Translator profession: description, pros and cons, skills required. The profession of a translator - is it in demand at remote work Information about the profession of a translator

A translator is a specialist who translates scientific, economic, technical, legal or other information.

The distinctive features of such a translation are accuracy, impersonality and emotionlessness. There are many terms, specialized definitions or slang expressions in the texts.

The types of technical translation include full translation (the main form of technical translation), abstract translation (the content of the translated text is compressed), annotation translation, translation of titles and oral technical translation (for example, to train employees to work on foreign equipment). In turn, legal or economic translation can be used to exchange professional information related to the socio-political, economic and cultural characteristics of the country.

Depending on what topic and content are in the source text, and prevails in the translation itself, the translator sets himself one of two possible tasks:

  • or literally translate the text;
  • or make the translation available for easy reading.

Translators can work both in private companies and in government agencies, for example, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in embassies, Russian missions abroad, etc. They can translate technical, legal, fiction, business documents. Often the work of a translator is not limited to the translation of separate, unrelated materials. He can participate in the compilation of thematic reviews on foreign materials.

How will the nature of work and the demand for the profession of "Writer-translator" change in the future?

The development of semantic translation programs is proceeding by leaps and bounds, and even now a simple technical translation can be performed automatically. These programs are already capable of translating both written and spoken language. As the technology continues to evolve, the niche for human translators will remain only for highly skilled professionals, usually those involved in complex translations or working in the field of literary translation.

Translator Is a specialist who interprets the speech of different language groups.

The main goal of a translator's work is to convey the meaning of a foreign story to the target audience in an accessible way.

The roots of the profession go back to ancient times. Ancient Egypt and ancient Greece highly appreciated the work of translators, and if not for them, the books of the Old Testament were inaccessible to us.

Tolmachi took an active part in political negotiations, signing peace and unleashing wars, they received ambassadors and worked on state documentation.

Nowadays, the work of translation masters is also highly valued. The current century is simply not possible without the Internet and regular communication with representatives of different nationalities. And it was the translators who provided invaluable assistance to us.

Professional holiday

1991 was a special year for these specialists, because it was in this year that this holiday began to be celebrated.

September 30 was proclaimed as International Day of Translator. On this day, both interpreters and translators celebrate their professional holiday all over the world.

On this significant day, it is prestigious to hold various events: conferences, exhibitions, developmental trainings and seminars.


The profession of translator is mainly subdivided into the following branches:

  • Oral simultaneous translators. The work consists in instant translation of the speaker's direct speech into a specific language.
  • Oral consecutive interpreters. They are in demand in business negotiations that require translation. They occur according to the scheme - a conversation, and its translation in sentences or parts: obtaining information by a specialist, carefully processing it, issuing it in a different language.
  • Written technical translators. Must have a deep knowledge of the relevant industries and a good understanding of highly specialized terminology. The principle of their work is the translation of a technical text.
  • Written translators of fiction. The main feature of the work is artistic and authoring abilities. They often have to redo the original text to make it understandable for readers. Excellent translations of poems by famous poets, colorful translations of works by popular writers, world bestsellers - the work of these specialists.

Absolutely every specialization of translators is necessary and important. They help to make our world more understandable, and give the opportunity to always be heard and understood throughout the world.

Pros and cons

The work of a translator definitely has its advantages:

  • high demand for specialists;
  • there are unique opportunities to work in international companies;
  • there is no language barrier at all;
  • sometimes there is an opportunity to work from home;
  • there is an expansion of horizons;
  • the circle of communication is increasing;
  • an interesting type of work that constantly pushes for development;
  • an opportunity for good earnings is provided;
  • quite a prestigious specialty.

However, like any other specialty, there are downsides:

  • irregular work schedule;

Sometimes the translator has to work at high speed, so it is necessary to have endurance and patience.

Qualification requirements for a translator

Translators usually have the following requirements:

  • good command of a foreign language;
  • be able to do oral and written translations;
  • have a higher education;
  • know certain terminology;
  • own a computer.

Knowledge of the basics of psychology and ethics of business communication will be useful for working as a translator.

