The weight of Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs by month. Average weight of a pig throughout its life How much should a 6 month old piglet weigh

The most important factors that determine the economic feasibility of running a farm are the physical indicators obtained as a result. In the production of pork, both for own needs and for sale, the indicator of the weight of the pig is very important. Precise instruments of the required size are not always available. In the meantime, weight gain control is important from piglet hatching to slaughter in order to determine meat yield and feed conversion. Find out how much the pig weighs and what measurement methods exist.

Average weight of adults and piglets by months

For the correct composition of the diet, it is necessary to know the average weight of a pig at different stages of life. This allows you to timely adjust the quality characteristics, the number and sometimes the frequency of feedings.

Based on the average, it is important to understand the differences between different breeds of pigs. The live weight of the Large White piglet will be much higher than in its peer, but from the Asian herbivores.

Each breed has its own approximate data on how much a pig can weigh on average at a given age.

In addition to breed, other factors also affect weight. If the sow carried 11 babies, then at birth the weight of the piglets will be less than in the infertile survey, which occurred in the same pig, all other things being equal.

Piglets are suckled until about one month old. Their weight largely depends on the milk yield of the sow.

Nutrition is a key factor in gaining weight. Feeding exclusively concentrated feed leads to intensive weight gain. Conversely, a diet high in herbs, vegetables and fruits will reduce the rate of growth in body weight. Therefore, comparing how much a piglet weighs on average with the standard values, painted by month, it is necessary to take into account the feeding data.

Table for an approximate estimate of the weight of piglets in the first month of life:

Piglet weight table by month:

Month (at the end of the period)

Weight, kg

The error in the mass of Landrace, Duroc, Large white pigs, as well as breeds derived from them, which are usually not kept for more than six months, is approximately 10%. Females traditionally weigh less than males.

The pigs continue to grow. Boars in the largest breeds, which are used for industrial fattening and pork production, reach 350 kg. Sows weigh on average 100 kg less. The optimal age for the start of active reproduction is considered to be 10–12 months, when the live weight is normal, and the body of a boar or pig is at its peak. At the same time, the male weighs on average 180-200 kg, and the female 120-140 kg.

Small Asian pigs gain about 80 kg by the age of one year. The maximum weight for such pigs is 140 kg.

Methods for measuring weight in pigs

In industrial conditions, in large farms, when pork production is put on stream, it is not difficult to compare the live weight and the standard weight - as a rule, there are the necessary instruments for accurate measurement.

Another question is how to find out the weight of pigs without scales? A table with approximate data on live weight by month will be useless if you do not know how to measure mass using measurements and calculate weight using formulas.

As a rule, experienced pig breeders use several methods at once, this gives the most accurate result for determining the weight. Having measured the length of the body and the volume of the chest, you can find the weight of the pig in the table or get it by making simple calculations.

Of course, these methods of measuring weight do not provide high accuracy of results, however, they allow at least approximately to know the readiness of a piglet for slaughter. With the knowledge of the corresponding coefficients, it is quite possible to calculate the meat yield from the carcass.

Using measurement tables

The simplest to use is the pig weight table. It will take a little time and just one measuring device to find out the live weight of any individual. Most often, a tailor's measuring tape is used. Although you can buy a special one for pigs. It is produced and looks almost the same. The elastic, polymer-based tape provides easy measurement and subsequent cleaning.

Having received the necessary data, you can use the pig weight table. You only need two measurements:

  1. Body lengths. To measure, you need to attach the tape to the back of the pig and, stretching it along the spine, fix the required size in centimeters at the point of the tail base.
  2. Breast volume. Measured with tape, in a circular manner, in centimeters, around the chest, along a line running at the corners of the shoulder blades and immediately behind the front legs.

When measuring, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. To determine the most accurate size, it is necessary to carry out all manipulations 2-3 hours before the next feeding.
  2. The pig, if possible, should stand upright and calmly keep its head straight.

