Disappointment after long correspondence with a man. Is it legal to post private correspondence online? What words ends the correspondence with a man

I think each of the readers has come across situations in life when one person violated the integrity of another's digital property.

For example, when a jealous husband secretly reads his wife's mail, a dismissed employee takes out his anger on the website of a former employer, a teenager moonlights by reselling stolen game items, a guy “hacks” a friend's VK page.

Such stories occur at every step, but all of them are crimes for which criminal liability is provided under Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Unlawful Access to Computer Information ”.

In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of such stories go unpunished, but there are exceptions. Let's talk about them.

Hero # 1. I quit my job. I freaked out ...

A resident of Arkhangelsk resigned from his post of CEO at the company and was in a bad mood. After all, the reason for his dismissal is wage arrears. Emotionally, he went to the admin panel of the company's website and:

changed the slider images by deleting the original and adding new images discrediting the business reputation of the Company, deleted the contact phone number and information about the available certificates of the Company, changed information about the production and quality of raw materials, deleted information about partners, environmental safety of products, environmental policy and social responsibility of the Company, adding instead information discrediting the business reputation of the Company

Soon, company employees discovered this, blocked his account and sued the man.

Punishment: a fine of 40,000 rubles (canceled in connection with the decree "On the declaration of amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945").

Similar situation: A resident of Kazan was dismissed from the position of general director as a result of a conflict with the owner. Soon after the event, he entered the mailbox of the former chief, through which he gained access to the admin panel of the company's website and deleted all files from there. The court imposed a fine on him of 100,000 rubles (canceled under the amnesty in honor of Victory Day) and ordered him to pay 380,000 rubles in compensation for the remote site (the owner of the company spent this amount on creating a new one).

The saddest thing in the latter case is that before the conflict, the men trusted each other very much. The owner himself told the CEO the password for his mailbox and asked to send letters on his behalf. And the general gave the owner the keys to his apartment so that he could water the flowers in his absence.

And such cases are found among cases under Article 272 more often than all other typical situations. Hundreds of people have worked for the company for years, earned trust, and had access to important IT resources. But then they quit and under the pressure of emotions they began to take revenge ...

Hero # 2. Climbed into my wife's mail

A resident of the city of Astrakhan picked up the password and entered his wife's mailbox (mail.ru), read the letters, changed the password and personal data. He did all this at home and using a mobile phone registered to himself.

Punishment: a fine of 15,000 rubles (canceled in connection with the decree "On the declaration of amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945").

Such cases are encountered in the database less often than stories on the topic "quit, freaked out ...", but they are more common than other typical situations. And in business, one detail is often repeated: the defendant and the victim have the same surnames, but at the time of the decision, the defendant was already divorced (((

Perhaps women do not apply for those with whom they intend to continue to live. Or husbands do not admit to breaking into boxes, if they do not find there "compromising evidence", which is the basis for divorce.

Hero # 3. "Hacked" a colleague's VK page

A technical support specialist from Ryazan downloaded the DroidSheep ( it was in 2015) to intercept sessions of users who use open Wi-Fi.

When he was in the office with a colleague, he was able to use this program to enter her VK page, read private messages and copy the girl's personal photos from there (what was depicted on them was not indicated in the file). A colleague would never know about it, but the guy CAM showed the girl that he can read her correspondence.

Punishment: restriction of freedom for a period of five months.

I wanted to find, for example, a case in which a woman would be tried for reading the mail or social networks of her husband / friend. But there were no such ...

This is strange, because we are very curious and every third person does it. But, apparently, men do not consider such a situation a reason to bring a statement to the police against a loved one.

Hero # 4. Secretly set up a woman's call forwarding to his number

A man from Tyumen secretly entered a subscriber's personal account on the operator's website, which belonged to a woman and set up call forwarding to his number.

How exactly he got access to his personal account (he could reset the password via SMS while she walked away or ask to distribute Wi-Fi from a smartphone) and who the victim was to the defendant in the case is not specified.

Punishment: restriction of freedom for a period of ten months.

Hero # 5. Added a little personal opinion to the site of the district administration

Resident of the working village of Chany, Novosibirsk region:

by analysis, on the basis of available knowledge in the field of information technology, the defendant A.V. Popkov, modeled the account name and password to the administration system of the official website of the administration

After entering the site admin panel, he:

added with the text with obscene and profanity the headings "In the spring field work continues, but [obscene vocabulary] will make sense, still nothing will grow" and "Let's sing the song" Victory Day "", because there is nothing else to do, ...

He did all this right on his work computer, absolutely not caring about his anonymity.

Punishment: year of corrective labor. Here is a quote from the case:

to impose a punishment on him in the form of 1 (one) year of correctional labor with a deduction of 5% from wages to the state income with serving the sentence in places determined by the local government in agreement with the criminal executive inspectorate, but in the area of ​​residence of the convict.

