
Give it to me, I think, while the fairy tales are on the shelf -
I’ll paint the fence: it’s both beneficial and a workout.

Do you approve?
- Nope, you don’t understand anything about royal life. King, ha!
If you want cake, you want ice cream! And he paints fences!
Yes, yes, I see...
I would give way to the older one. Ali is not trained at school?
- Give me the crown here. - Please!
She's too big for you.
So, cakes?
Hey guards!
That's it, guys, cut off his head.
Yeah, it's possible.
An old woman sits on the threshold, and in front of her is a broken trough.
Oh, this is where I am. Grandma, hello!
Hello, honey.
Grandma, how can I see a goldfish here? A? You already know what's going on.

Well, here it is, the sea is nearby! Oh oh oh! You know, I just don’t recommend going.
Listen to what trouble happened to me.
The main thing is that she will still tell me,
As if I hadn’t read something!
Well, I’m not you, I don’t really want to be the mistress of the sea!
I’ll come to an agreement with her quickly.
- Listen, killer whale! Cute! This... You should have asked her for a trough, huh?
- Well, here we go again - healthy! First you need...
Then give you a washing machine, then...
Hey goldfish!
Hey, goldfish! Don't you hear, or what?
- Well, what do you need, old man? What, what is this?
Hehe, goldfish!
Listen up, goldfish! So I want you...
- What? Have you woven a net? Did you throw it into the sea three times?
Did you catch me? I didn’t touch my finger, but I wanted to go there!
Oh, help! Help!
Wow, just think, poor sprat!
This is great! Hey, who are you?

- We are Vasilisa the Wise. - Who?
(in chorus): - Vasilisa the wise! -Where did you come from?
- They came from different fairy tales... - Because we have a gathering of young Vasilis.
(in chorus): - By sharing wisdom.
- How? - Wisdom.
Ah, oh, I wish I could learn too...
to exchange some wisdom.
- Well, girls, shall we teach? (together): - Let's teach.
(song) - “We’ll do a good job, we’ll pay for the lesson
How many cinder blocks are needed to build a palace on time?
- “We need to make a calculation, how water flows from pipes.
What follows from this is honor to arithmetic!”
- Don't want! Don't want! At school they teach and teach. Even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on.
(together): - Yes.
- Apparently, you need to go to the distant kingdom. - What didn’t I see there?
- And there are two from the casket, identical in appearance.
Whatever you order, they will do everything for you.
- That's it, that's it? - Yes.

- Eh, how to get there? - Go straight, and so as not to get lost - here.
- Oh, well... Bye! (in chorus): - Good riddance!
, two from the casket, identical in appearance!
- Hello!
- Hello... Well, so... What are you doing? Really, will you do everything for me?
- Yeah!
- Yeah, well... Then make me... First, some cakes, second...
What? Oh, are you the one who will bend your fingers for me?
- Yeah! - Fine!
Secondly, candy. And thirdly... Well, bend over...
And thirdly, ice cream. And quickly, quickly!
- Will be done!
Hey, hey-hey-hey, hello! Stop, stop! What are you, and will you eat candy for me?
- Yeah!
- Well, no! Then get back to the casket!
- But who wants hot pies? With jam, with meat, with cabbage?
- Stove! - Hehehehe! Hello!
Stove, oh stove, give me something to eat, huh?
Yes, please, just chop some firewood first, melt it, and knead the dough.

- Okay, it will be done. Well, two from the casket!
Did you show up? Knead and chop. (together): - It will be done!
Again! On the contrary!
: - A, clear!
- Do you really want me to stay here hungry on purpose?
Get back to the casket now!
They don’t understand anything, then it’s better for me to do it myself.
Well, more! Well, why doesn’t it cut? Okay, that will do.
Right now I’m going to knead it all! Well, what is this dough?
Well, why is she so sticky?
Well, okay, it’ll get fried somehow.
- Eh-eh-eh... Here are the pies for you. - What? What is this? Black?
- Why are you wincing? Bake it yourself, eat it yourself.
What are these, pies?

No, thank you, you know, somehow I don’t want that.
Why are you laughing? Over me?
Do you think I can’t do anything, just like you?
- Yeah!
Well, I do not. It's a pity that I don't have the tools.
- Well, it's possible.
What are these, tools? Yeah! Okay.
I’ll do whatever I want - even a tub, even a trough.
Oh, I completely forgot about that!
Eh, if she could eat so much of it, she would open her whole mouth.
- Fathers! Did the fish really take pity on you?
- No, grandma, it’s me! - Well done! And now you know what?
- Build me a hut. - Izba? Ha, I still can’t do that.
Well, let's see how they make huts here?

