Leadership theory. Advantages and disadvantages. Approaches to leadership (behavioral, situational, from the standpoint of personal qualities) Behavioral approach in leadership research

A Behavioral Approach to Leadership

The behavioral approach has created a framework for classifying leadership styles or behaviors. It has become a significant contribution and a useful tool for understanding the complexities of leadership. This approach to the study of leadership has focused on the behavior of the leader. According to the behavioral approach, effectiveness is determined not by the personal qualities of the leader, but rather by his demeanor towards subordinates.

An important contribution of the behavioral approach to leadership theory is that it helped to analyze and classify leadership styles. LEADERSHIP STYLE in the context of management is the habitual demeanor of a leader towards subordinates in order to influence them and induce them to achieve the goals of the organization. The extent to which a manager delegates authority, the types of authority he uses, and his concern primarily for human relationships or, above all, for task completion, all reflect the leadership style that characterizes a given leader.

Each organization is a unique combination of individuals, goals and objectives. Each manager is a unique person with a number of abilities. Therefore, leadership styles do not always fit into a specific category. According to the traditional classification system, the style can be autocratic (this is one extreme) and liberal (the other extreme), or it will be a work-centered style and a person-centered style.


Management style- a set of the most characteristic and stable techniques used in the process of management activities. Management styles determined by the personality of the leader: authoritarian, liberal, democratic.

Authoritarian style- focusing on work and complete neglect of people. It is characterized by high exactingness, one-man command, personal control over the course of the production process, and the use of coercive methods. The authoritarian ("hard") style can be justified in a group with undeveloped material and higher needs, as well as in extreme situations.

Liberal style- focus on the person, the style of non-interference in the affairs of subordinates, lack of initiative, expectation of instructions from above, the leader is inconsistent in his actions, easily amenable to the opinion of others (influence), incompetent in solving issues, he is characterized by the fear of decision-making, shifting things onto subordinates. The use of a liberal ("club") style indicates a lack of clarity in defining the goals of the group and its role in the production process.

Democratic style- it is believed that a person enjoys work, wants to take part in management, presupposes collective decision-making; the control system includes various forms of involvement in the leadership of a wide range of employees, wide publicity. Democratic ("progressive") style should be used provided that employees are interested in getting results, initiative and responsibility.

The definition of an effective leadership style should take into account many factors: the psychological characteristics of the personality of the leader himself, the needs and interests of subordinates, the degree of their qualifications and responsibility, internal and external factors affecting the organization. The choice of a leadership style adequate to the situation, taking into account the most significant factors, can be defined as situational leadership.

The management process includes the following functions:

Planning - determining the future desired state of the control object and those actions (measures) that need to be carried out in order to move from the current state to the desired one;

Organization - placement of elements of a control object, determination of material - material and informational links between departments, as well as with objects of the external environment;

Control - comparing the actual state of the controlled object with the planned one, identifying discrepancies, assessing them and regulating the controlled object in order to eliminate a significant discrepancy;

Incentives - encouragement and punishment of employees, depending on the results of their work.

The most important goal of management- the use of the personal potential of each employee. Among the possibilities of modern management are such as: improving the professional training of employees, establishing interaction between the divisions of the company, strengthening the role of teams of all parts of the company in solving everyday problems, expanding the strategic components in the work of managers.

Review of leadership theories

Leadership theory attempts to identify and predict which characteristics of leadership are most effective and why.
Behavioral scientists have applied three approaches to identifying significant factors in effective leadership: the personality approach, the behavioral approach, and the situational approach.

Behavioral approach

The behavioral approach has created a framework for classifying leadership styles or behaviors. According to the behavioral approach to leadership, effectiveness is determined not by the personal qualities of the leader, but rather by his demeanor towards subordinates. Therefore, the concepts of "leadership style" are analyzed and a description of such important categories as autocratic style, democratic style, work-oriented style and person-oriented style is given.

A Behavioral Approach to Leadership

LEADERSHIP STYLE in the context of management is the habitual demeanor of a leader towards subordinates in order to influence them and induce them to achieve the goals of the organization. The degree to which a manager delegates authority, the types of power he or she uses, and his or her concern primarily with human relationships or, above all, the completion of a task, all reflect the leadership style that characterizes a given leader.

There are two commonly used targeting systems. According to the traditional classification system, the style can be autocratic (this is one extreme) and liberal (the other extreme), or it will be a work-centered style and a person-centered style.

Autocratic and democratic leadership

An autocratic leader in management is authoritarian. The autocratic leader has enough power to impose his will on the performers, and, if necessary, does not hesitate to resort to it. Douglas McGregor, a renowned leadership scholar, called the premise of an autocratic leader in relation to workers the "X" theory. According to Theory "X":

1. People initially do not like to work and at every opportunity avoid work.
2. People have no ambition, and they try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to be led.
3. Most of all, people want security.
4. To force people to work, it is necessary to use coercion, control and the threat of punishment.

Based on these initial assumptions, the autocrat usually centralizes authority as much as possible, structures the work of subordinates and gives them little freedom to make decisions. An autocrat can exert psychological pressure, usually threatening.

When an autocrat avoids negative coercion and instead uses rewards, he is called a benevolent autocrat. And as supportive as this leader may be, he or she extends his autocratic style further, structuring tasks and imposing strict adherence to a huge number of rules that rigidly regulate employee behavior.

A democratic leader's ideas about workers are different from those of an autocratic leader. McGregor called them the "Y" theory:

1. Labor is a natural process. If conditions are favorable, people will not only accept responsibility, they will strive for it.
2. If people are attached to organizational goals, they will use self-management and self-control.
3. Involvement is a function of goal achievement reward.
4. The ability to creatively solve problems is common, and the intellectual potential of the average person is only partially used.

Due to these assumptions, the democratic leader prefers such mechanisms of influence that appeal to the needs of a higher level: the need for belonging, high purpose, autonomy and self-expression. A true democratic leader avoids imposing his will on his subordinates.

Organizations dominated by a democratic style are characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers.
The leader spends a relatively large portion of his time acting as a liaison, ensuring that the goals of the work group are aligned with the goals of the organization.

LEVIN'S RESEARCH. Perhaps the earliest study of the effectiveness of leadership styles was conducted by Kurt Lewin and colleagues.

A LIBERAL LEADER does this: Subordinates are given almost complete freedom to define their goals and control their own work.

In his famous study, Levin found that authoritarian leadership did more work than democratic leadership. However, on the other side of the scale were low motivation, less originality, less friendliness in groups, lack of groupthink, more aggressiveness towards both the leader and other group members, more suppressed anxiety and, at the same time, more dependent and submissive behavior. Compared to democratic leadership, under liberal leadership the workload decreases, the quality of work decreases, there is more play, and the polls show a preference for the democratic leader.

** Authoritarian leadership is characterized by a high degree of sole authority of the leader: the leader determines all the strategies of the group; no authority is delegated to the group. Democratic leadership is characterized by power-sharing and worker participation in governance; responsibility is not concentrated, but distributed. Liberal leadership is characterized by minimal leadership involvement; the group has complete freedom to make its own decisions.

1. The speed of response in a critical situation.
2. High speed of implementation of solutions
3. Strict execution control
4.Maximum resource exploitation
1. Complete suppression of the initiative on the part of employees;
2. It takes a lot of energy and resources.
3. High risk of making erroneous decisions.

1. Improving performance;
2. Motivation of subordinates to discuss all kinds of problems;
3. The ability to build trusting relationships with the team.
1. Weakened control;
2. Losing time on general discussions before making decisions.

1. All initiative is in the hands of employees;
2. Lack of control gives a lot of scope for the implementation of ideas.
1. Lack of serious control;
2.in the team there are informal leaders
3. The efficiency of the organization is low, the company is slow.