Job responsibilities

The duties of a translator are usually as follows:

  • make interpretation and translation;
  • consecutive translations at business meetings;
  • quickly translate a text, letter or document;
  • help edit a translation done by another employee.

Specialist help may be required at various events as linguistic support.

A responsibility

The main responsibility of the translator is:

  • non-fulfillment or poor performance of their duties;
  • offenses that are committed in the course of work;
  • material damage caused;
  • violation of labor discipline.

Responsibility is assigned for the timing of their work, for the uniqueness of the text and errors in translation.

The powers of the translator

The translator has the right to:

  • compliance with the necessary conditions to ensure a high level of translation;
  • a break from work in order to rest and eat;
  • obtaining copyright that will be protected by law.

All this is necessary to ensure a comfortable work process for a specialist, to protect his work and to increase his work efficiency.

General characteristics of the profession (who is a translator?)

This is a profession that requires versatile knowledge and talents. It is necessary to have a broad outlook, curiosity, erudition. To be able to listen carefully to people, answer them, talk to them, but at the same time feel the borderline of what is permitted, the style and emotionality of speech.

  1. The demand for the profession is growing. Thanks to the Internet, the doors of the largest corporations, banks and agencies are opened for specialists.
  2. For professional translators such qualities as diplomacy and high communication skills are important. The main task of their work is to achieve understanding of people, and provide them with the opportunity to agree.
  3. The specialty gives a chance to work in international companies. The possibility of traveling on business trips abroad is provided. The work will be especially interesting for those who love learning foreign languages ​​and cultural features of other countries.
  4. The main thing is constant self-improvement. New linguistic expressions, phrases, slangs, abbreviations appear. Therefore, you need to be aware of all the innovations, you need to monitor language changes, attend conferences, seminars, refresher courses. In a word - always be on the same wavelength.

Sometimes you have to work in real time, with a quick and frequent change of scene, with a huge number of people. But the profession provides amazing opportunities, the main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in time.

Professional skills and abilities of translators

He can provide invaluable assistance in choosing a profession. But if you are already sure that you want to become a translator, you need to learn:

  • promptly carry out any types of translations: technical, business, various types;
  • carry out consecutive or simultaneous translations of seminars or conferences;
  • competently own the software;
  • gravitate towards new knowledge.

Regardless of the target language, a specialist must know English thoroughly, and understand its economic and financial terms, names and abbreviations.

Personal professional qualities necessary for a translator

The specialty requires a lot of effort from the employee. He is obliged not only to work intensively, but also to actively learn. Therefore, you need to soberly assess your capabilities and have the following set of qualities:

  • possession of professional translation skills;
  • literacy;
  • self-organization;
  • observation;
  • self-control;
  • good diction;
  • attentiveness;
  • sociability;
  • mobility;
  • patience;
  • psychological endurance;
  • efficiency.

Quite often, translation masters simply need good physical shape, benevolence and emotional stability.

Translator career

  1. The profession is the ideal option for any careerist. A translation master can easily become a manager or start his own business, which happens quite often.
  2. Graduates have the opportunity to lead successful companies. The doors to international relations are also opening for them, which implies an increase in income and prestige.
  3. There is a possibility of earning money abroad. In the future, the prospect of obtaining citizenship and solid earnings appears.

Career growth for competent professionals is a matter of time and aspiration.

Places of work

The number of vacancies in this specialty is increasing every day. The following organizations are always glad to see translation masters:

  • government bodies;
  • publishing houses;
  • commercial companies;
  • travel agencies;
  • advertising companies;
  • marriage agencies.

Experts who have sufficient experience and a constant stream of clients can take on private orders, and in the future open their own agency.


The translator's earnings are based on the following factors:

  • qualification;
  • experience;
  • the number of orders;
  • place of work.

The average earnings of a translator vary from $ 300 to $ 1000.

A simultaneous interpreter can earn about 2000 dollars.

A unique specialist or high-level professional can earn about 3000 dollars.

Education - How to become a translator?

At the moment, there are specialized English language courses and training centers. After completing them, you will significantly improve your knowledge of the subject. But if you want to seriously engage in translations, then we still recommend getting a higher education.

When applying for a translator, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen university and faculty. In prestigious institutions, there is usually a huge competition for a place, it can reach about a hundred people.

