Development of phonemic processes in preschool children. “Formation and development of phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis of preschoolers with OHP” (from work experience) Other books on similar topics

Anastasia Komarova

Games and exercises to develop phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills 1 slide.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues. My name is Nosova Anastasia Aleksandrovna.

2. The topic of my speech is Games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. Phonemic awareness -

- this is the ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds (phonemes, determine the sound composition of a word.

3.Phonemic hearing is a subtle, systematized hearing that allows you to distinguish and recognize phonemes of your native language. It is part of physiological hearing and is aimed at correlating and comparing audible sounds with their standards. Game 1. “Sounds around”


4. Listen with your child to audio recordings of natural sounds - the sound of rain, the murmur of a stream, the surf of the sea, spring drops, the sound of a forest on a windy day, the singing of birds, the voices of animals. Discuss the sounds you hear - what sounds are similar, how the sounds are different, where they can be heard, which of them seem familiar. You need to start by listening and recognizing sounds that differ well from each other, then - similar in sound.

Game 2. “What does it sound like?”

Listen to various musical instruments with your child (xylophone, drum, bell, etc.). The child needs to find out with his eyes closed which instrument was played. It is necessary to complicate the tasks by increasing the number of tools in the sequence. (module in IRC)

6. Children close their eyes. An adult connects the images and animal sounds are heard. Children have to say, who voices like that?

Game 4. “Fun tasks”

An adult gives the child two circles - red and green - and offers a game: if the child hears the correct name of what is shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if the wrong name - red. Then he shows a picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces the sound combinations:

Baman, album, vitamin, cell,

paman, aybom, mitanin, ketka,

banana, anbom, fitamin, cellta,

banam, abbom, vitalim, tletka.

The speech therapist invites the child to clap his hands (or stomp his feet, hit his knees, raise his hand up, hold up a card, etc.) when he hears a given sound in a series of sounds.

8. Game 6. “Pure Talk”

The adult begins, and the child finishes the last syllable. It is better if all pure sayings are related to a specific lexical topic or are designed to automate and differentiate the necessary sounds. For example, pure sayings on the topic of autumn:

Ta-ta-ta- – autumn is beautiful.

De-de-de - puddles of rain everywhere.

Doo-doo-doo - pick fruits in the garden.

9. Game 7. “Say the Word”

The adult begins, and the child finishes the last word that matches the meaning and rhyme.

In the skin, yellow, sour,

It's called (lemon)

Red, round!

Very tasty,

Eat it -

You won't be sad!

I'll run to the store

And I'll buy it there (orange)

10. Sound analysis is the determination of sounds in a word in order and their characteristics (vowel - consonant, voiced - voiceless, soft - hard).

Sound analysis is performed by sequentially highlighting the sounds in a word and their characteristics.

11. Game 1. “Name the first sound”

An adult pronounces a word on a petal with intonation highlighting the first, and the latter names the first sound in the word and connects it into a flower (Anya, alphabet, watermelon, Ira, Olya, autumn, duck, street)

12. Game 2. “Prompt the sound”

The adult pronounces the word with intonation highlighting the last sound and throws the ball to the child, who calls the last sound in the word and throws the ball to the adult.

13. Game 3. “Collect the picture”

The child is asked to assemble a picture with a monosyllabic word made of three sounds and make a sound analysis of the word.

14. Game 4. “Collect a word”

The child is presented with a picture and a set of letters, and must form a word. Next, analyze it.

15. Game 5. “Rebuses”

An adult invites the child to guess the “enchanted pictures.”

The structure of words becomes more complex as the child masters the skill of sound analysis.

16-17. Of course, to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to create a unified correctional and educational space, when a team of like-minded people works on speech (speech therapist - parent - teacher, each of whom is interested in the success of the work and is constantly in interaction with the others.

How to involve parents? This is the most difficult issue for us. For parents in our kindergarten, open classes, individual and group consultations of a practical nature are periodically held, as well as the production of information booklets on a given topic.