Course work

in the discipline "Management"

"Approaches to leadership (behavioral, situational, from the standpoint of personal qualities)"


1.2 Approaches to leadership

1.2.1 Behavioral approach

1.2.2 Situational approach

2.5 Analysis of the motivation system




Another ancient sage said: the art of managing people is the most difficult and highest of all arts. This truth has been true at all times, but it is especially manifested in our time.

Knowledge and skillful application of various approaches to management enables the manager to radically change the situation in the company and to achieve the involvement of everyone in the work process. In scientific methodology, there are various approaches to determining what makes a leader truly effective. Among them, there are three main approaches: behavioral, situational, from the standpoint of personal qualities.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the concept and essence of leadership (basic approaches to leadership).

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· To define the very concept of leadership, to characterize the main approaches to leadership;

· Consider these approaches within a specific enterprise.

Object of research: an enterprise operating in the highly competitive market of construction equipment.

Subject of research: determination of methods for increasing the efficiency of behavior and interaction of members of the production team with each other and with the external environment.

Chapter 1. General concepts of leadership. Approaches to leadership

1.1 Concept and essence of leadership

Leadership issues have attracted the interest of people since ancient times. However, a systematic, purposeful and broad study of leadership began only from the time of F. Taylor. There has been a lot of research done. However, there is still no full agreement on what leadership is and how it should be studied.

Practice shows that no factor provides greater benefits and benefits for the organization than effective leadership. Leaders are needed to define goals and objectives, to organize, coordinate, ensure interpersonal contacts with subordinates and select optimal, effective ways to solve certain problems. Obviously, organizations with leaders can accomplish all of this much faster than organizations without leaders.

Leader (from the English. Leader - leading, the first, going in front) - a person in any group (organization) who enjoys great, recognized authority, who has influence, which manifests itself as governing actions. A member of the group, for whom she recognizes the right to make responsible decisions in situations that are significant for her, that is, the most authoritative person who plays a central role in organizing joint activities and regulating relationships in the group.

Leadership can be defined as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. From this definition it follows that leadership is a function of the leader.

Leadership is defined as a process of social influence in which a leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in activities to achieve organizational goals (Shrieshain); or as a process of influencing group activities, which is aimed at achieving goals (Stogdill). Leadership is also defined as the specific actions of the leader to coordinate and manage the activities of the group (Friedler).

Leadership is based on the specific needs of complex systems. These include, first of all, the need for self-organization, ordering the behavior of individual elements of the system in order to ensure its vital and functional ability. Such orderliness is achieved due to the vertical (management - subordination) and horizontal (correlative one-level connections, for example, the division of labor and cooperation) distribution of functions and roles, and, above all, the allocation of the management function and the structures that carry it out, which for their effectiveness usually require a hierarchical, pyramidal organizations. The top of such a management pyramid is the leader.

The richness of the sides, aspects of leadership determines the diversity of its typology. The simplest and most widespread classification of leadership in an organization is to single out three types of leadership (sometimes called leadership roles):

1. Business leadership. It is characteristic of groups that arise on the basis of production goals. It is based on such qualities as high competence, the ability to solve organizational problems better than others, business authority, experience, etc. Business leadership has the greatest impact on leadership effectiveness.

2. Emotional leadership. It arises in socio-psychological groups on the basis of human sympathy, the attractiveness of interpersonal communication. An emotional leader inspires confidence in people, radiates warmth, instills confidence, relieves psychological tension, and creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

3. Situational leadership. Strictly speaking, it can be both business and emotional in nature. However, its distinguishing feature is instability, temporary limitation, connection only with a certain situation. A situational leader can lead a group only in a certain situation, for example, in case of general confusion during a fire.

There are other classifications of leadership, depending on the type of leader. Is not it. Umansky identifies six types (roles) of a leader: leader-organizer (performs the function of group integration); leader-initiator (dominates in solving new problems, puts forward ideas); leader-generator of emotional mood (dominates in the formation of the mood of the group); erudite leader (distinguished by the vastness of knowledge); the standard leader (is the center of emotional attraction, corresponds to the role of a "star", serves as a model, ideal); leader-master, craftsman (specialist in some kind of activity).

1.2 Approaches to leadership

1.2.1 Behavioral approach

According to the behavioral approach to leadership, its effectiveness does not depend on the personal qualities of the leader, but, first of all, on his demeanor and relations with subordinates.

The behavioral approach has become the basis for the classification of leadership styles or behaviors, which has made a significant contribution to understanding the complexities of leadership.

In the socio - psychological literature, there is also a classification of types of leadership according to leadership styles. There are three main types of leaders allowed here:

· Democratic;

· Neutral (anarchic).

In the book by R.L. Krichevsky "If you are a leader" provides an example of these types of leadership.

Democratic type

Neutral type

A leader of an authoritarian type is characterized by tough, single-handed decision-making regarding the group, a weak interest in the employee as an individual. The leader of a democratic type seeks to develop concrete solutions, while demonstrating an interest in the informal human aspect of relations. The neutral type of leader is characterized by complete detachment from the affairs of the team.

The behavioral approach greatly advanced the development of leadership theory, focusing on the actual behavior of a leader, through which he can motivate people to achieve organizational goals, but it had one serious flaw: it was based on the premise that there was one best leadership style.

1.2.2 Situational approach

In accordance with the situational approach, management is a response to the impact of circumstances that, now or in the future, significantly affect the position of the organization. Its foundations were laid by G. Denisson, who argued that the use of different management methods is due to the situation, that is, a specific set of circumstances that, now or in the future, significantly affect the position of the organization. His task is to analyze them, select suitable techniques and methods for solving emerging problems, taking into account the systemic interaction of the internal and external environment (on which he focuses), restrictions, qualifications of managers, and the adopted leadership style. It is assumed that the leader must correctly understand the situation, the factors that determine it, the individual and group behavior of people; be familiar with the styles and methods of management, the likely consequences of their application, be able to choose the most appropriate techniques (including minimizing side effects) that give the maximum result.

The situational approach can be illustrated by the example of the actions of firefighters, who, depending on what is burning, use different methods of extinguishing the fire: water, carbon dioxide, sand, an oncoming fire shaft, etc.

It is clear that the implementation of the situational approach requires deep knowledge from managers, the ability to quickly navigate in a changing environment, and organize subordinates.

The situational approach attempts to link specific techniques and concepts to specific specific situations in order to achieve the goals of the organization most effectively.

The situational approach focuses on situational differences between organizations and within organizations themselves. He tries to determine what are the significant situation variables and how they affect the effectiveness of the organization. The situational approach methodology can be explained as a four-step process:

1. The manager should be familiar with professional management tools that have been proven to be effective. This includes an understanding of management process, individual and group behavior, systems analysis, planning and control methods, and quantitative decision-making methods.

2. Each of the management concepts and methodologies has its own strengths, weaknesses, or comparative characteristics when applied to a specific situation. The leader must be able to anticipate the likely consequences, both positive and negative, of the application of a given methodology or concept. Let's take a simple example. An offer to double the salary of all employees in response to additional work is likely to cause a significant increase in their motivation for a while. But, comparing the increase in costs with the benefits obtained, we see that this path can lead to the ruin of the organization.

3. The leader must be able to correctly interpret the situation. It is necessary to correctly determine which factors are most important in a given situation and what the likely effect may be due to a change in one or more variables. 4. The leader must be able to link specific techniques that would cause the least negative effect and would hide the least disadvantages, with specific situations, thereby ensuring the achievement of the organization's objectives in the most effective way in the existing circumstances.

1.2.3 Personality Approach

Leadership, leadership became an object of study when, at the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to study management for the first time. However, only in the period between 1930 and 1950. For the first time, the study of leadership was undertaken on a large scale and in a systematic manner. These early studies aimed to identify the traits or personality traits of effective leaders. According to personality theory of leadership, also known as the theory of great people, the best leaders have a certain set of personal qualities that are common to all. Developing this thought, it can be argued that if these qualities could be identified, people could learn to educate them in themselves and thereby become effective leaders. Some of the traits learned are intelligence and knowledge, impressive physical appearance, honesty, common sense, initiative, social and economic education, and a high degree of self-confidence.

