The fastest diet for weight loss. Review of the most effective diets for quick weight loss at home. The best diets for women


Any diet requires strong motivation. If you have it, consider that half the battle is already done. Everyone has their own motivation. Charming a man who prefers slender women, fitting into the outfit he likes, a summer vacation where you need to show off on the beach and much, much more.

I offer several effective weight loss diets that will help you lose excess weight. They are based on proper nutrition with a menu for every day and week.

  1. Four rules of any diet
  2. Almost eliminate salt and salty foods from your diet.
  3. Completely eliminate alcohol in any form. This is a source of extra calories. In addition, its relaxing effect will prevent you from strictly adhering to your chosen diet.
  4. Have a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner, i.e. eat in small portions 5 – 6 times a day.

Completely eliminate sugar, sweets and baked goods.

Diet for 2 - 3 weeks.

Balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But at the same time it is low-calorie. It takes into account the body’s daily need for microelements and vitamins.

First day. Breakfast.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. Lunch.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. Dinner.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast.

Afternoon snack. Dinner.

About 100 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content, sprinkled with kefir, also of any fat content. Snack on a whole grapefruit.

First day. Second day.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. One piece of bran bread in the form of toast. If you don't have a toaster, lightly toast the bread in a dry frying pan over low heat. After half an hour - green tea or black coffee without sugar.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. Grapefruit and a glass of kefir of any fat content.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast. A piece of chicken, beef or fish, boiled, baked in the oven or on a grill without adding oil. It's better to use it if you have it.

Afternoon snack. A couple of apples. After half an hour - tea or coffee, of course, without sugar.

Boiled cauliflower with any greens, sprinkled with vegetable or olive oil.

First day. The third day.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. Whole grapefruit. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. One raw carrot.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast. Like breakfast.

Afternoon snack. Any stewed vegetables and an omelette made from two chicken egg whites.

Fourth day.

First day. One carrot, grated with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese and a glass of any kefir.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. One hard-boiled chicken egg. Fresh parsley or dill, as much as you can eat.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast.

Afternoon snack. Salad - a brush of shredded white cabbage, raw carrots and beets, grated. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice and do not add oil. Drink green tea without sugar.

Fifth day.

First day. One hard-boiled chicken egg. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. One glass of kefir.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. Low-fat fish cooked in a double boiler or in the oven on a wire rack without adding oil. Any stewed vegetables.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast. Boiled cauliflower. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Afternoon snack. One grapefruit. After 30 minutes - green tea without sugar.

Sixth day .

First day. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese with dill or parsley. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. Two apples with a break of 15 minutes.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. A piece of chicken, veal or fish, boiled, baked in the oven or in a double boiler without adding oil. One small boiled beet.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast. Orange without white veins. Try to clean them thoroughly.

Afternoon snack. Fresh white cabbage salad with celery and dill without oil. Drink green tea.

Seventh day.

First day. Mix of orange, apple and carrot. One glass.

1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces. Boiled rice with boiled vegetables. Approximately 5 heaping tablespoons.

A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk. Soup puree from any vegetables. A piece of boiled chicken. Half a grapefruit.

Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast. A glass of tomato juice. It can be packaged, but without salt or lightly salted.

Afternoon snack. Boiled fish and green peas.

Minus 5 kg. per month - Pierre Dukan diet

The convenience of this diet is that you can eat almost everything. You don't have to constantly count calories. The secret is that you need to combine products correctly.

The basis of the diet is dividing nutrition into four phases, one per week. The only condition is 2.5 liters of almost any liquid daily.

The first phase is burning fat.

During this phase, we actively eat foods containing protein. It helps burn previously accumulated fat without affecting muscle mass.

Kefir or yogurt is ideal for breakfast. If you can't do without bread, choose whole grain. It will satisfy you for a long time. Vegetables and fruits in this phase are good for snacking.

Try to reduce your consumption of fish, pork and cheese. These foods are rich in protein, but they are also high in fat. We completely give up sweets in any form.

  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • poultry meat
  • lean beef
  • seafood
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • tofu cheese.

Pasta and shrimp salad for the first week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • durum pasta for one serving;
  • about 50 gr. defrosted shrimp;
  • several sprigs of green onions, dill and parsley;
  • approximately 100 gr. natural yogurt;
  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil.

Boil pasta and shrimp separately. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Cool the shrimp and clean it. Add oil and vinegar to the yogurt, lightly salt and pepper. Mix well. Place pasta on a plate, top with shrimp and top with yogurt sauce. This salad can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

The second phase – we remove excess fluid from the body

We do this by eating as many vegetables as possible. They contain a lot of useful substances that continue to burn excess fat in our body. In addition, they speed up metabolism.

