Soviet aircraft designers of the war years. Aircraft Engine Designers. Creation of Sikorsky - Russian hero

Designers of the first Soviet aircraft

Chetverikov Igor Vyacheslavovich (1904-1987)
Soviet aircraft designer. He designed and built several flying boats, including the OSGA-101 amphibious aircraft.
The construction of OSGA-101 was completed by the spring of 1934. Unfortunately, it was not possible to make the plane by the time the Chelyuskin entered the Northern Sea Route, and on its first and last voyage the icebreaking steamer left with the Sha-2 amphibian designed by V. B. Shavrov on board.

Shavrov Vadim Borisovich (1898 - 1976)
Soviet aircraft designer, aviation historian. He is best known for the creation of several types of flying boats and the two-volume monograph "The History of Aircraft Design in the USSR", the creator of the Sh-2 amphibious aircraft common in the pre-war years.

Aleksandrov Vladimir Leontyevich (1894-1962)
Aircraft designer, scientist in the field of aircraft construction, student of N. E. Zhukovsky. Co-author of the project of the first Soviet passenger
aircraft AK-1 (1924). In 1938-41 he was imprisoned, worked in the Central Design Bureau-29 of the NKVD. Rehabilitated.

Aircraft AK-1 - the first domestic four-seater passenger aircraft of V.L. Aleksandrov and V.V. Kalinin. Kalinin completed the settlement part.
Built in November 1923. The AK-1 aircraft was not mass-produced. this aircraft, in terms of its passenger capacity, was significantly inferior to the German Junkers Ju-13 and Dornier III aircraft, as well as the Fokker F-111 aircraft, which were operated in the mid-20s on Soviet airlines.

Porokhovshchikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1892-1943)
Russian designer, entrepreneur, pilot. Grandfather of actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov.
After the October Revolution, a pilot in the Red Army.

Aircraft P-IV BIS - training, for initial training.
Produced from February 1917 to spring 1923.

Putilov Alexander Ivanovich (1893-1979)
Soviet aircraft designer. Worked in the Design Bureau of A. N. Tupolev. Participated in the creation of the first ANT aircraft. Developed aircraft "Steel-2",
"Steel-3", "Steel-11".
In 1938-1940. was imprisoned in TsKB-29 of the NKVD, worked in the brigade of V. M. Petlyakov.

Aircraft "Steel-2" - 4-seat passenger aircraft, the first airliner with a stainless steel frame.
First flight - October 11, 1931. Production 1932-1935.

Kalinin Konstantin Alekseevich (1887-1938)
Soviet aircraft designer and pilot.
During the 1st World War, the head of the squadron. Participated in the Civil War as a pilot of the Red Army.
In 1923 he began to build aircraft at a factory in Kyiv. In 1926 he headed the design bureau in Kharkov.
In 1938, on false charges, Kalinin was arrested and shot seven months after his arrest, in the dungeons of the Voronezh NKVD.
The accusation was standard for 1937-38. - "anti-Soviet activities and espionage". The closed court session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court lasted only 10 minutes, there were no defense counsel or witnesses. The sentence was carried out immediately after the end of the meeting. This fact in the biography of such an outstanding person is so incomprehensible that it requires a separate
research. Suffice it to say that, unlike other aircraft designers arrested in those years, who after the arrest nevertheless continued to work in the Special Design Bureau of the NKVD, Kalinin was not given such an opportunity.

Aircraft K-5
The most massive passenger aircraft of the pre-war period. First flight October 18, 1929 Years of production 1930-1934.
In production and operation, it was simpler and cheaper than its competitor, the Tupolev ANT-9.

71 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, in which aviation was used on an unprecedented scale. Concerning website recalls the famous creators of aircraft of the Second World War. The illustrations are taken from the multiplayer air action game, which will allow many of their creations to be flown. Since only Soviet, American and German cars will be in the game at launch, we have chosen a couple of constructors from these countries.

OKB Ilyushin

The son of a poor peasant from the Vologda province, SergeyVladimirovichIlyushin He started working at the age of 15, and during the First World War he became an airfield minder and trained as a pilot. Since then, his life has been forever associated with aviation, and by the end of the 30s he was already heading his own design bureau. Sergei Vladimirovich did a lot for the development of the domestic aircraft industry, and his main creation is the most massive combat aircraft in history, the famous attack aircraft IL-2.

After the war, the Design Bureau continued to develop bombers and attack aircraft, but for various reasons they did not go into production. But the transport Il-76 and the passenger Il-86 became one of the most common cars in Soviet times. But after the collapse of the USSR, the demand for the products of domestic aircraft manufacturers dropped sharply, and, for example, a little more than two dozen modern Il-96 liners have been built today.

Single and double Il-2, Il-8, Il-10, Il-20, Il-40

OKB-51 (Polikarpov / Sukhoi)

Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov was born in the Oryol province and, following the example of his father, a priest, graduated from a religious school and entered the seminary. However, he never became a father, but graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and, under the guidance of the famous designer Igor Sikorsky, participated in the creation of the Ilya Muromets bomber. In 1929, Polikarpov was almost shot because of a denunciation, and then they wanted to send him to camps for ten years, but the intervention of the legendary pilot Valery Chkalov helped.

Under the guidance of the designer, such well-known aircraft as the "heavenly slug" were created U-2 and I-153"The Seagull", and after his death, the territory of OKB-51 passed to Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, another famous engineer who created more than 50 machine designs during his career. Today Sukhoi Design Bureau- one of the leading Russian airlines, whose combat aircraft (for example, Su-27 and Su-30 multirole fighters) are in service in dozens of countries.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: I-5, I-15, I-16

Bell Aircraft

aircraft mechanic Lawrence Bell in 1912, he almost did away with airplanes for good when his older brother, stunt pilot Gruver Bell, died in a crash. But friends persuaded not to bury talent in the ground, and in 1928 appeared Bell Aircraft who created the most famous American WWII fighter P-39 Airacobra. An interesting fact: thanks to deliveries to the USSR and Great Britain and the exploits of the aces of these countries, the Airacobra has the highest individual victory rate of all American aircraft ever created.

