Novels of loving Lyudmila Gurchenko. Favorite men of lyudmila gurchenko Gurchenko's husband sergey

Lyudmila Gurchenko is a legendary actress and a great woman who has become a truly dear person for Soviet citizens. During her creative life, Lyudmila Gurchenko has played many roles, embodying the images of very different women, and her game is recognized as the standard of acting.

Childhood and family of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in the city of Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR. The father of the actress, Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko, came from a family of peasants. From the age of nine, Mark Gurchenko led a working life: grazing landowner's horses in his native village of Dunaevshchina, Smolensk region, and then moved to Krivoy Rog, was a worker in the mines, studying at a technical school. In 1932, he moved to Kharkov, where, thanks to his innate musical gift and ability to play the button accordion, he was able to get a place at the Kharkov Musical Institute, and then at the Philharmonic.

Elena Simonova, a ninth grade student, was met by Mark Gurchenko at a school where he worked as an accompanist. Noble blood flowed in the veins of Elena Alexandrovna, which is probably why her mother did not accept Mark Gurchenko, a former farm laborer with a common dialect, who, moreover, was almost twenty years older than her daughter. Young Elena showed character and left home without receiving the consent of her mother. Against her mother's will, she married her chosen one and in the fall of 1935 gave birth to a daughter, Lucy. Elena Alexandrovna never graduated from school, all her life she worked with her husband, helping him to hold events.

I grew up in a strange, chaotic, unsystematic and maybe unreasonable, but clean, kind, wide and completely irrational family.

Speaking about her father, Lyudmila Markovna loved to remember the story of how she got her name. The actress preferred to be called Lucy, because this name was chosen by her father, who, shortly before her birth, watched the American film “Sharks of New York” in the Kharkov cinema, the main character of which was called Lucy. The employees of the registry office explained to Mark Gavrilovich that they were not entitled to register his daughter as Lucy, and suggested that he write her down as Lyudmila. So, choosing a name associated with cinema for his daughter, the father predetermined her fate.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Mark Gurchenko went to the front as a volunteer, while Elena Alexandrovna and Lyusya could not leave and soon found themselves in a different reality: Kharkov was occupied by the Nazis. The Germans evicted the mother and daughter from the semi-basement dark room, occupying the entire house under the commandant's office. Elena Alexandrovna and her daughter settled in a house on Kravtsova Lane, in an apartment with a balcony, bright, but cold and alien. All her life, Lyudmila Markovna hated balconies, they were for her a symbol of hunger, cold and war.

The biography, which was written according to the words of the actress Sophia Benois, says that in the hungry years of the occupation, little Lucy became the breadwinner of the family: she sang for the Germans, hoping to get at least a bowl of soup for herself and her mother, and they gave the little artist leftover food. In her book Applause, Gurchenko also mentions how she sang songs from German films and danced in front of the soldiers.

In many biographies, including in the book by Sophia Benois “Lyudmila Gurchenko. I am an actress”, the song “Lili Marlene” is mentioned, which the German soldiers liked so much and the motive of which was quickly “grabbed” by the little artist. Also, many biographical articles say that Lucy was greatly impressed by the painting “The Girl of My Dreams”, which she looked at in the hungry Kharkov occupied by the Nazis. Some researchers believe that Lyudmila Markovna, most likely, simply did not remember the name of the German film, which influenced her decision to become an actress, because the picture with the participation of Marika Rökk "The Girl of My Dreams" was released in 1944, and Kharkov was liberated by Soviet troops in 1943.

On September 1, 1943, Lucy went to the first grade of the Kharkov school No. 6, and the following year she became a student of the Beethoven Music School, but her father's return from the front was a more significant event for her.

At school, Gurchenko was the soul of the company and the star of all matinees and skits, she showed acting inclinations, but she was known as a mediocre student, although she quickly grasped everything. Even then, Lyudmila understood that she would become an actress, and focused on Russian and literature. The girl was the first fashionista of the class, independently altering her mother's old outfits into delightful dresses with flounces and ruffles.

Here is what her neighbor on the desk recalled about the future actress:

She will bite off a bagel there, then there - the children will roar .... She: you will be proud that Gurchenko bit off your bagel. That's her character, she treated everyone like that.

After graduating from school, in 1953 Lyudmila left for Moscow and entered VGIK, passing her exams brilliantly. We were glad to see her both at the Shchukin School and at GITIS, but Gurchenko preferred the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova at VGIK. Studying was easy for her, with the exception of boring, but obligatory subjects even for people of creative professions, such as political economy. The Kharkiv "talker" with which Gurchenko fought for more than one year became a big obstacle.

The beginning of a creative career

In the autumn of 1956, the premiere of the film "The Road of Truth" took place, in which citizens of the Soviet Union for the first time saw a student at the Institute of Cinematography, Lyudmila Gurchenko. The young actress appeared in a very small role of the Komsomol activist Lucy with the remark “I didn’t come here then to be silent!”, And the already famous Tamara Makarova, Vera Pashennaya and Alexander Borisov played the main roles in the film.

The role was small, but not for a student who most of all dreamed of acting in a film, because by the end of her second year of study, Lyudmila was the only one from the entire course who had not yet received such an experience. Gurchenko's parents watched The Road of Truth about ten times and were terribly proud of their daughter's success.

The comedy musical tape "Carnival Night" by Eldar Ryazanov, released in the same year, became Lucy's ticket to the cinematic Olympus. The role of Lenochka Krylova was glorified by the aspiring actress, in which she played in the company of Vladimir Zeldin, Tamara Nosova and Igor Ilyinsky. The song "Five Minutes", performed by Gurchenko, immediately became a hit, which for several decades has been heard on New Year's Eve in every Russian home.

Two years later, Lyudmila Markovna graduated from VGIK. At the same time, the premiere of the painting "Girl with a Guitar" took place. In this film, Gurchenko did not impress the audience in a new way, as in the film "Carnival Night", she again played the sweet, naive and singing about love girl Tanya, who works as a seller in a music store.

"Carnival Night" was a breakthrough for the young director Ryazanov, who previously shot only short films and documentaries. He himself did not expect such success, just as Lyudmila did not expect that her photographs would soon adorn the main Soviet magazines, and she herself would become the main "sex symbol" of the 50s. The girls lost weight, achieving the same aspen waist (48 cm) and narrow shoulders, did a light perm, sewed dresses with a belt and a fluffy skirt that emphasized the figure.


"Carnival Night", although it became popular, made Gurchenko a hostage to one image, and she was able to get rid of this and show a unique dramatic gift only many years later. Gurchenko was not invited to serious projects, believing that her acting talent was limited to light "dance" work.

Gurchenko about "Carnival Night"

The lack of money forced the actress to give third-party concerts, called "hacks" in the acting environment. After the release of the “revealing” feuilletons “Tap to the Left” and “Dosifeevsky Mores”, the authors of which criticized Gurchenko for this way of earning money, and also after the actress refused to cooperate with the KGB, the actress began to “poison” and she practically disappeared from the screens.

For ten years, according to Lyudmila Markovna, she was in oblivion. No, she continued to act, there was not even a year that a film with her participation did not appear on the screens. But these were mostly passing tapes, with the exception of Balzaminov's Marriage and the Baltic Sky film about the fate of the blockade. And then, the actress did not shine in the first roles, but was content with episodes, however, consistently bright and memorable. At the same time, Gurchenko was looking for herself on the stage of the theater (“The Theater-Studio of the Film Actor”, “Sovremennik”, the Theater of the State Concert).

