A special "caliber". Special "caliber" Medium-range anti-aircraft missile system

Multipurpose patrol ships of the far sea zone (according to the Soviet classification - patrol ships), being built for the Russian Navy. They are a revised project based on the Talvar frigates exported to the Indian Navy.


The decision to build multipurpose patrol ships of this type caused an ambiguous reaction. On the one hand, a number of experts point out that the Russian fleet simultaneously orders ships of two types at once - Project 22350 frigates and Project 11356 patrol ships, which contradicts the previously announced policy of standardization. Indeed, the "diversity" turns into an increase in the cost of maintaining and repairing ships. This is confirmed by domestic and world practice.

On the other hand, frigates 22350 are ships of a new project, and it will undoubtedly take time to finalize all their systems. As domestic practice shows, this process for various reasons, ranging from insufficient funding and ending with the dishonesty of some counterparties, can drag on for years. And the frigates of project 11356 are already well mastered by the industry. Let us recall that six ships of this project for the Indian Navy were built by the Baltic Shipyard and the Yantar Shipyard and are being successfully operated. Of course, Russian frigates will be different from Indian ones. As the chief designer of the project Vilor Perevalov noted: “the body is the same, but the filling is all of domestic production”.

The second strong argument in favor of Project 11356 is that these ships are designed specifically for the Black Sea Fleet. Their tasks will include the demonstration of the St. Andrew's flag in the Mediterranean Sea and participation in anti-piracy operations. Of course, they are quite capable of performing defensive and strike missions in the Black Sea and adjacent waters. While the frigates of project 22350 are more suitable for service in the Northern and Pacific fleets.

It should also be noted that the patrol ships of project 11356 are a deep modernization of the patrol ships of projects 1135 and 1135M "Burevestnik", which since 1968 have been built in a large series on the "Yantar" (18 units), as well as the border patrol ships of project 11351 "Nereus ".

The Navy of the Russian Federation and the Coast Guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia (sea units of the KGB of the USSR) received a total of 39 ships of this family. Their excellent seaworthiness and good living conditions won the sympathy of the sailors. Most of the petrels have already been scrapped. Only two ships - Ladny and Pytlivy in the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy - are in service (as of March 2016). As before, the Far Eastern frontiers are guarded by three "Nerei".

Patrol ships of project 11356 inherited the best properties of their predecessors. At the same time, weapons and electronic equipment have become qualitatively new. As well as on the "Nerei", they now have a landing area for the Ka-27 helicopter and a hangar for it. The architecture of the hull and superstructure has changed, which meets the requirements of ensuring low visibility. If the patrol boats of projects 1135 and 1135M have mainly anti-submarine specialization, then the frigates of project 11356 are multipurpose ships. They are intended for conducting combat operations against surface ships and submarines, repelling attacks by air attack weapons, both independently and as part of a formation.


The patrol ship project was created by the Northern Design Bureau on the basis of project 1135.6. The ship was created for the accelerated replenishment of the Russian Navy, as a result of the delay in the implementation of project 22350, which did not allow the Russian Navy to quickly re-equip with this type of ships.

Design features and architecture

The hull of the ship is semi-lance, with an extended forecastle and fairly full contours in the surface of the bow. The ship has a three-island superstructure. The hull and superstructure of the ship are made of steel.

When designing the ship, in order to increase its security and survivability, methods of architectural protection were applied, taking into account the stealth technology, and measures were taken to reduce acoustic signature and protection against weapons of mass destruction.

As the main power plant, a two-shaft gas turbine plant of the COGAG type (COmbined Gas turbine And Gas turbine, literally a combination of a gas turbine and a gas turbine) two fixed pitch screws. The total power of the power plant is 56,000 hp.

The power system includes 4 WCM 800/5 diesel generators with a total capacity of 3200 kW.


The armament includes eight cells of a universal shipborne firing system, a universal automatic 100 mm artillery mount A-190, an anti-aircraft missile system Shtil-1, two six-barreled rapid-fire 30 mm mounts AK-630M. Anti-submarine and anti-torpedo protection is provided by two twin-tube 533 mm torpedo tubes and RBU-6000.