In the 40s, scientists began to study the collected facts about the relationship between personal qualities and leadership. Unfortunately, despite hundreds of studies conducted, they have not come to a consensus on the set of qualities that certainly distinguish a great leader. One study claimed that only about 5% of the personal qualities of managers were analyzed in just four or five studies. In 1948, Stogdill made a comprehensive review of leadership research, where he noted that the study of personality continues to produce conflicting results. He found that leaders tended to be distinguished by intelligence, desire for knowledge, reliability, accountability, activism, social participation, and socioeconomic status. However, Stogdill also noted that effective leaders displayed different personalities in different situations. Then he came to a conclusion that today's scientists would agree with: "a person does not become a leader just because he possesses a certain set of personal properties."

The finding that there is no such set of personal attributes that all effective leaders have is often cited as evidence that leadership effectiveness is situational. However, Stogdill himself believes that his point of view does not sufficiently emphasize the personal nature of leadership. He argues that there is strong evidence that different abilities and qualities are required in different situations. While he does not call for a return to a personality-based approach to leadership, Stogdill concludes that "the personality structure of a leader should be related to the personality, performance, and missions of his subordinates."

Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of LLC "Rus"

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Enterprise "Rus" is a limited liability company. Type of activity: production. The form of ownership is private. The advantages of private property are that the proprietor, guided only by the general "rules of the game" - the current legislation - is free to act as the benefit and economic expediency dictate. He quickly adapts the economy to changing current and future market needs, up to the liquidation of the enterprise and the opening of a new one, which allows you to constantly maintain high efficiency. The company was founded in 2010 through private investment.

Enterprise "Rus" is a limited liability company. Rents production premises with an area of ​​2000 m2 and an office space of 120 m2.

The main form of exercising the powers of the labor collective is the general meeting, which decides the issues of concluding a collective agreement and the procedure for granting social benefits to employees of OOO Rus from the funds of the labor collective.

The name of the product is construction equipment. The main area of ​​application is the improvement (construction) of residential and office buildings.

Products of LLC "Rus" are distinguished by high quality, durability, reliability in operation, they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. In the future, it is planned to expand the range of products: to manufacture various accessories for the home interior.

Partners of LLC "Rus" - large trading firms, as well as manufacturing plants in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk.

The enterprise is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Republic of Bashkortostan is in third place in terms of consumption of construction equipment in Russia (8.3%), and does not have its own production. Thus, the enterprise has the advantage of being close to the consumer. At the initial stage of the operation of the enterprise, it is supposed to sell finished products only on the territory of the subject. The management of Rus LLC sets itself the task of “winning back” 50-60% of the Russian construction equipment market in 5-7 years.

LLC "Rus" makes a tangible contribution to the development of the economy of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The economic growth of the region is impossible without proper construction of infrastructure facilities, and the availability of high-quality construction equipment is one of the most important components of any construction project. In 2011, OOO Rus was awarded the All-Russian Annual Award "For Contribution to the Economic Development of Russia". The organizer of the award is the Interregional Organization of Entrepreneurs with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

2.2 The mission of the company, the tree of goals

behavioral leadership leadership management

The mission of the enterprise is to meet the needs of construction companies and the population in the necessary construction equipment (for example, such as: spatulas, screwdrivers, nail drivers, etc.).

If the mission sets general guidelines and directions for the functioning of the organization, then its specific states, to which it strives, is fixed in the form of a tree of goals.

Currently, LLC "Rus" has the following goals:

0. meeting the needs of construction companies and the population in the necessary construction equipment

1. Push foreign competitors out of the market

1.1 Marketing Research

1.2. Obtain a patent right to manufacture a particular product

1.3 Diversification of production

1.5 Expansion of the network of points of sale

1.6 Improving the quality of service

1.7 Expansion of the assortment by at least 15% quarterly

2. Profit maximization

2.1 Commissioning of new equipment and production technology

2.2 Reduced cost by 8% annually

2.2.1 Increase in labor productivity by 13% quarterly

2.2.2 Reducing production costs by 15% annually

2.3 Continuous search for new suppliers and markets for products

3. Formation of a positive image of LLC "Rus"

3.1 Charity

3.2 Provision of social protection for employees of the enterprise

3.3 Finding young talent

3.4 Participation in various competitions

2.3 Organizational structure of the enterprise

The activities of calves and services at the enterprise are formed according to the principle of a linear management structure. With such a management structure, all power is assumed by the line manager - the director of the enterprise, who heads the team. When developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units. Six specialized structural divisions are directly subordinate to the head of the enterprise:

Human Resources Department;


Finance Department;

Legal department;

Information Security Department;

Administrative and economic group.

The personnel department searches for new employees, and also carries out retraining of personnel.

Production carries out the manufacture of goods in the planned volume and on time. Bears full responsibility for the quality of the released product.

The finance department carries out technical and economic planning, conducts accounting and analysis of the company's activities in general and according to technical and economic indicators. It also maintains documentary records of production and economic activities. Also involved in payroll accounting; analysis of the work of the enterprise according to the results of the month, year; drawing up a production plan for a month, quarter, year.

The legal department is responsible for ensuring the legality of the company's activities, for protecting property rights and legitimate interests of the company, for actively using legal means to strengthen cost accounting, compliance with contractual and labor discipline, fulfillment of contractual obligations, and improve the economic performance of the company.

The Information Protection Department is responsible for protecting the rights of the company within the framework of the rights belonging to it. Monitors the market in order to identify violations.

The administrative and economic group consists of drivers carrying out the transportation of cargo, guards and cleaners who clean the working areas.

2.4 Methods of management in the organization

At the moment, LLC "Rus" applies administrative, economic, and socio-psychological methods of management.

Administrative management methods.

The organization has developed clear Internal Labor Regulations (PTPR), in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This makes it possible to formalize the corporate culture, to bring to a unified standard the uniform of the employees (business style for office workers and overalls for service engineers and storekeeper, changeable shoes in winter). Each employee, upon hiring, without fail (before signing an employment contract) studies the PVTP, which gives him detailed information about the organization he came to work for, the rules of behavior in the team and with clients, information on incentives and penalties applied in the organization, rules for holding corporate events, etc. PVTP allow you to maintain the most comfortable environment in the organization, excluding such cases as the appearance of an employee at work in clothes that are too open, embarrassing other employees; the use of profanity when communicating with colleagues; confusion of a new employee if he wants to celebrate his birthday at the workplace (how best to do this), etc.

The presence of a clear staffing structure and its regular adjustment in connection with changes in the operating conditions of the organization makes it possible to clearly distribute functional responsibilities between departments (individual employees): to avoid duplication in performing the same work; so that all the functions necessary for the normal operation of the organization are distributed among the employees, and none of the functions turns out to be "nobody's". This is also facilitated by the presence of clear job descriptions with the definition of the functional characteristics of the employee, his powers and responsibility for the work performed.

The presence of a job description allows an employee to clearly understand his role in the work of LLC "Nord Hayfors", his area of ​​responsibility, and correctly allocate working time to fulfill his functional duties. Also, job descriptions allow you to avoid "dumping on each other" blame for the mistakes made in the work. Clearly defined areas of responsibility assigned to each employee make it possible to quickly find the culprit and carry out explanatory work with him or subject him to a penalty, so that this mistake does not repeat itself. And, accordingly, to impose on him the responsibility to eliminate the consequences of this error.

Dismissal of workers in LLC "Rus" on the initiative of the administration occurs only in the event of a gross violation of internal regulatory documents: being drunk at work, non-observance of safety measures, etc.

Economic management methods.

