T 14 main battle tank. Russia has just announced how many deadly Armata tanks it will build. Target detection systems in the infrared and ultraviolet range

home From their first appearance on the battlefield, tanks became the main impact force ground forces . Changed them appearance

and mass, defense and means of attack became more advanced - but for more than a hundred years, tanks have been at the forefront of any offensive operation. In large-scale battles of two world wars, in the sands of the Middle East, among the mountains of the Caucasus and Afghanistan - these armored giants always walked forward, covering the infantry. The power of the tank armor symbolized the unstoppable onslaught of the attack. What kind of victory is there without an offensive? Today, just like a hundred years ago, tanks are still the backbone of any ground army. Over the past 50-70 years, tanks have received many new and very dangerous opponents on the battlefield. Anti-tank grenade launchers

, guided anti-tank missiles, helicopters - the emergence of these weapons has led to a significant increase in the vulnerability of tanks, as well as all armored vehicles. That is why for more than a year (and more than a decade) other experts and skeptics have been predicting the end of the tank era.

In the USSR and Russia there has always been a special attitude towards tanks. Their power and quantity were a visible symbol of the power of the state and its army. On May 9, 2019, the newest Russian T-14 Armata tank was demonstrated for the first time at the Victory Parade in Moscow. In the coming years, it should become the main combat vehicle of the Russian army. In addition, the T-14 is not only a main tank, the Armata was developed as universal platform

, on the basis of which a new infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier, self-propelled guns, tank support vehicle and many other types of equipment will be created. IN Russian media

The T-14 is called the “next generation tank”, “a machine that has no analogues in the world.” Is it so? How outstanding are the performance characteristics of this combat vehicle? Unfortunately, much information about this tank is still classified, which prevents a fairly complete analysis of the Armata.

To better understand how exactly the Armata differs from its foreign counterparts, you should understand what makes modern tank building work.

There are many different ways to classify tanks; they are divided depending on the tasks performed, weapons, weight, speed and layout. Many of the types of classification are clearly outdated; they are based on military doctrines dating back to the first half of the last century. IN Lately it has become quite popular to share combat vehicles for generations, although this classification is not considered indisputable.

According to the latest classification, there are four generations of tanks:

  • The first includes vehicles created in the 50-60s of the last century; the T-34-85, Panther, M26 General Pershing, T-54, and Centurion fell into this category.
  • The second generation includes cars that were released in the 60-70s: T-64, T-62, M60, M60A1, English Chieftain, Vickers Mk 1, French AMX-30, early modifications of the German Leopard.
  • The third generation of tanks includes vehicles that appeared after the 1980s: T-80, T-90, Chinese Type 88 and Type 99 tanks, M1 Abrams, Challenger 1, Leopard 2.
  • TO fourth generation combat vehicles can be classified as promising developments, which have not yet been adopted. The only representative of this generation of tanks so far is the Russian T-14 Armata.

T-72 tanks, some modifications of the Israeli Merkava and the German Leopard belong to the intermediate generation. Conventionally, it can be called 2+. The latest modifications of the Abrams, Leopard, and T-80 can be safely attributed to generation 3+.

Most of the leading tank-building powers are in no hurry to develop a new generation tank and are modernizing older models. Modernization allows for relatively short time and at low cost obtain a significant increase in machine efficiency. However, it cannot radically improve its characteristics and eliminate the original shortcomings in its design.

The Americans carried out nine modernizations of their Abrams, and Germany has not been tired of modernizing the Leopard-2 tank for 32 years. They do the same in France, Israel and Ukraine.

The American Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a new tank. It should be fundamentally different from modern ones. The designers placed the main emphasis on the speed and maneuverability of the vehicle. At the same time, work is in full swing in the United States to create robotic tanks equipped with artificial intelligence.

Work is actively underway to create tank weapons, which uses unconventional physical principles (electromagnetic guns).

Many experts predict new era, associated with the advent of robotic systems instead of tanks controlled by a crew. They believe that modern cars will soon be replaced by drones.

The appearance of new cars these days is the exception rather than the rule. Among the new tanks we can recall the South Korean OT K2 Black Panther, the Japanese OT Typ 10, and the OT Altay made in Turkey. But all these vehicles do not stand out much from the general range - they are created as a whole on the classical principles of armored vehicles of previous generations, albeit using the latest electronics, weapons and engines. But in the design of “Armata” many completely new ones were used technical solutions, it is equipped with innovative security and communication systems.

The developers claim that the T-14 tank is superior to any modern combat vehicle, but this raises many questions.

