List of positions in the medical specialty. Nursing staff - who belongs to them: list of specialties. Head of the Personnel Department A.I. Toroptsev


The words “doctor” and “humanist” are not synonymous, but are inextricably linked. Medical professions oblige us to be humanists, to love people and help them in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. For people with health problems, it is clearly associated with assistance, support and understanding.

A little about the profession

The profession of “medical worker” requires a certain courage and dedication from its owner. This is due to the fact that people trust health workers as specialists who know their job well.

That is why, when choosing medical professions as a lifelong endeavor, a person is obliged to study even after graduating from university, because diseases are constantly changing, as is their treatment. Among medical educational institutions there are institutes and academies.

List of medical specialties

The list of medical professions includes such specialties as:

The listed medical professions (the list is far from complete) are the main profiles in this specialty. Each of them has more specialized specialists responsible for treating specific parts of the human body.

Specialty nurse

Secondary specialized medical education makes it possible to train specialists from the category of medical personnel. The profession of nurse is included in this category.

A nurse is an assistant or assistant to a doctor in a medical institution. The main task of mid-level medical staff is to carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor to the patient and provide care for sick people.

The profession of a nurse is included in the category of paramedical personnel of a medical institution and has several narrower areas. Although many specialties are included in the concept of "medical professions", the list of mid-level specialists is headed by the position of chief nurse.

Chief and head nurse

The concept of organizing the work process includes drawing up work schedules for lower-level medical personnel and monitoring their implementation. Her responsibilities also include:

  • Control the receipt, storage, distribution and accounting of dressings and medications, including those containing toxic or narcotic substances.
  • Monitor the performance of duties by middle and junior staff, as well as improve their qualifications and professional level.
  • Monitor the quality of disinfection of the medical facility, timely change of bed linen and monitor the transportation of patients within the hospital.

The head nurse is an assistant to the head of the department. Her responsibilities include monitoring the work of ward nurses and junior medical staff.

Middle and junior level health workers

Nurses organize the work of junior medical staff: nurses, assistant nurses and housekeepers.

Medical checkup

People engaged in labor activities associated with risky or hazardous work, working with children and many others are required to undergo a medical examination. It can be held once a year or every two years.

There is a list indicating who should undergo a medical examination. The professions that it includes are categories of specialties associated with hazardous production or occupational risk, for example, high-altitude work, hazardous substances, noise, dust, and others.

Also, food industry workers, teachers and employees of preschool educational institutions, drivers, sailors, medical staff and representatives of other professions undergo a mandatory medical examination.

Choice of profession

Medical professions are in demand in modern society, so every year secondary specialized and higher medical institutions graduate new specialists. This is primarily due to the fact that an unhealthy environment, constant stress, and unhealthy diets increase the number of people with pathologies or chronic diseases every year.



In order to improve the certification and certification system for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel, I ORDER:

1. Put into effect:

1.1. Nomenclature of specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel (Appendix 1).

1.2. List of correspondence between the specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel and the positions of these specialists (Appendix 2).

1.3. Regulations on specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 3).

1.4. Qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 4).

2. The Department of Scientific and Educational Medical Institutions, before 08/01/98, develop new and revise existing curricula for specialization cycles for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties approved by this order.

3. The Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, before 01/01/98, makes the necessary changes to the reporting forms of health care institutions in connection with the introduction of the nomenclature of specialties for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel.

4. To the heads of health care and pharmaceutical service authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, chief doctors of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations of the state and municipal healthcare systems of the Russian Federation:

4.1. When carrying out certification and attestation of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel, be guided by the nomenclature approved by this order.

5. Appendix 1 to the Regulations on the certification of nursing and pharmaceutical workers of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated May 23, 1995 No. 131 “On approval of the Regulations on the certification of nursing and pharmaceutical workers”; paragraph 5 of the order of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance under the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1992 No. 72 “On the procedure for certification of paramedical workers of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation” in the part relating to the list of specialties of paramedical workers, shall be declared invalid.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the First Deputy Minister G.G. Onishchenko.

