After all, this is true happiness. No one is forgotten. George Sand. Confession of a young girl

We recommend a distance (online) happiness training course for those who feel unhappy: “From unhappy to happy”

- Many people believe that happiness is a subjective concept, and each person can come up with something for himself that will give him happiness. Let's say I collect stamps - and this makes me happy. Or: I change girls - and that makes me happy. Or: I do creativity - and it gives me happiness. Do you think happiness is actually a subjective concept, or is happiness, after all, in one thing?

- What I realized from my small life experience is that true happiness cannot be built on selfishness. Collecting stamps, success, the pursuit of some material wealth - these are all selfish goals and activities. Modern media and advertising impose the illusion on society: “you will be happy then and only then when you have certain material benefits.” But real happiness hardly comes with receiving these benefits.

As for creativity, it all depends on the purpose for which a person engages in it. You can do it for fame and money, or you can do it for the benefit of other people. If the ultimate goal is to earn money or fame, that is also selfishness. If creativity is for the sake of creativity, in order to somehow realize oneself, there is less egoism. If a person is engaged in creativity in order to produce some positive effect on others, to bring good with his creativity, then this, I think, can make a person happier.

-What do you need to do to become happy?

- Different people realize themselves in different ways. But the desire to become happier in itself should not be the main goal. The desire to make someone happy is what makes a person happier .

When we wish happiness, first of all, for ourselves, then we place selfishness at the basis of our lives. Recently, on the True Love website, a girl wrote: “I’m so good, so positive, but for some reason no one loves me? Why, even though I’m so positive?” It's clear that she's a little obsessed with herself. She doesn't want to love, but wants to be loved. That's why nothing works.

That's the whole point, I guess. Give instead of waiting to be given. When you give, try to help someone, you are filled with a feeling of love for the person, sincere compassion, and other bright feelings. And when your soul is empty, and you expect those around you to fill you with love, you may end up with nothing but resentment and disappointment.

-Who needs help? Who is our neighbor?

- Our neighbor is anyone we can help.

- Isn't it necessary to find a good, worthy person in order to do good to him?

- Even if we help a bad person (although I note that how bad he is is our subjective opinion, because we don’t know him completely), but in any case there is a chance to make him better. Good always bears fruit. Even the worst person, if you do not repay him with evil for evil, but do something good, something inside him will stir. This can have a colossal effect.

Therefore, in no case should you choose: who to do good and who not to do, this is not right. If they ask, then we must always try to help if possible, listen to our conscience.

Conscience - every person has it, and it is the best advisor. It happens that the mind will say: “No, you shouldn’t help this person; you’ll look bad” or “You won’t get gratitude.” And somewhere inside your conscience will say: “Do good.” It's better to listen to your conscience.

- Can money help you become happier?

- No, you definitely shouldn’t strive for them. Because when you make them the basis of your happiness, you actually become unhappy. It's a constant chase, you will never have enough of them, there will always be someone richer than you, there will always be someone with more. And you will never be satisfied. The most dangerous money is that which was given for nothing, for example, won. They will definitely make a person unhappy, they should be feared like fire.

What’s interesting is that when you stop striving for money, it appears on its own. But you already treat them completely differently. You don't attach your heart to them.

- Do you consider yourself a happy person?

- Yes, I think so, of course.

- Has it always been like this? How did it start?

- No, not that long ago. I began to feel happy when I overestimated my attitude to many things, to the same money, to others, to fame, to success, to other things. This happened to me after going to church.

It is very important to be able to look at yourself from the outside. In fact, each of us has a lot, although sometimes we don’t see it, but only complain. What made me unhappy before was that I felt dissatisfied with what I had, be it money or status in society, or relationships with girls, authority in the team, achievements at work, in school. Anything. The feeling of dissatisfaction makes a person unhappy.

But life was completely transformed when the realization of the fact came to me: what I have is enough for me to be happy. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work, study or try to achieve something, you just need to always be happy with the result you achieved, you need to be happy with what you have, because it might not have happened. I repeat, this does not mean going with the flow, being indifferent to everything, no, you have to be active, try to achieve everything, but never lose heart.