Eat as many different vegetables as possible at each meal. For example, on the usual morning sandwich with cheese we put a slice of tomato, radish and a slice of fresh cucumber.

It is better not to eat carbohydrates as side dishes this week. This is rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes. Any products containing sugar and flour. But you can use whole grain bread and pasta in moderation.

Stuffed zucchini for the second week of the diet

Products per serving:

  • medium zucchini;
  • celery stalk;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • onion head;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 gr. boiled ham;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cut the zucchini in half, remove the core and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Make a salad from ham, vegetables and herbs, season with sour cream and lemon juice. Place in zucchini halves. You can, if desired, bake in the oven.

Exercise for belly fat

This same week you can start doing a simple exercise that will help you lose belly fat.

If it is difficult to hold your legs up at first, you can simplify the exercise. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the floor. Place the foot of the other leg on your bent knee. Alternately pull your elbows toward your near knee 15 times. Then change legs and perform the exercise 15 more times.

The third phase – we remove the folds on the stomach with fruits.

Two weeks have passed successfully, and you have already lost several kilograms. We consolidate the result with the help of fruits. They contain many useful substances that will help us continue to get rid of the hated kilograms. Eat fruit salads for breakfast all week. Increase your fruit intake at other times as well. You can take any fruits, with the exception of canned and dried ones. They contain a lot of unnecessary sugar. It is also not advisable to replace fruit with juice.

Carrot and apple salad for the third week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • 2 raw carrots;
  • medium apple;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of any nuts;
  • teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Grate the carrots and apple on a coarse grater, mix with the rest of the ingredients and set aside for about half an hour to steep. You can add more orange zest, but this is optional.

Apple-banana smoothie

Products for 1 serving:

  • banana;
  • apple;
  • half peeled kiwi;
  • Art. a spoon of not bitter honey.

Beat all ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Fourth, final phase – we consolidate the result.

The fourth week is just some kind of holiday! You can eat everything that we ate in the three previous phases. We return carbohydrates so that the new weight lasts longer, and fat is not deposited where it is not needed.

At each meal, combine proteins and carbohydrates, with a snack and a snack of fruits or vegetables. Still avoid foods that contain wheat flour.

A universal exercise to strengthen the abdomen, buttocks and arms

In the fourth week of losing weight, add another simple exercise - side push-ups.

Raise the hip, fix it for a few seconds and lower it. Repeat 15 times, then roll over to the other side.

Three diets for the cold season

Finnish diet

You can eat all kinds of cereals, lean meat and fish, vegetables, low-fat dairy products. We give up sweets, pastries, bread, pasta, rice, and smoked meats.

Bean diet

In a week you can lose up to 3 kilograms without harming your health. As you understand, the basis of the diet is beans - low-calorie. but at the same time a nutritious product. During the week, beans should be eaten in different forms for lunch and dinner. In addition to it, the diet should include lean poultry, veal, vegetables and fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Do not consume salt, spices and sugar.

Buckwheat diet

A very simple but effective diet. It consists in alternating a day when you eat only buckwheat in any form with low-fat kefir or yogurt, and a day when you eat as usual. You just need to exclude flour, sweet, salty and smoked foods. Don't forget that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, without overeating.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Tell VK

Numerous diets differ from each other not only in the set of permitted and prohibited foods or the list of requirements. The fact is that most of them take almost 24 hours to figure out.

For example, the famous “Kremlin” involves daily calculation of carbohydrate points. And in general, every second is based on the daily calorie content of food consumed: portions need to be weighed, then find out how many kcal they contain, count...

Dividing foods into alkaline and acidic, protein and carbohydrate, high-calorie and non-calorie - all this takes a lot of time and effort. Our task today is to determine which diet for weight loss is the simplest, one that does not require this kind of hassle.


If you have decided to fight excess weight at home for the first time, you don’t need to look for too complicated diets. You risk getting confused in calorie counting and numerous tables. Only a professional nutritionist or those who have been fighting this unequal battle for a long time and have tried more than one nutrition system can understand them. Choose the simplest one that does not require long preparation and exhausting work with a calculator.

But how can one see it in the variety of proposed methods? It must meet the following requirements:

  • no need to count calories;
  • no complicated formulas;
  • there is no division of products into different groups;
  • no long tables;
  • all products are available (both in price and availability in stores);
  • Attached is a detailed menu for every day, close to reality;
  • food recipes are as simple as possible;
  • there are no long lists of requirements and recommendations;
  • There is no connection to specific meal times.

