Ghee is an amazing food product: benefits and harms. Ghee: properties and composition, application and storage What is ghee for?

Ghee is a valuable healthy product that is concentrated milk fat. In Russia, this oil was called liquid gold for its beautiful yellow color and high nutritional and medicinal properties.

It can be stored at room temperature for 6 to 9 months, and in a cold place for up to one and a half years. In the old days, this was of great importance. After all, only a fairly well-to-do part of the population could afford the glacier.

Let's take a closer look at what are the benefits, what are the beneficial properties of ghee for the body, are there any harm and contraindications?

How to choose a good product and check its quality

The quality must meet GOST 32 262-2013. According to this document, the composition may include:

  • milk fat - 99%;
  • carotene (food coloring) - 3 mg / kg;
  • butylhydroxytoluene (antioxidant) - 75 mg / kg.

There should be no other additives.

Color - from light yellow to yellow... There is no smell. The texture is dense, grainy or homogeneous, in appearance it resembles quality candied honey.

The taste is creamy with a slight nutty shade. After the taste, a sweet aftertaste remains on the tongue.

It is advisable to buy only from good, well-known manufacturers that you can trust. In the store, you need to ask the administrator for a certificate for the batch.

The price for a quality product cannot be low: from a kilogram of quality, even at home, 0.7 kg of melted is obtained.

The packaging should say, according to GOST, "ghee", not "melted butter" or other options.

After buying at home quality can be checked by melting butter in a frying pan... It shouldn't:

  • smoke (at temperatures below 205 degrees);
  • foam;
  • smell unpleasant.

If the product does not meet these conditions, then it is better to try to return it to the seller or throw it away.

The expert - rector of MGUPP, professor D.A.Edeleva speaks about the sample of the product:

Composition, calorie content per 100 g, nutritional value, glycemic index

The product consists entirely of milk fat, which contains unsaturated fatty acids (35%), including:

  • oleic, regulating lipid metabolism;
  • linoleic, which ensures the permeability of cell membranes;
  • arachidonic, necessary for the brain and adrenal glands.

The product contains vitamins:

  • retinol (vitamin A), which is actively involved in redox processes;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) - antioxidant that slows down aging;
  • niacin (vitamin PP), which normalizes blood cholesterol levels and is responsible for the stability of the nervous system.


Ghee also contains a trace element, which is part of hemoglobin. The cholesterol content is 220 mg / 100 g, so it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Caloric content is about 900 kcal / 100 g. In 1 tbsp. l. contains 15 g. This corresponds to approximately 135 kcal. In 1 tsp. fits 5 g - about 45 kcal.

Nutritional value is determined only by milk fat- not less than 99%. Proteins account for only 0.2%. There are no carbohydrates in the product.

The glycemic index is zero... Once absorbed, blood sugar does not rise.

Differences from regular creamy

Which butter is healthier - regular butter or ghee?

Natural butter is very healthy, but it can only be bought from farmers. If we compare the real ghee with the store, then it has more advantages:

  • Free of antibiotics and other additives designed to maintain freshness and flavor
  • stored for a long time;
  • stable when heated. Even when frying, it does not burn, releasing carcinogenic substances;
  • possesses a number of unique medicinal properties, different from the creamy one.

Conclusion: both types of product are useful in a reasonable amount subject to their natural origin.

But homemade ghee made from high-quality butter is healthier than its counterparts.

What is useful for the body

Fat, including milk fat, is a source of energy fuel. It is a constituent of cell membranes and hormones.

For adult men and women

The product, decomposing in the body into carbon dioxide and water, with the release of heat:

  • participates in the production of sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen);
  • helps the absorption of slow carbohydrates, normalizing the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • improves the quality of the skin, giving it a fresh, radiant look;
  • has a rejuvenating and tonic effect;
  • neutralizes the action of free radicals.

For women, this oil useful for the prevention of gynecological diseases.

In men, regular use of the product increases exercise endurance and sperm quality preventing infertility.