Appendix No. 1

Scenario based on the cartoon “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom”

The librarian is sitting at the table. Vovka enters.

Vovka: Hello!

Librarian: Hello. Well, what else would you like to read, my friend?
Vovka. I wish I had the same book. (Shows a book of fairy tales)
Librarian. I have something even better, see “Do It Yourself.”
Vovka: Well, no. All by myself, yes by myself. Is it something to do with fairy tales (shows the book “Fairy Tales”): ask for what you want! Everything will come true.
The librarian takes out a large book of fairy tales.
Librarian. Then you need to get to the Far Far Away Kingdom.
Vovka. Will you really get there?
Librarian. Why not? Let me draw you. (Puts a caftan on him, paints on his cheeks with makeup) After all, only drawn boys can live in books (opens the book and pushes Vovka towards the entrance)

Vovka (from behind the scenes). Wow! You are a real sorceress!

Librarian: No. I just read DIY books a lot. (Leaves)

The guards come out and take out the throne. On the throne is a crown and robe. The Tsar comes out with a bucket and a brush. The king begins to paint (sings)

Vovka comes out, sits on the throne and puts on the crown.
King I have the Golden Mountains
And there is what to eat, and there is something to drink!
But I paint, I paint fences,
So as not to be branded as a parasite.
Vovka. The king, the king!
Tsar. Oh my God! Oh, how scared I was. I thought someone had taken our fairy tales to read, but here I am like this. (goes to get dressed)
Vovka. No it's me! Why are you painting the fence? You are the king. You're supposed to do nothing.

Tsar. Yes I know. The position is like this: do nothing but do nothing. But you’ll die of boredom from idleness.
Tsar. And then, I’m not a real king, I’m a fabulous one. While the fairy tales are on the shelf, I tint the fence - both benefit and warm-up. Do you approve?
Vovka. No. You don’t understand anything about royal life. Tsar - if you want a cake, if you want ice cream. And he paints fences.
Tsar. Yes, yes, understandable. Would you give up your seat to an older person, if you haven’t been trained in politeness?
Vovka. Please!
Tsar. Give me the crown here.
Vovka. Please!
Tsar. She's too big for you. So it's a cake. So ice cream?
Vovka. Yeah!
King: Hey! Guards!
Exit of the guards Marching to the music
Tsar. That's it, guys, cut off his head - he's a parasite.
Guards: That's possible.
Vovka (runs out with a book and reads). His old woman is sitting on the threshold, and in front of her is a broken trough.
Yeah! Here I am! Grandma, hello!
Old woman. Hello darling!
Vovka. Grandma, how can you see a goldfish here? You are aware of the matter.
Grandma. Yes, the sea is nearby. Oops! I just don’t recommend going. Do you know what trouble happened to me here:
Vovka. So she will tell me more. As if I hadn’t read this fairy tale, I’m not you at all. I don't want to be the mistress of the sea. I'll quickly reach an agreement with her.
Grandma. Hey, my dear little killer whale, you should ask her for a trough.
Vovka. So here's another thing - first you get a trough, then give me a washing machine.

Grandma. No, no. Where is it?
Vovka. Okay, let's talk. Hey goldfish! Hey, hey, goldfish, can't you hear?
Gold fish.
Well, what do you need, old man? Oh, what is this?
Vovka. Oh goldfish! I want you to:
Gold fish. What? Have you woven a net? Did you throw it into the sea three times? Did you catch me? I didn’t hit my finger on my finger, but right there.
The waves, accompanied by music, grab Vovka from all sides and carry him behind them, behind the curtain.
Vovka. Oh, where are you taking me? Phew, just think, the sprat is unhappy.
Vovka comes out.
Vovka. This is great! Who are you?
We are Vasilisa - the Wise.
Vovka. Who?
Vasilisa - The Wise.
Vasilisa 1
We are beautiful Vasilisas,
At least we are sad, at least we are having fun.
At night, during the day, or in the morning
We are royally wise.
Vasilisa 3
The name is fabulous - Vasilisa,
We are smart, slim and beautiful

Vovka. Where did you come from?
Vasilisa - 1. They came from different fairy tales, because we are having a gathering of young Vasilis to exchange wisdom.
Vovka. How?
Vasilisa - 2. Wisdom!
Vovka. Eh, I would like to learn through an exchange (scratching the back of his head), through an exchange of some wisdom, courage
Vasilisa - 1. Well, girls, how will we teach?
Let's teach! And we will train!
Vasilisa - 1.Well, then, girls, help me!
(while Vasilisa - 1 sings and shows, the other two hold a sheet of whatman paper on it with designs for a pool and a palace)
They sing ditties.
Vasilisa - 1.
We'll do a good job
Let's calculate for the lesson:
How many cinder blocks do you need?
To build the palace on time.
Vasilisa - 2.
We need to make a calculation
Like water flowing from pipes.
What follows from this
Kudos to mathematics.
Learn, Vovka!
Vovka. I don't want, I don't want! They teach it everywhere, they teach it at school, they teach it at home, and even in a fairy tale.