Second wave of popularity

The situation changed after the release of the melodrama The Old Walls (1974). The role of the director of the weaving factory Anna Smirnova, who is trying to determine her place in life, returned Gurchenko to the big screens and made her one of the most filmed actresses in Russian cinema.

Opened to the audience a new Gurchenko, unexpectedly complex and tragic, the 1976 military drama "Twenty Days Without War". The partner of the actress in this picture was Yuri Nikulin, also Alexey Petrenko, Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Liya Akhedzhakova played in the film adaptation of the work of Konstantin Simonov. Although at first Lyudmila Markovna refused to act with Nikulin, six months of living in the same carriage during the filming brought them closer and made them good friends.

In the year the film “Twenty Years Without War” was released, the audience saw another picture with the participation of Lyudmila Markovna, the musical film “Mama”, filmed by Soviet filmmakers together with colleagues from Romania and France. In a good fairy tale, in which Gurchenko played Mom-Goat, the charming and extravagant Wolf was played by Mikhail Boyarsky, and Savely Kramarov, Natalya Krachkovskaya, clown Oleg Popov starred in other roles. The picture has become a favorite for several generations of Russians, and the main merit in this is Gurchenko, in whose eyes motherly tenderness sparkled throughout the film.

In the production film drama of 1977 "Feedback" Lyudmila Markovna collaborated with Oleg Yankovsky and Kirill Lavrov, she played a woman whose character was so similar to her own. Like Margarita Vyaznikova, the actress tried all her life to be true to herself, often paying for this with female loneliness.

The hero of Stanislav Lyubshin broke into the life of the heroine Lyudmila Markovna in the drama Five Evenings. Gurchenko, who had an unusual beauty, was never afraid to seem ugly, in front of the audience, she seemed to throw off the burden of many years of loneliness, which made her forget that she was a woman, and again finds hope for happiness.

Benefit performance of Lyudmila Gurchenko (1978)

The newly shining star Gurchenko in 1981 gave the Russians another film masterpiece. In the touching and elegant drama "Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov", the heroine of Lyudmila Markovna is waiting for her lover, the hero Sergei Shakurov.

In 1982, Lyudmila Gurchenko played one of her main roles - the waitress Vera. A slightly tired and no longer young woman in the poignant story of Eldar Ryazanov lost a profitable fiancé with melons, a guide, played by Nikita Mikhalkov, but found love in the person of the intelligent prisoner Ryabinin, played by Oleg Basilashvili in the drama "Station for Two".

In the drama Recipe for Her Youth, based on the controversial play by Karel Capek, the actress played Emilia. Like her heroine, an ageless beauty, Lyudmila Markovna also had the "Makropulos remedy" - a frantic desire to live and the love and worship of the audience.

Another popular role of Lyudmila Markovna is the role of the extravagant homemaker Raisa Zakharovna in Vladimir Menshov's tragicomedy Love and Pigeons, in which Alexander Mikhailov played the role of the unfaithful Kuzyakin. Also starring in this film were Sergei Yursky and Nina Doroshina. According to the director, he initially approved Tatyana Doronina for the role of Raisa Zakharovna, but in the course of working on the film he changed his mind.

In the 1993 confessional drama Listen, Fellini, the actress played herself. Critics call this film one of the most poignant works of the great Gurchenko. Turning to the director, who, of course, would be glad to discover her gift, she talks about her fate, about the roles played, and about those that she never had a chance to play.

"Listen, Fellini!". Fragment

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Markovna was married four times, but these are only official figures that do not take into account common-law spouses and short-term romances.

She considered the relationship of her parents, Mark Gavrilovich and Elena Alexandrovna, ideal, based not only on love, but also on respect, but she could not meet such a man as her father. In addition, the actress had a difficult character. It was difficult to get along with a proud woman who knew her own worth and was most afraid of becoming dependent on a man.

Men of Lyudmila Gurchenko

The first husband of the star was in 1954 Vasily Ordynsky, director of the film "Peers" and the serial film "Walking through the torments". The meeting between Vasily and Lyudmila took place at VGIK, where they both studied. After the divorce, which took place in 1955, just a year after the wedding, the actress and director never talked about their relationship.

Writer Boris Andronikashvili won the heart of the actress in 1958. The marriage with him lasted a little longer than with the director Ordynsky - about two years. Soon after the birth of her daughter Maria, Lyudmila Markovna was left alone again.

For actor Alexander Fadeev, partner of Vladimir Vysotsky in the film "Vertical", the actress married in 1962. The actors met at the iconic WTO restaurant and soon got married. There were many rumors about Gurchenko's third marriage and the reasons for the divorce that followed two years later.

Alexander was the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev, he had a quick temper and unhealthy addictions. Scandals were probably the reason for the divorce, however, according to another version, Lyudmila Markovna could not forgive her husband for her passion for Larisa Luzhina, a passion for which flared up in his heart on the set of Vertical.

Singer Iosif Kobzon was the fourth chosen one of the actress. Their meeting took place in 1964 in the same WTO restaurant. Despite the fact that Joseph Davydovich fell in love with the daughter of the actress, Maria, and tried to become her father, the marriage lasted only three years. After parting, the stars did not speak to each other for almost four decades, and the singer has since vowed to build relationships with celebrities. The reason for the divorce could be the difficult relationship that Lucy had with the singer's mother, but a more likely reason, according to familiar artists, was their mutual suspicion of treason.

If my loved one is cheating on me, then he considers me a nonentity. And if I am a nonentity, then he is also a nonentity, because he chose me!

The actress had high hopes for the musician Konstantin Cooperweis, to whom she left Joseph Kobzon. Cooperweiss and Gurchenko have been in an unregistered relationship for almost twenty years. The pianist studied with Masha and was waiting for his famous wife, who was fourteen years younger, from the tour. Konstantin Tobyashevich spoke very respectfully about Gurchenko, in his opinion, their relationship over time simply outlived itself.

Producer Sergei Senin was almost twenty-five years younger than the actress. She lived with him from 1993 until her death. Senin did not have a relationship with Masha, who was already an adult woman and raised her son, named after the father of her famous mother, Mark, and daughter Elena, who received the name in honor of her grandmother.

At the age of 17, the grandson of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Mark Korolev, who came on vacation from England, where he studied, died: his heart stopped after an injection of heroin, to which he had become addicted at a boarding school by the age of 14. He bought a dose on the way to a cafe where his girlfriend was celebrating her birthday.

After this tragic event, the difficult relationship between Lyudmila Markovna and her daughter became even more complicated: the actress could not forgive Maria that she did not personally tell her about Mark's death.

Maria Koroleva died in 2017, two years before her sixtieth birthday. The cause of death of the daughter of the famous and popularly beloved artist was heart failure.

Unknown Gurchenko

One of the closest friends of Lyudmila Gurchenko was Yuri Nikulin, friendship with whom began on the set of the military film drama "Twenty Days Without War" and lasted for many years. For Yuri Vladimirovich, the actress and her husband Sergei Senin always prepared his favorite dish - naval pasta. With such attention, the actress has always tried to treat everyone with whom her fate brought her, whether they are famous artists or just ordinary people.

Life line. Ludmila Gurchenko

The relationship of the actress with her daughter Maria, who was an ordinary medical worker, the media tried to make a sensation. In a talk show eager for dubious sensations, Lyudmila Markovna appeared as a cold, heartless star who failed to become a real mother for an only child.

