Acquisition (purchase) of goods through accountable persons. Materials were received from the accountable person, posting. Materials were purchased through the reporting person. Posting.

Accounting for settlements with accountable persons is kept on account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” (A-P). Analytical accounting of the account is maintained for each accountable person. After issue money to the employee, the accountant will make a posting:

Debit 71 – money issued on account

Credit 50 (51)

Write-off of spent accountable amounts is made on the basis of the approved advance report and is reflected in the credit of account 71.


Type of consumption Wiring
− property acquired D 10 (08, 41) – materials were capitalized (fixed assets,

K 71 goods) purchased by an accountable person

When purchasing valuables in retail trade, the employee must submit to the accounting department sales receipt or invoice and check tontrolling cash machine (KKM).

− expenses are related to the needs of the main, auxiliary or service industries D 20 (23, 29) – the expenses of the accountable person are written off as expenses

K 71 main (auxiliary, servicing)


− expenses related to management activities D 25 (26) – paid by accountable persons for general production

K 71 (general business) expenses.

− expenses related to the sale of finished products or goods D 44 – expenses of accountable persons are taken into account in sales expenses
− expenses for non-production activities (for example, expenses for sporting events, recreation, entertainment, etc.): D 91 – expenses of the accountable are taken into account as part of other expenses


Purpose of the trip Wiring
− purchase, delivery of fixed assets (equipment, cars, etc.) D 08 – business trip expenses related to the purchase are written off,

To 71 delivery of fixed assets

− purchase, delivery of materials D 10 – business trip costs associated with the purchase are written off,

K 71 delivery of materials

− purchase, delivery of goods D 41 – expenses for a business trip related to the purchase are written off,

To 71 delivery of goods

− concluding agreements on the sale of products, studying sales markets in other regions, participating in exhibitions D 44 – expenses for a business trip related to sales are written off
− participation in training seminars, shareholder meetings, other goals related to production activities D 26 – expenses for a business trip necessary for

To 71 management needs of the organization

− warranty repairs of previously sold products (if a reserve for warranty repairs has been created) D 96 – expenses for a business trip related to the return are written off,

K 71 transportation of defective products

− business trip of a non-production nature (for example, checking a summer camp owned by an enterprise) D 29 (91) – business trip expenses are written off, not directly

To 71 related to production activities pre-

− elimination of consequences of emergency situations D 91 – expenses for business trips related to

To 71 eliminating the consequences of an emergency

If the employee has unspent balance of advance payment, then within 3 days allotted for drawing up the advance report, it must be returned to the cashier according to the cash receipt order. In accounting, such an operation is formalized by posting:

D 50 – the balance of the advance from the accountable person is returned to the cashier

If an employee reasonably spent money in an amount greater than the advance payment, then amount of overspending reimbursed to him from the organization's cash desk on the basis of an approved advance report. This operation is formalized by posting:

D 71 – the employee is reimbursed for expenses exceeding the amount of the advance issued

If the employee didn't return the accountable amount within the prescribed period, then within a month(limitation period) by order of the head of the enterprise, it must be withheld from the employee’s wages. This operation is executed by transactions:

D 94 – the accountable amount not returned on time is reflected

D 70 – unreturned accountable amount was withheld from the employee’s salary

As long as the amount not paid on time is registered with the employee, it is regarded as a loan provided to him. In this case, the material benefit from the use of borrowed funds must be calculated. If the debt is written off at the expense of the organization, then this amount must be included in the employee’s total income and personal income tax must be withheld from it.

Accounting for settlements with personnel for other operations.

is maintained on account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” (A - P). Sub-accounts can be opened for the account: 73-1 “Settlements for loans provided”;

73-2 “Calculations for compensation for material damage”;

73-3 “Payments for goods provided on credit”;

73-4 “Insurance settlements”, etc.

1C: Accounting 8.0. Practical tutorial Fadeeva Elena Anatolyevna

7.2 Purchasing materials through an accountable person

The issuance of cash against a report is documented in the document “Cash expenditure order”. The document indicates the type of transaction “Issue of funds to the accountable”.