Minister T.B. Dmitrieva





Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 1997 No. 249

Head of the Personnel Department A.I. Toroptsev

Comments to the order

Tamara ADUEVA, Head of the Department for Forecasting the Development of Medical Personnel of the Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Natalia OVANESYANTS, Deputy Head of the Department of Certification and Personnel Reserve for Work Abroad, Personnel Administration of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

The need to develop a nomenclature of specialties for paramedical and pharmaceutical workers was associated with further improvement of the certification and certification of these personnel. If the nomenclature of medical and pharmacist specialties has existed for decades, then the nomenclature of specialties of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel, the list of their correspondence to the positions of these specialists, as well as the qualification characteristics and regulations on specialists in the form in which they are presented in the order, have been approved for the first time.

The range of specialties for paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel includes 26 specialties. The following regulatory documents were used in its development: state educational standards and the nomenclature of positions for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel.

When discussing the draft nomenclature of specialties, we proceeded from the fact that basic education allows specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education to perform their professional duties in a number of traditionally established specialties ("medicine", "nursing", "obstetrics", "laboratory diagnostics") immediately after graduating from a medical educational institution. In this case, the specialties indicated in the nomenclature coincide with the names of the specialties according to the diploma.

However, the nomenclature also includes specialties ("physiotherapy", "functional diagnostics", "radiology", etc.) that require additional professional education immediately after receiving a diploma, since basic education does not provide the necessary knowledge and skills in these specialties.

The identification of new specialties - "organization of nursing", "operations", "anesthesiology and resuscitation" - is dictated by the emergence and development of new medical technologies, improvement of the structure of medical institutions, and increased requirements for the training of specialists at the postgraduate level.

The approved nomenclature made it possible to streamline the certification and certification of specialists, that is, issue certificates and assign qualification categories in accordance with specialties.

The developed regulations on specialists (education requirements, rights, duties, responsibilities) and qualification characteristics (general and special knowledge, skills and manipulations) will be used in preparing test items for the qualification exam.

The list of correspondence between specialties and positions of specialists makes it possible to clearly determine in which specialty an employee occupying a particular position should receive a certificate and be certified. For example, a paramedic at an emergency medical service station receives a certificate and is certified in the specialty of general medicine. A nurse in an ultrasound diagnostic room receives a certificate and is certified in the specialty “nursing.” A medical assistant laboratory assistant at a clinical diagnostic laboratory receives a certificate and is certified in the specialty “laboratory diagnostics”.

With the introduction of new specialties, a natural question arises: will qualification categories be preserved when moving from one specialty to another? This issue is currently being considered by the ministry.

It should be noted that in addition to the main goal, this order allows for changes and additions to be made to the current regulatory documents on certification, certification and advanced training of paramedical and pharmaceutical workers.

Unfortunately, scientifically based criteria for introducing a particular specialty have not yet been developed, which creates certain problems.

All these questions were raised at the board of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On the state of personnel policy and the tasks of the Ministry of Health of Russia to improve it in accordance with the Concept for the development of healthcare and medical science in the Russian Federation,” held on December 23, 1997.

If readers of the magazine have suggestions, additions or comments to this order, we are always ready to take them into account in order to further improve the certification and attestation system.

Maria SELEZNEVA, Director of the Moscow Educational and Methodological Center for Secondary Medical Education of the Moscow Government Health Committee

The success of healthcare reform largely depends on specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation pays great attention to key issues - the training of professionally competent specialists, as well as their effective use to meet the needs of the population.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 261 of August 29, 1997 “On the introduction of state educational standards for secondary vocational education,” the training of specialists with secondary medical education is carried out according to curricula that implement state educational standards in terms of state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in all specialties of the industry, in accordance with which the training process pays significant attention to issues of psychology, economics, and management. The terms of primary training have been increased to 3 years (based on complete general secondary education).

The “Regulations on Specialists” for each specialty approve:
- general provisions;
- responsibilities;
- rights;
- responsibility.

In the “qualification characteristics” section, the requirements for:
- general knowledge;
- general skills;
- special knowledge;
- special skills;
- ability to perform manipulations according to the approved list.

Order No. 249 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the nomenclature of specialties of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel":
- equalizes the requirements for both graduates of educational institutions and working specialists;
- identifies the need for universal continuous education and advanced training not only for the purpose of preparing for certification and certification exams, but also confronts specialists with the need to improve the level of professional competence, competitiveness in a rapidly changing world, adapt to modern requirements, and compensate for missing knowledge.

Advanced training is necessary not only for working specialists with secondary medical education, but also for teachers of educational institutions.

