I dream of big gates creaking. Dream interpretation of open gates. Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

A gate is a kind of obstacle that a person must open to continue his journey. And to understand why you dreamed about an open gate, an analysis of the meaning of the day on which the vision occurred and the opinions of the authors of dream books will help. When these factors are added together, you can get really useful information that will help you know what will happen in the future.

The meaning of a dream with a gate

In life, gates are always installed to protect property, so their appearance in a dream is important. An obstacle seems to arise in front of a person, and how he overcomes it will be determined by the details of the vision. For example, an open gate is a good sign, because in reality the dreamer will not have to try, he will easily cope with all the difficulties, and more likely, they will not arise at all.

In a dream, large and iron closed gates through which a person wants to pass have a bad meaning. In this case, in reality he will be able to achieve his intended goal or will encounter difficulties that will have to be overcome for a long time.

If the gate was wooden and small, then in reality the dreamer will have obstacles, and he will quickly cope with them. This is due to the fact that such protection is not strong, and it is very easy to get through it.

If the gates belonging to the dreamer were opened by strangers without asking, then in reality you should expect third parties to invade your personal affairs. Perhaps ill-wishers will decide to interfere with the development of personal life or important tasks that the person does not tell anyone about.

Such a vision may be a warning to those involved in illegal activities or tax evasion.

For a more detailed decoding, you should also take into account all the details of the dream.

Generally gates may indicate certain obstacles, which will be encountered in the dreamer’s life when carrying out plans. But more precise events in the future will be indicated by a specific episode in the vision and the nature of the day on which it happened.

The influence of the day on vision

Each day has its own ruler, due to which a certain atmosphere is formed. This means that the events of each day have the characteristics of a planet, star or satellite. The five days began to be ruled by the planets that are located closer to the Sun. The other two are ruled by the central star and the Earth's satellite. A This is what the gates seen on a certain day mean:

  • The events of Tuesday have a positive connotation, plus there is a lot of action going on on this day and people try to make the most of their energy. This is due to the fact that warlike Mars began to rule the day. And if a person saw an open gate in a dream, then in reality there will be many opportunities for improvement, which he will definitely use. For example, the boss may entrust the dreamer with difficult tasks, which he will successfully cope with due to his activity. For women, such a vision suggests that in reality she is open to a serious relationship, and in reality an energetic person will appear who will win her favor. In general, dreams on Tuesday come true with a higher than average probability.
  • The fastest planet in the solar system, Mercury, began to rule the environment. She is responsible for information received, communication and business negotiations. In addition, on this day the acquired knowledge is absorbed best. And dreaming of an open gate indicates that thanks to his knowledge a person can achieve a lot. He will be in demand in society, and therefore you can start collaborating with influential people. If the gate was closed, then in reality he will have ill-wishers who will prevent him from developing intellectually or conducting his activities. Visions for this day come true with a high degree of probability.
  • The largest planet in the solar system began to rule Thursday. Jupiter gives generosity to the events of this day; moreover, visions can speak of a successful combination of circumstances in the future. And if a person notices an open gate in a vision, then a white streak will come in his life, because good luck will accompany him in everything. He will take on any business and achieve success in it. For women, such a dream promises a meeting with a very respectable man who will open her new life. She only dreamed of such a reality, but now she will be able to enjoy her dreams in reality. In general, dreams on Thursday come true within several years, although this does not always happen.
  • Venus began to rule Friday, which many associate with a long-awaited day of rest. She is responsible for the expression of feelings, reasonable spending of funds and stability in relationships. Visions of this day can tell you how your personal life will develop, or what will happen in the financial sphere. And an open gate seen in a dream promises men new opportunities to receive money. The dreamer may change his workplace or start thinking completely differently. He will understand that passive income is a very profitable business, and may decide to invest his savings in some project. For women, such a dream promises the appearance of a rich man with whom she will have mutual feelings.
  • The strictest planet began to rule Saturday, a very difficult day for most people. Saturn is responsible for rigor, hard work and patience. And if a person notices an open gate in a dream, then opportunities will appear in her life that must be used. At first glance, they may seem bad, because you have to work hard and forget about rest. But thanks to such chances, the dreamer can finally raise his social prestige and earn good money. If the gate was closed, then there will be trials in life that a person is unlikely to overcome. In general, visions for Saturday come true over several years and carry great meaning.
  • The Sun, which gives warmth to everyone, began to rule Sunday. Undoubtedly, most people are waiting for this day, and therefore its events are positive. At the same time, the visions for this day are positive and can tell about what will happen in the near future. And an open gate seen in a dream promises an excellent time to fulfill your plans. You can relax or go shopping; single people will have the chance to meet a nice person. If the gate was closed, then in reality it is worth reconsidering your goals; perhaps they are unattainable. The dreamer should return to reality and set his priorities correctly, otherwise he will be disappointed.
  • Monday is ruled by the Earth's satellite. Undoubtedly, this day of the week is difficult for many, because after the weekend it is difficult to start working. The moon is by its nature very unstable, so on this day events have a negative connotation. Visions for Monday do not come true; they speak of the dreamer’s inner fears. And a wide open gate in a dream indicates that a person is engaged in self-flagellation. He is too depressed after failing to achieve his goals, and now he cannot see the opportunities that fate presents to him. But closed gates indicate that a person is exaggerating too much about the problems that have arisen. This prevents him from dealing with them.