Close friends of the actress say that all her life Lucy suffered from the misunderstanding that often arose between her and Maria, but the women failed to improve relations. Valentina Talyzina claims that Lyudmila Markovna sincerely regretted the lost time and even made attempts to reconcile, but Maria was so distant from her that she could not find even a drop of warmth in her heart.

An outlet for the actress was her hobby. Lyudmila Markovna adored beautiful things, collected beautiful dishes and souvenirs, but beauty in her view did not have to be expensive. Gurchenko could buy a dress in a mid-range store and create an exquisite outfit from it, she sewed beautifully from a young age, and many of the costumes and jewelry that millions of fans admired so much were created by her hands.

Valentin Yudashkin was surprised at the talent of Lyudmila Markovna: she wore his dresses, but she knew how to decorate the seemingly flawless creation of a famous fashion designer in such a way that it became a real masterpiece. According to Sergei Senin, Lucy sewed about 200 dresses in total, and for each of them she carefully selected accessories, scarves, brooches or belts, which seemed especially surprising, because the actress never studied sewing, it was another gift from God who gave her lots of talent.

Unlike many famous actresses, Lyudmila Markovna did not make secrets from her age, and there was neither vanity nor pride in this, she simply did not know how, and did not want to pretend. Many women dreamed of knowing the secret of her thin waist, but the actress claimed that there was no secret to anyone, and she owed her mother her slimness. With a height of 173 cm, her weight, even in old age, did not exceed 58 kg.

Lyudmila Markovna never limited herself in food, she loved sweets, drank tea with sugar and hated sports. Despite the craze for fitness, Gurchenko was not afraid to admit that she did not like physical exercise, and in her spare moments she prefers to just lie on the couch with a book.

Also, Lyudmila Markovna openly expressed her sympathy for her colleagues in the acting department, not at all caring about how her words would be perceived. Once the actress called Dima Bilan one of the most beautiful and talented young Russian artists, but she considered Michael Jackson to be a real star in the world of music.

Lyudmila Markovna also really liked Faye Dunaway and Mia Farrow, and in one of the interviews she expressed her admiration for Jessica Lange. Although Gurchenko was not familiar with the Hollywood star, she felt sympathy for her at a distance and even some spiritual kinship.

Latest interview with Lyudmila Gurchenko

According to Gurchenko, she could watch the picture “The Postman Always Rings Twice” endlessly, enjoying the luxurious duet of Jessica Lange and Jack Nicholson. Also, from the constellation of Hollywood actors, Lyudmila Markovna especially singled out Leonardo DiCaprio, and she called the dramatic film “Total Eclipse” her favorite film with his participation, in which he brilliantly played the tragic role of Arthur Rimbaud.

Contribution to Russian culture

In 2007, the actress officially became the national treasure of Russia, she was awarded the Order for Contribution to Culture. For her work, Lyudmila Gurchenko was awarded many awards, in 1983 she received the title of People's Artist.

Lyudmila Gurchenko or Lucy, as her fans called her, played in 136 projects, but the actress's contribution to Russian culture is not limited to work in cinema and theater. Lyudmila Markovna has recorded more than ten music albums, her work has become an integral part of Russian culture. Gurchenko's songs, such as, for example, "Prayer" and "Do you want", in which the actress demonstrated a unique combination of impeccable voice control and acting gift, are considered the pinnacle of performance and style. Also on the list of undoubted pearls of the Russian stage are songs performed by Gurchenko with other artists, and, of course, a video clip for the song "Petersburg-Leningrad", recorded with Boris Moiseev.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Prayer

The actress generously shared frank memories of her life and personal photographs with fans in autobiographical books, showing that she has the talent of a writer. In total, Lyudmila Markovna wrote three books “My adult childhood”, “Applause” and “Lucy, stop!”.

After herself, Lyudmila Gurchenko left a huge legacy, films, songs, video clips and photographs, she was able to turn her life into an object of art and became not only a cult Russian actress, she became big - a symbol and ideal of beauty, both external and internal. Russian cultural figures (Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Alla Pugacheva, Stanislav Sadalsky, Maxim Galkin and others) call Lyudmila Gurchenko a great actress and the last legend of Russian cinema. The great Gurchenko lived and worked for people, passing through her heart every role and song.


Lyudmila Markovna passed away on March 30, 2011, the life of the actress ended at the age of 76. This fragile woman had many trials: a hungry childhood, injuries, arthritis, which deformed her joints and caused her pain with every movement. In the life of the actress there were periods of oblivion, she lost loved ones and suffered from female loneliness, but a frantic desire to live helped her cope with difficulties.

In February 2011, Lyudmila Markovna underwent surgery to replace her hip joint, which she broke as a result of a fall. According to the doctors, the actress felt well, she was discharged from the clinic home, where Sergey Senin was constantly next to her. The husband helped Lyudmila Markovna in the postoperative period, looked after her, but he was unable to prevent her death.

On the evening of March 30, Gurchenko watched a program filmed in Kyiv, and managed to listen to only two songs out of twelve, when suddenly it became difficult for her to breathe. She lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor. Death occurred before the arrival of doctors as a result of pulmonary embolism.

The farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Gurchenko was held on April 2, 2011 at the Central House of Writers. Thousands of people carried flowers to their beloved actress, along with her family and friends, feeling the pain of loss. They buried Lyudmila Markovna at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to Vyacheslav Tikhonov. On this day, the beloved actress wore a champagne splash dress, her latest masterpiece, studded with iridescent beaded drops.

In the summer of 2012, a luxurious snow-white monument was erected on her grave. The opening ceremony of the monument was held to the music from the last film, in which Lyudmila Markovna played. Mikhail Shvydkoy expressed admiration for the work of the sculptors, however, according to him, the monument and Lyudmila Markovna are incompatible, because in the hearts of Russians she will always remain alive. On the reverse side of the monument, the phrase of the great actress “Dear viewers! I live and work for you!

Lyudmila Markovna some admired, others hated, and still others fell in love with her without memory. On the occasion of the birthday of the actress, remembered only those of her men with whom she was in a legal relationship.

Husband No. 1. Director

The first time Gurchenko got married when she was 18 years old. Her chosen one was a well-known director at that time Vasily Ordynsky. He fell in love with young Lucy at first sight. Whether this love was mutual is a big question. This marriage in general is still a mystery, shrouded in darkness. For a long time, neither Gurchenko's entourage, nor Ordynsky's entourage knew about him. They say that Lucy married the director solely by calculation. She hoped that he would become her personal director. Ordynsky tried to live up to her expectations. He invited her to audition for his painting. However, the artistic council rejected Gurchenko's candidacy. Then the actress decided to end the marriage. Ordynsky was against it, but he could not keep her. Their relationship lasted a little over a year.

Husband No. 2. Screenwriter

A short time after the divorce, Lucy truly fell in love. Your love - a student of the screenwriting faculty Boris Andronikashvili- she met in the dining room. As the actress later admitted, when she saw her second husband for the first time, she almost dropped the tray from her hands. Sympathy turned out to be mutual, a stormy romance broke out, which ended in a wedding. At first, family life developed happily. Lucy and Boris practically did not part. Everything changed with the birth of a daughter Mary. Forced to take care of the child, Gurchenko began to notice that her husband was increasingly absent from home. And then they began to inform her that Boris was cheating on her. Convinced of the authenticity of the rumors, she filed for divorce without scenes and scandals.

