In contact minus 10 kg. Effective monthly diets for weight loss: a review of the best techniques. Advantages of Michel Montignac's nutritional system


This is a unique, effective diet, following which you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. Everyone loses weight on it: those who have naturally wide bones, unfavorable heredity, an innate tendency to be overweight, a slow metabolism and other complex circumstances that impede slimness. The main condition is to strictly observe it. Duration - 7 days.

Diet for every day

Days cannot be swapped; all dishes must be prepared without salt, butter and sugar.

Day 1

It can be called unloading. You can only drink. Regular and mineral water, green, black or herbal tea, vegetable juices, low-fat kefir, whey, berry compotes are suitable.
Chicken broth is also allowed, but strained and made from lean meat. But it is recommended to drink it as a last resort and not more than 1 liter. Plant-based, dairy-based drinks and water are preferred. Their volume is unlimited.

Day 2

You need to eat vegetables. They can be steamed, stewed in water or made into salads. Any kind is allowed except potatoes and beets.

All types of cabbage, celery, spinach, and cucumbers are recommended. They have a negative calorie content - they take up more energy for digestion than they contain themselves. Oil, spices and salt cannot be added. Only clean water is allowed to drink.

Day 3
Repeat the drinking day. The rule remains the same - all drinks are without sugar and salt. Meat broth - no more than 1 liter.

Day 4

This is fruit day - the most delicious. You can eat any fruit, but only fresh, and not in the form of jam. Exceptions are grapes and bananas, they are very high in calories.

Citrus fruits and pineapples are especially useful, accelerating fat burning. Drinks include pure water.

Day 5

Time to eat squirrels. The most satisfying day. Skinless chicken, natural low-fat yogurt without additives, kefir, boiled eggs or steam omelet are allowed.

Don't put salt anywhere.

You can drink water.

Day 6

It's another drinking day. We stock up on compotes, juices, milk, tea and water.

Sugar and any additives are prohibited.

The final stage, a smooth exit from the diet. In the morning you need to eat 2 soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs. For a snack, grapefruit or any fruit, except prohibited ones, is suitable. For lunch - liquid rice porridge or vegetable soup of your choice. For afternoon snack - fruit again. In the evening you can have a vegetable salad for dinner. You can season it with a spoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Despite its strictness, the diet is easily tolerated by most people. The diet is quite rich and varied, food can be taken an unlimited number of times.

Days cannot be rearranged. It is also prohibited to make adjustments to the menu. If you suddenly feel unwell while on a diet - you feel very weak or tired, return to your previous diet.

Moderate physical activity is encouraged on the “Best” diet. For example, swimming, walking, yoga, Pilates. Intense training during this period is not recommended.

Despite the fact that the diet is relatively easy to tolerate, there are a number of contraindications. This weight loss system is not recommended for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

You also should not adhere to a diet called “Best” if you have acute and chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and a number of others. Please consult your doctor if you have any health problems!

An effective way to lose excess weight in two weeks using a protein or buckwheat menu is a 14-day diet Minus 10 kg. The process of losing weight is carried out by reducing calories to a minimum. After the 14-day course, you need to gradually increase your calorie intake to your average daily requirement and stick to it in everyday life. The result will be sustainable if you enter correctly and then fix the diet.

How long does it take to lose 10 kg?

A complex physiological process is losing weight. It is highly not recommended to go on exhausting diets in order to lose weight in the shortest possible time. This depletes the body, because by and large you lose weight not due to fat mass, but due to excess water and muscles. It is worth remembering that comfortable weight loss is 1 kg per week. However, if you only have two weeks until the “X” moment, then you can resort to similar methods.

How to lose 10 kg in 14 days

During this period, you need to completely reconsider your habits. This applies not only to nutrition, but also to lifestyle. If your weight reserve allows (the first stage of obesity), then a diet of 10 kg in 2 weeks will help you get rid of several centimeters. You need to start with your daily routine. Divide all meals into 6-8 parts, between meals drink clean water, green tea, coffee (no more than 400 ml per day). Drinking plenty of fluids will help boost your metabolism, which will contribute to rapid and high-quality weight loss. A sufficient volume of fluid in the body will ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food should be healthy, low-calorie and balanced. The average caloric intake per day on such a diet is approximately 500 kcal. Diet for 2 weeks Minus 10 kg will be more effective with moderate physical activity. However, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with hyper-intense training, because this can quickly deplete the body’s nutrient reserves. You can track the number of calories consumed and the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJC) using online counters or mobile applications.