Decoding gates in dream books

After analyzing the influence of the days of the week, you should turn to the decoding from different dream books. The opinions of the authors will tell you a lot and help you know the future:

  • Miller's Dream Book. Passing through a gate in a vision is a bad sign; in reality, a person will learn alarming news. In the business sphere, he will show unprofessional qualities, which will cause him trouble. If the gate was closed, then the dreamer will not be able to cope with difficulties. But if you had to close the gate in a vision, then in reality the person will successfully complete the plans.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. A gate in a vision means opportunities that will appear in life. And if you dreamed of a gate that closed in front of a person, then in reality he will not be able to deal with minor troubles. A broken gate indicates unused chances; a person will engage in self-flagellation. Dreaming of a large gate with a beautiful arch speaks of success in reality.
  • Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. The gate in the vision indicates that in reality you can put aside old things. A person can begin to perform new and promising tasks. Large and blurred gates indicate that there will be good chances in life to realize your professional opportunities. A broken and loose gate in a dream promises troubles in business, their completion will not bring joy.
  • Loff's Dream Book. A closed gate in a vision promises insurmountable difficulties; a person will have to come to terms with adversity. If he asked to open the gate, then in reality he will turn to influential individuals for help. Passing through the gate with a partner in a dream is a good sign; a new stage will begin in the relationship. You should pay attention to how the dreamer felt in his sleep. If the emotions were good, then there will be fewer quarrels and disagreements in the couple.
  • Modern dream book. I had to open the gate and pass through it; it is a bad sign; in reality, a person will have problems due to overconfidence. If he closed the open gate, then in reality success in business awaits him. A broken gate through which the dreamer passed promises trouble and ending up in dubious company.

Different dream options

An example of correct decoding of a vision

To find out more precisely what the future may hold, you should look at one example from the information presented. For example, the closed gate seen on Wednesday, which the dreamer opened, and then it opened wide and a person walked through it. Visions for Wednesday speak of future events that will occur through information or communication.

In this case it turns out that a person can receive good news. Because of this, he may show excessive self-confidence when doing things. He will have problems that he can easily cope with. As a result, success and prosperity await him.

Based on this, one can understand that one should only add up the meaning of a particular case, the opinion of the author of one of the dream books and the nature of the day on which the vision occurred. Due to this, useful information is obtained, thanks to which you can learn about the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

A dream about a large gate promises the onset of peace and prosperity. If the gate was high, success in business and harmony in the family await you. Circumstances will be exclusively in your favor.