Bell also released the first American jet fighter P-59 Airacomet, but after that it completely switched to the development of combat and transport helicopters and even changed its name to Bell Helicopter. The company knew the main glory during the Vietnam War: after all, it was she who created the famous UH-1"Huey", still in service with the US Army and many other countries, as well as a combat helicopter AH-1 Cobra. Today, the company continues to develop transport vehicles, such as the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, produced in conjunction with Boeing.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: The Airacobra is shown in the video about American aircraft (above), but does not appear in the list of release cars.


But the largest number of downed enemies among all allied aircraft (in total, not individually) is on the account of a carrier-based fighter Grumman F6F Hellcat, created by a former test pilot Leeroy Grumman. Founded by him in 1929, the company did a lot for the development of American carrier-based aviation, subsequently developing such well-known machines as A-6 Intruder and F-14 Tomcat(just on this fighter Tom Cruise flew in the movie Top Gun).

Over time, the company switched to aerospace development and it was she who created the landing module. "Apollo", which US astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969. Today it is part of the Northrop Grumman corporation, which is engaged in the creation of ballistic missiles, satellites, radars and, of course, aviation equipment for the US Army and NASA.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: F2F, F3F, F4F


The most famous and massive German fighter Bf.109, a steel car with a predatory profile that terrified the whole of Europe, was created in 1934 by Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (Bavarian Aviation Plant), hence the name. In 1938 the company was renamed to Messerschmitt by the name of the chief designer Wilhem Messerschmitt(his company merged with BF in 1927) and since then it has become the main supplier of combat vehicles for the Luftwaffe, including the first mass-produced Me jet fighters. 160 and Me. 262.

After the war, the company produced microcars, since Germany was forbidden to create aircraft, then made fighter jets for NATO under other people's licenses, and from the late 60s went from hand to hand in a series of mergers and acquisitions. As a result, in 1989, the name Messerschmitt finally disappeared from circulation: the company became part of the DaimlerChrysler Aerospace holding, which later, after another merger, became the European Aerospace Defense Concern (EADS). Sounds like the name of an evil corporation from Metal Gear Solid, but its most famous product is the Airbus passenger jet.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes:
Bf.110B, Bf.110E, Bf.109Z, Bf.109C, Bf.109E, Bf.109G, Me. 209 Me. 262 Me. 262 HG III, Me. 109TL, Me. 410 Me. 609, Me. P.1099B, Me. P.1102,


Biography Hugo Junkers similar to the story of a Bond villain: a talented professor of thermodynamics founded his business back in 1895 and was originally engaged in the production of heating appliances, and in 1911 became the world leader in the number of registered patents. Just at that time, he became interested in the growing aviation industry and by the end of the First World War he had already established the production of fighters and even managed to work with the famous designer Anton Fokker. They did not agree on the characters: as you know, one mad scientist is enough for a good plot.

By the end of the 30s, Junkers himself was gone, but the company under his name became one of the largest manufacturers of transport and combat aircraft in the world. Including - the famous dive bomber Ju 87, he is also Stuka, he is also a "lappet", who, when entering the target, emitted a characteristic frightening howl. After the war, the company continued to manufacture aircraft and engaged in aerospace research with the involvement of brilliant scientists, but in the late 60s it was absorbed by Messerschmitt and ceased to exist independently.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: Unfortunately, there will be no Stuka in the game at launch - the branch of German attack aircraft will appear later.

V. A. Slesarev - the name of this man says little to our contemporaries.

He passed away early ... and because of this, today his name is not in one

along with such aircraft designers as, for example, Sikorsky ... Tupolev ...

But it was he who was Sikorsky's main competitor at the dawn of aviation ...

Vasily Adrianovich Slesarev was born on August 5 (17), 1884 in the village of Slednev, Markhotkinsky volost, Elninsky district, Smolensk province, in the family of a local merchant Adrian Petrovich Slesarev. Adrian Petrovich was not strong in literacy, but he knew its value and was able to imbue a deep respect for enlightenment. He did not spare money for books, subscribed to newspapers and magazines, liked to see his sons and daughters reading and managed to give four of them a higher education.

Vasily Slesarev learned to read early. The magazines "Nature and People", "Knowledge for All", "World of Adventures", novels by Jules Verne awakened and nourished the boy's imagination. He dreamed of penetrating into the depths of the ocean, of flying on swift airships, of mastering the still unknown forces of nature. He saw the key to the realization of these dreams only in technology. All day long he was making something, planing, sawing, adjusting, creating components and parts of fantastic machines, devices, devices.

Adrian Petrovich was sympathetic to his son's hobbies and, when Vasily was 14 years old, he took him to Moscow and assigned him to the Komisarovsky technical school. Vasily Slesarev studied with greed and perseverance. In the certificate he received at the end of the school, in all 18 subjects there were only fives.

Slesarev studied at the Komisarovsky Technical School for six years. Arriving in Slednevo for the holidays, Vasily settled in the mezzanine room, towering over the roof of his father's house. With each of his visits, the lighthouse became more and more like a kind of laboratory. What was not in it - a camera, and a magic lantern, and a spyglass, and even an old phonograph corrected by Vasily. The lighthouse was illuminated by an electric light bulb, powered by a homemade galvanic battery, which also fed the bell alarm. One of the first works done here by the young researcher was to determine the composition of the glaze for finishing pottery. Mixing various components with lead, Slesarev created his own special recipe for the preparation of glaze and, applying it to the “gorlachi” (this is how Smolensk people call clay mouthful milk jars to this day), subjected them to firing at the stake.