Gurchenko did not bring happiness and motherhood. First, she dreamed of a son. And a daughter was born. Secondly, she dreamed that her daughter would inherit her talents: voice, plasticity, acting gift, figure, after all. But Masha disappointed Lyudmila Markovna in all these positions. The result was a quarrel and a break in relations for 19 years. Maria learned about the death of her mother from the media. And now she herself has gone to another world.

Husband No. 3. Actor

After parting with Andronikashvili, Lucy was alone for two years. Once in one of the restaurants she was introduced to an actor Alexander Fadeev- the adopted son of a famous writer. And although the acquaintance was capped, Fadeev set himself the goal of achieving the hand of an actress. He succeeded very soon. Not really knowing each other, Lucy and Sasha went to the registry office. This marriage did not last long. The actress quickly realized her mistake and offered to divorce.

Husband No. 4. Singer

About your relationship with Iosif Kobzon Gurchenko did not like to remember. However, this marriage is an event of all-Union significance. Kobzon courted Gurchenko for a long time, and in the end the actress gave up. The celebrity couple was amazing. It seemed that Lucy had finally found her happiness. However, it was very difficult for two complex personalities to get along under one roof. Conflicts and disagreements began almost from the first days of their life together. All attempts to find a compromise came to nothing. Lucy realized that she would not be able to live with Kobzon. As in all previous times, Gurchenko became the initiator of the divorce.

Husband No. 5. Musician

After a divorce from her fourth husband, the actress decided that there would be no more husbands in her life. She was already in her forties when she met a young pianist Constantine Cooperweiss. This time, Gurchenko was in no hurry to go to the registry office - she wanted to get to know her new lover better. Konstantin, like no one else, felt the character of the actress, knew how to "adapt to her." Of course, in the end, Gurchenko gave up and remarried. Their relationship lasted almost 25 years. The actress was sure that this marriage was the last in her life. Konstantin was a support for her. Everything collapsed when Gurchenko found out: all these years, her husband actually lives in two families. The divorce that followed this news was the most painful for Lucy.

Husband No. 6. Producer

In 1991, on the set of the film Sex Tale, Gurchenko met the producer Sergei Senin who was 20 years her junior. Of course, Lucy did not think about any relationship with him. But after a short time, fate brought them together again. Gurchenko met Senin on the set of the film "Love". After this meeting, Lucy realized that she did not want to part with this person. She considered him something similar in character to her father, and he jokingly called her daughter. The problem was that Senin was married, his child was growing up. He was in no hurry to file for divorce. But hiding a relationship with a famous actress was not easy. Senin's wife found out that her wife and Gurchenko had not only creative relations, and filed for divorce herself. Lucy got married for the sixth time. This marriage was the happiest in her biography. As she herself called, Senin was the only one of all her husbands who became a truly close person for her.

Weekly AiF/Persona/11/12/2017

Most recently, we said goodbye to the greatest actress and beautiful singer Lyudmila Gurchenko. A lot of things are said about this mysterious and forever young diva. One of the main topics of conversation is the children of Gurchenko. This topic is of particular interest to the public because there were many different rumors. Does Lyudmila Gurchenko have children, how many and other points we will consider in an article dedicated to this great woman. Her death was so shocking that many simply did not believe it right away. It seemed that such a person as Lyudmila Markovna should and would live forever.

A few facts

Lyudmila was born in the city of Kharkov in 1935, on December 11. She was Sagittarius according to the horoscope and fully corresponded to all the characteristic features of this sign: her character was purposefulness, assertiveness, determination. Lyudmila could overcome any difficulties on the way to the goal, and success was not long in coming. She lived a bright life and died on March 30, 2011 at the age of seventy-five in Moscow, where she had recently lived. And even at this venerable age, journalists were interested in the actress and tried to find out if Gurchenko had children.


Lyudmila Markovna wrote a wonderful book, My Childhood. This is an autobiography. In the book, she touchingly talks about her young years, about her family, about her parents. After reading the work, the reader will understand that Gurchenko was very careful about everything related to the family. However, there is something in her life that casts doubt on this fact. This, of course, is related to the topic we are discussing today. Children of Lyudmila Gurchenko - who are they? But more on that later.

One of the most interesting moments of the book is how Gurchenko got her name. This is a funny story about how Lyudmila's dad took his mother to give birth, and he went to the cinema. He was very nervous and wanted to somehow distract himself. The movie "Sharks of New York" was on. And there was a hero in him who saved his beloved. The film made such a strong impression on dad that he said: "If there is a son, we will call him Alan, if there is a daughter, Lucy." After all, that was the name of the main characters of this tape.


Before telling if Lyudmila Gurchenko has children, you need to reveal the topic of her personal life. This is very interesting, and for a different category of citizens. Husbands and children of Gurchenko will always be discussed in wide circles. People like her are not forgotten. Throughout her life, Gurchenko had many novels, but officially Lyudmila connected her life with six different men who became her husbands.

  1. Gurchenko gave two years of her life to her first husband, V. S. Ordynsky. People know little about this marriage, because then the actress was not yet so popular, and the details of her personal life were of little interest to the public at that time.
  2. The second time Gurchenko married the actor B. B. Andronikashvili. Their marriage lasted three years. We will remember more about him later.
  3. The third chosen one of the actress was who was the adopted son of the famous writer. But their marriage didn't last long either.
  4. The fourth in her life was the unforgettable ID Kobzon. It was one of the brightest marriages. It was discussed in all newspapers and magazines. They lived together for three years and separated. Fans of gossip on the topic “Lyudmila Gurchenko: husbands and children” were disappointed, since none of the spouses made comments about the divorce. Only once Kobzon joked on this topic, saying that they got married only so that they were allowed to live in one room in a hotel.
  5. Gurchenko's next husband was the pianist K. T. Cooperweiss. Although it should be noted that there was no official registration, and the marriage was purely civil. Nevertheless, it lasted as long as 18 years. When the couple broke up, the pianist commented that the reason for the breakup was the large age difference (14 years) and the difference in social class.
  6. The sixth and last husband of Gurchenko, with whom she also lived for about 18 years, was the actor S. M. Senin. He was also much younger than Lyudmila (25 years was the difference), but this did not prevent the couple from living in peace and harmony all these years.

Children of Gurchenko

So, does Gurchenko have children? Let's return to the second marriage of the actress. Being married to B. B. Andronikashvili, the woman became pregnant and safely gave birth to a girl. She was given a beautiful name - Mary. But Lyudmila had no time to devote time to raising a child. The marriage soon broke up, and the daughter was sent to her grandmother in Kharkov. Gurchenko was too busy with her career to give up success and sit at home with her daughter. Later, the child was brought to Moscow, but Masha was never able to see her mother in Gurchenko. At first, the girl even wanted to run away back to her grandmother. The baby is used to living alone, she learned independence early. From the age of six, the child went shopping on his own and stayed at home while his mother pursued a career.

The children of Lyudmila Gurchenko, it would seem, could be happy and proud to have such a mother. But with Mary it was not so. It is known that the actress never really advertised the presence of her daughter. She seemed to cross out this part of her life and continued to flourish and turn the heads of men.

Maria is absolutely not like her mother. For her, the main thing is always the family, husband and children. She got married early, because she wanted to quickly leave home and create a real, strong family.