Effective diet for 14 days

To achieve better results, you should exclude sweets and starchy foods during your weight loss period. It is not advisable to skip the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), unlike snacks. If you don't feel very hungry, then skipping snacks will only speed up your weight loss process. The Minus 10 kg diet in 14 days, paired with moderate physical activity, will help you lose excess weight and get closer to the figure of your dreams.


A diet for weight loss based on protein foods is one of the most effective. The diet is designed for an active lifestyle, so exercise in the gym, at home, or in the fresh air is welcome. The calorie content of the protein diet should not exceed 700 kcal. You can eat lean meats, poultry, eggs, milk, kefir and other fermented milk products. This diet Minus 10 kg in 2 weeks will help you lose inches and strengthen your muscles. The diet can be diluted with fresh vegetables, but they must fit into the daily caloric intake.


An option such as a buckwheat diet for 14 days Minus 10 kg is suitable for people who do not tolerate headaches well. During the day you can only eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities. You need to cook the cereal in water, preferably without salt. It is difficult to eat one dish for two weeks, so sometimes you can add dried fruits to the porridge, but in quantities of no more than a handful. Choose the serving size based on your needs, but do not overeat.


The specific German 14-day diet Minus 10 kg does not imply a strong calorie restriction. You need to strictly adhere to the time of eating and a certain sequence of dishes. Nutrition should be rational. Even before eating, the body will know how many resources it will need to spend on digesting food. This way he will complete the task faster and use all the calories for their intended purpose, preventing weight gain.


The egg diet is supposed to be a type of protein diet. For two weeks, the basis of the diet should be proteins predominantly of animal origin. For better absorption of protein foods, it is better to combine them with fresh vegetables. Dishes can be boiled, baked, steamed, or fried in a dry frying pan without oil. Eat no more than two egg yolks per day - they cover the daily requirement in fats, low-fat fermented milk products, lean meats and fish.

Video: diet for two weeks Minus 10

Lose weight by 10 kg perhaps if you have extra pounds in your body. “Excess” weight is called for a reason: if you start eating, the kilograms unnecessary for life will quickly go away. If excess weight is a figment of your imagination, your body will be reluctant to part with its rightful kilograms. Our service will help you calculate your ideal weight Body mass index .

In a week you can actually lose 2-3 kg, and in a month you can lose 10 kg. There is nothing criminal in the desire to go on a diet and “sculpt” the body of your dreams. But do everything wisely: many girls, in an effort to quickly lose weight, neglect basic nutritional rules and harm their health.

How to lose 10 kg

There are times when you need to lose weight quickly: a photo shoot, a celebration, a vacation. In such cases, the simplest diets for 10 days are effective: buckwheat diet, fasting days on apples, grapefruits, kefir. A 10-day diet gives quick but short-term results. Diet for 10 days It’s even good for the body, but only if you’ve prepared for extreme unloading: you started eating less in advance, and gave up flour and meat dishes. You need to “get up” from a fast diet after getting the desired result gradually. Remember that when you return to normal eating, you will gain weight again. Therefore, it is better to plan your diet for a month and then continue to eat right. How to quickly lose weight after the holidays.

Lose 10 kg correctly

Celery is a unique product. The body spends more calories digesting it than it receives from the product itself. Avoiding dinner will help you lose weight quickly. Have a hearty breakfast, have lunch late, and instead of dinner, drink a glass of kefir or eat a vegetable salad. This will not harm yourself: at night the body does not need calories and energy.

Many people in the modern world have ever thought about their weight, but mainly about its excess. The thing is that our lives move at an accelerated pace and force many to eat on the go or skip meals altogether. And as a result, improper and irrational nutrition causes extra pounds and other problems associated with them. Especially so that every person can normalize their weight, nutritionists from all countries annually develop a variety of diets that can help lose extra pounds.

In the article below we will try to analyze several similar diets, which, with the right approach, will relieve a person losing weight from 10 kg in 10 days.

