English-Russian dictionary with all the meanings of words. (Un)explanatory dictionary of the English language. Explanatory dictionaries of the English language online


Do you often turn to a dictionary? Every person learning English sooner or later is faced with the need to find the optimal reference book. Therefore, today we will tell you which online English dictionaries are the best so that you can choose the best option for yourself.


Let us recall that in the article “” we told you what a high-quality reference book should contain and how to choose a dictionary depending on your level of English proficiency and the format of the dictionary. We also recommended using some of the best reference books: multitran.ru, macmillandictionary.com and urbandictionary.com. And today we want to offer you some more high-quality resources. You might like some of them.

  • On this site you will find a set of online English dictionaries.
  • Here you can use both an explanatory (English-English) and a translated (English-Russian) dictionary.
  • There is a help page that lists the main abbreviations used on the site.
  • The Cambridge Dictionary gives some of the most commonly used definitions of the word, whether it is a countable noun or not.
  • Several example sentences are given for each word - you will understand in what context it is better to use specific vocabulary.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word in the British and American versions, as well as a transcription for each of these variants.
  • Collocations (expressions with this word) are given for each word, so you will understand what words the new vocabulary is combined with.
  • There is a list of idioms containing your word, you can also familiarize yourself with them.

A list of synonyms is also provided, as well as words related in meaning, so you can create your own set of homogeneous vocabulary and study it.


The only negative is that the English-Russian version of the dictionary provides only a simple translation of the word without explanation, which may be inconvenient for beginners.

  • This dictionary is interesting because it is not only an explanatory online dictionary of the English language, it also contains simple explanations.
  • You will be provided with many definitions of the word, each of them will be accompanied by several examples of use in context.
  • An interesting feature of this resource is that it contains interesting articles about the origin of words.
  • Here is a list of vocabulary that rhymes with the word you are interested in.
  • A synonymous series is proposed that will be useful in learning.
  • You can find translations of phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the disadvantages, we noticed that the recording of the pronunciation of the word and its transcription are provided only in the American version. And it is also quite difficult to find translations of English idioms.


  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of using vocabulary in context are given.
  • There is a recording of the American and British pronunciation of each word, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • There is an indication whether the word can be counted or not (whether it is countable or not).
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is offered, each of them is given an explanation and an example of use.
  • Frequently used collocations and vocabulary related to the concept you are interested in are indicated.
  • The resource provides a fairly wide range of synonyms for the word.
  • You can find translations of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Here are some common definitions of the word.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word, as well as a transcription for it.
  • There is a history of the origin of every word.
  • A number of synonyms for the word of interest are given.
  • A list of idioms is provided that include the word being studied.
  • The slang meanings of the word are highlighted in a separate block.
  • Here are wise quotes that use the word you are interested in.

Among the negative features of this service, we note the lack of British pronunciation of the word; only a transcription is provided. A rather narrow dictionary of idioms is also presented.


This online English dictionary offers several versions of the interpretation of the word: more difficult for native speakers and easier for English learners.

  • Several definitions of the word are given.
  • Indicates whether the word is countable or not.
  • There are examples of using vocabulary in context.
  • Translations of the word into several languages ​​(including Russian) are provided.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation in British and American voice acting, and a transcription is also included.
  • Interesting statistics on the use of the word over the past 10 years are provided - you will find out how popular it is among native speakers.
  • There is a translation of idioms, slang, phrasal verbs.

We would include the lack of a number of synonyms for each word as a disadvantage. There are also no idioms related to the search word and few examples of vocabulary usage.

We have presented you with the best English online dictionaries. Look through them all, re-read our article on choosing a dictionary, to which we provided a link at the beginning of the publication, and choose the best option for yourself. It is best to use 2 dictionaries: one from this list and a translation one, for example Multitran. This way you can get as much information as possible about the vocabulary you are studying.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a requirement for employees today. Free English proficiency– the road to success and career advancement. But even a person who speaks and uses a language regularly needs an explanatory dictionary. Memorizing dozens of meanings for every English (or other foreign) word is neither possible nor necessary. The technological 21st century has brought us help online dictionaries containing millions of dictionary entries. You shouldn’t forget about paper options either. The Internet is not yet available everywhere.