18.Thus, p development of phonemic perception and mastery of sound analysis and synthesis skills:

1. ensures correct sound pronunciation of speech;

2. helps prevent the occurrence of violations in written speech during school education.

19. Literature

Mironova N. M. Developing phonemic perception in children of the older group. – From: Gnome, 2007. – 37 p.

Nishcheva N.V. Development of phonemic processes and skills of sound analysis and synthesis in older preschoolers. Federal State Educational Standard. – From: Childhood-Press, 2014. – 64 p.

Tkachenko T. A. Speech therapy notebook. Development of phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills. – St. Petersburg: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2000. – 32 p.

20. Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: 1. To develop children’s ability to perform sound analysis of words. 2. Develop the ability to identify vowels, hard and soft consonants.

Today I will present to your attention a game for developing skills in performing sound analysis in children of senior preschool age. A game.

I present to your attention the Didactic Game “Housewife Young Lady” Goals: – automation of sounds [C], [Z], [SH], [F], [R], [L]; – differentiation.

“Correcting objects by color” Junior group Goal: learn to correlate objects by color. Material: cards with images of colored balls.

The initial process in teaching children to write and read is sound analysis and synthesis of words. Many children have difficulty dismembering.

“Formation and development of phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis of preschoolers with OHP” (from work experience)

I would like to dwell in more detail on didactic games aimed at developing phonemic awareness, analysis and synthesis. Working at a preschool educational institution’s speech center, I pay priority attention to the development and formation of such components of speech as correct sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis.

Phonemic hearing - this is a subtle, systematized hearing that has the ability to carry out operations of discrimination and recognition of phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word. In children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs through the perception of the oral speech of others and, at the same time, through their own pronunciation of words in accordance with perceived patterns, with the help of which various features of phonemes are identified and generalized. Phonemic hearing is essential for mastering the sound side of a language.

Phonemic analysis - this is a complex mental activity aimed at decomposing a word into its constituent phonemes. Phonemic analysis can be basic or complex. Elementary phonemic analysis is the separation of sounds from the background of a word. Elementary phonemic analysis appears spontaneously in children. Complex phonemic analysis isisolating the first and last sound from a word, determining the place of a sound in a word: beginning, middle, end of the word. The most complex form of phonemic analysis is determining the sequence of sounds in a word, the number of sounds in a word, and its place in relation to other sounds. Children master this type of phonemic analysis in the process of special education.

Phonemic synthesis - This is the ability to combine individual sounds into a whole word with subsequent recognition of this word, mentally composed of sounds. It is also the merging of individual sounds into syllables, and syllables into words.

In preschoolers with OHP, these processes are especially affected. This inhibits the development of the pronunciation side of speech, and also negatively affects the acquisition of reading and writing.

List of information sources used:

List of used literature:

    Speech therapy. Edited by L. S. Volkova and S. N. Shakhovskaya. – Moscow: Vlados, 2002.

    Mironova N. M. Developing phonemic perception. – Moscow: Gnom i D, 2010.

    Durova N.V. Phonematics. – Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2002.

    Nishcheva N.V. Development of phonemic processes and skills of sound analysis and synthesis in older preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Childhood – press, 2015.

    Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. – Moscow: Iris Didactics, 2004.

    Tkachenko T. A. Development of phonemic perception. Preschooler's album. – Moscow: Gnom i D, 2005.

    Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2015.

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    Abstract: The article examines the development of phonemic processes in preschool children. The authors pay special attention to the stages of development of phonemic processes, the tasks of the development of phonemic processes, based on the experience of N.V. Nishcheva. Correctional work with children begins with non-speech sounds, then speech sounds that are pronounced correctly are introduced, then those that are pronounced, auditory attention and auditory memory are also developed.

    With underdevelopment of phonemic processes in children, there is difficulty in differentiating sounds that differ from each other by subtle acoustic features - differentiation of voiced and voiceless (ta-da, pa-ba..), soft and hard (la-la, ma-mya..), whistling and hissing (sa-sha...), sonors (la-ra). As a result, the development of correct sound pronunciation is delayed for a long time, and deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds can impede the formation of phonemic processes and subsequently cause disruption in the writing and reading processes.

    Correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation in children consists of staging and automating sounds and the simultaneous development of phonemic processes, which is carried out in a playful way. Phonemic processes include phonemic hearing (the ability to recognize and differentiate speech sounds based on acoustic features) and phonemic perception (the mental action of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis).

    This work begins with the material of non-speech sounds, then speech sounds that are correctly pronounced are introduced, then those that are pronounced. Auditory attention and auditory memory also develop. Positive results in the development of phonemic processes are gradually observed.

    Corrective work on phoneme differentiation can be divided into six stages:

    1. Recognition of non-speech sounds.

    At this stage, we teach children to recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds. At the same time, auditory attention and auditory memory develop.

    First, the task is to “hear” the sounds of nature based on the picture (the sound of rain on the roof, the whistle of the wind, the noise of trees); then we name the sounds that we hear in the house based on the picture (the ticking of a clock, the meowing of a cat, the noise of a vacuum cleaner); then we remember the sounds from the street and yard (squealing brakes, car horns, noise and rumble of construction equipment).
    You can demonstrate to children what sounds various objects make: knocking on the table with a pencil, clapping your hands, ringing a bell, rustling paper. These movements can then be repeated behind the screen and children have to identify what they are hearing.

    2. Distinguishing identical words and sounds, focusing on the height, strength, timbre of the voice.

    You can use the following games: the driver, standing with his back to the children, determines who said his name. The task becomes more complicated - the children say the word “ay!”, and the driver guesses who said it. The driver either loudly or quietly says “ay!”, and the children must guess whether he is calling them from afar or close.

    By distinguishing voice timbre, strength and pitch of sound, such games can be played. For example, the mooing of a cow - “moo-moo-moo”, the hum of an airplane - “far” or “close”, the quiet and loud sound “oo-oo-oo”; what drum is playing - big or small, low and high sound “boom-boom-boom”; baby and child crying, high and low "ah-ah" sound.
    Pictures of domestic animals and their babies are shown. The speech therapist pronounces the onomatopoeia of animals and babies in either a low or high voice. Children must show the corresponding picture.

    3. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound composition.

    You can play the following game: the speech therapist shows a picture and clearly says: “Book.” Then he says: “I name the words, and you must determine whether it is pronounced correctly. If it’s wrong, clap your hands.” Says: “Book – kmiga – pnigah – book – kmika – gmika.” Children, hearing an incorrectly pronounced word, clap their hands.

    Then the games become more complicated: the speech therapist offers pictures whose names are similar in sound. For example:

    tooth soup,
    heat ball,

    Then the speech therapist says three or four words, and the children must select the corresponding pictures in the order they are named.

    The speech therapist displays the following pictures: lump, tank, branch, branch, skating rink. The child approaches the canvas, he is given a picture, which he must place under the picture whose name is similar in sound.

    Words for the picture:

    "COM" house, lump, scrap;
    "MAK" - cancer, tank, varnish;
    “BEETLE” - onion, branch, knock;
    “NET” - cage, branch, heel;
    “HANDLE” - scarf, leaf, skating rink.

    4. Distinguishing syllables.

    The speech therapist names the syllable series, for example, “ma-ma-ma-ba”; children highlight the extra syllable. The task becomes more complicated: “ma-mo-ma, ta-ta-da-ta, fa-va-fa.”

    5. Distinguishing phonemes of the native language.

    We begin work by differentiating vowel sounds. A game is offered: children are given pictures of an airplane, a baby, a donkey, and it is explained: “The plane is humming: ooh-ooh,” “The baby is crying: a-a-a,” “The donkey is screaming: e-e-e.” Next, the speech therapist pronounces onomatopoeia, and the children choose the necessary pictures. Next, the same work is carried out to differentiate consonant sounds. For example, “f is a balloon, s is water from a tap, w is a hissing snake.”

    6. Development of elementary sound analysis skills in children.

    Determining the number of syllables in a word by clapping two and three compound words. An adult should show children how to clap words and highlight the stressed syllable. Then the children practice on their own.

