Cats are in heat. When does estrus in cats begin and how long does it last? How often do cats have a rut?

Estrus in cats is a period of sexual arousal. Like other mammals, these periods occur when they become sexually mature and ready to reproduce.

In this article you will learn everything about this condition and understand the best way to deal with your animal.

When do cats go into heat?

Typically, puberty occurs between 7 and 10 months of age..

But the complete physiological formation of the body for procreation ends at approximately 12-14 months.

It should be noted that the time of the onset of the first heat, as well as its regularity, depend on many factors, including the breed of the cat.

For example, in such oriental breeds as Siamese, Persian and Oriental, estrus can be observed much more often than in cats of other breeds (for example, ,).

How long does a cat's heat last?

So, a cat’s first heat occurs at the age of 7-10 months.

One sexual cycle (estrus) lasts approximately from 5 days to 2 weeks.

As often happens

Estrus continues all year round and can recur every three weeks until the cat or she is not born.

Usually domestic cats ask for a cat at any time of the year, but A special increase in sexual desire is observed in late winter - mid-spring, from approximately February to March.

Signs and symptoms

Determining heat in cats is quite simple. You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • The animal's genitals are enlarged, there is no bloody discharge, but there is a clear, basically light discharge that the cat can inherit.
  • Your pet will lick itself more often, and urination may become more frequent than usual.
  • Sometimes there are disturbances in appetite - the cat eats less often and less.
  • Cats become more affectionate, rubbing against everything they can - furniture, owners. They also roll around on the floor and squirm. There are, of course, individuals who, on the contrary, become too aggressive during the period of heat.
  • The animal tries to escape from the house, using all possible entrances and exits - windows, doors, etc.
  • The animal makes plaintive, drawn-out and sometimes very loud sounds, thus calling cats.
  • He bends his posture, lies down on the floor, actively tramples his hind legs and moves his tail to the side.

How do cats go into heat?

Divided into 4 successive stages:

Proestrus– this is the first stage of a cat’s estrus, which lasts 1-4 days. During this period, the cat is even more or less calm. There may be increased, but not so much expressed affection towards the owner. The appetite remains, sometimes even higher than usual. The cat may make quiet sounds in its throat. The genitals gradually increase in size, discharge begins, but despite all this, the cat will not yet allow a single cat to come near her.

Estrus– the second stage, lasting a week and a half. This is the heat itself, when the cat wants a cat, becomes especially affectionate, wriggles, meows loudly, and rolls on the floor. If you stroke your pet in the sacrum area, she will take a characteristic mating position and move her tail to the side. This is a normal and natural phenomenon inherent in nature. It should be noted that during the estrus period, days 3-5 are considered optimal.

Metestrus– a period of decreased sexual arousal of the animal. Lasts 3-12 days. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then during metestrus the cat will react aggressively to cats. Sometimes it happens that if fertilization does not occur, then it is at the third stage that cats develop a false pregnancy.

A false pregnancy resembles a true pregnancy in all respects, except that this pregnancy will not end in childbirth. Usually a false pregnancy goes away within a month and a half. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then after 60-70 days the cat gives birth to kittens.

Anestrus– the fourth final stage of estrus, if fertilization does not occur. The cat gradually calms down and returns to its normal life.

How to help a cat in heat

Statements that it is better not to touch cats during sexual activity are not entirely correct.

On the contrary, show more tenderness and care, pick up, talk to, stroke and comb the cat more often. These simple manipulations will relieve tension and calm the animal a little.

Keep in mind that active games with your pet will also help to distract her at least a little from the irresistible desire to procreate. During heat, give your cat a good run so that she can throw out the accumulated energy.

Anti-estrus medications

Yes, there is a hormonal injection ( Cowinan), the introduction of which can stop estrus and prevent its occurrence for an average of six months.

Please note that it is highly undesirable to use such a drug without consulting a veterinarian.

Firstly, these injections must be given strictly according to the scheme, not just once, but over several months.

Secondly, the drug can only be used before the onset of estrus.

The use of hormonal injections during estrus is strictly contraindicated.

Please take into account the fact that the first injection of this drug should be given ONLY by a veterinarian, explaining the further regimen of use.

Do not forget about the high risk of diseases of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands of your pet. This medication is contraindicated for use in cats over 5 years of age, especially if it has never been used on your cat before.