LLC "Rus" is a free commodity producer and has been operating for one and a half years in the market of construction equipment on the basis of a developed marketing strategy for a long-term plan. This provides a sense of stability for the employees of the organization, timely payment of wages.

The portfolio of orders is formed in advance, serves as the basis for the development of an economic development plan, the portfolio of orders is optimized in terms of time and cost. Thus, employees always work with a hot product that is in demand and that is competitive in the market. This gives employees confidence in the financial health of the organization they work for and the quality of the product they sell.

The indexation of wages in the organization takes place regularly, taking into account inflation and an increase in sales. This gives additional stimulation to work, employees know that their wages, firstly, will always correspond to the labor market (and there is no need to look for another job, because "you have to live on something"), and, in second, they can influence the increase in their wages through additional efforts.

Occasional bonuses to office personnel from the wage fund without reference to profits occur when performing any urgent or complex work (for example, the formation of a single customer base in the 1C: Trade Management program in up to 2 weeks; active participation in the preparation of the biennial celebration LLC "Rus"; rational proposal to optimize the cost of delivering goods to customers).

Socio-psychological methods of management.

Different managers in LLC "Rus" use different social and psychological methods of management.

The method of communication in the organization is well developed. The issuance of administrative information is clear, fast, understandable; obtaining feedback is based on the trust that employees have in colleagues and managers of the organization; the issuance of evaluative information is perceived by employees positively, if they disagree with something, then this is followed by a friendly discussion of the controversial issue, an explanation of the position of each of the parties. In LLC "Rus" it is not customary to keep silent about any problems or wishes. This tone is set by the CEO and managing directors of the company and is supported by the HR manager. Managers are always ready to listen to the employee and each other, to make a decision that suits everyone the most.

Partnership in the organization is presented as the constant interaction of all employees with each other in the process of work (since the organization is quite small, sometimes it is faster to come up with a request directly to a colleague than to act through managers or write a request by e-mail). Employees of LLC "Rus" are always ready to help a colleague. Refusal can only be heard on very rare occasions and will be justified by important reasons.

Organizational negotiations are used by managers when they have to make an unpopular decision (and do it as painlessly as possible for the employee). For example, to deny an employee an unpaid leave. The manager puts the visa "refuse" on the employee's application, but is always ready to negotiate his decision. He will carefully listen to the employee's arguments why he needs this vacation, and explain why he refused. As a result of negotiations, either the employee abandons the intention to go on unpaid leave during this period, or the manager gives his permission if he considers the reasons for the vacation to be serious enough.

Coercion in the organization is used extremely rarely, only in cases where there is no time to convince, or when the employee raises many objections why he cannot fulfill the assignment, and for each new argument that breaks his objection, he immediately puts forward another one. It becomes clear that in this case it is easier to give an order to carry out the assignment than to continue the discussion.

2.5 Analysis of the motivation system

Motivation is one of the main functions of any manager's activity. With the help of it, an impact is exerted on the personnel of the enterprise.

At all times, the main incentive for the employee was and is wages, as a decent wage for work. At the enterprise "Rus" there is a piece-rate form of remuneration. An employee's wages are directly related to their productivity. There is also a quarterly bonus (in the amount of 8% of salary) and scholarships for students (subject to full-time studies and the closing of sessions, the company provides salary allowances), as well as financial assistance for a wedding, birth of a child, death of a close relative ...

LLC "Rus" has an 8-hour working day with the right to a lunch break for 30 minutes. The staff is paid an annual 2-week vacation. Minor children of employees are provided with free vouchers to children's health resorts in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The managers of LLC "Rus" are constantly organizing competitions between employees and departments of the enterprise. This stimulates the efficiency of staff, excitement awakens in them, and the desire to work increases. So, for example, a competition "Golden Hands" is held at the enterprise. The winner of this competition is the employee who made the least number of defects at work. The prize is about 20 thousand rubles and is solemnly presented by the General Director personally in the presence of all personnel.

Salary, although it is the main incentive for the employee, is not the only one. Working conditions are no less important factor that directly or indirectly affects the motivation of employees. The Rus enterprise has its own canteen and buffet. There is a first-aid post and a psychological aid room. A sports hall is also planned to be built by 2012. The development of social infrastructure of the enterprise will have a positive effect on the motivation of employees.

2.6 Organizational culture of the firm

OOO "Rus" has a linear organizational structure. The linear management structure is logically the most harmonious and formally defined, but at the same time the least flexible. Any of the managers has all the power, but relatively little ability to solve problems that require narrow, special knowledge. The linear organizational structure of management has its merits.

Advantages of a linear organizational management system:

1) unity and clarity of orders;

2) the consistency of the actions of the performers;

3) ease of management (one communication channel);

4) correctly expressed responsibility;

5) efficiency in decision-making;

6) personal responsibility of the manager for the final results of the activities of his own subdivision.

Qualitative characteristics of the personnel of LLC "Rus" are stable throughout the year and are distinguished by a significant share of the category of workers and a high qualification level.

Composition of employees by age in 2011

Composition of employees of LLC "Rus" by level of education in 2011

The company has good working conditions for the personnel, which are constantly being improved. Microclimate parameters, levels of illumination, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, air purity of the working area and noise comply with the standards.

The personnel are provided with personal protective equipment in the required quantity and appropriate size (gloves, masks, shields, respirators, aprons, etc.), depending on the profile of the department and the nature of the work being done.

The psychological atmosphere in the team is favorable. The company has a personnel incentive system, as well as the prospect of professional growth. The leader uses a democratic management style. The democratic management style is characterized by the distribution of powers, initiative and responsibility between the leader and deputies, the leader and subordinates. The leader of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collegial decisions. The members of the team are regularly and timely informed on issues of importance to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for high-quality and efficient work, kindly and politely; orders are applied as needed. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is built in such a way that the entire team of the enterprise lives like one big family. Mutual assistance and honesty are the main attributes of a favorable microclimate in the team. Managers often arrange corporate evenings and joint trips to various vacation spots. Employees' birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated.

3.1 Optimal management style at Rus LLC

The functioning of any enterprise is not possible without the involvement of the appropriate personnel. No matter how technologically advanced production is, in any case, people decide everything. The main function of the manager is to rationally use all the factors of production at his disposal. Competent personnel management is the key to success. The future fate of the company depends on how the personnel are trained, how prepared they are for various situations, and the functioning of the personnel largely depends on the style of the company's management. In LLC "Rus" it is more expedient to apply the democratic style of management, in which the main value for managers is the achievement of the set goals, the strengthening of authority at the enterprise through professionalism. An enterprise as a social environment should contribute to the development of the creative behavior of individuals, it should value joint actions, a high level of competence and skills of employees, their ability to convince and mobilize others to work. The position of an employee in the team is determined by his official position, abilities and skills, the powers entrusted to him, which increases the observance of the formal order. Despite the seeming liberalism, this style of behavior will only strengthen the real power and authority of the leader, and the team will have all the conditions for creating a favorable business environment.

Description of business processes occurring in the organization and the development of technological instructions for the main processes will improve the quality of management at the enterprise. For example: development of document flow regulations in the office; drawing up a clear instruction on the turnover of goods at the warehouse of LLC "Rus"; ensuring the order of processing applications for the installation (repair) of equipment in real production, etc. All this will allow:

· Identify gaps in the actions of employees and in the execution of documents;

· To optimize the described processes;

· Reduce the time spent on training new employees.

The organization of free meals at lunchtime helps to increase the efficiency of employees, because they do not need to think about where to go to eat, saving time (workers do not stand in lines in nearby canteens); the employee is guaranteed not to forget about lunch (and even more so, he will not remain hungry, accidentally forgetting a bag of food at home).

Additional medical insurance for employees at the expense of the organization is a good incentive for long and fruitful work in this organization. First, the employee is pleased that the company takes care of him and his health; and secondly, less working time is spent on visiting doctors, because queues at free clinics can take half a working day just to close the certificate of incapacity for work. And the treatment in paid clinics is often of better quality, that is, the patient recovers faster.

