Torres and his wife. Cristiano Ronaldo, Gerard Pique, Fernando Torres: the sexiest football players on the planet. Sports career at Liverpool

Fernando Torres is a popular Spanish football player. Many girls dream about him; this blond always attracts the attention of the fairer sex. But no matter how hot he is, his heart is already taken.

Fernando and Olalla

Fernando, unfortunately, is already married. His chosen one is also Spanish - Olalle Dominguez Liste. Despite the fact that the couple got married in 2009, they have known each other since school. The football player has been living with his lover for about 15 years.

Back in his school years, the athlete drew attention to a beautiful girl, and so their long and happy romance began. Torres was the girl's first love, and hopefully his only one.

Fernando and his wife Olalla with their daughter

In 2009, after a long-awaited wedding, a child appeared in the footballer’s family - a girl named Nora. My daughter was born in Spain, Olalla specially went to her hometown to give birth.

In the winter of 2010, the girl gave her husband another gift - she gave birth to a son, Leo. The athlete was terribly happy about the birth of his second child; in the last stage of pregnancy, he tried not to leave his wife a single step.

Torres with his son

What is it like to live with a popular football player and raise his children? As we can see, Olalla is doing well. She understands Fernando like no one else; he is very lucky with his wife. This couple is in perfect harmony: the emotional and hot-tempered Torres and the balanced and patient Olalla.

Of course, hot Spanish blood flows in her; the athlete’s wife can also flare up or start a scandal. However, only with her is Fernando ready to share all his happiness, success and victories.

Fernando Toress with his wife

It is important to understand that Torres was not always a football star; it was not easy at the beginning. Breaking into the Spanish national team is not an easy task. Only Olalla’s support, her faith and understanding helped the athlete reach unprecedented heights.

In case of defeat of her husband’s team, Dominguez could find the right words and calm her husband down, inspire him to develop and win.

Future parents

Fernando is a very successful football player and receives a decent amount of money for his games. But despite the wealth of the Torres family, they are not luxurious. Neither he nor his wife were accustomed to expensive things and luxury.

The most important thing for them is mutual understanding, children's health, love, caring for each other and family well-being. Olalla and her children always support her husband at important moments for him, they even go to their beloved dad’s matches.

Fernando Torres family

Today, football players, at least the best of them, are also role models, trendsetters and heroes of glossy publications, whose fees can easily compete with the fees of the first Hollywood stars. The first to pave the way from the stadium to fashion catwalks was David Beckham. Thanks to his talent as a football player, as well as his bright appearance and sense of style, the Englishman managed to achieve incredible popularity and turn his name into a brand. Today, Beckham's career as a football player is coming to an end, while Beckham's career as a model and businessman is only gaining momentum. Other successful football masters are also trying to keep up with the popular Briton, about the most popular, beautiful and rich of them Viva! and decided to write.

Most experts and ordinary football fans agree that Argentinean Lionel Messi is the most talented and outstanding player of his generation. This is confirmed by the four “Golden Balls” that the athlete has collected in his collection of trophies in recent years. Despite the high-profile titles, he still devotes himself completely to the game and, in football terminology, “dies” on the field for the sake of the result.

Thanks to the enormous efforts of image makers, Messi has turned from a shy Argentine guy into a man who knows how to wear a stylish suit, stands confidently in front of photographers' lenses... And does a good job of advertising chips.
In addition, 27-year-old Messi boasts contracts with such giants as Adidas, Samsung, McDonald's, Danone, MasterCard, Pepsi and Gillette. In addition, together with NBA star Kobe Bryant, the football player is the face of Turkish Airlines. The Argentine's fortune is estimated at 146 million euros, making him one of the richest football players of our time.

To the athlete’s credit, it is worth saying that he is involved in charity: in 2013, he donated 152 thousand euros for the reconstruction of a sports center in his hometown of Rosario, and also fully paid for the treatment of a six-year-old Moroccan who suffers from growth hormone deficiency and dreams of becoming a football player. The Argentinean's common-law wife Antonella and two-year-old son Thiago can be proud of him.