Hero # 6. "Hacked" the website of a state organization

Resident of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region visited a "hacker" site, where he found and copied the login and password of the specified web server with an IP address.

It was a service web server that belonged to the Ministry of Informatization and Communications. The man connected to the server and
installed and launched special software designed to obtain passwords for all users of this operating system, and designed to promote websites in search engines.

Punishment: a fine of 100,000 rubles (canceled in connection with the decree "On the declaration of amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945")

Hero # 7. Stole items in an online game

A resident of the Ramensky District of the Moscow Region infected the victim's computer with Trojan.PWS.Gamania and as a result gained access to his account in the game Lineage 2. After that, he logged into it nine times and sold items in the game store.

Punishment: 4 months of restriction of freedom.

Hero # 8. Stole the username and password from the mailbox using a phishing email

A sysadmin from Orsk sent a link to a phishing page under the guise of a lucrative offer from a non-existent client to the mailbox of the company he previously worked for. The letter fell into the "right hands":

In the period from *** hour. *** on ***. *** years, an unidentified person from among the employees of LLC "***", unaware of the criminal intentions of I.A. : // www. ***, containing a fake electronic page that imitates access to the electronic mail service *** with a proposal to re-enter the network details of access to the login and password of the email account ***.

A person unidentified by the investigation from among the employees of LLC "***", not realizing the forgery of the specified electronic page, entered the network details of access to the e-mail ***.

After that, the defendant successfully entered the mailbox and copied letters from there to his hard drive, which was discovered as a result of the search. He told the police that he did not use this data and did all of the above simply for the purpose of check yourself.

Punishment: imprisonment for a period of three months.

How are criminals identified?

Girls are sometimes ashamed to write this and ask for help. Because the cause of heartache is generally ridiculous. Own illusions. I also laughed at such. Until I got myself into it.

And yes, I also had a principle not to correspond for a long time))) However ...

3+ months: Skype also corresponded. I got used to waking up to his messages and falling asleep to his wishes for a good night. It almost came to Wirth. "There is no working draft yet": I will arrive at the end of February (crossed out), in mid-March (crossed out), in April. "I'm going to you", "I love you, I think." "I'll come and pick you up." As a result, it was a week in April. On the first weekend, disappeared from the radar ("I was drunk, you wouldn't like it"). On the second weekend, he set up a meeting with me right before departure. Transferred for another 1 hour, was late for an hour ("go somewhere to order something"). At the meeting, he behaved in such a way that he did not even feel like friendship. He teased (foolishly. For example, we went to look for a cafe, I look at the map "Do women suffer, you know what? Topographic ... (and like I should finish the sentence). strange, as if on a drug, although the brain is on, and he mentioned one drug pill). I brought him the book that I promised. He said, "now I will feel guilty for not bringing you anything that I promised, and the guilt pours into shame . And you know the shame in what? In aggression, and it will be directed at you. " I kept trying to cancel the order in the cafe, okay, I think I'll be patient, I'll look into my eyes, listen. Still, because of anger, I was constrained all the time. And I wanted to give myself the opportunity to relax a little in a conversation, general topics to find. Finally asked "Do you want me to take you to the airport?" (he asked before the meeting) "Will you stay with me? (means: before departure, and departure tomorrow morning). "No" "Then what's the point?"

Humanly, I am squeamish. And it's a shame that I bought this third-rate giveaway.

What makes a man manipulate like that, waste so much time? Is it so empty that he sees himself only through the eyes of women in love? Why did you come to the meeting if you didn't want to?
I think, in this case, not everything is so simple. He is not a perverse narcissist, all the signs of which he shows (after all, he was partly honest, I made it all up for myself). You can't help me with psychological articles here. He lives in another country, and he spends his free time on therapy, but she doesn’t seem to help him. And yes, he is very attractive as a man. Intelligence is not very strong but very high ranking. What am I all about him ...

But people. How bad .. Why did I fall for this? Clever and beautiful, active, 33 years old. What's happening to me? I am de-energized. Would restore faith in love

It seems that at first I took it easily, but now a week has passed and again it has been doused with cold. Now I cried it became easier.