Lose weight correctly and without harm to the body

To begin with, before going on a diet, every person should clearly understand that the body will have a hard time on fasting days. Crash diets with a minimum number of calories consumed are very difficult; a truly strong person can withstand them.

If you have clearly decided that you have fairly good willpower and can control yourself and not allow yourself to be weak when it comes to food, then the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor. The fact is that any diet is stress for internal organs, and before sticking to its menu, you need to consult a specialist.

If the doctor gives the go-ahead, then you can already think about choosing a diet that you like.

There are a huge number of diets that help you lose weight by 10 kg in 10 days, here are a few of them:

  • protein;
  • kefir;
  • buckwheat;
  • cabbage

The point of these diets is to exclude certain foods from the ten-day diet. It is strictly prohibited to eat sweets, cereals, flour products, smoked meats, and pasta. And as a drinking recharge, you should use clean water or herbal teas.

Diet "10x10", or protein

This diet (10 kg in 10 days) is one of the more famous and less strict. Its load on the body is distributed evenly and does not cause severe damage. Her diet is rich in proteins and helps to lose weight due to fat deposits, but when choosing a protein diet, you should know that it is contraindicated for those who are very overweight.

Diet rules:

  • Eating sweets, flour, and sausages is strictly prohibited; alcohol, fatty dairy products, sugar, fruits, and starchy vegetables are also prohibited.
  • A result of minus 10 kg in 10 days can only be achieved if you eat strictly five times a day.

Sample menu No. 1

  • Breakfast is served with a soft-boiled chicken egg, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and Chinese cabbage, coffee or tea (preferably the green variety).
  • During a snack - cheese (hard variety), lettuce leaves.
  • Lunch - grilled chicken breast, light salad, unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack - berries, kefir (200 g).
  • Dinner - vegetables baked under a cheese coat, salmon fillet, 200 g of kefir.

Second day:

  • Breakfast - omelet with tomatoes and herbs, yogurt (natural), tea.
  • Snack - kefir, any berries.
  • Lunch - fish fillet, vegetable stew.
  • Afternoon snack - tomato or cucumber stuffed with cheese.
  • Dinner - beef steak, vegetable salad, a cup of tea, 200 ml of kefir is allowed at night.
  • First breakfast - omelet with celery and cheese, tea (coffee).
  • Second breakfast - yogurt.
  • Lunch break - fish fillet, light vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack - kefir, berries.
  • Dinner - pork fillet (grilled), steamed cabbage, tea.

The next day:

  • Breakfast - berries with yogurt dressing, soft-boiled egg, tea.
  • Snack - cottage cheese, celery leaves.
  • Lunch break - fish fillet, salad.
  • Snack - berries, kefir.
  • Dinner - breast, zucchini pancakes, tea (kefir).

Middle of the diet menu:

  • For breakfast - cottage cheese with a handful of berries, coffee.
  • During a snack - Caesar salad
  • For lunch - vegetable salad, fish fillet.
  • For afternoon snack - rolls.
  • For dinner - beef steak, asparagus with cheese, tea.

Day number six:

  • Cottage cheese with berries, coffee.
  • Chicken breast, Salsa salad.
  • Salmon, noodle soup with mushrooms.
  • Cheese, celery.
  • Breast, asparagus, tea.
  • Omelet with tomatoes, yogurt, tea.
  • "Caesar".
  • Fish, baked vegetables.
  • Breast, Guacamole salad, tea.

Menu that gets rid of 10 kg in 10 days No. 2

  • First day: boiled eggs (five pieces).
  • Second day: one boiled fish.
  • Third day: boiled chicken breast.
  • Fourth day: five boiled potatoes.
  • Fifth day: half a kilogram of boiled beef.
  • Sixth day: fruits (bananas are prohibited).
  • Seventh day: vegetable salad with sunflower oil.
  • Eighth day: 500 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Ninth day: liter of kefir (low fat content).
  • Tenth day: rosehip decoction.

The “10x10” diet stimulates the burning of fat deposits, not muscles, reduces the risk of diabetes and addiction to sweets, and protects against heart and vascular diseases.