History of the T-14 "Armata" tank

Improvement of tanks is carried out in four main directions. The protection of combat vehicles is increased, their firepower is increased, mobility and command control are increased. It should be noted that only the optimal combination of these criteria makes a tank good.

How high are the above properties of the T-14? Are they very different from previous Russian vehicles? Can the Armata be compared with advanced foreign tanks?

Work on the creation of a new tank began back in 2010, immediately after the decision was made to terminate the T-95 Object-195 tank project. The developer of the new machine was OJSC Uralvagonzavod (UVZ). The designers were given very short deadlines: the military wanted that in 2019 new tank has already been mass-produced.

It was originally planned that the Russian armed forces would receive 2.3 thousand new tanks. The T-14 is still considered a prototype, but in 2019 the stage of state testing of the vehicle will be completed and only then will it be launched into production mass production. It is reported that some of the elements of the new vehicle (engine, multi-layer armor) have already been successfully tested and are being produced on an industrial scale.

When creating the new vehicle, the developments obtained during work on the Object 195 and Object 640 projects were used. In particular, the monitor layout of the turret was taken from the Object 195.

Features of the T-14 "Armata" tank

The main features of the T-14 that make this vehicle unlike other tanks are:

  • this is the first tank made on the basis of a universal platform;
  • the crew is placed in an armored capsule (separated from the combat compartment by a bulkhead);
  • uninhabited tower;
  • Active phased array radar;
  • complex active protection(KAZ), which can intercept any ammunition.

Universal platform."Armata" is not only a main tank, but a tracked platform, on the basis of which it is planned to create several different combat vehicles. This includes a heavy infantry fighting vehicle, a tracked armored personnel carrier, self-propelled guns, a tank escort combat vehicle, and a number of other types of armored vehicles. This solution should be recognized as practical and constructive; it allows serious savings on the production and maintenance of armored vehicles.

The main feature of the new tank is its turret. Using the developments obtained during the creation of “Object 195”, the “Armata” turret was made uninhabited, the crew was placed in the bow of the tank and separated from the fighting compartment. The media usually talk about an “armored capsule” in which the crew is located, but, probably, the tankers are simply separated from the combat compartment by a special armored partition.

The main problem Soviet tanks(and subsequently Russian and Ukrainian) is that the ammunition is in fighting compartment tank, and when hit by a shell or missile it detonates. In this case, the machine inevitably fails and the crew dies.

Soviet designers installed an automatic loader in the tank, which contains most of ammunition, and the crew was reduced to three people (removing the loader). But this solution was not optimal.

In many foreign tanks, the layout is somewhat different: the ammunition is located separately, it is isolated from the crew. The container with BC is equipped with special ejection panels. Therefore, the shock wave comes out and the tankers are highly likely to survive. Charging most often occurs manually or using special machines loading.

In the Armata, this problem was solved in a unique way: the turret was made uninhabited, the gun was loaded using a machine gun, and the crew was located in the front of the tank, isolated from the rest of the vehicle. It turns out that in the event of an ammunition detonation, the tankers will most likely survive, but the combat vehicle will have to be written off.

How good the idea of ​​an uninhabited tower is is a rather controversial question. Similar developments were carried out in the USA and Germany in the 80-90s of the last century. The American prototype also had an uninhabited turret, and the crew sat in an armored capsule. But this arrangement was abandoned for several reasons. Firstly, the armored capsule occupied additional volume, which led to a decrease in the armor protection of the vehicle, and secondly, such an arrangement of tank crews significantly worsened their all-round visibility. The tankers lost the feeling of being on the battlefield. Experts believe that even today to create such information system, which would give a full 3-D view of 360 degrees, is impossible.

Phased array radar. The T-14 is equipped with a phased array radar similar to those installed on the latest generation of modern combat fighters. The radar is mounted on the tank's turret and is capable of 360-degree coverage without rotation. Such a radar can really be useful in battle, given the likelihood of jamming enemy tanks, which makes them invisible in the infrared and optical range.

According to unverified information, the radar on the T-14 can simultaneously track 25 air and 40 ground targets at a distance of up to 100 km. Not all experts agree with such assessments; some of them believe that the radar will be used as a component of an active defense system against anti-tank missiles and shells.

It should be noted that the installation of such a system on the T-14 should significantly affect the price of the new vehicle.

T-14 "Armata" is equipped the newest complex active protection "Afganit". It allows you to fight enemy shells and missiles at a distance of 10-30 meters from the tank. This complex covers the entire front hemisphere of the combat vehicle. In addition, information has appeared that in order to destroy incoming missiles and sub-caliber shells will be used heavy machine gun tank, knocking shells off course at longer distances.