To determine the weight, in the table it is necessary to find the intersection of the row and column that correspond to the measurements obtained. The weight will be approximate. The error of this method is about 4–11%.

For example, a pig with a body length of 1.10 m and a breast volume of about 1.12 m weighs about 114 kg. The error in determining the mass is in the range of 4.5–12.5 kg, both in the smaller and in the larger direction.

A piglet 70 cm long, with a chest volume of 68 cm, weighs about 27 kg. Tolerances from 1 to 3 kg. If the mass does not coincide with the weight by months, then the nutrition is most likely insufficient.

By formulas

If you already know how to find out the weight of a pig without weights using tables, another method will help you - calculation, using special formulas. It is very useful when tables for determining the weight of pigs are not available.

To do this, you need the same measurements - the length of the pig's body and the girth of the chest. In addition, a little experience is needed to give a visual assessment of the physique. The applied coefficients depend on this.

In particular, the coefficient:

  • "162" is used for an underfed animal that looks thin;
  • "156" - for medium-well-fed pigs;
  • "142" - it is recommended to use it if the animal looks normally well-fed or fat.

After that it is necessary:

  1. Calculate the product of body length and chest volume (in centimeters).
  2. Divide the result by the coefficient that most closely characterizes the pig's physique at the moment.

If we take the same examples that were used to determine the weight of pigs according to the tables, we get:

  1. A normally well-fed pig with a body length of 110 cm and a breast volume of 112 cm will weigh: (110 * 112) / 142 = 86.7 kg.

Medium-fed: (110 * 112) / 156 = 78.9 kg.

Poorly plumped: (110 * 112) / 162 = 76 kg.

  1. A piglet with a body length of 70 cm and a breast volume of 68 cm in the case of a normal build weighs: (70 * 68) / 142 = 33 kg.

Medium: (70 * 68) / 156 = 30 kg.

Thin: (70 * 68) / 162 = 29 kg.

Another formula for calculating live weight also involves the use of coefficients and dimensions of the pig's body (length and volume of the chest):

Weight (kg) = bust (cm) * 1.54 + body length (cm) * 0.99 - 150.

Thus, for our examples, we get:

  1. In a pig: 112 cm * 1.54 + 110 cm * 0.99 - 150 = 131.4 kg.
  2. For a piglet: 68 * 1.54 + 70 * 0.99 - 150 = 24 kg.

Despite the presence of discrepancies in the results obtained, they make it possible to roughly determine the body weight.

In fact, even without having a scale at hand, you can find out the mass of a pig or a pig by measurements. This makes it much easier to control how well the feeding is going or to calculate the required dose of medications for the animal. In addition, even before slaughter, you will have information about the meat yield from the carcass. By understanding how much pork you will have at your disposal, it is much easier to orient future customers or prepare a place to store the corresponding volumes of meat.

For each farmer, you need to know how much his piglet weighs. This information is important for the livestock breeder in order to determine the feeding rate, which directly depends on the weight, and this information is also relevant when determining the cost of an individual during the sale of piglets. Also, inappropriate weight gain and poor appetite may indicate that the individual is lagging behind in development or is sick. How much the piglet weighs, we can find out in this article.

What factors affect weight? It should be noted that there are several reasons that affect the weight of a piglet. These are:

  • breed and heredity;
  • birth weight;
  • health status;
  • the conditions in which the pig lives;
  • age;
  • the amount of food consumed.

How much does a newborn piglet weigh?

This factor affects health and is fundamental in its further development, formation and productivity. The average weight of piglets at birth largely depends on the balanced and proper nutrition of the sow, as well as heredity, that is, a predisposition to the rate of weight gain. The average weight of a typical pig is approximately 0.8 to 1 kg, there are also breeds weighing more than 1.5 kg. The mass of Vietnamese piglets is not less than 0.5 kg.

Average piglet weight at the age of 1 month.

There is a special table by which you can find out the weight by week and month. At the beginning of their life, babies feed on mother's milk and therefore there is a significant increase in weight. Weight by the end of the first month reaches 8-9 kg.