Kittens enter puberty at seven to nine months of age. But depending on the conditions of detention, characteristics of the breed and external factors, puberty in cats may occur earlier or later than expected.

Factors influencing puberty

Males and cats reach sexual maturity at different ages. in males it occurs later than in females, which matures along with the first estrus, which begins at 5-6 months. But the timing of puberty may vary. This depends on certain factors:

  1. Belonging to the breed. Representatives of oriental breeds: Siamese, Thais, Orientals, Burmese and - belong to the category of early maturity.
  2. Skeletal structure. Males and cats of graceful build with thin bones mature earlier than their powerful counterparts.
  3. Seasons. Kittens born in winter or spring enter sexual maturity in spring or summer, while later litters have delayed sexual maturity.
  4. Conditions of detention. Compliance with the regimen and quality of feeding, as well as comfort and convenience, accelerates the maturation of the pet.
  5. Features of the habitat. Surrounded by adults (in a nursery or pride), young felines mature earlier than their peers from city apartments.
  6. Genetic predisposition.

If the pet is overfed and overweight, puberty in cats is delayed and can occur by one and a half or two years.

Manifestations of puberty

Behavior at the onset of puberty varies between male and female cats. In females, this period is accompanied by discharge from the genitals - estrus. External signs of approaching heat are manifested in an increased desire to caress, rub against legs and furniture, and when it comes, the cat’s behavior becomes more defiant: it begins to meow invitingly, rolls on the floor, moves its tail to the side, demonstrating sexual desire.

Puberty in cats is accompanied by more aggressive behavior. The mustachioed one begins to meow loudly, attracting females, marking territory, and its urine during this period has a sharp, unpleasant odor. The character of the cat also changes - he can tear off furniture and walls, show increased playfulness, and his games are similar to scenes of hunting prey.

With the onset of puberty of the animal, the owner must decide whether he wants offspring or not. If the owner is focused on breeding cats, then he needs to find out whether the pet has breeding value and select a candidate for mating. All events can be held in clubs for cat lovers or take advice from a trusted nursery or an experienced breeder. It should also be understood that puberty and physiological maturity of a pet differ in timing: the latter occurs closer to one year of age.

If no one is going to breed a female cat, then castration or sterilization will be the right decision. This will be more humane to the animal and safer than drug regulation of sexual heat.

The best time for mating

Everyone has heard how the March cats begin to sing with the beginning of spring, but not everyone thinks about why this happens. But the fact is that March is the best time for conceiving future offspring and it is at this time that sex hormones begin to rage, because the whole summer and autumn are ahead for successful feeding of babies: the weather is warm, you don’t need to go far for food and leave the cubs unattended for a long time. Although in city conditions, March cats can continue to sing both in summer and autumn, because the basements are warm and cozy, and there is enough food in the garbage chutes to survive.

The intensity and volume of cats' screams during the mating period directly depends on the number of rivals in a given territory. The more competitors, the more heart-rendingly the mustachios meow, hiss and growl, proving their superiority over the ladies and trying to win territory from their rivals. Such duels can continue for days, which cannot but irritate apartment dwellers. And when the cats find their cats and can satisfy the need for mating, the screaming stops.

Causes of cat screams

At home, cats do not have the opportunity to mate freely and there is an accumulation of testosterone (male sex hormone), the excess of which leads to rutting - the cat yells at night, becomes aggressive, marks corners and desperately tries to find a cat to mate with, which is why it screams, not allowing peace for the owners.

If a cat and a female cat live in the same apartment, have reached childbearing age and can mate, or the cat has been spayed or neutered, and the night cries continue, then the owners should visit a veterinarian. Cat howls can be caused by hepatic or renal colic, which is accompanied by urolithiasis. The development of the disease is facilitated by an unbalanced diet, as a result of which stones form in the genitourinary canals. And when an adult cat goes to the litter box to relieve itself, it feels a sharp cutting pain and begins to scream heart-rendingly.

Ways to Prevent Cat Crying

If the cat is healthy and lives alone in the apartment, then you can prevent cat screams by following the advice of experienced breeders:

  • castrate your pet - in the absence of testicles, testosterone is not produced, which means there is no sexual desire;
  • breed a cat with a cat;
  • give your pet more physical activity;
  • not allowing you to sleep during the day - this suppresses the instincts of a nocturnal predator;
  • arrange active games with the cat so that he sleeps at night like a baby;
  • monitor your pet's diet - the cat should receive selected foods and meat so as not to feel a deficiency of nutrients. The mustachioed man begins to become lazy, and his hunting instincts become dull.