The return of unused funds to the cash desk is carried out using the document “Cash receipt order” with the established type of operation “Return of funds by the accountant”. The document indicates the amount of the refund, the cash desk, the accountable person, and the document on which the funds were issued.

Advance reports are stored and edited in the “Advance reports” journal.

The advance report document is drawn up in the currency that is determined for the employee when funds are issued to him (the “Cash Expenditure Order” document), as the currency of the accountable person. It has several tabular parts, which are located on the corresponding tabs. Information about funds received by an accountable person is displayed on the “Advances” tab.

Funds issued to an accountable person can be spent on:

Purchase of goods and containers (bookmarks “Products” and “Containers”)

Payment to suppliers (Payment tab)

Other (additional) expenses (“Other” tab).

Data on the expenditure of funds is filled in the document “Advance report” on the corresponding tabs of the tabular section.

Purchase of goods

Information about the goods purchased by the accountable person is recorded on the “Goods” tab, information about the purchase of returnable containers is recorded on the “Containers” tab.

Information about the amounts spent by the accountable person is filled out in accordance with the printed forms of documents provided by the accountable person.

When filling out information about goods purchased by an accountable person, the amount spent by the accountable person is displayed in two currencies: the currency indicated in the printed form of the document on the basis of which the record of the purchase of goods is made, and in the currency of mutual settlements of the accountable person.

If the goods purchased by the accountable immediately arrive at the warehouse, then the document indicates the type of receipt “To the warehouse” and indicates the warehouse to which the goods were received. When you enter the quantity and price of inventory items, the total amount and VAT amount are calculated automatically. Information about received invoices is also indicated in the entries in the tabular section of the “Products” tab.

Payment to the supplier

The accountable person's expenses for paying suppliers are recorded on the "Payment" tab. The amounts are recorded in two currencies: the currency in which the accountable person actually paid the supplier and in the currency of mutual settlements specified in the supplier’s agreement. When conducting an advance report, the amount owed to the supplier is automatically adjusted.

Additional costs

Additional expenses of the accountable person may include travel expenses, travel expenses, gasoline costs, etc. This information is filled in on the “Other” tab. As additional information, the cost item to which other expenses of the accountant should be attributed can be indicated.

When recording a document, according to the rows of the tabular parts “Goods” and “Other”, in which the “Invoice presented” flag is set, documents of the type “Invoice received” are generated.

The configuration provides for printing an advance report using a regulated printed form.


When conducting an advance report, accounting entries are generated for the debit of the accounts indicated in the tabular part of the document (including the VAT account for purchased values), and the credit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, the corresponding subaccounts (if the report is in rubles, then subaccount 71.01 “Settlements with accountable persons”, if in foreign currency - then subaccounts 71.02 “Settlements with accountable persons (in foreign currency)”).

Tax accounting

When the “Reflect in tax accounting” flag is selected, the advance report can be reflected in tax accounting for income tax.

To correctly reflect transactions in tax accounting, it is necessary to indicate in the tabular part of the document the account and tax accounting analytics of the purchased objects.

When posting a document in tax accounting, the following entries will be generated:

In terms of the acquisition of goods (works, services) - by debiting the accounts indicated in the tabular part and crediting the PV account “Receipt and disposal of property, work, services, rights”

Regarding payments to suppliers – not reflected

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4.9. Purchasing materials through accountable persons Materials can be purchased in cash through accountable persons. Example 4.16. The company issued an amount of 10,000 rubles to its employee (accountable person) through the cash register. to purchase materials in cash

Accountable persons - who are they? How are mutual settlements with accountable persons accounted for, how to issue money on account, how to document this and what entries should be reflected in accounting? You will find answers to these questions in the article below.

Who are the accountable persons?

These are employees of the enterprise who have been given funds to cover expenses related to the activities of the enterprise. That is, money cannot be issued for personal purposes, it must be spent only on the needs of the organization (household needs, business trip, etc.). The issuance of money to accountable persons must be properly documented: documented and using postings.