Vasilisa - 2. Apparently you need to go to the Far Away Kingdom.
Vovka. What didn't I see there?
Vasilisa - 1. And there are two from the casket, identical in appearance. Whatever you order, they will do everything for you.
Vovka. Will they do everything?
Vasilisa - 2. Yes.
Vasilisa - 3. So that you don’t get lost, here it is (gives a ball).
Vovka. Bye then!
Vasilisa. Didn't even say thank you.
Good riddance! (leave)
Vovka approaches the casket.
Vovka. Hey, two of the caskets have identical faces!
Clown 1 Hello!
Clown 2 Hello!
Vovka. Hello. So are you really going to do everything for me?
Clowns (voice).
Vovka. (clowns approach Vovka and bend their fingers)
Yeah! Then make me: firstly, a cake, secondly: what are you doing? Why are you going to bend your fingers for me?
Clowns. Yeah!
Vovka. Fine! Secondly - sweets!
And thirdly: well, bend over! And thirdly - ice cream! Well, hurry up!
Clowns. Will be done!
Vovka. Hey, hey, hello! What is this and will you eat candy for me?
.Clowns. Yeah!
Vovka. Well, no, then get back into the casket.
Clowns are hiding in a chest

Bake. Hey, who wants pies with meat, jam, cabbage, and apples!
Vovka. Stove, oh stove, give me something to eat.
Bake. Yes, please, just chop some wood first. Melt them and knead the dough.
Vovka. Okay, it will be done. Well, two from the casket have appeared! Knead and chop!
Clowns (come out of the casket) It will be done!
They knead wood, chop dough (they imitate it to Russian folk music).
Vovka. Again! Yes, on the contrary.
Clowns Yeah, okay! (switch places and do the same)
Vovka. Did you do it on purpose or something? You want me to stay all hungry. Get back to the casket now. They don't understand anything. I'd rather do it myself. Oh, what is this, it doesn’t cut. Okay, that'll do!
He throws whole firewood into the stove - sewn from fabric and stuffed with foam rubber.
Vovka. Now, how do I “knead” it? Why is this “dough”, why is “she” all so sticky. Well, okay, it'll get fried somehow.
Together Stove (sneezes and spits out fumes).
Well, here are the pies for you!
Vovka. What? What is it, black?
Stove. Well, why are you wincing? Bake it yourself, eat it yourself.
Vovka. What is this? Are these pies? No thanks, you know, I don’t feel like it.
Clowns and stoves shrug and laugh.
Vovka. Are you laughing at me? Do you think I can’t do anything like you?
Clowns. Yeah!
Vovka. It's a pity that I don't have the tools.
Clowns It's possible!
Vovka. What are these, tools? Yeah - I’ll do whatever I want. I'll draw a drawing. Either a tub or a trough. Oh, yes, I completely forgot - the trough. I just wish I could do it. Grandma would open her mouth (slowly goes behind the curtain, from there you can hear the sound of an ax and the sound of a plane).

I can do everything myself! (he shouts the last lines from behind the curtain).
Old woman. Fathers, who do I see? Did the goldfish really take pity?
Vovka. No, grandma, it's me. After all, you can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Old woman. Well done! Now you know what, honey?
Vovka. What about grandma?
Old woman Build me a hut.
Vovka. Izba! Ha, I still can’t do that. But I will definitely learn! And you and your grandfather will live happily. Oh, I'll run to the library.
(I ran to the library.)
Vovka runs away, stops in front of the curtain and turns to the audience:
Vovka. Well, that's the whole story! I got it:
It is not easy to catch a goldfish,
The two from the casket are confusing everything!


Production designer The roles were voiced Composer Operator Sound engineer Studio A country



19 min. 49 sec.

Premiere IMDb Animator.ru

"Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom"- a hand-drawn animated film-fairy tale directed by Boris Stepantsev, released in the year.


Schoolboy Vovka dreamed of a fairy-tale life (after all, in fairy tales everything is done “at the command of the pike”). Using tips from the Do-It-Yourself reference book, the librarian created a drawn boy - a double of Vovka - and sent him to the Far Far Away Kingdom, which exists in the book of fairy tales.

Vovka entered the book and found himself in the courtyard of the fairy-tale king. There is a throne, but the king is not on it - he is painting the fence. Vovka laughed at his lifestyle and thoughts: “You don’t understand anything about royal life. Tsar! Do you want a cake, do you want ice cream!”. The king listened to him, called the guards and ordered Vovka’s head to be cut off for his parasitism.