Some cats are talking breeds and will demand communication. You should not ignore such conversations, and then the animal will be calmer and more satisfied. If the option of obtaining offspring is being considered, then you should get a mate for your pet. A cat and a cat in the same apartment will not let each other get bored and will save the owner from heart-rending screams during the festivities.

If reproduction is not part of the owner’s plans, then you need to think about castration.

Castration and indications for surgery

Castrating a cat means depriving it of its gonads, that is, completely removing the testicles through surgery. Together with the gonads, the cat loses the ability to reproduce; testosterone stops being produced.

The best time to castrate a cat is when it is sexually mature and ready to reproduce - from eight months to one and a half years. A cat’s readiness to mate can be determined by smell, because during this period the animal begins to mark its territory. The operation itself is quite simple, does not threaten the health of the pet and does not require special postoperative care. But before the procedure, you should decide where to castrate the cat, undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests, including tolerability of anesthesia.

You can castrate a cat for several reasons:

  1. Medical indications - for injuries, pathologies, orchitis.
  2. Reduced aggressiveness during sexual hunting.
  3. To eliminate or prevent an unpleasant odor from a cat in an apartment, because a cat without gonads will not mark its territory.

Experts recommend castrating those cats that will live in city apartments and will not have the opportunity to walk on the street and satisfy their sexual needs. This often applies to purebred animals from which they do not plan to have offspring. This procedure will help owners avoid the consequences of a riot of hormones: the appearance of escapes and attacks from the pet. It is also useful for the animal itself: the cat will not suffer from unsatisfied sexual desire and will avoid the development of prostatitis, prostate tumors and adenoma of the anal glands.

If the cat has the opportunity to move freely and satisfy its needs, then castration is undesirable, because the animal becomes passive and will not be able to fully defend itself. And this can lead to injuries from domestic relatives during walks.

Location of the operation

You can castrate your pet either in a veterinary clinic or at home. The second option is more preferable, because the animal will avoid additional stress from transportation and contact with sick animals.

It is important that the veterinarian has experience in performing such operations and a set of necessary tools. You should not trust unqualified specialists - such a step can negatively affect the health of your pet or lead to its death.

If the home castration service is not available, then you should contact the clinic.

Maintenance and nutrition of the cat after surgery

Within two days after the procedure, the animal needs to be created as comfortable as possible. It should be placed in a warm, safe place and covered with soft bedding. You should not place the rookery on a hill, because after anesthesia the animal’s coordination of movements is impaired and the cat may fall and be injured.

As for feeding, it is prohibited to feed the animal twelve hours before the operation and one day after the procedure. Starting from the second day, they begin to give the pet food in small portions.

It should also be taken into account that there is a tendency to obesity and the development of urolithiasis, so animals should not be overfed and limited in fresh water. The best option would be to use balanced

Similar actions are permissible in relation to cats - they can also be sterilized, that is, deprived of reproductive function. But when making such decisions, it is necessary to think through everything carefully, because it will no longer be possible to correct the situation.

A sexually mature cat, ready to mate and bear offspring, begins to heat. Cats mate during the period when the female is in heat. In healthy cats with a low level of temperament, the first heat occurs no earlier than 11–13 months. In cats with increased activity and hormonal imbalances, estrus may begin earlier. There are known cases of estrus in 4-month-old kittens. Moreover, if a cat mates a kitten during such a heat, the kitten will become pregnant.

It happens that cats do not estrus for a long time and even cats at the age of 1.5 - 2 years have not had a single estrus. Estrus in a 4-month-old kitten, as well as the absence of estrus in a cat that is more than 1 - 1.5 years old, are considered a deviation from the norm. Early breeding cats and cats that are constantly breeding before the age of 10 – 12 months should be removed from breeding. It is believed that the estrus system in cats can be inherited. Cats maturing at the age of 4 – 8 months are a significant deviation from the norm. You should not torment such a cat with empty heats.

