Remote desktop windows 10 for android. How to use the Remote Desktop application. Internet connection

home Remote Desktop in Windows operating systems is a very powerful tool for remotely controlling a computer. Remote Desktop or RDP

has been introduced into the Microsoft family of operating systems since Windows NT 4.0. At the moment, the latest version of RDP built into Windows has serial number 10, just like the new operating system itself. In this material we will take a detailed look at connecting to a remote machine via the RDP protocol from various operating systems. Our readers will also learn how to connect to a remote desktop over the Internet.

We connect from various systems via RDP to a computer running Windows XP For our example, we took a computer based on the Windows XP operating system. We will connect to it via the RDP protocol from computers running Windows 7, 10 and Ubuntu. In these examples everything RDP connections will be local , that is, inside the local network. First we will look at an example connection to Windows 10 . To do this, open the application itself in Windows 10 "».

Remote Desktop Connection On the " Are common " to access the XP computer under " Computer ", you must enter the address of the remote PC. In our case, the address has the value " " Next, enter the username " User

" and user password. The address of the remote computer running XP can be found in the network connection settings. It is also worth adding that before connecting to a remote PC, in the computer properties in Windows XP, turn on the checkbox in the “ Remote desktop control

" as shown below. This is necessary in order to allow connection to it.

The data we enter in the RDP client in Windows 10 will look like this:

If all data is entered correctly, you can connect using the Connect button. By clicking this button, the RDP client will take us to the password entry window for further access in Windows XP.

After successfully entering the password, Windows XP will allow us to log in. Once again, let's return to the RDP client in Windows 10. On the first tab, we found out that data for the remote machine is entered there. In the second tab " Screen

"We can edit screen resolution values ​​on a remote machine. Next tab "» allows you to connect resources that relate to your PC (from which the connection is made). For example, you can connect a local disk, DVD-ROM, printer and other devices.

Tab " Interaction» provides access to settings for the quality of graphics displayed in the RDP client window.

In the " Additionally» The user has the opportunity to enable and configure RDP remote connection security.

If you compare clients on Windows 10 and 7, you will hardly find any difference, since they have the same settings. The only minor difference is the slightly improved design in Windows 10. Below is the remote desktop Windows 7.

Therefore, if you use RDP on a Windows 10 or 7 PC, you will hardly notice the difference.

Now let's move on to using remote desktop on a computer running Ubuntu. For example, we will use the latest version of Ubuntu with serial number 16.04. In the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system, the RDP client is called Remmina. Below is a window with an open program. To access a remote PC, in Ubuntu you need to click the Create button in the top panel of Remmina.

After this action, a window will appear in which you need to enter the settings of the remote machine running XP.

The image above shows how the settings are entered, similar to RDP from Microsoft. After entering these settings, we can immediately access Windows XP by clicking the Connect button, which is what we will do.

The image above shows the Desktop of the connected machine. If we exit this session, then in the Remmina window we will see that the access settings for our PC have been saved in the program.

From the example discussed, you can see how easy it is to access a remote PC running Windows XP on a PC running Ubuntu. Please note that when comparing the standard client from Microsoft and Remmina in Ubuntu, you will notice that the latter has much more settings and capabilities.

Thanks to these features of Remmina, the Ubuntu operating system has gained great popularity among terminal server users. For example, many organizations use computers running Ubuntu as clients for a terminal server. This is not surprising, because Ubuntu is a free operating system. Ubuntu clients are especially popular when working with server solutions where 1C software products are installed. Using this scheme, many companies save tens of thousands of dollars.

Direct access via RDP over the Internet

In previous examples, we looked at options for connecting to a remote machine via a local network. Now we will consider the option Internet connections. In order to connect via the protocol in question, you need a white IP.


In this article we looked at RDP clients from both Microsoft and Ubuntu. In this article, we tried to convey to our readers as simply as possible: how to establish a connection to a remote desktop. We also discussed in the article what gray and white IP are. Another point that I would like to talk about is the new application Microsoft Remote Desktop for Android. Thanks to this application, any user using a smartphone or tablet will be able to connect to a remote PC. Below is the window of this application.

And we, in turn, hope that our article will be useful to our readers, and thanks to its content you will be able to connect to a remote desktop without any problems.

Video on the topic

How often do situations arise when working with a computer when it is impossible to solve the problem yourself? In this case, you have to spend hours on the Internet to find the right solution. But there are also atypical situations - the issue can only be resolved by directly working with the computer. Especially for such users, Microsoft has developed the remote desktop protocol, which will help if you know how to configure it.

General provisions

The remote access protocol is present in all operating systems of the company, starting with XP. Moreover, it does not require third-party applications to work if you are going to control the computer from a laptop or other PC.

For the sake of security, Microsoft has assigned control only to those devices that are connected to the same local network. In practice, this means that you can use remote desktop only when connected to one home router or through a connected network of computers in the office (system administrators use this).

