Ulyanovsk Regional Court - judicial act


In Ulyanovsk, the former head of the landslide prevention company, ex-head of the Ulyanovsk Road Committee, Ildus Yusupov, who was found guilty by the court of stealing almost 21 million rubles as part of an organized crime group, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. budget funds intended to pay for landslide prevention work. The defendants have not admitted their guilt; their lawyers intend to appeal the verdict. Five years ago, the regional prosecutor’s office proposed to the city administration to dismiss Ildus Yusupov from the post of chairman of the committee for concealing a previous criminal record when applying for a job, but the city administration rejected the prosecutor’s proposal.

On Monday, the Leninsky District Court of Ulyanovsk announced the verdict to members of an organized crime group, which was headed, according to the regional prosecutor's office, by the former head of the Ulyanovsk Municipal State Unitary Enterprise for Landslide Prevention Works (UPPoR), ex-head of the Ulyanovsk Road Committee Ildus Yusupov. The court, agreeing with the prosecution's arguments, found 44-year-old Ildus Yusupov, as well as 39-year-old Alexander Lisov (already convicted of fraud in the housing and communal services sector) and 46-year-old Fanis Sultanov, acting in collusion with him, guilty of embezzlement and embezzlement of budget funds using official position on an especially large scale (parts 3 and 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the investigation, the accomplices selected a number of companies, such as Patriot LLC, Tekhnoproekt LLC, Simpromstroy LLC, which were essentially “empty” and did not conduct any activities, contracts were concluded with them for the use of special equipment and the performance of landslide prevention work . However, in reality, these companies did not perform work, but they fictitiously issued forged documents for them, and UPPoR transferred money to the companies, which were then cashed out. In total, these actions of the organized crime group caused damage to the Ulyanovsk budget of 20.6 million rubles from September 2010 to July 2012.

The crime became known after an inspection by tax officials, who saw the scheme as an option for tax evasion, after which the investigative authorities became interested in it. Having disagreed with the decision of the Federal Tax Service, UPPOR appealed to the arbitration court, and it came to the conclusion that the fictitious companies did not carry out any real work. “This was additional confirmation of the correctness of the investigation’s conclusions,” said state prosecutor Maxim Frolov. According to him, the defendants did not admit their guilt.

The court found the defendants guilty of embezzlement and embezzlement of budget funds and sentenced Ildus Yusupov to five and a half years in prison in a general regime colony with a fine of 900 thousand rubles; Alexandra Lisova - to 7.5 years in prison with a fine of 200 thousand rubles. and Fanisa Sultanov - to 4 years in a general regime colony with a fine of 800 thousand rubles. In addition, those convicted will be required to fully compensate for the damage caused. The regional prosecutor's office, apparently, agrees with the verdict. “Of course, it will still be studied, but practically the court fully satisfied the demands of the prosecutor’s office, the verdict is complete and justified,” said senior assistant to the regional prosecutor Vasily Zima.

However, he notes that five years ago, the prosecutor’s office, not yet knowing about this crime, had already demanded that the Ulyanovsk administration fire Ildus Yusupov (by that time already promoted to the post of head of the Ulyanovsk road management committee) for the fact that when hiring hid his criminal record. We are talking about the verdict of the Naberezhnye-Chelny court, according to which in 2005 Ildus Yusupov was sentenced to a year of correctional labor “for instigating the intentional infliction of harm to the health of two persons.” As it was heard in court then, Ildus Yusupov, invited by his uncle Albert Aizatullov, who headed the Mechanical Repair Plant K-700 OJSC, to the position of his deputy, then began to force his uncle out of business and decided to intimidate him so that he would no longer interfere. The perpetrators “overdid it” by beating Albert Aizatullov and his wife to death with hammers and cutting them with knives. Ulyanovsk authorities refused to fire Ildus Yusupov. “Today’s verdict only confirmed that we were right,” noted Mr. Zima.

Lawyers for the convicted do not agree with the verdict. “We will appeal it, because my client is completely innocent. There was no theft of budget funds, all work was completed. But the fact that the companies were fictitious and did not carry out the work was not proven by the investigation,” said Ildus Yusupov’s lawyer Yuri Rodionov.