Pregnant and lactating

Is this oil good for pregnant women? "Liquid gold" is very useful for the expectant mother since it:

  • promotes the formation of bone and connective tissue of the embryo;
  • reduces possible discomfort in the bladder area, increasing the elasticity of smooth muscles;
  • helps to build up a supply of hemoglobin in the body, preventing postpartum anemia.

Women during the period of breastfeeding are also recommended since it:

  • improves the quality of breast milk;
  • reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions in mom and baby;
  • ensures the intake of calcium into the child's body (you can not be afraid of premature overgrowth of the fontanelle).


What are the benefits of ghee for children? Children can start the product introduced as part of complementary foods, starting from five months in the amount of 1 g, gradually increasing the dosage to 5 g by one year.

By the age of three, the daily intake can be increased to 10 g. It increases immunity in children, and also:

  • prevents rickets, caries;
  • promotes the correct formation of the reproductive system;
  • normalizes bowel function.

It can even be given to babies who are allergic to cow's milk protein. However, the product is not recommended to be regularly introduced into the diet of obese children.

In old age

With age, due to hormonal changes in the body, apathy, despondency occur, memory and concentration of attention deteriorate.

When consumed wisely every day, ghee removes these unpleasant symptoms, restoring activity and clarity of mind, increasing stress resistance and efficiency.

In women, the product prevents the development of osteoporosis, and helps men maintain their health.

Allergy sufferers, diabetics, athletes

When reheated, the product is freed from protein and milk sugar, while maintaining biological activity. Therefore his can be introduced into the diet of people who are allergic to cow protein, sick.

It serves as a source of energy for athletes, increasing endurance to stress, helping to restore muscles after exercise.

Potential danger and contraindications

Excessive use can be harmful to health, especially with high cholesterol, obesity, the use of fake or spoiled product during storage.

The daily allowance for healthy adults should not exceed 15 g, and the frequency should be five times a week. For athletes, the norm can be increased to 20 g. For children, the daily norm is 5-10 g.

The elderly can be used for therapeutic purposes in a mixture with(on the tip of a knife) in the amount of 5 g, dissolving in the mouth half an hour before breakfast.

If you fry in ghee, what will be more - good or bad? For frying, it is preferable or creamy.

More resistant to heat, does not burn. It starts to smoke only at a temperature of 205 degrees.

In cooking

Used for frying and dressing dishes. The food takes on a creamy nutty flavor. After frying, the crust is golden and crispy.

Flavored oil... The product easily absorbs and retains odors and flavors. You can make it with any spice flavor. For example, with cinnamon, etc.

For this, the product:

  • heated in a water bath;
  • mixed with spice;
  • keep in the bath for five minutes;
  • filter through cheesecloth into a prepared dry container.

This sauce can be served for breakfast with toast or pancakes in liquid form. It is convenient to use a special brush for spreading.

How to heat oil at home - video recipe:

Stewed carrots in French... To prepare one serving, you need to take one medium size, grate finely and simmer in 5 g of ghee for 1-2 minutes.

Then season with salt and a pinch of cinnamon. Serve with soft-boiled egg for breakfast.

Baked chicken breast with ghee and pea sauce - national Belarusian recipe:


For those wishing to lose weight, the product is undesirable.... It can be eaten no more than twice a week, using boiled or stewed vegetables for dressing. The amount should not exceed 10 g per day.

Against cough:

  • 5 g butter;
  • 10 g of honey;
  • 200 ml hot milk.

Such a well-known mixture, drunk at night, will relieve a sore throat, a debilitating cough.

From sinusitis: 3 drops of liquid warm agent, dripped into the nose, will speed up recovery and prevent the transition of the disease to a chronic form. You need to bury it in the morning and at night.

With joint disease and radiculitis: Due to its warming and anti-inflammatory properties, ghee natural butter can be rubbed into sore spots overnight, then wrapping them warmly.

To enhance the effect, mix with aloe juice: 1 tbsp. l. take 1 tsp. juice.

With myopia:

Mix, drink half an hour before breakfast. This will prevent the development of the disease, strengthen the muscles of the fundus.