Vasily also made a lathe, which was powered by a wind turbine mounted on the roof. Slesarev made the turbine stator and its rotor from a canvas stretched over frames, and the speed of its rotation was regulated by levers directly from the firebox.

In 1904, Vasily Slesarev entered the first year of the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute.

Due to the active role played by the students in the revolutionary struggle of 1905, the authorities temporarily stopped classes in a number of higher educational institutions in the capital. A participant in student performances, Slesarev was forced to leave St. Petersburg for Slednevo. And soon he moved to Germany and entered the Darmstadt Higher Technical School.

For the holidays, he still came to Slednevo and settled in his laboratory-svetelka. However, now the scientific profile of this laboratory began to noticeably change, since the student Slesarev was strongly impressed by the successes of the nascent aviation. True, these successes were still very modest, and they were often achieved at the cost of human sacrifice. According to Slesarev, this happened because many aviation enthusiasts replaced the lack of theoretical knowledge with selfless daring and courage. Slesarev bowed to the pioneers of aviation, but at the same time he understood that heroism alone was not enough. He believed that a person can create reliable flying machines only when he deeply learns the laws of nature. Of course, this view was not original. The idea that the path to the creation of flying machines should lie through the study of the flight of flying creatures was expressed by Leonardo da Vinci in the middle of the 15th century.

In the 18th century, this idea was developed by the Peruvian de Cardonas, who proposed to build wings for humans, similar to the wings of the condors, the flight of which he observed.

In the 70s of the last century, the Russian doctor N. A. Arendt developed the theory of glider flight. He created this theory thanks to numerous experiments with birds. Arendt outlined the results of his research in a number of articles, and in 1888 he published a brochure "On aeronautics based on the principle of soaring birds."

Also widely known are the works of the French physiologist E. Marey (1830-1904), who studied the flight of birds and insects for many years.

In the 90s of the 19th century, the French engineer K. Ader tried to build flying machines, based on the data of his observations of the flight of birds and bats.

The German engineer Otto Lilienthal, “the first martyr of aviation,” as Herbert Wells called him, followed the same path.

The great Russian scientist N. E. Zhukovsky, the founder of modern aerodynamic science, also did a lot of work on the study of bird flight. In October 1891, he spoke at a meeting of the Moscow Mathematical Society with the report "On the Soaring of Birds", which included a critical scientific review and generalization of everything that had been done by that time in the field of flight theory.

It is difficult now to say whether the student Slesarev was familiar with the work of his predecessors in the field of studying the flight of representatives of the animal world, or whether he independently came to the idea of ​​the need for such studies. In any case, he was firmly convinced of the importance of this work.

Settling for the holidays in Slednev, Slesarev often left home with a gun. He returned with the carcasses of dead crows, hawks, swallows, swifts. He carefully weighed, dissected the birds, measured the size of their body, the length of the wings and tail, studied the structure and arrangement of feathers, etc.

Slesarev studied insects with the same tenacity. A neophyte entomologist, he could spend hours watching the flight of butterflies, beetles, bees, flies, dragonflies. He had a whole collection of flying insects in the room. He compiled comparative tables of their weights, wing measurements, etc.

And then something completely unusual began: the experimenter, armed with scissors, either shortened the wings of large blue-green flies, then made them narrower, then glued prostheses from the wings of dead flies to his victims and carefully observed how one or another operation reflected on the character flight of insects.

By gluing dandelion hairs to the body of the flies, Slesarev fixed the position of their abdomen, forcing the insects to fly at his discretion in a completely unusual way - either vertically up, then up and back, then up and forward, etc.

However, Slesarev soon became convinced that direct visual perception limits the possibility of a comprehensive knowledge of the flight of insects, that he needed special, the finest measuring and recording equipment. He designed and manufactured original devices that automatically record the amount of energy expended by experimental insects harnessed by him to a rotary machine built from light straws (microdynamometer) and loaded with the thinnest strips of tissue paper. From glass threads, which he obtained by melting glass tubes over a candle flame, Slesarev made the thinnest aerodynamic balances. These instruments enabled the experimenter to determine the power of flying insects and to measure the energy expended by them in flight. So, for example, Slesarev found that a large blue-green fly is capable of developing an energy of about 1 erg in flight, and the highest speed of this fly reaches 20 meters per second.

It turned out to be more difficult to identify the mechanism of insect flight. Slesareva's sister, the Tashkent doctor P. A. Slesareva, recalls how, as a girl, she was present more than once during her brother's experiments. On his instructions, she glued the thinnest straws to the wings of flies and dragonflies, after which the body of the experimental insect was fixed in a tripod, and the experimenter slowly held out a smoked paper tape near the flapping wings. Straws glued to the wings scratched out traces on the tape, according to which Slesarev studied the nature of the movement of the insect's wings. However, such experiments gave only an approximate and insufficiently accurate picture of the phenomenon under study.

Slesarev set out to set up his experiment in such a way that he could see with his own eyes the mechanics of the flight of insects, see what the sequence of movement of their wings and body is in various stages of flight, in what plane and at what speed their wings move, etc. This required cinematographic equipment. And so Slesarev invented and independently manufactured an ingenious impulse filming installation, which made it possible to capture the movement of insect wings on a continuously moving film at a speed of 10 thousand or more shots per second. The shooting was carried out in the light received from a series of spark discharges of a battery of static capacitors (Leiden cans) made from wine bottles.

With the enrichment of the equipment of the Slednev laboratory with home-made rapid filming equipment, the study of insect flight immediately advanced, and Slesarev was able to come to a number of interesting conclusions that were of great scientific, theoretical and applied importance. So, for example, Aya drew attention to the fact that the principle of insect flight "can serve as a model for constructing a machine that would immediately rise into the air, without any run-up."

