Enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs after university. Educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Communications and information security specialist

home Females' interest in military service

is growing exponentially every year. The reason is far from being competition with the male part of the population. Often women strive to realize themselves and build a career, even if not entirely in a female environment. Starting a career requires having special education

. More recently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities were closed to girls, but since 2013 they have resumed recruiting females into their ranks. All girls are accepted exclusively on a contract basis.

Admission procedure
The key to successful admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is, first of all, good health and excellent physical data. Girls pass the required standards just like men. The following are accepted for credit:
- 100 meter run,
- 1000 meters cross,

- complex strength exercise.
In addition to physical standards, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia offer their applicants to pass exams in such disciplines as:
- physics,
- mathematics,

- Russian language and literature.

Mostly, these institutions run preparatory courses.

Documents for admission are accepted by military commissariats at the place of residence.

The main universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia that accept girls
1. Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, located in Moscow. Prepares management personnel, specialists for scientific work

2. , improves the qualifications of managers. Previously, the university even trained translators for prisoners of war. Military Academy communications named after Marshal Soviet Union

CM. Budyonny, located in St. Petersburg.

Trains communications and radio communications engineers. Students leave the university as lieutenants.
3. Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

It trains foreign military personnel, specialists in psychology, pedagogy, and environmental protection.

4. Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelova.

“Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems” is a specialty that accepts the fair sex.

5.N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy and Gagarin Yu.A. in the city of Voronezh. The university pays attention to engineering for the construction of airfields, operation aircraft

, hydrometeorological service, etc.

It trains exclusively medical workers for various types of troops, including foreign ones.

The list of universities is far from complete. First of all, girls need to decide on a profession - perhaps they want to be radio operators, doctors, cooks, translators - and only then choose the right academy or school with the appropriate profile.

However, it is worth remembering that they may not be needed if the girl decided to become the wife of an officer.

After finishing 9th grade, people think about future profession. Some of them choose to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you have such a desire and preparation, then after 9th grade you can enter a police college or police school. To find out how to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs school, you need to read this article. In order to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs school, you need to have permanent registration in the region where the applicant is going to study. It is necessary to write an application, it must be confirmed by the signature of the parents, and it is also necessary to fill out a form. Answering the questions of a questionnaire is like taking a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs; you need to answer all questions honestly.

This application is submitted to the selection committee or personnel department of the police department of the given territory. There they must open a personal file for the applicant and check all personal data. There, the applicant receives a referral to a medical commission, which must be completed before the end of June, at the clinic and at the military medical commission. If, after passing the medical commission, positive results are obtained that the applicant is suitable and the personnel approved the personal data, the personal file is sent to the educational institution. You will then be required to take a drug test. If the tests are successful, the applicant is considered admitted to the entrance exams.

Physics is considered a very important exam when entering this educational institution. preparation, this exam includes the following: a hundred-meter run, an exercise on the horizontal bar - pull-ups for boys and exercises for girls, then a 2000-meter run for boys and a 1000-meter run for girls - this is a test of the endurance of young people. After such exams, you have to think about how to recover. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to take such exams annually. For this exam to be considered passed, young people must complete established standards. For those who want to calculate their strength in advance, so as not to think about how to resign from the Ministry of Internal Affairs later, upon admission you need to find out the standards for passing physical education. preparation.

Next up are exams in the Russian language (written), and in the history of Russia (oral). Enrollment takes place on on a competitive basis, based on the results of all exams. Many more tests await those who have entered the police school, but not everyone knows how to pass the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but everyone who works in this system has to learn.

For boys in the 100-meter dash in seconds -13.6 - excellent, 14.2 - good, 14.8 - satisfactory; pull-up - 12 times - excellent, 10 times - good, 6 times - satisfactory; 2000 m run (min, sec.) - 7.50 - excellent, 8.10 - good, 9.00 - satisfactory; for girls, in the 100-meter dash in seconds -16.5 - excellent, 17.1 - good, 17.5 - satisfactory; strength exercise - 30-excellent, 26-good, 24 - satisfactory; 1000 m run (min, sec.) - 4.25 - excellent, 4.45 - good, 5.00 - satisfactory. Strength exercise for girls is a set of push-ups and exercises for the abdominal muscles. Having passed the exams physical training, then there will be exams in the Russian language (essay, dictation or presentation), in the history of Russia (oral). Admission takes place on a competitive basis, based on the results of all exams. Those who have entered the police school still have many exams ahead, but not everyone knows how to pass the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but everyone who works in this system has to learn.

Before moving on to a conversation about how to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I would like to note that graduates of civilian universities who have received an education in the legal field, as well as education in other professions, have the right to work in the police. This already depends on the specific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their personnel needs. Therefore, if for some reason you do not meet the parameters below, do not despair. You still have a chance to get the desired position. According to the law, you can get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs until you are 35 years old.