Feelings of despondency and depression are very common among our contemporaries due to the concept of happiness imposed on society. A person sees that he doesn’t have this, doesn’t have that, something isn’t working out right for him, and he begins to consider himself unhappy. Because the needs he is told he has are not being met. And if we begin to approach this differently, evaluate it more soberly, look at life more realistically, many roads to happiness are open to us. Our happiness depends entirely on us, and no one, no external circumstances determine it. External factors have little influence on our happiness or unhappiness.

- That is, a person sets a certain goal for himself, or society, advertising sets a certain goal for him, and he tries to achieve it - he fails. And then he thinks that happiness will come when he achieves this. In fact, happiness will come when he lowers the importance of this goal in his eyes.

- Yes, maybe he will lower it, or maybe he will change it altogether. Maybe what he strives for is something he doesn’t need at all. But there are real things. It may be worth redirecting your activities to other goals.

To set the right goals for yourself, you need to understand in general what a person needs to be happy and objectively evaluate it. And sometimes you need very little to be happy, and what you need for happiness is nearby, but we just don’t see it, but look somewhere far away, where they show us.

- What could this be?

- It could be relationships with our loved ones, our friends, or those people we can help, it... anything, really. Each person has their own. Wherever he is, perhaps even being a prisoner, a person can be happy. Of course, it is impossible here without a spiritual basis, support, without the love of God. I had the experience of communicating with one person who became a church member while in prison, and I realized that this person is happy and thanks God and fate for everything he has. When he first came out, he rethought his life, and perhaps was grateful that he was even there...

Well, in my personal life there are sorrows and misfortunes, at first glance, but then you look back and think: “what a blessing that they happened to me!” They allowed me to rethink my outlook on life, my attitude towards the environment, my own actions, and, among other things, helped me ultimately become happier. Sorrows and some kind of troubles, like brushes, cleanse and sober us.

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Your feedback

Of course, you need to love yourself and those around you, but you need to motivate yourself to achieve your goal. In inaction a person is unhappy. I think happiness is in activities, one or another, where he feels needed, where he gives something to others and receives return from them. You shouldn’t lower the bar, you need to stop being lazy.

Lena, age: 29 / 05.11.2015

Yes, perhaps you are right. If you give something to someone, but do not ask for anything in return, then it will be good for the soul.

Arman, age: 17 / 09/03/2012

Thank you for your advice, I really need it

Shabnam, age: 16 years / 06/22/2012

Yes Oleg, this is indeed true, thank you.

Yuri, age: 22 / 03/12/2012

Oleg thank you for the healing article!

Yura, age: 21 / 02/16/2012

Thanks for the article!!! For myself, I rethought a lot and found answers to my questions. It happens that we don’t appreciate, we don’t see those who are next to us, we don’t notice our happiness, we are in a hurry all the time, we rush to grab something better, although this best is just an appearance of happiness, it is not real. We need to stop for a while in our race and look back, happiness is always nearby, we just don’t know how to accept it as it is, as it is given to us.

Mila, age: 25 / 02.11.2011

The essence of happiness is making others happier. If you are in the status of a slave, make the slave owner happy. I don't think this will bring you happiness.

DMITRY, age: 23 / 03/21/2011

Oleg, thank you for your answers. You read it and get goosebumps. After all, happiness is always with us, we just “by definition” are looking for it somewhere out there. But if there were no sorrows and disappointments, then we would never learn or rethink anything. But this is useful, really useful.

Marinka, age: 26 / 01/26/2011

The main thing is to have a core within yourself. And what feeds him is communication with God. Then it will be easier and you can improve faster Inna.

Dima, age: 22 / 11/15/2010

Olezhka, everything you wrote is true! It’s just hard to support it within yourself.

Inna, age: 35 / 11/14/2010

I completely agree with you, this is the main tenet of the Bible: love your neighbor for the glory of the Lord.

Roman, age: 26 / 10/17/2010

Everything that happens is for the better. The main thing is to find the best in what happened.