Sergey Titov, Ulyanovsk

In Bashkortostan, a 35-year-old lawyer, a former employee of the anti-corruption department, was detained on suspicion of illegally providing land plots to his friends and relatives. A criminal case has been opened against Ilnur Yusupov, ex-deputy head of the Department for Economic Security and Practical Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus under Part 3 of Art. 159 (fraud using official position) and Art. 286 (exceeding official powers) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

According to investigators, Yusupov, being a law enforcement officer, used his official powers to illegally grant ownership of a plot of land in the village of Ushakovo, Ufa district, to his wife for the construction of a house. In addition, he ensured the illegal allocation of about 120 hectares of agricultural land to 32 citizens in the suburbs of Ufa. Some of the plots were subsequently registered in the name of his close relatives and friends. As a result, the municipality suffered damages amounting to more than 6 million rubles.

Yusupov, dismissed from the internal affairs bodies due to loss of confidence, is now a lawyer at the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Belarus. Recently, by a court decision, property worth more than 18 million rubles was confiscated from him for state income, the legality of which he could not prove. Among this property: a Toyota Highlander car worth about 2 million rubles, a four-room apartment in Ufa worth 10 million rubles, a townhouse in the village. Dmitrievka worth 2.8 million rubles, as well as a cottage with an area of ​​191 sq. m worth 3.5 million rubles, erected on an illegally registered land plot.

Source: legal.report from 02/05/2018

The former deputy head of the anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkortostan, Ilnur Yusupov, who was dismissed from the ministry in July with the wording “for loss of trust,” received the status of a lawyer, it follows from the materials of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic. He is mentioned in the register of the Chamber of Lawyers, but so far without indicating his registration number. As the lawyers interviewed explained to Kommersant-Ufa, the number in the register is awarded by the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation within a month - after all the papers are completed. Ilnur Yusupov passed the bar exams at the end of November, regional coordinator of the Open Russia movement Andrei Potylitsyn wrote on his Facebook page. According to him, recommendations to the former policeman were given by the deputy chairman of the qualification commission of the chamber, Romeo Farukshin. Let us recall that Ilnur Yusupov was dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the prosecutor of Bashkortostan Andrei Nazarov filed a claim with the Kirovsky Court of Ufa for the confiscation of property that belonged to the policeman and his wife. The prosecutor's investigation found that the police officer and his wife had registered property worth more than their official income for three years. According to preliminary estimates by the department, the matter involved property worth about 200 million rubles, including large plots of land near Ufa. In November, the district court partially satisfied the prosecutor's claim, converting the family's property worth about 18 million rubles into state income, including a Toyota Highlander, an apartment with an area of ​​163 square meters. m, house, plot near Ufa, half share in the right to another plot and a house in the suburbs.

Let us recall that it included the director of the UMKUP landslide prevention work, who previously held the post of chairman of the road committee, Ildus Yusupov, and his accomplices Alexander Lisov, Fanis Sultanov and the former chief accountant of the enterprise, Svetlana Golovina. The “strong” half of the organized crime group was sentenced to various terms of imprisonment in a general regime colony, and Golovin was sentenced to a fine.

Yusupov, Lisov and Sultanov were found guilty by the court of embezzlement and embezzlement on an especially large scale, committed by a group of persons and using their official position (Parts 3 and 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Ildus Yusupov received 5.5 years in a general regime colony with a fine of 900 thousand rubles, Alexander Lisov - 7.5 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 200 thousand rubles, Fanis Sultanov - 4 years in a general regime colony and a fine of 800 thousand . rub. The former chief accountant of the UMKUP for landslide prevention work, Golovina, one might say, got off with a slight fright. The court found her guilty of complicity in misappropriation (Part 5 of Article 33, Part 3 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), fraud using official position (Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), fraud in receiving social benefits (3 Art. .159.2 of the Criminal Code R) and sentenced her to a fine in the amount of 250 thousand rubles.

The verdict was shocking for the ex-head of the city road committee, Mr. Yusupov. The ex-official, as well as his relatives present at the trial, were stunned by what they heard. No one expected that he would be handcuffed right in the courtroom.

Just three days ago, confident and satisfied with the process, Yusupov stated that he was counting only on an acquittal. According to him, the criminal case against him was completely fabricated, the case allegedly lacked evidence, testimony from witnesses from the prosecution, and interrogations were carried out with threats.

The sentence to Yusupov and his gang turned out to be quite severe, although the terms turned out to be less than those requested by the state prosecution (8, 9 and 6 years for Yusupov, Lisov and Sultanov, respectively), but none of the observers believed that Yusupov would be given a real sentence. This was indicated both by the confident behavior of the ex-official and by a number of other factors.