Lionel Messi. Argentina. 27 years.

For many years, ill-wishers have reproached Ronaldo for earning his fame not on the football field, but during advertising shoots and social events. However, the talented Portuguese put his critics to shame by leading Real Madrid to victory in the European Champions League and winning the prestigious Ballon d'Or. As a result, true football connoisseurs have finally forgiven Cristiano for the fact that he is really damn handsome and sexy and is wildly successful with women.

It is his popularity among the opposite sex that global brands exploit for their commercial interests: the 29-year-old forward has million-dollar contracts with Armani, Castrol Edge, Jacob & Co, Herbalife, Banco Espirito Santo and KFC.
However, this was not enough for the football player, and last year. Now huge advertising posters of a half-naked football player hang on the streets of Spanish cities everywhere.

A bank account of 150 million euros allows the athlete to live comfortably and... Ronaldo owns real estate in Madrid, Lisbon and on his native island of Madeira, as well as an impressive fleet of expensive and vintage cars.

Cristiano Ronaldo. Portugal. 29 years.

Iker Casillas

Like behind a stone wall. Surely Real Madrid players believe that this saying was invented about their famous goalkeeper, 33-year-old Iker Casillas. For many years, Iker was on the last line of defense for Real Madrid and the Spanish national team and with his entire appearance he inspired confidence and calm in his teammates.

Iker is exactly the same outside the football field - calm and charismatic. They say that Casillas was once hunted by the best girls in Madrid, but only one received the “main prize” - the Spanish sports journalist Sara Carabonero, who became his companion and in January of this year gave birth to the footballer’s heir, son Martin. The beginning of their romance for sports fans was a passionate kiss, captured live by television cameras during a post-match interview at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. At that moment, Spain learned that the famous goalkeeper and sports journalist had been leading everyone by the nose - they had been secretly dating for a year now.

For the Spaniards, Casillas is a real idol and role model. Even in his hometown of Mostoles, Sports Avenue was given a new name - Iker Casillas Avenue.

The heyday of the career of the Spanish striker, 30-year-old Fernando Torres, fell during his time at Chelsea. According to unconfirmed reports, the daughters of English Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich really wanted to see the handsome Torres at the club. Whether this is true or not, only the inner circle of the Russian billionaire knows, but in the end Abramovich acquired the Spaniard for an impressive sum of 50 million pounds.

He honestly worked for the millions invested in him and became one of the best strikers in both Chelsea and the Spanish national team. Perhaps a drastic change in his image helped Torres grow up and reach a new level of play, when he got rid of long curls in favor of a stylish men's hairstyle, thereby further increasing the army of his loyal fans around the world. After all, for many years, due to his youthful appearance and touching freckles, the athlete was called El Niño, which means “child” in Spanish.

Major advertisers have noticed the charming and photogenic Spaniard for a long time. Torres agreed to participate in advertising for Pepsi, Nike, Samsung and Pringles for impressive fees.

Now Fernando is a faithful husband and caring father to five-year-old Nora and four-year-old Leo. The footballer has known his wife Olalya Dominguez since the age of eight: it’s incredible, but true - childhood friendship grew into true love.

Fernando Torres. Spain. 30 years.

Gerard Pique

For many years, Gerard personified the reliability of the defense of the Catalan Barcelona - of course, with such a height of one meter ninety! The footballer’s courage and charisma were appreciated not only by his teammates, but also by the Colombian pop singer Shakira. Exactly four years ago, at the World Cup in South Africa, she gave the Spaniard her heart, and three years later, her son Milan. After the union of David Beckham and Victoria Adams from the Spice Girls, it was Pique and Shakira, who is ten years older than her husband, who became the main football-musical couple on the planet.