Empty estrus in cats leads to purulent disease of the uterus, which without surgical intervention ends in death within a few days. Kittens can be sterilized early, sterilized through a side incision; this will protect a kitten with hormonal imbalances from pyometra and preserve the nervous system of the owners. The fact is that not every, even a very loving owner, is able to calmly tolerate a cat’s constant heat. During this period, she screams, calls the cat invitingly, and makes frightening low trumpet sounds that disturb not only you, but also your neighbors’ sleep. And this goes on for several days.

How long does a cat's heat last?

The duration of estrus in cats is about a week. It is not necessary that she will loudly trumpet this all these 6-8 days. Most likely, for the first 1-2 days she will cuddle and purr, but usually for about 5 days the cat screams loudly at night, so empty heats are very difficult for both the cat and her environment. To do this, it is advised to sterilize cats that are not intended for breeding before their first heat. For cats with good hormonal levels, this is a period of 6 to 10 months.

If the cat is valuable, breeding, and participates in exhibitions and breeding, then estrus is the norm for her. But you must foresee in advance who to breed your cat with during her heat. Selecting a breeding pair is a long process, so if you have bought a breeding cat whose value has been confirmed at an exhibition, start looking for a groom for her six months before the expected estrus.

When does a cat go into heat for the first time?

According to the breeding status of most felinological systems, the first birth of a cat is allowed at the age of 1 year, when the body is already fully formed and prepared for bearing kittens, giving birth and feeding a litter. This means that a cat’s first mating should take place at the age of 10 months. This is the best option, but in real life, it all depends on the individual characteristics and temperament of each cat. Estrus can begin at 6-7 months, when the cat is not yet ready for motherhood.

If your cat is a breeding cat, and she shed blood before the time allowed for breeding, then you need to alleviate her condition. It is clear that dragging a cat that has estrused at 4-6 months until 12-14 months is very dangerous, so if you have such a cat, think about whether she is really such a valuable specimen, taking into account her predisposition to early estrus. If you are a breeder and are sure that you need this particular cat in the program, then you should resort to mild means that are designed to normalize the animal’s hormonal levels.

A good drug of choice is Ovariovit. This is a modern, safe homeopathic remedy for veterinary use. Its purpose: treatment of hormonal disorders in females. Ovariovit can be used in several cases: with early estrus in a cat, with frequent estrus in a mature cat, in the absence of estrus in a mature cat. Indeed, Ovariovit works with good efficiency both in case of unwanted frequent estrus and in its absence. This is explained by the fact that both conditions in cats are caused by hormonal imbalances.

With a normal hormonal background, the cat does not estrus early, does not estrus often, and does not need to be induced into estrus. Normalization of hormonal levels is precisely intended to equalize both hormonal levels and the frequency and duration of estrus.

Frequent estrus in a cat

The normal duration of estrus in a cat is 5 – 7 days. If your cat is in heat longer, the heat continues without stopping for more than 10 - 14 days, then your cat has entered heat and is not coming out of it. Either mating or castration can help here. Ovariovitis is already powerless in such difficult cases.

If the cat doesn't leak

While some owners need to decide what to do about frequent estrus, others are faced with the question: How to induce estrus in a breeding cat? Indeed, there are also cases when the cat does not leak at all. Or, for example, she may have one heat at the age of 8 months, when it is too early to breed, and there will be no more heats; they want the cat to be already 2 years old. Of course, if a cat is purebred, pedigree, purchased for breeding and its value is confirmed by experts at international cat shows, then the question arises of how to induce heat in a cat. There are different methods that can sometimes help bring a cat into heat.

  • If you have another cat and she is in heat, keep the two cats together, cats often heat at the same time, and the other cat may also come into heat.
  • If you have a cat, place a mature, non-neutered cat and a female cat together; the cat may bleed from the smell of the cat.
  • Estrus can be induced by using homeopathic medicines and vitamins. But you should only do this if you are sure that your cat is healthy. In this case, the options are: catozal, ovariovit, vitamin E, ortilin, gamavit, ovarium compositum.

Signs of heat in a cat

Owners whose cat has never been in heat should know the main signs that the cat is preparing for heat: a cat during heat begins to caress a lot, becomes capricious, walks around the apartment and meows as if it is looking for someone, spends more time with its beloved owner, requires attention, affection, stroking. Moreover, this condition can begin several weeks before a full-fledged estrus. The heat itself usually proceeds brightly, the cat lies down along the floor, sticks out its butt, rubs its head on the floor, closes its eyes, and purrs invitingly. If the cat is not nearby, then on the 2-3rd day the cat begins to howl and make terrible uterine sounds. Neighborhood cats and animals from the street may come to her call. Protect your cat from unwanted mating during estrus. Do not let her go outside, on the landing or on an unglazed balcony. Remember, a cat in heat can be very adventurous; she can slip out of an open door or make her way to the cat if he is in the next room. Don't let your guard down. You are responsible for your cat's actions!