Take advantage of the favorable period, deal with important matters, and determine development plans for the future. Don't miss your chance to improve your life.

Dream about garage doors

Garage doors in a dream indicate that they are trying to use your ideas for selfish purposes. The efforts you expended and the funds you invested in the development of your business are not taken into account at all.

Fight such circumstances, do not allow yourself to be used. The wise advice of someone close to you will help you get out of the situation.

Why do you dream about wooden gates?

The Orakul dream book considers wooden gates as an indication of your conservative views regarding certain things or concepts. You stubbornly do not want to develop, learn new things. An old carved gate portends failure; circumstances will not be in your favor.

The world does not stand still, think about this the next time your ossified views interfere with the development of your next business. The time for change has long come, there is no need to resist it so stubbornly.

Dreaming of iron gates

I dreamed of iron gates - a reflection of your strength, an indication of opening opportunities and prospects. If you saw an iron gate - those around you are trying to hide important information from you, to conceal valuable information.

Take the chance to improve things and start a new profitable project. Consider all possible options for further development; among them there will definitely be ones worthy of your attention.

Closing the gate in a dream

Dreaming that the gates were closed means a successful completion of affairs. You will be able to bring to its logical conclusion an important project that you have been working on for a long time.

Don't stop there, you still have many opportunities ahead that will allow you to realize your wildest ideas. Having rejoiced at your success, take on new things while luck is on your side.

I dreamed about closed gates

Why do you dream about closed gates? The vision foreshadows the onset of a dark streak in life. Success and luck will leave you. If you saw someone closing the gate in front of you, the difficulties that arise will turn into insurmountable obstacles.

Continue to fight the circumstances and look for ways out of the current situation. Seek support from your loved ones, they are always ready to give you a helping hand.

Dreaming of gates to a cemetery

A dream about a cemetery gate foreshadows the disruption of a wedding ceremony. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the event will have to be postponed indefinitely.

Don't despair and give up. What happened can be corrected, you just need to be patient and wait for the end of the unfavorable period.

Why do you dream about painting gates?

Painting a gate in a dream means adding to the family. Soon you will have an heir who will become a worthy successor to the family. A bright future and happiness awaits him.

Get in a positive mood and prepare for a joyful event. Everything will work out well for you in the future if you continue to adhere to moral principles.

Breaking gates in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, breaking a gate means a warning about future serious trials. An unfavorable period is coming, full of failures and adversity.

Gather your strength, drive away despair. Your focus and determination will help you overcome impending troubles. Believe in your own abilities.

Dreaming of new gates

If you dreamed of a new gate, you will receive disturbing news about absent people. There will be a decline in current affairs, you will no longer be able to control the situation. Events will not develop the way you wanted.

Focus on the main thing, try to regain control of the situation. To do this, first learn to control your emotions, and then get down to business.

Why do you dream of opening a gate?

If you dream that the gate was opened, but nothing worked for you - the dream indicates a waste of effort. Current affairs do not bring the desired results; you are wasting your time and money on them.

Reconsider your business strategy; you may be able to find a different way of doing things that will be more effective.

Why do you dream about gates?

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are passing through a gate predicts disturbing news. In the business sphere, misunderstandings and missteps are possible.

Seeing a closed gate means that you will not overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Closing the gate means successful enterprises and good friends.

Broken old gates promise failure and contradictory circumstances.

Trying to go through the gate or open it means that your efforts will fail.

Swinging on the gate predicts that you will be involved in useless, vain adventures.

Why do you dream about gates?

Freud's Dream Book

The gate is a symbol of the female genital organs.

If in a dream a gate slams in front of you, or you slam it, this indicates that your sexual partner or you yourself are abusing coitus interruptus.

Enter - strive for sexual intercourse.

Going out means being subject to possible sexual harassment.

If a woman sees an open gate, her sexual aspirations will be met with a favorable reception.