Generation conflict

Maria had two children: son Mark and daughter Elena. It was the grandson Mark who helped to improve relations between Lyudmila and Maria a little. Gurchenko became very attached to the boy and loved him as she never loved her daughter. But it so happened that at the age of 16, Mark became addicted to drugs and died of an overdose. Blaming his mother for everything, Gurchenko cut off all contact with her. Maria even learned about her death by reading the news in the newspapers.

daughter about mother

After the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko, journalists managed to interview her daughter. They tried to paint a picture of their relationship, although it was very difficult to do so with only one side's opinion. Making an analysis of everything that was said, linking all the phrases, we can conclude that Mary always missed her mother. It was the lack of maternal love and warmth that pushed Masha to the desire to give her children what she did not have, made the family the main goal in her life.

Similarity or difference

Lyudmila had not only acting talent, she was very beautiful. Light brown hair and brown eyes attracted the attention of all men. There is a lot of talk about the fact that the actress did plastic surgery. But we will not delve into this part of her life. The main thing is that until the end of her days she could present herself beautifully and always looked great both on the screen and on stage.

It is often said that such beautiful people have beautiful children. Gurchenko crossed out this statement. Her daughter is completely different from her mother. When the world saw Maria on television after the death of the actress, many were shocked. There was not a single gram of similarity between this simple, unremarkable woman, with that luxurious lady that we saw on the screens.

Chapter 23 20 years with a star in terra incognita mode

After a divorce from Cooperweiss, Gurchenko met a young businessman, Sergei Senin, and married him.

It was Sergei who determined the nature of the relationship between Lyudmila Gurchenko and men. He said that the actress was never looking for a specific man - all her life she was looking for only her father. Therefore, all her husbands were called by her exclusively "dads". Including the young husband Cooperweiss, and another young Senin (their age difference was 25 years!). Despite this, Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived together for twenty years. And all these years, as if by a pattern, he always called her "daughter."

After all, the actress Inna Vykhodtseva confirmed:

- Sometimes I, who lived all my life with my Leva, was surprised: why does Lucy get married so many times? But it was not easy for her to find her man. At the same time, each new man strove to drag her to the registry office. Lucy explained: “It is not always possible to refuse. Although it would be my will, I would limit myself to civil marriages. By the way, she also had a lot of civil marriages - it makes no sense to even list everything. What can we say - the men loved Gurchenko! Interestingly, she called all her lovers "dads." Maybe because she missed her father, to whom she was very attached. Well, or did she have such a Kharkov manner ... But Lucy also called the directors with whom she starred "dads". And Mikhalkov, and Konchalovsky ... And they are her among themselves - the Goat. They said: “Well, did the Goat come to make up? Is the goat dressed? Now the double with the Goat ... "This is since she starred as the Goat in the film" Mom.

When she became very ill on the evening of March 30, 2011, she quietly asks her husband Sergei: “Dad, call an ambulance ...” But she won’t wait for an ambulance ...

Shortly before that, on February 14, 2011, Gurchenko slipped outside her house and broke her hip. The actress was hospitalized, the next day she underwent surgery, and in early March she was already discharged home. But on March 30, the condition of the actress worsened.

Businessman Sergei Senin, like pianist Cooperweiss, served his beloved sincerely and faithfully for many years. “It was his choice, the choice of a strong self-sufficient man, to serve the woman he idolized from the age of eighteen…” said well-known journalist Kira Proshutinskaya.

Not much is known about Senin, and he does not like to show off; in general, their life with a star for the majority was terra incognita. It is known, for example, that he is a native of Odessa, graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute with honors, entered graduate school. He married Galina, who worked as an economist at a film studio. During their years of life in the dormitory of the Odessa film studio, where Galina had her own room, their daughter Arina was born (now mother and daughter live in Israel).

The acquaintance of the businessman with the actress happened after the departure of his relatives to Israel - in 1990 on the set of the film "Sex Tale" by Nabokov, which he produced. The film was shot in Lithuania, in Vilnius. He flew there, and on the way to the studio he bought flowers for the actress Gurchenko, whom he did not recognize at the first moment of the meeting, mistaking her for simply an incredibly beautiful woman ... They lived together for six years before registering a marriage.

Senin spoke about his acquaintance with the star after she had gone into eternity and after the years he had lived “by inertia”, without her. Kira Proshutinskaya persuaded him to meet. Here's what you can learn from her material:

“Sergey put out another cigarette, and I suddenly saw a beautiful ring on his hand.

- Where did it come from, Seryozha? - she asked unexpectedly for herself, without any transition, tactlessly.

“Lucy gave it to me,” he said, looking at the ring. – Sapphire in white gold. She bought it in New York, in a good store. She always wanted me to have something like that. In general, everything that is decent in me is Lucy's merit. Because when we met, I was a complete idiot. Meeting her is crazy luck, Kira! The fact that Lucy and I didn’t just cross paths in life, but lived a huge period of time, couldn’t it be accidental? Yes, I consciously lived her life, otherwise why live with her? Before her, I had a production company, I made pictures for which I am not ashamed and which gave quite tangible financial success. I am a real person. But with Lucy, I was ready to do everything without thinking whether it would bring any profit or not.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergey Senin. “Please believe in yourself, love, fear nothing, be free, take risks. You see, life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and the end. You look around and think about how much you didn’t do because you were afraid, shy, scared. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you are wrong. That's life. And most importantly, love each other. Always, every minute." (Lyudmila Gurchenko)

It was this man, who became her last stronghold in the life of the film star, who then sought to ensure that Gurchenko's elite apartment would not go under the hammer, but would become a museum worthy of the memory of the GREAT ACTRESS.

Of course, as E. Mishanenkova rightly noted, the story of survival began for L. Gurchenko in 1985; “Yes, there were still “Vivat, midshipmen”, “My sailor”, “Old nags” and much more ahead. But the "ceiling" has already been reached in the films "Station for Two" and "Love and Pigeons". Lyudmila Gurchenko suddenly found herself in the position of the recently played Emilia from “The Recipe for Her Youth” - it seems that there is talent, but it is no longer possible to develop it, the world in which she has to live does not allow.

Over the years of living together with her last husband, Gurchenko received many more prizes and awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. And in 1995, she was awarded the Golden Ticket prize - according to audience polls, she was recognized as the best actress in the entire history of Soviet and Russian cinema. In February 2011, she also took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko "...

... The last years of Lyudmila Gurchenko's life, almost all publications in the media about the personal life of a star came down mainly to her difficult relationship with her daughter Maria (the actress sued her for her mother's apartment; there were also litigations for other property and a car) and manipulations with appearance (the actress did a record number of plastic surgeries and a variety of cosmetic procedures).

But the struggle with Time is always useless, even if You - Living Legend

Despite a solid list of boyfriends, legal husbands, friends and lovers, Gurchenko never considered herself windy.

- I have always had one love - big, sincere, sensual, devoted. It's just the objects that have changed.

But even in this ironic confession, we find a catch: the interchangeable objects of her “great and devoted love” were not people, not men, but the names of paintings and performances ... where she, if she does not play the main role, then at least flashes - bright and recognizable by everyone ...

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Ludmila Markovna Gurchenko. Born November 12, 1935 in Kharkov - died March 30, 2011 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, pop singer. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. brothers Vasiliev (1976). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1994). People's Artist of the USSR (1983).

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born in Kharkov.