Kefir diet: 10 days - 10 kg

Kefir is the main nutritional element in this diet. You should drink at least one and a half liters a day. This product not only can give you a slim figure, but also brings health benefits. It normalizes the entire digestive system, removes toxins, is a source of nutrients, satisfies hunger well and enriches the microflora with “useful” bacteria. According to the rules of the diet, each meal should be eaten after three hours.

  • During the first three days of the diet, we consume only kefir.
  • For the next three days, we eat one and a half kilograms of apples (preferably green).
  • Then kefir again for three days.
  • The final day of the diet is the hardest. You are only allowed to drink water.

The diet is very strict, so before using it you should think about whether you have enough willpower to lose weight with its help.

Buckwheat diet

In this food system, the main product is buckwheat. Cereals should be poured with boiling water (1:2) overnight and consumed the next day. Buckwheat is a very healthy product, it has many vitamins, and its consumption usually has a beneficial effect on the body. Diet rule: drink plenty of fluids (preferably clean water).

  • We eat one buckwheat every day.
  • Just before breakfast we drink a glass of water, eat a teaspoon of honey and two slices of lemon.

This diet is monotonous and difficult, but with its help you can get rid of 10 kg in 10 days and not cause much harm to the body.

Cabbage diet

Cabbage is a low-calorie product that helps you lose weight very quickly. The cabbage diet allows, in addition to the main ingredient, to eat chicken, fish and meat, and the amount of plant consumed is not limited. Therefore, this diet is usually easily tolerated and does not make you hungry. In addition, the coarse fiber of the vegetable remarkably regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Cabbage diet 10 days minus 10 kg (menu):

  • During breakfast: coffee or green tea (without milk or sugar).
  • During lunch: boiled chicken (fish or beef) no more than 200 grams and cabbage salad with carrots and vegetable oil.
  • During dinner: ½ chicken egg, a small apple, fresh cabbage salad.

By adhering to the above diet, you can easily get rid of 10 kg in 10 days. To diversify the menu, two hours before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir (no more than 1% fat content). Any day you can swap cabbage salad for cabbage puree soup with added vegetables.

The main advantage of the cabbage diet is the most effective weight loss, long-term results, and cleansing the body of toxins.

The disadvantages of the diet are decreased performance, possible headaches, and a feeling of hunger. The diet is not balanced and requires additional vitamin intake.

Proper nutrition is the main component of good health, a fit body and a good mood. To lose weight in 1 month, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with fasting or hard training. It is important to review your eating habits and switch to a healthy, balanced diet. This will help not only lose 10–12 kg in a month, but also restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism, and completely improve the health of the body. It is recommended to approach dietary changes pedantically, choosing an effective diet to suit the individual characteristics of your body.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

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    Diet for 1 month: advantages and disadvantages

    Nutritionists advise all men and women who are losing weight to lose weight gradually. Losing weight in 1 month is the optimal period for painless weight loss without harm to health. The body adjusts to a new diet without the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases or failures. The thirty-day diet is beneficial because it not only helps you get rid of excess fat, but also allows you to change your eating habits later in life. A light diet for a month is used to lose 10–12 kg and makes it possible not to gain it again.

    The duration of the diet is its feature, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is difficult to comply with all restrictions for a long time. But if in thirty days you managed to tune in to the correct dietary regimen and get used to it, then the result will be a good mood and well-being, getting rid of extra pounds and a toned figure.

    Pros and cons of the diet for 1 month:

    The choice of method for losing weight depends on your goal. To lose 5, 10 or 20 kg of weight, you need different approaches. This determines the diet and level of physical activity.

    Mistakes that prevent you from losing weight

    Bad habits and non-compliance with certain rules become an obstacle to losing weight. These include:

    1. 1. Drinking insufficient water. To enhance effectiveness, you need to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning and throughout the day in small sips.
    2. 2. Last meal of the day laterthan 3 hours before bedtime. After eating, blood sugar levels rise and insulin is produced. Muscle growth stops and fat tissue forms. For this reason, eating at night is not recommended.
    3. 3. A combination of carbohydrates and fats in one meal. These are not compatible food products; they require different chemical environments for their absorption.
    4. 4. Lack of sleep. During the diet you need to get enough sleep. Healthy, full sleep is the key to a positive attitude and vigor. A hormone is produced that breaks down fats, so there is no feeling of hunger.