Design of the T-14 tank

Layout. The new combat vehicle will likely have a classic layout, with the power compartment located at the rear of the hull. If we talk about other combat vehicles that they plan to create on the basis of this combat platform, then it is possible front location engine.

In the front part of the hull there is a control compartment, in which there are seats for three crew members, as well as monitoring and control devices for the vehicle. In the central part there is a combat compartment with a turret, ammunition and an automatic loader. The engine and transmission compartment is located at the rear of the tank.

Engine. The T-14 is equipped with a 12-cylinder X-shaped diesel engine A-85-3A. It is manufactured at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The gearbox is automatic with the ability to manually change gears. There are 16 gears in total - 8 forward and backward. The engine has variable power from 1200 hp. With. up to 1600 l. With. It only takes 30 minutes to replace it.

The T-14 has a specific power of about 31 hp. s./t, which provides the machine with very high speed– up to 90 km/h on the highway.

Another new feature used on the Armata is the active suspension. Special sensors detect ground unevenness and shift the rollers in the vertical direction. This increases the speed of the tank over rough terrain, as well as the accuracy of shooting while on the move. Active suspension should give the T-14 serious advantages in combat.

All components and mechanisms of the "Armata" are controlled by an information and control system. It is she who identifies problems and tells the crew how to fix them.

Armament. The main armament of the tank today is the 2A82-1M smoothbore 125-mm cannon, controlled remotely. Its firing range reaches 7 km, rate of fire is 12 rounds per minute. In terms of its characteristics, this weapon is superior to a cannon. German tank"Leopard-2" - so, according to at least, say the developers. The 2A82-1M cannon can fire ammunition of increased size (length), which is critical for sub-caliber ammunition.

A barrel bending sensor is installed on the gun. In the future, it is possible to install a 152-mm gun on serial combat vehicles.

New ammunition was developed for the 2A82-1M cannon: BPS “Vacuum-1” (900mm), as well as “Telnik” (it can be remotely detonated at any point in the trajectory) and URS 3UBK21 “Sprinter”. The T-14 will retain the ability to fire guided missiles through its gun barrel. Firing will be carried out with Reflex-M missiles.

The caliber of the new tank's gun raised certain questions among some experts. They say the tank is new, but the gun has the same firepower, like old cars. However, if you believe the developers, the new gun and new ammunition of the same caliber will be more effective.

The T-14 tank is equipped with a Kord anti-aircraft machine gun, which can be remotely controlled by the tank commander or gunner, as well as a PKTM machine gun, coaxial with the cannon. The Kord machine gun will be adapted to destroy enemy shells and missiles.

Protection. The developers especially praise armor protection tank, claiming that the special armor steel and other components of the tank's protection could withstand hits from any ammunition available today. Experts believe that the Armata's armor should be equivalent to 1000-1100 mm of homogeneous armor for sub-caliber ammunition and 1500 mm for cumulative ammunition.

The tank is equipped with the latest dynamic protection, which, according to the developers, is superior existing systems"Relic" and "Contact". According to them, the dynamic protection of the T-14 will be able to confidently withstand not only cumulative, but also sub-caliber ammunition, including the most modern ones. According to unverified information, the Armata is equipped with the promising Malachite dynamic protection, which fires two armor plates at once against enemy ammunition.

It should be noted that detailed characteristics dynamic protection T-14 is still kept secret.

Mine protection. The bottom of the tank is armored, it has a V-shape, which in itself is protection against landmines or mines. In addition, the tank is equipped with remote mine detectors and a remote mine detonation system. The design of the tank uses special materials that absorb the blast wave, as well as seats that reduce the impact load on the human body.

In addition to the active protection complex, the tank is equipped with a system for installing multispectral curtains, which makes the vehicle invisible in the optical and infrared range. "Armata" can detect and block laser guidance systems, as well as shoot thermal traps against ATGMs with a thermal guidance head (Javelin or Spike). At the same time, the radar allows the crew to see the battlefield even from behind a curtain.

There is information that the T-14 is equipped with electromagnetic protection devices that are capable of disabling the electronics of incoming missiles using a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse.

Stealth technologies. The first thing that catches your eye in the appearance of the new tank is that there are several unusual shape. It is taller than its predecessors, the T-90 and T-72. The front of the car has numerous edges. This can be explained quite simply: when developing the shape of the tank, technologies were used to make it less noticeable in different ranges of electromagnetic waves.