Since not everyone can enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is worth worrying about this issue in January of the year for which admission is planned. The plan for the required number of future employees is established at the beginning of each year by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At least two candidates must be prepared for one allocated admission place. Teaching in these educational institutions is conducted on a full-time basis. Those who wish to enroll have the right to enter 11th grade, as well as those who have received secondary vocational or higher education , but before they reach 25 years of age. Correspondence training also exists, but only for those who are already serving in the internal affairs bodies, serving in Ministry of Internal Affairs and in state civil institutions. To enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs full-time, a person needs to write an application. This, as already mentioned, needs to be done in January (the deadline is March). And submit an application to the personnel department of the local structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of registration. Here you can find a complete list necessary documents . Those wishing to study at by correspondence You should contact the HR department at your place of work. After receiving an application, the candidate must undergo a selection process and prove that he meets certain professional parameters. First, those wishing to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs must undergo an examination at the military medical commission and be examined at the center psychological diagnostics . If the medical commission and psychologist approve the candidate, then the first stage of admission has been completed. Next, a personal file is opened for the applicant, which is transferred to the appropriate university by June 15. The next stage will be passing the commission at the place of study in accordance with the schedule entrance exams. The candidate must have a passport and education document (originals and copies), results

passing the Unified State Exam , registration certificate or military ID. If you have benefits, you must bring documents that confirm them. At the university, you will again need to undergo a medical and psychodiagnostic commission, a test for the presence of drug, alcohol and toxic addictions. Next, the candidate goes through additional entrance tests depending on the chosen specialization. The common subject for all is physical training, the standards for which vary slightly depending on the target group and the gender of the candidate. Admission is carried out on a competitive basis. The question “How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs” will be answered by information that can be found on the official websites of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by city. From the moment of admission to the educational institution, cadets receive free food, uniforms, vacations, and the opportunity to live in a dormitory for nonresidents. Also, cadets are provided

A correctly chosen profession means success and well-being in life, as well as irreplaceable spiritual comfort. Many high school students, when choosing where to study, try to follow their hearts. Work should bring pleasure and benefit to people. The financial component is also important; why then work if you cannot feed your family with this money?!

Among the many professions special place occupied by people in uniform. This is honor, bearing, dignity. Well, who doesn’t dream of trying on a formal uniform and showing off in front of their friends? And they look especially beautiful and majestic in the form of a girl. There are few men (and even women) who will not pay attention to such a woman.

But how to get to the internal affairs bodies? How can a simple girl get a job in the police? What regulations and documents are needed for this? Perhaps some education is required? Let's figure it out in order, but first let's figure out what work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives?

Benefits of working as a police officer

  1. Police officers are required to be insured.
  2. Police officers have many benefits - starting with discounted travel to public transport, ending with free medical care.
  3. Police officers retire after twenty years of service.
  4. If you have been working in the police for more than 10 years, you can take advantage of preferential conditions for purchasing housing - for example, a minimum rate of 7% on a mortgage loan. In addition, you have the right to a one-time financial assistance in purchasing housing.
  5. Police officers get more rest civilians. On average, a police officer's vacation lasts 7 working days more. With length of service, the number of vacation days increases. This is compensation for irregular working hours.
  6. Modern reforms in the state are improving the work and life of police officers. They get what they deserve wages, for example, a young officer has a salary of about 30 thousand rubles.

These and other advantages in police work make many people think about connecting their lives with this department.

Who can get a job in the police

So, let's say you are a young girl who dreams of joining the police. But how to do that? Are you suitable for the positions offered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? So who can join the police?

  1. You can get a job in the police from 18 to 35 years old. If your age is in this range, you have passed the first criterion successfully.
  2. Before you decide to join the police, carefully remember your biography. Not only you, but also your closest relatives should not have a criminal record. Even a minor report to the police can end your police career, which has not yet begun.
  3. In order to get a job in the police, men must have an army behind them. Girls, fortunately, are exempt from this criterion.
  4. Even if they agreed to hire you for a particular position, you will have to pass physical fitness standards. Usually this shuttle run for speed and strength exercises (pull-ups or push-ups of your choice).
  5. Passing a military medical commission is considered a mandatory condition. There is a myth that to work in the police you need to be in excellent health, like an astronaut. This is wrong. It is enough to pass a physical and mental condition test.
  6. In addition, a person is put on a polygraph and at the same time asked various questions. The slightest suspicion of alcohol or drug addiction will deprive you of the chance to get your dream job.
  7. Education also plays an important role. The specialized education for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considered to be legal. If you have a higher legal education, you can hope to receive the rank of junior lieutenant upon entering the workforce. However, I would like to note that this is not a mandatory condition. Even with secondary education, you can join the police, but the position will be appropriate. But, if you study and improve your skill level at the same time, you will climb career ladder quite possible. In addition, there are special specialized educational institutions that are supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The likelihood of working in the police after graduation is very high.
  8. Often, police officers are hired at their place of registration, which means that it is unlikely that you will be able to work far from home without a special referral.