Accounting for settlements with accountable persons

To account for money issued on account, account 71 is used, which is called “Settlements with accountable persons.” Analytical accounting on account 71 can be maintained for each individual accountable entity.

71 accounting accounts are active-passive, which means that the rules that apply to active and passive accounts are simultaneously followed. What are these rules - read

Money on account can be issued only to employees of the enterprise, and the list of these employees must be recorded in the order. The order on accountable persons is approved by the head. In the future, it will be possible to issue money only to persons specified in this order.

Documentation of money issuance reporting

Money is issued to the accountable person on the basis of his application, which indicates the required amount and the period for which it must be issued. The head of the organization endorses this application, the employee with the application goes to the organization’s cash desk to receive money.

The issuance of money is carried out on the basis of an expenditure cash order. If this accountable person does not have a debt on previous amounts issued, and he is included in the order on accountable persons, then the required cash amount is issued from the cash desk.

In accounting, the issuance of money for reporting is documented using entry D71 K50.

Any amount can be issued; there are no restrictions in Russian legislation. But we must remember that the transfer of accountable money from one person to another is prohibited.

In addition to the fact that the employee can receive funds in cash from the cash register, he can also receive them into his bank account. This is especially convenient if the employee is on a business trip. If money is issued by non-cash means, then posting D71 K51 is reflected.

An employee who has received an accountable amount must subsequently report on the funds spent: what they were spent on and in what amount. In addition, he must provide documents confirming the expenses incurred.

Within three days after the end of the period specified in the employee’s application, the accountable person must submit an advance report drawn up in Form AO-1. The advance report reflects for what purposes the funds received were spent, what is the amount of the amount spent by the accountable person. When submitting an advance report to the accounting department, the employee must also attach supporting documents.

If the accountable person has not spent the amount received in full, and he has money left, then it must be returned to the enterprise’s cash desk, in which case entry D50 K71 is drawn up and a document is filled out - a cash receipt order.

If the employee’s expenses exceeded the amount received, then the overexpenditure must be issued to the employee from the cash register on the basis of an expense cash order, and posting D71 K50 is reflected.

Having received an advance report from the accountable person indicating the purposes for which the advance was spent, the accountant must make the necessary entries in order to write off the accountable person's debt on the debit of account 71.

Depending on the type of costs, the credit to account 71 corresponds with the debit of the corresponding accounts.

If the advance is spent on the purchase of material assets, then posting D10 K71 or D15 K71 is performed.

If the accountable amount is spent on a business trip, then posting D20 (23) K71 for manufacturing enterprises, or D44 K71 for trading enterprises.

If the advance is spent on the purchase of fixed assets, then posting D08 K71.

If the advance payment is spent on the purchase of goods, then posting D41 K71.

If the employee does not provide an advance report within the established period and does not return the money, then it is written off from the credit account 71 to the debit account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” (entry D94 K71).

If the entire amount can be withheld from the salary of the reporting person, then posting D70 K94 is performed. If not, then the debt is written off to the debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, then you can deduct the amount from the employee’s salary in installments every month (entries D70 K73).

Postings to account 71:

Debit Credit Operation name
71 50 (51) Money was given to the employee to account for
10, 15 71 Material assets purchased with accountable money are accepted for accounting
41 71 Goods purchased with accountable money are accepted for accounting
20, 23 (44) 71 Travel expenses are written off to the cost of production (into sales expenses)
50 71 The accountable person returned the unspent amount to the enterprise’s cash desk
94 71 The advance amount not returned within the prescribed period by the accountable person was written off
73 94 Reflects the amount of debt the employee owes to the organization for the unreturned balance of the accountable amount
70 73 The unreturned balance of the accountable amount is withheld from the employee's salary

In this article, prepared by methodologists of the company "1C" and posted on the information technology support (ITS) disk, read about the organization and maintenance of tax accounting of settlements with accountable persons in the Integrated configuration "1C: Enterprise 7.7".