Piglet weight in the period from 2 to 3 months.

During this time, babies begin to consume optimized and balanced complementary foods. Therefore, at the age of 2 months, their weight is

from 12 to 15 kg., and in the next month it almost doubles and reaches about 25 kg.

Average piglet weight at the age of 3 to 4 months.

The weight of an individual during this period is about 45-60 kg. You can clarify this information and find out how much the baby weighs in a special table.

Piglet weight in the period from 4 to 6 months.

This period of development is characterized by enhanced fattening of piglets, the main food is feed with a high energy value. With proper nutrition, the weight of individuals ranges from 75 to 90 kg.

Weight at 6-7 months.

How much does the piglet weigh in the specified period of time. During this period, the special fattening of piglets ends, as they already reach puberty and become pork adolescents, that is, pigs. The rate of weight gain does not stop, but the diet of complementary foods is changing, so the weight indicator is about 100 kg.

Average weight between 8 and 10 months.

During this period of development, piglets are already becoming adults, and pig breeders begin to breed them. The weight reaches approximately 120-150 kg.

Possible options for measuring the weight of a piglet.

Of course, you can find out by weighing, that is, using a balance. When the individual is small, you can pick it up or put it in a bag that needs to be attached to the scales. When the piglet is large, it will be difficult to measure with a scale. To find out how much an individual weighs, a special table of correspondence between body weight and age of a piglet will help. The next method is to measure using the body condition coefficient. To do this, you need to multiply the following indicators: body length and chest girth. And then divide by the fatness coefficient, which is determined "by eye" as follows: in thin pigs it is 162, with normal fatness - 156, and in fat individuals - 142.

Based on the information provided above, we can conclude that the question "How much does the piglet weigh?" it is necessary to answer, given the large number of factors that affect this indicator. And you can find out the weight at any period of your baby's development using various methods that are convenient for your use, namely by weighing, according to a table or using a formula. Therefore, observing all the conditions that affect the positive development and growth of a piglet, you can get an excellent strong man from a baby!

Increasingly, they began to talk about the fact that keeping pigs became unprofitable. That it takes a lot of feed and energy. However, raising pigs is a profitable business today. But like any business, raising pigs must be properly organized, calculate how much a pig eats, and choose the most profitable option.

When calculating the amount of feed required for fattening pigs, it should be borne in mind that feeding with dry compound feed is twice as profitable as feeding with waste and potatoes. In order for a pig to gain weight of 110 kilograms in six months, it needs to feed about 350 kilograms of compound feed, and in the case of fattening with potatoes, it will take 1200 kilograms of potatoes for six months, but it will gain 110 kilograms of weight without compound feed in 9-11 months.

It should also be borne in mind that flour dust and waste from grinding grain, which consist of a mixture of husk, bran, flour, are added to pigs' feed. Flour dust should be given at the rate of 0.5 to 0.7 kilograms per day per head. Also, green feed is added to the pigs ration.

1. Introduction

Correct feeding of pigs- the most effective way to achieve rapid growth and get a large amount of the most tender meat at a relatively low cost of feed. But do not think that pigs will have enough waste from the garden and kitchen; liquid and dry feed, concentrates, dietary supplements and vitamins should be present in their diet.

Pictured feeding pigs

The taste of meat, its structure and quality are highly dependent on what to feed the pig :

  • from the waste of the fishing industry, pork acquires a fishy flavor;
  • the addition of dairy products gives the meat of bacon pigs an appetizing flavor;
  • a diet with a predominance of potatoes, buckwheat, wheat bran, corn makes pork loose and tasteless;
  • from a large number of vegetables, the fat becomes flabby;
  • fattening pigs mainly on soybeans, cake, fishmeal and oats results in poor quality pork.

However, these feeds should not be completely excluded from the diet of pigs, you just need to figure out in what period to give this or that feed and in what proportion.

Hello members of the forum. There was a question about the BVMD. How much will a white pig weigh at 6 months, raised on a BVMD and without using it?