If a man sees an open gate, he cannot forgive his partner for the fact that he is not her first.

Seeing a closed gate means your intended or actual sexual partner is cold towards you, you are indifferent to him.

If you cannot open it in a dream, this indicates that you have problems in your personal life; you cannot realize your sexual desires.

Seeing old or broken ones in a dream means you doubt your physical and sexual attractiveness.

Seeing new and beautiful things in a dream means you overestimate your attractiveness and sexuality.

If you make gates in a dream or watch others make them, you are not satisfied with your sex life or lack thereof, and are striving to change the situation; the emergence of a new partner is possible.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The gate is closed - must be energetic; open - your life will be happy by the end; opening with force - you will achieve good luck.

Why do you dream about gates?

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were passing through a gate, disturbing news awaits you. In the business sphere, misunderstandings and missteps are possible.

Seeing a closed gate means difficulties.

Close the gate - to true friends and successful endeavors.

If you dreamed that you were swinging on a gate, you would be involved in useless, vain adventures.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Gate - symbolizes a change of activities and the opportunity to put aside old things in order to start a new one. Often this image also means a change of scenery.

A beautiful, well-oiled gate is a sign of your good chances in a new endeavor.

A gate under an arch suggests that the matter may be dangerous, but if the arch is strong, everything promises to end well.

The creaking of the gate when you try to open it warns that your new plans may cause misunderstandings.

A closed gate warns against new ventures and activities - apparently, you have little chance of success in a new business.

Broken, peeling or loose gates are a harbinger that new things will not bring you much joy.

Why do you dream about gates?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Opening the gate means loss; close - to the completion of some important matter.

Why do you dream about gates?

Spring dream book

Opening the gate means losing, closing it means death.

Iron gates - they stubbornly hide something from you.

Why do you dream about gates?

Summer dream book

To see in a dream a closed gate on which a sign is nailed with the inscription “Beware, evil dog” - to treacherous neighbors.

Why do you dream about gates?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a beautiful gate standing open in a dream means peace in your home.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a gate in a dream if it is closed is a sign that you should be more energetic in everything related to making money; if the gate is open, it means that by the end of your life you will find happiness. A gate that opens with difficulty means luck will visit you much earlier.

Passing through a gate in a dream means receiving disturbing news. In the sphere of business interests, some overlaps and failures are possible.

Trying to open a locked gate to get through - your efforts will be in vain.

Swinging while hanging on the gate - the adventures that await you will not bring anything worthwhile.

Sleeping at the church gates is a peace of mind.

Opening the gate means eliminating the offender. Closing the gate means saving yourself from creditors with the help of friends.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Gate – Closed - You must be energetic - open - Your life will be happy - opening with power - you will achieve good luck

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you saw a gate in a dream, you will soon receive disturbing news about distant relatives.

If you dreamed that you were knocking on the gate and were not allowed in, your affairs will not develop as you would like.

You dreamed that you were closing the gate - know: all your endeavors will be successful if you trust your friends.

A broken gate means failure in business and a dubious environment.

In a dream, you were swinging on a gate - there is an idle pastime ahead, and then you will greatly regret the lost time.

Why do you dream about gates?

Esoteric dream book

The gates are open - a free road to what is planned.

Closed - imaginary obstacles that actually do not exist.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

To dream that you are passing through a gate predicts disturbing news, possible misunderstandings and missteps in the business sphere.

Closed means that you will not be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Broken old gates predict failure and conflicting circumstances.

Trying to go through the gate or open it means that your efforts will be in vain.

Swinging on the gate is a prediction that you will be involved in everyday vanity and empty chores. The only positive sign is if you close the gate in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes successful enterprises and good friends.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Release the capon outside the gate - the daughter will get married

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A gate is an obstacle; broke down - there is misfortune in the family; open - temptation, late success.

Why do you dream about gates?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you pass through a gate predicts that very soon disturbing news about absent people will reach your ears. Your business will not develop the way you wanted.