    Basic rules for losing weight

    In order to achieve sustainable results during a monthly diet, losing up to 10-12 kg of weight, you must follow the general recommendations:

    1. 1. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of salt and sugar.
    2. 2. Eat regularly, in small portions, at the same time.
    3. 3. Drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day, except tea, juices and broths. Water reduces hunger and increases metabolism.
    4. 4. Perform moderate physical activity, which will speed up the burning of calories.
    5. 5. Adhere to a proper balanced diet, taking into account the norm of dietary nutrition, compatibility and calorie content of foods, as well as a gradual reduction in quantity and portions.

    With this approach, the lost kilograms will not return, and there will be no harm to your health.

    Permitted and prohibited products are presented in the table.

    Diet options for a month

    There are plenty of dietary methods, but they all imply, in addition to basic rules on eating behavior and food choice, giving up bad habits that slow down metabolism (smoking, alcohol) and moderate physical activity.

    Light: minus 10 kg

    You are allowed to choose your diet yourself, subject to general recommendations. Eating five balanced meals a day in small portions will help you not feel hungry. If the menu is varied, you can do without taking multivitamin complexes.

    An example of a menu for a light diet is presented in the table.

    Correct: minus 15 kg

    If the goal is to lose 15 kg, then a more limited menu and intense physical activity is required. Diet guidelines are complex carbohydrates with a long absorption period and a high content of polysaccharides. They eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, satiate, and do not lead to fat deposits. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish.

    The transition to a new diet should be smooth. When on a restricted diet, the body needs a balanced diet to effectively lose weight and feel good.

    An example menu is presented in the table.

    As snacks for second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can use:

    • 1 tbsp. kefir;
    • natural yogurt;
    • any fruit - 1 pc.;
    • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed fruit juice;
    • 1 piece of black bread or cracker.

    Strict: minus 20 kg

    The diet is low-calorie and requires endurance. During the first week of a new diet, a restructuring occurs, and dizziness and weakness may occur. Usually these symptoms pass quickly. The body gradually gets used to the reduction in calories.

    A strict diet requires preparation. A week before the start, it is recommended to gradually reduce the calorie content of food and portion sizes, reduce or eliminate sweets, and also give up alcohol and smoking.

    Rules for following a strict diet:

    1. 1. The day before switching to a new diet, the intestines are cleansed using an enema or using a laxative.
    2. 2. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended menu.
    3. 3. You need a plentiful drinking regime, which will speed up metabolism and weight loss, and eliminate constipation.
    4. 4. It is recommended to spend the first days of the diet at home to make it easier to endure attacks of weakness and increased fatigue.

    Menu 1, 2, 3 weeks of a strict diet:

    Menu for the 4th week of a strict diet (combined mono-diet):

    The last week is decisive, during which time intensive weight loss occurs. The body begins to get used to the new diet, and health improves. At the same time, it is possible to lose up to 8 kg of excess weight.

    Michel Montignac's weight loss method

    The Montignac system is based on several simple principles, following which you can rebuild your diet and get rid of excess weight. The technique does not apply to strict diets, as it does not involve food restrictions. Its effectiveness lies in the correct choice of products and suitable combinations.

    Basic Rules:

    • limiting or completely avoiding carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index;
    • exclusion of saturated fatty acids;
    • consumption of plant foods with unsaturated fatty acids;
    • selection of combined plant and animal proteins.

    Advantages of the Michel Montignac nutrition system:

    • no salt restrictions;
    • varied nutritious diet;
    • lack of hunger;
    • normalization of metabolism;
    • healing of the body and gastrointestinal tract.

    The first stage of the method is weight loss

    The first stage involves limiting carbohydrates for weight loss, switching to foods with a low glycemic index (no more than 36).

    High GI foods increase blood sugar levels. To balance it, insulin is produced by the pancreas. Constantly eating a high GI diet leads to problems with insulin recognition. Then its production becomes excessive, and the sugar level does not decrease. This causes disruption of digestive enzymes and accumulation of excess fat deposits.

