Eating broccoli at various stages of pancreatitis. Broccoli puree soup. The composition and useful qualities of the vegetable

With pancreatitis, gastroenterologists recommend using broccoli cabbage because of the wealth of medicinal properties that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas. In addition, broccoli contains a variety of vitamins - A, C, E, as well as H, K, PP and minerals - Ca, Cr, K, I and Mg. This overseas vegetable contains B vitamins, which enhance the effect of trace elements on the human body.

The soft fiber in broccoli makes this cabbage one of the healthiest. This vegetable does not overload the pancreas and has a calming effect on it. Broccoli is indispensable in medical dietary nutrition due to its surprisingly low calorie content, because 100 g of the product contains only 27 kcal. This cabbage variety has excellent taste. It can be prepared in a variety of ways:

  • boil;
  • steam;
  • make soufflĂ© or puree soup;
  • add boiled broccoli to salads, casseroles, or serve as a side dish.

Despite all the advantages of this indispensable vegetable, patients with pancreatitis should adhere to the main features of the culinary processing of this healthy and delicious cabbage.

Broccoli for acute pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to exclude this product from the diet. It is also not recommended to consume broccoli with increased acidity of the stomach. It is better to include this cabbage in the diet for the prevention of pancreatitis, using both young sprouts and mature vegetables.

Broccoli for pancreatitis remission

In the diet of patients in remission, broccoli will become an excellent variety to garnish and the main source of vitamins and minerals. This cabbage is indispensable for a quick recovery of strength, especially for a weakened body. When consumed regularly, broccoli reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and is the best way to prevent cancer. In addition, sulforaphane in broccoli has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on pancreatic disease.

For patients who are in remission of pancreatitis, you can add boiled and steamed broccoli to the diet, bake in the oven, add to soup, stew separately, or prepare a vegetable stew. The only limitation is fresh, pickled and batter-fried cabbage.

In order to preserve all the beneficial properties of broccoli after culinary processing, it should be cooked no more than two minutes after boiling water. And in order for the cabbage to have such a rich green color, after cooking it is necessary to place the inflorescences in cold water.

Follow the basic rules for preparing this incredibly healthy vegetable and delight yourself with the exquisite and delicate taste of broccoli!

During inflammation of the pancreatic gland, the patient is strongly advised to adhere to a diet. Foods included in the diet should be non-fatty, low-calorie, low-salt, but healthy. One of these foods is broccoli. This vegetable has recently entered the everyday menu of Russians, but has already won universal affection. This type of cabbage contains many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, iodine and others.

Broccoli contains less fiber than regular cabbage, which is more beneficial for an inflamed pancreas. A small amount of calories is the best fit for a dietary table.

Can broccoli be used for pancreatitis?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to clarify what forms of pancreatitis are and how they differ. Acute pancreatitis occurs suddenly with severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The acute form may occur for the first time or against the background of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

At the time of acute inflammation, the patient should be on a starving diet for about three days. At this time, you can not eat any products, you need to drink only one water without gas. Starting from the fourth day, light meals, low in fat and fiber, are introduced into the patient's diet. Broccoli is perfect for these purposes. While taking dishes from this variety of cabbage, the pancreas is not overloaded, and the digestive system quickly digests the incoming food.

With chronic pancreatitis, the patient must follow a diet for life. Any relief in the form of eating fatty foods or alcoholic beverages can cause an exacerbation. You can diversify your dietary table with broccoli. You can make soups from it - mashed potatoes, casseroles, side dishes and much more. During the period of remission, cabbage can be baked with a small amount of sunflower oil.

With a stable remission, it is allowed to diversify the diet with various broccoli dishes.

  • Broccoli puree soup. To prepare the dish, you will need cabbage, raw or frozen, potatoes, cream, cheese. Put vegetables in boiling, lightly salted water and reduce heat. After 20 minutes, remove the vegetables and beat with a blender. The resulting mass is sent back to the pan, cream and grated cheese are added to it. During an acute exacerbation, cheese and cream are removed from the recipe.
  • Casserole. In order for the finished dish to be soft and pleasant to the taste, the cabbage must first be boiled for five minutes. For cooking, you need eggs, milk, cheese and of course broccoli. Beat eggs with milk and set aside for now. Put boiled cabbage in a baking dish. Next, cheese cut into pieces is added to it and all this is poured with an egg mixture. The casserole is baked at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
  • Steamed broccoli. This is probably the easiest way to cook cabbage. You can prepare a dietary meal using a double boiler or a regular saucepan. During steam processing, the product retains the maximum amount of nutrients.