And remember: the diet should be simple but effective. Mono-diets are ideal in this regard.

TOP 10

According to nutritionists, for effective weight loss you can choose the following options, which are simple:

  1. Banana.
  2. Salt-free.
  3. Cabbage.
  4. Kefir.
  5. Vegetable.

These are the simplest diets that meet all the above requirements and allow you to lose the required number of kilograms in the shortest possible time. A short review of some of them will show you exactly how they work.


Even the simplest diets call for adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. You need to drink a lot of water (one and a half liters a day), streamline your meal schedule, not eat before bed, and leave the table feeling slightly hungry.

Throughout weight loss, the forbidden list of foods includes everything fried, flour, sweet, pickled, as well as fast foods, alcohol and soda. There is nothing difficult about this, but you will have to be patient. Otherwise, the schemes are as simple and easy to understand as possible.

1. Banana morning

The morning one is one of the simplest. It was developed by Japanese nutritionist Hiroshi Watanabe.

Essence. Breakfast should consist of 1 banana and a glass of water. Lunch and dinner are ordinary, meeting the principles of proper and healthy nutrition. Snacks are undesirable, but if hunger is unbearable, you can always drown it out with the same fruit that helps you lose weight. Weight loss is ensured by the low glycemic index of bananas and their low calorie content (96 kcal per 100 g). And since they are very filling, sweet and tasty, the hunger strike promises to be not only simple, but also easy.

Over a month, weight loss will be 5-10 kg.


  • slightly unripe bananas;
  • drinking water at room temperature.


  • simple power supply;
  • easy to carry;
  • does not affect performance and well-being;
  • no side effects.


  • Unripe bananas, if consumed regularly, can cause an eating disorder;
  • Still, you have to give up a number of foods as part of proper nutrition;
  • minor effect.

Sample menu

Notes Hiroshi Watanabe in his book “The Morning Banana Diet” emphasizes that it is undesirable to consume a lot of dairy products (they do not go well with fruit) and alcohol.

2. Kefir

As simple as possible: during the day you need to drink a certain amount of kefir. If the weight loss period is 1 or 3 days, then besides it you won’t have to consume anything else. If you have chosen a meal plan for a week or more, the diet is supplemented with other products.

Essence. Kefir cleanses the stomach, improves its functioning, saturates, satisfies hunger, and activates fat burning. This diet is ideal for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, as it allows you to remove even visceral (internal) fat, which is the most difficult to deal with. On fasting days, you need to drink one and a half liters of the drink in small portions. For longer marathons, each meal should end with a glass of kefir.

In 10 days you can lose 10 kg.

  • fresh 1.5% natural kefir at room temperature and even slightly warm (to activate beneficial bacteria in it).


  • kefir is good for health;
  • stomach function improves significantly;
  • saving money;
  • easy to carry.


  • at first there may be such unpleasant side effects as severe turbulence in the stomach and flatulence;
  • If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases can worsen.

Sample menu

Notes Experts advise trying it only for those who really love this drink. And no matter how simple the diet is, remember: there should be no sugar or other tasty additives in it.

3. Vegetable

If you are looking for a simple diet for a week, this will come in handy.

Essence. You can eat dishes made exclusively from vegetables. Moreover, their heat treatment is not encouraged. So you don’t even have to look for recipes for dietary dishes - you don’t have to stand at the stove all day. Try to eat only fresh vegetables for as long as possible. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time. You can stick to a certain schedule - it’s whatever is convenient for you. When you get tired of a raw food diet, vegetables can also be eaten boiled.

  • all vegetables.


  • easy to carry;
  • provides the body with necessary vitamins;
  • improves well-being;
  • effective.


  • raw vegetables can disrupt the functioning of the stomach, which leads to diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence;
  • vegetable fiber provokes gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Vegetables are low in protein, iron, and vitamin B12 - their deficiency negatively affects health;
  • gets boring quickly;
  • I always want to eat meat and fish.

Sample menu

Notes Since potatoes and corn are considered starchy and high-calorie vegetables, it is recommended to limit their consumption.

4. Salt-free

If you need a simple but effective diet for 10 days, you won't find anything better. However, you need to keep in mind that eating completely unsalted dishes is a test only for the strong-willed.

Essence. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, you need to give up salt. This technique fights not so much fat deposits as it does with excess fluid in the body, which accumulates over the years and forms a considerable portion of excess weight.

You can lose 5 kg.


