Staves for expelling old witchcraft creatures. Runic becoming the “horn of Heimdall” - getting rid of entities. How the essence manifests itself in a person


Most often, people encounter astral entities outside the city. The fact is that they are afraid of electromagnetic radiation. Their habitats are villages and settlements with a minimum amount of electrical communications, although they have also learned to adapt to this side of the physical world.

Negative entities, on the contrary, strive for places where people gather. For them, we people are food. They feed on our energy and live off of us. In order to have a constant source of power, creatures connect to a person and live next to him. Depending on the strength of the capture of a person’s will and biofield, they can cause serious harm and poison the life of their owner and his loved ones.

How the essence manifests itself in a person

Cosmoenergetics helps to get rid of entities of various orders. Cleaning sessions are tolerated quite easily, with perhaps a little discomfort. Most often, everything goes smoothly if the cleansing is carried out by Masters. If you suspect that you have a substitution, then first you need to undergo diagnostics. After confirming the entry of the Entity, it is necessary to urgently begin purification.

Home cleaning is necessary to provide a clean space for a person to restore his protective cocoon. If you have been diagnosed with a breakdown in the protection of your biofield and the presence of an essence, then simply restoring the field without expelling the settler will not reduce the harmful effects of it. Your bioenergy information plan is already infected. Without removing the Essence and further restoring the protection, complete healing is impossible.

Getting rid of and fighting entities using Cosmoenergetics Seek help from a specialist: describe your problem and send an email

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Runic becoming for cleansing, getting rid of entities and other creatures of the lower world. From the author: the main meaning is consistent with the properties of this tool. Everyone knows that the horn will herald the battle of gods with monsters, but the sound of the horn does not just announce, it separates light and darkness, chaos and order. Hearing this sound, everyone will be divided into those who are with the gods and those who are with the monsters. Any entity will return to its source to fight on its side. It is obligatory, 1. is this position suitable for you? 2. is there any negativity, essence or something else similar about you. Then you can draw on your hand, photograph, paper, indicating the name of who is being placed or as you usually do. Then the offerings, if placed on the power of the Gods. Possible offerings to the forest after a reservation: honey (One) or a standard list, depending on. If it’s based on our own (personal strength), then we don’t bring anything anywhere. Then we watch how the system works. Then we wash it, burn it, etc. with words of gratitude.

Sample clause: This runic system disconnects (cuts off, rids) the full name from all known and unknown full name entities of the lower world and other negative creatures of the lower world, known and unknown full names, destructive forces, destructive energy originating from any source ( as an option plus - including from past lives, clan, family, karmic conditioning, soul experience, personal experience, current and past, sources of any nature in this life, internal and external influences, from thoughts, consciousness, actions of any kind and character). Cleanses the body, energy, psyche, consciousness, awareness and life axes of the FIO from creatures of the lower world and other destructive connections. This runic formation accompanies the entity back to the lower world and does not allow it to cling to the full name, return to the full name later, and disconnects all connections and developments. This runic stave works without harm to the mental, energetic, physical health of the name and environment, works in collaboration with other staves (if any), helping spirits (or something else). This runic pattern works with the power of the god Odin (on personal power\). I activate this runic becoming with my breath, so be it, so be it.

Responsibility: When placing a runic symbol, you should know about diagnostics and safety measures, take responsibility yourself for the process and the reservation.

The central rune JEARA-GIEFU-EOH is the ideally pure essence of a person without subdivisions, obsessions, complete harmony with the worlds throughout the tree of worlds.
On the sides there are runes to direct the flow of God's wrath (power) to any interference in this purity.
LAGU and LAGU-RAD-ÆSC ligature
Top elm HAGOL-NIED - a barrier against re-possession or penetration.
IS-TWO RAD "on all four sides"
IS to symbolize the most beautiful road to HEL NIFIHLHEL.


A person is not a large denomination banknote to please everyone without exception, and throughout our lives we often have to deal with unpleasant people. Envious work colleagues, former friends who became enemies, rivals, rivals, you never know who else dislikes us for objective or subjective reasons! It even happens that someone hates us just like that, although we don’t give any real reasons for this. Naturally, the machinations of these ill-wishers can significantly spoil our lives. Therefore, today we will talk about how to stop the enemy’s attacks forever with rune staves.

