Review: Angela Pearl's Astrology Channel. Exclusive interview with famous Australian astrologer Angela Pearl. For the first time in Ukraine

The whole truth about the influence of planets on people's destinies
Exclusive interview with a famous Australian astrologer

Angela Pearl. For the first time in Ukraine It's no secret that the mighty of the world this, famous people and managers large companies often have a personal astrologer, and even his office is next to their own. All this is not without reason, because calculating the influence of planets on a person will help not only to accept right decisions

in business, but also to take fateful steps, and will also help when buying real estate or even in your personal life. Today, the World Wide Web is simply teeming with recommendations from astrologers, gurus and other experts in the field of unfamiliar Everyday life Sci. And therefore, the influence of astrology on people’s destinies has been distorted for many years, mainly due to the appearance of a large number of incorrect horoscopes, as well as astrological video blogs, the forecasts of which often do not correspond to reality or promise the reader everything at once. After all, most often they are written by those who do not have a cat. special education

and in general ideas about the influence of planets on the destinies of people.
The famous Australian astrologer with Slavic roots, Angela Pearl, decided to dot all the i’s in astrology and talk about the real influence of planets on humans in her exclusive interview.

Let us remind you that Ajela Pearl is the personal astrologer of many celebrities in the CIS, maintains her own constant video blog and has become known throughout the world for the fact that her predictions are correct and always come true.

Yes, my schedule is really busy, because I receive more than 1000 letters a day from subscribers alone, which I try to pay attention to. As for astrology, this is my life. And when making important decisions, I always check my horoscope and choose good days. Besides astrology, I have another passion - jewelry and especially pearls. Australia, where I live, is the country of the most beautiful and most expensive pearls in the world. Thanks to my knowledge of astrology, 10 years ago I opened a successful jewelry business, which is still thriving.

Now you are one of the most successful astrologers in terms of the number of subscribers on, more than 11 thousand around the world. Tell us how it all began?

The idea to create my own video blog came after I saw that the Internet is saturated with thousands of ridiculous astrological forecasts. I am always surprised by this, because people learned the same thing somewhere, so why then are their forecasts not connected with reality?! In my video blog, I decided to put an end to the misinterpretation of astrology and show the world a truthful approach to the horoscope and the influence of planets on each zodiac sign.

After all, not only the sun sign is important, but also the ascendant; many astrologers simply do not talk about this.
The Ascendant is rising sign zodiac at the time of birth. It leaves an imprint not only on a person’s character, but also on his appearance. And wise experts in astrology can find out the sign of the ascendant just by looking at a person. It can also be calculated using the date, time and place of birth. Often the Ascendant sign is more important than the Sun zodiac sign.

The sign in which the Moon was at birth is also important. The moon is our emotions and how we react to events in our lives. And, therefore, this is what we do. Each person is a unique “cocktail” consisting of the signs of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. That's why full horoscope cannot be based only on the zodiac forecast.

Angela, you have large quantities fans and subscribers around the world, including celebrities. How do you deal with this?

I am grateful to subscribers for their attention to the blog. More than 10 thousand subscribers in four months! I am incredibly pleased to know that my blog is needed a huge number of people.
I was on vacation over the Christmas holidays, and after receiving more than 1000 emails asking me to post new video horoscope for February 2016, I realized that there is no turning back, and you are already like a kind of guide for a million people into the world of astrology.

Many astrologers in their blogs do not indicate how the movement of the planets affects the human condition. And even the position they are in, retrograde or normal, radically affects the energy. Tell us simple people a little about this impact.

Yes, indeed the influence of the planets is undeniable. And this has been known since ancient times. For example, it is well known that during the Full Moon people become more emotional, which means they should not make important decisions.

In fact, the planets never move in the opposite direction, it just seems so to us relative to the Earth, when the speed of movement in the orbit of our planet is greater than the other. However, the energy of retrograde planets becomes more intense. For example, Mercury in astrology is responsible for information, contacts and documents. During periods Mercury retrograde The confusion in documents increases exponentially, information is lost, we cannot get through by phone to the right person, we tend to overthink or be inattentive. Therefore, it is not advisable to sign important documents or enter into transactions during Mercury retrograde.

Angela, tell us about your education, and which famous astrologer do you consider your guru?

I am a linguist by training. I graduated from the University of Canber in Australia and before starting a business, I taught Russian at the Australian National University.