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation (approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia on September 22, 1993 No. 40), “enterprises issue cash on account for business and operating expenses, as well as for the expenses of expeditions, geological exploration parties, authorized enterprises and organizations, individual divisions of economic organizations, including branches that are not on an independent balance sheet and are located outside the area of ​​​​operation of the organizations in the amount and for periods determined by the heads of the enterprises." In accounting, these transactions can be reflected without taking into account mutual settlements with the supplier from whom the valuables are purchased:

Debit 10 (26.08 ...) Credit 71

and taking into account the occurrence and repayment of debt to the supplier:

Debit 60 Credit 71 Debit 10 (26, 08...) Credit 60.

The reflection of these transactions in tax accounting will differ.

Option 1 (excluding mutual settlements with the supplier)


An employee of the organization, Sergei Gennadievich Grigoriev, was given 1,300 rubles on account. for business expenses. By proxy, he purchased stationery from LLC Officelab in the amount of 1,200 rubles. and reported on the expenses incurred with an advance report, to which he attached the supplier’s invoice, invoice and cash receipt order.
The unused portion of the accountable amount was returned to the company's cash desk.
The operation of issuing money for reporting is reflected in accounting by the document “Cash expenditure order” (Fig. 1). When posting, the document generates a posting:

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1.

Rice. 1. Expense cash order

The operation of issuing money for reporting (Debit 71 Credit 50) is not reflected in tax accounting, because does not affect the taxable base for income tax of the current or future periods. The accountable person's report on the amounts of expenses incurred is reflected in accounting by the document "Advance report line (other)" (Fig. 2). When carried out, the document generates accounting entries from the credit of account 71.1 to the debit of the account, acquired values ​​- 26 and to the debit of account 19 for the amount of value added tax.

Rice. 2. Advance line. report (other)

The accountable person's report on the amounts of expenses incurred (Debit 26 Credit 71) is reflected in tax accounting by the document "" (menu "Trade and Accounting - Tax accounting documents - Property acquisition transactions, etc."). The document details are filled in automatically according to the data in the document “Advancement report line (other)” when you click the “Fill” button in the form module (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Acquisition of property, works, services, rights

  • type of expenses - “Other expenses included in indirect expenses”;
  • expense element - “Other expenses accepted for tax purposes”;
  • amount - amount excluding VAT;
  • object and Inventory Type are not filled in, since the expense is included in indirect costs;

When posted, the document generates postings to the debit of the auxiliary off-balance sheet account N07.04 “Indirect expenses”.

The operation of returning unused imprest amounts in accounting is reflected in the document “Cash receipt order” (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Receipt cash order

When posted, the document generates a posting Debit 50.1 Credit 71.1.

The operation of returning unused accountable amounts (Debit 50 Credit 71) is not reflected in tax accounting.

The correspondence of accounting and tax accounting entries is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Accounting Tax accounting
Wiring Sum Document Wiring Sum Document

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1

Expense cash order

Not reflected

Debit 26 Credit 71.1

Debit N07.04

Operations of acquisition of property, works, services, rights

Debit 19.3 Credit 71.1

Expense report line (other)

Not reflected

Debit 68.2 Credit 19.3

Formation of a purchase book

Not reflected

Debit 50.1 Credit 71.1

Receipt cash order

Not reflected

In accordance with subparagraph 12 of paragraph 1 of Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, other expenses associated with production and sales include business travel expenses related to production needs, documented and economically justified.

From 01/01/2002, expenses for renting residential premises can be recognized in full for tax purposes, without restrictions. Daily allowance expenses are accepted for tax purposes within the limits of the norms. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/08/2002 No. 93 “On establishing standards for organizations’ expenses for the payment of daily allowances and field allowances, within which, when determining the tax base for corporate income tax, such expenses are included in other expenses associated with production and sales” payment of daily allowances is 100 rubles. for each day of the business trip.


According to the order of the head of the organization, Anatoly Timofeevich Semakin was sent to the Murmansk region for a period of 5 days from February 18 to 22 (inclusive) 2002.
Based on the order of the head of the enterprise, the accounting department issues Semakin A.T. advance payment for travel expenses in the amount of RUB 2,600.