After graduating from the chosen university, you will master the skills of a prestigious and very interesting profession and become much closer to your goal.

How to become a freelance translator

Translator is almost the most demanded freelance profession. In order to fulfill the order correctly and on time, translators do not always have to be in the office. You can also work remotely, at home. And the finished work result can be easily sent by e-mail.

Any specialist can become a freelancer, the condition is perfect knowledge of foreign languages.

You can start by submitting a resume and completing a creative assignment at a translation agency. This organization is an intermediary between the customer and the contractor. They have a huge customer base and different types of orders. Labor remuneration is mostly piece-rate, but very decent.

You can try to find orders on the remote work exchange. There, the customer posts an ad with certain requirements for candidates, the required amount of work and the cost of the job. An employee has a unique opportunity to independently select a suitable order.

There is also the option of direct communication with customers outside of the Internet. These can be publishing houses, various bureaus, offices that need high-quality translation.

Alexander Yurievich

Director of recruiting agency

Translator is a profession that has been very prestigious and in demand since ancient times. The mention of the very first representatives of this specialty goes back to Ancient Egypt. Even then, translators were its honorary residents. Their services were especially in demand in Ancient Greece, which was in close contact with the states of the East. If not for their knowledge of languages, then, perhaps, some books of the Bible did not reach our time. After all, almost the entire Old Testament was preserved exclusively in Greek translation. In ancient Russia, translations were carried out by monks-interpreters, who were considered quite educated people. Now translators are quite large, and knowledge of a foreign language is a guarantee of rapid career growth and high salaries. But any profession has a downside. So, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this specialty and talk about the main areas of activity.

Advantages of the profession of a translator

At the moment, about 70% of vacancies do not require the applicant to know a foreign language at least with a dictionary. What can we say about translators! A linguist-translator who graduated from a university must be fluent in two foreign languages ​​(this is the minimum). According to the rector of one of the capital's language universities, 95% of its graduates are in demand. Moreover, many are making excellent careers in government structures. The other 5% are graduates and postgraduates who continued their education abroad, as well as girls who went on maternity leave.

In general, there are now many areas where a translator (from Russian into English, etc.) can realize himself. This is the sphere of advertising, and journalism, and PR, and the tourism business. And, of course, a translation agency. Also, a high demand for the services of these specialists is observed in large publishers. This is not surprising, because for 5 years of study, in addition to linguistic, the translator also receives a philological education.

Bright prospects are opening up in the business sector. A manager with knowledge of languages ​​is valued much higher. In addition, perfect knowledge of the language is required to pass the competition for a foreign company. Salaries in such firms are very high. Well, as a bonus, there is the provision of the best medical care and a significant social package.

Cons of the profession of a translator

To begin with, getting a linguistic education is not an easy task. 30 people per place - this is the competition for a faculty at a prestigious university. In addition, both admission and training require considerable financial resources. Secondary school does not provide the necessary level of knowledge, so parents have to hire a tutor for their children. And this is about 10-15 dollars per hour. University teachers and professors charge 4-5 times more. To get a good language base for admission to a university, you need to study for two years at least a couple of times a week. Not all parents can afford this luxury.

The most difficult exam at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. In addition to oral and written exams, only applicants who have communicated with native speakers in the respective country need to pass. All this also requires money. Alternatively, you can immediately go for paid education, the prices for which vary from $ 1,500 to $ 5,000 (depending on the faculty). But even in order to get into paid education, you need to gain the required number of points.

The easiest way to master the specialty "translator" (the history of the profession was briefly mentioned at the beginning of the article) is to study at a paid university. This way you can save both your nerves and money. But very few employers recognize commercial degrees. Reputable companies need solid diplomas.

Another disadvantage concerns directly professional activities after graduation. There are low-quality translation agencies that seriously compete with highly qualified employees. Only a professional can check the "knowledge" of laymen, but not every customer has it. Pseudo-translators charge little money for their services. As a result, the painstaking and intellectual work of real professionals drops in price.