And thanks to knowledge in English, I became interested in books on astrology. Over the past 15 years, I have attended seminars by the world's leading astrologers in England, the USA and Australia.

I consider my teachers Bernadette Brady, Liz Green, Erin Sullivan, as well as many other astrologers from whom I received invaluable knowledge.

And now I understand that the time has come to become a teacher for others, because in the CIS there are not many sensible modern publications about astrology. Therefore, for everyone who thirsts for knowledge in this area, there are also training videos in my video blog. Later, based on it, I also plan to write a book.

How can people use astrology in everyday life, and what results can they achieve by correctly calculating the horoscope?

The energy of the planets is like a fair wind in the sails. You can easily sail through life, or you can row without a fair wind. In the first case, the journey will be easy and pleasant, and in the second, it will be exhausting and difficult. By knowing and using the energy of the planets, especially positive ones such as Jupiter and Venus, we can make our lives much easier. And by following the dates of the New Moon to start things, and the Full Moon to complete them, we will avoid delays. It's up to you to decide whether to make life easier or waste an immense amount of energy on things that do not promise success.

Angela, what does 2016 promise us, what will it be like for different zodiac signs?

2016 will be a year of change for many zodiac signs, as there is virtually no fixed or restraining energy this year.

For example, Aries will be most lucky in work, and will also experience improved health.

Taurus are those who dream of meeting new love, this is your year, and those who are planning to add to the family will also be lucky.

Gemini is a great time to move and buy property.

Cancer - luck in studies and contacts, new acquaintances, as well as buying a car.

For Lviv, 2016 is a great year to increase finances and acquisitions.

Virgos are the kings and queens of 2016, a great year for any endeavors in your personal life and business. This is the year of making important decisions.

Libra - for you this is a year of freeing yourself from everything unnecessary and planning for the future. The year is also good for immigration.

Scorpios have a very socially active year, a new circle of friends, new hobbies, including romantic ones.

Sagittarians can expect a climb up the social ladder, new work opportunities and a career take-off.
Capricorns will be lucky in foreign trips, in studies and legal affairs. And also expect an increase in popularity.

For Aquarius, this is a year of investment, distribution of finances, and a mystical turn of events for the better is also possible.

And finally, for Pisces, 2016 will be a fantastic year for marriage and business partnerships.

Tell us a little about your video blog on YouTube “Angela Pearl”, who might find it useful?

In my video blog I talk about horoscopes in simple and accessible language. Additionally, I make educational videos for those interested in astrology. You don't need to have any special training. A website will be ready soon, where there will be a lot useful information, for example, how to cope with eclipses. This year there are as many as 4 of them. And together with the knowledge of astrology, it is easier to experience them!
I wish all the zodiac signs, without exception, all the best and success in all their endeavors!

Official Video blog of the astrologer:

Consulting area

One-hour video consultation - 20,000 rubles.
20-minute video consultation - 6,700 rubles.
The energy of the planets is like a fair wind in the sails. You can easily sail through life, or you can row without a fair wind. In the first case, the journey will be easy and pleasant, and in the second, it will be exhausting and difficult. By knowing and using the energy of the planets, especially positive ones such as Jupiter and Venus, we can make our lives much easier. And by following the dates of the New Moon to start things, and the Full Moon to complete them, we will avoid delays. It's up to you to decide whether to make life easier or waste an immense amount of energy on things that do not promise success.
Request an astrological forecast, which will be compiled based on your date of birth, time of birth and information about your place of birth.


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Education: confirmed

I am a linguist by education. I graduated from the University of Canber in Australia and before starting a business, I taught Russian at the Australian National University. And thanks to my knowledge of English, I became interested in books on astrology. Over the past 15 years, I have attended seminars by the world's leading astrologers in England, the USA and Australia. I consider Bernadette Brady, Liz Green, Erin Sullivan, and many other astrologers to be my teachers, from whom I received invaluable knowledge. And now I understand that the time has come to become a teacher for others, because in the CIS there are not many sensible modern publications about astrology. Therefore, for everyone who is hungry for knowledge in this area, I am preparing video training. Later, based on it, I also plan to write a book.

Consultation time

Write in the chat - as soon as I’m online, I will answer you immediately.