    • Analysis of vowel sounds. Children have chips on the tables, for example red. The adult pronounces a different number of vowel sounds, the children lay out the corresponding number of chips.
    • Isolating a stressed vowel sound from the beginning of a word. This is the easiest form of analysis and is normally available from 4-5 years of age. To highlight sounds, the following words are suggested: Alik, duck, Olya.
    • Isolating a consonant from the beginning of a word. This is a more difficult form of analysis. For children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (impaired processes of formation of the pronunciation system of their native language in children with various disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes) this is in most cases not available. They either name the syllable or do not understand the question. To highlight the first sound, words with different combinations of consonants and vowels are suggested: balls, pike, sleigh, city, frame, moon, machine, roof.
    • Isolating the last consonant from light words, such as: poppy, cat, bow, nose, shower. This exercise can be complicated, for example:

    A) children arrange the pictures on the typesetting canvas into two columns - objects whose names end in the sounds “t” and “k”;

    B) the adult shows the pictures and names them, omitting the last sound. For example, “tan..., pau..., veni..., ko...”. The child names the whole word and the missing sound.

    • Isolating the last vowel (stress) from words like “flour, moon, balls.”
    • Next, the child is offered the game “Find the place of the sound in the word.” Pictures are selected whose names contain the desired sound at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word. The child should mark the place of the desired sound in the word diagram under the picture with a certain color.
    • The next game is “Match the picture to the diagram.” Diagrams showing the place of sound in a word and pictures are offered. The child needs to arrange the pictures so that the place of the sound in the word coincides with the place of the sound in the diagram.
    • Game exercise “Color the diagram.” Under each picture, the child needs to make a diagram of the word, that is, conduct a sound analysis (we denote a vowel sound in red, a hard consonant in blue, and a soft sound in green).

    Speech therapist, senior lecturer at the Department of Speech Therapy at the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, N.V. Nishcheva sets the following tasks for the development of phonemic processes:

    1. In the senior group:

    • Improve the ability to distinguish between long and short words by ear. Learn to remember and reproduce chains of syllables with changes in stress and intonation, chains of syllables with different consonants and the same vowels; chains of syllables with a consonant cluster.
    • Improve the ability to distinguish vowel sounds by ear. To consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants and their distinctive features. Practice distinguishing vowel and consonant sounds by ear, and selecting words based on given vowel and consonant sounds.
    • To develop the ability to distinguish by ear consonant sounds that are similar in articulatory characteristics: in a series of sounds, syllables, words, in sentences, in free play and speech activity. To consolidate the skill of isolating given sounds from a number of sounds, vowels from the beginning of a word, consonants from the end and beginning of a word. Improve the skill of analysis and synthesis of open and closed syllables, words of three to five sounds (in the case where the spelling of a word does not differ from its pronunciation). To develop the skill of distinguishing consonant sounds according to the following characteristics: dull - voiced, hard - soft.
    • Reinforce the concepts of sound, vowel sound, consonant sound.
    • Form the concepts of a voiced consonant sound, a voiceless consonant sound, a soft consonant sound, a hard consonant sound.

    2. In the preparatory group:

    • Strengthen the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis of words consisting of one, two, three syllables. Improving phonemic concepts, developing skills in sound analysis and synthesis.
    • To consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants and their distinctive features. Exercise in distinguishing vowels and consonants, in selecting words for given vowels and consonants.
    • To consolidate ideas about hardness - softness, deafness - sonority of consonant sounds. Practice differentiating consonant sounds according to acoustic characteristics and place of formation.
    • Improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis of words from three to five sounds.

    Thus, the development of phonemic processes is a long and labor-intensive work of all subjects of the educational process (teachers, parents and children).

    1) Pidzhakova Ekaterina Igorevna,
    teacher speech therapist,
    MBDOU No. 177,
    Yekaterinburg city
    2) Samofeeva Nadezhda Pavlovna,
    teacher speech therapist,
    MBDOU No. 177,
    Yekaterinburg city

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