During the chronic form of pancreatitis, do not forget that frying the inflorescences in oil is undesirable, this can provoke another exacerbation.

Useful properties of the product for inflammation of the pancreas

Broccoli is an indispensable food product for patients with pancreatitis. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the diseased organ. Due to the small amount of fiber, cabbage is easily digestible and helps the intestines to cope with constipation. The product has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole:

  • Removes toxins;
  • Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Has an antitumor effect;
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Provides natural calcium to the body;
  • Does not allow the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • Increases immunity;
  • With the help of chlorophyll, the cells of the pancreatic gland are strengthened, they become more resistant to the effects of aggressive enzymes.

However, due to individual intolerance, broccoli has a negative effect on the body of some people. If, when using this type of cabbage, a person notices bloating, belching, diarrhea - it is worth postponing the introduction of this product into the diet.

The daily rate of any dish prepared from broccoli is no more than two hundred grams. In acute pancreatitis, you need to slightly reduce the amount of cabbage consumed in the first days after an exacerbation.

Broccoli dishes for pancreatitis are not only a variety in the patient's diet menu, but also provide the body with numerous vitamins and minerals. In order for the product to retain all its useful properties, it is not necessary to subject it to heat treatment for a long time, it is enough to cook it for about 15 minutes and the product is ready for use. Not only mature inflorescences, but also young cabbage sprouts are suitable for eating during inflammation of the pancreas.

This once exotic type of cabbage has firmly established itself in the daily diet of Russians. Broccoli is great for both therapeutic diets and the diet of a person who just wants to maintain or maintain their health. In addition, an emerald or purple (there are also such varieties of broccoli) vegetable revives and decorates boring dishes, making them more interesting and appetizing.

Broccoli in the acute phase of pancreatitis

Broccoli has excellent nutritional properties because

  • contains high-quality vegetable proteins (there are 2 times more of them than in the usual cauliflower), so necessary to restore the damaged pancreas;
  • due to chlorophyll, it strengthens the membranes of all cells (including the pancreas), making them more resistant to the destructive effects of pancreatic enzymes.

But in a number of patients, it provokes colic, bloating and sometimes diarrhea. The unfavorable effect is explained by the presence of fiber in broccoli (about 2.6 g per 100 g of product). Therefore, it is better to introduce it not at the very beginning of the medical nutrition, but after other "dietary" vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, etc.) and provided that they are well tolerated. Soups, mashed potatoes, steamed puddings, and stews are made from boiled and mashed broccoli.

If eating these dishes is accompanied by the aforementioned unpleasant symptoms, then the introduction of broccoli into the diet should be postponed until the phase of food rehabilitation. Another contraindication to broccoli may be its individual intolerance, then patients will have to completely abandon the healthy vegetable.

Broccoli in remission

Stable remission allows you to diversify the culinary processing of broccoli and expand the list of dishes from it. Vegetables are allowed to be stewed, baked and eaten raw, cooked with it casseroles, closed and open pies, side dishes, salads.

When consumed systematically, broccoli can realize its many medicinal properties. After all, she:

  • low in calories;
  • is an excellent herbal supplier of dietary calcium (47 mg in 100 g of broccoli), which is necessary for the maintenance of teeth and bones;
  • prevents the accumulation of cholesterol (due to lipolytic substances - choline and methionine);
  • improves blood formation and immunity (chlorophyll action);
  • relieves toxins and toxins (due to soluble fiber);
  • protects against cancer cells (thanks to anetoltrithione, synergine, sulforaphene and indole-3-carbitol);
  • prevents depression (effect of serotonin);
  • has antioxidant activity.

In addition, by eating 100 g of broccoli, patients receive 99.1% of the daily value of ascorbic acid and 85% of the necessary vitamin K.


Maximum daily serving of broccoli for chronic pancreatitis:

  • exacerbation phase - about 200 g (subject to adequate tolerance).
  • phase of stable remission - about 200 g

In acute pancreatitis - about 200 g (subject to adequate tolerance).

