Do-it-yourself construction of a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks. Which blocks for the garage to choose? Overview of expanded clay concrete blocks

Advantages of building from expanded clay blocks

The basis for the production of blocks of this type is expanded clay. Outwardly, it looks like foamed burnt clay. From a mixture of expanded clay, cement, sand and water, blocks of different sizes are formed, hollow from the inside. The density of the blocks depends on the amount of expanded clay in the composition of the mixture. Building a garage from expanded clay blocks is advisable because:

Difficulties of working with expanded clay blocks

Don't go cheap. When buying a material, it is necessary to carefully inspect almost every unit of goods. If there is the slightest violation of integrity on the block, then soon it will collapse completely. We recommend making purchases at large manufacturing enterprises, bypassing small traders. Do not put off the exterior decoration of the garage for a long time, it is recommended that a set of works be completed immediately after the walls are built. The blocks do not have an entirely aesthetic appearance, so siding or other finishes will not only add external beauty, but will also become additional protection for the walls. Without finishing, after a couple of years, the walls will begin to collapse.

  • Low material price. Construction will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than brick without loss of quality with the same operational performance;
  • Claydite block masonry will "breathe". It is easy to be indoors, it is easy to heat in the winter and keeps warm very well, and cool in the summer;
  • Ease of masonry walls. To independently build a garage from this material, you do not need special knowledge in construction and special equipment. The blocks have a small mass, so you don’t have to involve special equipment either. Due to the correct geometric dimensions, the blocks are easily stacked, forming even walls;
  • Reliability and long service life garage;
  • The material has good technical performance;
  • Biostability. Claydite blocks do not rot and do not show properties for corrosion, mold does not multiply on the surface and fungus and other biological masses do not grow;
  • moisture resistance. This building material is highly resistant to any moisture. In such a garage it will always be dry and warm.

In this article we will tell you how to build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. Why exactly from expanded clay concrete?

Firstly, this material is environmentally friendly and, under the influence of a wide temperature range, does not emit fumes harmful to human health.

Secondly: it has a high masonry speed and has a high rate of heat, hydro and sound insulation.

And thirdly: it is light weight, resistant to rotting and corrosion.

To build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. First you need to sketch out the project of your garage, namely: the occupied area, height, gate opening, etc., then proceed according to this project. I advise you to immediately decide on the roof and the presence or absence of a viewing hole or cellar.

You will need: reinforcement, a hammer, a shovel, a level, an adhesive mortar for masonry (sand, cement, crushed stone), blocks, a hacksaw, formwork boards, a perforator with a kneading nozzle and a container for preparing the mortar.
It will take you about 2-2.5 months to build a garage, as you work.

The number of blocks directly depends on the design of your garage and the overall dimensions of the blocks that you will use. For example, let's take an area of ​​4:6 meters and blocks of 0.2 x 0.3 x 0.6 m.

We calculate the volume of one block by multiplying all three values ​​\u200b\u200band get 0.036 m / cu.

Next, we calculate the area, for this we multiply our wall perimeter by the height, because basically the height is about 2.4 meters, we get: 2.4 x 20 \u003d 48m2

And now, in order to adjust the values ​​\u200b\u200bto one measure of value, that is, the volumetric component of your garage, we multiply the area by the width of the block, and equal to the width of the future wall: 48 x 0.2 \u003d 9.6 m / cu. And now our 9.6 / 0.036 and we get 266 blocks. I note that this calculation formula is not ideal, because depending on the type of roof and the size of the opening under the gate, this value will change. That is, according to the same formula, it will be necessary to calculate the volume of the gate opening and subtract the number of resulting blocks, and in the case of a roof, add or in the case of a pitched roof, the number will be the same.

To avoid such voluminous calculations, you can use the online calculator on construction sites, but again, the calculation will be approximate.

First you need to clear the site necessary for further comfortable construction.