Sergey, age: 19 / 18.04.2010

Well done, I’m happy for you and support your position towards life and people!

Alfiya, age: 36 / 04/17/2010

when I had a family, a similar thing happened to me: you are looking for illusory happiness, you want something unusual, then you look around and your husband and child are nearby - here it is, my happiness is nearby...

Maryushka, age: 40 / 04/08/2010

Thank you for the article, it helped me a lot in my essay!!!

Armen, age: 19 / 04/01/2010

I was wandering around the Internet, typing in the search: “Psychological help,” and now I sighed and saw a way out of what seemed to me a difficult situation. THANK YOU!

Alsina, age: 24 / 02/18/2010

It's good that there are such people! I completely agree with you!))) But in personal life it’s not always like that...

Katerina, age: 22 / 01/03/2010

Nice article :-)

Vitaly, age: 24/25.10.2009

Thank you for such a wonderful article. My mood immediately changed))) Super.

Stranger, age: 22 / 09/25/2009

Super, great article P.S (whoever wrote this is a great guy))))))

Cherry~~~ , age: 14 / 09/18/2009

booktic something in your heart most likely doesn’t add up. Do good selflessly. Or maybe you say to yourself inside, doing good: Well, I did good to you (someone), so I, too, should do good to at least someone. Those. You oblige someone to do good to you, but kindness is a voluntary, free thing. If your heart thirsts, do it, otherwise when you expect reward even somewhere deep in your heart and don’t realize it, there will be suffering later, because these expectations will not be justified due to your own selfishness. Virtue is free, which means love is with it :)

Dima, age: 20 / 05/02/2009

Yes, this is all correct, but nothing comes together.., trying to do a lot.. Helping everyone.., doing good.. nothing helps.. me((

booktic, age: 15 / 05/01/2009

Thank you for this article.. it reveals very correct solutions to get out of current situations. You are right in many ways, but it’s not enough to realize it... it’s important to be able to bring these ideas into your life, change your worldview and “fill yourself with light”... then the same bright people will surround you. All this is not difficult to understand, but change yourself is much more complicated

Leah, age: 18 / 04/15/2009

Yes, great article.

Alter, age: 19 / 03/14/2009

Thank you, Oleg. Very wise and meaningful words...

Svetlana, age: 17/31/12/2008

See also on this topic: ( Psychologist Alexander Kolmanovsky)
To become happy, you need to become free ( Psychologist Irina Rakhimova)

Don’t you feel happy, many dreams have not been achieved, and life is not at all like the one you wanted? Do you think that you have lost your true path, do you complain about failure, circumstances, the government and other people? As long as you are fighting the wrong enemy, happiness and success are unattainable.

Many people set goals but fail to achieve them, fail and then suffer. They begin to get angry and look for those who, in their opinion, are to blame for their failure and unhappy life. They turn their anger on loved ones, God, government, circumstances. They make enemies of those who are not responsible for their problems. People begin to drink, become cynical, unfriendly, and become depressed. They turn their backs on their real enemy.

Who are your real enemies that interfere with happiness and success?

No health, constantly tired and exhausted? Start by leading a healthy lifestyle. Complete and proper nutrition. Regular sports training. Get quality sleep and maintain a daily routine. Take walks, give yourself time to rest.

Not handsome enough, lucky in love and girls don’t pay attention to you at all? You can go to the gym and transform your body beyond recognition in a year. Sports will make you stronger, more beautiful, more confident and sexier. A trip to the dentist, hairdresser and shopping will eliminate other shortcomings. Make the most of your appearance.

Bad, unloved and low-paid job? You can complain about circumstances and bosses, or you can take courses, learn a language and get a new specialty. Finding another job instead of the current one is not such a big problem. Nobody keeps you in one place. You can even go to another city or country.

At the end of life's journey, a person evaluates the life he has lived and often regrets that he lived it mediocrely: he did not allow himself to become truly happy. To please others, he tried to live not his own life, but the life that society imposed on him.

Now he no longer cares what others think about him and what values ​​interest them. But there is no time left to change something and become happy...