A modern translator is a profession that includes such specialties as:

  • intercultural communication and linguistics;
  • translation studies and translation;
  • methods of teaching languages ​​and cultures;
  • foreign language.

and linguistics

Quite broad specialization. Suitable for applicants who plan to study foreign languages, but are not yet sure of the desire to receive a specialty "translator". Profession in English obliges anyone who masters this specialty.

A linguist is a person who studies the structure of a language and its characteristic features. This specialty is very close to the profession of a philologist, who learns the factors that determine the development and formation of the language: customs, traditions, literature of the native people.

Very often linguists are engaged in research and science. They are also in demand in companies developing linguistic software (speech recognition, automatic translation, text processing programs). Many representatives of this profession create various computer dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias and Internet sites.

Translation studies and translation

Here the emphasis is on translation methodology and technique. Students will be taught technical, artistic, work of a simultaneous interpreter, etc. It is difficult to talk about within one article, so let's just say that specialists in this area are in great demand. And the highest salaries are received either by highly specialized workers or by highly qualified translators.

Teaching Methodology for Languages ​​and Cultures

The resulting qualification is a teacher, an option for those who have not yet decided on their future place of work.

In the curriculum, the history and traditions of the host country are studied in detail, as well as linguistic features, pronunciation options and methodology. With the acquired amount of knowledge, you can stay to teach at the institute or get a job at any other university.

Acquaintance with culture and language training are two areas in which a translator is trained. The profession of this profile also has disadvantages: a graduate learns only one language. The second can also be studied, but on a paid basis.

Foreign language

This specialty is available in all pedagogical universities. The graduate is not qualified as a "translator" (from Russian into English and vice versa), but as a "teacher". Suitable for high school. The student training program includes: developmental and child psychology, pedagogy and teaching methods. Upon graduation, the student will know two languages. But you need to understand that education is one thing, and vocation is quite another. And, as statistics show, 90% of those who graduated from the university do not go to school, and there are still not enough teachers.


So, we found out that a translator is a profession in demand, and if you decide to master it, then do not give up on your goal. This specialty will always feed you, regardless of the economic situation in the country. However, modern trends show that in order to earn money not only for food, it is worth applying your knowledge of a foreign language in other professions (to become a journalist, political scientist, economist, lawyer).


In our time, international relations are actively developing. This applies to both business and training. Therefore, the profession of "translator" is becoming more and more relevant. In this article, we will tell you in detail what kind of profession it is, what mission this specialist has and what he does in fulfilling his job duties. In order to give a definition and tell who the translator is, we turn to Wikipedia, which says that this is a qualified specialist who is engaged in oral or written translation from a native language into a foreign one, and vice versa.

Historical facts about the profession

Currently, there are several versions of how it happened that so many different languages ​​emerged on the planet.

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Holy Scripture tells us that God made it so that people would stop understanding each other during the construction of the Tower of Babel. Since they believed that by building a tower to the sky they could reach the Almighty. So, having ceased to distinguish between each other's speech, people abandoned meaningless construction and scattered around the globe.

Scientists have a different version. They believe that people initially began to speak different languages, since they did not live in the same area, but they were separated by mountains and oceans.

Each tribe developed its own language, and the more isolated the tribe was in, the more their language differed from the neighboring inhabitants.

In areas where people did not have any special obstacles to movement, the languages ​​of the locals occupied huge areas. For example, a huge number of people use Russian.

But no matter how many versions of the emergence of languages ​​there are, this does not remove the eternal need for people who know foreign languages ​​and contribute to beneficial and fruitful communication, bypassing language barriers.

Nowadays, most modern people know not only their native language, but I am one or several foreigners.

Let not ideally, but still they know how to communicate with the locals of those countries that they visit. And this is facilitated by developing tourism.

But tourist communication is far from what is needed when building business relationships or exchanging experiences. It is for these purposes that successful firms and international schools employ translators. And well-known publications and magazines sometimes employ more than one qualified employee capable of making competent translations.

What translators are there?

There are two types of translators:

  1. oral,
  2. written.
  • Oral - these are qualified specialists who, in the process of interpretation, can not only convey the translation correctly, but also create a special linguistic atmosphere for a person who is a native speaker of this language. This is necessary in order to be able to arrange him for a conversation. All this is necessary for the negotiations to be held at the highest level and bear fruit.
  • Writing the translator works with different types of texts: technical, legal, fiction, scientific texts and much more. Their task is to make the translation of the text as accurate as possible and not to miss the slightest detail.