In addition to the hull shape, the tank also has other mechanisms to reduce visibility in the radar and thermal range. The T-14 is equipped with thermal insulation and a system for mixing hot exhaust gases with cold air. One more interesting feature is the ability to change the signature (the image of the tank in the IR range) using additional heat sources. The fact is that Javelin-type ATGMs, when hovering, “remember” the image of the target in the IR range, and if it changes during the flight, it throws the missile off course. The T-14 can also change its radio image and distort its magnetic field (this throws magnetically guided missiles off target).

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According to a senior Russian military official, Moscow will build 100 Armata main battle tanks by 2020. Thus, he put an end to extravagant fantasies, the authors of which claimed that by this time the Kremlin would create a whole armada of new formidable machines in the amount of 2,300 units.

“Today, experimental combat operation of the created products is being carried out. We have a contract for 100 units, which will be delivered to us before 2020,” said Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, speaking in Kubinka at the Army-2017 trade forum, as reported by the TASS news agency.

Most serious military analysts who study the Russian military, including Michael Kofman of the Center for Naval Analyses, have long dismissed claims that Moscow will build 2,300 tanks by 2020 as ridiculous. T-14. Russia has neither the production capacity nor the financial capacity to build so many new and expensive tanks in such a short time. Even if the Russians produce 120 tanks a year, it will take them about two decades to create such a number of vehicles.

The universal combat platform "Armata" is the basis for the main battle tank T-14, heavy infantry fighting vehicle T-15, repair and recovery vehicle T-16 and many other vehicles. The Armata family may also include a heavy self-propelled artillery unit with an increased caliber gun. The T-14 packs serious firepower with a new 2A82-1M 125mm cannon housed in a remote-controlled uninhabited turret. This so-called “tank killer” may in the future be equipped with a 152 mm gun, which is currently used in self-propelled howitzer 2S35 "Coalition-SV". However, analysts have serious doubts that this option will ever be built.


Should we be worried about the Russian Armata tank?

BBC 05/30/2017

The collapse of the Russian "Armata"

Dialog.ua 05/09/2017

How to defeat "Armata"

The National Interest 04/02/2017

Horrible dream"Armata"

Newspaper in Ukrainian 01/19/2017

Meanwhile, from Russian television footage it becomes clear that the T-14 main battle tank, part of the Armata family, has an armored capsule for a three-person crew, which is equipped with touch screen displays. The video shows that the interface of this tank is simple and intuitive. It also appears that the Russians have developed a combat network linking the T-14 and T-90MS tanks, through which messages can be instantly transmitted to other crews, including videos and photographs. This tank is also equipped with GLONASS and NAVSTAR GPS.

Perhaps the biggest impression in the Armata series is made by the Afghanit active protection complex. This complex uses a phased array radar that performs circular scanning, as well as powerful electronic warfare equipment used to jam radio-controlled ATGMs. There is also a complex to counter enemy laser guidance systems.

In addition, the tank is equipped with projectile interception means included in the active protection complex and having the ability to intercept an impact core from gliding ammunition in flight. This means that the Armata KAZ can be effectively used against armor-piercing shells. Most analysts do not believe in the effectiveness of this system against this type of ammunition, although it is possible that it could deflect a sub-caliber projectile. KAZ is usually most effective when used against grenade launcher rounds and rockets.

“The most revolutionary element of the T-14 MBT based on the Armata is the uninhabited turret. Much attention is paid to the protection of people on all platforms, including through active protection systems (APS). This suggests that the Russians have learned the lessons of past wars and concepts future battles,” notes the International Institute for Strategic Studies (ISIS) Military Balance 2016 report. “When the Armata enters service, it will be the first tank with an uninhabited turret and KAZ. If the Armata is successfully adopted, the effectiveness of ATGMs and shoulder-fired weapons such as RPGs will decrease. This will change the dynamics of the battle and increase the importance of guns, anti-tank guns and tanks."

But The best way surviving on the battlefield means becoming invisible. And the Russians have taken a number of measures to reduce the tanks' thermal and radar signatures, making them harder to detect and track.

In case the Armata is nevertheless detected and the projectile overcomes its active protection system, the vehicle is equipped not only with powerful passive armor, but also with two-layer Malachite dynamic protection. The composition of the armor is unknown, but it is possible that it is some form of composite materials with ceramic plates. The tank also has lattice armor to protect certain areas that are vulnerable to rocket-propelled grenades.