Using his equipment, Slesarev showed: that all insects flap their wings in a strictly defined plane, oriented relative to the central part of the body; that the insect's flight is controlled by moving the insect's center of gravity under the influence of contraction or extension of the abdomen; that the leading edge of the insect's wings is the leading one, and with each stroke the wing turns around it by 180 degrees; that the speed at the ends of the wings of all insects is almost constant (about 8 meters per second), and the number of wing beats is inversely proportional to their length 2.

Slesarev demonstrated the equipment he created for studying the flight of insects in 1909 at an aeronautical exhibition in Frankfurt. This equipment and the results obtained with its help aroused great interest among German engineers and scientists, and a year after the exhibition, Slesarev received a patent in Germany for his film installation.

At the beginning of 1909, Vasily Slesarev graduated from the Darmstadt Higher Technical School, having received a diploma of the 1st degree, and upon returning to Russia, wanting to have a Russian engineering diploma, he entered the last year of the Moscow Higher Technical School. The choice of this educational institution was not accidental. In those years, the Moscow Higher Technical School was the center of a young aviation science, which was created under the guidance of the "father of Russian aviation" - Professor Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky.

Advanced student youth grouped around Zhukovsky. From this student aeronautical circle came such subsequently famous pilots, aircraft designers and figures of aviation science as B. I. Rossiysky, A. N. Tupolev, D. P. Grigorovich, G. M. Musinyants, A. A. Arkhangelsky, V. P. Vetchinkin, B. S. Stechkin, B. N. Yuryev and others. The student Slesarev also became an active member of this circle. He did a lot to equip the aerodynamic laboratory of the circle with equipment and carried out a number of interesting studies in it related to the operation of propellers. Slesarev's report, devoted to these studies, as well as to studies of the flight of insects in the Moscow Society of Natural Science Lovers, was a very remarkable event.

N. E. Zhukovsky saw in Slesarev “one of the most talented Russian young people, wholly devoted to the study of aeronautics”4. Particularly attractive in Slesarev was the ability not only to intuitively suggest one or another original solution to the problem, but also to explore it theoretically and experimentally, independently find an appropriate constructive form for this solution, equip it with accurate calculations and drawings, and, if necessary, embody the idea in the material with his own hands. .

One day, Nikolai Yegorovich showed Slesarev a letter from the dean of the shipbuilding department of the St. base for research work on aerodynamics. At the end of the letter, Boklevsky asked if Nikolai Yegorovich could recommend to him one of his pupils who could take care of the laboratory.

How would you, Vasily Adrianovich, look at if I recommend you to my colleague Boklevsky? It seems that you will fruitfully cooperate with Konstantin Petrovich. I'm the only one left at a loss. But ... what can you do: the interests of our common cause are more important than personal sympathies. Is not it?..

And already in the summer of 1910, Slesarev moved from Moscow to the capital.

In the same year, the building reserved for the aerodynamic laboratory was rebuilt under the direction of Slesarev. Then he energetically set about equipping the laboratory with the latest measuring equipment, high-precision aerodynamic balances, etc. Slesarev designed and built for the laboratory a large wind tunnel with a diameter of 2 meters, in which the air flow speed reached 20 meters per second. To straighten the vortices in the pipe, a grating of thin iron strips was installed and a chamber was built in to slow down the air flow. It was the largest, fastest and most advanced wind tunnel in its design.

Slesarev also made a small wind tunnel with a diameter of 30 centimeters for the laboratory. In this pipe, with the help of a suction fan installed at the end of the working channel, the air flow moved at a speed of up to 50 meters per second.

The laboratory created by Slesarev in its size, richness and perfection of equipment far exceeded the best aerodynamic laboratory of the famous French engineer Eiffel at the Champ de Mars in Paris at that time.

In addition to classes with students, Slesarev supervised the research carried out in the laboratory on the drag of parts of an airplane during flight. He proposed the so-called spark observation method, in which an aluminum candle was placed in a wind tunnel in the path of the air flow, giving a sheaf of sparks that moved along with the flow. It turned out that the outer wires and braces, which were widely used in the then aircraft construction, cause very high air resistance in flight and that, in connection with this, the struts of airplanes must have a "fish-shaped" section. Slesarev also devotes a lot of effort to improving the hull of an airplane and an airship, researches various designs of propellers, creates his own method for determining the absolute speed of a flying airplane, and solves a number of issues of aeroballistics.

Slesarev fruitfully works in related branches of aviation science. As you know, lightness and strength are two warring principles, the reconciliation of which is one of the main tasks of designers. Pioneer aircraft designers, in search of the optimal ratios of these warring principles, were often forced to grope, which often led to fatal consequences. This prompted Slesarev to take up the development of the foundations of aviation materials science. In 1912, he published the first scientific course in aviation materials science in Russian. A number of provisions put forward by Slesarov have not lost their significance today.

In an effort to make the results of his work available to the wide circles of the scientific and technical community, Slesarev publishes articles in special periodicals, makes public reports and reports at meetings of St. Petersburg and Moscow aeronautical organizations. Of particular interest are Slesarev's reports made by him at the All-Russian Aeronautical Congresses held in 1911, 1912 and 1914 under the leadership of N. E. Zhukovsky. So, for example, in April 1914, at the III All-Russian Aeronautical Congress, Slesarev reported on how the world's first four-engine airship Ilya Muromets and its predecessor, the Russian Knight, were designed and built. All aerodynamic experiments and verification calculations for the creation of these aircraft were carried out under the direction of Slesarev in the aerodynamic laboratory of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute.