The scheme for withdrawing budget funds turned out to be simple. As a manager, Ildus Yusupov signed fictitious financial documents on behalf of the UMKUP “Landslide Prevention Works” to “one-day companies” about allegedly completed work or supplied goods. At the same time, the work for which money was transferred to the false offices was carried out using the forces and resources of the municipal enterprise itself.

For such schemes, Lisov and Sultanov’s accomplices found false organizations, in whose name all the necessary forged documents and seals were prepared, and fictitious acceptance certificates for completed work were closed. The cash was withdrawn through “false organizations” LLC “Patriot”, LLC “Tehnoproekt” and LLC “Simpromstroy”, LLC “Istra”, LLC “Spektr”, LLC “Ganimed”, LLC “Mega Drive”, LLC “Kaskad”, LLC “Torgkomplekt” “... According to some documents, the money was transferred for allegedly provided equipment, according to others - for the performance of work on the maintenance, repair and overhaul of engineering protection structures of the city of Ulyanovsk. The case also involves numerous fictitious invoices and acts for pipeline flushing services, multiple provision of complex special equipment for more than a day, covering wells with reinforced concrete covers, and others. In fact, all this work was carried out by employees of the enterprise headed by Yusupov.

Over the two years that the ex-official “ruled” the municipal enterprise, with the help of Lisov Jr., more than 21 million rubles were withdrawn from his accounts, the source of which was the budget of the city of Ulyanovsk. Mr. Yusupov and his accomplices managed to squander all the stolen money for personal needs. Or rather, it would be more accurate to say that they invested in more profitable commercial assets: real estate, restaurants, cars... True, many of these luxury items are registered in the name of the wife and mother-in-law.

But Yusupov did not stop at big waste; he also did not hesitate to scrounge for small things. So, together with the chief accountant of the UMKUP “Landslide Prevention Works,” Yusupov hired a certain economist who had never worked at the enterprise for a day. But the hours worked by the economist were regularly noted on the time sheet. The accountant withdrew the wages received by the non-existent employee through a bank card issued by the employer, after which the money was shared with the manager. In total, 442 thousand rubles were withdrawn from the card of a certain economist Glazova. Apparently for pocket money. So, to the article of fraud with the use of official position as part of a group of persons (Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), a criminal article for embezzlement (Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) will probably be added.

For some reason, other criminal cases against the ex-official were not included in this high-profile criminal case and still remain uninvestigated. The so-called “tractor business”, which goes back as far as 2009-2012. Let us recall that then, as a result of the activities of the effective manager Yusupov, the UMKUP “Landslide Prevention Works” lost a dozen units of fully functional equipment. Moreover, it was written off and subsequently sold at clearly reduced prices to a company where, according to some sources, the founders were the official’s relatives.

So, for example, one of the tractors was written off for 3.5 thousand rubles with a market value of 177 thousand. The second one went for 3 thousand, although its actual market price was 151 thousand rubles. The third, in fact costing 221 thousand rubles, was “sold” for only 3 thousand. This entire sale of property took place without the consent of the administration of the city of Ulyanovsk. Subsequently, however, it turned out that all the tractors written off for pennies were working under expensive contract agreements to carry out the work of the UMKUP “Landslide Prevention Works”.

Other possible facts of theft involving Mr. Yusupov have not yet reached their logical conclusion. Whether it’s writing off money for beach sand, repair work on city roads... For some reason, all these cases are “stuck” in the Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ulyanovsk Region

Ildus Yusupov, by order of Ulyanovsk city manager Alexander Bukin, began acting as chairman of the city committee for road management, improvement and transport. We just talked about the turbulent biography of this priceless frame. Including the bloody story when, while working at a “family” plant in Naberezhnye Chelny, Ildus Yusupov asked his friend Alexei Savinov to find people who could “scare” his uncle and aunt Aizatullov (the former owners of the plant). He asked to beat his relatives so that they would end up in the hospital. For this, the nephew paid the future murderers 50 thousand rubles. They were glad to try: Ildus’s relatives were stupidly slaughtered. “How could a person with such a “rich” life experience be placed in such a potentially corrupt position,” Ulyanovsk residents are indignant on the Internet, “Couldn’t a more suitable and truly worthy candidate have been found in Ulyanovsk?”

Or maybe, recently, people have been appointing high positions in Ulyanovsk solely on the principle of a fat wallet? But how fat is Mr. Yusupov really? They say that it is indecent to count other people's money, but we won't. But it’s quite decent to count the real estate into which the ringing corruption coin of such “Yusupovs” turns.