"Armata" causes serious concern among armies Western countries. As a direct response to the creation of the T-14, Germany began equipping the Leopard 2 tank with a new 130-millimeter caliber gun, as well as developing plans for a new MBT, called the "main ground combat system"(Main Ground Combat System).

Dave Majumdar is a National Interest editor covering military issues.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

In 2010, the Ministry of Defense announced the termination of 17 years of work on the T-95 tank, which they planned to make main machine tank troops Russian Federation. Despite many years of development and billions spent, the new T-95 is never close to mass production. It was decided to abandon the unpromising development and begin absolutely new project, called "Armata".

Although the designers who were involved in the development of the T-95 tank were tasked with establishing mass production by 2015, the newest Armata tank has not yet gone into production, but is produced only in single copies, which can be seen on May 9 at the parade. I would like to believe that OJSC NPK Uralvagonzavod will not continue the tradition of producing the T-95, and the T-14 Armata tank will not be improved for 17 years.

According to the latest information, the T-14 Armata tank should enter production line production before 2020, and Armed forces The Russian Federation will receive 2,300 of these vehicles.

Since the characteristics of the new T-14 Armata tank are superior to all other analogues, the Ministry of Defense, in anticipation of the new product, refused to purchase T-90 tanks. So far, updates to the armored vehicle fleet are limited to deep modernization of the T-72 tank, which is considered the best combat vehicle of the late 20th century. JSC NPK Uralvagonzavod received a contract for the deep modernization of the T-72, the cost of this issue amounted to more than 6 billion rubles. However, testing of the T-14 is in full swing, so tankers hope to receive new generation models in the next couple of years.

Main characteristics and goals of creating the T-14 "Armata" tank

All technical information related to the development of the newest T-14 Armata tank is strictly classified. However, by analyzing various open sources, one can understand what the new Armata platform is, on which it is planned to produce not only the T-14 tank, but also a whole series of various military vehicles. Project characteristics can also be found in open sources.

The Armata platform is the latest Russian-developed tracked platform (4 generations). The plant plans to produce the following equipment on this platform:

  • The T-14 battle tank, which is a priority military vehicle;
  • The latest infantry fighting vehicle;
  • Special combat vehicle for supporting tank forces;
  • A repair vehicle equipped with armor;
  • Various tracked chassis for artillery installations and the like.

The Armata platform is perfect for vehicles whose weight ranges from 30 to 65 tons. The purpose of creating a new platform was not only to produce the latest tank, which has no analogues in the world, but also to unify all military armored vehicles on a single platform. Unification should be as complete as possible and include the following common elements:

  • Platform;
  • Engine and transmission;
  • Electrical equipment;
  • Chassis;
  • Controls;
  • Life support systems.

Such unification is not found in any army in the world, so the Ministry of Defense placed its bets on this platform. The platform itself can be manufactured in 3 engine and transmission configurations:

  • Front location;
  • Central;
  • Rear position.

Driving characteristics do not depend on the layout of the engine compartment, but this helps to place any special equipment or weapons on the chassis.

The platform suspension is controlled by vane shock absorbers, has 7 rollers on each side and a 12-speed automatic transmission, which can operate in manual mode.

Controls include:

  • Steering wheel;
  • Brake and gas pedals;
  • Gear shift lever.

The Armata tank is planned to be equipped with a digital board system. This system is a powerful on-board computer capable of not only detecting breakdowns, but also using protection, startup, diagnostics and adjustment functions. This system is assembled on the basis of Russian production and uses the latest digital technologies.

The Armata tank will be able to be controlled not only by its crew. Its design included and implemented a system of complete remote control. This system brings the Armata tank closer to robotic technology that will be able to participate in combat operations without a crew. Complete robotization cannot yet be achieved, since it is not possible to create artificial intelligence, capable of making independent decisions in battle.

The task of remote control is to evacuate the tank from the battlefield in the event of loss of the crew or loss of control by the crew over the control of the tank.

The ammunition is protected from detonation by a special module, which will help keep the ammunition intact when an enemy shell hits the tank’s hull.

The T-14 tank will fire not only traditional shells (high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative or armor-piercing sub-caliber), but also several types of missiles:

  • Surface-to-surface guided missiles, which are equipped with infrared and satellite guidance systems;
  • Conventional surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.

Shooting various types missiles turns the tank into a multifunctional military complex that can perform various combat missions:

  • Launch tactical missiles;
  • Serve mobile system air defense;
  • Act as the army's intelligence complex (thanks to the latest systems radio communications and surveillance);
  • Perform tasks traditionally performed by conventional tanks.