  • everything except harmful ones (the main thing is that they are unsalted).


  • water-salt balance is normalized;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • no side effects;
  • a balanced diet containing the required amount of granulated fertilizers.


  • liquid leaves, but not fat layers;
  • difficult to tolerate;
  • all dishes seem bland and tasteless;
  • a large list of contraindications.

Sample menu

Notes You should not lose weight in the summer to prevent dehydration.

5. Cabbage

For 7 days, it is distinguished by its maximum simplicity.

Essence. All dishes are based on cabbage, which is healthy in any form: fresh, boiled, stewed, pickled, etc. It cleanses the blood, speeds up metabolism, forces the body to use up stored fats, improves mood and digestion. Fresh vegetables contain a unique substance - tartronic acid, which slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

  • all varieties of cabbage.


  • parallel treatment and prevention of oncology, diseases of the joints, spine, tuberculosis, constipation, ulcers;
  • efficiency;
  • supplying the body with vitamins;
  • blood purification;
  • improved digestion;
  • blocking free radicals.


  • after a diet, the kilograms come back;
  • side effects: flatulence, colic, abdominal pain;
  • cabbage dishes quickly become boring;
  • hunger;
  • Lack of carbohydrates reduces performance and causes weakness.

Sample menu

Notes The set of products in the table is divided into 5 meals of 250 grams each. White cabbage has the most beneficial effect on weight loss.

If you need the simplest possible diet for quick weight loss, don’t bother with those systems where you first need to do math for half a day, and then the same amount of time selecting the necessary recipes and drawing up the right menu.

Although mono-diets are often criticized for an unbalanced diet, they do not involve calorie calculations and long tables of 48 sheets. Purchase a certain product - and eat it, limiting yourself only in the amount of food eaten and the duration of the hunger strike. So do not think that all power systems are complex pyramids - among this variety you can always find lighter options.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Most women believe that there are no diets that can effectively get rid of excess weight. However, this is not the case. Of course, with the help of such diets it will be extremely difficult to maintain the results achieved, but if you urgently need to lose weight, for example, before some important event, you can quickly transform your figure. How? Now you will find out everything.

There is a huge variety of diets that are aimed at losing weight. Some of them last a very long time (more than a month), but at the same time they allow you to safely lose weight and maintain the results achieved for a long time. But there are also other diets that last from 2 to 7 days, and you can lose from 1 to 8 kg.

Of course, at first glance it seems that this is not real. However, such diets exist and, as practice shows, they are really effective.

Do not forget that fast diets can lead not only to the desired weight loss in a short time, but also to such a side effect as the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Dermatologists strongly recommend using modeling cream during a diet. But not every cream is healthy. If a cosmetic product contains components such as parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, then they should be discarded.

Experts advise using only natural cosmetics that have the necessary certificates. This includes the products of the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The modeling cream from this company copes well with stretch marks and is completely safe for the female body. We recommend that you visit the website and choose for yourself not only the cream, but also other products of the company that will help you not only achieve the desired result, but also maintain healthy and youthful skin for a long time.

Basic rules to guide you when choosing a diet

Quick and simple diets are based on severe dietary restrictions and usually include 1 or 2 foods that are allowed to be consumed. Therefore, if you urgently need to lose weight, then choose exactly the diet that will include foods that are available and loved to you.

If you force yourself to consume this or that product, then most likely you will not last even two days. In addition, you will have to adjust yourself on a psychological level, since you will definitely have to starve, and this, as is known, leads to depression, irritability, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

Choose a diet that includes dishes that do not require a complex preparation process and will take a minimum of time. The less time you spend in the kitchen, the less tempted you will be to eat something delicious.

So, let's move on to describing simple diets that will help you transform in a very short time.

This easy and simple diet is the most popular today. It involves drinking 1% kefir during the day. You need to drink only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of regular drinking water per day. You can't eat anything else.

It is worth noting that this diet has a pronounced laxative effect, so it should be used only on those days when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

You cannot “sit” on a kefir diet for more than three days. Since during it a strong process occurs: waste products, toxins, excess salt and water are removed from the body (due to which, in fact, weight loss occurs). However, already on the 3rd – 4th day, along with harmful substances, beneficial substances also begin to be eliminated from the body, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the development of various diseases.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or headache, you should abandon this diet and switch to your usual diet. However, you should switch very carefully, gradually increasing the daily calorie content of your meals.

Kefir-cucumber diet

This diet is one of the options for the kefir diet and involves consuming 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and the same amount of drinking water per day. All these products must be divided into equal parts, and you can eat them even before bed or at night if you suddenly have an appetite that keeps you from falling asleep.