Several dozen types of cabbage are used for food, they differ in appearance, taste, and chemical composition. The effect of each of the varieties on the inflamed pancreas is different.

There are several good reasons for this:

  • Cabbage juice increases the acidity in the stomach.
  • The vegetable is rich in fiber, which requires a lot of enzymes for digestion. An unhealthy pancreas is not able to provide them; within a quarter of an hour after a portion of cabbage salad, the patient develops bloating, flatulence, and pain.
  • In order to assimilate a complex product, the pancreas begins to actively produce enzymes, this is not good for the inflammatory process, even if it is dying down.

All this applies to raw or sauerkraut; it is allowed to eat stewed or boiled cabbage as part of soups, without spices and fatty, hot sauces in moderation.

Even babies can eat cauliflower, it is not for nothing that this vegetable is introduced into the baby's diet as one of the first complementary foods. It is well absorbed, does not irritate the mucous membrane, does not provoke flatulence. But we are talking about a stewed, boiled vegetable - fried, pickled cannot be used.

Features of the diet of patients with pancreatitis: golden rules

When drawing up a diet for a patient with pancreatitis, the doctor takes into account the following aspects:

  • Nutrition is based on a sparing principle and should promote recovery. It is important to minimize the likelihood of relapse.
  • Maximum rest is created for the pancreas during treatment. Products are selected based on whether they can irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract or not. The latter make up a list of those permitted for use.
  • At the same time, the diet should be varied, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Fats are limited as much as possible. Protein and carbohydrates must be supplied in the required amount.

Mushrooms - the heroes of our article, have a long range of positive properties. For example, they are characterized by a high level of protein and essential amino acids. Fats are present in modest amounts. And the low calorie content allows you to get enough of a small portion and not put on weight. It is all the more surprising that mushrooms are a product that is not allowed in the presence of pancreatic inflammation.

Broccoli has been recognized for its incomparable nutritional benefits many years ago. Moreover, in terms of its effect on the gland, the vegetable has a beneficial effect. But often it is accompanied by colic, diarrhea and bloating, due to which broccoli is also excluded from the diet of patients.

The pancreas is a tiny, but at the same time, rather bizarre gland. If there is a problem with it, then a person needs to refrain from familiar products. In order to reduce the likelihood of acute or permanent pancreatitis, a special diet called 5P is required.

What can you eat with pancreatitis? This will be discussed in this article.

Can broccoli be used for patients with pancreatitis?

The materials are published for information purposes only, and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult an endocrinologist at your hospital!

Is it possible to mushrooms with pancreatitis: a total ban

Ryzhiks, aspen mushrooms, champignons, honey agarics, porcini, milk mushrooms - forest mushrooms enjoy nationwide fame and love. Fried, pickled, they are a component of many holiday and everyday dishes: salads, casseroles, stews, side dishes, snacks, etc.

Whether it is possible to eat mushrooms with pancreatitis is clearly indicated by the following dangerous properties:

  1. Chitin, present in mushrooms, aggravates flatulence and causes severe stomach cramps.
  2. Mushrooms are "heavy" foods that are contraindicated for those with pancreatic inflammation.
  3. The aroma of mushrooms activates the production of secretion, which is unacceptable in the acute period of the disease.
  4. Accumulating toxic substances in themselves, they harm the body. When purchasing them in a store, you cannot be sure that they were collected in an ecologically clean area.
  5. Poisoning is highly probable. Cutting off a poisonous mushroom by mistake, there is a risk of severe poisoning and even death.
  6. Mushrooms in common dishes (fried potatoes, pie, julienne, pickled, etc.) do not meet the criteria for a diet that is based on the rejection of fried, spicy, salty, fatty.

Thus, the use of mushrooms is highly discouraged not only in the acute phase, but also in case of persistent remission.

There are many reasons for refusing it during an acute attack of the disease:

  • Promotes intense stimulation of gastric juice due to the large number of organic acids and caffeine.
  • It provokes the destruction of enzymes and the formation of protein plugs in the ducts due to the presence of wine and ethyl alcohol in the composition.
  • Yeast fermentation results in frothy stools, diarrhea, cramps, and bloating.