In cosmetology

Milk fat has a beneficial effect on any skin, softening, nourishing, rejuvenating. It can be used externally for the face and body in its pure form, or make cosmetic masks, ointments and creams on its basis for future use.

Anti-wrinkle eye cream... Components:

  • ghee - 10 g;
  • castor oil - 2 g;
  • aromatic neroli oil - 2 drops.

Melt the main ingredient in a water bath, mix with the other two, pour into a dry glass container. Apply to eye area instead of night cream with gentle patting movements.

For tired, flaccid skin: Apply to cleansed face and neck 5% solution of ascorbic acid from the ampoule. After drying, spread the skin with warm ghee. After an hour, remove the excess with a damp cloth.

Apply in the evening for ten days. Then take a break for a week and repeat. After such a procedure, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin thickens and begins to shine.

Now you know why, in addition to cooking, ghee is used, it will benefit or harm the body when frying in it.

Ghee is a valuable product with time-tested health benefits.

You need to purchase a quality product or cook it yourself, at home, not forgetting about moderation in use.

In contact with

After this article, for many, butter ghee will be a good discovery. This product was widely used in ancient Indian culture. In many areas, it is very useful and even irreplaceable. It is also called ghee oil. This miracle was prepared by ancient Tibetan monks in the Chomolungma mountains at a high altitude.

Under certain conditions, both climatic and physical, an oil was obtained with unique characteristics. The rumor about the healing properties of the melted butter product has spread all over the world. Can you cook it at home? What is the use of it? What is the calorie content of ghee? Is it harmful? All of this is outlined below.

What is ghee

Ghee is the result of processing real butter (no vegetable additives). During which water, lactose and protein component are displaced.

As a result, it turns out concentrated animal fat containing a minimum of unfavorable fractions.

Seemingly ghee unclear or transparent with a golden yellow tint. In other words, it is melted butter. It is also called "Liquid Sun", which is used both in cooking and as a healing substance. The composition of Ghee is striking in the abundance of trace elements and vitamins. It boasts many useful qualities.

Chemical composition... The calorie content of ghee is very high. It makes up almost 900 kcal per 100 grams, since the product contains 99% fats, of which 35% are unsaturated fatty acids. Besides these, there are other elements:

  • calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium;
  • vitamins A, E, PP, D;
  • saturated and polyunsaturated acids;
  • ash, water;
  • beta carotene.

This product, despite its fat content, is much easier for the body to absorb than regular creamy. In addition, the product contains an important and useful substance for humans - linoleic acid.

Unfortunately, it is not produced by the body, but enters it exclusively through food. Acid is essential for normal tissue growth and formation. Studying such characteristics, it can be assumed that ghee is of great benefit but which one? This will be discussed further.

Why ghee is useful

They knew about its benefits not only in India, but also in Russia. It was used to treat ailments, preserve the beauty of the human body or in everyday life. So, what are the beneficial consequences of the use of the described product:

This is why ghee is useful, the list is far from complete. Despite all the positive qualities, it should be noted that using the "Liquid Sun" you need to be prudent.

What harm does ghee do?

There is a downside to the coin, no matter how trite it may sound. With the help of the described product, you can harm the body. Namely the following:

It is worth noting that the harm from the product is less than the benefit. But it follows take extra care when applied inside. It will have healing qualities only if it is prepared according to all the rules.

Ghee, the benefits and harms it can bring, are already clear. It remains to find out how this product will behave in a domestic environment.

Household use

It turns out that the positive qualities of Ghee have found their application in everyday life:

I would like to know how and where to get this wonderful product. You can buy it in a store, but no one will guarantee high quality. Therefore, in order not to take risks and be completely confident in the product, it is recommended to make it at home... It doesn't amount to much going there. The main thing is to choose good raw materials and follow the manufacturing technology.

How to make butter ghee

Cooking the product is not difficult, but you still have to tinker. Let's start by choosing butter. It is advisable to take it in the market from grandmothers who sell natural milk and sour cream.

