Presentation of speed reading techniques. Presentation on the topic of training for developing speed reading skills. Development of RAM


Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents!

Finally, I returned to the topic “Teaching dynamic reading” that I started at the end of June. Let me remind you what this is.

A small field of view is one of the important factors that interferes with fast reading. Today, I will introduce you to several exercises that will help expand your field of vision.

Cut texts.

Training texts are cut vertically into two or three parts, which are shifted relative to each other both vertically and horizontally, thereby, when reading such a text, the eyes make a wave-like movement, as a result of which the eye muscles are trained and the field of vision expands.

Also, during the exercise, attention and memory are trained, since the presence of breaks in the line forces you to maintain a high concentration of attention all the time and retain in your memory what has already been read.

Prepare a series of tables according to the sample.

The task boils down to very quickly finding all the numbers in an increasing sequence from 1 to 25 without gaps, observing the following conditions:

1. Before starting to work with the table, focus your gaze on its center to see the entire table.

2. When searching for consecutive numbers, eye fixation should also be in the center of the table.

Looking at the center of the table with panoramic vision requires seeing and reading the entire table. Initially, the training is carried out on the smallest square, the side of which is no larger than a newspaper column. Having mastered this task, you can move on to working with a larger table. Reading-sprint

consists in the fact that the child reads an unfamiliar text to himself at maximum speed, tightly clenching his lips and teeth. And after reading, he answers questions about the text posed by adults before reading. While reading, the adult urges the child: “Faster, faster, even faster!”, adding: “You need to read everything.” It is recommended to do a reading sprint before reading each text aloud.

Before reading, you should prepare the child psychologically, give the commands: “Get ready! Attention! Began!" When teaching sprint reading, the following reminder is used:


Purse your lips and teeth tightly.

Read only with your eyes.

Read as quickly as possible.

Answer the questions about the text. lies in the fact that students, at their maximum speed, counting the words of the text to themselves, must simultaneously understand its content. And after finishing counting the number of words, name this number and answer the questions formulated by an adult before reading to the text. The purpose of reading with word counting is to load the child’s ears with extraneous work—word counting. In this case, the child is deprived of the opportunity to pronounce the text to himself. The child learns to read only with his eyes. The following reminder has been developed for the reading exercise with counting words:

Before reading, you should prepare the child psychologically, give the commands: “Get ready! Attention! Began!" When teaching sprint reading, the following reminder is used:


Purse your lips and teeth tightly.

Read as quickly as possible, counting the words of the text to yourself.

Read as quickly as possible.

Reading-reconnaissance. This exercise consists of the child looking through the text at his maximum speed and finding answers to the questions posed by an adult before reading.

Before reading, you should prepare the child psychologically, give the commands: “Get ready! Attention! Began!" When teaching sprint reading, the following reminder is used:


Place your finger or pointer at the beginning of the line.

Looking through the text with a vertical eye movement, find answers to the questions.

All these exercises aimed at expanding the field of vision are quite applicable in reading (literature) classes and lessons already in grades 3-4 of primary school.

That's all for today, see you!
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To get a complete understanding of reading techniques, take a correspondence course, but you can learn to read faster on your own.

Improve your reading technique and you'll spend less time researching documents that you previously spent a lot of time on.

Follow these tips and you will increase your productivity.

  • Reading types
  • Speed ​​(fast) reading.
  • Slow reading. A detailed study of the document is pursued - for example, the study of legal documents.
  • Slow reading - for example, a story.

Pre-reading. The goal is to form an opinion about the book.

  • How to read documents in accelerated mode
  • Study the subject index. Identify the thesaurus and concepts covered in the text. Decide to what extent the content of the document copies the content of previously read texts
  • Review the introduction. Decide whether to read further
  • Study the passages of text that seemed important.
  • View the author's examples. How many examples are repeated? Do you get the impression that the author of the text borrowed the content of the document?
  • Study the introduction to each chapter, read the last page of each chapter.
  • Study the table of contents. Get a general idea of ​​the contents of the document before studying it.
  • Write a review on the text or a letter to the author.

If you are reading a book of reference nature, then you need to study selected passages. Therefore, the reading strategy described is very useful.