Training of employees at the expense of the organization (advanced training) will lead to the presence of more professional workers in the organization, which will increase the efficiency of the organization and increase profits by increasing sales and highly qualified service for the equipment and tools sold. It is necessary to develop a mentoring system that will allow:

Reduce the time and cost of training new employees (the sooner an employee gets up to speed, the sooner he will start making a profit for the company)

Get a bonus to the mentor's salary (additional material incentive)

· To the mentor to receive moral stimulus and satisfaction from the role of the "senior", which will serve as an incentive for the further self-development of the mentor himself.

The organization needs to regularly hold corporate events (fully paid by the organization), which is an additional method of strengthening friendly ties within the team, contributes to the development of informal communication between employees, the quick adaptation of new employees. Events can be like get-togethers in a restaurant with fun contests; trips to barbecue on the shore of the lake in the warm season (many employees compete in fishing on such trips); trips to the bowling club, theaters, excursions; team games (volleyball, basketball, football); trips to the ski slopes, to the skating rink. After such events, it is imperative to create a wall newspaper with a photo report for the event, which will delight employees with pleasant memories for a long time at the stand.


The purpose of this work was to reveal the essence of the main approaches to management on the example of a particular enterprise.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Leadership can be defined as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals;

2. In management, there are three main approaches through which the effectiveness of the manager is determined: behavioral, situational, from the standpoint of personal qualities;

3. None of the approaches are fundamental. All three approaches are only effective when combined with each other. According to the consensual theory of leadership, the best leaders have a certain set of personal qualities that are common to all. However, it has been found that there is not a set of personal qualities that all effective leaders have, and in addition, in different situations, different abilities and qualities are required. According to a concordant approach to leadership, efficiency is determined not by the personal qualities of the leader, but rather by his demeanor towards subordinates. The situational approach assumes that the effectiveness of a management style depends on the nature of a particular situation.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that LLC "Rus" is a fairly successful organization that uses effective management methods. The psychological climate in the team is comfortable for employees, communication between employees is friendly, there is practically no staff turnover in the organization, many employees have been working in the company from the very beginning. Over the past year, the organizational structure began to change, new employees were recruited, who in the very first days of their work paid special attention to a comfortable psychological climate.


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List of used Internet sources

1.http: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership

2.http: //bibliotekar.ru/biznes-43/48.htm

Behavioral, situational and personal approaches to leadership. Mission of the company LLC "Rus" and building a tree of goals, analysis of the system of motivation and organizational culture. The optimal leadership style and recommendations for improving the quality of management.