Vegetable fats may be added at the store. We bought the oil, what to do next? You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 pots (preferably with a thick bottom);
  • the stove on which to cook;
  • 1 large saucepan for the others;
  • 1 kilogram of butter.

Fill a large saucepan with water about one third and put it on fire. While the water is heating, cut the butter into small pieces and put it in a smaller saucepan, which we place in a bowl with heating water.

The water boils and the oil begins to melt. It should be drowning on the sly and slightly bubble, not gurgle or boil. The fire should be kept to a minimum. When preparing ghee, it is not recommended to cover the pan with a lid, as water evaporates from it.

As soon as foam begins to form on top, its should be removed with a spoon or a slotted spoon, as it is convenient for anyone. Throwing away the foam is not worth it. It is very tasty and healthy. It is boldly added to porridge, potatoes or frying.

Refill the butter until the bottom appears brown precipitate like caramel. These are solid proteins and sugar that have settled on the bottom of the dishes.

A kilogram of butter follows heat for about 2 hours, it all depends on the temperature. Do not stir the product during the heating process. This is a prerequisite. When sediment appears at the bottom of the pan, slowly and carefully, not allowing sediment to enter, pour the mass into the second pan.

The job is done, we continue to melt the oil and closely monitor the sediment. The consistency of it should become viscous and arrive in volume. As soon as this has happened, pour the mass into a third pan, isolating the sediment.

We heat the product until it becomes transparent, and residual substances will no longer be released. The longer the butter is heated, the better its quality, the main thing is that it does not burn.

If during the cooking process appears nutty milk flavor, which means that everything worked out, and the quality of "Liquid Sun" is worthy of praise. During heating, all liquid evaporates and harmful residue is discarded. Milk fat remains of a beautiful amber color. It is free from trans fats and unhealthy impurities.

Ghee preparation completed successfully. Let the food cool slightly. Then, after a few layers of gauze, gently filter and pour into a glass jar... The result is a homogeneous, plastic and slightly grainy mass. About 800 grams of melted butter comes out of 1 kg of butter.

How to store ghee

After painstaking efforts, a long-awaited product has turned out, the storage of which requires certain conditions. Storage containers must be glass. Oil does not deteriorate at room temperature, but it is better Keep refrigerated.

It does not become rancid and does not deteriorate at 10-18 degrees, retaining a pleasant taste and aroma. The shelf life in such conditions ranges from 3 months to six months. Avoid direct sunlight.

Product can be frozen... In this case, it retains its beneficial properties longer, about 2 years, but the amount of vitamins is gradually reduced.

How to check the quality of ghee

After much work, I want to know how good the resulting product is. To do this, you should make sure that it meets some of the requirements:

If the product is fully consistent with the above, then there is nothing to worry about. There are no herbal supplements and ghee will not bring harm. You can use it for its intended purpose, safely adding it to food or cosmetics.

Ghee is a product made from butter. The processing produces a concentrate of animal fat with a minimum content of protein, water and lactose. For its nutritional and medicinal properties in India, it received the popular name "liquid gold". At room temperature, the shelf life is 9 months, in a cool room - a year and a half.

Composition and type of quality product

Good quality product made by GOST 32262−2013... The title should contain the phrase not “ghee”, but “ghee”. The composition determines the benefits and harms of ghee and includes:

  • 99% milk fat.
  • 3 mg of carotene (food coloring) per kg of product.
  • 75 mg of butylhydroxytoluene (antioxidant) per kg of oil.

The color ranges from yellow to light yellow. There is no foreign smell. Appearance, like candied honey: the texture is dense, homogeneous or granular. Creamy taste with a slight hint of nuts, sweetish aftertaste. The price of the product cannot be low, since an average of 1 kg of butter is used to obtain 0.7 kg of ghee.

At home, you can test the quality by melting the purchase in a frying pan. In this case, there should be no foreign smell, foam. Real oil begins to smoke at a temperature of 205 degrees.

Nutritional and energy value

Milk fat is 35% unsaturated fatty acids... Each acid is good for the human body:

  • Oleic regulates lipid metabolism.
  • Linoleic acid promotes the permeability of cell membranes.
  • Arachidonic is essential for the functioning of the adrenal glands and the brain.