Father - Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko (1898-1973), a farm laborer.

Mother - Elena Alexandrovna Simonova-Gurchenko (1917-1999), from a family of repressed nobles.

Maternal grandfather Alexander Prokofievich Simonov is from an ancient Russian family, from which came the Monks Cyril, Stefan, Theodore and the patron of young students Sergius of Radonezh. In continuation of the family tradition, he was the director of a gymnasium in Moscow. However, after 1917 he did not cooperate with the new regime, he left for his family estate Borodulino in the Smolensk region. On November 11, 1928, he was arrested by the Smolensk OGPU and sentenced by a special meeting at the Collegium of the OGPU on February 1, 1929 under paragraph 10 of Art. 58 to 3 years of exile. Rehabilitated 21 July 1989

The grandmother of Lyudmila Markovna was also a pillar noblewoman. Una was the mother of eight children, a housewife and managed the estate in the Smolensk province, which was taken away after the revolution, and her own house in Moscow. After she learned that her grandfather, deported to Siberia by the Soviet authorities, had cheated on her, she refused to forgive him and left for Kharkov. There her daughter met Mark Gavrilovich, a hereditary Russian peasant from the Smolensk region, all of whose ancestors lived for centuries in the same village.

Cousin - Anatoly Egorovich Gurchenkov (b. 1941), lives in the village of Dunaevshchina, Shumyachsky district, Smolensk region.

Cousin - Valentina, lives in Estonia.

From the day she was born until the start of World War II, Lusya Gurchenko lived with her parents in Kharkov in a one-room semi-basement apartment in Mordvinovsky Lane.

Before the war, Lyudmila Gurchenko's parents worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. His father was a professional musician: he played the button accordion and sang at matinees, holidays, and his mother helped him. Despite his disability and unacceptable age, his father went to war.

Lyudmila ended up in German-occupied Kharkov with her mother. Already at that age, according to her, she sang and danced in front of the Germans in order to get at least some food. The repertoire of young Gurchenko was mainly from German operettas. Mainly, in front of the Germans during the first occupation of Kharkov, the girl Lyusya Gurchenko performed the repertoire of Marika Rökk. After that, she contacted the punks in the market in Kharkov, occupied by the Germans for the second time. Only by a miracle she did not die as a result of raids, when, in response to the actions of the Red Army and partisans, the Nazis killed random people in gas chambers - usually girls and women caught in the Kharkov market.

After the final liberation of Kharkov on August 23, 1943, on September 1, she went to the Ukrainian school (currently gymnasium) No. 6, which was located in the courtyard of the house where she then lived. At school, she fell in love with the Ukrainian language, similar to the language of the Smolensk region. In the autumn of 1944 she entered the Beethoven Music School.

In 1953, after finishing ten years, she went to Moscow and entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. During her diploma course, she played the role of Keto in the operetta Keto and Kote and the role of Imogen in The Trap based on Theodore Dreiser's stage composition, in which she sang, danced and played the piano. She graduated from VGIK in 1958.

She made her film debut in Jan Fried's The Road of Truth (1956). “I didn’t come here to be silent!” - this was the first phrase of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the cinema. “This is exactly what I wanted - to come to the cinema, so as not to be silent, not to go with the flow, but to create a wave myself,” the artist later said in one of her interviews.

In the same year, a New Year's comedy by a young director appeared on the screens of Soviet cinemas. "Carnival Night" in which Gurchenko played a major role.

The film was a huge success and fell in love with the audience for many years, and thanks to the role of Lenochka Krylova, Gurchenko became the all-Union favorite and idol of the generation. Carnival Night broke all box office records, with 48.64 million tickets sold. In the USSR, the song "Five Minutes" became a kind of New Year's anthem. Few people know that Lyudmila Gurchenko could not have played in this film, since the actress failed her screen test.

Gurchenko later recalled: “I walked with a bouncing gait along the corridor of the Mosfilm studio. Ivan Alexandrovich Pyryev was walking towards them. I squirmed even more, raised my chin even higher. Pyryev raised his head, saw me, grimaced, and then his face twitched with interest. He told me to follow him. He brought me to the third pavilion, where the shooting took place, went up to the main cameraman, and said that this is an actress, just shoot her better - and there will be a person. That's how I accidentally got into the picture.

After the great success of Gurchenko in Carnival Night, a film script was written especially for her. "Guitar Girl" based on her popularity, however, “Girl with a Guitar” did not have such success, after which the “stamp” of an actress of a light, dance genre was assigned to Gurchenko.

The financial situation of the young actress was difficult, so she was forced to earn money by giving concerts in factories, mines, traveling around the country, she accepted offers to participate in creative meetings with the audience, the so-called acting "hacks". This served as a formal reason for harassment, and a “revealing article” “Tap Dance to the Left” appeared in the Soviet press. In 1957, during the filming of the film "Girl with a Guitar", Gurchenko was summoned by the Minister of Culture of the USSR Nikolai Mikhailov and offered to cooperate with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students. It was the refusal to this proposal that became the real reason for the persecution of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

According to Gurchenko, this period of oblivion lasted 10 years, but she still had roles at that time, since there were no breaks in Gurchenko’s filmography for more than one year: out of 54 years of her film career, there were only twelve years (in the second half of the 90s and in the 2000s), when she was not filming.

In the period from 1958 to 1973, Gurchenko starred in 9 films: Roman and Francesca, Walking, Bicycle Tamer, Workers' Village, No and Yes, White Explosion, My Good Dad ”, “Summer Dreams”, “Tobacco Captain”. These films were not very successful.

Lyudmila Gurchenko herself spoke about this period of her life: “I experienced a lot of cruelty. There is cruelty in my best period, when the heyday of a man, a woman, when there is health, and ... ten years without filming! Could anything be worse after that? Nothing!".

During this period of her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko tries to act in a new dramatic role for her: "Baltic Sky" (1961) - the film was even presented at the International Film Festival in Venice, "Workers' Village" (1966), but the roles in these films were more like an exception , there were mostly episodes (bright, memorable, but episodes): "The Marriage of Balzaminov" (1964), "The Road to Ryubetsal" (1970) and "The Crown of the Russian Empire, or Elusive Again" (1971).

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Gurchenko was hardly noticeable, even continuing to act regularly. This continued until the release of the film in 1974. "Old Walls", in which the actress played the main role - the director of a weaving factory.

Lyudmila Gurchenko gradually became one of the leading actresses of Soviet cinema. But she continued to be invited to star in musical comedies and operetta films. Musical films with the participation of Gurchenko came out one after another. Lyudmila Markovna successfully played and sang in Tobacco Captain (1972), Straw Hat (1974), Heavenly Swallows (1976) and Mom (1976).

Coincidentally, having agreed to star in the musical film "Mother", Gurchenko received an offer to play the role of a general's wife in the film "Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano", and she had to refuse Nikita Mikhalkov. Filming "Mom" brought her not only creative success, but also new challenges.

On June 14, 1976, while filming on ice, the clown Oleg Popov fell and broke the actress's right leg. A closed fracture with a displacement threatened disability - the leg was collected in pieces from 19 fragments. Immediately after the most difficult operation, Gurchenko continued to act in films. But again, the actress was able to dance and walk in high heels only after many years of training and special physical exercises.

In addition to comedies, her television benefit performances and special music programs were regularly released.

Lyudmila Gurchenko tried to break out of the roles imposed on her, she wanted to play dramatic roles. And in the end she got her way.