After you have prepared the site by digging a trench according to your project, the depth of the trench will come from 10 cm for each layer of the pillow and, accordingly, the foundation. We lay a plastic film at the bottom of the dug trench, then we fill in the rubble and sand in layers. You can start with large gravel, then fine screening and sand on top. Then we fill the resulting pillow with water, so all the components will take on a monolithic base and become a strong support for the foundation. After the pillow has completely dried, we fill it with concrete and wait until it completely rises, only after that we carry out further work.

Do not forget that a well-filled foundation is the key to the durability of the entire garage structure.

In order for you not to have problems in the future with washing away the foundation and the viewing hole or cellar, you need to think about the construction of the drainage system at the construction stage. There are several types of them, but we will describe in detail only the ring and wall systems. So, wall drainage system - drainage pipes are laid along the entire contour of the foundation with a slope to the main pipe, which drains water into the collector well. The sole of the foundation should be above the pipes. A clay castle 50-100 cm wide is laid to the foundation, followed by waterproof soil, and drainage pipes are laid on it; the ring drainage system is arranged according to the wall technology, but 2-3 m from the foundation along its entire contour. It is installed if the foundation blind area has already been erected. Such drainage around the garage is applicable only if the building stands alone.

You can implement everything at once.

Firstly, having basic skills in car repair, you can easily service and repair your car yourself.

Secondly, for seasonal storage of products in the house, space will be freed up for more necessary things.

What for the viewing hole, what for the cellar, the construction technologies are similar, but in the case of the cellar, the depth of the pit is smaller and the formwork is simpler.

So, for the device of the pit, first we dig a pit. The width of the pit is taken 20 cm narrower than the wheelbase of your car and varies between 75-80 cm. The depth is taken from the calculation plus 15-20 cm to your height, for the convenience of performing work. Plus, we take, as in the case of a foundation of 30-40 cm, on a pillow and concrete, do not forget to lay a plastic film on the bottom of the pit and continue using the technology described earlier.

The next step will be the construction of the formwork around the pit. We install spacers, arrange a reinforcing mesh (you can take a chain-link) and fill the ready-made formwork with concrete. Along the upper edge of the pit, a frame can be welded from a metal corner, thus making the edges more durable. We carry out subsequent work after the concrete has completely solidified.

Before starting work on pouring the floor, it is necessary to compact the soil well and install the formwork. Filling the floors in your garage is done in the same way as in the case of the foundation (film, cushion of crushed stone and sand). It is better to lay a reinforcing mesh before pouring the floors, this makes it possible to avoid the appearance of cracks during operation. As before, we are waiting for the concrete to completely harden before starting the next work. To achieve a monolithic connection of your pit and/or cellar to the floor surface, it is best to tie their reinforcing meshes together and align the formwork to the same level. After installing all the formwork, we begin to pour the pits from the walls and smoothly proceed to pouring the floor. Thus, we will evenly distribute the load on the floor and walls of the inspection pit.

To create a solid foundation for the walls, around the entire perimeter of the foundation, you need to lay reinforcement and pour concrete, and after that we begin to lay out the blocks.

In principle, laying blocks is no different from laying bricks, but due to the larger size, the speed of laying blocks increases significantly.

When erecting walls, the main thing is not to forget to shift each row by half the block and apply the mortar in time, so the load on the walls will be distributed evenly. When shifting, you will need halves of the blocks, for this an ordinary grinder with an appropriate disk is suitable. Outside, the walls can be sheathed with any material or decorated with special plaster, since there are a lot of variations. Well, it's up to whoever likes it more.

There are many types of roofing from flat to pitched and multi-pitched, in case you have built a two-story garage. The easiest to install is a flat roof.

We build a wooden frame with a slight slope so that during precipitation the water on the roof does not stagnate and the roof lasts as long as possible. We cover the frame itself with a special antiseptic in order to avoid excessive rotting of the boards. We lay roofing material on top, which serves for heat and waterproofing, and on it the roof that you have chosen for yourself.

Choice and quality in roofing work is also a fundamental factor in ensuring the longevity of your garage.

An important stage of construction, on which depends how well your garage will protect your property from external factors, and also largely affects the durability of the garage structure. As with roofing, there are many options for insulating materials. There are three main types of insulation: the first is bitumen-based, relatively cheap and quite reliable; the second - polymeric membranes, will be quite good in terms of price and quality; and the third - penetrating, when applied, it penetrates into hard-to-reach cracks and isolates well from moisture, noise and cold, but will hit the wallet.