If the disease has entered the phase of stable remission, up to 0.5 liters is permissible. a drink per day. You should start with small doses, gradually increasing the allowed volume.

This is not to say that broccoli is prohibited for pancreatitis. In fact, they are not recommended to eat only in the acute stage, as well as to those who have an individual intolerance to the product.

Moreover, broccoli has a positive effect on the gland, which is expressed in the restoration of the organ thanks to high quality plant proteins, and the strengthening of membranes with the help of chlorophyll.

When preparing mashed potatoes, puddings, soups, broccoli stews, boiled or stewed vegetables are used. The optimal daily amount is 250 g.

Contrary to popular belief, kombucha and mushrooms, which we talked about above, have little in common. The refreshing drink is a mix of yeast and carbon dioxide bacteria. Can i drink kombucha with pancreatitis?

Mushrooms and broccoli with pancreatitis are often prohibited.

Healthy recipes

Broccoli is classified as a vegetable that is the best fit for a dietary menu. This is due to the rich chemical composition of the product, low calorie content and almost no fat. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, K) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and others), dietary fiber, and easily digestible protein.

Due to the high content of complex carbohydrates, such food promotes quick satiety without overloading or increasing irritation of the inflamed pancreas. Vegetable protein, which is present in large quantities in vegetables, is a building material that accelerates the regeneration of organ tissues.

With diseases of the pancreas, the patient is forced to follow a sparing diet. Dishes should be steamed, boiled, stewed (when the disease becomes chronic). A minimum of seasonings, vegetable oils, fats, sauces are used. These simple recipes will help diversify the patient's bland diet and will certainly delight you on your everyday and festive table.

Brussels sprouts casserole

For the casserole you will need:

  1. a pound of vegetables;
  2. a tablespoon of butter and wheat flour;
  3. a glass of milk;
  4. egg yolk;
  5. salt and pepper;
  6. 50 g grated cheese.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Brussels sprouts are sorted out, washed, roots are cut, spoiled leaves are removed.
  2. Cut into halves, boil in boiling salted water for 20 minutes.
  3. To prepare the sauce in a frying pan, melt the butter, add flour, stir, heat, avoiding discoloration.
  4. Pour milk into the sauce, stirring constantly, boil for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat, let the sauce cool slightly, add the yolk, grind well.
  5. Put boiled vegetables in a mold slightly greased with vegetable oil, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  6. The dish is served as an independent dish for dinner or as a side dish for steam cutlets, meatballs.

Cabbage puree soup

Cooking will take time, but the results will be worth it - you get a delicious, nutritious, completely safe dietary dish.

You will need:

  • cauliflower - 500 g (you can add broccoli or zucchini);
  • wheat flour - a large spoon;
  • milk - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Boil about two liters of water in a saucepan.
  2. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, rinse.
  3. Dip the vegetable in boiling water, cook until soft.
  4. In a preheated frying pan, dry flour without oil, preventing discoloration.
  5. Milk is poured into the pan in small portions, constantly stirring with a spatula, and brought to a boil. If the sauce turns out to be too thick, add half a glass of the broth in which the cabbage was cooked to it.
  6. The mixture should boil for 5 minutes, then add butter, stir.
  7. The cabbage is taken out of the water, allowed to drain, crushed in a blender in mashed potatoes (rubbed through a sieve).
  8. It remains to combine milk sauce with vegetable puree, heat the soup over low heat.
  9. Serve the soup at a comfortable temperature with wheat croutons and chopped herbs.

Cabbage cutlets

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • half a small fork of white cabbage;
  • two tablespoons of bread crumbs;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
  1. Peel the cabbage from spoiled leaves, rinse, chop coarsely, put in boiling salted water, boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Throw the vegetable into a colander, let the water drain, grind in a food processor until it becomes small pieces.
  3. Drive an egg into the cabbage mass, add a spoonful of bread crumbs, season, mix.
  4. Form cutlets with wet hands, roll in breadcrumbs, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, let the cutlets stand in a closed oven for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Serve with low-fat sour cream, chopped herbs in case of persistent remission.

It is difficult for residents of our region to completely abandon cabbage even with such a diagnosis as pancreatitis. But you can find alternative vegetable varieties and cooking methods so as not to harm the diseased pancreas and satisfy gastronomic addictions.