Upon returning from a business trip (02.22.2002) Semakin A.T. submitted an advance report to the accounting department of the enterprise, according to which the business trip expenses amounted to 2,287 rubles:

  • the cost of train tickets is 987 rubles;
  • cost of accommodation at the hotel LLC "Lesnye Dali" - 900 rubles (300 x 3 days);
  • daily allowance for 5 days of business trip (day of departure and day of arrival - one day) - 400 rubles. (100 rub. x 4 days).

The overexpenditure was issued from the cash register.

Attached to the advance report are: a travel certificate, train tickets, an invoice and a receipt for the cash receipt from the hotel.

The operation of issuing money for reporting is reflected in accounting by the document “Cash expenditure order”. When posted, the document generates a posting Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1.

The operation of issuing money for reporting (Debit 71 Credit 50) is not reflected in tax accounting, because does not affect the tax base.

The accountable person's report on the amounts of expenses incurred is reflected in accounting by the document "Advance report line (other)" (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Advance line. report (other)

As a subconto “General business expenses”, select an element of the corresponding directory with the attribute “Type of expense for tax accounting purposes” - “Travel expenses”.

If a traveling employee acquires material assets, they are reflected in the advance report in the usual manner.

When carried out, the document generates accounting entries from the credit of account 71.1 to the debit of the account of acquired valuables - 26 for the amount of costs excluding VAT, and to the debit of account 19.3 for the amount of VAT.

To reflect VAT on expenses incurred on the basis of the document “Advance report line (other)”, enter the document “Invoice received”.

Provided that the document “Invoice received” is available, the VAT amount at the end of the month, when conducting the regulatory document “Purchases Book”, will be accepted for offset from the budget and reflected in the “Purchases Book” report.

Operations of allocation and offset of VAT are not reflected in tax accounting.

The report of the accountable person on the amounts of expenses incurred (Debit 26 Credit 71) is reflected in tax accounting by the document “Transactions for the acquisition of property, work, services, rights” (menu “Trade and accounting - Tax accounting documents - Transactions for the acquisition of property, etc.”).

The document details are filled in automatically when you click on the "Fill" button. The data to be filled out is taken from the document “Advance report line (other)” (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Advance line. report (other)

Document details value:

  • conditions of receipt - “Other essential conditions”;
  • type of expenses "Other expenses included in indirect expenses";
  • expense element - "Travel expenses";
  • amount - amount excluding VAT;
  • object and type of inventory items - in case of payment for services, not filled in;
  • recognition date - date of advance report;
  • counterparty, agreement, debt, VAT, incl. - are not filled in.
  • basis for recognition - line reference to the document "Advance report line (other)"
  • name of the operation - string representation of the document "Advancement report line (other)".

When posted, the document generates postings to the debit of special off-balance sheet accounts N07.04 “Indirect expenses”.

The operation of issuing overspent funds of an accountable person from the cash register is reflected in the accounting document by the document “Cash expenditure order”.

In tax accounting, the operation of issuing overspent funds from the cash register of an accountable person is not reflected. The correspondence of accounting and tax accounting entries is shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Accounting Tax accounting
Wiring Sum Document Wiring Sum Document

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1

Expense cash order

Not reflected

Debit 26 Credit 71.1

Expense report line (other)

Debit N07.04

Transactions of acquisition of property, works, services, rights.

Debit 19.3 Credit 71.1

Expense report line (other)

Not reflected

Debit 68.2 Credit 19.3

Formation of a purchase book

Not reflected

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1

Expense cash order

Not reflected

In paragraph 2 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides a list of entertainment expenses:

  • costs of transport support for the delivery of persons invited for negotiations to the venue of entertainment events;
  • expenses of the taxpayer for an official reception (breakfast, lunch or other similar event), etc.

Entertainment and recreation expenses do not apply to entertainment. The standard for entertainment expenses, within which they are taken into account for tax purposes, is equal to 4 percent of labor costs.