Explanatory dictionaries of the English language online

I recommend using trusted sites that have proven themselves decades ago. This includes. This Internet resource offers the user free access. It is designed to help students prepare for exams and contains a database of hundreds of thousands of English words. Advantages: minimalist interface, 2 transcription options corresponding to the pronunciation features of British and American society.

Click on the picture to go to the dictionary

Another useful site Macmillan Dictionary offers detailed descriptions of English words and their pronunciation, recorded by a native speaker. The portal is distinguished by high-speed search and a simple interface that is easy to learn. The interpretation on the site is less detailed than the Cambridge one. But for some users this is a plus.

Click on the picture to go to the dictionary

Internet resources are constantly updating, clarifying data and improving site search. There are social media buttons for saving your favorites or .

Oxford English Dictionary

If you need constant access (regardless of the Internet and location), your choice is the Oxford paper dictionary. This is a comprehensive professional publication containing 301,000 articles (350 million characters). It sells in incredible quantities around the world. The full edition is bulky and contains 20 volumes, but a short version in two volumes has been prepared for the mass consumer. The dictionary includes modern word formations and old forms of words that have fallen out of use. It is suitable for writers, professional translators and advanced linguists.

Cambridge English Dictionary

The advantage of the Cambridge Explanatory Dictionary is its continuous updating and addition of new words and slang of the English language. It comes with a disc with canonical pronunciation and transcription. This book is the brainchild of eminent scientists at the University of Cambridge and is compiled based on ratings and reviews from millions of users. It is understandable to the reader, regardless of the level of foreign language proficiency. This publication keeps up with the times. The book is compact, so it is suitable for students and service industry workers.

For sale compact and inexpensive dictionaries that include popular English phrases. They are intended for students and schoolchildren. Linguistics is not limited to outdated phrases and words. Therefore, they turn to reputable dictionaries of the latest editions, or use online portals to find out the meaning of a word in the required context.

If a company goes ~, its services become available on the Internet. (BUSINESS, COMPUTING)

The first bank to go ~.

An ~ shopping centre.

An ~ catalogue.

If you are ~, your computer is connected to the Internet. Compare offline. (COMPUTING)

You can chat to other people who are ~.

Online is also an adverb.

The cool stuff you find ~.

on line: see line

ADV: ADV after v

Collins COBUILD. Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Language Learners (University of Birmingham International Language Database). 2012

English dictionaries Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Language Learners (University of Birmingham International Language Database)

More meanings of the word and ONLINE translation from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and ONLINE translation from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ONLINE in dictionaries.

  • ONLINE — adjective Date: 1950 connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system (as ...
    English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • ONLINE - adj. (Computers) connected, connected to another computer or to the Internet; available through the Internet
  • ONLINE — (Computers) connected, connected to another computer or to the Internet; available through the Internet
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • ONLINE — adjective Date: 1950: connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • ONLINE — ■ adjective & adverb 1》 controlled by or connected to a computer. ↘(of an activity or service) available on or …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • ONLINE - online, on-line BrE AmE ˌɒn ˈlaɪn ◂ AmE \ ˌɑːn- ˌɔːn- ˌ online ˈ help BrE AmE
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • ONLINE - / ˌɒnˈlaɪn; NAmE ˌɑːn-; ˌɔːn-/ adjective controlled by or connected to a computer or to the Internet: Online shopping …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ONLINE - on ‧ line /ˈɒnlaɪn $ ˈɑːn-, ˈɒːn-/ BrE AmE adjective 1 . connected to other computers through the Internet, or ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ONLINE — also on-line 1. If a company goes online, its services become available on the Internet. (BUSINESS, COMPUTING) ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ONLINE — adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES an online chat (= one had with someone over the internet) ▪ With MSN …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • ONLINE — - describes products, services or information that can be bought or accessed using the Internetan …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • ONLINE - I. adj.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionary Second Edition
  • ONLINE - I. adj. Online is used with these nouns: ad , advertisement , alias , archive , …
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • ONLINE — the state of a computer when it is connected to another computer via a modem.
    Raynet Business and Marketing English Glossary
  • ONLINE — (See also Networks)
    Jensen's Technology English Glossary
  • ONLINE — The videotape editing process that creates the final video edit master, including effects, from the offline edit list. (Video)
    Film and Video English vocabulary
  • ONLINE - mkondoni
    Kiswahili IT English Glossary
  • ONLINE — If you are connected to the internet, you are online.
    Internet Terms and Acronyms English vocab
  • ONLINE - dalam talian
    ICT Terminology English vocab
  • ONLINE — Interactively online Thursday. current
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • ONLINE - Online
    American English-Russian Dictionary
  • ONLINE - non-autonomous, in a state connected to the network (whatever it may be) on-line data processing - online data processing - on-line control - ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • ONLINE - (d) online
  • ONLINE - (a) online
    English-Russian Lingvistika"98 dictionary
  • ONLINE - screen, operational, electronic, interactive; on line; real time mode; non-autonomous operation mode; permanent connection to the network
    English-Russian dictionary on computers