However, this diet, like the previous one, has a pronounced laxative effect. Therefore, you should be careful about your well-being. This simple diet lasts 5–6 days, no more, and allows you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.

This is the simplest and most effective diet for weight loss. Buckwheat is a dietary product that is low in calories and does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can try it.

In just one week you can lose about 5 kg. Only buckwheat can be eaten. At the same time, it can be prepared in various ways, the main thing is that it does not contain fats, that is, you cannot add butter, vegetable oil, or salt.

You can eat this buckwheat in unlimited quantities. The principle of operation of this diet is as follows. Unsalted buckwheat helps remove salt from the body, which retains excess fluid in the body. And the low calorie content of this product forces the body to spend much more energy per day than it receives, due to which fat deposits are burned.

You can watch options for preparing buckwheat for weight loss in the following videos:

This diet is more stringent, but it is also the most effective. The diet of top models lasts only 3 days, but during this period it is quite possible to lose 3 – 5 kg. In this case, your daily diet will consist of:

  • one boiled chicken egg;
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese.

The main rule of this diet is that all these foods must be consumed before 17:00, dinner should be completely absent, and if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice.

Fresh juice diet

This simple but effective diet involves drinking freshly squeezed juices for three days. However, it is not so easy to withstand it, because you only need to drink juices from citrus fruits. However, they cannot be diluted with water and sugar should not be added to them.

Juices should be prepared immediately before consumption. Only oranges, lemons or grapefruits can be used for these purposes. At one time you need to drink one glass of juice (200 - 250 ml), there should be three meals in total. The rest of the time it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral or regular drinking water.

This is another easy and simple diet that lasts for 7 days. During this time you can lose 4 - 5 kg. During the week you should eat only vegetable soups, and their quantity is not limited.

The main rules for preparing vegetable soups:

  • do not use potatoes;
  • do not use meat products to prepare broth;
  • do not use oils;
  • add salt in small quantities.

This diet is easily tolerated, since the soup is a liquid, a hot liquid, which quickly fills the stomach and helps to satisfy hunger almost instantly.

It is very important to maintain a drinking regime. By the way, this applies to all diets. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. However, you should not drink it immediately after eating, as this will lead to stretching of the stomach walls, due to which the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, and to a slowdown in metabolism, which you definitely do not need in this case.

Low-carb diet for fashion models

This diet gained its popularity due to rapid weight loss and long-term preservation of the achieved results, since its action is based not on cleansing the body, but on the breakdown of fat deposits.

The diet lasts three days. In this short period of time you can lose 2 - 3 kg. However, in this case, active training in the gym is required. I think this diet has the following:

  • for breakfast you can eat one boiled egg in a “bag”;
  • for lunch 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and one cup of unsweetened tea are allowed;
  • for afternoon tea also only low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) and unsweetened tea are allowed.

This diet completely eliminates dinner; the rest of the time you need to drink plenty of drinking water.

This is the most stringent diet option. But there is another option for a low-carbohydrate diet, which is most easily tolerated and also gives positive results in the shortest possible time. The diet lasts 7 – 14 days.

Her menu is monotonous and includes:

  • for breakfast a piece of rye bread, one mug of unsweetened tea (preferably green) and a couple of slices of hard cheese;
  • for lunch a piece of rye bread, a portion of boiled beans, low-fat cottage cheese (150g) and one cup of tea;
  • for dinner steamed chicken breast (100 g), tomato and cucumber. You are also allowed to drink one cup of tea.

The pumpkin diet lasts for 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is quite easily tolerated, as it involves a variety of dishes, but it has contraindications. The pumpkin diet is prohibited for people during lactation and pregnancy, as well as for people with chronic diseases.

The essence of the diet is that it is necessary to prepare dishes from pumpkin pulp. However, they must be boiled or steamed. In addition, a minimum of salt, oil and various spices should be used. Pumpkin can be combined with various vegetables, but the main ingredient, which should make up 80% of the diet, is pumpkin.

You can use it to prepare various soups, purees, cream soups, porridges, and salads. In addition to all this, you can drink pumpkin juice, only natural and preferably freshly squeezed, as well as pumpkin seeds, which allow you to have a pleasant time in the evenings in front of the TV.

It is worth noting that there should be no more than 3 main meals, and no more than 2 snacks. Physical activity and compliance with the drinking regime are also welcome and lead to the best results.

As you can see, the list of quick and effective diets is very large. All you have to do is choose the one that’s right for you and go towards your goal.