A group of such tanks is capable of quickly responding to changes in the combat situation and effectively dealing with them.

The total weight of the Armata tank is more than 50 tons, although other figures are found in different sources. The speed that the T-14 tank engine is capable of reaching can reach 90 km per hour on the highway.

The latest surveillance systems of the Armata tank

All tanks of the Armata series are equipped with a unique software and hardware complex (PTK) for radio communications. This complex allows tank crews to communicate with each other and act as a single crew, quickly responding to changes in the combat situation. Thanks to this complex, the tank commander can see the entire surrounding situation in real time, quickly process information and, together with the crews of tanks of the same class, solve combat missions. In addition to the Armata tanks, it is planned to equip other models of tanks and military equipment with the software and hardware complex.

There are many video cameras built into the tank's hull, which allow you to monitor the entire situation around the tank. If necessary, it is possible to turn on the zoom mode, thermal imaging and infrared modes, which allow viewing at any time of the day, in any weather.

An antenna array can perform two main functions:

  • Used in the tank combat power control system;
  • Used in a protection complex in which it will determine the parameters and coordinates of a possible threat.

This system is unique, and its features are kept secret.

Armor of the new Armata tank

The armor of the T-14 tank is made of the latest armor steel grade 44S-sv-Sh. This steel was created by engineers from the Steel Research Institute of OJSC Research Institute of Steel specifically for the new tank. This steel can significantly reduce the overall weight of the Armata tank, while the overall strength will not be affected. The new steel has a wide range of properties, so it will be used not only as armor, but also as elements of the tank frame.

Although the hardness of the new steel is higher than that of older tank armor, its toughness remains at the same level. This made it possible to reduce the thickness of the armor plates, which helped to significantly reduce the weight of the tank. Decrease total weight had a positive effect on the dynamics of the combat vehicle.

The new armor of the T-14 tank is capable of withstanding a direct hit from any modern tank shell that only exist in the world. In addition, the armor successfully resists anti-tank missiles and grenade launchers up to 150 caliber.

Engine installed on the Armata tank

The engine, which is standardly installed on the new tank, is a powerful turbo-piston diesel engine developing 1,200 horsepower. Its weight is an impressive 5 tons, and its service life is stated to be at least 2,000 hours. This should not be taken literally, since it can last much longer, but the manufacturer vouches 100 percent for these indicators.

This development of the Chelyabinsk GSKB Transdiesel, which is produced at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, surpasses all foreign analogues in its characteristics. It should be especially noted that the engine can be deeply modernized, fortunately there is an opportunity for this. The engine power is forcibly reduced, since nominally it is 1,500 hp. With. This was done in order to increase engine life.

The engine, which goes by the designation 12N360, is a standard and tested engine that has passed all stages of testing and has been installed on new models for a long time. Russian tanks(objects 195 were equipped with the same engines, which were never included in the series). In tests carried out in extremely harsh conditions, this engine has proven itself perfectly.

The main gun of the Armata tank

Since the T-95 series tanks, which were equipped with 152 mm caliber guns, were removed from further development, the well-proven 125 mm caliber guns became the main tank gun.

This gun is known under the symbol 2A46M. The gun went through several upgrades, and the most latest model known under the index - 2A46M-5. It has increased accuracy and exceeds the standard model in shooting accuracy by 20 percent. In addition, dispersion when firing on the move decreased by 1.7 times. Due to the use latest technologies, the latest modification of the 125 mm cannon is capable of firing high-power projectiles.

Since the Leopard tank gun, known under the symbol L 55, is considered the best tank gun in the world, it was decided to install a new gun on the Armata tanks, which would surpass the L 55 in its parameters.

Back in the distant 2000s, Russian military industry released the newest 125 mm tank gun, known as 2A82. In the fall of 2006, it passed all tests, the results of which revealed that its characteristics exceeded all known tank guns by at least 1.2 times.

For the Armata project, this gun was modernized by lengthening the barrel by 1 meter. In addition, the latest ammunition was developed specifically for the new gun.

Military technology does not stand still, and the German military is making a new weapon based on the L 55, which will work on the principle of electrothermochemical throwing. In this regard, military designers have been tasked with making a domestic model of a weapon operating on a similar throwing principle. It is known from open sources that work in this direction is being carried out quite successfully, and practical experiments are already being carried out, yielding positive results.

The latest ammunition for 2A82 type guns was tested in 2013 and adopted for service. 2A82 guns are produced at a plant in Yekaterinburg.