In everyday life, Pique is a passionate fan of beautiful cars and poker. For example, in 2011, the largest poker tournament in the European series was held in Catalonia, where the athlete earned 50 thousand euros. Another passion of the football player is stylish clothes. In 2012, Gerard signed a major advertising contract with the Spanish brand Mango, which added a couple of million to his Barcelona defender's salary of four million euros a year.

Gerard Pique. Spain. 27 years.

Fernando Torres is a Spanish football player. Forward for Atlético Madrid. Former member of the Spanish national team. World champion and two-time European champion. Fans know him by his nickname El Niño.

Childhood and youth

Fernando José Torres Sanz was born on March 20, 1984 in the provincial town of Fuenlabrada near Madrid. He was the third child of his parents. Jose and Flory Torres were already raising his older brother Israel and sister Marie Paz. For them, little Fernando was an outlet, as he was a calm baby, unlike Israel and Marie, who simply stood on their heads.

When the boy was 4 years old, he became interested in football. Of course, at first it didn’t look much like a real game, but he kicked the ball with great pleasure. The parents noticed their son’s interest and at the age of 5 they sent him to the first football team “Park 84”.

Every free minute he ran with the ball. True, when playing with my brother, he more often played the role of goalkeeper. One day Israel hit the goal so hard that he knocked out two of Fernando's teeth. After this incident, Torres decided to end his goalkeeper career.

In 1991, he became a striker for the Marios Holland team. And in 1995, Fernando joined Atletico Madrid. This was the youngest age category. He was 11 years old. According to Fernando Torres himself, his grandfather contributed to the choice of the club. He was not a football fan, but as soon as it came to Atlético, his grandfather became simply obsessed.

The training took place on the outskirts of Madrid, in the Horcasitas area. Getting from Fuenlabrade was not easy; sometimes the father had to take time off from work to take his son to football. My mother also took an active part in this.

But if they traveled with dad by car, then the journey with mom took many times longer - first they went by bus, then by train. His older brother and sister often accompanied him to and from training. So every family member is directly involved in his success. Fernando has said more than once in interviews that if it weren’t for them, he would never have become a professional football player.


In 1999, when Fernando Torres was 15 years old, he signed his first professional contract. The guy became a reserve player for Atlético. In 2001, he began playing in the main team. In his first season in the top division, Torres scored 13 goals, and already in the 2003-2004 season he was recognized as the team's top scorer. At the same time, Fernando became its captain; at that time he was only 19 years old.

Despite his excellent physical characteristics (height - 186 cm, weight - 69 kg), Fernando has rather childish facial features. Perhaps this is why the football player was given the nickname El Niño, which means “baby”. But the results he showed were by no means childish. For both Atlético Madrid and the Spanish national team, he became the ideal goal-scoring machine.

In 2007, Fernando Torres received an impressive offer from the English club Liverpool. He had been waiting for change for a long time, so, although this decision was difficult for him, he left his native club and moved to England.

In his first season, Torres scored 24 goals in the Premier League, thus breaking the record for the most goals scored by a foreign debutant. He spent two successful years at Liverpool, but his results worsened in the 2010-2011 season, as he missed many games due to injuries.

In January 2011, Liverpool sold Fernando Torres to Chelsea for £58.5 million - at that time it was the club's most expensive transfer. They offered El Niño a salary of £175,000 a week. As part of Chelsea, Fernando won the FA Cup and also won the Champions League and Europa League.

In 2014, Torres moved to Milan on loan. At the end of the year, it became known that the striker returned to his home club Atlético Madrid. In May 2015, he was recognized as the best player of the team according to fans.

At the Spanish Championship in the 2016-2017 season, Torres, after a collision with an opponent, fell and hit his head so much that he even lost consciousness. Later it turned out that the injury was not serious, but he scared everyone.

As a member of the Spanish national team, Fernando Torres became the world champion and twice European champion.