Kg of the product contains 220 mg of cholesterol, so you should not abuse it. At the same time, small doses will replenish the reserves of vitamins and macronutrients:

  • Vitamin A is involved in redox reactions.
  • Vitamin E prolongs youthfulness.
  • Vitamin PP normalizes the nervous system and regulates cholesterol.
  • Potassium maintains water-salt balance.
  • Calcium is essential for strong bones.
  • Magnesium is involved in cell renewal.
  • Phosphorus is responsible for the functioning of the brain.

Caloric content is approximately 900 kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains 15 grams, this is about 135 kcal. In a teaspoon, 3 times less.

Fat 99%, protein about 0.2%, no carbohydrates. The glycemic index is 0, so the blood sugar remains the same after consumption.

The benefits of ghee

Natural fat is a source of calories that add strength and energy to a person. It also supports hormone synthesis and cell membrane function.

For adults, the product helps to normalize the digestive tract, to absorb slow carbohydrates. It participates in the production of estrogen and testosterone, neutralizes free radicals, promotes rejuvenation, improves skin condition. Regular use in men improves sperm quality, increases physical endurance. Helps women in the prevention of gynecological problems.

In pregnant women, the oil increases the elasticity of the skin and smooth muscles, and helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels. It is involved in the formation of the connective and bone tissue of the fetus.

During lactation, the product improves the quality of milk, provides calcium intake, and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Babies begin to inject oil from five months to 1 g per day, by the year the amount is increased to 5 g. In three years, the diet includes up to 10 g. With regular use, the product contributes to:

  • Normalization of bowel function.
  • Improving immunity.
  • Prevention of rickets and caries.
  • Correct development of the reproductive system.

Regular use is not recommended for those prone to corpulence.

In older people, with moderate use, efficiency and stress resistance increase, and mental clarity is restored. However, with high cholesterol levels, the product is prohibited.

In folk medicine and cosmetology

Due to its restorative, restorative and rejuvenating properties, "liquid gold" is used in folk medicine for coughs, sinusitis, joint diseases, myopia, as well as in cosmetology.

When coughing at night, drink a mixture of 5 g of butter, 10 g of honey and 200 ml of warmed milk. With sinusitis, 3 drops of a heated product are instilled into the nose in the morning and in the evening. The remedy accelerates recovery and prevents the transition to the chronic stage.

Anti-inflammatory and local warming effect is provided by "liquid gold" rubbed into the area of ​​diseased joints. For greater effect, add a teaspoon of aloe to a tablespoon of the product. After rubbing in, the sore spot is wrapped.

With myopia, a mixture of a quarter glass of carrot juice and half a teaspoon of ghee is drunk 30 minutes before breakfast. With regular use, the muscles of the fundus are strengthened.

In cosmetology, both a pure substance and ointments and creams based on it are used. A cream for the area around the eyes is prepared from 10 g of the main product, 2 g of castor oil, 2 drops of neroli oil. Tired, flaccid skin can be revitalized with a course of oil masks, designed for 10 days. If necessary, repeat the course in a week.

Harm and contraindications

Excessive consumption will be harmful to health, as oil - high-calorie product containing cholesterol. A rancid product should not be eaten, even if the formally expiration date has not expired.

"Liquid gold" is contraindicated for:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys.
  • Problems with the liver, pancreas.
  • Acute stage of pancreatitis.

Comparison with butter

Shelf life at room temperature for butter is several days, ghee is stored for up to 9 months.

The concentration of nutrients after heat treatment increases due to the removal of water, lactose and protein. At the same time, cholesterol increases by 25%. The benefit of ghee over butter is that the processed product can be consumed by people with cow's milk protein intolerance.

Making at home

"Liquid gold" can be bought from farmers, you can cook it yourself. To make ghee at home, you need butter with a fat content of at least 82.5%.