Vovka got scared, ran and ended up on the last page of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” The old woman showed him the way to the Golden Fish, but in response to the boy’s wishes, she reproached him for laziness and threw him into the next fairy tale.

And what happens there gathering of young Vasilis to exchange wisdom. Vovka also wanted to play magic. The sorceresses took pity on him, and Vasilisa alone began to explain how to build a palace (“ How many cinder blocks are needed to build a palace on time?"), another - a pool with swans, the third - a self-assembled tablecloth.

But Vovka didn’t want to study; he needed everything at once. Then Vasilisa showed him the path to his dream and admonished him: "Good riddance!".

And Vovka walked along the path to where the Two from the casket, identical in appearance, live. They are ready to fulfill any desire, but they do everything according to their own understanding. Vovka demanded sweets, but the fellows ate them themselves. He saw the Oven, he wanted some pies, he ordered knead and chop, but they began to knead wood and chop dough. And Vovka sent them back to the casket.

He began to cook himself, but also failed to bake pies, which caused the laughter of the Two from the casket. Vovka was offended and decided to do something on his own, for example, a trough for the Old Woman. It took me a long time, but I did it. He brought a trough to the grandmother, she praised him and asked him to build her a hut. And they sat down to read in the book “Do it yourself” how are the huts made there?.


  • Scriptwriter: Vadim Korostylev
  • Director: Boris Stepantsev
  • Production designers:
  • Cinematographer: Mikhail Druyan
  • Composer: Igor Yakushenko
  • Sound engineer: Boris Filchikov

About the film

A significant place in the work of Boris Stepantsev was occupied by the modern fairy tale, where the heroes of classical plots found themselves in our time and vice versa. In Stepantsev's films there was always a place for a joke, an unexpected trick, a trick, an absurd situation. “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom” is absolutely packed with successful reprises, largely thanks to the participation of the magnificent actress Rina Zelenaya in the dubbing. Many phrases have migrated into our everyday life.

DVD reissues

The cartoon was re-released on DVD in the collections of cartoons “I don’t want to go to school”, “Soyuzmultfilm” (cartoons on disk: “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom” (1965), “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” (1969), “Tricksters at School” (1974) , “On the back desk” (1978-1985).

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  • Korostylev Vadim Nikolaevich. Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom. - AST, 2008. - 48 p. - (FAIRY TALES - CARTOONS). - ISBN 978-5-17-032893-2.(illustrations based on the cartoon)
  • Fairy tale films: scripts for hand-drawn films. Issue 9. - M.: Art, 1969. - 224 p. - 100,000 copies.(including: V. Korostylev “Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom” p. 5-24)
  • Team of authors. Cartoon tales for girls and boys / O. Muravyova. - LLC "AST Publishing House", 2006. - P. 1-22. - 64 s. - ISBN 5-17-036945-X.



  • "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom" (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • on "Animator.ru"

An excerpt characterizing Vovk in the Far Away Kingdom

“It would be good,” thought Prince Andrei, looking at this icon, which his sister hung on him with such feeling and reverence, “it would be good if everything were as clear and simple as it seems to Princess Marya. How nice it would be to know where to look for help in this life and what to expect after it, there, beyond the grave! How happy and calm I would be if I could now say: Lord, have mercy on me!... But to whom will I say this? Either the power is indefinite, incomprehensible, which I not only cannot address, but which I cannot express in words - the great all or nothing, - he said to himself, - or this is the God who is sewn up here, in this palm, Princess Marya? Nothing, nothing is true, except the insignificance of everything that is clear to me, and the greatness of something incomprehensible, but most important!
The stretcher started moving. With each push he again felt unbearable pain; the feverish state intensified, and he began to become delirious. Those dreams of his father, wife, sister and future son and the tenderness that he experienced on the night before the battle, the figure of the small, insignificant Napoleon and the high sky above all this, formed the main basis of his feverish ideas.
A quiet life and calm family happiness in Bald Mountains seemed to him. He was already enjoying this happiness when suddenly little Napoleon appeared with his indifferent, limited and happy look at the misfortune of others, and doubts and torment began, and only the sky promised peace. By morning, all the dreams mixed up and merged into the chaos and darkness of unconsciousness and oblivion, which, in the opinion of Larrey himself, Doctor Napoleon, were much more likely to be resolved by death than by recovery.
“C"est un sujet nerveux et bilieux," said Larrey, "il n"en rechappera pas. [This is a nervous and bilious man, he will not recover.]
Prince Andrey, among other hopelessly wounded, was handed over to the care of the residents.