The amazing structure of the human digestive system allows us to eat plant and animal protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber in any combination. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes in an inactive form. Depending on what nutrients the food contains, certain enzymes are activated.

Knowing what is good for the pancreas will help you keep this organ healthy and efficient for a long time, reduce the risk of exacerbations in pancreatitis and normalize metabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process of breaking down complex organic substances into simple components, which takes place in the human body and allows it to receive vital energy and building material for cells.

Can cauliflower and broccoli with pancreatitis

Cauliflower is a great tasting vegetable. It is used in dishes in the most unexpected ways: it is pickled, fried in batter, boiled, added to meat or in first courses, and, of course, consumed fresh.

Dishes from this variety of cabbage cannot be attributed to dietary nutrition, but for patients with pancreatitis, in order to use it, you just need to know some of the nuances of cooking.

Cauliflower for acute and chronic stages of pancreatitis

Cauliflower can be used for chronic and acute pancreatitis due to:

  1. Low calorie content
  2. Delicate structure
  3. Low fiber content compared to other types of cabbage.

Already after two weeks from the attack of the disease, cabbage can be included in the diet of patients in the form of mashed potatoes from boiled inflorescences or as one of the components of vegetable soups. However, everyone does not need to use cauliflower, because it can moderately increase gastric secretion, which is not always acceptable.

Cauliflower in remission of pancreatitis

Broccoli is a vegetable that is great for a diet. With inflammation of the pancreas, it can be added to the diet even in the acute phase of the disease. What broccoli recipes can be used in the menu of a patient with pancreatitis? Read more in this article.

Composition of the product

Not all vegetables are created equal. It's true. But broccoli is one of the most beneficial plants.

It can be mentioned that it is recommended to start independent feeding of infants with this type of cabbage. Broccoli contains ample amounts of protein and difficult-to-digest carbohydrates (fiber).

It contains many vitamins (C, A, PP, group B, K) and trace elements that provide an antioxidant effect.

Young plant shoots are rich in Sulforaphane. This compound is antiseptic and helps protect young shoots from damage. In medicine, some studies of this compound have confirmed its activity against cancer. Therefore, this green cabbage is not only a dietary food, but also protects against infections and cancer.

This green cabbage is rich in vitamin K. All vegetables of this color prolong bleeding and make the blood thinner. Consequently, broccoli is involved in the prevention of thrombosis after inflammation of the pancreas.

Acute phase

Most vegetables for pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not prohibited for consumption. However, the therapeutic diet has some features and limitations that must be kept in mind when compiling it.

Thus, the use of broccoli for pancreatitis may be limited, especially when it comes to complications and the acute form of the disease.

The beneficial qualities of broccoli

The need to follow a diet aimed at restoring the pancreas and relieving inflammation can be determined by several characteristic signs. These problems are often indicated by nausea, bloating, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, belching, loss or no appetite, including an aversion to almost all previously loved foods.

The doctor can determine the exact diagnosis and the cause of the unpleasant manifestations. When confirming the presence of a pathological process, the specialist not only prescribes drug therapy, but also recommends dietary nutrition, which determines what can be eaten with pancreatic pancreatitis.

Adherence to the diet together with traditional treatment can improve digestion and help to alleviate the patient's condition. It is important to understand that pancreatitis is closely related to other diseases of the digestive system and can disrupt the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

That is why you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely monitoring of the state of health will help prevent dangerous complications and exacerbation of the disease, as well as its transition to a chronic form.

Diet principles

Proper nutrition for pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis, is fundamental to preventing serious health problems. Even the smallest errors in nutrition can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and cause severe pain. This explains the high relevance of the question of what to eat with pancreatitis, for all people who are faced with this ailment.

As a rule, patients with similar problems should adhere to a diet according to table number 5, which is based on several important principles:

  1. The diet involves only fractional meals. The interval between any snack should not exceed 3 hours, and the number of meals should be 6 times a day.
  2. You need to eat in small portions, as it is important to avoid overeating.
  3. Food should be steamed, boiled, stewed. Fried and fatty foods should be completely excluded from the menu.
  4. The diet should be organized in such a way as to avoid a deficiency in the intake of protein foods, fats and carbohydrates.
  5. Food should be finely chopped or wiped before eating. This will reduce the production of juice by the gland and relieve irritation from the gastric mucosa.
  6. Dishes should not be hot or too cold.
  7. You should not eat before bed to reduce the load on the gland.