Static address

The second thing to consider when setting up remote desktop is the type of IP address used. If it is dynamic, then you need to make it static. To do this you need:

After this, close all confirmation windows, and if you did everything correctly, you will have a static address installed, which will allow you to use Microsoft remote desktop.

Opening the gates for friends

The second thing you need to do when setting up microsoft remote desktop is to provide the ability for other local network participants to connect to your computer and open access. To do this you need:

We exit, saving all changes. Now everything is ready, and your friend will be able to connect to you via microsoft remote desktop. But how to do it yourself?

Remote Desktop Connection

The ability to connect to someone else's computer via Microsoft remote desktop does not require downloading and installing additional applications. This program, which is a system program, works independently of other utilities.

And in order to connect to someone else’s personal computer over the same local network, it is necessary for your friend to carry out the operations performed in the previous paragraph. Only after he “opens the gate” for you will you be able to connect to him.

So, to manage a friend’s PC, you need to do the following:

There is such a nuance: the numbers of the static IP address must be entered without spaces between the dots.

Click the connect button, confirm administrator rights and username, password, and control your friend’s computer over the local network via microsoft remote desktop.

Computer control via smartphone

The method described above is suitable for connecting to a desktop from another computer or laptop. But it would be much more interesting to control your PC using a mobile device.

There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to have a smartphone based on Android or iOS, and a pre-installed program for these purposes - “microsoft remote desktop” for Android and “Microsoft Remote Desktop” for iPhone.

After launching the application on the phone, in the window that opens you must enter the same static address as in the previous case. You can specify additional connection settings, such as the connection name and other parameters. We press the coveted connect button. You are now connected to your computer.

Today we will talk about setting up an RDP connection to a remote desktop using the new RD Client from Microsoft, which can be installed for free from Google play by following the link. And you will find additional information about the client.

Connection setup

  • In field "Connection name" Enter the name of the connection, which will be displayed in the main application window.
  • In field "PC name" enter the domain name and port of the virtual machine, separating them with “:” without spaces (in our case - customer..
  • Note. The Gateway option should only be used if instructed to do so by Tucha technical support.

  • In field "User name" enter your username and in the field "Password"- password for the account on the remote machine.
  • Click the “Done” button to save the created connection and start working with your virtual machine in Tucha.
  • Note: This client allows you to enter data from several accounts created on a virtual machine for one connection. In this case, if you click on the arrow next to the connection name on the main screen of the application, you will see all available accounts.

    1. “Swap mouse buttons” - swap button assignments.
    2. “Connect to console session” - connect to the server console.
    3. “Redirect SD card” - connect the tablet drive to the virtual machine.
    4. “Sound” - play sound on a tablet or virtual machine.
      1. Note. This client also allows you to create shortcuts for your connections on one of the screens of your Android tablet. To do this, find Remote Desktop Shortcut in the widgets.

        Unfortunately, this client is very, very limited in settings. There is, for example, no ability to customize graphics and resolution settings, which may disappoint many users. Those who consider themselves to be among these users can find instructions for setting up other clients for Android tablets in our matrix.

    Fri, Oct 18, 2013

    First you need to download and install MRD. Direct link to iTunes Store Microsoft Remote Desktop.

    After the first launch, you need to configure the connection:

    The connection settings are simple. Enter the name of the connection, then the connection address (or ip) with port. In the User name field you will be prompted to enter your login and password. All other settings are default.

    After setting up the connection, click connect, the application tells us that magic is about to happen.

    As in the case of the desktop client, it will offer to accept the self-signed server certificate.

    I was able to connect immediately and without any problems. I found the desktop in the same form in which I left it since the last connection.

    As for management. I found it very intuitive. However, the selected default setting - tap control - is very inconvenient. Just like in the case of regular Windows 7 on a tablet, it is very difficult to hit the small icons and inscriptions. I didn’t immediately find the switching mode and was about to close the application. Tapping on the connection header opens 2 additional buttons:

    In order.

    The first button means switching between cursor/hand mode. In the case of the “hand” mode, the finger acts as a mouse and all actions have to be emulated with the finger, which is not always convenient. The "mouse" mode allows you to move the virtual cursor around the screen, 1 tap means click, 2 taps means 2 clicks, tap hold means right click. Everything is simple here. It is worth noting that the cursor has inertia and it took about 5 minutes to study its capabilities and chase the cursor around the screen.

    The second button is always present and means zooming in. I didn’t find a use for it, because... and everything is clearly visible.

    The third, as can be seen from the icon, is to disconnect.

    Virtual keyboard

    A regular virtual keyboard with a number of additional buttons, if not for one thing. The arrows on the left and right include an additional keyboard, which contains the num-pad, arrows and other control buttons.