At the beginning of 1806, Nikolai Rostov returned on vacation. Denisov was also going home to Voronezh, and Rostov persuaded him to go with him to Moscow and stay in their house. At the penultimate station, having met a comrade, Denisov drank three bottles of wine with him and, approaching Moscow, despite the potholes of the road, he did not wake up, lying at the bottom of the relay sleigh, near Rostov, which, as it approached Moscow, came more and more to impatience.
“Is it soon? Soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lanterns, cab drivers!” thought Rostov, when they had already signed up for their holidays at the outpost and entered Moscow.
- Denisov, we’ve arrived! Sleeping! - he said, leaning forward with his whole body, as if by this position he hoped to speed up the movement of the sleigh. Denisov did not respond.
“Here is the corner of the intersection where Zakhar the cabman stands; Here he is Zakhar, and still the same horse. Here is the shop where they bought gingerbread. Soon? Well!
- To which house? - asked the coachman.
- Yes, over there at the end, how can you not see! This is our home,” said Rostov, “after all, this is our home!” Denisov! Denisov! We'll come now.
Denisov raised his head, cleared his throat and did not answer.
“Dmitry,” Rostov turned to the footman in the irradiation room. - After all, this is our fire?
“That’s exactly how daddy’s office is lit up.”
– Haven’t gone to bed yet? A? How do you think? “Don’t forget to get me a new Hungarian at once,” Rostov added, feeling the new mustache. “Come on, let’s go,” he shouted to the coachman. “Wake up, Vasya,” he turned to Denisov, who lowered his head again. - Come on, let's go, three rubles for vodka, let's go! - Rostov shouted when the sleigh was already three houses away from the entrance. It seemed to him that the horses were not moving. Finally the sleigh took to the right towards the entrance; Above his head, Rostov saw a familiar cornice with chipped plaster, a porch, a sidewalk pillar. He jumped out of the sleigh as he walked and ran into the hallway. The house also stood motionless, unwelcoming, as if it did not care about who came to it. There was no one in the hallway. "My God! is everything alright? thought Rostov, stopping for a minute with a sinking heart and immediately starting to run further along the entryway and familiar, crooked steps. The same door handle of the castle, for the uncleanness of which the countess was angry, also opened weakly. One tallow candle was burning in the hallway.
Old man Mikhail was sleeping on the chest. Prokofy, the traveling footman, the one who was so strong that he could lift the carriage by the back, sat and knitted bast shoes from the edges. He looked at the opened door, and his indifferent, sleepy expression suddenly transformed into an enthusiastically frightened one.
- Fathers, lights! Young Count! – he cried out, recognizing the young master. - What is this? My darling! - And Prokofy, shaking with excitement, rushed to the door to the living room, probably to make an announcement, but apparently changed his mind again, returned back and fell on the young master’s shoulder.
-Are you healthy? - Rostov asked, pulling his hand away from him.
- God bless! All glory to God! We just ate it now! Let me look at you, Your Excellency!
- Is everything all right?
- Thank God, thank God!
Rostov, completely forgetting about Denisov, not wanting to let anyone warn him, took off his fur coat and ran on tiptoe into the dark, large hall. Everything is the same, the same card tables, the same chandelier in a case; but someone had already seen the young master, and before he had time to reach the living room, something quickly, like a storm, flew out of the side door and hugged and began to kiss him. Another, third, same creature jumped out of another, third door; more hugs, more kisses, more screams, tears of joy. He couldn’t make out where and who dad was, who was Natasha, who was Petya. Everyone was screaming, talking and kissing him at the same time. Only his mother was not among them - he remembered that.
- I didn’t know... Nikolushka... my friend!
- Here he is... ours... My friend, Kolya... He has changed! No candles! Tea!
- Yes, kiss me!
- Darling... and then me.
Sonya, Natasha, Petya, Anna Mikhailovna, Vera, the old count, hugged him; and people and maids, filling the rooms, muttered and gasped.
Petya hung on his legs. - And then me! - he shouted. Natasha, after she had bent him to her and kissed his whole face, jumped away from him and holding onto the hem of his Hungarian jacket, jumped like a goat all in one place and squealed shrilly.
On all sides there were eyes shining with tears of joy, loving eyes, on all sides there were lips seeking a kiss.
Sonya, red as red, also held his hand and was all beaming in the blissful gaze fixed on his eyes, which she was waiting for. Sonya was already 16 years old, and she was very beautiful, especially at this moment of happy, enthusiastic animation. She looked at him without taking her eyes off, smiling and holding her breath. He looked at her gratefully; but still waited and looked for someone. The old countess had not come out yet. And then steps were heard at the door. The steps are so fast that they couldn't be his mother's.
But it was she in a new dress, still unfamiliar to him, sewn without him. Everyone left him and he ran to her. When they came together, she fell on his chest, sobbing. She could not raise her face and only pressed it to the cold strings of his Hungarian. Denisov, unnoticed by anyone, entered the room, stood right there and, looking at them, rubbed his eyes.
“Vasily Denisov, a friend of your son,” he said, introducing himself to the count, who was looking at him questioningly.