In January 2002, the organization spent 5,000 rubles for entertainment purposes. During the same period, labor costs taken into account when taxing profits amounted to 19,500 rubles. Let's calculate the standard for entertainment expenses: 19,500 rubles. x 4% = 780 rub.
Therefore, for 780 rubles. Agat LLC may reduce its income for January.
Thus, excess entertainment expenses in the amount of 4,220 rubles. (5,000 rubles - 780 rubles) are not accepted for income tax purposes.
The operation of issuing money against the report for entertainment expenses is reflected in accounting by the document “Cash expenditure order”.
When posting, the document generates a posting

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1.

The operation of issuing money to be reported for entertainment expenses (Debit 71 Credit 50) is not reflected in tax accounting, because does not affect the taxable base for income tax of the current or future periods.

The accountable person's report on the amounts of entertainment expenses incurred is reflected in accounting by the document "Advance report line (other)" (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Advance line. report (other)

As a subconto “General business expenses”, select an element of the corresponding directory with the attribute “Types of expenses for tax accounting purposes” - “Representation expenses”.

When posted, the document generates an accounting entry Debit 26 Credit 71.1.

The report of the accountable person on the amounts of entertainment expenses incurred (Debit 26 Credit 71) is reflected in tax accounting by the document “Operations for the acquisition of property, work, services, rights” (menu “Trade and accounting - Tax accounting - Operations for the acquisition of property, etc.”).

The document details are filled in automatically when you click on the "Fill" button. The data to be filled out is taken from the document “Advance report line (other)” (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Advance line. report (other)

Document details value:

  • conditions of receipt - “Other essential conditions”;
  • type and element of expense - "Representation expenses";
  • amount - amount excluding VAT;
  • object - is filled in when acquiring property, rights, in case of payment for services is not filled in;
  • recognition date - date of advance report;
  • counterparty, agreement, debt, VAT, incl. - are not filled in.
  • basis for recognition - line reference to the document "Advance report line (other)"
  • name of the operation - string representation of the document "Advancement report line (other)".

At the time of making entertainment expenses, the amount that can be recognized as non-operating expenses for tax purposes is unknown.

In tax accounting, the inclusion of these costs in indirect costs occurs at the end of the month, when labor costs taken into account for tax purposes have already been reflected and the amount can be calculated according to the standard. During the reporting period, all expenses that are subject to normalization are reflected in a special off-balance sheet account N03 “Normalized expenses”. When posted, the document generates entries to the debit of the auxiliary off-balance sheet account N03.03 “Representation expenses”. At the end of the month, expenses within the established norms will be written off from the credit of this account using the document “Routine operations for tax accounting”. To correctly calculate the amounts of entertainment expenses that can be recognized as part of other expenses for tax purposes, at the time of carrying out routine tax accounting operations, labor costs must be reflected (menu "Trade and Accounting - Tax Accounting Documents - Labor Expenses") ( Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Labor costs

Write-off of entertainment expenses within the established norms in tax accounting is documented in the document “Routine operations for tax accounting” (menu “Trade and accounting - Tax accounting documents - Routine operations for tax accounting”) (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. "Routine tax accounting operations"

To calculate and write off the amounts of entertainment expenses in the document form, check the “Accounting for entertainment expenses” checkbox. When posting a document, a posting is generated: Debit N07.04 “Indirect expenses” Credit 03.03 “Representation expenses”. The correspondence of accounting and tax accounting entries is shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Accounting Tax accounting
Wiring Sum Document Wiring Sum Document

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1

Expense cash order

Not reflected

Debit 26 Credit 71.1

Expense report line (other)

Debit N03.03

Operations of acquisition of property, works, services, rights

Not reflected

Debit N07.04 credit 03.03

Regulatory tax accounting operations

Option 2 (taking into account mutual settlements with the supplier)