Hello! I got 130kg on a BVMD at 7 months. w / c. but BVMD used up to 5 months. and 2 months just a pure grain mixture to cleanse the body. Without additives, they would have gained so much.

DUROK writes:

Without additives, they would have gained so much

Yes Easy. now there are so many breed hybrids, sho are growing by leaps and bounds, and without any BMVD. At 6 months. really 120-130kg ..

How to grow a piglet up to 120 kg in 6 months?

Raising a pig at home in six months so that it gains a weight of 120 kilograms or so is a doable task, of course, with good care and nutrition.

Initially it is worthwhile to take responsibility for the purchase of piglets. They must be healthy and not lagging behind in development. The best option is piglets from one and a half to two months. It should be noted that pigs are herd animals, so it is worth buying piglets from 2 or more, otherwise the piglet will not have an "appetite").

Piglets there are three feeding periods, the first is dairy, when organs and muscles are formed, the second is growing, in which they grow intensively and fattening, this is the weight gain itself.

Into the milk period the daily diet of piglets is milk, for example, cow or goat at the rate of about 3 liters of milk per animal and one liter of porridge from any small cereals. Feeding should be carried out at least 4-5 times a day.

From three months of age. piglets can already dilute milk by half with water, the frequency of feeding is reduced to three times a day. During this period, it is necessary to add fresh chopped grass, bran, minerals to food. Gradually, in the diet, milk is replaced with whey or reverse feed, and the feed itself is chopped grass and bran. During this period, the piglets should have adequate walking space.

From the fifth months old, the fattening period begins, that is, there is an intensive weight gain and, in addition to increasing the feed rate, piglets must be limited in movement, for this they are placed in small pens.

In the fattening During the period, the food should be the most high-calorie, representing boiled roots, food waste from the kitchen, feed mixtures, cake, crushed meat. The feeding itself is carried out twice a day.

On this stage, you should decide what will be the main in the end result. After all, there are differences between fattening a pig for meat or when more fat is required.

For getting more meat condition, the feed should include more greens - up to 5 kg per day and compound feed or shredded.

With over time, this rate is gradually increasing and potatoes, beets, pumpkin, etc. are added. Do not forget about salt and chalk, about 5-35 grams each.

At need to get more fat, it is worth using more feed rich in carbohydrates and to improve the quality of fat - millet and barley.

V feeding period, the daily gain, with good nutrition, can be up to 1 kilogram.

for instance... in summer this is achieved with a diet consisting of 4 kg of greens, pumpkin - 3.5 kg. concentrate - 3.3 kg and 50 grams of salt.

Agricultural portal "AgroCompass"

Feeding fattening pigs

To get a daily gain of 550 grams. in the first period, based on 100 kg of live weight, 4.2 units are required. at a concentration of at least 1.16 k. in 1 kg of dry matter, digestible protein - not less than 95 g. for 1 unit fiber - no more than 60 gr.; in the second period - 3.8 units. per 100 kg of live weight, 1.22 f.u. for 1 kg of DM of the diet, 85 g. digestible protein and 62 gr. fiber per 1 c. unit.

When planning to obtain gains of 650 g / day per 100 kg of pig weight, 4.8 units are required. 1 kg of dry matter should contain 1.2 k. units. protein per 1 c. unit. - 100 gr. fiber - no more than 50 gr. in the first period and in the second - 4.2 and 1.28 units. 90 and 55 gr. respectively.

Adequate feeding is primarily about providing rations with protein. In farms that feed pigs on their own feed, the main sources of protein are legumes - peas or soybeans. They should be 15-20% in the diet in the first and 10-18% in the second period of fattening, if the basis is a barley-wheat mixture. The full provision of the pigs' body with amino acids is achieved by including in such a diet 1.5-2% of sunflower meal or cake rich in methionine. The nutritional quality is improved even more when biomycin and vitamin B12 are added to the feed. Pulses are included in the grain mixture in extruded form.