According to informal experts, today the Yusupov family owns about 15 such objects. After all, as a result of that dirty criminal story with the “ordered” uncle and aunt, Ildus Yusupov, when released after a year in a pre-trial detention center, seems to have become fabulously rich. How else can one explain that members of his previously poor family began to buy expensive apartments and houses? To begin with, we purchased an apartment and a cottage in Naberezhnye Chelny. But what about Chelny? In dear Ulyanovsk, it’s closer and more prestigious. Therefore, in our regional center, the family, at the instigation of Ildus, simply spent to the eyeballs. Judge for yourself: on Khrustalnaya Street, at No. 39, the family acquired a five-room apartment. On the same Khrustalnaya Street, but already in the house 41/34, the Yusupovs, most likely, with the money of the generous Ildus, purchased as many as three apartments - one-room, and two and three-room, and even on the same landing! (See photo).

And on Kindyakov Street there are two cottages next to each other (nos. 47 and 49). They have a common yard with a garage for foreign cars (see photo).

They are registered, of course, not on the smart and cunning Ildus, but like “mom and dad...”. Just like the other two multi-storey cottages of the Yusupovs on Lev Tolstoy Street, next to the 6th school.

Well, like the icing on the cake - a couple of multi-room apartments in Moscow, with a total price, you know, of tens or two million rubles. Of course, a logical question arises: “Where does the firewood come from,” Comrade Mr. Ildus Yusupov? Was it from the plant taken from the murdered uncle and aunt in Naberezhnye Chelny? Is it money for anti-landslide work on the slopes of Ulyanovsk (in 2011 alone, the office headed by Yusupov was allocated tens of millions of rubles for anti-landslide work!)? Now it is clear why, on the one hand, the city inevitably continues to slide into the Volga, and the Yusupov family, on the other hand, just as inevitably continues to acquire elite cottages (farther, of course, from the Volga!). I wonder if the respected prosecutor’s office of the Ulyanovsk region, headed by V.V. Malyshev, and the respected investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Ulyanovsk region, headed by A.M. Evdokimov, check the sources of the marvelous enrichment of the Yusupov family?

In the 2000s, Ildus himself worked for a salary at Kontaktor, then at a plant in N. Chelny, then also for a salary at the UMKUP “Landslide Prevention Works”. Were the salaries really such that the family became rich? Hardly. One can, of course, say that it was Ildus’s parents who, through their hard lives, accumulated so much honest money that real estate is bought in bunches, like radishes. But two pensioners, Ilmas and Rosa, have been retired for 10 years. Even with a very big stretch, it is difficult to believe that they could keep such crazy millions in the “stash” for so long, even if they had them... In the same way, Rimma, the sister of Ildus Yusupov, the mother of two children, is unemployed. Where did she get millions for real estate? Is it from her loving brother?

There is, of course, a version that it was Mr. Lisov, the father-in-law of Ildus Yusupov and the former “owner” of the housing and communal services of Ulyanovsk, who decided to legalize through his faithful son-in-law everything he had acquired over the years and through back-breaking labor. And it would be nice to check this version with competent comrades, say, from the same economic intelligence service of the FSB. Do they really have no questions for these local “kings” of luxury real estate, who eight to ten years ago really had nothing in their souls, and now - the blood of relatives killed in Naberezhnye Chelny and millions, millions, millions? After all, five cottages registered to the Yusupovs, each costing approximately 20 million - that’s at least 100 million rubles. And also apartments, apartments... It turns out to be more than one hundred million rubles, isn’t it? But it’s not difficult to check who actually paid for all these 15 properties. Isn't it Ildus Yusupov himself? All data can be easily raised in the city property committee. And then check the income (expense) declarations of Ildus Yusupov and get closer to answering the questions. Including the question about the diploma of our current “chief road worker” that does not correspond to reality (registered, by the way, in his beloved Moscow, where these diplomas are bought at a time in the metro!). It's even easier with a diploma. Why doesn’t Mr. City Manager Alexander Bukin conduct a certification of the personnel he has appointed, and check the real level of competence of Ildus Yusupov? Does he have at least the minimum knowledge necessary to work as the main “road builder, transport worker and landscaping worker” of Ulyanovsk? Today we almost have cleaners being certified, but they are appointed to the chairman of the committee of road maintenance, improvement and transport of the regional center, it turns out, just like that? In terms of the thickness of the wallet, as was said?