Please support me with your heart, words, your stories, your questions, information. Links to films / books - I would very much like to - but if only in a personal (according to the rules, comments cannot be made)

To correspond

To correspond

1. with someone... Write letters to each other, exchange letters with someone. Chat with friends. We often correspond with him.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary... D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "CORRESPONDING" is in other dictionaries:

    Corresponding, correspondence, tapping, writing off, being in correspondence, changing whitewash, changing whitewash, downloading, fiddling around, exchanging letters, being in correspondence, getting off, checking out, rolling, copying ... ... Synonym dictionary

    CORRESPONDING, I don’t think it’s; unverified. Exchange letters, write to each other. P. with friends. | noun correspondence, and, wives. Be in correspondence with whom n. Secrecy of correspondence (official guarantee of inviolability and non-disclosure of all kinds of content ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Nessov. 1. Exchange letters with someone, write letters to each other. 2.dep. When registering, to be determined, to be enrolled in another category, in another group. 3. Be subject to rewriting, correspondence. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Corresponding, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, texting, ... ... Word forms

    correspond- to rewrite, I guess, it turns out ... Russian spelling dictionary

    correspond- (I), rewrite / write (s), hang (s), wake (s) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    correspond- Syn: see correspond ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    I. REWRITING, REWRITING; CORRESPOND see Rewrite. II. CORRESPONDING nsv. 1. to Correspond. 2. Exchange letters with smb., Write to each other. P. with friends. ◁ Correspondence (see) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    correspond- I see rewrite; is eaten; suffering. II see rewrite, rewrite III I say, you think; nsv. see also. correspondence 1) to ... Dictionary of many expressions

    correspond- 1.5.4., CCM 3 ... Experimental syntactic dictionary


  • Favorites. Let's correspond with American speed ... Correspondence 1880-1905
  • Favorites. "Let's correspond with American speed ..." Correspondence 1880-1905, Safonov Vasily Ilyich. The proposed edition is the first publication in Russia of a selected correspondence of V.I.Safonov - an outstanding musician, pianist and conductor, as well as a major public figure in Russia ...

Most of the girls communicate with men through SMS or correspondence in social networks. But few people know that in fact, correspondence is a very powerful weapon for intriguing and falling in love with men, even before you met. And there are even fewer girls who use these weapons correctly. Now you will learn how to use SMS correspondence to fall in love and seduce any man.

SMS correspondence allows you to build in some commands and launch cool little thought viruses, as a result of which he will think about you while you sent it and forgot.

If you send him a catchy SMS and forget about it, he will think, call back, answer you. And at this time you go about your business. You work, study, communicate with your friends, and he has already phoned, texted you. And he wants to see you, he thinks about you and emotionally invests in you! Beauty!
It's especially cool to use SMS to avoid calling the first guy. No, I’m not saying that you should never call him first, but I say that there are situations when you don’t know if he can talk on the phone now, if it’s convenient for him - then you just send him a “special” SMS, after which he starts ringing you as soon as he reaches the phone.

In SMS, you can write what you cannot tell him, that you are uncomfortable, or some kind of frankness. Therefore, SMS has a number of advantages over real communication.

Let's consider the basic rules and techniques in SMS correspondence, which, if you use, will give results almost immediately.

1. He must wait for an answer from you always longer than you waited for an answer from him. And you NEVER answer him right away. Even if you are free, even if you really expected his answer, even if you really want to ..

2. Your messages should be shorter than his messages. Writing whole stories for him in prose is the lot of women who lack communication. This is what he begins to think when he sees from you a text message of A4 size and full of emoticons and other crap. The fact that you communicate with him and correspond, already speaks of your interest.
In order to create the correct image in SMS, your messages should be two times shorter than his. This will indicate that he wants to communicate with you more. Yes, it seems that it is simple and banal, but in practice it gives a powerful result in the form of his real interest in you.

3. SMS should contain only letters folded into words. And nothing more. Never. Nobody. No emoticons, no other punctuation marks, not even periods or question marks.

You will learn about the other 10 rules of correspondence, from which he will simply "go crazy" at one of my online trainings. Here are some of them:

Image in SMS
- Emotional buildup
- Intrigue

Purpose of SMS

You will also receive 30 specific examples of SMS, after which the man starts thinking about you, falling in love with you and striving to meet you as soon as possible.

The main rules of correspondence with a man

It amazes me why girls miss out on so many opportunities to make a man intrigued by you, to start thinking about you and fall in love, to start giving you gifts, trying to get you out on a date, etc.
Text messaging or chatting on social networks is one of the most powerful tools that, if used correctly, will lead a man to fall in love with you and want to ask you out on a date. Any man.

Correspondence rules

At first glance, it may not be clear why I paid so much attention to the correspondence. But now you will understand.
Do not forget to write in the comments below how you corresponded with men earlier, whether you did it correctly and how you will act now, after reading this article.
In general, you will learn how to correspond correctly, what to write so that guys fall in love with you at my training or in coaching.

Well, for now, I'll just give you basic and very valuable recommendations. If you use them, they will give you results today, and today he will invite you on a cool romantic date, or drag you into some pleasant and emotional adventure.


Most women use correspondence as a means of information
each other and men about anything.