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FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "DON STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY" (DSTU) Faculty "Management and Entrepreneurship" Department "Economics" and Head. Department of "EMM" Ph.D. professor ____________ L.V. Borisova "___" _____________ 2014 EXPLANATORY NOTE to the course work on the management theory module: Leadership on the topic "Advantages and disadvantages of the theory of leadership qualities" Author of the work _________ N.V. Gryadova (signature) Direction / specialty, profile / specialization: 080200 Management Financial management Designation of term paper LI.230000.000 KR FM34 Group Project manager ___________ Ph.D., Associate Professor O. V. Panfilova (signature) The work is protected ______________ ______________ ______________ (date) (estimate) (signature) Rostov-on-Don 2014 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "DON STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY" (DSTU) Faculty "Management and Entrepreneurship" Department "Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering" Head. Department of "EMM" Ph.D. professor ____________ L.V. Borisova "___" _____________ 2014 TASK for term paper Student: Gryadova Nadezhda Vladimirovna Code 121523 Group FM34 Topic "Advantages and disadvantages of the theory of leadership qualities" Deadline for submission of work to the defense: December 2014 Initial data for term paper Educational - methodological material, considering the features of the theory of leadership qualities. The content of the explanatory note INTRODUCTION: Substantiation of the relevance of the subject of the course work. Sections of the main part: 1. Basics of leadership. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of leadership theory. CONCLUSION: The main results obtained in the course of the research are presented. Head of work ___________________ Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Panfilova (signature, date) The task was accepted for execution on 10.04.14 _________________ N.V. Gryadova (signature, date) CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Basics of leadership 1.1 The nature and definition of the concept of leadership 1.2. Approaches to the study of leadership 2. Theory of leadership qualities. Advantages and disadvantages. 2.1. The concept and essence of the theory of leadership qualities. 2.2. Analysis of the theory. Advantages and disadvantages of leadership theory. CONCLUSION APPENDIX 1 Theories of leadership qualities APPENDIX 2 Qualities most frequently encountered among leaders APPENDIX 3 Features of approaches to the study of the phenomena of leadership. Introduction The topic of leadership is gaining more and more popularity recently, especially in the business environment, which is primarily associated with the requirements of objective reality and the increased need for "strong personalities". Today the labor market in Russia is becoming more stable and understandable. Gone are the fertile times for "bounty hunters" when it was possible to find a highly qualified specialist in a company unknown to anyone and lure him away with twice the salary. Therefore, now, in order to both retain and recruit employees, the leader needs reliable leadership tools. A leader is a person who creates an image of an attractive future and brings it to the consciousness of his followers. True leaders are not those who hold high positions or have power, but those who control the hearts and minds of people. Therefore, a leader needs to create around himself force fields, magnets that attract talents, and not just employees striving to take jobs: He is able to change, first of all, his own life, forcing circumstances to work for him, and not against. Leadership is a life position, not a momentary whim. That is why the leader should be slightly ahead of everyone else. To effectively perform a leadership role requires special skills and qualities, called competencies in the modern business vocabulary. Successful leaders are distinguished by a creative approach to the assigned task, an understanding of themselves, their own moods and emotions, as well as the ability to regulate and direct them in the desired direction. They also understand the emotional state of others and are adept at establishing and maintaining relationships with a wide range of people. Another special quality distinguishes leaders from the general environment - strong motivation, unbending desire to achieve their goals. Effective leadership and effective management (leadership) are not the same thing. Leadership in the context of business management is the habitual demeanor of a leader towards subordinates in order to influence and induce them to achieve the goals of the organization. Leadership is the art of managing people, the ability to influence individuals and groups of people in order to induce them to work to achieve goals, i.e. the ability to form and clarify their ideas and dreams so that they motivate others to act. Therefore the leader. in modern management theory, it is viewed not as a "boss" or "commander", but rather as a person who "creates the world in which others want to live." This approach implies the competent management of relationships and interactions within the framework of an economic organization or social system in order to advance towards the set goal. There are many means by which you can influence and lead others. Leadership theory attempts to identify and predict which characteristics of leadership are most effective for management and why. Scientists have applied three approaches to identifying significant factors of effective leadership: personality approach, behavioral approach and situational approach Chapter 1 Leadership fundamentals 1.1 The nature and definition of leadership Organizations that achieve success differ from their opposite, mainly in that they have more dynamic and effective leadership. In modern Russian, leadership, from the point of view of the owner, means either an individual (leader) or a group (management team), or a process, that is, a way of managing an organization with individual characteristics. Leadership and leader are synonymous with leadership and leader. Leadership issues have attracted the interest of people since ancient times. However, a systematic, purposeful and broad study of leadership began only from the time of F. Taylor. There has been a lot of research done. However, there is still no full agreement on what leadership is and how it should be. study. The nature of leadership can be better understood if it is compared to management itself. Being a manager and being the leader of an organization are not the same thing. The manager, in his influence on the work of subordinates and building relationships with them, primarily uses and relies on the official basis of power and the sources that nourish it. Leadership as a specific type of management relationship is based more on the process of social impact, or rather, interaction in the organization. This process is much more complex, requiring a high level of interdependence of its participants. Unlike management proper, leadership presupposes the presence of followers in the organization, not subordinates. Accordingly, the relationship "boss-subordinate", inherent in the traditional view of management, are replaced by relationships. So, if you take the director of a plant as an example, he is a manager by position. position opens the way for him to leadership. The process of influencing people from the position of their position in the organization is called formal leadership. However, the director cannot rely solely on the position held to influence people. This becomes evident when it turns out that one of his deputies, who has less formal power, enjoys great success in managing in stressful and conflict situations or in solving vital problems for the enterprise. This deputy enjoys the support, trust, respect, and maybe the love of the employees for his competence, prudence and good attitude towards people. Being a manager does not mean automatically to be considered a leader in an organization, since leadership is largely characterized by an informal basis. You can occupy the first position in the organization, but not be the leader in it. In the above example, in the organization, the deputy is more likely to be considered the leader than his immediate superior - the director of the plant. The process of influencing through abilities and skills or other resources that people need is called informal leadership. The informal nature of the leadership position is largely due to the use of the personal basis of power and the sources that feed it. Ideal for leadership is considered to be the use of an effective combination of both foundations of power. In the course of studying the problem of leadership, scientists have proposed many different definitions of this concept. According to J. Terry, leadership is the impact on groups of people, encouraging them to achieve a common goal. R. Tanneibaum, I. Waschler and F. Massarik defined leadership as interpersonal interaction, manifested in a certain situation with the help of the communication process and aimed at achieving a specific goal or goals. G. Koontz and S. O "Donnell believe that leadership is associated with influencing people in order to achieve a common goal. Power and coercion in leadership is often replaced by motivation and inspiration. As a result of the leadership approach, the impact is based on people's acceptance of the leader's requirements without explicit or direct manifestations of power. The ability of a leader to influence people gives him the opportunity to use the power and authority received from his followers. Leadership is based on a specific type of management relationship or leadership type. This is a “leader-follower" relationship. subordinate "? which appeared during the first industrial revolution. Starting from childhood, following the leader is perceived by us quite naturally. Are these also the parents in the family? is it the teacher at the school? these are heroes with whom young people want to associate themselves. The presence of the image of a leader in the individual microcosm of people is as old as the person himself. The majority recognizes the fact that leadership is identified with the presence of a psychoactive relationship between the leader and his followers. The early stage of leadership management relations is characterized by the fact that one person occupies a central position in the community, and the rest are located, as it were, on the periphery. Governance is exercised through a centralized authority that prevails over the entire community. With this type of leadership, the follower spends his energies for the benefit of the group / organization headed by the leader, having virtually no personal rights. This version of the leadership relationship is called the "master-slave" relationship. The leader's power in this case is absolute and can extend to decisions about the life and death of members of the guided community. Usually, it is no longer in the power of the followers to change the course of action chosen by the leader. The effectiveness of an organization based on this early type of leadership relationship is manifested in its ability to quickly, in a short time, perform fairly difficult tasks in the least favorable conditions. It does this by rallying everyone around one leader. However, this is also a weakness of this type of relationship. First, this is due to the fact that the implementation of any organizational changes depends on the presence of the corresponding desires of the leader. Secondly, having achieved the goal, the leader often tries to maintain his power by artificially complicating the situation, which is not always in the interests of the rest of the organization. Third, the departure or elimination of a leader upsets the organizational situation indefinitely, which in turn leads to a corresponding decrease in efficiency. This type of leadership relationship still exists in business and is the most common there. The greatest correspondence of this type of leadership to the external environment is observed in family, trade and farm business. In general, leadership relationships are distinguished by the fact that followers recognize leadership as an