Every year the forward's statistics are declining. More and more often he sits on the bench. Over the last six years he has seen his transfer fee drop dramatically. In June 2018, the lease agreement with both Atlético and Milan expires.

Personal life

The football player met his wife Olalla Dominguez as a child. They got married in 2009. The lovers preferred to simply sign. Soon the couple had a daughter, Nora, and a year and a half later, a son, Leo. When the young father was delivered his first child in the maternity hospital, he told reporters that this was his best trophy. In 2015, Torres became a father for the third time – the couple had a son.

IN "Instagram" the football player does not publish family photos. But his wife Olalya does this; her account contains a lot of home shots with her children and husband.

Like other football players, Fernando Torres has advertising contracts. He starred in commercials for Pepsi and Samsung. The striker also appeared in several documentaries about football.

In 2009, he presented his autobiography “El Niño. My history".

Fernando Torres now

In 2018, the footballer announced that he was leaving Atlético Madrid at the end of the season. He did not say where he plans to move, but noted that he does not want to go to any other club in Spain.

In April 2018, his agent Antonio Sanz spoke out about the forward's departure from Atlético. According to him, Fernando will not remain either in Spain or in Europe. He did not provide any specifics, but hinted that it could be the United States or China.


  • 2008 – gold medal at the European Championships
  • 2009 - bronze medal at the Confederations Cup in South Africa
  • 2010 – gold medal at the World Championships in South Africa
  • 2012 – winner of the European Championship Golden Boot
  • 2012 – gold medal at the European Championships
  • 2013 – winner of the Confederations Cup Golden Boot
  • 2013 – silver medal at the Confederation Cup in Brazil

Hundreds of thousands of girls' hearts around the world were broken in 2009 by the news of the wedding of “cutie” Torres. It was 3 years ago that the Spanish star of Liverpool (and now Chelsea), Fernando Torres, changed his marital status. As the newspaper “El Correo Gallego” notes, the football player married his best childhood friend, Olalla Dominguez.

The wedding took place in Santiago de Compostela - where the girl is from. The couple met many years ago in La Coruña, but their relationship began in Estorda, where the striker was on holiday with his family. Olalla Dominguez is a 22-year-old girl about whom not too many facts are known, other than that she is a keen skater and that she is the girlfriend of Yolanda Ruiz, the wife of Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina. According to the Spanish publication, at the wedding the bride was dressed not in the traditional white dress, but in a red one. And Fernando himself was not dressed in a tuxedo, but, according to eyewitnesses, “in something sporty in red and white colors.” There were no guests at the wedding - only two witnesses. Always discreet, modest Torres celebrated the wedding without unnecessary fuss and pathos.

In the maternity hospital, the happy father, who was given a small bundle, excitedly told reporters: "This is the best trophy I got!"

And although the football player always tried to keep his personal life secret, this time he gave interviews left and right, and even allowed photographers to film in the maternity hospital. He also reported the weight of the firstborn - 3 kg 750 grams. A year later, he shared his thoughts about fatherhood in an interview: “Raising a child is the most difficult and best experience of my life.” A year later, the footballer got tattoos with the names of his wife and daughter on his forearms.

The young family almost broke up when the authoritative British tabloid The Sun published on its official website photographs of Fernando having fun in a gay club in the suburbs of Newcastle. The couple were at odds for a long time, but in February 2010 they announced their truce. And apparently, they reconciled so well that on December 7, 2010, the couple had a son! The baby was named Leo. On his birthday, Fernando did not take part in the Liverpool - Aston Villa match, he was replaced in the starting line-up by Ryan Babel, literally an hour before the match, because his Olalla went into labor.

And in the 74th minute of the match, the commentator leading the live broadcast of the match told fans and the public that Fernando and Olalla Torres had a son.

Anastasia Novashchuk

And we invite you to look at photos from the couple's family vacation. Looking at the happy faces of the two “kids” I want to say one thing: “Oooohhhhhhh!”

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