Types of bets to get rid of enemies and their effect

All runic formulas that work against those who intrigue us can be divided into several types:

  1. Stats that stop the attacks of spiteful critics. Their action is based on creating negative situations around the enemy, because of which he no longer cares about you
  2. Formulas that send negativity back to the sender. The impact of such ligatures can be described by the famous funny phrase “Who comes to us with what - from this and that.” It turns out that the person who magically sent failures to us gets them back. This variety includes the popular runic stave “Nail the enemy with a stone.”
  3. Protective formulas. We will talk about them in a separate article.

General rules

Many novice runologists ask: how ethical is it from a moral point of view to use such formulas? It all depends on your personal perception. If you are not a supporter of punishing your offenders, then look for some workarounds. If you are determined and want to get rid of the enemy once and for all, use the runescripts given in the article. Just remember that you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, since the consequences of such exposure may negatively affect you in the future.

Similar staves are applied to a photograph of your enemy. They are discussed individually or in whole. Activation can be whatever you like. As the effect of the formula weakens, you can update it by circling the symbols again.

Runic becoming "Straitjacket" from Dante

This formula can be successfully used against those who regularly “spoil your blood.” For example, against noisy neighbors, against a boss who always snaps at you, from obsessive acquaintances or a former gentleman who won’t let you pass. In general, the ligature will not cause any harm to the ill-wisher, but will only pacify him.

Working runes

  • Elven rune M clouds a person, blocks his way to you
  • Elven O with an inverted Teyvaz drains the energy of a raging person into the ground. It turns out that the obsessive person does not have enough strength to annoy you
  • Three Nautiz runes hinder enemy actions
  • The Icelandic symbol Stungen-Iss will stop a person’s obsessive antics and hide your influence from him

Runic becoming "Shut up!" from fou-chatte against gossipers and envious people

If you are thinking about how to stop enemy attacks forever with rune staves, try using this formula. It is ideal for people who are subject to constant machinations of gossips and envious people. Becoming, roughly speaking, allows you to shut a person’s mouth and do much more important things than prying into your life.

Working runes

  • Laguz makes the operator invisible to the enemy
  • The Icelandic rune Kaun punishes the envious person by returning offensive words and actions to him so that he can feel the hard way how unpleasant it is
  • A combination of three Icelandic Hagals, two Nautiz and a pair of Thurisaz creates situations around the enemy in which he simply has no time for you
  • Icelandic Esinger will constantly send negativity back to the enemy as soon as he tries to offend you again

Runic stave “Paralysis” from Velya

The combination of two formulas from runologist Velya called “Paralysis” is a comprehensive counteraction to the enemy. Becoming simultaneously protects you from the negative influence of a spiteful critic and punishes this unpleasant person.

Symbols of the first ligature

  • Evaz – Hagalaz – mirror Berkana – inverted Teyvaz destroy the enemy’s health on the physical level
  • Reverse Mannaz-inverted - Thurisaz, pierced by the Isa rune - destroys the personality of the ill-wisher, creates big problems for him, does not allow him to recover
  • Reverse – – - weaken the enemy, immobilize him

Two dots are a sign connecting two staves together.

Composition of the second formula

The Hel seal, in which the mirror one is inscribed, as well as the ligature from - Isa - reverse - inverted Laguz - destroy the enemy’s self-confidence, make him doubt his life’s purpose.

Formula “Nail the enemy with a stone” from Anwar

The runic stave “Nail the enemy with a stone” was created in order to isolate the person bothering you, leaving him alone with himself and his aggression, anger, and negativity. We can say that the formula creates a kind of stone bunker in which the enemy is locked. As soon as he starts plotting and sending you negativity, it immediately comes back to him, destroying his own life.