In 1976, she was invited to the main role in the film "Twenty Days Without War", in which Gurchenko played one of her best dramatic roles. The contrast of her two characters in films shot with a difference of one year seems all the brighter: Nina, the costume designer from Twenty Days Without War, who lives in evacuation during the war years, and the frivolous hatter Clara from The Straw Hat. The actress's partner in the film was, by that time, who had also established himself primarily as a comedian. In an interview, Gurchenko gratefully recalled how Nikulin helped her on the set of this film: “If it weren’t for him, I don’t know how I would have withstood this difficult picture, which was shot for almost two years.”

The next outstanding work of Gurchenko was the film "Siberiada" director . In 1979, the film was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 1979, the picture comes out on the screens "Five Evenings". In the role of Tamara Vasilievna - a lonely woman who suddenly met a loved one, with whom the war separated her - performed by Gurchenko, dramatic, almost tragic. Nikita Mikhalkov filmed all five evenings of his melodrama in three apartments and on landings.

One of the best works of the actress was the film "Station for two", in which she played the role of the station waitress Vera Nefyodova. For this film, she was recognized as the best actress in 1984 according to a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the movie "Station for Two"

Also among the roles of the 80s, the audience fell in love with her roles in such films as the beloved woman of the mechanic Gavrilova (Margarita Sergeevna Solovyova), Vacation at her own expense (Ada Petrovna), Flights in a dream and in reality (Larisa Yuryevna Kuzmina), Love and doves (Raisa Zakharovna).

Several records with songs performed by Gurchenko were released.

November 12, 2010 Lyudmila Gurchenko celebrated her 75th birthday. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Dmitry Medvedev, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, as well as many famous artists congratulated her on her birthday. The actress celebrated her birthday on stage.

Especially for the anniversary of Gurchenko, the NTV channel filmed a benefit performance “Markovna. Reboot". In this show, Gurchenko reincarnated as an image, sang the song "Birthday", performed duets with modern musicians and shocked the audience with extravagant experiments with style.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - Birthday

In February 2011, Gurchenko took part in the filming of the film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko" in Kyiv. It was one of the last shootings of the actress, Gurchenko's 96th film work. The film is based on the biographical monologues of the actress and their game reproduction, as well as ten song clips, which became the embodiment of a certain stage in her life. “The film tells about my whole life, starting from the age of 20,” Gurchenko said.

Death of Lyudmila Gurchenko

On February 14, 2011, Gurchenko slipped outside her house and broke her hip. She was admitted to the hospital and underwent surgery the next day. Discharged March 6th.

On March 30, the actress's condition worsened, which was caused by a pulmonary embolism. The ambulance team, which arrived 21 minutes later, was unable to resuscitate her, and at 19:28 the death of the actress was recorded. This was confirmed by Gurchenko's husband Sergey Senin.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences to the family of the actress.

Farewell to Lyudmila Gurchenko took place on April 2 at the Central House of Writers in Moscow. The actress was wearing a dress that she had recently made. The posthumous make-up was done by Aslan Akhmadov, a friend of Lyudmila Markovna. The funeral took place on the same day at the Novodevichy cemetery, contrary to the desire of the actress to be buried next to her parents and only grandson at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is buried next to other actors - and.

The funeral of Lyudmila Gurchenko

On September 30, 2011, six months after the death of the actress, with the permission of the family, a number of materials about those days were published in the newspapers, including the last entries in the personal diary of L. M. Gurchenko herself.

On August 4, 2012, a monument made of black granite and white marble was solemnly opened on the grave of Lyudmila Gurchenko (authors Yuri Khorovsky, Yuri Shabelnikov).

In Kharkov, at the school where Lyudmila Gurchenko studied, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of her.

On November 11, 2015, the day before the 80th anniversary of the actress, in Moscow, on the house where Lyudmila Gurchenko lived from 2004 to 2011, a memorial plaque by sculptor Yuri Khorovsky was opened (Tryokhprudny per., 11-13, installed from Bolshoy Kozikhinsky per., 28-30).

From November 11, 2015 to January 10, 2016, the Gallery of Classical Photography in Moscow was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko. The author of the project and all the photographs presented in the exposition is Aslan Akhmadov, a photographer and friend of the artist.

In the fall of 2015, a multi-part film was released on the screens, the release of which was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the great actress. Played the main role.

The growth of Lyudmila Gurchenko: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

She was married six times.

First husband - (1923-1985), film director. She married him at 18. The marriage lasted a little over a year.

Vasily Sergeevich Ordynsky - the first husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Fifth husband - (b. 1949), musician and accompanist for the actress. They lived in an actual (unregistered) marriage for 18 years - from 1973 to 1991.

The sixth husband is producer Sergei Mikhailovich Senin (b. 1961), whom she met during the filming of the film Sex Tale. They lived in marriage during 1993-2011.