How to read documents.

First of all, you should look at the places in the text where conclusions are indicated. And then read the text. In this case, the essence of the text will become clear from the third paragraph. Don't waste your time.

  • Study the article's summary, overview, introductory part, and the first few paragraphs.
  • Review the conclusion or the last few paragraphs.
  • Read carefully the passages that seemed most important.

Scanning speed reading. Using the subconscious during speed reading.

When a person reads quickly enough, he understands not individual words, but entire phrases.

Use a diagonal eye movement to scan the page. As soon as you think that you have found something interesting, then move on to thoughtful reading.

Notes in the margins.

Take notes as you read. Come up with questions for the author of the text. You do not waste time in vain, but rather use it meaningfully.

Thanks to notes and formulated questions, the text read is fixed in the mind. If the book and new information have been thought through, then there is no need to return to it.

While studying the document, mark important places with a pencil and underline key phrases.

Write letters to the author of the document. Writing a review requires forming an opinion about the book, which means that after writing the letter, you will know much more than if you had not formulated your attitude towards the document.

Use Alternatives to Reading

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The presentation was developed based on the methodology of E. V. Zaik “Exercises for the development of reading technique” (grade 1)

Reading syllables from right to left and vice versa BY NA CHI KU LY TE OP AN ICH UK YL ET

Reading the words of the first column from left to right, the second column from right to left (read line by line) SEL KOM CHUDO RAZ WORD GRAIN SEL KOM MIRACLE RAZ WORD GRAIN

Reading the words of the first column from right to left, the second column from left to right (read line by line) SEL KOM MIRACLE RAZ WORD GRAIN SEL KOM MIRACLE RAZ WORD GRAIN

Reading lines from right to left An eccentric mathematician lived in Germany, He accidentally folded bread and sausage. Then he put the result in his mouth, That's how Man Invented the Sandwich.

Reading lines from bottom to top and from left to right An eccentric mathematician lived in Germany, He accidentally folded bread and sausage. Then he put the result in his mouth, That's how Man Invented the Sandwich.

Reading lines from bottom to top and from right to left An eccentric mathematician lived in Germany, He accidentally folded bread and sausage. Then he put the result in his mouth, That's how Man Invented the Sandwich.

Reading lines at speed An eccentric mathematician lived in Germany, He accidentally folded bread and sausage. Then he put the result in his mouth, That's how Man Invented the Sandwich.

Reading words syllable by syllable (the first syllable of each word, then the second and third) Like yourself, like the sleigh.

Reading the text through the word (STARTING WITH THE FIRST WORD) The matter was not given: The Master was afraid of the matter! He worked ineptly - the Master himself... He was afraid of the Work.

Reading the text through the word (STARTING WITH THE SECOND WORD) The matter was not given: The Master’s business was afraid! He worked ineptly - the Master himself... He was afraid of the Work.

Reading the line covered by the lower half DARIA GIVES DINA MELONS.

Reading a line covered by the lower half. WHITE RRAMS BEAT THE DRUMS.

Reading a line with the upper half covered OUR POLKAN FALLED INTO A TRAP.

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summary of other presentations

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“Work program for reading” - Reading in childhood is, first of all, education with the heart. Explanatory note. "A life-affirming tale." Purpose of the program. Program for the 2009 - 2010 academic year. “Acquaintance with books of an educational nature.” Expected results. School of joyful reading. “Meet the book’s hero of the day.” "A good storyteller from Denmark." “The work of the poetess Yu. Moritz.” School of joyful reading. Topic: “An hour of funny stories.”

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“Development of reading skills” - Development of conscious reading in schoolchildren. Visual dictations. Dependence of the performance of elementary school students on writing speed. Reserves for learning to read. Example of the “Photo Eye” task. Peer checking of written work. Types of exercises. Reading before bed. Stimulating students. Examples of proposal distribution tasks. The “negotiation” is up to the teacher. Example exercise. System by I.T. Fedorenko. An example of auditory dictation.

“Productive reading” - Working with the text after reading. Name. Generalization. Experiment. Test work. Angina. Types of lessons. Preview reading. Study reading. Working with text before reading. Introductory reading. Modern methods of memory development. Actions. Desire to read. Compare the excerpt from the recording. Studying the quality of reading. Working with text in Russian lessons. Working with text while reading. Deep river.