Proteins of microbial origin in the form of yeast or microbial protein have a positive effect on the results of beef feeding, and they can be introduced into the diet in an amount of up to 30% by protein content.

Grass flour can be included up to 10% in terms of nutritional value, but it is necessary to control the fiber content in it. Each percentage of fiber in excess of the norm by 1.5-1.7% reduces the digestibility of the organic part of the diet. It is possible to increase the efficiency of feed by including non-edible fat in the diets, especially in combination with trace elements or synthetic methionine.

Additives and vegetable feeds with a high fat content should be excluded from the diet at the final stage of fattening: they degrade the quality of pork - the fat becomes soft, greasy, white, and the meat becomes loose. At large complexes, fattening livestock are fed with special compound feed: SK-26 - with a weight of 38-67 kg and SK-31 - with 67-112 kg.

For meat-based feeding, a wide variety of feeds can be used, but in any type of diet, cereals are the main source of energy.

An important problem of pig breeding is the reduction of grain fodder consumption. The use of cheaper feed requires an improvement in the quality of preparation of various feed mixtures. Therefore, the smooth operation of the feed department is an important condition for successful feeding. The moisture content of the feed is limited only by the feeding method.

Table # 1. Approximate structure of diets for different types of feeding on beef-fed,% by nutritional value


People living in the village often need to know how much an adult pig weighs on average. Those who are more or less professionally involved in pig breeding acquire electronic scales. The rest do not need an expensive purchase, because you can find out how much a pig weighs without special tools. Methods of "weighing" adults and piglets differ - the weight of the latter is calculated by months. But all methods are characterized by a fairly high accuracy.

Of course, this piggy business has its own records. There are wild boars weighing under, or even per ton. It is not for nothing that obese people are compared to these cute pet animals. But, fortunately, there are statistics that equalize animals in their right to some kind of universality. True, the breed classification makes adjustments to the average.

The heaviest domestic breed is the large white. Boars of this species, on average, weigh 320-350 kg. Pigs of the same breed weigh a hundred kilograms less. However, these indicators cannot be considered averaged in any way. Closer to the "center" the weight of the Mirgorod breed pig is 240-260 kg. And if we speak exclusively in the language of statistics, the average weight of "our" pigs is 200-240 kg.

Weight measurement methods

When it comes to adults, then all methods for determining the weight of pigs boil down to making certain measurements. Piglet weight is determined by months, but more on that below.

Measuring a living creature may not be very convenient, so follow some guidelines:

  • try to "weigh" in the morning while the pig is not yet so active;
  • it is better not to feed the boar before the measurement, so that it is easier for the assistant to interest the animal in the process;
  • directly during the measurements, it is desirable to stimulate the pig with delicious food so that the animal takes the desired position.

By measurements using the table

Two indicators are used - the length of the body and the girth of the chest. The animal should stand motionless, here an assistant with a treat will come in handy. The torso is measured by applying a measuring tape to the middle of the back of the head and extending it to the root of the tail. It is important that the boar's head looks straight ahead, in line with the body.

The girth of the chest can be found by taking a measurement of the pig in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. It is not necessary to tighten the belt too much, nor to loosen the tension too much. An error of 1 cm is permissible. Having received the initial data, you should use the table. Recall, in this way you can find out the weight of adults. Whereas the weight of piglets is determined by months.

To determine the average weight of the pig, the intersection point is found with the horizontal and vertical lines.

By measurements using the formula

Here, the same initial data is used - the length of the body and the girth of the chest. Only we are offered to be more independent and work with our heads. The average can be determined by the formula:

M = 1.54 * X + 0.99 * K - 150

  • M is the mass;
  • K is the length of the body;
  • X - chest girth.

By measurements using the formula - for greasy breeds

The average weight of well-fed wild boars is determined by the formula:

M = (K * X): 142

You already know the encoding - it is similar to that of the previous method. For meat-lard pigs use the same formula, but the product of length and girth is divided by another constant - 156. If the animals belong to relatively skinny breeds, the number changes again - in this case, divide by 162.