Filmography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1956 - The Road of Truth - Lucy
1956 - - Lena Krylova
1956 - The heart beats again ... - Tanya Balashova
1956 - A Man is Born - Nadya Smirnova (voicing)
1958 - Girl with a guitar - Tanya Fedosova
1959 - Stars meet in Moscow - song performer in a duet with Mark Bernes
1960 - Caught Monk - Isabella
1960 - Roman and Francesca - Francesca Carrodini
1961 - Baltic Sky - Sonya Bystrova
1961 - Walking - Christina Prityka
1961 - Nowhere Man - Lena
1963 - Bicycle Tamers - Rita Laur
1964 - Balzaminov's marriage - Ustenka
1965 - Worker's settlement - Maria Pleshcheeva
1966 - A bridge is being built - Zhenya
1966 - No and yes - Lucy Korableva
1967 - Exploded Hell - Greta
1968 - Living corpse - Masha (voicing)
1969 - White explosion - Vera Arsenova
1969 - Moscow in notes
1970 - My good dad - Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova
1970 - One of us - Claudia Ovcharova
1970 - Experiment - police major
1971 - Road to Ryubetsal - Shura Solovyova
1971 - The Crown of the Russian Empire, or Elusive Again - Agrafena Zavolzhskaya
1971 - Shadow Julia - Julie
1971 - What to do? - Woman in black
1972 - Karpukhin - Ovsyannikova
1972 - Summer dreams - Galina Sakhno
1972 - Tobacco Captain - Ninish
1972 - The circus lights the fires - Lolita
1973 - Dacha - Lera ("Stepanych")
1973 - Door without a lock - Anna Ivanovna
1973 - Children of Vanyushin - Claudia Shchetkina
1973 - Old walls - Anna Georgievna Smirnova
1973 - Open book - Glafira Sergeevna Rybakova
1974 - Savely Kramarov's benefit performance - cameo
1974 - Benefits of Sergei Martinson - cameo
1974 - Straw Hat - Clara Bocardon
1975 - Larisa Golubkina's benefit performance - Mrs. Pierce
1975 - Diary of a school principal - Inna Sergeevna
1975 - Step towards - Valentina Stepanovna
1976 - Magic Lantern - neighbor / mother / girl from the Wild West
1976 - Twenty days without war - Nina Nikolaevna
1976 - Mom - Goat Mom / Aunt Masha
1976 - Sky Swallows - Korina
1976 - Crime - Lyuba, artist
1976 - Family melodrama - Valentina Barabanova
1976 - Sentimental novel - Maria Petrichenko
1976 - Strogoffs - Kapitolina
1977 - Viktor Krokhin's second attempt - Lyuba Krokhina
1977 - Feedback - Margarita Illarionovna Vyaznikova
1978 - Benefits of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Actress / Old Woman / Ninish / Robber / Napoleon / Babette / Elvira / Pirate / Shepherdess / Nun / Seamstress / Girl / Jenny / Shoemaker / Press Secretary
1978 - Handsome man - Susanna
1978 - Islands in the ocean - Hudson's wife
1978 - Knowing the white light - a stranger
1978 - Five Evenings - Tamara Vasilievna
1978 - Siberiada - Taya Solomina
1978 - Leaving - go away - Alisa Sulina
1979 - A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov - nanny Ilya Oblomov
1980 - The Ideal Husband - Laura Cheveley
1980 - mf Our friend Pishichitay (Issue 3) - Misprint (sound)
1980 - A particularly important task - Elvira Pavlovna Lunina
1980 - Songs of War - cameo
1981 - Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov - Margarita Sergeevna Solovyova
1981 - Vacation at your own expense - Ada Petrovna
1982 - Station for two - Vera Nikolaevna Nefedova
1982 - Favorite songs - cameo
1983 - Highway - Kapitolina Nikolaevna Gvozdeva
1982 - Flights in a dream and in reality - Larisa Yurievna Kuzmina
1983 - Shurochka - Raisa Peterson
1983 - The recipe for her youth - Emilia Marty
1985 - Applause, applause ... - actress Goncharova
1984 - Love and doves - Raisa Zakharovna
1984 - Prohindiada, or Running on the spot - Ekaterina Ivanovna Lyubomudrova
1987 - Dreamers - Apollinaria Spencer
1987 - Challenger - Carol
1988 - Road to Hell - Martha Holman
1988 - Burn - Anna Timofeevna Rumyantseva
1989 - Was there Carotene? - Kurnatova-Borgia
1989 - A young man from a good family - Arina's mother
1989 - Premiere of the Year
1990 - My sailor - Lyudmila Pashkova
1990 - Our cottage - Lyudmila Kozlova
1990 - Inhuman, or Hunting is forbidden in Paradise - Zoya Mikhailovna Sherstobitova
1991 - Vivat, midshipmen! - Johanna
1990 - Imitator - singer
1991 - Forgive us, stepmother Russia! - Natalya Fedorovna Zimina
1991 - Sex Tale - Diana
1992 - White clothes - Antonina Prokofievna Tumanova
1992 - Midshipmen 3 - Johanna, mother of Princess Fike
1992 - Farewell tour - Nina Vladimirovna
1993 - I love
1993 - Listen, Fellini! - Faith
1994 - Prohindiada 2 - Ekaterina Ivanovna Lyubomudrova
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - star / resident of the yard
2000 - Old nags - Elizabeth
2001 - Women's happiness - Margarita
2001 - Old songs about the main thing (postscript) - a mysterious guest
2002 - Shukshin's stories (short story "Shameless") - Malysheva
2005 - Twelve chairs - Elena Bour
2004 - If tomorrow on a hike ... - Aunt Gala
2004-2005 - Beware, Zadov! - Antonina Maksimovna
2005 - ATC-2. In power - the boss of the Crimean mafia
2005 - The highest measure - the boss of the Crimean mafia
2005 - Take Tarantina - Anna Vasilievna
2005 - Gorynych and Victoria - Eleanor
2006 - 1st Fast - Raisa Zakharovna
2006 - Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later - cameo
2007 - First at home - cameo
2009 - Colorful twilight - Anna Dmitrievna Semyonova
2010 - Markovna. Reboot - cameo
2011 - Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko - cameo

She acted as a director of the film "Colorful Twilight" (2009, together with Dmitry Korobkin) and composer for the films "My Sailor" (1990), "I Love" (1993), "Colorful Twilight" (2009).

Discography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1979 - Benefit
1980 - Music of the Soviet cinema
1982 - Songs of War
1984 - Favorite songs
1985 - The recipe for her youth
1992 - I can't believe it!

1994 - I love
1995 - Good mood
1996 - Sad record (What love knows about love ...)
1997 - Songs of War
1998 - Bureau of Happiness (musical)
2001 - Farewell, Twentieth ...
2001 - Actor and song. Ludmila Gurchenko
2002 - Madeleine, calm down!
2004 - Life is like smoke ...
2006 - Don't be sad!
2011 - White snow

Video clips of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1956 - Five minutes
1969 - Maria
1997 - "Diva" duet with Alla Pugacheva
2001 - "Do you want?"
2002 - Kharkov
2004 - Petersburg-Leningrad (duet with Boris Moiseev)
2005 - I hate (duet with B. Moiseev)
2006 - Prayer (director Fyodor Bondarchuk)
2008 - Lighthouse (duet with Mikhail Boyarsky)
2010 - Moscow windows
2011 - I'm waiting
2011 - We live something without excitement
2011 - "Do you want?"
2012 - I'm letting you go - Philip Kirkorov (archive footage with Lyudmila Gurchenko)

Bibliography of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

1982 - My adult childhood
1987 - Applause
2002 - Lucy, stop!

Theatrical works of Lyudmila Gurchenko:

Moscow theater "Sovremennik":

1963 - "Without a cross" V. F. Tendryakov; production by Oleg Efremov - milkmaid
1963 - "On the wedding day" by V. S. Rozov; production by Oleg Efremov - T-shirt
1964 - "Big Sister" A. M. Volodin; production by Oleg Efremov
1964 - "Cyrano de Bergerac" by E. Rostand; production by Oleg Efremov and Igor Kvasha - Roxana
1964 - "Always on sale" by V. Aksyonov; production by Oleg Efremov - trumpeter's wife
1965 - "The Naked King" by E. L. Schwartz; production by Oleg Efremov and M. Mikaelyan - governess
1966 - "Forever Alive" by V. S. Rozov; production by Oleg Efremov - Tanechka

Theater-studio of a film actor:

1964 - "Red and Black" by V. Stendhal; staging by Sergei Gerasimov - Mathilde de la Mole
1965 - "Kiss me, Kat!" Cola Porter; production by David Livnev - Bianca
1966 - "Fool" Lope de Vega; production by Evgeny Radomyslensky

School of Modern Drama:

1991 - “And why are you in a tailcoat?” S. Nikitin, D. Sukharev (according to the "Proposal" of A. P. Chekhov); staging by Joseph Reichelgauz - bride

Anton Chekhov Theater:

1993 - "Honoring" B. Slade; production by Leonid Trushkin
1997 - "Unattainable" by S. Maugham; production by Leonid Trushkin - Carolina Ashley
1997 - "Pose of an emigrant" by G. Slutsky; production by Leonid Trushkin - banker

Moscow Academic Theater of Satire:

1995 - “After the battle, the field of victory belongs to the marauders” by E. S. Radzinsky; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Inga Mikhaleva


1998 - "Bureau of Happiness"; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Margarita
2001 - "Madeleine, calm down!" V. Aslanova; production by Roman Kozak - Madeleine Verdurin
2004 - "The accidental happiness of a policeman Peshkin"; production by Andrey Zhitinkin - Valentin Peshkin
2007 - "Kidnapping of Sabyaninov" by P. Gladilin; production by Valery Sarkisov - Angelina
2008 - "PAB" Presnyakov brothers; staging by the Presnyakov Brothers - El G

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