It's a sad picture, isn't it? Modern civilization relies on material prosperity and personal...

Happiness is a person’s feeling of a pleasant state in the process of receiving pleasure.

Transforming opposites into harmony.
Each person has his own, personal, individual idea of ​​happiness.

Ordinary happiness is short-lived, because the amount of pleasure received is always limited by the recipient.

But on earth for 5769 years there has been a patent for obtaining eternal, absolute happiness.

You just need to take advantage of the endless number of wishes of those around you...

Happiness is that component of your Soul that lives in you and rejoices.

He rejoices in every day, the sun, the sky; the opportunity to live, breathe, contemplate and be filled with that natural force that around you washes and nourishes your human body.

Happiness is being yourself at every moment of your life. Be able to accept its surprises, joys, misunderstandings, and everything that makes the Soul “flutter”, rejoice, worry, get out, get to know yourself and the world around you.

This, that state...

Now it has become very fashionable to talk about femininity as the main attribute of a real Woman.

The Internet space is filled with articles about how to become a real woman.

But do we really understand what it is?

Please read the following two statements and choose the one that you think best describes femininity.

1. Tenderness, innocence, naivety, trust in the world around us. The ability to enjoy life and get pleasure from it. The ability to be weak and...

Happiness is the main goal and meaning of human life!

What is most important to a person in his life?

The answer to this question most often is that the most important thing for a person is his own life. Wouldn't a person, some people say, give everything he has in order to live?

You can also often hear the answer that the most important thing for a person is his health. When a person, other people will say, suffers from lack of health, he is also ready to sacrifice a lot. Sometimes lack of health...

Admit it, you sometimes think that to achieve happiness you need to achieve perfection in one area or another.

In order to be a successful musician, you must master a musical instrument and perform a musical composition perfectly.

In order to be a happy wife, you need to be fluent in the culinary arts, maintain perfect order and cleanliness in the house and absolutely obey your husband.

In order to become a happy mother, you need to raise...


Quotes and Aphorisms 05.04.2018

Dear readers, agree, we all want to be happy - this is perhaps the main human desire. But can anyone give an accurate definition of happiness? After all, we are all different, and everyone has their own happiness.

For some, happiness is when a deepest desire comes true. Some people don’t see themselves happy without a family. For others, happiness is impossible without a successful career, while others are happy because they are in love. Moreover, at different periods of life, happiness for the same person can lie in different things, sometimes even completely opposite ones. And all this is reflected in aphorisms about happiness.

Remember the quote about the happiness of the heroine of the film “We'll Live Until Monday”? “It’s impossible to explain happiness... It’s like pinning a sunbeam to paper...” But we’ll still try.

It seems to me that the concept of happiness is best revealed not in the dry definitions of explanatory dictionaries, but in quotes and aphorisms about happiness.

Reflections of great people on happiness

Many sages and artists have thought about what happiness is and how to achieve it. All of them, of course, agreed on one opinion - man is the architect of his own happiness and it depends only on ourselves whether we can be happy. Quotes from great people about happiness also convey to us the idea that sometimes our happiness is much closer than we think.

“Once in a lifetime, happiness knocks on everyone’s door, but often everyone sits in the next tavern and does not hear the knock.”

Mark Twain

“Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.”


“Happiness comes to those who seek it and think about it the least. Happiness is not an object to be searched for; it's just a state. You don't need to follow happiness, it should follow you. It should take over you, not you over it.”

John Burroughs

“The situation with happiness is the same as with a watch: the simpler the mechanism, the less often it deteriorates.”

“Hope for happiness, even if deceptive, never causes harm to a person, because it makes life easier.”

Lope de Vega

“If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.”

Jules Renard

“A person’s exceptional happiness is to be in his constant favorite business.”

Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko

“Happiness sells to impatient people a great many things that it gives freely to the patient.”

Francis Bacon

Mikhail Prishvin

“I believe happiness is harmony between what we want from life and the reality in which we exist. When our expectations and reality coincide, we are happy. But they don’t always coincide, to put it mildly.”