In order to implement Order No. 249, the priority tasks are:

1) in the primary training system - correction of curricula, preparation of materials for the final state certification of graduates in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 249 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

2) in the postgraduate education system - revision of training programs for advanced training of specialists with secondary medical education;

3) organization of study, implementation of Order No. 249 in medical institutions, specialist associations;

4) revision of certification and certification materials by the relevant commissions.

The implementation of Order No. 249 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On the nomenclature of specialties for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel” is a new step towards improving the training and professional competence of working specialists.

The document has become invalid

In order to improve the certification and certification system for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel, I order:

1. Put into effect:

1.1. Nomenclature of specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel (Appendix 1).

1.2. List of correspondence between the specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel and the positions of these specialists (Appendix 2).

1.3. Regulations on specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 3).

1.4. Qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education (Appendix 4)

2. The Department of Scientific and Educational Medical Institutions, by 08/01/98, develop new and revise current curricula for specialization cycles for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties approved by this order.

3. The Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, before 01/01/98, makes the necessary changes to the reporting forms of health care institutions in connection with the introduction of the nomenclature of specialties for nursing and pharmaceutical personnel.

4. To the heads of health care and pharmaceutical service authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, chief doctors of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations of the state and municipal healthcare systems of the Russian Federation:

4.1. When carrying out certification and attestation of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel, be guided by the nomenclature approved by this order.

nursing and pharmaceutical personnel previously assigned to them qualification categories and issued specialist certificates.

5. Appendix 1 to the Regulations on the certification of nursing and pharmaceutical workers of the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated May 23, 1995 No. 131 “On approval of the Regulations on the certification of nursing and pharmaceutical workers”; paragraph 5 of the order of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance under the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1992 No. 72 “On the procedure for certification of paramedical workers of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation” in the part relating to the list of specialties of paramedical workers, shall be declared invalid.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the First Deputy Minister G.G. Onishchenko.


T.B. Dmitrieva

Annex 1


Nomenclature of specialties of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel:

1. Organization of nursing.

2. Medicine.

3. Obstetrics.

4. Dentistry.

5. Orthopedic dentistry.

7. Hygiene and sanitation.

8. Disinfection business.

9. Hygienic education.

10. Entomology.

11. Laboratory diagnostics.

12. Histology.

13. Laboratory work (Specialty relates to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service)

14. Pharmacy.

15. Nursing.

16. Nursing in pediatrics

17. Operational matter.

18. Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

19. General practice.

20. Radiology.

21. Functional diagnostics.

22. Physiotherapy.

23. Medical massage.

24. Physical therapy.

25. Dietetics.

26. Medical statistics.

Appendix 2


Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 1997 No. 249

List of correspondence between specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel and positions of specialists:

Name of specialties

Job titles

1. Organization of nursing.

Director of a hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice;
head of the dairy kitchen, assigned to the group according to
remuneration of managers; chief nurse,
senior nurse at outpatient clinic
institution operating as branches within
medical and preventive institution.

2. Medicine.

Senior paramedic, paramedic, manager
paramedic-midwife station - paramedic;
head of the health center - paramedic;
head of the first-aid post - paramedic

3. Midwifery

Senior midwife, midwife; manager
feldsher-midwife station - midwife

4. Dentistry.


5. Orthopedic dentistry.

Senior dental technician, dental technician.

7. Hygiene and sanitation.

Assistant sanitary doctor.

8. Disinfection business.


9. Hygienic education.

Health Education Instructor.

10. Entomology.

Entomologist assistant.

11. Laboratory diagnostics.

Paramedic laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant.

12. Histology.

Paramedic laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant.

13. Laboratory work
(Specialty and positions
belong to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service).

Paramedic laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant.

14. Pharmacy.

Senior pharmacist, pharmacist.

15. Nursing.

Senior nurse, nurse,
incl. ward, treatment room, dressing room;
head of paramedic and obstetric department
point - nurse, manager
health center - nurse,
the head of the first-aid post is a nurse.

16. Nursing in pediatrics.

17. Operational matter.

Senior operating nurse,
operating room nurse, nurse
(Nurse working in departments
(offices) of invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment)

18. Anesthesiology and resuscitation.

Nurse anesthetist.

19. General practice.


20. Radiology.

X-ray technician.

21. Functional diagnostics.

Senior nurse, nurse.

22. Physiotherapy.

Senior nurse, nurse.

23. Medical massage.


24. Physical therapy.

Physical therapy instructor.