Three-layer flooring will be optimal here: the first layer is thermal insulation (all kinds of foam plastics, isopins, etc.), it is also in many ways soundproofing; the second layer is a vapor barrier (there are a lot of options); and the third layer - finishing material (GVL, drywall, etc.)

At this stage of construction, you will be guided by the size of your wallet rather than other components of this aspect.

There are three main types of gate design options: the first and most budgetary is a swing-type design, these gates can be made by yourself if you have a welding machine and skills in this matter, and of materials, of course. A plus is the simplicity and durability of this type; the second type - with a retractable mechanism, this type is already difficult to make by yourself and will cost a pretty penny; Well, the third type is the most expensive, you won’t be able to make it yourself, but it’s quite easy to install.

So we came to the final stage of construction - interior decoration. This is everyone's business, whether you need it or not, but it's worth mentioning. As always, there are plenty of options for every taste and budget. So, four ways of finishing can be distinguished: the first is lining the walls with clapboard, the most economical way in terms of finances; the second - plastic panels, we will focus on them, because they will be attractive both in price and in appearance, but environmental friendliness is lame; the third is ceramic tiles, the most expensive finishing method; well, and the fourth is the plastering of the walls, there are also a lot of options both in colors and in a variety of types of plaster.

So, to summarize: expanded clay concrete blocks are an ideal material for building a garage, and if you have basic building skills and this article, you can easily build your garage. And all other related work and what materials to produce them will depend on the purposes for which you will use your garage, and, of course, the amount of investment that you can spend. Good luck building!

You bought a car, but you have nowhere to put it? Many people are so passionate about buying a vehicle that they think about building a garage as the last thing. And you don’t want to leave it in the courtyard of a multi-storey or private house, and it’s not safe either. The car can be stolen, scratched, broken glass. And the atmospheric effect is not very beneficial effect on the body. That's why you need to buy or build a garage. If everything is simple and clear with the purchase, then special attention should be paid to construction. The main question asked by those who want to build a garage is what to build it from. There are many options, but in this article we will look at building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks.

What is expanded clay concrete? What are its pros and cons? What you need to know to build a garage from these blocks? You will learn all this from this material.

Overview of expanded clay concrete blocks

You will be surprised, but building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks will cost you much cheaper and faster than a brick garage. Moreover, the design will be lighter, more durable and warmer. It's all about the characteristics of expanded clay concrete. In addition to cement, such blocks contain expanded clay, which is known for its thermal insulation properties. It is porous and can absorb and store a lot of liquid. What is the advantage of this material for building a garage?

  1. It has a low cost. If we compare it with a brick, then the cost of 1 m 3 of a brick wall will be much higher. It will take a lot of brick and mortar to it. Even some types of foam blocks will cost more. For a small price you get a great garage.
  2. Light weight. The blocks are light, so the whole structure will not be heavy. You can save on the device foundation. Yes, and work with the material is much easier.
  3. Frost resistance. The material is not afraid of the processes of freezing and thawing.
  4. He has high resistance to fire.
  5. Will not rot or rust.
  6. The built garage will have good thermal and sound insulation.
  7. Easy to work with blocks no less important point.

That is why many builders prefer expanded clay block. And it's perfect for a garage. And the fact that you can also save money on hiring specialists by doing everything yourself also speaks in favor of this material. Let's look at the technology of building a garage from expanded clay blocks from scratch.

Stage number 1 - planning

At first, everything comes down to mental work, on paper. You must have a plan or drawing that details the dimensions of the garage, the type of foundation, the dimensions of the foundation, the type of roof, and the calculation of the necessary materials. It's stupid to start building without a plan. It's like walking in an unfamiliar city without a map. You may not get there. Everything is the same with the garage: if you do not have a guideline in construction, then success is not guaranteed.