Vladimir Yakovlev

Just read these lines... These are not just beautiful words. These meaningful happiness quotes are sure to get you thinking.

“Happiness begins with hatred of misfortune, with physiological disgust for everything that distorts and disfigures a person, with internal organic repulsion from everything that aches, groans, sighs...”

Maxim Gorky

“This is how fate sometimes plays with mortals: it either lifts them up, or casts them into the abyss. And this is how the world works that sometimes happiness already contains great misfortune.”

Pierre Corneille

“Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he did not need a friend.”

Lucius Anyaeus Seneca

“Happy people do not achieve success: they are so at peace with themselves that they are simply not interested in anything else.”

Agatha Christie

“Happy is he who can see beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing.”

Camille Pizarro

“And there is such silence in your soul that it seems you will suffocate from happiness...”

Eldar Ryazanov

“Behind the door of a happy person there should be someone with a knocker, constantly knocking and reminding him that there are unhappy people and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes.”

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“Perhaps even on the threshold of death a horseshoe of happiness is nailed.”

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“Happiness excludes old age. He who retains the ability to see beauty does not grow old.”

Franz Kafka

Remember that intense feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood? It was then that the feeling of it was most piercing and brightest. Quotes about children and happiness will help us remember this time.

“As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small joys on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.”

Nadeya Yasminska

“Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness.”

Victor Hugo

“You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy.”

Anton Makarenko

“Happiness is an imaginary state that was previously prescribed to the ancestors; Now adults usually attribute it to children, and children to adults.”

Thomas Szasz

Unfortunately, it is impossible to return to childhood on your own. But our children can return us to it for a short time. After all, love for a child is one of the most acute and unforgettable moments of happiness.

“Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she carried under her heart for months.”

“A woman’s most expensive necklace is the arms of a child hugging her.”

“When children are born, order, money, peace, relaxation disappear in the house - and happiness comes.”

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”

Oscar Wilde

A sincere smile is a sign of happiness

When we are happy, we smile. Such a smile cannot be confused with a polite or welcoming one. From such a smile, the eyes glow, and the person is transformed. Quotes about smiling and happiness reflect this very accurately.

“Smile, even if you feel very bad, in pain and want to cry, smile for real, with sincere joy, straighten your shoulders and straighten up, as if you are happy and proud and want to sing with happiness. The body will believe and rejoice, maybe not immediately, but very quickly, it simply does not know how to truly suffer when you sincerely smile. And after the body, the soul will rejoice again..."

Maria Semenova

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“The cheerful expression on the face is gradually reflected in the inner world.”

Immanuel Kant

Briefly about happiness

Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot of words to describe your vision of happiness. Evidence of this are short quotes about happiness - very laconic, but at the same time deep in meaning.

“To think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy is simply ridiculous.”


“The wise man forges his own happiness.”

Titus Maccius Plautus

“Whiteness has a lot of shades. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time.”

Andre Maurois

“There is no complete happiness without an admixture of suffering.”

William Shakespeare

“Happiness is like health: when it is there, you don’t notice it.”

Mikhail Bulgakov

“Happiness is pleasure without remorse.”

“The wickedest man’s face lights up when he is told that he is loved. Therefore, this is happiness...”

Leo Tolstoy

“There is and cannot be anything more terrible in the world than eternal happiness.”

Bernard Shaw

“How rarely we meet happiness... What a pity that sometimes we cannot save it...”

Yuri Kolchak

“Happiness is not an easy thing: it is difficult to find within yourself and it is not easy to find outside of yourself.”

Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

“Happiness has no comparative degree.”

Joris de Bruyn

“There is no such thing as chronic happiness, like unmelting ice.”

Alexander Herzen

“We are tormented not so much by the thirst for happiness as by the desire to be known as lucky.”

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.”

Emile Zola

“Whoever does not remember past happiness is already an old man today.”


Short quotes with meaning about happiness once again confirm that happiness and loneliness are incompatible things.

Isuna Hasekura

“A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others.”

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Happiness increases by sharing it with others.”