How to become a translator?

  • In order to acquire the profession of "translator", a person, while still a schoolboy, must be actively engaged in the study of languages.
  • The second stage will be admission to a higher educational institution, where such specialists are trained. During their studies, students not only engage in in-depth study of languages ​​within the walls of their native university, but also often travel abroad, where they additionally undergo training in local language schools. That cannot but affect the increase in the level of knowledge of the language and more accurate pronunciation.

After receiving a diploma, a young translator can start looking for a job on his own, or get an assignment, which is received by especially talented students.

Requirements for the personal qualities of a translator

In order to become a translator, a person must have special personality traits that speak of his professional suitability.

  • Ability to learn languages;
  • Good memory;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Inquiring mind and analytical thinking;
  • To be able to work painstakingly to obtain an excellent result;
  • Be sociable;
  • Have a gentle character, be polite and tactful;
  • Be able to win over the interlocutor.

Requirements for professional skills

When hiring, almost every employer has the right to present the following professional requirements to every potential employee:

  • Excellent oral and written proficiency in one or more languages. Previously, it was English, German and French, but recently everything has changed a little, and instead of German and French, Chinese and Arabic languages ​​are slowly coming.
  • Competent knowledge of the native language. This applies to both speech and writing.
  • Knowledge of linguistic terminology;
  • Striving to improve their professional skills;
  • Willingness to travel.

Pros and cons of the profession

For children who aspire to become a translator, it will be important to know about the pros and cons of this profession. Since building a career being information-savvy is much easier.


  • The ability to realize your own ambitions;
  • Interesting work in the company of interesting and successful people;
  • Opportunity to reach a high level of income;
  • Career growth is possible with diligence;
  • Possibility of various part-time jobs remotely;
  • Meeting interesting people from other countries;
  • Business trips abroad are possible;
  • Continuous personal development.


  • Sometimes there is a high level of professional work, and the work time significantly exceeds the rest time;
  • In the early stages, young employees have low wages.

Let's summarize

In this article, we have provided brief information about who the translator is.

Now you know what kind of profession it is, and what prospects await such employees.

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A translator can sit all his life in a small stuffy office, translating pages of other people's documents for notarization, or he can help the leaders of countries communicate during the most important negotiations. The specialist performs the most important function - he helps people communicate and understand each other.

Without them, we would never have read the works of foreign language writers, we would not have watched foreign films, and we would not have learned about what is happening outside our country in general. But the work of not every employee is appreciated at its true worth - only 15% of translators are satisfied with their salaries. Should you devote your life to this profession? Where to study as a translator, what to be ready for and how to build a career? Let's talk in detail.

History of the profession

The profession, albeit not in its modern form, has existed since ancient times. Then representatives of different peoples spoke another language, in addition to their native language. The key function of these "specialists" was the translation of speeches and written messages. Usually, translators were used in negotiations or when declaring the will of a foreign-language ruler of a certain territory. Often these were people captured during the wars. In ancient Russia, translators were called interpreters. Presumably, their role was determined at the time of the beginning of the dialogue between the Russian principalities and the Turkic tribes.

The significance of the interpreters strengthened during the time of the vassal dependence of the Russian principalities on the Golden Horde - the collection of tribute and the governorship required knowledge of the Turkic language. In this regard, the position becomes official, and many translators go to the service of the prince or khan.

Who is a translator and what are his duties

Translator - a specialist who translates an oral or written text into another language. A professional person who simply knows a foreign language is distinguished by the absence of the right to make mistakes and the ability to correctly present information (to match the speed of the speaker's speech, avoid long pauses, and so on). Remember the dozens of incidents that the same politicians met in negotiations due to translators' mistakes. The same "overload" in relations between Russia and the United States (instead of "reset").