In the summer of 1913, Slesarev was sent abroad. The results of the trip are presented by Slesarev in his report "The current state of aeronautics in Germany and France from a scientific, technical and military point of view", read on October 23, 1913 at a meeting of the VII department of the Russian Technical Society.

Getting acquainted with the various designs of German, French and Russian airplanes, Slesarev clearly saw their weaknesses. In some designs, the good awareness of the inventors in matters of aerodynamics was clearly visible, but the situation was not very good with the solution of issues of a purely design nature; in other airplanes, the handwriting of an experienced designer was noticeable, but the solution to the problems associated with aerodynamics looked very doubtful. All this led Slesarev to the idea of ​​​​creating such an airplane, the design of which would harmoniously combine the sum of all the latest achievements of the then aviation science and technology. Such a bold idea could only be carried out by a person who was at the forefront of the scientific and technical ideas of his time. Slesarev was just such an advanced engineer, scientist and designer.

What followed after Vasily Adrianovich announced his desire to create an ultra-modern airplane cannot but arouse astonishment: in just a year, Slesarev, without leaving his official duties at the Polytechnic Institute, independently, without anyone's help, developed the project of a giant airship, while completing a colossal amount of experimental, theoretical and graphic work, which would be more than enough for an entire design organization.

On the advice of his mother, Slesarev named the giant plane he had conceived "Svyatogor".

"Svyatogor" - a biplane combat airship with a deck for a rapid-fire gun, was supposed to rise to a height of 2500 meters, have a speed of over 100 kilometers per hour. According to calculations, the duration of the continuous flight of the new machine reached 30 hours (it is appropriate to recall that the best foreign aircraft of that time, Farman, could take fuel for only 4 hours, and the Ilya Muromets aircraft for 6 hours of flight). The flight weight of the Svyatogor reached 6,500 kilograms according to the project, including 3,200 kilograms of payload (the flight weight of the Ilya Muromets was 5,000 kilograms, the payload was 1,500 kilograms). To get an idea of ​​the size of the Svyatogor, it is enough to say that its design parameters were as follows: length - 21 meters, upper wingspan - 36 meters. "Svyatogor" favorably differed from other aircraft by the graceful shape of the wings, resembling in cross section the wings of such a beautiful flyer as a swift. Slesarev paid special attention to the streamlining of the outer struts and the careful "licking" of all the protrusions, which later became one of the indispensable requirements for aircraft structures. In this regard, as Academician S. A. Chaplygin and Professor V. P. Vetchinkin noted, Slesarev was "far ahead of his time."

Vasily Adrianovich skillfully designed for "Svyatogor" hollow tubular structures bent from plywood, which still remain unsurpassed in terms of the optimal ratio of their strength and lightness. For the wooden parts of the airplane, Slesarev preferred to use spruce, as the material that gives the least weight for a given strength.

The project provided for the installation of two Mercedes engines, 300 horsepower each, on the Svyatogora, with their location for the convenience of simultaneous maintenance in the common engine room of the fuselage, close to the center of gravity of the aircraft (the idea of ​​“such an arrangement of engines was subsequently used by German aircraft designers when building in 1915 twin-engine Siemens-Schuckert aircraft).

Slesarev, while still working in his Slednev laboratory, noticed that the number of flaps of an insect's wings during flight is inversely proportional to their length. Designing "Svyatogor", Slesarev took advantage of these findings. He designed huge propellers with a diameter of 5.5 meters, giving their blades a shape close to the shape of the wings of a dragonfly, and the speed of rotation of the propellers was not to exceed 300 revolutions per minute.

Slesarev's project was carefully studied by the technical commission of the special committee of the Aeronautical Department of the Main Engineering Directorate. All the designer's calculations were considered convincing, and the committee unanimously recommended that the construction of Svyatogor be started.

The outbreak of the First World War, it would seem, should have accelerated the implementation of Slesarev's project. After all, the possession of such airplanes as the Svyatogor promised the Russian military air fleet huge "advantages over the German military aviation. The Petersburg Aviation Plant of V. A. Lebedev undertook to build the first Svyatogor airship in three months. This meant that in a short time Russia could be armed with a whole squadron of formidable air heroes.

However, time passed, and the Slesarev project lay without movement, since the military ministry (headed by General V: A. Sukhomlinov, one of the shareholders of the Russian-Baltic Plant, where the Ilya Muromets aircraft were being built at that time, bringing huge profits to shareholders ) evaded the appropriation of 100 thousand rubles for the construction of Svyatogora.

Only after the aviator M. E. Malynsky (a wealthy Polish landowner), "wishing to serve the motherland in the difficult time of her struggle against the Austro-Germans", offered to pay all the costs of building the Svyatogor, the military department was forced to transfer the order Lebedev plant. The construction of Svyatogor was extremely slow, as the plant was overloaded with other military orders.

"Svyatogor" was assembled only by June 22, 1915. Its weight turned out to be one and a half tons more than the design one, since representatives of the military department demanded that the plant provide a 10-fold (!) Safety margin for all critical units of Svyatogor.

But the main trouble was waiting for Slesarev ahead. Since the outbreak of war ruled out the possibility of obtaining two Mercedes engines from hostile Germany, the military department officials did not come up with anything better than to offer Slesar-v Maybach engines from the downed German airship Graf Zeppelin. Nothing came out of this venture, and it could not have happened, since the motors were too badly damaged.

Only after "fruitless fuss with the Maybach engines" did the military authorities decide to order engines for the Svyatogor to the French company Renault. forces and much heavier than expected.

Trials of the Svyatogor began in March 1916. At the very first 200-meter run of the aircraft along the airfield, the right engine failed. In addition, it turned out that since the assembly of the aircraft, some of its parts have dilapidated and need to be replaced. To bring the engine and aircraft in order, it was necessary to find an additional 10 thousand rubles. But a specially created commission recognized that "the cost of completing the construction of this apparatus, even the most insignificant government sum, is unacceptable."