Closed ones are a sign that you will not be able to overcome existing difficulties.

Closing yourself means successful endeavors and loyal friends.

A broken gate usually portends bad luck and a dubious environment.

If you fail to get through the gate or open it, in real life your whole life's work will be in vain.

Swinging on the gate means that you will be drawn into an idle pastime.

Why do you dream about gates?

Eastern dream book

If you pass through any gate, you will receive disturbing news about people who are now far away.

Closing the gates means successful endeavors and loyal friends.

If you see a gate closed by someone, it means that you are unable to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Broken gates usually portend failure and dubious acquaintances.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream book of healer Akulina

Alarming news from afar. Perhaps an illness of a relative, due to which you will have to leave home. Imagine that the gate is tightly closed and you are going inside the courtyard (or city).

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

In Homer’s Odyssey, Penelope tells Odysseus: “I dreamed of gates - some of horn, others of ivory. Those made of ivory tell us lies, but the other gates tell us truth.”

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Gate (doors) – A large and tall door, gate. - Portends wealth and nobility. You open new gates or doors. - Portends wealth, nobility. The doors suddenly swing open. - Portends great happiness. The doors swing wide open. - Portends happiness and benefit, good luck. Replace the doors with new ones. - Birth of a noble offspring. The gate opens by itself. - The wife may have connections on the side. Doors and gates are splitting. - Portends great happiness. The doors fall to pieces. - It will be an unpleasant situation. The gates in the city wall swing wide. - There will be a quarrel, a squabble. The passage to the palace city is blocked, blocked. - Portends a quarrel, a verbal altercation. Gates and doors are tightly closed or blocked. - Things are not going well. Doors and gates break down and become unusable. - Portends great misfortune. The gate leaf breaks by itself. - A servant or subordinate will leave. You see that there is no one behind the doors. - Portends big troubles. Repairing or replacing doors or gates. - Portends great happiness. Gates or doors are made of stone. - Portends longevity. Grass grows in front of the gate. - You will be appointed head of the district, governor. You see that there is a hole or ditch in front of the gate. - Things won't work out. Heavenly fire burns the gates. - Foretells mourning.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dream of a closed gate - the difficulties you experience are insurmountable; you are unable to influence the circumstances and will have to put up with them. You close the gate yourself - in reality, you are in full control of the situation, success awaits you, you will be surrounded by friends. It’s as if you are passing through a gate - you will be very alarmed by some news in the near future. You dream of an old, broken, lopsided gate - you will not be able to quickly and correctly navigate conflicting circumstances and will make a mistake; you wouldn't have to sign what everyone else has already signed. You, as in childhood, ride on the gate leaves - your latest adventures will delight primitive man; this delight will flatter you, but not very much; From now on, you will be more critical of yourself and the people with whom you happen to communicate.

Why do you dream about gates?

Ancient Russian dream book

Gates - To see a gate collapsing in a dream foreshadows the one who saw this dream, that he will be taken into custody and imprisoned; to see a burning gate foreshadows the death of someone in the household and rarely the death of the one who dreams about it.

Why do you dream about gates?

Psychoanalytic dream book

1. Dreaming about a gate usually means some kind of change, sometimes in awareness. We cross a threshold in our lives, perhaps trying to do something else, or moving from one phase to another. 2. The need for change is illuminated in the dream by a type of gate. For example, a farm gate is a sign of a change in work, while a garden gate is a sign of pleasure. 3. The gateway between the psychological and spiritual kingdoms has a long and well established existence. They are used as a gateway for communication and can be used as such.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Gate - Symbolizes the opportunities opening up to you. The border between two worlds (Gates of hell, heaven). Seeing closed gates means obstacles. Broken - an unused chance. A large gate with a beautiful arch means agreement, success.

Why do you dream about gates?