    Overall, the application seemed convenient. In some ways it is comparable to Team Viewer. But the fact that it allows you to connect via RDP to any machine from a mobile device is definitely a success and a ray of goodness. When developing mobile applications, the mobile applications used show what kind of user experience the user expects. At the same time, it is worth it for application development.

    Surely, many of you have already heard and seen this abbreviation - it literally translates as Remote Desktop Protocol (RemoteDesktopprotocol). If anyone is interested in the technical intricacies of the operation of this application level protocol, they can read the literature, starting with the same Wikipedia. We will consider purely practical aspects. Namely, the fact that this protocol allows you to remotely connect to computers running Windows of various versions using the “Remote Desktop Connection” tool built into Windows.

    What are the pros and cons of using the RDP protocol?

    Let's start with the pleasant - with the pros. The advantage is that this tool, which is more correctly called ClientRemote Desktop in Windows operating systems is a very powerful tool for remotely controlling a computer. Remote Desktop or, is available to any Windows user, both on the computer from which the remote control is to be controlled, and to those who want to open remote access to their computer.

    Through a connection to a remote desktop, it is possible not only to see the remote desktop and use the resources of the remote computer, but also to connect local disks, printers, smart cards, etc. to it. Of course, if you want to watch a video or listen to music via RDP, this process is unlikely to give you pleasure, because... in most cases you will see a slide show and the audio will likely be interrupted. But the RDP service was not developed for these tasks.

    Another undoubted advantage is that the connection to the computer is carried out without any additional programs, which are mostly paid, although they have their advantages. The access time to the RDP server (which is your remote computer) is limited only by your desire.

    There are only two minuses. One is significant, the other not so much. The first and essential one is that in order to work with RDP, the computer to which the connection is being made must have a white (external) IP, or it must be possible to “forward” a port from the router to this computer, which again must have an external IP. Whether it is static or dynamic does not matter, but it must be.

    The second disadvantage is not so significant - the latest versions of the client no longer support the 16-color color scheme. Minimum - 15bit. This greatly slows down RDP when you connect over a stunted, dead Internet with a speed not exceeding 64 kilobits per second.

    What can you use remote access via RDP for?

    Organizations, as a rule, use RDP servers for collaboration in the 1C program. And some even deploy user workstations on them. Thus, the user, especially if he has a traveling job, can, if he has 3G Internet or hotel/cafe Wi-Fi, connect to his workplace remotely and resolve all issues.

    In some cases, home users can use remote access to their home computer to obtain some data from home resources. In principle, the remote desktop service allows you to fully work with text, engineering and graphics applications. For the reasons stated above, it won’t work with video and audio processing, but it’s still a very significant plus. You can also view resources that are closed by company policy at work by connecting to your home computer without any anonymizers, VPN or other evil spirits.

    Preparing the Internet

    In the previous section, we talked about the fact that to enable remote access via RDP, we need an external IP address. This service can be provided by the provider, so we call or write, or go to your personal account and arrange for the provision of this address. Ideally, it should be static, but in principle, you can live with dynamic ones.

    If someone does not understand the terminology, then a static address is constant, and a dynamic address changes from time to time. In order to fully work with dynamic IP addresses, various services have been invented that provide dynamic domain binding. What and how, there will be an article on this topic soon.

    Preparing the router

    If your computer is not connected directly to the ISP cable to the Internet, but through a router, we will also have to perform some manipulations with this device. Namely - forward service port - 3389. Otherwise, your router's NAT will simply not allow you into your home network. The same applies to setting up an RDP server in an organization. If you don’t know how to forward a port, read the article about How to forward ports on a router (opens in a new tab), then come back here.

    Preparing the computer

    In order to create the ability to remotely connect to a computer, you need to do exactly two things:

    Allow the connection in System Properties;
    - set a password for the current user (if he does not have a password), or create a new user with a password specifically for connecting via RDP.

    Decide for yourself what to do with the user. However, keep in mind that non-server operating systems do not natively support multiple logins. Those. if you log in as yourself locally (console), and then log in as the same user remotely, the local screen will be locked and the session at the same place will open in the Remote Desktop Connection window. If you enter the password locally without exiting RDP, you will be kicked out of remote access, and you will see the current screen on your local monitor. The same thing awaits you if you log in at the console as one user, and remotely try to log in as another. In this case, the system will prompt you to end the local user session, which may not always be convenient.

    So let's go to Start, right-click on the menu " to access the XP computer under " and press Properties.

    In properties Systems choose Advanced System Settings

    In the window that opens, go to the tab Remote access Additionally

    And check the only box on this page.

    This is the “home” version of Windows 7 - those who have Pro and higher will have more checkboxes and it is possible to differentiate access.

    Click OK everywhere.

    Now, you can go to Remote Desktop Connection (Start>All Programs>Accessories), enter the computer’s IP address or name there if you want to connect to it from your home network and use all resources.

    Like this. In principle, everything is simple. If you suddenly have any questions or something remains unclear, welcome to the comments.

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