You must make a garage that will fit not only the car, but also parts, tools and other things. Often in garages they make a workplace where you can spend time repairing a car. The room should not hamper your movements, and you do not need to perform serious maneuvers to enter and exit from it. In addition, choose the type of foundation, schematically depict it and calculate the amount of concrete. Such a plan will help you build a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands quickly and correctly.

Stage number 2 - site preparation

When everything is ready on paper, you can bring your plans to life. First of all, take care of the area where the garage will be located. It needs to be prepared. First, remove everything that will interfere with you. Stumps, bushes, debris, tall grass or trees - all this will only get in your way. They can be removed both manually and with the help of special equipment.

It is desirable that the site be leveled. Strong drops will only get in the way. Fill in deep holes, and smooth out large bumps. After these manipulations, you can get to work.

Stage number 3 - foundation device

The foundation must be built according to the plan. Since expanded clay concrete is a lightweight material, a strip foundation of medium depth will do for a small garage. You can build a strip foundation with your own hands. Let's look at the instructions in detail:

Advice! It is better to make the pour at a time, without waiting for the concrete to dry. Then it will be much stronger.

Stage number 4 - masonry walls

It takes about 3-4 weeks for the concrete foundation to dry. After that, you can start laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks. The process is not difficult, but requires attention.

To protect the walls from moisture, several layers of waterproofing must be laid on the foundation. Use ruberoid. It's cheap and does the job perfectly. Next, start laying. Unlike bricks, you can build walls in one block. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Set up corner blocks on both sides. They should be set perfectly under the level, as they will play the role of guides.
  2. Between the blocks, stretch the fishing line, which should touch their tops. It is on it that you will lay out the rest of the blocks.
  3. For fixing, use cement mortar, and for fitting, use a rubber mallet.
  4. Lay out the first row of blocks along the line.
  5. When the perimeter is ready, start the same procedure: install the corner blocks, pull the fishing line and lay out the second row. Only here you need to do this with dressing, so that the design is strong.

Note! Each stage of the construction of walls must be checked for evenness. It is very important that the garage is in the correct shape and does not collapse. In work, use the level and plumb.

When erecting a box, form window openings and a place under the gate. When the walls have reached the desired level, you can proceed to the next stage of work. Only before this, a reinforced belt should be made, since an additional load from the roof will be placed on the upper part of the walls.

Stage number 5 - roof construction

Again, first you need to make high-quality waterproofing. To do this, lay roofing material on a box of expanded clay concrete blocks. A Mauerlat is installed on top of the roofing material - a special board that will evenly distribute the load of the roof on all walls. And also the Mauerlat will connect the garage roof frame with the walls, creating a one-piece structure. Therefore, it must be securely attached to the expanded clay concrete wall.

Now you can assemble the roof frame. Most often, a gable, single-pitched or flat roof is chosen for a garage. They are simple to implement and quite practical. The device will require rafters, which will be the backbone of the roof. A crate is stuffed on them. Roofing material for the roof of the garage is mounted on top of the crate. We recommend that you use corrugated board, shingles, slate or seam roofing for this purpose. If you already have money, then ideally make a garage roof from metal tiles.

Perhaps, the most important merit material is the fact that it is environmentally friendly, unlike panels or cinder blocks, which can emit harmful fumes at high temperatures.

The composition of the material includes expanded clay of fine-grained porous structure, sand and high-quality concrete. Such a connection does not lead to negative consequences for human health, and is a solid foundation for a garage that will stand for decades.

The following positive features is cost-effectiveness and the possibility of rapid construction. Laying blocks is two to three times faster than building with bricks, and blocks are much cheaper than bricks.

Expanded clay concrete has excellent heat, hydro and sound insulation properties. If all the cracks are properly sealed during construction, then it will be warm in the garage even at low temperatures outside. And additional thermal insulation will create an ideal, comfortable atmosphere. Expanded clay concrete garage will withstand any test, whether it be acid-alkaline rains, or sudden changes in temperature.

The advantage of blocks is their a light weight, which greatly facilitates the construction process, while they are able to withstand heavy loads.

Unlike wood, expanded clay concrete not subject to decay, corrosion processes also do not violate the structure of the blocks.