Video about the best diet

Video with recipes for a quick diet

Diet: lose weight in seven days implies a strict restriction of the diet, which leads to the body activating the consumption of fat reserves that it has formed over a long period of time. Many people believe that in order to quickly lose weight, you need to limit your food intake as much as possible, eat very little, and experience a constant feeling of hunger and weakness. However, this is wrong, for effective rapid weight loss you need to eat quite a lot, meals should be distributed throughout the day at intervals of about three hours.

On what diet can you lose weight quickly in a week?

At the moment, there are many diets that are not always well planned and are not compiled by nutritionists. To achieve the desired result and not cause harm to health, it is better to choose a diet individually.

Diets for rapid weight loss

Separate food

This diet is based on dividing the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by day. Such diets are quite strict, requiring patience, willpower and dedication from those losing weight. Most often, separate meals begin with a day of fermented milk products (kefir, yoghurt, low-fat cottage cheese), the whole day you can eat only these products, drink only plain water. Next, to restore energy potential, a protein-carbohydrate day follows; a purely carbohydrate diet cannot lead to weight loss, so carbohydrates and proteins are divided for this day in an approximate ratio of 40/60% (you can eat some nuts, dried fruits, drink compotes without sugar). Protein days are usually based on meat products (boiled or stewed chicken fillet, lean fish; drink plain water).

Low carb diet

It is based on the maximum limitation of carbohydrates, replacing them with proteins and simple lipids. The menu for those losing weight using this method includes: dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish), vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes). Wheat flour products, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited foods on a low-carb diet.

Buckwheat diet

It consists of eating buckwheat porridge for a week, combining meat with porridge for breakfast and lunch (boiled breast is best), you can add a glass of kefir for dinner. The duration of the buckwheat diet is 5 – 7 days.

Pros and cons of “fast diets”

The positive aspects of weekly diets are:

  • A short period of dietary restriction;
  • Quick achievement of effect;
  • Cleansing the body of accumulated harmful metabolites and toxins;
  • Normalization of metabolism.

Main disadvantages:

  • Monotonous food that quickly gets boring;
  • Risk of developing gastritis;
  • Reduced intake of vitamins and microelements from food;
  • Feeling of hunger, desire to eat a “harmful” product;
  • Stress for the body as a whole.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in 1 week?

The average normal rate of weight loss, which does not harm the health and general condition of a person, is approximately 1-2 kg per week. If the process occurs at a faster rate, this indicates that the body is sharply exhausted and is critically depleting its reserve capabilities.

Losing weight quickly is possible, but at the end of the diet, the hated kilograms will return, perhaps in an increased volume, which is explained by the fact that the body has remembered the stressful situation that led to the depletion of its reserves and will try to prevent this from happening again by accumulating more powerful fat deposits.

It is worth understanding that the kilograms that a person has gained over the years cannot be lost in a few days. The process of building a slim body usually takes at least a year of hard training, diet, drinking clean water, sleep and wakefulness.

Diets for quick weight loss are designed only to correct a couple of extra centimeters at the waist in order to fit into your favorite dress for a celebration.

Foods you need to eat to lose weight quickly in a week

Many foods help accelerate the breakdown of long carbohydrate chains and complex lipids into simpler components that are easily excreted from the body. These include:

  • Red grapefruit. It is recommended to eat 1 fruit for an afternoon snack or several slices after dinner. You should not overuse grapefruits, as they increase the acidity of gastric juice. Grapefruit zest can be grated and added to tea instead of lemon.
  • Pineapple contains an enzyme in its juice that speeds up the metabolism of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Proof of this is the burning of the lips after eating this fruit. They say that it is not you who digest the pineapple, but it digests you.
  • Fresh cucumbers are an ideal side dish for meat dishes; cucumber is able to remove complex lipids from the body;
  • Fiber is a scrub for the intestines, enhances natural peristalsis, promotes the renewal of the intestinal villi epithelium, and removes toxins.
  • Kefir and natural yoghurts create an enveloping effect and dull the feeling of hunger well.

How to get rid of extra pounds if you have weak willpower?