Home dream book

The gate is a change in life. Gates opening with force - big changes will occur in your life; close the gate - bring the matter to an end; the gate is closed and it is impossible to open it - you long for changes in life, but you cannot overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Broken old gate - everything will remain as before, changes will not happen; going through the gate with someone is a change in relationships, which can be either good or bad.

Why do you dream about gates?

Russian dream book

The gate is a symbol of contacts; open - availability to contact, closed - refusal to contact; entering the gate means starting a new life, access to new opportunities.

Why do you dream about gates?

Jewish dream book

Walking through the gate means moving to a new apartment or changing jobs, as well as making a difficult decision. To stand at the gate in indecision is to exercise reasonable caution.

Why do you dream about gates?

Women's dream book

Gate - To dream that you are passing through a gate predicts disturbing news, possible misunderstandings and missteps in the business sphere. A closed gate means that you will not be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. A broken old gate predicts bad luck and conflicting circumstances. Trying to go through the gate or open it means that your efforts will be in vain. Swinging on the gate is a prediction that you will be involved in everyday vanity and empty chores. The only positive sign is if you close the gate in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes successful enterprises and good friends, as the dream book interprets the Gate.

Why do you dream about gates?

Magic dream book

Closed - loss of family ties, open - desired prospects for the rest of your life, open the gate with force - you should put more energy and effort to get the desired result.

Why do you dream about gates?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Gate – May refer to the unconscious or the object of desire. Open gate. The path through consciousness. Four gates. Four functions of the conscious, one of which can be closed. Garden gate. Gateway to heaven. Entering a new state of being, especially in the dying state. Heavenly Gate. People often see similar gates in their dreams shortly before death. Corresponds to a garden gate.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream book of catchphrases

GATE – “does not fit into any gate” - an unacceptable, insoluble situation. “Turn away from the gate” - refusal. “Like a ram at a new gate” - bewilderment, stupidity. “Play for your own goal” - help the enemy; “gates of hell, heaven”, see add. door.

Why do you dream about gates?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

See Door.

Why do you dream about gates?

Old Russian dream book

obstacles; broke - there is misfortune in the family.

Why do you dream about gates?

Idiomatic dream book

“It doesn’t fit into any gate” - an unacceptable, unsolvable situation; “turn away from the gate” - refusal; “like a ram at a new gate” - bewilderment, stupidity; “play for your own goal” - help the enemy; “the gates of hell, heaven” -.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream book of lovers

Seeing a closed gate in a dream means that you will encounter difficulties, as a result of which you will lose your loved one.

Closing the gate yourself - dreams of meeting a person who would not mind striking up a closer relationship with you.

Swinging on the gate means meaningless relationships and unpromising acquaintances.

Why do you dream about gates?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Large and high gates - portends wealth and nobility.

Opening a new gate portends wealth and nobility.

The gates unexpectedly swing open - portends great happiness.

Open wide - portends happiness and benefit, good luck.

You exchange them for new ones - the birth of a noble offspring.

They open up on their own - the wife may have connections on the side.

The gate leaves are splitting - portends great happiness.

The gate falls into pieces - there will be an unpleasant situation.

The gates in the city wall open wide - there will be a quarrel, a squabble.

The passage to the palace city is blocked, blocked - foreshadows a quarrel, a verbal altercation.

Gates, doors are closed or blocked - things are not going well.

They break down and become unusable - portends a great misfortune.

The gate leaf breaks by itself - a servant or subordinate leaves.

You see that there is no one behind them - portends big troubles.

Repairing or changing - portends great happiness.

The gate is made of stone - portends longevity.

Grass grows in front of the gate - you will be appointed head of the district, governor.

You see that there is a hole or a ditch in front of the gate - things won’t work out.

Heavenly fire burns the gate - foreshadows mourning.

Why do you dream about gates?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

To see a gate collapsing in a dream - foretells to the one who saw this dream that he will be taken into custody and imprisoned; to see the gates on fire portends the death of someone in the household and rarely the death of the one who dreams about it.