Where to begin?

How to build from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands? First of all, when starting construction, you need to decide on the project of the future garage, then you need to clearly follow the plan, without deviating from it even a step.

Building work is better from May to September, when the snow and groundwater have already melted, and the earth is ready for digging the foundation. Then the foundation will be a strong, reliable support for the structure.

Having dealt with the project, it's time to prepare necessary equipment and materials. We will need the following:

  1. Blocks.
  2. Adhesive mortar for laying, cement, gravel and sand.
  3. Fittings.
  4. Boards for the construction of formwork.
  5. Wall chaser.
  6. Shovel.
  7. Level.
  8. Hacksaw.
  9. Any container that can be used to dilute the solution.
  10. A hammer.

If you work hard, you can build a garage in two months. Professionals cope with this task in just a month.

Garage dimensions

In order to correctly calculate the number of blocks for building a garage, you first need to measure dimensions of one block. Blocks come in several varieties, but the most popular dimensions are as follows: 200x300x600 and 100x300x600 cm. The first is suitable for the construction of external walls, the second for the construction of internal partitions.

For, to do a correct block count, for example, for a 4 by 6 garage, you need to use the following calculation:

For example, we have chosen blocks of 200x300x600 cm for construction. For the convenience of further calculations, we will translate this unit of measurement into meters, we get 0.2 x 0.3 x 0.6 m(There are 1000 cm in one meter).

We get the volume of one block if we multiply its length by the width and height:

0.2x0.3x0.6=0.036 m3

Now let's determine the perimeter of the walls of the garage, for which we add the lengths of the sides:


Calculate the area of ​​the room by multiplying the perimeter by the height. Since the standard garage height is 2.4 m, we multiply the resulting figure by this dimension: 20 * 2.4 = 48

After these calculations, it is necessary to determine the correct area of ​​​​all door and window openings, and then calculate from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, that is, from the number 48, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball openings. Thus, we will get a reliable area of ​​​​wall masonry.

But that's not all. Block counting- the procedure is complex, requiring maximum responsibility, attentiveness and basic knowledge of algebra. As soon as we determine the area of ​​​​the masonry, we need to multiply this number by the thickness of the block, from this calculation we will get the number of expanded clay concrete blocks that we need for masonry. As a result, it turns out that about two hundred blocks will be needed to build a garage.

The calculation of materials for the construction of a 3 by 6 garage is carried out according to the same formula.

If it is difficult for you to carry out such complex mathematical calculations, then you can use the online construction calculator, which can be found on the vast expanses of the Internet.


Before starting construction, it is worth making a little effort to clear a place for a future garage. We cut down bushes, uproot stumps and roots, mow the grass so that nothing interferes with further work.


What should be the foundation for a garage of expanded clay concrete blocks?

When the site is prepared, we will proceed to trench digging under the foundation around the perimeter. The length of the trench is calculated based on the plan of the garage. The next step is to lay a plastic film along the walls, and a pillow of gravel and sand is poured onto the bottom.

In order for the pillow to grab a powerful grip and become a reliable support for a foundation that would have stood for many years, it filled with water. The combination of gravel, sand and water creates a monolithic base, which is what we need.

Pillow laid out in several layers, the height of each should be at least 10 cm. The pillow is left to dry, and then poured with concrete, and again we wait for the mixture to dry to continue work.

viewing hole

Of course, when building a garage, it would be wise immediately build it has a viewing hole.

It brings huge benefits: firstly, you can do some simple repairs yourself and save a lot on a car service, and secondly, you can get an additional room for storing inventory.

For the device of the pit, you must first determine its size. Width excavation is determined by the wheelbase of your swallow. The width of the pit should be 20 cm narrower than the wheelbase. (in the average value, it is 75-80 cm).

The depth of the inspection hole is calculated from your height, to which 15-20 cm are added, in order to work comfortably.

It is not easy to make an inspection hole in a finished garage, but at the initial stage of construction, when the foundation is just being laid, this work will not take much time.