First-grader Vovka has long dreamed of getting to the Far Away Kingdom. This is where all desires can be fulfilled without difficulty.

But here, in ordinary life, you have to do everything yourself: go to school, study lessons, solve problems.

And even in the library, where Vovka came to get new fairy tales, the librarian couldn’t think of anything else to do but offer him a book called “Do it yourself.”

Well, I do not! - Vovka told her. - Everything on my own. I don't want to do anything myself! It’s just like in fairy tales: ask for whatever you want! Everything will come true.

Then the librarian brought Vovka

also a book of fairy tales with carved gilded gates on the cover and said:

Then you just need to get to the Far Far Away Kingdom.

And Vovka took a book of fairy tales.

Then the librarian took pencils and drew Vovka, only small, the size of a palm (after all, only small drawn boys can live in books).

The gate in the book opened, and Vovka saw the entrance to the Far Away Kingdom. The librarian quietly pushed Vovka towards the entrance to the collection of fairy tales.

Vovka opened his mouth in surprise. Something, but he never expected this.

Miracles in the book began from the very first steps.

Vovka saw the king in a crown and royal clothes with a bucket of paint and a brush. The king was painting the fence!

Vovka just shrugged his shoulders:

You are the king! You are supposed to do nothing.

I know, but you’ll die of boredom from idleness,” the king complained.

You don't understand anything! - Vovka was indignant. - Tsar, he’s painting the fence!..

Oh, that's it! So the parasite has appeared? Hey guards! Cut off his head!

The drawn Vovka rushed to run from this page of the book to another and ended up in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

There I saw an old woman and in front of her a broken trough.

Hello, grandma! - said Vovka. -I would like to see the Goldfish!

Yes, here it is, the sea is nearby. You should ask the fish for a trough, my dear!

“Well, yes, first give her a trough, and then a washing machine... It’ll work out,” Vovka decided, but still went to the sea.

“Hey, Goldfish,” he shouted from the shore. - Don’t you hear, or what? I want you to...

What?! - the fish was indignant. - And you wove a net, did you catch me? I didn’t touch my finger, but right there...

And she threw Vovka out of her fairy tale.

And he ended up in another fairy tale - to Vasilisa the Wise. They took pity on him and decided to teach him their wisdom.

Study again? - Vovka was scared. - Don't want!

Then, apparently, you need to go to the Far Far Away Kingdom,” Vasilisa the Wise decided. - There are two from the casket - identical in appearance. Whatever you order, they will do everything for you. Go straight, good riddance!

Vovka waved his hand at them and went to the Far Far Away Kingdom.

Walked and walked. He looks - there is a pillar, a horseshoe hangs on it (for luck!) and it is written: “The Far Away Kingdom.” And next to it is a chest.

Before Vovka had time to say: “Two of

casket...” - and they were right there, took it and jumped out of the casket.

Are you really going to do everything for me? - asked Vovka.

Yeah! - the fellows barked.

Well, then... - Vovka began to bend his fingers, - make me some cakes, ice cream, and also some sweets...

Before Vovka had time to finish, all sorts of sweets flew out of the casket: ice cream, cakes, lollipops, bagels, pretzels...

Vovka closed his eyes with pleasure and opened his mouth. But in vain, because everything flew past Vovka’s mouth.

Vovka saw this and stamped his feet: “Stop, stop!” What are you? And will you eat candy for me?

Yeah! - Two from the casket were frightened - identical in appearance.

Oh no! - Vovka got angry. - Then get back to the casket!

And suddenly Vovka hears: “Who wants hot pies with jam, cabbage, and meat!”

Stove! - Vovka was happy. - Give me something to eat quickly!

Please! - the stove answers. - Just chop some wood, melt me ​​and knead the dough!

Vovka didn’t know how to chop wood, light the stove, or knead the dough. He had to call the two fellows again.

Come on, Two from the casket - identical in appearance, chop some wood and knead the dough!

They immediately got down to business: one began to knead wood, the other began to chop the dough.

Vovka saw that these two were doing everything wrong and said:

That's not how things should be done! On the contrary! Got it?

Yeah! - that’s all the guys said.

But again nothing came of it. They switched places and again one began to knead the wood, and the other began to chop the dough!