    You should strive to ensure that, after eating, the sugar level does not increase and the amount of insulin remains low. At this stage of eating according to the Michel Montignac system, it is important to adhere to the choice of low GI foods. Thanks to this, excess calories, fat deposits, and weight loss are burned.

    Table of foods with glycemic index (GI):

    High GI foods Medium GI foods Low GI foods
    The product's name GI value The product's name GI value The product's name GI value
    Dates146 Wheat flour, unleavened flatbread69 Grapes, fresh peas, mamaliga (corn porridge), freshly squeezed orange and apple juice, grain bread40
    French baguette136 Wheat groats68 Fish fingers38
    Beer110 Croissant67 Wholemeal vermicelli37
    Shortbread cookies106 Swiss muesli, quick oatmeal, pea soup, pineapple, biscuit66 Bean soup36
    Watermelon, bagels103 Boiled potatoes in their jackets, canned vegetables, semolina, bananas, melon, black bread65 Oranges, Chinese vermicelli, soy milk ice cream, dry peas, figs, natural yogurt (low-fat), dried apricots, maize, fresh carrots35
    Wheat bread toast100 Raisins, macaroni and cheese, bean soup, beets64 Pears, sprouted rye grains, chocolate milk34
    Glucose96 Sprouted wheat grains63 Peanut butter, strawberries, whole milk, beans32
    Baked potatoes95 Wheat flour pancakes, Twix bar62 Green bananas, black beans, Turkish peas, berry marmalade, soy milk, 2% fat milk, peaches, apples30
    Rice flour94 White rice, tomato pizza, pea soup60 Sausages28
    Hamburger buns92 Pies, sucrose59 Strawberries27
    Canned apricots91 Papaya58 Red lentils25
    Pasta, mashed potatoes, honey90 Pita arabica, wild rice57 Cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruits, pearl barley, plums, green lentils, chocolate (70% cocoa)22
    Donuts88 Mango, oatmeal and butter cookies, fruit salad55 Fresh apricots, peanuts, dry soybeans, fructose20
    Ice cream87 Sweet yogurt, tomato juice52 Rice bran19
    Corn flakes, boiled carrots, popcorn, white bread85 Bran51 Pickled white cabbage, celery, red bell pepper, black olives16
    Mashed potato powder, boiled potatoes, white rice83 Sweet potatoes, kiwi, buckwheat, bread and pancakes made from buckwheat flour, sorbet50 Walnut15
    Beans, potato chips, crackers, muesli with nuts80 Oatmeal49 Spinach, dill, squash caviar, chili pepper, Brussels sprouts, boiled cauliflower, fresh turnips, green onions, black currants14
    Brown rice79 Canned green peas, grape and grapefruit juice without sugar48 Zucchini, radish, squash13
    Canned corn78 Fruit bread47 Fresh tomatoes, green peppers, avocado11
    Unsweetened waffles76 Candy, pineapple juice without sugar46 Eggplant, broccoli, mushrooms, green peppers, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, lettuce, garlic10
    Zucchini, pumpkin75 Bran bread45 Sorrel, onions, lettuce9
    Ready orange juice, ground crackers, sweet potato74 Canned pears, lentil soup44 Sunflower seeds8
    Millet71 Colored beans42 Parsley6
    Ravioli, dumplings, milk chocolate, starch, boiled corn, fruit chips in sugar, marmalade, jam, Mars and Snickers bars, turnips, sugar70 Canned Turkish peas41 Basil, oregano4

    Second stage - consolidation

    During this period, the emphasis is on stabilizing what has been achieved and consolidating the results. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the chosen diet with a permissible expansion of the list of products.

    An important condition is to drink up to 2 liters of clean water every day.

    Rules for the second stage of nutrition according to the Montignac system:

    • a large amount of fish and fish dishes;
    • eating whole grain bread;
    • refusal of sweets (including honey, jam, sweets, sugar) and flour;
    • drinking decaffeinated coffee;
    • avoidance of sweet lemonades and carbonated drinks;
    • consumption of vegetable fats;
    • when consuming fats and carbohydrates simultaneously, add fiber in the form of a vegetable salad;
    • minimum or complete exclusion of harmful carbohydrates (high GI carbohydrate foods).