An employee of the organization, Mikhailova Svetlana Vladimirovna, was given a report of 1,300 rubles. for the purchase of materials. By proxy, she purchased stationery from Tekstil Plus CJSC in the amount of 1,200 rubles. and reported on the expenses incurred with an advance report, to which she attached the supplier’s invoice, invoice and cash receipt order. The unused portion of the accountable amount was returned to the company's cash desk.
The operation of issuing money for reporting is reflected in accounting by the document “Cash expenditure order”.
This operation (Debit 71 Credit 50) is not reflected in tax accounting, because does not affect the taxable base for income tax of the current or future periods. The receipt of materials in accounting is reflected in the document “Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)” (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)

When posted, the document generates postings Debit 10 Credit 60.1 - for the amount of received values ​​without VAT and Debit 19.3 Credit 60.1 for the amount of VAT on received values. To reflect in accounting the offset of VAT on expenses incurred on the basis of the document “Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)”, the document “Invoice received” is entered. At the end of the month, the regulatory document “Creation of a purchase book” is introduced, which, when carried out, will generate a posting for VAT offset Debit 68.2 Credit 19.3. VAT is not reflected in tax accounting. Receipt of valuables (consumption of works, services) (Debit 10 (08, 26...) Credit 60) is reflected in tax accounting by the document "Operations for the acquisition of property, works, services, rights" (menu "Trade and accounting - Tax accounting documents - Operations acquisition of property, etc."). The document details are filled in automatically by clicking the “Fill” button (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Acquisition of property, works, services, rights

Document details values:

  • counterparty, agreement, debt, VAT, incl. - in accordance with the primary documents for received material assets;
  • conditions of receipt - “With subsequent payment” or “On account of previously issued advances”, depending on the order of reflection in the accounting of transactions of receipt of valuables and the report of the accountable person;
  • type of expenses - “Related to the acquisition of raw materials and supplies”;
  • amount - amount excluding VAT;
  • object - purchased material;
  • inventory type - item type enumeration value corresponding to the object;
  • recognition date - date of advance report;
  • basis for recognition - line reference to the document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)";
  • name of the operation - string representation of the document "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)".

When posted, the document generates entries to the debit of the auxiliary off-balance sheet account N02.01 - for received materials.

If the acceptance of valuables for accounting was carried out before registering the document “Advance report line (payment to supplier)” in the program, then the “Condition of receipt” attribute is set to the value “With subsequent payment” and when posted, the document generates entries for the occurrence of accounts payable on credit of auxiliary off-balance sheet accounts N13.02 and N13.03.

If the document “Advance report line (payment to supplier)” was registered first, and the values ​​were accepted for accounting later, then the “Condition of receipt” attribute is set to “On account of previously issued advances.” Then, when posted, the document generates entries for the occurrence of receivables on credit to the auxiliary off-balance sheet account N13.01. The accountable person's report on the amounts of expenses incurred is reflected in accounting by the document "Advance report line (payment to supplier)" (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Advance line. report (payment to supplier)

The reporting operation of the accountable person on the advance report (Debit 60 Credit 71) in tax accounting is reflected in the document “Cash Expense”. The document details are filled in automatically by clicking the “Fill” button (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Cash expenditure

In the detail “Condition or type of expense” the value “Payment for received property, work, services” is set if the acceptance for accounting of values ​​was made before the document “Advance report line (payment to supplier)” was registered in the program and the payment is reflected in accounting by posting in debit of account 60.1 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors (in rubles)". When posted, the document generates entries for the repayment of accounts payable on credit of special off-balance sheet accounts N13.02 and N13.03. If the document “Advance report line (payment to supplier)” is first recorded and the payment is reflected in accounting by posting to the debit of account 60.2 “Calculations for advances issued (in rubles)”, and the values ​​were accepted for accounting later, then in the “Condition” attribute or type of expense" is set to "On account of previously issued advances". Then, when posted, the document generates entries for the repayment of receivables in the debit of a special off-balance sheet account N13.01. The operation of returning unused imprest amounts in accounting is reflected in the document “Cash receipt order”, which, when carried out, generates the posting Debit 50.1 Credit 71.1. The operation of returning unused accountable amounts (Debit 50 Credit 71) is not reflected in tax accounting. The correspondence of accounting and tax accounting entries is shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Accounting Tax accounting
Wiring Sum Document Wiring Sum Document