Composition of ligature

  • Mannaz - enemy, offender, ill-wisher
  • Northumbrian rune Stan - stone, stone bunker
  • Two Turisaz directed at Mannaz - return negativity to the spiteful critic
  • disorients the enemy, preventing him from finding a way out
  • Two inverted Laguz make the ill-wisher suffer from depression, hysteria, and a feeling of being trapped
  • 4 Nautiz and 4 reverse ones close the stone bunker, preventing the offender from getting out of it. They also make our impact invisible to the object

Becoming, locking anger at the source of problems (author Pollux)

A simple position that prevents the negativity sent towards you from reaching its goal. All aggression, anger, magical influences remain within the enemy himself and “hit” his life, not ours. The runescript includes a square of four Isa runes, creating an impenetrable space around the enemy, the ligature - - Nautiz - - reverse Laguz, which symbolizes the ill-wisher and all the negativity he sends, four Seals of Hel, blocking all channels leading to the operator.

Becoming a "Battle Ax" to punish the enemy from Orobas

Finally, here is another simple formula that can be used to protect against ill-wishers, punish offenders, or cut off the communication channel between you and a spiteful critic. You don’t even have to put it on the photo, but simply mentally visualize it while communicating with an unpleasant person. Working runes: , two , .

So, we looked at possible options for punishing the enemy with runes. We remind you that proven and strong runic staves and formulas for protection from enemies without returning negativity to them can be found in the article dedicated to runic protection.

Getting rid of settlers with runes.runes

Getting rid of settlers using runes.

To get rid of settlers with runes, you need to use fire runic staves.
Fiery - containing fire runes: Soulu, Kveort, Kano.
During cleansing, these runes create an immaterial fire that burns
the energy channels through which the essence is attached to the chakra are burned
the shell of the essence itself.
During such a cleansing, a person on the subtle plane is, as it were, engulfed in a burning fire of essence and
their channels. It is this fire that is deliverance from evil spirits.

Staves for cleaning from entities are usually set for 9 days.
Satvas are best drawn on the body with a red marker,
staves "Trap" and "Devil's Wheel" can be done on a piece of paper and
Place it under your pillow at night so as not to overload the aura.
Each becoming must be stipulated, unless the ritual indicates that the conspiracy is not
After this, a few days break and rest.
When cleaning with staves, a deterioration in well-being is often observed.
This is a normal phenomenon because the essence resists purification and strives for all
strength to hold on to the victim.
In this case, you need to be patient and your health will definitely improve.
In general, an improvement in well-being and the disappearance of disturbing symptoms is a sure thing.
a sign that the cleaning is going well.
After cleaning, wash off the staves on the body, bury the staves on the sheets in the ground or burn them.
After expelling the entity, heal the aura with the “Aura” setting and set up protection against penetration.

During the break, you can heal your aura for 2-3 days with the “Aura” setting.
And then cleanse again.
It can get rid of settlers (depending on the essence):

1. Becoming one.
For example, the sign "To expel an entity." from Legend. Or “Cleansing Fire” from Runava.
Or the Horn of Heimdall from Qantas.
There were cases when it was possible to drive out an entity with one kind of stab.

2. Alternation of different stakes.
Marina), for example, spent a long time cleaning her brother, to whom a drunken demon was attached,
first by Sam's "Lily of the Valley" camp, then by Runava's "Cleaner", and in the end the demon left Sam's "Rozenrot" camp.

3. Becoming "Rozenrot" or "Crematorium" + "Trap" or "Devil's Wheel" Ravenhan.

A powerful complex impact on the problem is already being applied here.
In terms of the level of impact, this approach can be considered professional,
comparable to similar voodoo cleanses that I have already posted
in the "Purges" section of the "Subtle World" forum.
One standing cleans a person, and the other “Trap” or “Wheel” catches and
destroys the unclean spirit itself or the power of the unclean spirit (the same energy channel
spirit to the chakra).

So Bereza managed to quickly drive away her settler when using a stave
“Rosenrot” (on yourself) and additionally for the night under the pillow “Trap” from Sam.

About other examples (becoming “Crematorium” + “Trap” or “Devil’s Wheel”)
you will read below.
Please note that the combination "Crematorium" + "Devil's Wheel" is a very harsh cleaning.
People used to lie prone from this cleansing and their health worsened.
Therefore, use carefully and monitor your health.
“Rosenrot” + “Trap” from Sam is much softer in this regard, but the effect is strong.