After May 9, 2015, it became known that the gun that was developed for the T-95 tank (152-mm 2A83 cannon) had not gone anywhere and was already ready for installation on Armata series tanks. It was decided that the new Armata tanks, which will be released after 2015, will be equipped with a 152-mm gun, which is more powerful and promising. Only the pressure of the powder gases in the barrel new gun can reach 7,700 atmospheres, which is more than twice as high as other modern tank guns.

Machine guns of the T-14 "Armata" tank

The main machine gun that is installed on the Armata tank is a 7.62 mm caliber weapon (PKTM-6P7K), which is connected by a drive to the main gun. The machine gun is placed on a pastel. Its ammunition capacity is 1,000 rounds; in addition, additional reserves are stored in belts at the rear of the tank's turret. Additional ammunition is also 1,000 rounds.

In addition to the main machine gun, the Armata tank is equipped with an additional Kord machine gun, which is synchronized with the commander’s panorama. It is capable of fully monitoring the mirror's vertical stabilization and horizontal rotation. Its ammunition load is not as impressive as that of the main machine gun, and amounts to 300 rounds. Spare parts for this machine gun are stored next to additional ammunition for the main machine gun - at the rear of the tank turret in a box.

Protection system of the T-14 "Armata" tank

The protective system of the Armata tank is represented by a four-level protective complex, each level of which is responsible for its own tasks:

  • All first level protective systems have common task, which is expressed in camouflage of the combat vehicle. For this, the latest GALS technologies are used, which are directly related to coating the tank with a special composition. This coating creates a reflective effect, which makes the vehicle invisible to enemy radar systems. The tank is almost impossible to detect using optical, radar and infrared search technologies;
  • Level two protection is an active protection system that is capable of detecting and destroying all enemy shells and missiles that directly threaten the tank. This system is able to protect the car even from air strikes;
  • The third level of protection destroys those shells and missiles that were somehow able to overcome the first two levels of the protective system;
  • The task of the fourth level of protection is to directly monitor the condition of the tank and its crew.

Active protection complex "Afganit"

The Afghanit active protection complex (APS) is designed to protect tanks built on the Armata platform from enemy shells and missiles that are intended to destroy or damage a combat vehicle. This system is equipped with special charges designed to directly destroy enemy shells and missiles. This system is an analogue of individual missile defense, protecting the tank from most types of standard attacks.

Active protection completely covers the front hemisphere and the entire perimeter of the tank turret. It is located at different levels, which helps ensure a better system response in case of danger.

Currently, new active protection systems are being developed, which in the future are planned to be installed on combat vehicles of the Armata platform. New systems will have such a fast response that they can intercept even high-speed kinetic missiles at a distance of at least 4 meters from the tank. It follows from this that not a single shell or missile that flies into the radius of action of the tank’s protective complex can harm it.

Dynamic protection system of the Armata tank

The dynamic protection of the Armata tank consists of special blocks, some of which are installed on the tank before direct participation in hostilities. Blocks are containers that are filled with armor elements. Between them there is a special filler, the task of which is to retain shell fragments that manage to break through the active protection system. These blocks are permanently stored in containers, but if damaged they can be replaced with new ones.

Dynamic containers are placed on the following tank elements:

  • On each side of the tower there are 3 protective blocks, which are installed permanently, but are equipped with protective elements only before the battle;
  • The fenders are also protected by dynamic protection units. On each side they are hung in the amount of 7 pieces. In their design, these blocks are no different from the blocks located on the tower;
  • The front part of the tank hull is also protected by removable blocks;
  • The rear of the tank is protected by lattice screens.

The total weight of the protective blocks is 1 ton, but since it is installed before the battle, this does not affect the dynamics of the vehicle.

Sighting system of the T-14 "Armata" tank

The sighting system of the Armata tank consists of the following elements:

  • The gunner's main multi-channel sight, which is equipped with a laser rangefinder and a built-in laser control channel. In addition, the sight has a sighting and thermal imaging channels. Maximum range, which is recognized by the gunner’s sight - 7,500 meters. During the day, it is able to recognize another tank at a distance of up to 5,000 meters, and at night up to 3,500 meters;
  • Commander's sight;
  • A ballistic computer, which is equipped with a whole complex of various weather and topological sensors. The ballistic computer is also equipped with barrel counting sensors;
  • A weapon stabilizer, which is equipped with two types of drives - electromechanical and electrohydraulic.

Any target can be automatically tracked from both the gunner’s and commander’s positions, thereby using the “hunter-shooter” mode.

All surveillance devices installed on the T-14 "Armata" tank are cleaned thanks to special system hydropneumatic cleaning.