Key responsibilities of a specialist:

  • Translation of scientific and fictional literature, press, patent descriptions, specialized documents and other materials.
  • Performing translations of oral and written texts ensuring their full compliance with the semantic, lexical and stylistic content of the original.
  • Editing translations of other specialists.
  • Preparation of documentation and all kinds of texts in a foreign language in accordance with officially adopted standards.
  • Scientific work on the unification of terms and the improvement of translation technologies.

The scope of duties can expand or narrow depending on the qualifications of the employee, his experience and place of work. But the requirements for skills remain unchanged: a professional must not only be fluent in the language, but also comply with job descriptions. For example, to have a well-delivered speech, excellent memory for simultaneous translation, high typing speed, and so on.

It is necessary to constantly develop - every language lives and changes, new slang words and new tendencies appear in it.

If a specialist does not improve his qualifications, then within 1-2 years of "downtime" he may completely lose his skills.

Where can a specialist work

Translation agency... At least 50% of university graduates work in specialized bureaus that carry out oral and written translations from foreign languages. The customers of the organization can be individuals and legal entities, institutions and government agencies. The bureaus mainly perform written translations - these are documents (in particular, those preparing for a notarial declaration), educational works, books and magazines, letters, articles and much more.

Private organizations... Here specialists work for many customers, but in the interests of one company. Only 1-2% of organizations can afford to maintain a staff of translators - usually 1-2 people who perform a wide range of tasks. They go to negotiations, translate business correspondence, technical literature and documentation, prepare appeals and papers for negotiations with foreign partners or customers, provide information support to clients from foreign countries.

State structures... Specialists work in government agencies or collaborate with them in the framework of individual projects. Example: the regional administration is building partnerships with investors from, say, the Czech Republic. They need translators with knowledge of the Czech language on a permanent basis, since the volume of work is large and the workload is regular. Another example: from the same Czech Republic a delegation of, say, athletes comes to the region to participate in some event. In this case, a translator with knowledge of the Czech language will be required for one-time, project work.

Publishers and Studios... Thousands of books, films, TV series and lyrics are translated every year. Working in publishing houses, film studios, production centers and similar companies requires a specialist to know the specifics of the literary language and modern slang. You've probably noticed how different the quality of the translation, for example, of the same series in different studios. It's not about voice acting, but about vocabulary. Here, not only the clarity of the content depends on the translator, but also the pleasure received by the listener, viewer, reader from an oral or written text.

Freelance... According to unofficial statistics, at least 10% of the total number of graduates of educational institutions in Russia are constantly working in freelance mode. They find regular customers, collaborate on projects with organizations and institutions, or look for work on popular freelance exchanges. The key advantage of such a regime is absolute freedom, the ability to independently build a schedule and regulate income. The main drawback is the lack of any guarantees, in particular, stable payment and the fulfillment by the customer of the terms of the contract.

Where to study to be a translator? TOP-5 Universities

The best choice would be a linguistic (language) university. You can start your education in college and eventually continue it by going to university on an accelerated program.

A diploma of higher education gives preferences in employment, being an indicator of the quality of training.

However, work experience and qualifications become the key argument in your favor for the employer. You will have to improve it throughout your career. And the higher the quality of the knowledge gained during training, the better. Therefore, it is worth trying to enter the best university available to you.

TOP-5 linguistic universities in Russia:

  1. Moscow State University Lomonosov.
  2. SPbSU.
  3. MGIMO.
  4. Moscow Linguistic University.
  5. Russian State University. Kosygin.

Choosing a university is an important stage in a translator's career, but not a decisive one.

Graduates from provincial educational institutions far from the top of the rankings can build successful careers. But in the course of independent preparation, they will have to do much more than students of elite universities. Moreover, you will not receive the most valuable connections, which graduates of prestigious universities "acquire" during their studies and which help them with employment.

An excellent solution would be to enroll in master's programs at foreign universities. This opportunity should be used not only by bachelors who want to emigrate, but also by graduates who want to succeed in their careers as a translator. The opportunity to study a language in depth for several years in a country where it is official is an invaluable experience. It will help you reach the top and become an important column on your resume. You can also let: approve scholarships and grants from foreign universities, which honestly offer free education. The procedure for admission and registration of documents is rather complicated, but it is worth it.