My clients are many successful individuals on all continents globe. I often attend many international astrology conferences in Australia, USA and UK.
My YouTube channel has collected more than 30,000 subscribers in short term and more than 4 million views.
In my video blog I talk about horoscopes in simple and accessible language. Additionally, I make educational videos for those interested in astrology.
I am ready to consider and help you in any situation, to direct you to the right solution at the right time.

If you are interested in astrology, numerology and esotericism, we invite you to find out what horoscope was compiled for 2019 by Angela Pearl, a famous Australian astrologer originally from Ukraine.

Angela Pearl has been predicting the future for over 20 years. Her clients include successful and famous people, which largely proves the truth astrological forecasts and effectiveness of recommendations. IN last years is especially popular YouTube channel astrologer, where you can find the latest videos from useful tips and forecasts for different zodiac signs for the coming year and the coming months.


Date of birth (21.03 – 19.04)

Element – ​​fire

The planet Mars

For Aries, Angela Pearl foresees the beginning of a good time, because the horoscope for 2019 promises this zodiac sign many successful moments, opening prospects and fateful meetings. Career growth, an increase in material level and the realization of innermost desires are possible. Although the year will be favorable to all Aries, the greatest success will be achieved by active and proactive people who take fate into their own hands.

Spring will bring profitable acquaintances, so you better take a closer look at the people who will come into your life during this period of time. Perhaps a chance acquaintance will be the beginning of your ascent to success or will give you a soul mate.

For a more detailed horoscope for 2019 for the Aries sign, watch the video:


Date of birth (20.04 – 20.05)

Element - earth

Planet – Venus

For Taurus, the horoscope for 2019 promises complete calm and success in all endeavors, but in the whirlwind of work, entertainment and travel, Angela Pearl recommends not forgetting about family, and in romantic relationships, trusting your heart more.

It is in 2019 that Taurus Pigs, free from family obligations, can meet their life partner. Here it is important to understand in time that this is the right person next to you and not to miss the chance given by the stars.

For family Taurus, the coming year is a great time to think about children. Projects of accumulating funds to buy something for the house will also be successful.


Date of birth (21.05 - 21.06)

Element – ​​air

Planet – Mercury

For Gemini, 2019 promises significant success in creative areas, a lot of trips and trips, great holiday outdoors, as well as financial stability. Although the year will not bring super profits, Gemini's income will be sufficient for a comfortable, prosperous life.

There will be harmony in family affairs if Gemini, passionate about important work issues, does not forget that their loved ones need attention. Angela recommends finding a balance between work and rest, because in the coming year the nervous system will be at its limit and without quality rest and the ability to abstract from problems, Gemini will have a difficult time.

What you should give up in the Year of the Pig is extreme species sports, since in 2019 there is a high risk of injury.


Date of birth (22.06 - 22.07)

Element – ​​water

Planet – Moon

The Year of the Pig will bring a lot of worries and troubles to Cancer. There will be almost no time left for rest and entertainment, but for many, gratitude for such a schedule will be a promotion and a decent income. Businessmen will find new partners, which will allow the company to move to high-quality new level and reach new heights. The year will be successful for people who are open to communication and who know how to get along in a team and work effectively in a team.

New meetings are expected in Cancer's personal life. But in order to develop an acquaintance into something more, you will need emancipation and your own initiative. You should be selective with applicants for the place of your “other half,” because there is a risk of being drawn into intrigue and frivolous relationships.

Pay attention to your health. In 2019, your motto is “Movement is life!”

For more predictions and advice from Angela Pearl, watch the new video for the Cancer sign.


Date of birth (23.07 - 22.08)

Element – ​​fire

Planet – Sun

In the coming 2019, people born under the sign “Leo” will be in the center of everyone’s attention, because the horoscope from Angela Pearl predicts them a high position and success. Of course, for this Leo will have to work hard, which will sharply reduce the time he spends communicating with loved ones, loved ones and relatives. Optimize your work schedule and don’t forget about your personal life and your health!

For many, the coming year will be significant and for them it will begin completely new life far from home. If the decision is balanced and thoughtful, and not impulsive and momentary, in new country Success awaits Leo.

A successful year for meeting new people, starting a family and having a baby. But manifestations of jealousy, arrogance and selfishness can disrupt the idyll.