Quite often, women enthusiastically go on a diet, but after a couple of days they break down after buying buns at the nearest supermarket. To learn how to control your appetite, you should learn a few rules:

  1. Go to the grocery store only after eating. A hungry person usually buys a lot of extra things at the grocery store.
  1. Avoid feasts, catering places, and holidays where alcohol is consumed. A diet is not forever; if you really want to lose weight, you should choose an evening walk in the park rather than dinner at a restaurant.
  1. Always carry a snack with you (an apple, a plum, a handful of nuts or dried fruits).
  2. Eat often, but in small portions. When you feel hungry, do not endure it, but eat. Then the risk of failure is much reduced.
  3. Do not tell others that you are on a diet. Everyone will consider it their duty to once again remind you of this and treat you with candy.
  4. If you are a smoker, you should not quit smoking while on a diet; you will neither lose weight nor break the bad habit.
  5. Learn to cook healthy food: dietary soups, vegetable stews, baked goods without using flour and sugar.
  6. Before each meal, drink a glass of plain water; your stomach will feel full and you will eat less than on an empty stomach.
  7. Do not watch films or TV series about chefs, restaurants, or culinary recipes.

What habits help you lose weight?

Nutrition is not only the satisfaction of vital needs, but also a way of life. Therefore, it is worth making it a habit:

  • Be sure to have a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the main meal of the day, in which you can even indulge in a little sweet or rich food if you are not on a strict diet;
  • Drink a lot of water, just water, not tea, coffee, juices and soda. Water is able to combine free radicals of toxic substances, create a minimal feeling of saturation, and remove toxins from the body. The normal daily volume is 2 liters.;
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages; not only do they irreversibly kill neurons, they are also very high in calories. A few glasses of wine equal a full meal;
  • Dinner is minimal, because at the end of the day the amount of energy necessary for the body has already been accumulated, and incoming calories are reserved as fat. For dinner, vegetable stew, light salad, baked fish or boiled chicken breast are suitable;
  • Don't go to bed on an empty stomach, but don't overeat at night either. If you feel hungry before going to bed, you should drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of natural honey; warm liquid creates the illusion of satiety, while honey organizes the release of glucose into the blood, which confirms saturation.

Current videos.

Finding a woman who is 100% happy with her own figure is very difficult. Most of the fair sex want to improve their body. The most affordable way to do this is to resort to a simple weight loss diet, which will be easy to follow at home.

If you eat low-calorie foods for a week and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition (for example: drink only 1 glass in the morning), then at the end of the diet you may well notice a minus several kilograms on the scales. Losing weight will not turn into torture if you do not put yourself in strict limits, but simply correctly adjust your diet. The advice of professional nutritionists collected in the article will help you do this.

Easy diet for the lazy for a week

How to lose weight easily and quickly without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to break off another diet? It is necessary to create a meal schedule for weight loss and stick to it exactly. The digestive organs are designed in such a way that if you eat irregularly, they can malfunction, and then the metabolic process slows down, slowing down the process of losing weight. To see the coveted minus several kilograms on the scale, you will have to adhere to the correct diet.

To survive the whole week, you must choose a light diet that does not allow you to break down. Home conditions are suitable for following the principles of proper nutrition, on which you can lose about 3-4 kg within seven days.

A typical diet for the lazy, which does not require special restrictions and the purchase of exotic and expensive products for weight loss:

  • your entire daily diet should be divided into 5 parts;
  • you need to eat every three hours;
  • one serving should weigh no more than 200 g and fit in the palm of your hand;
  • Before each meal you need to drink a glass of water so that weight loss occurs quickly;
  • completely exclude high-calorie foods with a high percentage of fat (cakes, sweets, buns, cakes) from the light diet;
  • instead of sugar, eat natural honey;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • give up processed foods and cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • give up sausages and smoked meats, replacing them with chicken or beef fillet.

This way you can easily lose 7 kg in a week or even more.


  • How to maintain weight after losing weight - advice from a nutritionist
  • Diets that help you lose weight in a month
  • Easy diet for quick weight loss at home
  • Basic rules of the “2 glasses of water before meals” diet
  • Losing weight for the lazy at home

Compliance with such rules will lead to minus 3 kg after a week. There are other easy weekly diet rules for teenagers:

  • give up sweet soda, chips, salted nuts and crackers;
  • drink more clean water, love compotes made from fresh fruits and berries;
  • give up fast food and eat homemade food;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning - for example, a sandwich with wholemeal bread with butter, chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato;
  • eat sweets in the morning;
  • give preference to dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate;
  • include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Following these simple rules will lead to sustainable weight loss. Even a light diet, provided it is followed accurately, will provide minus 3-4 kg on the scales.

If you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet for a long time (and not just for a week), you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic principles

The weight loss menu for every day involves following the basic principles of a diet for the lazy. To be guaranteed to lose minus 3-5 kg ​​in a week with a light diet, you should completely give up some foods. The following should be prohibited:

  • fried and cooked foods with a lot of fat;
  • mayonnaise and other similar high-calorie sauces;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • confectionery, white bread and any baked goods;
  • sweet soda, pure sugar;
  • sweet fruits (grapes and bananas);
  • starchy vegetables (primarily potatoes);
  • pasta, white rice and all instant cereals.