Vovka’s patience has come to an end. He then decided to improve the situation. He took up the task himself, but only got dirty with sticky dough. Because even the dough must be prepared correctly and with love, like mom does.

Then Vovka remembered about the book “Do it yourself,” took it out and began to read.

And Two from the casket - identical ones - jumped out of their faces again and started laughing at Vovka: they say, why is Vovka reading a book, he still won’t do anything on his own.

Vovka just waved his hand at them: let them laugh!

Vovka decided to show these two what he was capable of.

I took an ax and first decided to cut out a trough from a simple log for the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

Two of the people in the casket even opened their mouths in surprise.

And Vovka knows this: knock and knock.

Now the trough is ready. Vovka took it -

and went to the old woman.

When the old woman saw it, she was delighted:

Fathers! Has the Goldfish really taken pity?

No, grandma,” Vovka answered proudly, “I did it myself!”

The old woman yelped and let’s praise Vovka - the trough really turned out great.

But it’s true: it’s nice to do something useful yourself!

Dramatization based on the script by Vadim Korostylev


Cheerful music sounds. A voice sounds on the soundtrack:

PHONOGRAM: In an ordinary city. On an ordinary street. An unusual story once happened in an ordinary library!

The librarian comes out.

LIBRARY: If you're looking for fun,
If you howl from idleness!
Stop jumping and jumping,
Stop running and yelling!
It's better to take a book from the shelf,
Sit quietly and read!

Sits down at the table. One girl appears, her face is covered by a wide book, she does not see where she is going, she moves towards the table and sits on the table, the librarian gets up and coughs to hint that the girl should get off the table. The girl turns in the other direction, the librarian moves in the direction the girl turned and repeats the cough again, the girl sits down at the table, the librarian knocks on the table. The girl clings to the librarian.

GIRL 1: Horrible! Never give me such a book again!!! (runs away)

Three boys appear and they shout at the interruption.

BOYS: Give us a detective story - “Bone Hand”!!! (one pushes the other away)

BOY 1: Give me the “Bone Hand” I really need it!!!

BOY 2: No, give it to me! I need it more!

BOY 3: “Bone hand” is mine!

LIBRARIAN: Unfortunately, all copies of “The Bony Hand” have run out, but according to my information, there is still one book left in the neighboring library!

BOYS (shouting): She's mine!!! (run away)

2nd girl appears. She is dressed in her mother's clothes - high-heeled shoes, obviously too big for her, a hat, glasses.

GIRL 2: Please give me the book - “Passionate Love”!

LIBRARY: This is a book for adults!

GIRL 2: Can't you see that I am an adult!

She makes a circle around the table, demonstrating how grown up she is! The librarian pokes her finger at the girl, she falls, her shoes remain in her hands, and the girl leaves crying.

Vovka appears with a book of fairy tales. The music has ended.

VOVKA: Hello, do you have any other fairy tales? Preferably with pictures.

LIBRARY: I have a much more interesting book for you. It's called "Do It Yourself"!

VOVKA: Well, no! All by myself. Go to school, study lessons, solve problems! I don't want to do anything myself! It’s just like in fairy tales: ask for whatever you want! Everything will come true!!!

LIBRARY: Then you just need to get to the Far Far Away Kingdom. Do you remember in the fairy tale there was such a kingdom!

VOVKA: Are you kidding me, aunt! How will I get into the book!!!

LIBRARY: Look, stand here. What do you see?
(Vovka notices his shadow)

VOVKA: This is my shadow!

LIBRARY: Now I’ll take a miracle pencil and trace your shadow. And this little Vovka will live in a book, you understand, only little boys can live in books, but you are one and the same with him, aren’t you?

VOVKA: Fact! Are you a sorceress?

LIBRARY: No. Well, I just regularly read the book “Do It Yourself”! Well, go, my friend!!!

The music of transformation sounds. A poster unfolds on the wall, depicting a large book of fairy tales. Vovka ends up in a Fairy Tale! Dresses in a caftan and hat.

VOVKA: Wow, that’s great!!!

The King appears, without a crown, with a molar brush and a bucket. He approaches the poster, which depicts a book with a gate to a fairy tale, and begins to paint it and sing a song:

I have mountains of cakes!
And there is what to eat, and there is what to drink.
But I paint, I paint fences,
So as not to be branded a parasite!

VOVKA: Tsar! And the king!?

KING: Oh, Lord! (music sounds - a commotion, in which the King puts on the crown and sits on the throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How scared I was! I was wondering who took our fairy tales to read! And I look like this!

VOVKA: No, it's me! Why are you painting the fence, you are the Tsar!? We are supposed to do nothing!

TSAR: I know, but you’ll die of boredom from idleness!