25. Dietetics.

Dairy kitchen manager, nurse.

26. Medical statistics.

Medical statistician.

Head of the Personnel Department A.I. Toroptsev

Appendix 3

Regulations on specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education

1. General Provisions

1.1. Persons who have received a higher medical education in the specialty “Nursing”, secondary medical education, a diploma in the specialties “Nursing”, “General Medicine”, “Midwifery”, and a certificate in the specialty are allowed to engage in professional activity as a specialist in the field of medical massage. "Medical massage"

1.2. A specialist in the field of medical massage is used in positions corresponding to the specialty "Medical massage", appointed and dismissed from the position in accordance with current legislation.

1.3. In his work he is guided by laws, regulations, official documents in the field of healthcare, orders, instructions and instructions of higher officials.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for organizing the work of the massage room and the massage therapist’s workplace.

2.2. Preparing patients and massage therapists for massage, monitoring the condition of patients during procedures.

2.3. Carrying out therapeutic (classical), segmental, acupressure, sports, hygienic, cosmetic, hardware massage, underwater shower massage.

2.4. The use of private massage techniques for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous

systems, internal organs, metabolic diseases, genitourinary system, skin, during the postoperative period of rehabilitation treatment in surgery.

2.5. The use of massage techniques in children, massage and physical exercise in early childhood.

2.6. Compliance with the rules of combining massage with physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, traction, and manual therapy.

2.7. Compliance with occupational health, safety, occupational health, fire safety requirements during the operation of premises, equipment and facilities used for medical massage.

2.8. Ensuring infection safety of patients and medical personnel, meeting infection control requirements in the massage room.

2.9. Timely and high-quality maintenance of medical records.

2.10. Compliance with moral and legal standards of professional communication, fulfillment of labor discipline requirements.

2.11. Carrying out sanitary and educational work.

2.12. Regular professional development.

2.13. Providing first aid in emergency conditions.

3. Rights

3.1. Receive the information necessary for the high-quality performance of functional duties.

3.2. Make proposals to management to improve the quality of medical care to the population and improve the organization of work.

3.3. Give orders to the junior medical staff of the massage room, control the volume and quality of work performed by them, monitor the work of the equipment repair technician.

3.4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections, medical associations where issues related to professional competence are discussed.

3.5. Improve your qualifications and get certified for a qualification category.

4. Responsibility

A specialist for failure to fulfill his professional duties bears responsibility as provided for by current legislation.

Appendix 4

Qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education

XXIII. Specialty: “Medical massage”

In accordance with the requirements of the specialty in the field of medical massage, a specialist must know and be able to:

1. General knowledge

Professional purpose, functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a specialist;

Fundamentals of legislation and law in healthcare;

Basics of health insurance;

Organization of the work of a medical institution in new economic conditions;

Theoretical foundations of nursing;

Philosophy and ethics of nursing;

Psychology of professional communication;

Main causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, complications, principles of treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries;

Types, forms and methods of rehabilitation, organization and implementation of activities for the rehabilitation of patients;

Indications and contraindications for the use of main groups of drugs, the nature of the interaction, complications of the use of drugs;

Fundamentals of valeology and sanology; methods and means of hygienic education; the role of nursing personnel in global, federal, territorial public health programs;

Basics of medical examination, social significance of diseases;

A system of infection control, infectious safety of patients and medical treatment and preventive institutions with sanitary and epidemiological institutions;

Organization of office work and accounting and reporting activities of a structural unit; main types of medical documentation;

Occupational health and safety in a medical facility;

Functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of junior medical personnel;

2. General skills

Analyze the current situation and make decisions within the limits of your professional competence and authority;

To comprehend the secrets of the biological processes of the body, to learn the mechanisms of action that prevent the occurrence of certain diseases, to master the skills and techniques of providing assistance to the patient is the task of doctors. To master and consolidate knowledge in the medical specialization, it will take 6 years to complete a comprehensive course of lectures and practical classes. Students are taught not only the ability to treat people, correctly diagnose various diseases, but also carry out preventive and educational work among the population.

Types of professional activities

A certified therapeutic specialist can perform functions for many institutions:

  • clinics;
  • hospitals;
  • private medical institutions;
  • specialized centers;
  • ambulance or emergency departments;
  • enterprises;
  • general education and preschool institutions.