So, we need a pit at the selected depth, which is covered with several layers of clay and gravel. Clay is a natural waterproofing, reliable and environmentally friendly. A film is laid on top of the pillow, on which concrete is already laid.

Now around the hole wooden formwork under construction(for additional strength, it is desirable to use spacers and reinforcement, which may well be a simple chain-link mesh).

Then the finished formwork poured with concrete.

In the same way, you can make a cellar in the garage. The arrangement of the cellar will take even less time than the viewing hole, because here it is no longer necessary to build such a large-scale structure, and the depth of the cellar is much less, but the principle of construction is the same.


The foundation (pit / cellar) is ready. But there is still a lot of work ahead of us. So what are we going to do first? Of course, for the arrangement of the floor.

The load on the floor of the garage is many times greater than the load on the floor of the dwelling, so here you need to make every effort and do not spare materials and time. We arrange the floor according to the same principle as the foundation.

At first carefully tamp the soil, after which, it is necessary to cover the film and cover it with several layers of pillows (gravel + sand).

If you want to give the coating even more strength, then lay the reinforcement and then fill it with concrete. It would be even better if, when pouring the reinforcing mesh with concrete, you add crushed stone to the mixture.

When the floor is completely ready, it is already possible to take on the next stage of work - walls and roof.


During wall laying, construction technology similar to bricklaying, only in the case of blocks, it will be much faster and easier.

To create a solid foundation, reinforcement is laid around the perimeter of the foundation and poured with concrete. Then the first block is already placed, the second. The third is placed at the junction. Do not forget to apply the solution every time.

When laying walls, it is necessary shift each row by half a block. This is done so that the load on the walls is distributed perfectly evenly. It depends on whether the garage will be durable.

During masonry, half blocks are needed from time to time. What to do in this case? If necessary, you should use a simple grinder.

Perhaps, for some, the appearance of a expanded clay concrete garage will not seem aesthetically pleasing. No problems! Can be sheathed with any material. The best option for sheathing is siding, here you have the widest choice of colors, structure, size, and besides, it is not so expensive.

For aesthetes, another option is suitable - decorative plaster. Any building, including a garage, decorated with such material looks simply amazing. There are other materials: brick, decorative stone, slabs, etc.

Well, both the floor and the walls are already standing, now it remains to cover the roof.


A garage roof is as important as a foundation, and it must be not only aesthetically pleasing, but also reliable.

Exist many roofing options: flat, pitched, embossed, profiled sheet, soft roof, etc., etc., but the most economical, versatile and therefore popular option is a flat roof.

As for the foundation, for the roof you need to build a wooden frame, on which roofing material is already laid, which is hydro and thermal insulation, and then the roof.

Boards must be pre-treated special antiseptic preventing decay.

Heat, waterproofing

In order for the garage to be a reliable protection for your car from heat and cold, and especially from autumn rains, you need to carry out hydro and thermal insulation.

What to do so that the expanded clay blocks of the garage do not get wet? The modern construction market is replete with waterproofing materials. Here you can choose, as they say, to your taste and budget. We can highlight three options for waterproofing:

  • based on bitumen;
  • polymeric membranes;
  • penetrating type of insulation.

Each option is interesting in its own way, has its own nuances, pros and cons. Thus, penetrating insulation can be applied even on a damp surface. Its advantage lies in the fact that its liquid structure is able to penetrate even into tiny cracks, creating reliable protection against moisture, cold and noise.

Polymer membranes are popular for their harmonious combination of price and quality. And finally, bitumen is an old proven method that our fathers and grandfathers used to build garages. Bitumen is relatively cheap and quite reliable.

The best choice of insulation is a three-layer flooring: the first layer is polystyrene, the second is polyethylene, which prevents the penetration of moisture, and, finally, the final layer, the finishing material is drywall, which not only creates a comfortable atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the room, but also evens out uneven walls.