Author- insolate

Perhaps my experience will help someone.
It happens that it is necessary to remove a corpse that has been placed or attached to a person without the knowledge (access) of this person. I haven’t found such a working method in world championship methods, and the dead are not removed with runes (just staves marked in the photo), and if they are removed, they come back after some time. I think that this is quite justified; the dead spirit does not return to the churchyard, but with the destruction of the photo it begins to dance around the “owner” again. Mansur's ritual of removing a dead person with a mirror is good, but it requires the presence of a person. Mansurovsky’s mix with runes gave such a ritual.

As + Thorn - the power of the Sun, the correct order of life, the power that opposes what interferes with the natural order of life and death.
Rad - the action of removing a dead body, conscious, targeted and timely. In the process of which a transformation of energies occurs, that is, the transition of the spirit from one place or state to another (from the human field to the mirror). Yr gives individual protection, legitimacy and success of cleaning efforts.
Ear is actually a dead thing, the dust from which the human body is created and in which it exists after death. Eoh serves as a bridge or door to another world and protects the dead person from returning back to our world. Týr - for communication with the other world. Used to drive out evil, to drive out restless souls that draw strength from the living.

Before the ceremony, appeal to the North. A candle for a gift to the Gods, a ritual candle.
Runes are drawn on the mirror, the mirror is placed on the photo.
Disclaimer: The dead person will come and go into the mirror, (name) will start looking and be searched. If he thinks of going back, the mirror will become a coffin, the dead man will be buried again, the graveyard will take away his strength, everything will be read out in a conspiracy, and sealed with runes. So it is said, so it is done and so it will be.
Place a ritual candle on the mirror with the photo. The candles burn out, put the structure in the canvas and leave it for 9 days. I perform runic rituals on white, so I wrap it in the same canvas on which I lay during the ritual. If you feel the need and help, then you can still bring gifts to the Gods.
After 9 days, we remove the photo (I burn it), bury the mirror in the graveyard, somewhere in a place that is not easily accessible. At the cemetery, work as usual, I come, give gifts to the spirits and explain why I came, that I am returning the guest, please accept and look after.
Often the dead are put on guard for some kind of influence, so after removing the umrun, you need to further remove the influence accordingly.

I draw runes on a mirror surface, a mirror surface with runes face to face photo. Disclaimer when the mirror is lying in the photo.
Material taken from the internet

Becoming "Disintegration" cleaning/protection from entities author Kira Pepel

My favorite cleansing from all types of entities, which also works successfully as protection.

Frame: Isa and Thurisaz - captivate existence.

Center: Dagaz, Eyvaz and Gar (a little oblique, but fulfills its functions) disembodied the essence, necrochannels, bindings and markers that this essence could leave on a person.

The idea is simple. Eyvaz and Dagaz in mantle and magic for me are a combination of transition between worlds: death or birth. Gar controls this process, gives the Operator the right to control his body and his life independently, destroying everyone who encroaches on him.

The frame captivates the entity, where Thurisaz is the entrance to the gate, which opens only in one direction, launching the entity into the funnel formed by the center of the stav and preventing the entity from exiting back.

If used as protection, the frame closes the Operator from the influence of an entity from the outside, and the center strengthens the essence of the Operator, making him the full owner of his subtle bodies, energy and spheres of life.


It is used as a cleansing from creatures and as protection from them. Each goal requires a separate statement. That is, do not specify two tasks at once. Either you clean or you protect. You can protect and clean people, animals, premises, and businesses.

Installation and activation:

Can be placed on any medium: photo, cucumber, wood, leather, on yourself with a marker, on a patch. You select the carrier using diagnostics.
The center is usually given your blood for identification (if you are cleaning yourself).
Activation by the elements is determined by diagnostics. Needed/not needed, if needed, then by what elements.

I am giving an approximate clause, change it to suit your own needs/purposes.

Adjust the clause for cleaning the premises from the clause above.

If you need the help of the Gods with this cleansing, then I turn to Heimdall, but turning to Thor is also possible.

Good luck and successful practices!

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