These are the main methods for determining the weight of pigs without the use of scales. There is also the Kluver-Strauch method, which is almost no different from the first. It also works with a table. The only difference is that the oblique body length is measured here. This method is more versatile and is usually used for measuring cattle. And pigs are just a detail.

In this video, you will learn how a 300-kilogram pig lived in a house with its owners.

Piglet weight is determined not by size, but by months and weeks. How exactly, further.

Measuring the weight of a piglet

Piglet weight depends primarily on feeding. At three to four months of age, they begin to fatten. The weight of a newborn boar, with due regard to a pregnant sow, averages 0.8-1 kg. A month-old baby already pulls 8-9 kg.

At 2-3 months, the wild boar, which until this time has been feeding on mother's milk, receives additional feeding. Weight at this age is on average 25 kg. At 3-4 months, piglets begin to feed more intensively and the indicator reaches 50-60 kg. 4-6 months is characterized by reaching the mark of 70-80 kg.

Further, intensive feeding usually stops. At 6-7 months, a piglet weighs 100-110 kg, at 9-10 months - 130-150 kg. This is a very rough graduation, but the chart will help you find out the weight of the piglets in the shorter life spans. It is limited to 16 weeks of age.

Weight in weeksEnd weight

period, kg

Weight in weeksEnd weight

period, kg

1 2,6 9 24,9
2 4,4 10 29
3 6,4 11 33,5
4 8,9 12 38,54
5 11,6 13 43,4
6 14,5 14 48,6
7 17,5 15 54
8 21 16 59,4

Of course, all this mathematics suffers from inaccuracies, sometimes within 10%. Pigs with live weight can crush any arithmetic calculation. But in many cases, the ability to understand how much an adult or juvenile pig weighs is very convenient. In particular, knowing the weight of a live boar helps in determining the amount of certain additives, medications, etc.

Video "How much does a pig weigh"

The video demonstrates the characteristics related to the size and weight of the pigs.

Among pigs today, some record weight gains are known in the world. So, for example, the mass of a wild boar named Big Biel was over one ton, and its body length was 2.74 meters. The Chinese boar Chun-chun was slightly underweight to the Big Bil and its weight was about 900 kilograms. According to various sources, this boar ate for ten. The third place in this list is occupied by the American Big Norma wild boar, which reached 1200 kilograms.

Of course, domestic pigs do not gain such mind-blowing indicators, but they are also quite heavy animals. Basically, their weight depends on feeding and breed.... How much the average weight of a wild boar and a pig can be, we will find out in more detail.

Adult wild boar

Today, among all the known domestic, large whites are considered the heaviest. A wild boar of this breed is about 100 kilograms heavier than a female and weighs on average 320-350 kg. However, this is considered a big indicator. A more average indicator can be seen in wild boars of the Mirgorod breed. They reach a mass of 240-260 kilograms.

Adult pig

As we have said, the weight of an adult pig depends largely on the breed. The average is considered to be 200-240 kilograms. But, for example, adult sows of the Large White breed can reach 320-360 kg. And rarely exceed 140 kilograms.


Piglet weight to a greater extent depends on a competent approach to feeding. At about the age of 3-4 months, babies begin to fatten, and their weight begins to grow rapidly. So, for example, the weight of a live pig can reach 50-60 kg, and after two months - already over 90 kg. When feeding ad libitum, this figure is achieved in 2.5-3 months. But let's consider how much piglets should weigh at each age in more detail.


The weight of newborn babies primarily depends on the correct feeding of the sow during pregnancy. If all the rules and regulations have been followed, then the piglets are born weighing 0.8-1 kilograms. Some breeds have more than 1.4 kg. Vietnamese babies do not exceed 500-600 grams.

Important! Birth weight greatly affects the development of an animal and its subsequent productivity. Subsequent weight gain will be based on proper feeding.