An acute shortage of medical workers at any level makes it possible for the younger generation to choose a certain profession of general practice: pediatrician, therapist, cardiologist, obstetrician, paramedic, nurse. Initially, they perform their duties under the guidance of experienced personnel. After mastering the specialization of medical practice, they will have broad horizons not only for performing general work: preventive, diagnostic, educational, but they will also be able to devote themselves to scientific activities.

Among the large number of areas, special responsibility is assigned to the doctor who has chosen medical practice as his specialization. He must have high professional skills, extensive knowledge, and earn the trust, love, and recognition of people.

The doctor must be able to:

  • carry out disease prevention among healthy and sick citizens in teams and families;
  • diagnose early manifestations of pathological processes based on laboratory and instrumental research methods;
  • provide primary emergency care;
  • treat using therapeutic and surgical methods;
  • monitor physiological processes during pregnancy;
  • conduct examinations of patients’ ability to work;
  • work with family members of the patient to teach hygiene rules;
  • maintain documentation for medical institutions;
  • fulfill the duty of providing assistance under extreme epidemiological conditions;
  • constantly improve your intellectual level, study scientific and reference literature on your own;
  • organize work in institutions for mid-level medical personnel, taking into account compliance with regulatory requirements and safety regulations.

The general medical profession requires the doctor to be able to work with modern technology, have a stock of knowledge in the field of pharmacology, possess rehabilitation skills, and always be ready to conduct forensic medical examinations.

What can study give you?

What professions can be acquired after completing a course in general medicine? The educational process in higher educational institutions is divided into 2 stages, the first of which involves the development of complex theoretical knowledge with regular visits to medical institutions. Students simultaneously with preclinical training study a theoretical course in surgery and internal medicine.

The next stage of the educational process is an in-depth study of the chosen specifics. The importance of the moment lies in the application of previously studied material, since the time comes for clinical practice. Particular emphasis is placed on how the abilities of the future medical worker will manifest themselves in the ability to diagnose diseases and contact patients. At an important stage, students determine the specific type of medical practice in determining their future profession. In a hospital setting, they choose a specific focus to work as a narrow specialist.

Future doctors, taking a course in general medicine, can apply for such professions as:

  • therapist;
  • pediatrician;
  • surgeon;
  • anesthetist;
  • orthopedist/traumatologist;
  • psychiatrist/narcologist;
  • neurologist;
  • Family doctor;
  • immunologist and other professions.

They have an excellent opportunity to continue improving their knowledge and skills by studying under a special program of internship and residency workshops, where medical training is reinforced with certain skills in many professions.

In recent years, the most urgent need for private and public clinics has been felt in specialists in cardiology, obstetrics, pediatrics, and general practice. Doctors often have to combine their work: carry out medical activities in public clinics and at the same time provide consulting services in private specialized centers.

Mid-level specialists

Mid-level medical professions have their differences. In medical colleges, unlike higher educational institutions, students, based on the educational standard, study medicine without any narrow focus; they receive basic knowledge in basic medical areas and study basic subjects of expanded specialization. Graduates have the opportunity to choose the direction of their future career. They decide which categories of junior personnel to prefer according to their vocation.

Specialists with secondary medical education must be prepared to perform a large list of functional responsibilities:

  • assess the patient’s condition, note the main symptoms of the disease;
  • diagnose emergency conditions and provide emergency care;
  • provide medical care to citizens both at home and in health departments;
  • examine and monitor patients at home;
  • be able to competently advise citizens on an outpatient basis;
  • collect biological material for laboratory analysis;
  • strictly follow doctors’ orders when interacting with patients;
  • provide rehabilitation assistance to patients with chronic diseases, disabled people, and elderly people.

Having a specialization in general medicine, nursing staff can work as a paramedic, medical assistant in clinics, laboratory assistant, medical statistician, registrar and others. The most in-demand profession on the labor market is the work of a paramedic-obstetrician. Prestige lies in the fact that a qualified specialist is highly respected, is a doctor’s assistant in an outpatient setting, and his work is decently paid.

When communicating with patients, healthcare workers should always show humanity, attentiveness and kindness. Sick people often show incontinence; even adult patients are afraid of painful procedures, they become irritable and moody. Whatever situations arise, the profession of a doctor or nurse imposes an obligation on the official to show moral restraint, dedication and patience. All this is rewarded with the respect and recognition of people, because human health is a great value!

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