The duration of the diet is usually about a year. First, special nutrition is necessary to achieve remission of the disease, then to maintain it, restore the functioning of the organ and prevent an exacerbation of pathology in the future. The need to cancel the diet can only be confirmed by a doctor.

Features of the diet of patients with pancreatitis: golden rules

When drawing up a diet for a patient with pancreatitis, the doctor takes into account the following aspects:

  • Nutrition is based on a sparing principle and should promote recovery. It is important to minimize the likelihood of relapse.
  • Maximum rest is created for the pancreas during treatment. Products are selected based on whether they can irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract or not. The latter make up a list of those permitted for use.
  • At the same time, the diet should be varied, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Fats are limited as much as possible. Protein and carbohydrates must be supplied in the required amount.

Mushrooms - the heroes of our article, have a long range of positive properties. For example, they are characterized by a high level of protein and essential amino acids. Fats are present in modest amounts. And the low calorie content allows you to get enough of a small portion and not put on weight. It is all the more surprising that mushrooms are a product that is not allowed in the presence of pancreatic inflammation.

Broccoli has been recognized for its incomparable nutritional benefits many years ago. Moreover, in terms of its effect on the gland, the vegetable has a beneficial effect. But often it is accompanied by colic, diarrhea and bloating, due to which broccoli is also excluded from the diet of patients.

Is it possible to mushrooms with pancreatitis: total ban

Ryzhiks, aspen mushrooms, champignons, honey agarics, porcini, milk mushrooms - forest mushrooms enjoy nationwide fame and love. Fried, pickled, they are a component of many holiday and everyday dishes: salads, casseroles, stews, side dishes, snacks, etc.

Whether it is possible to eat mushrooms with pancreatitis is clearly indicated by the following dangerous properties:

  1. Chitin, present in mushrooms, aggravates flatulence and causes severe stomach cramps.
  2. Mushrooms are "heavy" foods that are contraindicated for those with pancreatic inflammation.
  3. The aroma of mushrooms activates the production of secretion, which is unacceptable in the acute period of the disease.
  4. Accumulating toxic substances in themselves, they harm the body. When purchasing them in a store, you cannot be sure that they were collected in an ecologically clean area.
  5. Poisoning is highly probable. Cutting off a poisonous mushroom by mistake, there is a risk of severe poisoning and even death.
  6. Mushrooms in common dishes (fried potatoes, pie, julienne, pickled, etc.) do not meet the criteria for a diet that is based on the rejection of fried, spicy, salty, fatty.

Thus, the use of mushrooms is highly discouraged not only in the acute phase, but also in case of persistent remission.

Broccoli and kombucha: acute phase - no, remission - yes

Contrary to popular belief, kombucha and mushrooms, which we talked about above, have little in common. The refreshing drink is a mix of yeast and carbon dioxide bacteria. Can i drink kombucha with pancreatitis?

There are many reasons for refusing it during an acute attack of the disease:

  • Promotes intense stimulation of gastric juice due to the large number of organic acids and caffeine.
  • It provokes the destruction of enzymes and the formation of protein plugs in the ducts due to the presence of wine and ethyl alcohol in the composition.
  • Yeast fermentation results in frothy stools, diarrhea, cramps, and bloating.

If the disease has entered the phase of stable remission, up to 0.5 liters is permissible. a drink per day. You should start with small doses, gradually increasing the allowed volume.

This is not to say that broccoli is prohibited for pancreatitis. In fact, they are not recommended to eat only in the acute stage, as well as to those who have an individual intolerance to the product.

Moreover, broccoli has a positive effect on the gland, which is expressed in the restoration of the organ thanks to high quality plant proteins, and the strengthening of membranes with the help of chlorophyll.

When preparing mashed potatoes, puddings, soups, broccoli stews, boiled or stewed vegetables are used. The optimal daily amount is 250 g.

Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis sample menu

What is a diet for chronic pancreatitis in adults and how to follow it
What can you eat with pancreatitis

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