If you meet all these criteria for the internal affairs bodies, you shouldn’t stop, you need to act!

What to do if a girl wants to work in the police

First, you should look at the vacancies of the police department where you would like to work. To do this, you need to go to the HR department and just get acquainted with what is offered. You can also go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and view vacancies online. Don’t forget to find out about the work schedule; it’s unlikely that your boss will be in your position when you need to pick up your child from kindergarten.

A girl who dreams of working in the police needs to decide in which field of activity she would like to realize herself. Usually girls choose work with document management. A lot of girls dream of working in a passport office.

If a position seems attractive to you, compose a competent resume and send it to the specified address. You can try to talk with your future boss - perhaps you can prove to him in a personal conversation that you are determined and definitely want to work in his department. The military values ​​persistence and confident action.

Police work is not an easy job. However, there are people who cannot live without service. They are police officers by vocation, their duty is to protect the peace. If you feel your heart calling and dream of joining the police, go for it.

Video: Police work

Police school for girls after 9th grade - This is enough a good choice. Despite the fact that work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is very nervous and involves some restrictions, employees receive a good salary and benefits package. What exactly will be required of a girl who wants to go to work in the police in the future?

How can a girl enter police school?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees equal rights for men and women, and in law enforcement agencies this norm is fully observed. Of course, there are units where there are practically no women (riot police force, SOBR and other units with exceptional requirements for physical training), however, they are quite willingly taken into both the inquiry and the criminal investigation department. Some units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are staffed mainly by women (for example, the inspectorate for minors).

Accordingly, many girls, while still in school, begin to think about how to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the future and quite often turn their attention to the educational institutions of this department. By tradition, many people still call such educational institutions precisely police schools, although the vast majority of such institutions are not schools at all, but academies, institutes, universities and colleges (with the exception of those that train dog handlers for the Ministry of Internal Affairs - they still have the status schools).

In order to join the police, you can get 2 types of education:

  1. Secondary specialized education - in colleges that have an appropriate department (for boys there are also Suvorov schools Ministry of Internal Affairs, where girls are not taken).
  2. Higher education - in one of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Future workers of inquiry and investigation can also receive a legal education at a civilian university.

In order to enroll, a girl with incomplete secondary education (grade 9) regular school) you will need to take the following actions:

  1. Submit an application to your boss educational institution. In addition to the signature of the candidate herself, the application will require the signatures of the parents confirming their consent that their daughter will go to study to become a police officer. The application must be submitted no later than June 1 of the current year.
  2. Pass a medical examination.
  3. Take a physical fitness test.
  4. Pass an interview on the humanities subjects of the school curriculum.
  5. Get tested by a psychologist.
  6. Pass a background check of both the candidate herself and her close relatives (for absence of criminal record, administrative violations, etc.).

Medical commission

It takes place directly at the police school itself, usually in June-July. Candidates are checked for the absence of diseases that would impede future service in the police. The commission is paid.

Don't know your rights?

The medical examination requires the results of blood tests (general, HIV, Wasserman reaction) and urine tests, an ECG with stress, a certificate of vaccinations, as well as a medical record for the last 5 years.

In addition, there is a list of diseases with which it is better not to come to the medical examination. These include, in particular:

  • severe myopia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases starting from moderate severity;
  • hepatitis;
  • consequences of serious injuries;
  • mental disorders;
  • drug or alcohol addiction.

However, even for healthy girls the selection is quite difficult.

Physical training

Oddly enough, the physical training requirements for cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are higher than for existing female employees. So, to enter the police school you will have to take:

  • 100m run;
  • 1000 m run;
  • strength exercises (push-ups, pull-ups).

Specific standards change frequently, so they must be clarified immediately before admission. Although the requirements for girls are lower than for boys, candidates for training are often eliminated at this stage.

Check by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Each person who wishes to enroll in training and later join the police is carefully checked territorial bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs By the way, this is why you can only enroll in a school in the region in which you live.

To check, the head of the educational institution sends a request to the police at the place of residence of the potential applicant. During the check, it is clarified whether she is registered with a criminal record, whether she has been brought to administrative responsibility, information is raised about close relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.). The verification is carried out according to the same rules as for candidates for police positions, so personnel services are engaged in searching for information.

Based on the results of the inspection, the personnel department of the relevant unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes one of two decisions:

  • recommend a girl for enrollment in a police school;
  • do not recommend.

Ultimately, the issue is decided by the head of the school himself. If there are exceptional circumstances, he can enroll even a girl who has criminal records, although this happens extremely rarely.

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