  1. The bar is cut into small cubes and poured into a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Heating in a water bath is possible. Do not cover the pot with a lid, as the water will evaporate.
  2. On low heat, the oil languishes for about half an hour.
  3. While simmering, stir the product and remove the white settled foam containing protein.
  4. After acquiring a golden color, it is filtered through cheesecloth.
  5. The resulting concentrate is poured into an enamel or glass container for storage, placed in a cool place.

Ghee, the benefits and harms of which are explained by the nutritional value, is valued in many countries. In Ayurvedic practices, it is assigned the role of "liquid gold". In Russia, this valuable product also has fans.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ghee is a processed product by removing water, protein component and lactose from raw materials. In other words, ghee is a concentrated animal fat, with a minimal percentage of negative elements. The homemade preparation of this product is technically different from the method used in the food industry. During the preparation of a homemade product, butter is warmed up in a deep bowl and put on low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes.

The protein, which is part of the butter, forms a specific foam, which is removed with a slotted spoon or spoon, and the excess water evaporates. Some even filter the mixture through a small sieve or thick ball of gauze to remove any foamy residue that will certainly remain during cooking. The preparation of the product on an industrial scale takes place using centrifugation. The butter is heated over time and divided into fractions; as a result, the butter is heated for some time in an airless environment to remove the remaining water.

The benefits of ghee

The product contains 99.8% fats. At the same time, the rich vitamin composition is not lost. Vitamins A, E and D are completely preserved during the cooking process. Due to the decrease in water and protein, the amount of vitamins in the finished form becomes more. The benefits of ghee can be roughly divided into household and biological. According to the first point, its benefit lies in the shelf life, if you compare it with butter, it does not deteriorate for a long time. Many keep it for up to six months in the refrigerator or cellar. At a temperature of 20-25 degrees, the oil is stored for up to a year. This knowledge is widely used in South Asian countries, where all the main benefits of cow's milk are preserved in ghee. The benefits of ghee for the body can be reduced to its high energy value and wide vitamin complex. A moderate amount of the product will help prevent the appearance of osteoporosis and rickets, have a beneficial effect on metabolic properties and maintain visual acuity regardless of age.

IMPORTANT! The benefits and harms of ghee must be studied and taken into account before taking it.

Healing properties

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, the ancient science of health, ghee has extraordinary healing properties. Of all the analogues, it is the most purified and blissful, thanks to this it is useful for the human body. With its extraordinary taste and useful features, long shelf life, ease of preparation and a wide range of applications for the treatment of ailments, ghee is an irreplaceable food product and a natural safe medicine for many diseases.

Ayurveda uses oil as a way to treat and prevent many diseases.

Ghee can be used for both external and internal use. For example, it is ideal for massage and also improves digestion when taken internally. One teaspoon before or after a meal is enough for the energy of the sun, which is contained in the oil, to enhance the action of enzymes and establish metabolic processes.

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, a violation of the digestive processes contributes to the development of many diseases, therefore ghee is the fastest and easiest way to prevent and treat ailments caused by poor gastrointestinal tract functioning. Surprisingly, no other analog is so gentle and effective.

It is also worth remembering that ghee several times enhances the beneficial and medicinal properties of spices, herbs, balms and ointments on a natural basis, for this oil is combined with medicinal products during cooking.

Is it possible to fry in ghee? Of course. In addition, if during the cooking process you add a sprig of thyme or basil to the oil, then during the cooking process, the dishes will be completely different, more refined. The oil will not taste bitter, burn, but only emphasize the natural taste of the products.

Possessing the power of the sun (and this is the power of men), ghee has a beneficial effect not only on the female, but also on the male body. After all, the representatives of the stronger sex are so lacking in the energy of the sun, positiveness and optimism.

Thanks to ghee, it is easy to treat physical weakness and boost immunity. To do this, take the oil on an empty stomach, while mixing fruits, spices (you can take a pinch, cinnamon, fennel, saffron), almonds, or. In addition, you can add some fermented milk products or natural yogurt to this tasty and healthy breakfast. In addition to these ingredients, it is better to give up other products in the morning. You will see the result in a few days.