Slesarev vigorously protested against such a conclusion and, with the support of Professor Boklevsky, insisted on the appointment of a new commission chaired by N. E. Zhukovsky himself, who, having familiarized himself with Slesarev’s aircraft, wrote in its protocol dated May 11, 1916: “The commission unanimously concluded that the flight of Slesarev's airplane with a full load of 6.5 tons at a speed of 114 km / h is possible, and therefore the completion of the construction of Slesarev's apparatus is desirable "6.

Following that, at the meeting held on June 19, 1916, the Zhukovsky commission not only fully confirmed its conclusion of May 11, but also came to the conclusion that when installing on the Svyatogor two motors provided by the designer with a total capacity of 600 horsepower, the aircraft will be able at full load of 6.5 tons to show significantly higher flight performance than envisaged by the project, namely: fly at speeds up to 139 kilometers per hour, climb 500 meters in 4.5 minutes and climb to the “ceiling” of 3200 meters 7 .

Zhukovsky's support allowed Slesarev to resume the preparation of Svyatogor for testing. However, the work was carried out in a poorly equipped handicraft workshop, as all factories were overloaded with military orders. This greatly affected the quality of the manufactured parts, which, when the Svyatogor was re-run at the airfield, caused minor breakdowns. In addition, it should be remembered that airfields in the modern sense of the word did not exist at that time, and the Svyatogor was tested on a poorly leveled field. As a result, during one of the runs across the field, the Svyatogor wheel, due to an unsuccessful sharp turn, fell into a deep drainage ditch, which led to damage to the aircraft. Slesarev's opponents again took active steps. Vasily Adrianovich, nevertheless, this time managed to insist on the need to complete the tests of his offspring. However, in the conditions of the intensified devastation of wartime, the case again dragged on for a long time. In addition, the military department did not give money, and Slesarev's personal funds were already completely exhausted by him8. The revolutionary events that broke out in February 1917 removed the question of the fate of Svyatogor from the agenda for a long time.

Young Soviet Russia, bleeding to death, waged an unequal heroic battle against famine, devastation, counter-revolutionaries and interventionists. In the atmosphere of those days, all Slesarev's attempts to attract government and public organizations' interest in Svyatogor were obviously doomed to failure. And when he managed to get a reception from influential people, they listened to him attentively, sympathized:

Wait, Comrade Slesarev. The time will come... And now, you will agree with us, it's not up to Svyatogor.

And Slesarev patiently waited.

In January 1921, the Council of Labor and Defense, at the direction of V. I. Lenin, created a commission to develop a program for the development of Soviet aviation and aeronautics. Despite the difficulties experienced by the country associated with the restoration of the destroyed national economy, the Soviet government allocated 3 million rubles in gold.

In May 1921, Slesarev was instructed to prepare materials for the resumption of the construction of Svyatogor. . Slesarev left for Petrograd. His imagination already drew the outlines of a new air battleship, even more powerful, grandiose and more perfect than the Svyatogor. However, these dreams were not destined to come true: on July 10, 1921, a killer's bullet cut short the life of this remarkable man on the threshold of new glorious deeds in the name of a wonderful future.

Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin was born in 1894.

Soviet aircraft designer, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), Colonel General of the Engineering and Technical Service (1967), three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1941, 1957, 1974). In the Soviet Army since 1919, first an aircraft mechanic, then a military commissar, and since 1921 the head of an aircraft repair train. Graduated from the Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (1926).

Since 1935, Ilyushin - chief designer, in 1956-1970. - general designer. Under his leadership, mass-produced attack aircraft Il-2, Il-10, bombers Il-4, Il-28, passenger aircraft Il-12, Il-14, Il-18, Il-62, as well as a number of experimental and experimental aircraft.
Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin was awarded the FAI Gold Aviation Medal.

Bronze busts of the pilot were installed in Moscow and Vologda. The name of Ilyushin is the Moscow Machine-Building Plant.
The great Soviet designer died in 1977.

Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin - the most famous Soviet aircraft designer, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), Major General of the Aviation Engineering Service (1944), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1943, 1956).

He graduated from MVTU in 1927.

In 1940, together with M.I. Gudkov and V.P. Gorbunov presented the LaGG-1 (I-22) fighter for testing, which, after modifications, was launched into a series under the name LaGG-3 (I-301). During its development, Lavochkin for the first time in the USSR used a new especially durable material - delta wood. The conversion of the LaGG to a more powerful Shavrov ASH-82 engine saved the aircraft from being withdrawn from mass production. In September 1942, the first serial La-5s were transferred to the Stalingrad area. The further development of this aircraft was the La-5F, La-5FN, La-7 fighters, which were widely used during the Great Patriotic War.
In the postwar years, under the leadership of the aircraft designer Lavochkin, a number of jet serial and experimental fighters were created, incl. La-160 is the first domestic aircraft with a swept wing and La-176, on which for the first time in the USSR on December 26, 1948, a flight speed equal to the speed of sound was achieved. The La-15 fighter, produced in a small series (500 aircraft), became the last serial aircraft designed by Lavochkin.

On June 9, 1960, Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin died suddenly of a heart attack at the training ground in Sary-Shagan.

− Mikoyan - the famous designer of MiGs

Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan was born in 1905.
Soviet aircraft designer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968; corresponding member 1953), colonel general of the engineering service (1967), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1957). After serving in the Red Army, he entered (1931) the Air Force Academy of the Red Army. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (now VVIA). Since 1940, the chief designer of plant No. 1. A.I. Mikoyan is one of the pioneers of jet aviation in the USSR.