What qualities do you need to have

  • Excellent memory... One of the basic requirements for advanced study of any language. If you are forgetful, you should be willing to put a lot of effort into developing your memory.
  • Logical thinking... It is not enough to remember individual words and phrases - you need to understand its logic, features of vocabulary and word formation. Developed logical thinking will become the basis for understanding grammar, slang expressions.
  • Perseverance... The work of a translator can hardly be called exciting - it is usually associated with many hours of sedentary work behind piles of foreign language texts.
  • Stress resistance... It is especially important for simultaneous interpreting when you are under constant stress trying to synchronize your speech with the speaker's speech.
  • Attentiveness... Each mistake can lead to distortion of huge blocks of text. History knows a lot of examples of the breakdown of negotiations or, say, unsuccessful film rentals due to inaccuracies in translations.

The relevance of the profession of a translator and its prospects

Key confrontations unfold in the IT field. Many experts say that in the near future, trainable artificial intelligence will be able to completely replace a living translator. However, the developers themselves are cautious about such prospects. Most of them speak of such a possibility as a rather distant reality.

According to analytical data, in the next 20-30 years, machines will not be able to replace the work of translators even by 15%. At the same time, the specialists themselves are happy to use new developments, professional software - it really helps in their work. If you liked the presentation of your profession at the Doors Open Day at the university or if you have been writing an essay on the topic: "My future profession is a translator" from elementary grades, then you can safely follow your dream.

Pros and cons of being a translator

This specialty is suitable for people who enjoy challenging, stressful, orderly work. There are no risks, threats to life and health here. It is difficult for a translator to get physically injured at work. But to shatter the psyche and bring oneself to hysteria as a result of constant stress and the burden of responsibility is quite real.

pros profession translator:

  • Relevance of the specialty ... This is a demanded profession and even university graduates do not, as a rule, face a shortage of vacancies. The only exceptions are rare, in particular endangered languages.
  • Lots of employment options ... You can work in a regular translation agency, in private companies and government agencies, you can translate books, films and TV series, you can accompany tourists or even stay freelance.
  • Career prospects ... All in your hands! If you are constantly developing, continuing to learn the language throughout your life, do not “marinate” yourself in one job and are not afraid of change - you have every chance of achieving success.
  • Quite high salaries ... They cannot be compared with the income of top managers in oil companies, but in comparison with the national average they are high. Moreover, with experience and advanced training, you will be able to qualify for an increase in salary.
  • Real opportunity for emigration ... Translators especially often use special programs, graduate from master's degrees abroad, receive grants and scholarships from foreign universities, as they are fluent in the language and successfully pass tests.

Minuses profession translator:

  • Difficult and responsible work ... Most specialists are under constant stress, feel the burden of responsibility and often suffer from stress.
  • The need for constant development ... Only 1-2 years without practice (for example, during maternity leave) and you "drop out" of the profession. The language changes very quickly and you must constantly improve your qualifications.
  • Monotonous labor ... Wherever you work, you will constantly be dealing with large volumes of text - written or oral. There are no surprises to be expected.
  • Low salaries at the start of a career ... University graduates, even with 1-2 years of work experience, can rarely get a high-paying job.

If you love languages, if you are ready to devote your life to establishing communication and linguistic connection between people - this profession is for you. If you want something more dynamic and exciting, and you go to a linguistic university only because of the prospect of a high salary, you will hate your job with all your heart. Before entering, we recommend that you analyze in advance all the pros and cons, and then make a balanced choice.

How much do translators get in Russia

According to analytical services, the average salary of a Russian translator is 34.7 thousand rubles. At the same time, there are significant differences between the average salaries in the regions. Most of all receive specialists from Moscow (42 thousand rubles), St. Petersburg (38 thousand rubles) and Vladivostok (36 thousand rubles). Salaries differ not only in the regions, but also in organizations - the maximum in private companies, the minimum in government agencies.

In the course of their careers, translators can expect significant salary increases. For 5 years of work, you can really increase your income by 10-15 thousand rubles. Do not forget that the amount of wages depends on the relevance of the language. In some cases, specialists with knowledge of rare languages ​​receive large fees, but usually collaborate with them only in the framework of individual projects. Translators specializing in English, German, French and Arabic make the most money.

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