Do you really think he is interested in what you did today? Or, after you answer his next question, it will become more interesting for him to communicate with you and he wants to see you as soon as possible?

NO! NO! NO! and again NO!
Remember, every SMS, every message should have its own specific purpose. The common goal of all communication with men is to call emotions to you in their heads!

Therefore, the purpose of each SMS is to evoke some kind of emotion. Not informing him about something that seems interesting to you, but a CHALLENGE OF EMOTIONS!

When he begins to feel emotions for you, he begins to become attached to you, begins to want you. Men want not the most beautiful, not the smartest, men want those - WHO CAUSES EMOTIONS. Although ... they will never tell you about it ... ..tk. they themselves do not realize this, otherwise everyone would marry only beauties.

Ok, back to the correspondence.

There are 10 main rules of correspondence. Now we will consider only 3, but the effect of them will pleasantly surprise you, as well as many of my students.
Rule # 1. Never reply to an SMS about it as soon as you read it. He must wait. The longer the better. When he waits, he thinks of you. He starts to get nervous. He has questions: why don't you answer, what are you doing so important and interesting. This is very good for you! Just remember yourself, when you were waiting for a message or a call from someone, remember your condition, how glad you were when he finally called or wrote.

You can reply to SMS in 30-60 minutes, and preferably in 12-24 hours. This will fuel his interest in you even more.

1 SMS per day is the norm.

Rule number 2. Your text in SMS should be shorter than his.
Much shorter: he has 2 sentences, you have one, he has 2 words, you have one. The length of the text during correspondence shows your level of interest in it. It may sound silly, but men take it that way. Play by these rules and his interest in you will grow.

Also remove all signs and emoticons! There are only words in the text of the message! ONLY WORDS. And nothing more. Extra characters show your wrong image in SMS. You probably think something like: he won't understand anything without punctuation marks. So that's great! Let him think, wonder what you wrote - it plays in your favor. And if he does not understand anything at all, he will start calling back, and you will not pick up the phone.

It will be a cool intrigue from scratch.

Rule number 3. And a few words about the image. When you write a message to a man, always remember what kind of your image you put in the text of the SMS.
How you write, so he will understand!

If you pass on to him the image of an insecure, unlucky woman, who is all bad with men and life is hard, then he simply will not want to drag such a woman out on a date. And if you create the image of a cool woman whom everyone loves, who is lucky in life, who is looked after by different men, who always knows what to do and with whom to spend great time - then he will start thinking how to make such a woman his own. And he will begin to act for this. You will learn the rest of the rules and techniques of correspondence in my seminar "Falling in love by correspondence". Also, you will receive 30 specific examples and SMS templates, from which men just go crazy and they fall in love with you from a distance.

“Where were my eyes? How could I not understand this before ?! " If you are asking yourself these questions while shedding tears over your phone, this article will teach you how to save your nerves while texting with a man.

1. If you have long dreamed of trying yourself in the epistolary genre, correspondence with the man you are interested in is not the best reason to start. Most likely, he will not appreciate your creative torment and will answer your essay with a short "aha" or ")))", and you will feel stupid.

2. Do not look for a hidden meaning in a man's messages, it is simply not there. Men are straight creatures, they say and write what they think. If he wrote that he cannot meet with you because he is tired, this does not mean at all that he is tired, pleasing his long-legged rival, most likely, he just has a blockage at work.

3. A correspondence guru does not mean that in real life he is a cool guy. It is possible that all his eloquence is taken from the collection of "500 best SMS".

4. Conversely, he may be tongue-tied and respond shortly to all your messages, or even not be able to combine more than three words into a sentence, but in life he will turn out to be sweet and kind, and even be the soul of the company. Not everyone is given to be a writer.

5. If he does not answer your messages, do not rush to give up on yourself and sign up to the old maidens ahead of time. He may be sitting in a work meeting or running on a treadmill. You, too, do not spend your days with your phone in hand. Or…?

6. Feel free to write first. You are both adults, why not ask him a question of interest yourself? The main thing is not to write more than one message, so that he does not find you intrusive.

7. If, as your relationship develops, he has become less likely to write to you, this does not mean that his feelings for you grow cold. On the contrary, a man can be convinced of the seriousness of his intentions and consider your relationship stable, and for him this is a sign that the pace of correspondence can be reduced.

8. Yes, he got it, he got your message! Do not send it again and again, suspecting a mobile connection in a conspiracy against you.

9. "I will not answer him right away, let him suffer!" - What kind of kindergarten? After all, we have already found out that you are both adults, if you want to communicate - communicate, if you want to play - play with your cat.

10. Never quarrel in correspondence. If you want to sort things out, do it personally. The message can be misinterpreted, and every girl knows how much you can wind up in the pause between messages.

What else to read