After the war, he developed high-speed and supersonic front-line jet aircraft, including the MiG-9, MiG-15, MiG-17 (reaching the speed of sound), MiG-19 (the first serial domestic supersonic fighter), the famous MiG-21 with a delta wing of a thin profile and a flight speed twice the speed of sound. Since December 20, 1956, Mikoyan has been the general designer.

The latest aircraft created under his leadership are the MiG-23 fighter (the first in the USSR with a variable sweep of the entire wing in flight) and the MiG-25 interceptor fighter with a flight speed 3 times the speed of sound.

The famous Soviet aircraft designer of supersonic MiGs, Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan, died in 1970.

− Mikhail Gurevich - creator of the MiG

Mikhail Iosifovich Gurevich - a prominent Soviet aircraft designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1964), Hero of Socialist Labor (1957).

Graduated from Kharkov Technological Institute (1925). Engaged in the design and construction of gliders. Since 1929, he worked as a design engineer and team leader in various design bureaus of the aviation industry.

In 1940 A.I. Mikoyan and M.I. Gurevich created the MiG-1 fighter, and then its modification MiG-3.

In 1940-1957. Gurevich - Deputy Chief Designer, in 1957-1964. chief designer at OKB A.I. Mikoyan.

During the war years, he participated in the creation of experimental aircraft, after the war - in the development of high-speed and supersonic front-line fighters, many of which were produced for a long time in large series and were in service with the Air Force.

From 1947, he led the development and creation of cruise missiles at the Design Bureau.

The creator of the legendary MiGs, colleague of Mikoyan, the legendary Soviet aircraft designer Mikhail Iosifovich Gurevich died in 1976.

− Chetverikov - designer of flying boats

The famous Soviet aircraft designer Igor Vyacheslavovich Chetverikov was born in 1909.

After graduating from the aviation department of the Leningrad Institute of Communications (1928), he worked in the Design Bureau of A.P. Grigorovich, head of the marine department of the PKB (1931), where the MAR-3 flying boat was created.

In 1934-1935. designed and built a light flying boat in two versions: a carrier-based aircraft (OSGA-101) and a folding submarine aircraft (SPL). At the SPL in 1937, several world records were set.

In 1936, he built the ARK-3 Arctic reconnaissance aircraft, on which in 1937 a record for the height of flight with a load was set. Under the leadership of I.V. Chetverikov in 1937-1946. several modifications of the MAP-6 flying boat were produced: Che-2, B-1 - B-5. In 1947 he built the transport amphibian TA.

Since 1948 he worked as a teacher. Soviet aircraft designer Igor Chetverikov died in 1987.

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In September 1939, the Second World War began, in which aviation was used on an unprecedented scale. Today we will remember several famous creators of World War II aircraft and talk about their creations.

"It can be seen"

Soviet aircraft designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1940), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940) Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov was born in the Oryol province and, following the example of his father, who was a priest, graduated from a religious school and entered the seminary. However, he never became a father, but graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and, under the guidance of the famous designer Igor Sikorsky, participated in the creation of the Ilya Muromets bomber. It was at that time the most powerful aircraft in the world. Later, his I-1 became the world's first monoplane fighter - an aircraft with one rather than two rows of wings.

In 1929, the designer was arrested on a denunciation and sentenced to death on the standard charge of "participation in a counter-revolutionary wrecking organization." For more than two months, Polikarpov was awaiting execution. In December of the same year (without the abolition or change of the sentence), he was sent to the "Special Design Bureau", organized in the Butyrka prison, and then transferred to the Moscow Aircraft Plant No. 39 named after V.R. Menzhinsky. Here, together with D.P. Grigorovich in 1930, he developed the I-5 fighter.

In the same place, in conclusion, he designed the VT-11 aircraft. "VT" stands for "inner prison". Then the creation of the aircraft took two years, it was a worldwide practice. When the prisoners were gathered, they were told: “You can do two years, but you will be released when you do it.” They thought, said: "Six months is enough." They were surprised at the top: “Oh, so you have internal reserves? Three months for you to do everything about everything. A month later the plane was ready.

In 1931, the collegium of the OGPU canceled the execution and sentenced Polikarpov to ten years in the camps. But after a successful show to Stalin, Voroshilov, Ordzhonikidze of the I-5 aircraft, piloted by Chkalov and Anisimov, it was decided to consider the sentence against Polikarpov suspended ...

May 1935. Chkalov brilliantly demonstrated the I-16 to Stalin. He decided to give Polikarpov a lift home. The car had seven seats. Stalin is on the back sofa, the driver and security are in front, the aircraft designers are seated on folding seats. The leader says complacently, puffing on his pipe: “Here, Nikolai Nikolayevich, do you know what we have in common?” “I don’t know,” Polikarpov replies. “It's very simple: you studied at the seminary, and I studied at the seminary - that's what we have in common. Do you know what makes us different?" “No,” Polikarpov responds. "You graduated from seminary, but I didn't." Another puff of smoke. Polikarpov imperturbably blurts: "It is visible, Iosif Vissarionovich." Stalin frowned, shook his pipe and managed only to squeeze out: "You know your place there."

And once the NKVD received a denunciation of Yangel, then still a boy who worked for Polikarpov. Recall that Yangel, along with Korolev, Chelomey and Glushko, is the father of Soviet cosmonautics and rocket science. So, he was accused of being the son of a kulak, and his father was hiding in the taiga ... What would almost anyone at that time do in Polikarpov's place? And what did Polikarpov do? He gave the young employee a vacation and sent him to Siberia to collect documents about his father's innocence.