When a cat becomes capable of producing offspring, she goes into estrus. The female's first heat occurs at the age of 6 to 8 months, and in some cases (in Scottish cats) at 8-9 months. During this period, the cat is able to produce a mature egg. In cats living in an apartment, sexual activity occurs at any time. This makes them significantly different from their wild relatives. The period of estrus is characterized by changes in both the physical and emotional state of the animal.

How long does a cat's heat last?

At 7-10 months the cat's first heat occurs. If the animal did not have any offspring, estrus will occur every two weeks, and if it was mated - once every 2-3 months. After the first birth, discharge is observed after 40 days.

The duration of this process varies depending on the individual characteristics of the cat’s body. On average, this period lasts 5-7 days. There are cases when a female is in heat only 2 times a year. The first heat lasts only a few days, but after a while its duration increases. If the owners plan to breed breeding offspring, it is necessary to keep a calendar in which they will need to mark the pet’s cycles in order to find out when there will be good days for mating. The regularity of estrus depends on the frequency of mating, the breed of the animal, living conditions and health status. For example, in the British breed, estrus rarely occurs - this is due to hormonal characteristics. With age, it often happens that the duration of estrus decreases, and estrus passes without ovulation.

Signs of estrus in cats

Each breed of cat is characterized by individual characteristics, but despite this, generalized symptoms can be identified that will help owners understand that the animal has gone into heat:

  • In cats, there is no discharge with blood from the vagina, lubricant is released, the genitals swell slightly, and the animal constantly licks them.
  • A sharp change in mood: the female looks affectionate - rolls on the floor, rubs against the owner’s leg, or shows causeless aggression. The pet's behavior changes significantly.
  • When stroking the sacral area, the animal raises its tail and moves its paws, as if marking time.
  • During this period, the cat strives to get out of the room, so it is necessary to check whether balconies, doors, and windows are closed. The cat is controlled by the instinct of reproduction, but the owner bears responsibility for it.
  • The pet marks its territory and urinates frequently.
  • Appetite decreases, the animal refuses food until estrus ends.
  • The cat makes strange sounds - for example, purring or howling. It is this sound that cats come running under the windows.

If your pet is walking for the first time, you should not immediately look for a cat, trying to get offspring. The animal must be healthy, and cats that have reached one year of age are ready to breed. Early birth is dangerous both for the future offspring and for the mother herself.

Stages of heat

The estrus process consists of several stages, each of which lasts a certain number of days. It is impossible to determine the exact period, since it depends on the physiological characteristics of the cat’s body. Estrus includes the following stages:

  1. 1. Proestrus is the first stage of estrus (rutting season), the duration of which is from 1 to 4 days. At this time, the animal is still calm and not in an excited state. Despite this, affection begins to appear, the cat begins to purr loudly. During proestrus, the animal is not yet ready to let the male in, but the genitals are already enlarging.
  2. 2. Estrus is the second stage, the duration of which is 12 days. At this point you can knit. When stroking the area below the back, the cat raises its tail and becomes in a mating position. This is inherent in nature.
  3. 3. Metestrus is the third stage, which lasts from 3 to 12 days. If the cat has mated before, she will react aggressively to the males. The female smells the cat for a long time.
  4. 4. Anestrus is the final stage of estrus, during which the animal calms down and returns to its normal state.

How to calm a cat?

The owner must understand that any drugs or methods aimed at suppressing the natural process are not completely safe for the health of the animal.

To reduce sexual arousal in females, Suprastin is used, which must be given for three days, ¼ tablet per 5 kg of animal weight. If you do not adhere to this dosage, you can poison your pet. Suprastin causes disturbances in the cat's body.

Tablets, drops and suspensions aimed at reducing sexual arousal contain hormones. Experts say that they are dangerous for the animal, so you should not use these drugs more than 1-2 times. You should not constantly treat your cat with them, as they provoke uterine cancer, uterine suppuration, mammary gland and ovarian cancer.

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