Military. What are the main responsibilities of a military personnel. General duties of military personnel


Who are the military? These are people whose profession is to “defend the Motherland.” Everyone knows that in military sphere There are several positions and each has its own responsibilities. And then, of course, a chain began - the responsibility depends on the position, the position depends on education, experience and length of service, and of course military rank

. Education determines what a serviceman will do, be it sitting at headquarters with important papers and documents, working with personnel, that is, soldiers, or generally working with military equipment. The work itself is difficult, but incredibly interesting. This is where it most likely works: whoever has a vocation, who is madly in love with military themes, will clearly be in the right place. Let's look at the pros and cons.

  • Advantages of the military profession:
  • Firstly, earnings. Since 2012, the salaries of military personnel have almost tripled and this, of course, cannot but rejoice. While speech therapists and teachers still receive pennies, although the work is no less important. We can say with confidence that the family of a man in uniform will never be in poverty, at least there will always be some money - this is a huge plus and the most important thing;

or pensions, for service, for conditions, for qualifications, and so on.

The military will never be left without the attention of the state, because it is they who stand at the post of security and order in our state every day. )