integral part of a group / organization only when it has proven its competence and value. The leader derives his power from his followers as they recognize him as a leader. to maintain their position, the leader must provide them with the opportunity to meet their needs, which cannot be achieved otherwise. In response, they satisfy the leadership's need to dominate and rise above them, and also provide him with the necessary support in achieving organizational goals. Leaders fail for a variety of reasons, but leaders succeed in many ways when they have enough of the same abilities and skills. The study of the work experience of many leaders - practitioners shows that for success they need to have the ability to create an image of the future state of the organization and bring it to followers. Also, a successful leader is characterized by the fact that he empowers his followers with the appropriate powers to implement the goal expressed in the vision, can recognize his weaknesses and attract the necessary resources, including human resources, to eliminate them. A leader becomes attractive to followers through the ability to see what will ultimately be achieved as a result of his and the followers' efforts. However, this is not any goal or any state of the organization in the future. More of this is what followers want (ineffective leadership) or can (effective leadership) have. In addition, a vision becomes attractive if it is larger or better than the existing reality, i.e. to a certain extent, idealization of the future state is allowed. Vision captures the imagination of followers and motivates them to devote themselves to making it a reality to the extent that they share the leadership vision. A vision that inspires strength in followers makes them believe in the success of the cause. By communicating the vision to followers in a way that inspires enthusiasm and commitment, the leader can be helped by using effective communication. In modern conditions, people can be prompted to action by the fact of their direct conscious participation (through property or process) in decisions and their creative implementation, which implies endowing them with appropriate rights and powers. This means that the leader must have the ability and ability to share his Power with his followers, to make them part of a common cause, and not blind executors. In modern conditions, effective leadership is not an iron or firm hand, but a high sensitivity to the needs of followers, which manifests itself in the development of employees, in their inclusion in group work, in helping them achieve personal goals. 1.2 Approaches to the Study of Leadership It is known that to date, more than ten thousand different types of research on leadership issues have been carried out. Using two variables or two dimensions (dynamics of behavior and the level of situationality), it is possible to identify the main groups of leadership. The dynamics of behavior reflects how the leader is viewed: statically (analysis of leadership qualities) or in dynamics (analysis of patterns of leadership behavior). In the first case, leadership is interpreted mainly in terms of relatively constant and stable qualities of an individual's character, i.e. it is believed that the leader has certain innate traits that are necessary for him to be effective. In contrast, the behavioral approach is based on inferences drawn from the observed patterns of leadership behavior, i.e. the actions of the leader, and not the qualities inherited by him. The second dimension is associated with the level, or degree of acceptance of situationality as the basis of analysis in the framework of a particular approach to the study of leadership. On one pole there are approaches that lead to the idea of ​​universality, on the other, situationality is recognized as critical, decisive for effective leadership. The combination of two variables ultimately leads to the allocation of four types of approaches to the study of leadership in the organization. The first type includes approaches based on the analysis of leadership qualities (leadership theory, theory (<Х» и теория «У» Дугласа МакГрегора), необходимых эффективному лидеру в любом организационном контексте. Второй тип рассматривает лидерство как набор образцов поведения, присущий лидеру также в любом организационном окружении Третий тип предполагает изучение лидерских качеств, но уже в зависимости от конкретной ситуации (концепции ситуационного лидерства: Танненбаума -- Шмидта, Фидлера, Херсея -- Бланшарда, Хауза Митчелла, Стинсона -- джонсона, Врума -- Йеттона -- Яго). Четвертый тип представляет ряд новых подходов, вновь изучающих лидерские качества, но уже в связи с конкретной ситуацией (причинно-следственный подход, или «атрибутивная теория, концепции лидера-преобразователя и харизматического лидера). Особенности подходов к изучению лидерства представлены в табл.3 Глава 2. Достоинства и недостатки теории лидерских качеств. 2.1 Понятие и сущность теории лидерских качеств. Теория лидерских черт создавалась на основе выявления качеств, присущих идеальным лидерам - героям. Суть этой теории состоит в объяснении феномена лидерства выдающимися качествами личности. Как пишет один из видных представителей теории черт Э. Богардус, «превосходящие интеллектуальные дарования доставляют личности выдающееся положение, рано или поздно приводящее к лидерству». Теория лидерских качеств или структурная теория ставит перед собой задачу выявить универсальную структуру личности эффективного лидера, определив свойственные ей черты или характеристики. Множество исследователей пыталось определить набор характеристик, делающий человека лидером. Эти исследователи и характеристики представлены в табл. 1 При этом они, сообразуясь с уровнем развития производства на рассматриваемом этапе, ставили на первое место то физическую силу, то интеллект. Так, исследования российских руководителей выявили десять основных характеристик, свойственных современному лидеру: · умение формировать управленческую команду; · стратегическое видение развития бизнеса; · умение управлять стратегическими изменениями в развитии бизнеса; · способность принимать решения в условиях неопределенности; · фактор самодисциплины и организованности; · умение делегировать полномочия и контролировать получение необходимых результатов; · способность налаживать конструктивные взаимоотношения внутри коллектива; · умение налаживать и поддерживать конструктивные отношения с внешними сторонами; · детальное знание бизнес-процессов и производственной специфики своего предприятия или отрасли; · способность к ведению переговоров и убеждению в правоте своей позиции. · Вообще выделяют четыре группы лидерских качеств: физиологические, психологические, интеллектуальные и личностные. Эти качества и их характеристики представлены в табл. 2 В целом структурный подход столкнулся с рядом неразрешимых проблем: · выделение оптимального набора характеристик оказалось неосуществимым; · подход полностью игнорировал групповой контекст, в котором реализуется лидерство; · подход не смог вскрыть причинно-следственную связь между лидерством и индивидуально-личностными особенностями (характеризуют ли определенные черты лидера или успешное лидерство формирует специфические черты); · в контексте данного подхода индивидуальные черты выступают как статичные образования, лишенные развития; · невысокая корреляция личностных черт с поведенческими проявлениями лидерства, строго говоря, не позволяет считать указанные характеристики надежными предикторами. Феномен лидерства занимает особое место в политической психологии в силу своей яркости и занимательности. Если для политической науки главной проблемой является власть, то для политической психологии - конкретное выражение этой власти в «человеческом факторе» политики. Это конкретное выражение имеет две ипостаси. С одной стороны, власть в политико-психологическом измерении - это способность властвующего субъекта («верхов») заставить себе подчиняться, то есть некоторая потенция лидера, политического института или режима. С другой стороны, власть - это готовность «низов» подчиняться «верхам». Так возникают две стороны одной медали: способность «верхов» и готовность «низов». Каков «удельный вес» каждого из этих компонентов, зависит от многих обстоятельств в каждом конкретном случае. Феномен лидерства - наиболее изучаемая проблема политической психологии . Именно здесь накоплен основной массив исследований, концепций и попыток теоретического обобщения. При изучении этого раздела политической психологии наиболее продуктивно постоянное обращение к истории проблемы, углубленный исторический экскурс в проведенные ранее исследования. В исследованиях феномена лидерства пока еще нет «окончательного диагноза», который позволил бы кратко суммировать и обобщить достижения, отбросив заведомо неверные концепции. Феномен лидерства - наиболее благодарная тема для политических психологов. Занятие ею обеспечивает интерес широкой публики и спрос самих политиков. То есть, одновременно, приносит редкое сочетание славы и денег. Все сказанное объясняет повышенное внимание, которое проявляется к данной проблеме. Учитывая это, рассмотрим накопленные научные данные максимально широко. Отметим, что каждый последующий подход не зачеркивал предыдущие, а надстраивался над ними. Так сложилось объемное, многомерное понимание феномена лидерства. Пропустим, по причине чистой описательности и отсутствия серьезного анализа, предысторию изучения феномена лидерства. Попытки его политико-психологического рассмотрения - достояние всей письменной истории человечества. Однако до конца XIX - начала XX веков основные подходы к проблеме носили сугубо описательный характер. Анализ стал достоянием XX века. Различные теории вплотную попытались объяснить природу лидерства и выявить факторы, влияющие на этот феномен. В обобщенном виде можно выделить несколько групп подобных теорий. Теории «героев» и «теории черт» . Теории данной группы - из самых древнейших. Кратко упомянем лишь некоторые их истоки. Как известно, значительная часть политико-психологических черт и особенностей детерминирована социокультурными обстоятельствами. Так, древние египтяне приписывали своему императору «властное высказывание» в устах, «понимание в сердце», но «язык его - усыпальница справедливости». Гомеровская Илиада раскрыла четыре необходимых, по мнению древних греков, качеств вождей: справедливость (Агамемнон), мудрость (Нестор), хитрость (Одиссей) и доблесть (Ахилл). Перечни таких или похожих качеств встречаются в самых разных культурах: Правда, модели поведения лидеров и «наборы» лидерских «черт» со временем не раз менялись. Тем не менее, образы героев были, есть и всегда будут. Во всяком случае, пока сохраняются сторонники понимания истории как творения «героев», великих людей. Значит, будут множиться и списки «героических» черт. В XX веке известные представители «героической» теории (Т. Карлайл, Е. Джен-нингс, Дж. Дауд и др.) пытались изучать качества, «передающиеся по наследству» и «способствующие завлечению масс». Затем, вслед за «героической», уже «теория черт» попыталась дать ответ на вопрос, какими свойствами должен обладать лидер как особый субъект деятельности. Ее сторонники (Л. Бернард, В. Бинхам, О. Тэд, С. Килбоурн и др.) считали, что лидером человека делают определенные психологические качества и свойства («черты»). Лидер рассматривался ими через призму ряда факторов, Во-первых, к таким факторам относились его «способности» - умственные, вербальные и т. д. Во-вторых, «достижения» - образование и физическое развитие. В-третьих, «ответственность» - зависимость, инициатива, упорство, желание и т. д. В-четвертых, «участие» - активность, кооперация и т. д. В-пятых, «статус» - социально-экономическое положение, популярность. В-шестых, важными признавались «ситуативные черты» личности. Разочарование в структурной теории привело к выдвижению концепции «лидера без черт».Несмотря на недостатки, структурный подход неизменно вызывает интерес практического менеджмента. Даже неидеальные тесты, построенные на достижениях структурного подхода, дают возможность осуществлять профессиональный отбор лидеров. Тестирование нацелено в основном на выявление пяти характеристик, неизменно демонстрирующих высокую положительную корреляцию с успешным лидерством: · интеллект; · доминантность; · уверенность в себе; · высокий активационный (энергетический) уровень; · профессиональные знания и навыки, релевантные выполняемой задаче. Недостатки структурного подхода попытались преодолеть авторы теории поведенческого лидерства. Данный подход рассматривает лидерство в контексте внешнего поведения, демонстрируемого лидером, и пытается найти некоторые устойчивые совокупности поведенческих характеристик, обеспечивающие успех лидеру. Структурный подход подразумевает наличие «готовых», статичных черт лидера, т.