    John Pegano's Therapeutic Diet

    The nutritional method developed by the American John Pegano helps to completely heal the body. It is especially effective in treating skin diseases. The doctor used three principles: proper nutrition, regular cleansing of toxins, wellness treatments, and a positive mood.

    The technique is based on the consumption of foods that maintain a healthy chemical balance within the body: vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, and plenty of clean water. The diet leads to the restoration of the acid-base balance and complete recovery.

    Acid-base balance and health

    Principles of the John Pegano technique:

    Action Target Methods Duration
    Cleansing the bodyCleansing the intestines and gastrointestinal tractFruit mono- or combined diet based on citrus fruits or apples; colon cleansing (colon therapy); enterosorbents7-8 days
    Health improvementNormalization of intestinal function, elimination of toxins, strengthening the immune system, healing jointsDiet based on alkaline-forming foods, bowel movementsConstantly
    Physical exerciseSpinal healthTherapeutic exercises for the spineConstantly
    Health and beauty treatmentsSkin cleansingBath, sauna, masks, body wraps, proper rest and recovery, relaxation, comfortable environment, reading, musicConstantly
    Normalization of the psychological situationPositive attitudeCreating a calm, harmonious environmentConstantly

    Basic nutrition rules:

    1. 1. Do not exceed the norm of acid-forming products at one time.
    2. 2. Do not mix meat and starchy products.
    3. 3. Do not consume citrus fruits and dairy products at the same time.
    4. 4. Consume cereals, fruits, and grains separately.
    5. 5. Eat watermelons, melons, bananas and raw apples separately from other foods.
    6. 6. Drink tea without milk, sugar and cream.

    According to the recommendations of John Pegano, up to 70-80% of the total diet consists of alkali-forming foods, and only 20% is acid-forming. By correctly combining the products allowed in this method, you can lose excess weight, get rid of cosmetic problems, and improve your body's health.

    Product category Allowed Prohibited
    Berries, fruitsApricots, grapes, kiwi, peaches, apples, figs, dates, citrus fruits, bananas, melon, most berriesPrunes, blueberries, plums, strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries
    VegetablesCarrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, onions, garlicPotatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants
    Fish, seafoodFlounder, salmon, tuna, trout, halibut, perch, cod, sardines (baked or boiled)Fried, fatty and smoked fish, shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters, anchovies
    EggsBoiled eggsFried
    MeatBoiled or baked lean lamb (170 g at a time), dietary skinless chickenAll types of red meat, goose, duck meat
    Meat products- Sausage, sausages, ham, offal (heart, liver, kidneys, brains)
    Milk productsLow-fat or low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, unsalted cheese)Full-fat dairy products, ice cream
    CerealsBrown or wild rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn grits, millet, wheat, barley, branWhite rice, semolina
    Baking, flourCorn flour, wholemeal pasta, whole grain breadYeast baked goods, baked goods, industrial confectionery products, white flour pasta
    OilSunflower, olive, cottonseed, corn, rapeseed, low-fat butterMargarine, spread, high fat butter, coconut oil
    BeveragesHerbal teas, decoctions and infusions, freshly squeezed juices, decoction of watermelon seedsTomato juice, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks
    Nutritional supplements

    Granulated lecithin 1 tbsp. spoon a day

    Other additives

    Menu according to the Pegano method:

    Eating 1st day 2nd day 3rd day
    BreakfastOatmeal with dried fruits and water, green or herbal teaSandwich with cheese and fresh cucumber, soft-boiled egg, herbal teaCurd casserole, berry jelly
    DinnerVegetable soup, boiled breast, compoteBuckwheat soup, fresh cabbage salad, piece of boiled veal, fruit teaSoup with chicken and mushrooms, cucumber salad with spinach, baked fish, compote
    Afternoon snackLow-fat yogurtLow-fat cottage cheese with fruitsBiscuits, compote
    DinnerBaked fish, cucumber salad with herbs and lemon juice, herbal teaLean lamb with stewed or baked vegetables, compoteStewed vegetables, pasta, fresh pineapple, herbal tea

    The Pegano method diet should be followed for at least one to one and a half months in order to notice dramatic changes in the external and internal state of the body.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

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