Although the serial production of tanks on the Armata platform is a big question, they should still be delivered en masse by 2020. Tank forces Russian Federation. The introduction of the latest tanks will not only raise armored forces on new level, but will also allow us to reconsider the entire tactics of using tanks on the battlefield.

23:03 — REGNUM According to the latest statement by the Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, The Russian Armed Forces will not receive large quantities of new generation armored vehicles - T-14 tanks based on the Armata heavy tracked platform and armored personnel carriers (APCs) on the Boomerang wheeled platform. Instead, in order to save money, it is planned to continue modernizing the existing Soviet armored vehicles. How correct is this approach?

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

Grandiose rearmament plans collided with economic crisis

For the first time, new generation land vehicles were officially demonstrated at the Victory Parade in 2015, while the development of these machines began much earlier than 2014 (before the economic crisis caused by falling oil prices and anti-Russian sanctions). Then T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP) based on the heavy tracked platform "Armata", infantry fighting vehicles based on the medium tracked platform "Kurganets-25", armored personnel carriers based on the wheeled platform "Boomerang" passed along the paving stones of Red Square "and 152-mm self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) "Coalition-SV".

Vitaly V. Kuzmin

Subsequently, this truly promising and modern armored vehicle was regularly demonstrated at Victory parades in Moscow. In addition, it is undergoing military tests, and there is already a contract for the same T-14 tank - the delivery of the first series of 100 vehicles is planned. Now the question becomes whether this contract will also be fulfilled. As for the plans that existed before, they also talked about the need to supply 2000 T-14 tanks.

The main argument in favor of reducing purchases new technology budget savings become, because the same T-14 is noticeably more expensive than the T-90 even in the latest modification, and even more expensive than the package for modernizing Soviet T-72 tanks to the level of T-72B3 or T-72B3M. Another argument that Borisov gives is the lack of probable opponents tanks superior in capabilities to the modernized T-72.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

To some extent we can agree with this, but only partly. For example, the modernization of the T-72 does not include the installation of an active protection system (APS), and this is one of the main directions for the development of armored vehicles. These systems are capable of detecting and shooting down ammunition flying towards the tank. For example, Israeli Merkava Mk.4 tanks have been equipped with the Trophy KAZ for quite some time, which has proven itself quite well when fighting grenade launcher rounds and anti-tank guided missiles. The T-14 is also equipped with a KAZ system called “Afganit”. The actual results of the Afghanit tests are unknown to the general public, but, according to official information, it is capable of shooting down even armor-piercing finned sabot projectiles (BOPS), the main weapon of enemy tanks. No other known system is capable of dealing with such ammunition.

It must be said that it is precisely such advanced electronics and sensors that greatly increase the cost of the T-14, and their installation on the same modernized T-72 will greatly increase the cost of modernization packages. However, installing a KAZ is a necessary thing, especially considering the fact that in reality Russia only participates in local conflicts, where crew survivability plays a key role, and huge amount no armored vehicles needed.

What is the best way?

A complete rejection of the T-14 tank and other promising ground weapons is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, their development took a lot of time and money. Secondly, with regard to such categories as infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, Russia has a serious lag. Russian army mainly uses Soviet BMP-1 and BMP-2, which in terms of weapons, and especially protection, are very outdated. The existing BMP-3 also has problems with security, and in general is much less convenient for use by motorized rifles than its Western counterparts. It is new models of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers that can solve this problem - although they have large dimensions (according to some experts, they become more noticeable to the enemy, which is becoming less relevant in the age of drones and other modern systems intelligence), but due to this it is ensured noticeably best level security and ergonomics. Modernizing the existing BMP-1 to the level of “Basurmanin” and BMP-2 with the installation of the “Berezhok” module only partially solves the problem - the security of the vehicles still remains low. The same can be said about the modernization of the BTR-80.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

At the same time, modernization of a huge fleet of armored vehicles should not be abandoned in any case, but it is also necessary to have a fairly significant amount of new modern armored vehicles that can be used in real local conflicts, maximizing the safety of the crews. In this sense, it would be worth finding a “golden mean” - 2000 “Armat” today is really a lot for Russian budget, but it’s worth having 200-300 vehicles of this type, the same goes for Kurganets-25 and Boomerang. We should not forget about the export potential of these vehicles - it is unlikely that anyone will purchase them unless the Russian Ministry of Defense does so first. At the same time, the cost of cars is high precisely in Russian realities- in fact, promising vehicles are close in cost to Western models of armored vehicles.

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