VOVKA: You don’t understand anything about the Tsar’s life! Tsar, you want a cake, you want ice cream, but he’s painting the fence!

KING: Oh, that's it! So the parasite has appeared? Hey guards! Cut off his head!

The guards menacingly advance on Vovka, who backs away. There is a musical accent. THE LIBRARYMAN appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. The song “Sea - Sea” plays. On the right side, two people unroll a blue cloth, which represents the sea. The Old Woman appears with a broken trough.

VOVKA (plays out that he escaped from the guards and ended up on another page): Brrr! Hello, grandma! I would like to see the Goldfish!

OLD WOMAN: Yes, here it is, the sea is nearby. You should ask, my dear, the fish has a trough!

VOVKA: Well, yes, first give you a trough, and then a washing machine... You’ll get by! (Vovka turned to the sea) Hey, Goldfish? Don't you hear, or what? I want you to….

A goldfish doll on a wire appears from behind the fabric.

GOLDFISH: What? And you wove a net, did you catch me? I didn’t hit a finger, but right there! Come on, get off this page!

The music of transformation sounds. THE LIBRARYMAN appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. The two who made the sea make a circle with the cloth and disappear. Vasilisa the Wise appears.

VOVKA (acts out that he ended up on another page): Just think, an unfortunate sprat! (Vasilis notices) Who are you?

VASILISA THE WISE: (one by one) Vasilisa the Wise! We came from different fairy tales. Because we have a gathering of young Vasilis. (together) By sharing wisdom.

VOVKA: What?

VASILISA THE WISE: (twirls a finger at his temple) (together) With wisdom!

VOVKA: Eh, I wish I could also learn some wisdom through exchange.

VASILISA THE WISE: Well, what shall we teach the girls? Listen!

The song Vasilis plays, on which they dance!

VOVKA: Study again! Don't want!

VASILISA THE WISE: (one by one) Then you, apparently, need to go to the Far Away Kingdom, where there are two from the casket - identical in appearance. Whatever you order, they will do everything for you! (together) Go straight, good riddance!

The music of transformation sounds. THE LIBRARYMAN appears and turns this page of the Tale, running from one end of the stage to the other. Music of the appearance of two. Two people appear from the casket - identical in appearance.

VOVKA: Are you really going to do everything for me?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, then make me some cakes, (Two men bend his fingers) Are you going to bend my fingers?

TWO: It will be done!
Cheerful music plays as Two exchange fake sweets. Vovka runs around the stage with her mouth open and tries to catch these sweets, but she can’t!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! What are you? And will you eat candy for me?

TWO: (with fear) AHA!

VOVKA: Well, no! Then get back out!

The music of the appearance of the Two, they disappear.

PHONOGRAM: Who wants hot pies with jam, cabbage, meat...

VOVKA: (runs and looks behind the scenes) Stove1 Give me something to eat quickly! I am hungry!

PHONOGRAM: Please! Just chop some wood, melt me, and knead the dough!

VOVKA: Come on, two from the casket - identical in appearance, chop some wood, knead the dough!

Cheerful music plays as Two run for props - firewood and a bucket with an axe. One chops the dough, and the other kneads wood!

VOVKA: Stop, stop! That's not how things should be done! On the contrary! Got it?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

Cheerful music sounds. The two switched places.

VOVKA: Stop, stop! Let me do it myself!

Cheerful music sounds. Vovka kneads the dough and takes the firewood backstage. There is a hissing and an explosion on the soundtrack, Vovka flies out with black pies.

VOVKA: What is this!? Black!?

PHONOGRAM: Well, why are you wincing? Help yourself, bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

VOVKA: Thank you, I don’t feel like it!

TWO: laughing

VOVKA: Are you laughing?! Do you think that I can’t do anything, just like you?

TWO: (barked) AHA!

The music of transformation sounds. A LIBRARYMAN appears and throws Vovka a book “Do it yourself”

VOVKA: Yes, I’ll prove it to you now! I want to do everything like this - even a tub. At least a trough! (He runs backstage, there is the sound of instruments working. All the characters go on stage and look behind the scenes.
Vovka takes out the trough.

OLD WOMAN: Fathers! Surely the Goldfish took pity?

VOVKA: No, Grandma - it’s me!

OLD WOMAN: Well done! And now build me a hut!

VOVKA: I can’t do that yet!

EVERYONE: laughs.


(Everyone stopped laughing)

VOVKA: Come on, let’s see how the huts are made here!

LIBRARY: If you want something to do,
You have to try hard
So that people don't laugh!
Don't be afraid, don't be shy
Head to the bookshelf!
You'll take the book off the shelf,
You will find any answer there!

Cheerful music sounds - bows!!!

What else to read