Watch all the advice from an experienced astrologer for different areas of life in the video:


Date of birth (23.08 - 22.09)

Element - earth

Planet – Mercury

In 2019, according to the predictions of Angela Pearl, Virgo will have many useful and interesting acquaintances. The year will be promising for those who know how to concentrate on the main thing and see opening horizons. Natural practicality and prudence promise representatives of this sign successful career growth and financial stability. You should be careful when concluding new contracts and when investing in someone else's business.

In the spring, a romantic relationship with a colleague is not excluded, which can develop into a strong and long-lasting union.

Virgo should pay special attention to health in the coming year. Active disease prevention and timely consultation with a specialist will help you maintain good health.

For a more detailed forecast from Angela Pearl for Virgos, watch the new video:


Date of birth (23.09 - 23.10)

Element – ​​air

Planet – Venus

For Libra, 2019 is a great time to understand yourself and discover hidden creative abilities. The Year of the Pig will also be successful for learning. Now is the time to improve your skills or learn a new one interesting profession, which will increase income in the future.

Physical health is guaranteed for Libra in the coming year, but psychological climate will depend largely on whether the representative of this sign will find time to communicate with loved ones.

In Libra families, the year promises peace and mutual understanding, unless the representative himself zodiac sign will not begin to “muddy the waters” with causeless discontent and claims to others.

For more information on how to achieve success in the coming year, watch the video horoscope:


Date of birth (24.10 - 22.11)

Element – ​​water

The planet Mars

Scorpios should prepare for drastic changes in the most different areas life. For them, 2019 will truly be a turning point, but real success awaits the successful and persistent on their new path.

Among the unexpected gifts of fate that the coming year will be full of are possible:

  • New acquaintances;
  • change of place of residence or move to another city or country;
  • job change;
  • change of type of activity;
  • marriage or marriage;
  • birth of a baby...

If you decide to take a risk, the main thing is to be 100% confident in your decision. Leave no room for doubt and everything will turn out only for the better!

What else does the coming year promise for those born under the sign of Scorpio - watch the video:


Date of birth (11/22 – 12/21)

Element – ​​fire

Planet – Jupiter

For Sagittarius, the coming year has many pleasant surprises in store. Financial stability and successful implementation of any business ideas are guaranteed. But such a busy work schedule can exhaust nervous system. Support your body and try not to plunge headlong into every problematic situation.

It will be especially successful for family representatives of this sign, because it will bring a long-awaited replenishment. Such events are always associated with some tension in the financial sphere, but closer to autumn everything will work out.

For people who are looking for a soul mate, the year will be full of new acquaintances. For some it will be love at first sight, but for others it will be the result of an opportunity to take a fresh look at a person who has been around for quite some time.

For more details about what awaits those born under the sign “Sagittarius” in the spring, summer, autumn and winter of 2019, watch the video:


Date of birth (22.12 - 20 .01)

Element - earth

Planet – Saturn

In 2019, Capricorn will spend a lot of time outside the home. For some it will be perspective job abroad, for some it’s an exciting tour, and for others it’s the arrangement of a new country cottage.

In the next 12 months, the horoscope from Angela Pearl for Capricorns does not advise changing your job or type of activity. By remaining in their place, representatives of the sign will be able to achieve more than starting all over again in a new path.

For those who are searching true love, the astrologer advises not to rush to conclusions and to be more tolerant of those who are nearby. A family Capricorns It is strongly recommended to avoid flirting and intrigue on the side. There is a high probability that they will seriously undermine the relationship with the other half or even cause a breakup.

Your diet will require special attention in the coming year, because regular snacking, an unbalanced diet and frequent visits to fast food can seriously undermine the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

What else awaits Capricorn in 2019 and what advice does an experienced astrologer give to representatives of the sign - watch in the new video:


Date of birth (22.01 - 18.02)

Element – ​​air

Planet – Saturn

The coming year will not be easy for Aquarius. Problems will interfere with relaxation, some of which will come from last year, and some of which will form in 2019. Financial well-being Only those who work hard and hard will receive it. Quite possible. That you will need to get a second job or find other ways to earn additional income. It will also take a lot of effort to keep you in your job. Competitors are not asleep.

You can save relationships and avoid problems in the family by becoming softer and more compliant, trying to minimize manifestations of ambition and selfishness. In a family, most of the worries will be related to children and their upbringing. Unreasonable jealousy can interfere with harmony and mutual understanding with your other half. But even if there is one, a frank conversation will help eliminate the problem.

Be attentive to your health. Even an untreated cold can create a problem in 2019.