When all the stages of work are left behind, the last thing left is to hang the gate. At the moment, the following gate options are known:

  1. Swing design. This is the simplest, most economical option. Another advantage of the design is its simplicity and durability. The frame is mounted from steel corners, the sash - from a profiled sheet. All work takes no more than 3 hours.
  2. Recoil mechanism consists of a garage wall and a sash that runs along the wall on a special roller. The design is aesthetic, but it is difficult to make it yourself, in addition, it is much more expensive than the previous version.
  3. lifting mechanism. The design is of several types, but in any case it consists of a lifting element and a canvas.
  4. Such gates are almost impossible to make with your own hands, they are made in workshops using special equipment.

Interior decoration

There are many ways to decorate the interior of the garage, but the most versatile and popular following:

  1. Clapboard lining. This is the most economical way, which will suit even the smallest budget. If desired and good imagination, you can make an original design from the lining.
  2. Plastic panels. Their plus lies in the inexpensive price, attractive appearance, speed of sheathing. But there is a significant drawback - non-environmental material. And now you have to choose what is more important.
  3. Ceramic tile- the most luxurious of all existing, but also the most expensive way of interior decoration.
  4. Now you know everything about building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, how to fill the foundation, build walls, cover the roof and install gates. Arm yourself with our detailed instructions, the necessary equipment, and may good luck accompany you!

A concrete block garage is a modern take on the construction of small technical structures. Numerous positive qualities of this material ensure the reliability of the design and the ability to operate for a long time. Such a capital garage can be easily built with your own hands, which significantly reduces overall costs. It is important during construction to take into account all the features of the material and carry out the work correctly and accurately.

Features of the selection of materials for construction

Why are buildings made of expanded clay concrete gaining wide popularity? At its core, building expanded clay concrete or expanded clay block is a compressed element, the basis of which is foamed clay, fired at high temperature. Such a semi-finished product is then mixed with cement and sand with the addition of water. The block is formed under high pressure. Thus, this material is a kind of foam block with high thermal insulation and noise protection properties.

By changing the content of pores in the volume of the block, the production of 3 main types is ensured: structural, structural and heat-insulating and heat-insulating expanded clay blocks. Structural elements contain the least amount of air inclusions, which increases the specific weight (1450-1850 kg / m³) and the mechanical strength of the material, but reduces the thermal insulation capacity. Accordingly, the heat-insulating variety is the lightest (density 320-650 kg / m³), ​​because. has the maximum number of pores. The thermal conductivity of such blocks is significantly reduced, but the mechanical strength also decreases. The structural and thermal insulation option occupies an intermediate position. Its density is in the range of 700 -1250 kg/m³.

In general, many properties of expanded clay blocks are not inferior to brick, and in some cases surpass it. First of all, block masonry is cheaper than brick masonry, not inferior in strength. The significant dimensions of the elements with their sufficiently small weight make it possible to simplify and speed up the construction. The material conquers with its manufacturability, expressed in the simplicity of cutting, processing, drilling. In such blocks, you can freely twist a screw or drive a nail. An important advantage of the material is the presence of a "breathing" effect, i.e. air permeability. Expanded clay concrete does not shrink during operation, which is very important for accelerating the start of use of the structure. Important advantages include a sufficiently high frost resistance and fire safety, tk. blocks do not ignite even in direct contact with the flame.

How to choose a material for building a garage? It should be borne in mind that the garage is not residential, which reduces the requirements for thermal insulation characteristics. Naturally, it should not be too cold in winter, which still makes it necessary to provide some thermal protection. It is more important for such a building to provide increased strength and reliability. Taking into account this alternative, it is recognized that expanded clay concrete with a density of about 850-1150 kg / m³ is most suitable for the construction of a garage, i.e. blocks belonging to the structural and thermal insulation category. Within this density, expanded clay blocks are selected with a strength class of at least M50 with frost resistance of the F50-F100 category.

Construction project

A do-it-yourself garage made of expanded clay concrete blocks should have optimal dimensions, i.e. allow you to comfortably keep the car in the smallest dimensions of the room. The project of the future garage begins with determining its size. How to calculate them correctly and rationally?

In the old days, this problem was easily dealt with: the standard size of the garage was 3x6 m, which made it possible to comfortably service a domestic car. Currently, the automotive range has expanded significantly, and more and more people want to have a spacious car for the whole family. Naturally, the old standards can no longer satisfy the new demands of motorists.