е. лидером нужно родиться. Поведенческий же подход рассматривает лидерство не как заданный набор особенностей личности и способностей, а как форму поведения, которую можно освоить и которой можно и нужно обучать. 2.2Достоинства и недостатки теории лидерских качеств. Теория черт обладает рядом недостатков. Во-первых, перечень потенциально важных лидерских качеств оказался практически бесконечным. По этой причине стало невозможно создать «единственно верный» образ лидера. Во-вторых, по различным причинам, таким, например, как неудача в поиске путей измерения многих лидерских качеств, а также в силу непризнания возможных различий в зависимости от организации или ситуации, не удалось установить тесную связь между рассмотренными качествами и лидерством и помочь практическому выявлению последнего. Суммируя сказанное, можно сделать заключение, что подход, изучающий лидерские качества, несомненно, интересен, но, к сожалению, до сих пор не очень помог практике. Для проверки теории черт были проведены обширные конкретные исследования. Они в значительной мере опровергли эту теорию, т.к. оказалось, что при детальном анализе индивидуальные качества лидера почти в точности совпадают с полным набором психологических и социальных признаков личности вообще. Кроме того, в некоторых сферах деятельности, прежде всего в области предпринимательства, высокие интеллектуальные и моральные качества являются скорее препятствием для занятия лидирующих позиций, чем условием успеха. На протяжении многих лет, а часто и всей жизни многие выдающиеся способности людей оказываются невостребованными, не находят применения. И действительно, многие известные руководители и вожди проявляли и проявляют те или иные оригинальные и сильные качества. Однако история знает и другие примеры: когда политические лидеры - заурядные, неяркие, не блещущие умом, серые личности. Недаром немецкий писатель Лион Фейхтвангер (1884-1958) в свое время отмечал, что «власть даже пустого человека наполняет содержанием». Следовательно, важны не только определенные личностные черты, но и соответствующие им обстоятельства. Все это вовсе не означает полного отрицания теории черт. Очевидно, что для занятия лидирующих позиций в условиях политической конкуренции действительно нужны определенные психологические и социальные качества. Однако их набор значительно варьируется. В зависимости от исторических эпох и особенностей конкретных государств мира. Даже в наши дни личностные качества, дающие шансы на политический успех, существенно отличаются, например, в Швеции, Афганистане, Корее, Эфиопии и т.д. К тому же во многих, главным образом недемократических государствах, политическими лидерами часто становятся заурядные, серые личности, не обладающие яркой индивидуальностью. С точки зрения ситуационного подхода лидерские качества относительны. Один человек может проявить черты лидера на митинге, другой - в повседневной политико-организационной работе, третий - в межличностном общении и т.п. В целом же лидеров отличают главным образом готовности взять на себя ответственность за решение той или иной задачи, а также компетентность. Парадокс "> Since researchers of leadership do not have the slightest reason to count on a massive neurotic disruption of consciousness among researchers of leadership, the reason should rather be sought in the degree of reliability of the empiricism that allegedly refutes the theory of leadership traits. Searching in this direction reveals another paradox: almost a hundred years of scientific development of the topic of leadership did not lead to the construction of a holistic and shared by at least the majority of scientists understanding of the essence of leadership as a social phenomenon. Until now, "leadership is like this terrible Bigfoot, whose footprints are everywhere, but he himself is nowhere to be seen." And this automatically means that the inconsistency of empirical data on leadership traits can be predetermined not by the falsity of the initial theoretical premise, but simply by the fact that different researchers under the general slogan "leadership" study seemingly similar, but psychologically different social phenomena. Conclusion. The first of the four theories - the "theory of leader traits" - explains the phenomenon of leadership by outstanding personality traits. According to this theory, every person cannot be a leader. True leaders are not those who hold high positions or have power, but those who control the hearts and minds of people. To effectively perform a leadership role requires special skills and qualities, called competencies in the modern business vocabulary. The study of mental, or intellectual, qualities and their connection with leadership have been carried out by many scientists, and, in general, their results coincide in that the level of these qualities in leaders are higher than non-leaders. Summarizing the above, we can say that the essence of the "theory of leader traits" is that individuals with special personality traits become leaders .. However, subsequent studies have shown that the correlation between these qualities and leadership is rather small. So, if the average intellectual level of followers is low, then being too smart for a leader means facing many problems. This, apparently, has led to the fact that the success of a leader largely depends on his ability and ability to solve problems and make the right decisions. Personal business qualities are mostly in the nature of the skills and abilities acquired and developed from the leader in the performance of their functions. Their importance to success increases along the levels of the organizational hierarchy. However, their exact measurement is difficult. It has not yet been proven that these qualities are critical to effective leadership. For example, the business qualities that have made someone a leader in a commercial bank are unlikely to be useful for leadership in a research laboratory or in a theater. In general, it was not possible to find common traits for leaders, and even to understand which of the qualities is more important. The theory of leadership traits, like the concept of personality traits, has led to progress in the description of the phenomenon of leadership. This approach still exists, but now the focus is not on personal traits, but on work-related skills. So, there is still no consensus about what qualities a leader should have. The models of leadership traits do not say anything about the degree of importance of one or another of them. When approaching leadership only from the point of view of the theory of traits, many aspects of this process remain unaccounted for, for example, the relationship "leader-followers", the conditions of the environment in which leadership is exercised, etc. Although there is no doubt about the fact that a leader must have several basic traits (for example, competence, honesty, etc.) capable of inspiring the trust of followers, because the degree of his support from the masses depends on this. In all likelihood, the traits of a leader should be considered not in isolation from the social context, but in connection with it, and not in statics, but in dynamics. It should be remembered that the performance of leadership functions develops the qualities necessary for this, that is, in an individual who has been playing the role of a leader for a long time, the traits required for this are formed and consolidated (a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, etc.). What was a social role becomes part of his "I". To clarify and concretize the theory of leadership traits, we postulated a system of mutually agreed concepts: social group, crisis group consolidation, hierarchization, role diversity, social dominance, dominance-subordination, leadership-statement, management-execution, leadership, leader, follower. In our understanding, social leadership is the most important group mechanism for overcoming extreme situations. Historically, three types of domination have been formed, distinguished by the basis on which the interaction between group members occurs: domination based on force interactions (domination), domination based on common goals (leadership), and domination based on agreement (management). Accordingly, true leadership should be interpreted as primacy in stimulating, planning and organizing the activity of the group, based on the unity of significant goals for all its members. Leadership relies on the mutually beneficial use of the individual characteristics of the group members, and therefore, in the perception of all members of the group, the roles of the leader and the follower are correlated as equally necessary and significant for the effective achievement of the general group goal. List of sources used. 2. Volkova T.R. Career growth. - Handbook on personnel management, 2009, No. 2 3. Kartashov S.А., Odegov Yu.G., Kokorev I.А. Recruiting: Hiring staff. M .: Exam, 2010. 4. Litvak B. G. Administrative decisions.- M .: Bukva, 2010 5. Adair D. Effective leadership. How to develop and apply a leader. Skills / D. Adair D. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 318 p. 6. Covey S. R. Leadership based on principles / S. R. Covey. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2012 - 300 p. 7. Landsberg M. Leadership. Vision, inspiration and energy / M. Landsberg. - M.: EKSMO, 2010 .-- 215 p. 8. Vasiliev VK Paradoxes of the theory of leadership traits. 9. Friedman M. The art and science of leadership strategy. A new approach to corporate. control / M. Fridman. - M.: GRAND: Fair-Press, 2011 .-- 271 p. 10 Stepanov D. Monarch: How to become a leader, win and not lose: Strategy, tactics and psychology, universal for all times and peoples / D. Stepanov. - SPb. : Krylov, 2012 .-- 190 p. SOUNB; 11.Rue D. Genuine leadership / D. Rue. - M.: GRAND: Fair-Press, 2009. - 349 p. 12. Rogov E. I. Group psychology / Rogov E. I. - M.: VLADOS, 2007. - 430 p. APPENDIX 1 Table 1. Theories of leadership qualities APPENDIX 2 Table 2. Qualities most common among leaders APPENDIX 3 Table 3. Features of approaches to the study of the phenomenon of leadership.

Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 080200.550000.000 BP Developed Gryadova N.V. Check. Panfilova OV T. ​​Counter. N. Counter. Ilchenko Approved. Borisova L.V. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Leadership Theory" Lit. Sheets DSTU, department. "EMM" 7 Sheet Date signature no. Document. Change sheet 6 Sheet Date Signature Doc. No. Change sheet 5 Sheet Date Signature Doc. No. Change sheet Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 080200.230000.000 PZ Develop. Gryadova N.V. Check. Panfilova OV T. ​​Counter. N. Counter. Approved. Borisova L.V. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Leadership Theory" Lit. Sheets DSTU, department. "EMM" Change. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 8 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 9 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 10 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 11 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 12 13 Sheet Date Signature Document no. Change sheet Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 14 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 15 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 16 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 17 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 18 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 19 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 20 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 22 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 23 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 21 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 24 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 25 Rev. Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 26 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 27 Change Sheet no. Doc. Signature Date Sheet 28

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