What else to expect for Aquarius and how to prepare for the arrival of the new calendar year, watch the video from an experienced astrologer;


Date of birth (19.02 - 20.03)

Element – ​​water

Planet – Jupiter

The ability of fish to easily and quickly adapt to any conditions will help them achieve success in 2019 by establishing the necessary contacts and creating comfortable living conditions for themselves. The period will be very successful for this sign in every sense. This is a great time to discover new horizons or strengthen your position. In your career you shouldn't expect significant events, but there will definitely be financial stability, as well as successful deals.

Helping others and self-sacrifice are normal for the Pisces character, but this year try not to forget about your needs. Women will be hampered by perfectionism and constant search for something better to feel harmony with themselves. For men, increased attention to the opposite sex can be a source of problems.

Those born under the sign of Pisces will find a more detailed horoscope for different seasons of the year in the video from Angela Pearl:

You can find out what awaits us in 2018 by the location of the stars and planets. Famous astrologer Angela Pearl shared her observations.


Libra should expect support from Uranus. He will leave your house of marriage and partnership, which promises you a new stable relationship. New opportunities will appear thanks to Jupiter. Under his influence, you will be able to open your own or family business. Saturn will help Libra resolve issues with real estate, build a house or change living space. Jupiter will help Libra find financial independence, and Venus will favorably influence personal and business relationship. The exception will be the period from October 5 to November 16. During this time, be careful, monitor your health and listen to the voice of reason.


Scorpios will have a successful year, and your success in all areas of life will be facilitated by strong energy Jupiter in your Sign. Saturn will help you in work and study, and will help you gain fame and honor. Mars will give you activity and responsibility. Under its influence, you will be able to implement bold projects, but not during its retrograde period from June 26 to August 27. Venus will support you in love and finances. It will be retrograde in your Sign from October 5 to November 16, and this time will be spent re-evaluating your actions and decisions.


The difficult period under the auspices of Saturn has come to an end, which will literally untie Sagittarius’s hands, give them confidence in the future, and allow them to begin active work in all areas of life. Ruler Jupiter until November 9 will help you make responsible decisions, change your place of residence and start a new life full of adventures. Mars will help you become a leader, reconsider your life principles and take responsibility for doing business. Venus will also bring good luck. During its retrograde position from October 5 to November 16, exclude plastic surgery, expensive purchases and do not be led by emotions in your personal life.


Saturn will give Capricorns the opportunity to express themselves, start running a business, and succeed in everything you dreamed of. Discipline and responsibility will bring you stability. Thanks to Jupiter, Capricorns will literally catch luck by the tail and expand their range of interests and knowledge. The energy of Mars will allow you to develop new talents, stand firmly on your feet and gain financial stability. Rule out serious matters during its retrograde period: from June 26 to August 27. Venus will give you happiness in love and business communication. It is worth excluding impulsive decisions from October 5 to November 16, during its retrograde movement.


Aquarius will be lucky from the beginning of January. This year will be full of changes for you. Saturn and Uranus will literally give you a free hand, which means that you will achieve success in all areas of life. Jupiter will allow you to expand the boundaries of your life, start a business, move, get rid of any negativity and set a course for happy life. Retrograde Mars will force you to re-evaluate your actions and redo your work. It will give you the strength to complete things, help you close the doors of the past and boldly start moving towards a happy future. Venus will become your planet of happiness in your personal life.


Pisces will be influenced by Saturn: he will change his “place of residence”, leaving your house of work and career. This means that Pisces will no longer have obstacles in changing positions. You will have the opportunity to choose a business you like that will bring you a stable income. This year, feel free to use the help and support of your friends. Together you can overcome all obstacles and even start a common business. Ruler Jupiter will bring you good luck in all areas of life. You can easily overcome all difficulties. Venus will give you stability and wonderful

Angela Pearl is an astrologer with 20 years of experience from Australia. Known for her professionalism and positive approach to forecasts.
Her clients are many successful individuals from all continents of the globe. Angela is a frequent guest at many international astrological conferences in Australia, the USA and Europe.
Her YouTube channel has also gained wide popularity, where Angela Pearl gives monthly astrological recommendations.
You can order an online consultation by writing to [email protected]

The cost of drawing up a personal horoscope and consultation is $350 US, duration is 1 hour.
ATTENTION: payment via PayPal or bank transfer to an account in Australia.

Official website:

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