Debit 71.1 Credit 50.1

Expense cash order

Not reflected

Debit 10.1 Credit 60.1

Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)

Debit N02.01

Operations of acquisition of property, works, services, rights

Loan N13.02

Debit 19.3 Credit 60.1

Loan N13.03

Debit 68.2 Credit 19.3

Formation of a purchase book

Not reflected

Debit 60.1 Credit 71.1

Expense report line (payment to supplier)

Debit N13.02

Cash consumption

Debit N13.03

Debit 50.1 Credit 71.1

Receipt cash order

If an organization needs to give cash to its employees for expenses related to the organization’s activities, then you need to use the account for settlements with accountable persons - 71. How is the accounting of relationships with accountable persons kept, what entries are made, what documents are drawn up? We'll talk about this in the article below.

The issuance of money on account to employees is accompanied by a number of transactions and the preparation of an advance report document. The procedure for filling out an advance report with the ability to download the form and a sample of this document will be given in the next article.

In the Chart of Accounts, for the purpose of reflecting mutual settlements with persons to whom funds are issued on account, account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” is provided.

Accountable persons are employees of the organization who are given money with the condition of providing a report on their use. The report is an advance report filled out in form AO-1.

To receive an accountable amount, the employee must write an application in any form. This application must be certified by the head of the organization, and the head must also make a note on the application about the amount of the accountable amount that must be issued to this employee and the period for which it is issued.

It is prohibited to issue accountable amounts to an employee who has not accounted for money previously received. It is prohibited to transfer accountable amounts from one employee to another. There are no restrictions on the amount that can be given to an employee on account.

Funds can be given to the employee either in cash from the cash register or by non-cash transfer to the employee’s personal bank account; the latter type has a number of advantages, especially if the employee is located away from the organization.

Accounting for accountable money

In accounting, the entry for issue to an accountable person is as follows: D71 K50, cash issuance is carried out on the basis of an expense cash order (a sample of which can be downloaded). The issuance of the accountable amount is accounted for by posting D71 K51.

An employee who has received an accountable amount must account for it by providing an advance report with attached documents confirming expenses. The employee must return unspent funds to the cash desk, and an entry is made in accounting D50 K71, this operation is carried out on the basis of a cash receipt order (a sample of which can be downloaded from).

If the money is issued for a business trip

The amount spent on travel expenses is included in the cost of production, the formation of which is described in detail in. At the same time, 71 corresponds with accounts 20 “Main production”, 26 “General business expenses”, 44 “Sales expenses” (postings D20 (26, 44) K71).

The amount issued for travel expenses must be confirmed by a report no later than 3 days after the end of the business trip.

If the money is issued for the purchase of goods and materials

If accountable amounts are issued to cover expenses associated with the acquisition of material assets, then the account. 71 corresponds with the accounts of the corresponding material assets, these can be accounts 10 “Materials”, 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, 41 “Goods” (D10 (15, 41) K71).

If the employee does not return the accountable amount within the prescribed period, then this amount is written off to the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” by posting D94 K71. This amount can then be withheld from the employee. D70 K94.

The accountable amount not submitted on time may be regarded as a loan provided to him. In this case, the obligation arises to calculate the material benefit that the employee received from the use of borrowed funds. This benefit amount is calculated as the difference between the interest accrued in the amount of ¾ of the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia and the amount of interest calculated under the agreement. It is worth noting that material benefits are subject to personal income tax at a rate of 35%; when calculating tax on the amount of material benefits, tax deductions are not applied.

Postings to account 71



Operation name

The accountable amount was issued from the cash register

The accountable amount is transferred to the employee’s current account

Unspent funds were returned by the accountable person to the cash desk

Travel expenses are written off as production costs

Expenses associated with the acquisition of material assets by an accountable person are written off

Amounts not returned by the accountable person on time are written off

Unrefunded amounts are withheld from the employee’s salary

In this way, settlements with accountable persons are accounted for in account 71. The topic of the next article will be “”.

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