I wonder now, how many more cottages and multi-room mansions will the family of Ildus Yusupov buy for themselves after Ulyanovsk’s “travel” money is once again stolen, transport is in a stupor, the city is in garbage, and our roads finally turn into trash? You can already place a bet...

Valeria Sokolovskaya

A former official of the Ulyanovsk administration has been imprisoned for embezzlement.


In Ulyanovsk, the former head of the landslide prevention company, ex-head of the Ulyanovsk Road Committee, Ildus Yusupov, who was found guilty by the court of stealing almost 21 million rubles as part of an organized crime group, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. budget funds intended to pay for landslide prevention work. The defendants have not admitted their guilt; their lawyers intend to appeal the verdict. Five years ago, the regional prosecutor’s office proposed to the city administration to dismiss Ildus Yusupov from the post of chairman of the committee for concealing a previous criminal record when applying for a job, but the city administration rejected the prosecutor’s proposal.

On Monday, the Leninsky District Court of Ulyanovsk announced the verdict to members of an organized crime group, which was headed, according to the regional prosecutor's office, by the former head of the Ulyanovsk Municipal State Unitary Enterprise for Landslide Prevention Works (UPPoR), ex-head of the Ulyanovsk Road Committee Ildus Yusupov. The court, agreeing with the prosecution's arguments, found 44-year-old Ildus Yusupov, as well as 39-year-old Alexander Lisov (already convicted of fraud in the housing and communal services sector) and 46-year-old Fanis Sultanov, acting in collusion with him, guilty of embezzlement and embezzlement of budget funds using official position on an especially large scale (parts 3 and 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the investigation, the accomplices selected a number of companies, such as Patriot LLC, Tekhnoproekt LLC, Simpromstroy LLC, which were essentially “empty” and did not conduct any activities, contracts were concluded with them for the use of special equipment and the performance of landslide prevention work . However, in reality, these companies did not perform work, but they fictitiously issued forged documents for them, and UPPoR transferred money to the companies, which were then cashed out. In total, these actions of the organized crime group caused damage to the Ulyanovsk budget of 20.6 million rubles from September 2010 to July 2012.

The crime became known after an inspection by tax officials, who saw the scheme as an option for tax evasion, after which the investigative authorities became interested in it. Having disagreed with the decision of the Federal Tax Service, UPPOR appealed to the arbitration court, and it came to the conclusion that the fictitious companies did not carry out any real work. “This was additional confirmation of the correctness of the investigation’s conclusions,” said state prosecutor Maxim Frolov. According to him, the defendants did not admit their guilt.

The court found the defendants guilty of embezzlement and embezzlement of budget funds and sentenced Ildus Yusupov to five and a half years in prison in a general regime colony with a fine of 900 thousand rubles; Alexandra Lisova - to 7.5 years in prison with a fine of 200 thousand rubles. and Fanisa Sultanov - to 4 years in a general regime colony with a fine of 800 thousand rubles. In addition, those convicted will be required to fully compensate for the damage caused. The regional prosecutor's office, apparently, agrees with the verdict. “Of course, it will still be studied, but practically the court fully satisfied the demands of the prosecutor’s office, the verdict is complete and justified,” said senior assistant to the regional prosecutor Vasily Zima.

However, he notes that five years ago, the prosecutor’s office, not yet knowing about this crime, had already demanded that the Ulyanovsk administration fire Ildus Yusupov (by that time already promoted to the post of head of the Ulyanovsk road management committee) for the fact that when hiring hid his criminal record. We are talking about the verdict of the Naberezhnye-Chelny court, according to which in 2005 Ildus Yusupov was sentenced to a year of correctional labor “for instigating the intentional infliction of harm to the health of two persons.” As it was heard in court then, Ildus Yusupov, invited by his uncle Albert Aizatullov, who headed the Mechanical Repair Plant K-700 OJSC, to the position of his deputy, then began to force his uncle out of business and decided to intimidate him so that he would no longer interfere. The perpetrators “overdid it” by beating Albert Aizatullov and his wife to death with hammers and cutting them with knives. Ulyanovsk authorities refused to fire Ildus Yusupov. “Today’s verdict only confirmed that we were right,” noted Mr. Zima.

Lawyers for the convicted do not agree with the verdict. “We will appeal it, because my client is completely innocent. There was no theft of budget funds, all work was completed. But the fact that the companies were fictitious and did not carry out the work was not proven by the investigation,” said Ildus Yusupov’s lawyer Yuri Rodionov.

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