To see the long-awaited minus on the scales after a light diet for a week, you will have to include the following weight loss products in your diet:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • unprocessed cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal);
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit) and poultry (except duck and goose);
  • eggs and butter;
  • olive and sunflower oil (unrefined);
  • seeds and nuts.

A simple and effective way to lose weight at home is to cut your usual portion in half. Remove all sugar from it and give up bread. This is the easiest diet that allows you to get rid of at least minus 2 kg in a week.

Menu for the week

A light diet for the lazy for a week is well tolerated by the body. Before you start losing weight, you need to create an approximate menu for every day that will allow you to lose minus 2-3 kg.

Menu for a week with a lazy diet:


  • breakfast – a portion of buckwheat porridge with tomato and hard cheese;
  • lunch - chicken soup, cabbage salad, boiled fillet;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with berries;
  • dinner - hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and apple;
  • pea puree, cucumber salad and a few slices of lean ham;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • grilled beef fillet and vegetables.


  • two sandwiches of fitness bread, ham and hard cheese;
  • vegetable stew and rice porridge with meat;
  • fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • grilled vegetables and fish.


  • cottage cheese casserole with berries and kefir;
  • meatball soup and coleslaw;
  • cheesecakes with raisins and honey;
  • stewed rabbit and rice.


  • a portion of pearl barley porridge and an omelette;
  • borscht in chicken broth and baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • curd snack with dried apricots;
  • steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.


  • fitness bread sandwiches with mozzarella and tomatoes;
  • stewed beans with chicken and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole and orange;
  • minced chicken meatballs and rice.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and yogurt;
  • vegetable stew and light seafood salad with vegetables;
  • a handful of berries and yogurt;
  • pancakes made from oatmeal and grated apple with kefir.

If you strictly adhere to this method of eating with a light diet, you can easily go into the minus in terms of lost kg and lose noticeable weight in a week. You need to show your will, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How much weight can you lose?

How much can you lose in a week on a light diet? Minus 5 kg per week - how realistic is such weight loss? Is it possible to lose minus 7 kg in a week?

Some women decide to limit themselves to food as much as possible, hoping to see minus 10 kg on the scale in a week. In fact, no light diet will give such results. The maximum you can count on is a loss of minus 2-3 kg in 7 days, with a fairly strict restriction in food. Doctors categorically prohibit losing weight more than this figure, since such weight loss can negatively affect some body functions. You need to lose weight comfortably, gradually losing weight, then it will not come back after finishing a light diet. A light diet for the lazy for a week is a good way to cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove a little belly fat, lose a few pounds and give the body an incentive to further lose weight.

Easy and effective diet - 15 kg in 2 weeks

Rapid weight loss in 2 weeks is possible if you create a very strict diet and stick to it strictly every day. Excess weight will begin to disappear at the end of the first week, and after two weeks of a light diet you will see approximately minus 10-15 kg. on the scales (the exact figure depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight).

Sample menu of a light diet for 7 days, to which can be repeated 2 times in a row :


  • breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with water and low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and boiled chicken;
  • afternoon tea– a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– Greek low-fat yogurt and berries.


  • buckwheat porridge and hard-boiled egg;
  • steamed fish cakes and coleslaw;
  • curd snack with prunes;
  • grilled cod.


  • a portion of oatmeal with raisins;
  • stewed beans with tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • boiled egg and tomato salad.


  • omelette with tomatoes;
  • pea soup with croutons;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • grilled carp and vegetables.


  • a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • boiled rice and chicken fillet;
  • apple;
  • seafood salad.


  • cottage cheese pancakes with berries;
  • chicken broth with a piece of fillet and coleslaw;
  • grapefruit;
  • steamed fish cutlet with rice.


  • casserole with cheese;
  • vegetable stew with veal;
  • fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
  • grilled veal with vegetables.

If you use the light diet menu two times in a row, at the end of two weeks you can see minus 10 kg or more on the scale.

Weight Loss Results

Any easy diet requires some effort of will and patience. You can't expect the extra pounds to evaporate on their own. To lose weight quickly, you will have to greatly reduce your caloric intake. By eating the simplest foods and excluding all the harmful components of a light diet menu, you can cleanse your body of toxins, get rid of excess fluid and lose about 4 kg in one week.

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