The first month of life, the piglet feeds mainly on mother's milk, so it is gaining weight rapidly. On average, by 30 days of age, the baby should weigh about 8.5-9 kilograms.

2-3 months

At a few months old, babies begin to receive special additional feeding, their weight increases by about half. At 2-3 months, the piglet should have an average weight of 25 kg.

3-4 months

As a rule, from this age, piglets begin to intensively feed. The indicator of their weight at the beginning of feeding should, on average, be about 50-60 kilograms.

4-6 months

During the fattening period, animals gain weight well and significantly increase in growth. At 3-4 months, their weight is 75-80 kilograms.

6-7 months

Usually in 6-7 months production stops. Their weight is already 90-110 kg, they reach sexual maturity and are transferred to the pig department.

9-10 months

At 9-10 months, the pigs become adults, mating and breeding of animals begins. Their average weight is 130-150 kg.

Piglet weight table by month

A special table will help to determine in more detail the average weight by months and weeks of piglet life.

Piglet weight comparison table

How to measure live weight at home?

At home, it is easy to find out the mass of a wild boar without having a scale at hand. Several methods have been developed specifically for this. All of them require a measuring tape, table or special formula. Let's consider each definition method separately.

By measurements

Many breeders and butchers can determine the weight of a pig "by eye". But such a method is not available to everyone, and even more so it is far from accurate. The exact weight of a pig can be determined by knowing some of its body parameters. More precisely, the length and girth behind the shoulder blades. The received data is compared with the data in a special table.

To determine the body length, apply a measuring tape with one edge to the middle of the nape of the animal and lead it along the spine to the root of the tail. It is important to make sure that the pig's head is erect and not lowered or raised. The girth of the chest is measured at the angles of the shoulder blades behind the front legs. Then we find the obtained data in the table and at the intersection of the columns we find the desired number.

Weight measurement table

According to the formula

If there is no table at hand, then the mass of a live boar can be determined using a special formula. In this case, we also need the girth of the chest and the length of the animal's body.

Live weight = 1.54 X + 0.99 K - 150, where:

  • X - chest girth behind the shoulder blades, cm;
  • K - body length, cm.

By fatness category

You can also find out how much the animal weighs using the formula, taking into account fatness. This method is believed to be more accurate. In this case, you need to measure the length of the body, as well as the girth of the boar's chest, then multiply both measurements with each other and divide by the fatness coefficient. For lean pigs, the indicator is 162, with normal fatness - 156 and with excessive fat content - 142. See formula.

Formula for determining the live weight of pigs by measurements

What is the slaughter yield?

The yield of meat products depends on the sex, age, breed and degree of fatness of the pig. Also, do not forget about the skill of the cutter and carcass cutter himself. In pig breeding, there is the following approximate yield scheme:

  • from a wild boar or a pig with a live weight of 100 kilograms, you can get 72-75% of the production:
  • from a pig 120-140 kg - 77-80%;
  • over 180 kg - 80-85%.

That is why the owners try to hold and fatten their animals as much as possible.

Carcass and half carcass

The live weight of a pig is the weight before slaughter. However, after it, and even more so after processing (separation of the head, hooves), it decreases. According to the rules, this indicator is called slaughter. On average, about 10-11 kilograms of bones, about 2.5-3 kilograms of waste, 23 kg of fat are immediately taken away from a pig of 110 kilograms, and about 73 kg of pure meat remains.

A half-carcass, as a rule, already weighs 25-35 kg. We have given these figures for the "Russian White" breed, as it is very common in our country. Please note that other pigs may have a different ratio of meat to lard.

The rest of the insides

As for the mass of individuals, on average, a 100-kilogram carcass will have the following indicators:

  • head - 8-9 kg;
  • heart - 320 g;
  • lungs - 800 g;
  • liver - 1.6 kg;
  • kidneys - 260 g.

Video "Weighty hog in a city apartment"

In this video, we offer you to see how a big pig lives in an ordinary city apartment. A funny video will demonstrate that even the largest animals can be neat and tidy.

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