No less famous is another Polikarpov aircraft - the U-2 initial training aircraft (renamed Po-2 after the death of the designer). Po-2 was built until 1959. The car broke all records of longevity in aviation. During this time, more than 40 thousand cars were produced, more than 100 thousand pilots were trained on them. Before the war, all our pilots managed to fly the U-2, without exception. During the Great Patriotic War, U-2s were successfully used as reconnaissance and night bombers. The car was so reliable, economical and easy to drive that it was used both as a passenger and as an ambulance. It was also discovered during the war that the aircraft could be converted into a night bomber. The Germans called it "coffee grinder" or "sewing machine" because several thousand U-2s bombed their positions almost continuously and with great accuracy. During the night, the plane made five or six sorties, sometimes more. Silently, with the engine turned off, he sneaked up to the enemy trenches, railway stations, columns on the march and dropped a quarter ton of explosives and steel on the heads of the Nazis. Very often, the pilots were girls who fought in the women's air regiments. Twenty-three of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Polikarpov's work was interrupted by his death on July 30, 1944, at the age of 52. At that moment, Polikarpov was working on the creation of the first Soviet jet aircraft. Only in 1956, 12 years after the death of the designer, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR closed the case against Polikarpov ...

After the death of the designer, the territory of OKB-51 passed to Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, another famous engineer who created more than 50 machine designs during his career. Today, the Sukhoi Design Bureau is one of the leading Russian airlines, whose combat aircraft (for example, the Su-27 and Su-30 multirole fighters) are in service in dozens of countries.

The legendary Messerschmitt

Without a doubt, Wilhelm Emil Messerschmitt was one of the most talented designers in the history of world aviation. Many original projects came out from under his hand, which were embodied in metal, but only two brought him worldwide fame - Bf-109 and Me-262.

In 1909, during his summer vacation, he visited the International Aviation Exhibition with his father. There, the boy saw airplanes for the first time and fell ill with aviation for the rest of his life.

One of the most significant developments of the designer was the Messerschmitt Bf-109 all-metal escort fighter. In 1934, the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (Bavarian Aircraft Factory) began to produce a steel car with a predatory profile that terrified the whole of Europe, hence the name. In 1939, the Me-109 set a world speed record. This fighter became the mainstay of German aviation during World War II. During the hostilities, both the French and the British managed to get samples of the latest German fighter. But if the first was already useless, then the British delivered the Bf-109E-3 to their Boscombe Down test center. The tests carried out showed that the leading English Hurricane fighter at that time was inferior to the German in all respects.

The Messerschmitts accounted for most of the 322 Soviet aircraft shot down on the first day of the war.

Creator of the Black Death

The son of a poor peasant from the Vologda province, Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin, began working at the age of 15, and during the First World War he became an airfield minder. Then he graduated from the soldier's pilot school of the All-Russian Imperial Aero Club and in the summer of 1917 received a pilot's license. Since then, his life has been forever connected with aviation.

When the October Revolution broke out, Ilyushin did not think long about which side to take. In 1918 he joined the Bolshevik Party, and in 1919 he became a soldier in the Red Army.

In 1921, Ilyushin asked the command to allow him to enter the Institute of Engineers of the Red Air Fleet. Many doubted - what kind of higher education is there? Ilyushin by that time was already 27 years old, and behind him were only three classes of the school. But Ilyushin was distinguished by incredible perseverance and hard work. Where there was a lack of knowledge, the experience of a mechanic helped. By the end of the 30s, he was already heading the TsAGI design bureau. The main creation of Sergei Vladimirovich is the most massive combat aircraft in history, the famous Il-2 attack aircraft.

"Flying Cobra"

In 1912, aircraft mechanic Lawrence Bell nearly did away with airplanes for good when his older brother, stunt pilot Gruver Bell, died in a crash. But friends persuaded Lawrence not to bury his talent in the ground, and in 1928, Bell Aircraft appeared, creating the most famous American fighter of World War II, the P-39 Airacobra.

An interesting fact: thanks to deliveries to the USSR and Great Britain and the exploits of the aces of these countries, the Airacobra has the highest individual victory rate of all American aircraft ever created.

Airacobra - Airacobra (but usually just Airacobra). This aircraft cannot be confused with any other. The motor in the middle of the fuselage, the automobile type of the cab door, the futuristic-looking three-wheeled chassis with a disproportionately long front strut - in fact, all these unusual design solutions had their reasons, they were aimed at increasing the combat and operational efficiency of the vehicle. As already mentioned, the engine was located behind the cockpit. Due to the rear shift of the center of gravity, the fighter was very maneuverable. The R-39 Airacobra fighter became the most massive and most famous of those supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease - the same symbol of Western Allied help as the Studebaker truck, Dodge Three-Quarters and a can of American stew. "Cobra" was very popular with Soviet pilots, she was appreciated and loved. Many "Stalin's falcons" won the lion's share of victories on the Aerocobra.

Breakthrough "Prototype"

Jiro Horikoshi is a Japanese aircraft designer. He is best known as the designer of the A6M Zero, a very successful World War II fighter.

Jiro Horikoshi was born in 1903 in the village of Fujioka. Studied at Fujioka High School. During his school years, he became interested in aircraft engineering, reading newspaper reports about the air battles of the First World War in Europe. Subsequently, Horikoshi entered the Technology Department of the University of Tokyo in the direction of aeronautical engineering. His fellow university students were such well-known Japanese aircraft designers as Hidemasa Kimura and Takeo Doi. After completing his university education, Horikoshi in 1926 got a job as an engineer in the internal combustion engine division of Mitsubishi. The company owned an aircraft factory in Nagoya, where Horikoshi ended up.

In 1937, Horikoshi began work on the Prototype 12, which went into production in 1940 as the A6M Zero. The Zero was a carrier-based single-wing fighter. Until 1942, the Zero surpassed the aircraft of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in terms of maneuverability, speed and flight range, and until the end of World War II remained the basis of Japanese naval aviation.


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