When calculating the size of the garage, the following factors are taken into account: the size of the car, taking into account open doors; the presence of shelving, a workbench and other equipment, as well as furniture; the need to store other large items and small vehicles (bicycle, moped, scooter, etc.); planning of highways (ventilation, water supply). The dimensions must take into account the space for passage, maintenance and repair of the machine. Given these circumstances, it is generally accepted that the average size of a modern garage is 4x7x2.8 m.

Required Tools

When building a garage from expanded clay concrete blocks, you should take care of such a tool as:

  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction mixer;
  • vibrator;
  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • Master OK;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brush;
  • roller;
  • scissors;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • plumb;
  • building level.

Foundation construction

The solution to the question of how to build a garage from expanded clay blocks begins with the construction of a foundation. Such a building has the status of a capital (stationary) structure, and therefore a foundation for a garage is necessary.

The best option for the foundation is a tape variety. This design simultaneously allows you to form walls for a large basement. However, most often a lightweight, shallow strip foundation is erected, and the viewing hole does not depend on it.

The foundation of the specified type can be made in the following order:

  1. A trench is dug around the entire perimeter, taking into account the width of the concrete tape of about 30-35 cm and the need to install the formwork.
  2. At the bottom of the trench, a pillow of sand and gravel with a total thickness of 15-20 cm is poured, on top of which waterproofing is laid from roofing material or a thickened polyethylene film.
  3. Wooden formwork is mounted around the entire perimeter of the future garage.
  4. A reinforcing belt is installed inside the formwork from steel horizontal rods with a diameter of 12-16 mm, linked by vertical bridges.
  5. The foundation strips are poured with concrete, for which a cement-sand mortar with the addition of crushed stone is used, and the pouring is accompanied by a thorough compaction of the mass using a vibrator.
  6. Dismantling the formwork and backfilling the gaps with soil with trombling.

The next stage of construction is the manufacture of a concrete floor screed. Before it is poured, a viewing hole is dug and equipped. The imposition of a concrete layer begins with the filling of a cushion of sand and gravel 10-15 cm thick. Then, waterproofing is applied in the form of a layer over the entire surface of a thick polyethylene film. To strengthen the screed, a mesh of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10-14 mm is laid. Concrete is poured in 2 layers using beacons to ensure a level floor.

Wall masonry

The very laying of claydite blocks differs little from the technology of brickwork of walls. Waterproofing and reinforcing mesh are laid on top of the strip foundation. Wall masonry begins with the formation of corner linking blocks. Then the ordinary laying of elements begins using a cement-sand mortar. During the work, the so-called "chessboard" linking of the rows is ensured, when the seam between the blocks in the lower row falls in the middle of the upper block. The solution is prepared from cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. It is advisable to use Portland type M400 cement.

When laying walls, it is necessary to remember the fragility of the foam material under compressive load. To eliminate the risk of gradual destruction of expanded clay blocks, a reinforcing mesh is laid every 4-5 rows.

The roof of the garage is mounted after the solution has completely solidified. A beam is installed along the entire perimeter of the walls to evenly distribute the load. It is attached to the top of the masonry with anchors. Next, wooden rafters are installed with a step of about 60-80 cm. A crate of boards is attached to the rafters, on top of which roofing felt waterproofing is laid. A roof is mounted on top of the crate from any selected material (profiled flooring, metal sheets, slate, tiles, roll materials). It should be borne in mind that when laying a soft roof in the crate, the boards are attached close to each other, without a gap.

Like any foam block, the expanded clay block is afraid of moisture, which, penetrating inside, accumulates in the internal pores. In winter, the water freezes, which can lead to cracking of the material. To exclude direct contact of the block surface with moisture, wall plastering is recommended. At the same time, such finishing should be carried out, both outside and inside.

Expanded clay blocks have deservedly gained wide popularity recently. From such building materials, you can build a reliable garage of the right size with your own hands. When providing good protection of the material from moisture, the expanded clay concrete garage will last for many years, holding back all mechanical and climatic loads.

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