Why do you dream about gates?

according to Loff's dream book

A gate represents a passage, a breach, in a boundary or access to a protected area where entry is usually prohibited. Is the gate open or closed? Did you have to open them or were they already open to you? The answers to these questions will show how accessible the possibilities for resolving certain situations are to you. What did you find behind the gate? Building: sacred and forbidden or safe and tranquil? Perhaps you got through the gate with a person who came to help perform some kind of ritual. To pass through the gate with someone means to move to a qualitatively new stage of a relationship, good or bad. Are you at a loss in the face of new opportunities or feel that something is holding you back on the way to achieving your goal? A gate can represent potential progress, or at least hope for it, depending on where it takes you.

I dreamed about the gate

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are passing through a gate predicts disturbing news. In the business sphere, misunderstandings and missteps are possible. Seeing a closed gate means that you will not overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Closing the gate means successful enterprises and good friends. A broken old gate promises bad luck and conflicting circumstances. Trying to go through the gate or open it means that your efforts will fail. Swinging on the gate predicts that you will be involved in useless, vain adventures.

An open gate in a dream symbolizes a certain passage, including between worlds. Literally - the entrance to a forbidden territory, which is usually closed. The dream book offers a more accurate decoding of what they mean in dreams.

Everything is changing!

Did you dream about an open gate? In the near future, you will have a great opportunity to take your mind off boring things and do something new. This dream image hints at a sudden change in situation or circumstances.

Seeing the gates wide open, according to the dream book, is good. This means that your plans will be easily realized. In addition, guests may come to visit you.

Open doors in dreams symbolize happiness that will brighten up old age. From an esoteric point of view, the dream picture hints: some spiritual knowledge that was previously secret will be revealed to you.

Go for it!

Why do you dream that you walked through an open gate? The dream book thinks that you have to do something special and completely unusual. Perhaps you will discover a completely unique talent in yourself.

In a dream, did you enter a beautifully decorated opening in a fence? Peace and understanding will reign in the house. Seeing a broken structure is worse. Prepare for failure, and your new acquaintance will be very dubious.

Miller's opinion

However, Mr. Miller has a completely different interpretation of the dream. If in your dreams you managed to pass through an open gate unhindered, then expect disturbing news. In the business field, misunderstandings and troubles are possible.

Features and material

Have you ever wondered why you dream about open gates? The dream book advises remembering all the details of their design in a dream.

  • Solid, strong – opportunities, undertakings.
  • Broken, damaged - failure, contradictory circumstances.
  • Carved, beautiful - success, mutual understanding.
  • With an arch is a dubious, dangerous undertaking.
  • Stone - longevity.
  • Wooden - peace.
  • Iron - hiding secrets.

Did you dream that lush green grass was growing in front of the barrier? One day you will occupy a very high and responsible position. If there is a deep hole in front of him, then the plan will not come true; if there is an embankment, then he will have to overcome the obstacle.


Did an open gate appear in a dream and you decided to take a ride on it? The dream book prophesies a cycle of everyday problems and empty worries. This same action promises a period of careless idleness and idleness.

Did you dream that you were hanging on the door and swinging? An adventure is coming that will not live up to your expectations.

Luck or betrayal?

Why do you dream that you personally opened the gate? The dream book thinks that in the near future you are destined for wealth and some fame.

If in a dream the structure swings open by itself, then you will have great happiness and unexpected luck. If a man dreamed that the gate swung open on its own, then there is a chance that his wife or girlfriend would cheat on him.

Be persistent!

In a dream, trying to open a locked gate represents effort. If you were able to open them, especially with considerable difficulty, then the dream book insists: you will achieve your goal thanks to perseverance and even obstinacy.

Seeing that, despite all efforts, the doors have not budged, means that the work of literally a lifetime will ultimately be in vain.


Why dream if you had to close an open gate? If you closed it from the inside, then the dream book guarantees the success of your endeavor and reliable partners.

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