When we learn a language, we cannot do without a dictionary. After all, he is the main assistant in learning new and incomprehensible words. Therefore, you will need a dictionary throughout your studies.

In this article I will tell you which dictionary is better to use and give you the 5 best English online dictionaries that you can easily use.

So, let's begin.

What kind of English dictionaries are there?

There are 2 main types of English dictionaries:

1. English-Russian dictionary (bilingual)

Such dictionaries provide an English word with a Russian translation. That is, the dictionary uses two languages ​​- English and Russian.

Translation is how we translate a word into Russian. As a rule, this is one word.

For example:

table - table
pen - pen
dog - dog

As you can see, these are ordinary dictionaries that most students are accustomed to using.

2. English-English dictionary (monolingual)

This dictionary completely lacks the Russian language. That is, one language is used - English.

Instead of the usual translation, the meaning of the word is given.

Meaning is the meaning that a word carries.

For example:

Table - a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs.
A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and supported by legs.

The advantage of English-English dictionaries is that:

  • Do you understand in what situation to use the word

There are many words in English that have the same translation but have different meanings. Hence, these words are used in different situations. In the English-English dictionary you will find out the meaning that the word carries. This way you will understand exactly in what situations you need to use it.

  • You are completely immersed in English

You don't need to switch from English to Russian every time. When you clarify words in English, you learn to think in English!

  • You can find out more information about the word

Many good English-English dictionaries have additional information:

  • words with similar meaning
  • words with opposite meanings
  • origin of the word
  • whether the word is used in colloquial or formal English
  • whether the word is used more often in American or British English
  • stable phrases with the word

Which dictionary is best to use when learning English?

At initial levels, of course, you should use a bilingual dictionary (English-Russian), since by reading the description of a word in English (English-English dictionary), you are unlikely to understand anything.

Starting from the pre-intermediate level, it is better to switch to the English-English dictionary, since, as you noticed, it has significant advantages over the English-Russian one.

Now I will give you 5 online dictionaries that you can use.

Top 5 online dictionaries for learning English

When learning English, you can use the following dictionaries:

An English-English dictionary you can trust. Here you will find the meaning of English words in English.

It's good because:

  • You can listen to both the word (in American and British versions) and example sentences using it.
  • Frequently used phrases are given for the words.
  • The peculiarities of using these words (prepositions, location in a sentence) are clarified.
  • The difference between similar synonyms is given.

This is an English-English dictionary that gives the meaning of a word in English.

This dictionary has a number of significant advantages:

  • You can listen to how the word is pronounced (in two versions).
  • You can enable the function so that the Russian translation of the word is shown (you will see the translation in Russian and the meaning of the word in English).

As a supplement, you can find an explanation of English grammar in the dictionary. Of course, it is given in English, so it is more suitable for advanced levels.

In this dictionary:

  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of using vocabulary in context are given.
  • There are American and British pronunciations of each word.
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is offered, each of them is given an explanation and an example of use.
  • Vocabulary related to the concept you are interested in is indicated.
  • A fairly wide range of synonyms for the word is given.
  • You can find the meaning of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.

This dictionary is interesting because it contains simple explanations. An interesting feature of this dictionary is that it contains information about the origin of words.

You can also find the meaning of phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the disadvantages is that the recording of the pronunciation of the word and its transcription are given only in the American version.

English-Russian dictionary suitable for beginners.

  • Transcriptions are given and you can listen to the pronunciation of the word.
  • Examples of sentences with translation are given.

This dictionary is suitable for those who still find it difficult to use an English-English dictionary.

So, a dictionary is an important companion when learning a language. You can use any of the above dictionaries. But don’t forget, to remember words, it’s not enough to know their translation and meaning, you need to practice using them. Come visit us at , where you will learn the “simple sentences” technique, which will allow you to easily memorize English words.

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