Ghee is used to treat frequent headaches. To do this, before going to bed, you can rub the area of ​​the temples, arms and legs (and for women also the appendages). For this procedure, you need to take a little ghee - just half a teaspoon - a thin layer will be more than enough.

Since ghee contains a lot of energy from the sun, it has warming characteristics, it gives off favorable heat, which is necessary for the body. Therefore, if you have pain in your joints, lower back, if you cannot keep warm, you have a cold, a bad mood or a weak immune system - ghee will become your faithful assistant. Just rub your palms and feet (as well as areas of painful sensations in the joints) with slightly warmed oil, using no more than a teaspoon for all areas. Do this before bed.

The harm of ghee

You should not neglect the possible harm of ghee. This is a very fatty product, in connection with which inaccuracies in the work of the digestive system may occur, especially for those who suffer from the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Ghee additionally loads the pancreas, and the liver provokes an exacerbation of chronic ailments of these organs. Ghee should be consumed in moderation for those who are obese or want to lose a few pounds. One hundred grams of the product contains about a thousand kcal, and this is almost the daily caloric intake of a losing weight diet. It is best used for frying, but even there it is worth knowing when to stop. The harm of the product is also caused by a high percentage of cholesterol, which negatively affects the health of a person with metabolic disorders, it can also provoke atherosclerotic diseases.

Ghee is a very valuable food product that has proven its right to exist, its moderate use can expand gastronomic boundaries and improve the health of both adults and children.

How to make ghee at home?

Ghee is a product that results from the temperature effect on butter.

During the preparation of ghee, water, impurities and dairy components are removed.

Ghee, in moderation, has a beneficial effect on the liver, preserves youth and improves immunity.

So how do you prepare this miracle product?

For this purpose, purchase butter with a high fat content, preferably 82.5%, from the supermarket or on the market. Anything below that is not butter, but margarine.

Many people think that ghee is just a melted, heated classic product, but this is not the case. This is the oil that has been processed, i.e. heated, the foam of the milk impurity is removed, the mass is brought to a golden color and an almond smell.

It is very convenient if the finished product is always at hand. It is used as a classic vegetable oil. During cooking, the ghee will not taste bitter, burn, since all impurities have been removed. For those who are engaged in home baking, butter will become an irreplaceable helper.

Consider the cooking process itself. To do this, take the butter and the container in which you will cook.

1) Cut the butter into small cubes. If it is difficult to cut, grate it with a coarse grater.

2) Place a saucepan on the stove. Heat oil over medium heat, and once it begins to melt, turn on low heat.

3) Carefully remove any foam that will eventually appear on the oily surface. Do not stir the butter with a spoon while cooking. Foam with impurities will rise to the top, and some will remain at the bottom. You will need to make sure that bottom sediment does not rise while you remove the foam.

4) At first, your mixture will be cloudy, but as it cooks, it will be transparent and take on an amber hue.

5) After half an hour, after removing the foam, carefully pour the product into another vessel, so that the sediment does not rise that formed at the bottom. Continue heating the oil over minimal heat, but in a different vessel. This is to ensure that your sediment neither starts to burn and does not affect all of the oil.

6) Typically high quality oil will not produce much sediment.

7) If you are heating about a thousand grams of butter, you will spend 60 minutes cooking.

8) Pay special attention so that the mass does not overheat, and the sediments remaining on the bottom do not begin to burn, because as a result, the ghee will have an unpleasant taste. The finished product has a smell, its structure is transparent, and resembles amber in color.

9) When the oil is ready, do not wait for it to cool, pour it into a glass wine vessel through a funnel. Cap and turn over, allowing to cool. Without turning the jar, put it in the refrigerator to harden the oil. Impurities will collect at the bottom near the neck. Take the bottle, uncork it and drain the rest of the impurities. Rinse the neck with warm water. To melt butter, dip the bottle in hot water and pour the butter into another vessel. It is imperative to take a glass bottle, because a plastic bottle can decrease in size and release toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

The fastest and easiest way to make ghee

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