Speed ​​reading is the ability to read text information at an accelerated pace. Usually, speed reading is considered to be an increase in reading speed by 3-10. Speed ​​reading is the ability to read text.
information at an accelerated pace. Usually,
speed reading is considered to be an increase in speed
readings 3-10 times. This means that in one trip
in a trolleybus, a trained reader can
read a book of 100 pages.

Almost every text is redundant

Almost every text is redundant
Redundancy observed
at the construction level
chapter construction (authors
allow repetition in
introduction, conclusion)
Redundancy of text
observed on
letter level (Nprmr, sl
udlt z tkst glsn bkv, then
this text will be
easy to read.)

Thanks to the redundancy in the text, speed reading is possible.

Redundancy is observed on
material supply level.
We can also observe redundancy in
author level.
Due to redundancy in the text,
speed reading is possible.

Reading Strategy

What strategies does a fast reader use?

Finding alternative authorities
sources (not limited to the first
random book).
Review reading (readings for
familiarization with the text) - book
viewed from fifth to tenth and
assessed according to certain criteria.
Advanced Reading
Memorizing information

What techniques and techniques for speed reading exist?

First, as a rule, before reading,
a clear task is set: What to look for? How
it looks? How will this help in
future? What other possibilities
obtaining information exist? After all
a clear statement of the task is 50%

Secondly, a fast reader
looking for clues:
Reading silently (without internal
text articulation)
Using a wide angle
vision (information analysis is not
only at the level of words, but also at
line or paragraph level)
Proper preparation for reading
(clear statement of the problem)

What does slow reading lead to?

Research shows that
97% of readers put off something they start
30% of people lose interest in a book and
they don't come back to her anymore.
84% of specialists do not have time
read specialized magazines.

What happens during speed reading?

Your brains
by magic
sticks turns on full
You hear the author's voice. Words
are highlighted brightly and prominently.
You are clearing away piles of books
You read quickly. You
delighted with what's going on,
which has been put off for so long,
It turned out to be easy and simple.

What should you do to increase your reading speed?

Have a fairly wide angle of vision.
Read without speaking the text
Read without recurrent eye movements.

The brain is used to working quickly. He solves charades easily and simply

khmua, aumkh-tsakuhoto,
Oonnnpcheozole gryuob!
the boor got sick of it,
auhm ezhkuden lshana.
shlpoa hamu na azrba
and klupia sovaram:
<рихтподие, кыантара,
I'm aww whata schgouu!>

We read not with words, but with meanings

Let's tear the text into strips and move them vertically

Try reading without vowels
There are_in the words<лишние буквы>, there are also some words in the text. Put
strip of paper on the book so that the strip covers 4-6 letters, (__ is_b
You won't be able to say one word in a line). Try to read it.
Most likely, the understanding of the text will remain at the same level as if
You read_t_xt, not covered with a strip of paper. This example says _
the fact that the text_about_a_some_existent_st_yu. Not at all
must be included in every letter and every letter. Part _fishing
it is possible to _grow_s_at. After preparation text_given
tr_ning, some_words_you_cannot_read, but this_not
will be able to understand the text. _R_l_ psychology in_quick reading
_Try_ to convince_ yourself that every word contains<лишние>b_kvy, and in
There are extra words in every sentence, and your reading speed
It will increase. Many authors, before _evil_ing, must _break
psycho_ogical ice_of_preference_to_one's_self

Shuffling letters

just imagine that, weakened by vanyk
Tkorochseniya Your omzgi according to the European Union
the chalops are placed on the hollow bottom
ylsshite logo tvaora olSva are highlighted brightly and
vkpuylo In the goolve a lkgeiy rope is dancing in from
awareness of new possibilities
Names of books and textbooks and instructions codification –
all this happens in the place where you like
read inkgi you quickly read you are in
vtsoorge from the fact that the matter has been going on for so long
they laid aside akazolo lying and fast
nkorochteSie - something or

Master the secrets of speed reading! Every day is another step to be successful!!! 


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