Julien Ofret de Lamettrie

“Happiness alone is not complete happiness.”

Alexandre Dumas the father

“Bringing happiness to someone is happiness in itself.”

Eiji Mikage

“A man increases his happiness to the extent that he gives it to others.”

Jeremy Bentham

“By striving for the happiness of others, we find our own.”


“We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.”

Bernard Shaw

About women's happiness

What is women's happiness? Children? Favorite person? Career? Is it even possible to describe it in one word? You can't do it alone. But several are possible. These are the kind of quotes about women’s happiness – short but succinct.

“A man’s happiness is called “I want”, a woman’s happiness is called “he wants!”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Women's happiness is the ability to move from one age to another. And a woman has three ages – daughter, wife and mother.”

Boris Akunin

“When you finally get what you wanted, it turns out it wasn’t what you wanted at all.”

Gertrude Stein

“If the woman in the house is happy, then the whole family is happy. If a woman is unhappy, no one is happy.”

How does women's happiness differ from men's? Well, besides the classic “if only a darling were nearby”? Sometimes completely unexpected things make a woman happy. Aphorisms about happiness with meaning will help us understand this.

“Very often a woman’s happiness does not come only because she has nothing to wear.”

“The most beautiful outfit of a woman is happiness. Wear it without taking it off!”
“When you put on heels, you feel like a chic woman, when you take them off, you feel like a happy person.”

“A real woman doesn’t need much. A real woman needs everything!”

“And I’m happy by default. And I don’t intend to change the settings!”

“How to make a woman happy? Good question... And if you are looking for the answer, look for it in your woman. She will tell you everything herself. No, of course, she won’t talk about it as openly as you would like... Just listen to her, listen very carefully. Everything she says, everything she wanted to say, but didn’t say, everything she could have said, but didn’t want to...

There are no instructions for women's happiness, and if there were, then each woman would have her own. And what makes one person happy may not be part of another at all. There are also ingredients that are the basis of all compositions, but they have been found a long time ago. These are the answers that lie on the surface, and your task is to recognize the deep desires. It is so important for her that you understand, that you hear between the words, read between the lines about what it is... HER happiness.

Happiness is not a reward for virtue, but virtue itself. (Spinoza)

Only the ugly duckling is happy. He has time to think alone about the meaning of life, friendship, read a book, and help other people. So he becomes a swan. Just need patience! (Marlene Dietrich)

Love tolerates domestic squabbles so poorly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other. (Honoré de Balzac)

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Gottfried Leibniz)

Happiness is the only thing you can give to someone else without taking anything away from yourself. (Carmen Silva)

Happiness comes when everything that used to irritate begins to bring pleasure... (A.V. Voloshanenko)

Happiness comes to those who work hard. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Happiness has no tomorrow, it doesn’t have yesterday either... it has only the present - and that’s not a day, but a moment. (I. S. Turgenev)

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it escapes. But if you shift your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder. (Viktor Frankl)

To be happy, a person must imagine himself free. (P. L. Kapitsa)

A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others. (I. Goethe)

There is no happiness in the world, but only peace and freedom. (A.S. Pushkin)

Happiness is a journey, not necessarily from world to world... This journey can be into the soul of another person, a journey into the world of a writer or poet... And not alone, but with the person you love. Maybe some trips, but together with the person you love, whose opinion you value. (Vladimir Vysotsky)

Happy hours are not observed. (A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”)

Happiness is not having what you want, but desiring what you have. (Osho)

Happiness is like a butterfly. The longer we chase it, the more it eludes us. But if you switch your gaze to other things, it will come and sit on your shoulder. (Henry David Thoreau)

If you ever find it while chasing happiness, you will, like the old woman looking for her glasses, discover that happiness was right on your nose all along. (Bernard Shaw)

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but we often look so long at the closed door that we do not notice the one that has opened. (Helen Keller)

The idea of ​​eternal happiness is crazy and overrated. Life's darkest moments push us to find happiness. One helps to appreciate the other. We are all in search of the meaning of life, love and all that is best for ourselves and those around us. (Brad Pitt)

What else to read