The basis of the strike weapons of the patrol ship of this project is the vertical launcher UKSK 3S14, designed for storing, transporting and launching missiles of the Caliber and Onyx families.

Onyx anti-ship missiles can hit any surface targets at a range of up to 500 km with an exceptionally high-altitude flight trajectory, up to 300 km with a combined one and up to 120 km with a low-altitude flight.

The exact range of the Caliber family missiles (in the non-export version) is still classified. According to rare statements appearing in the media, Caliber missiles can hit surface and ground targets at ranges of 375 km and 2600 km, respectively.

Artillery complex

For firing at air and sea targets, the patrol ship is equipped with a state-of-the-art single-gun artillery system of 100 mm caliber, which provides a high efficiency of firing at air, sea and coastal targets with a minimum reaction time. Consists of a single-gun artillery mount A-190 and a 5P-10 fire control system.

The artillery system was created in the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" and is produced at its facilities in cooperation with JSC "Motovilikhinskie Zavody". Today it is the fastest-firing naval gun of this caliber. With a 2-sided supply of ammunition, the A-190 fires 80 rounds per minute and provides an effective firing range at a distance of about 20 km.

For the purpose of setting on ships of the third rank (with a displacement of up to 2000 tons), the gun is made in a lightweight version. The A-190 weighs 2.5 times less than the previously produced A-214 gun mount, the mass of which without ammunition was 35.7 tons.

The 5P-10 Puma fire control system (developed by the Ametist design bureau, manufactured by RATEP OJSC) provides automatic search, capture and tracking of targets.

Information management system "Requirement-M"

The collection and processing of information, as well as the issuance of target designation to all weapons and defense systems of the patrol ship, is provided by the Demand-M combat information and control system (BIUS). Specifically for the spacecraft of this project, CIUS "Requirement-M" was developed and provided by JSC "NPF" Meridian "(St. Petersburg).

"Requirement-M" independently forms tasks for all general ship weapon systems, based on the danger situation: it determines the number of launches and shots, shows information about the state of the ship's combat assets, and transmits information to defense systems. The system can process information received simultaneously from 250 sources.

Multichannel medium-range anti-aircraft missile system "Shtil-1"

It is used to repel massive enemy attacks from the air (up to three missiles can be simultaneously targeted at each target).

It is expected that the complex will be capable of striking air targets flying at speeds of up to 3 km / s at ranges from 2.5 to 70 km and altitudes from 15 m to 35 km.

Shipborne anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex "Broadsword"

Provides ship protection from high-precision enemy weapons (including anti-ship missiles), as well as the destruction of small targets. For the first time in the world, the Kashtan complex combines rocket and artillery weapons: solid-propellant anti-aircraft guided missiles and two 30 mm six-barreled AO-18K assault rifles. The high combat stability of the complex is ensured by the presence of channels for simultaneous tracking of targets and missiles in radar and television-optical modes.

Anti-submarine weapon

2 paired 533 mm torpedo tubes DTA-53-11356-2, one RBU-6000 rocket launcher; designed to combat enemy submarines.

Electronic and hydroacoustic weapons

Radar ("Fregat-M2EM" type radar) provides target detection, determination of their coordinates and tracking.

Weapon control means - 4 anti-aircraft weapon control radar, 5P-10 artillery mount control radar.

EW armament - 2-4 PU false targets PK10, anti-torpedo protection system "Boa" and others, is designed to counter enemy weapons.

Aircraft armament

According to the plan of the State Armament Program for 2011–2020, the Russian Navy should include five or six ships of Project 11356.

From 1999 to 2004, 3 frigates of this project were built and commissioned for India - Talwar, Trishul, Tabar. Currently, 3 more frigates are being built for India.

For Russia, "Admiral Grigorovich" was laid down in December 2010 for the Black Sea Fleet, presumably for the Black Sea two more frigates will be built - "Admiral Essen" and "Admiral Kolchak". Possible commissioning - 2013-2015 Then it is planned to lay down another series of three ships.

The project was developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Northern Design Bureau" on the basis of the Russian border patrol ship 11351.


Patrol ships of project 11356 are designed to conduct hostilities in oceanic and sea areas independently and as part of a fleet of ships as an escort ship. The combat capabilities of the ship make it possible to search for and destroy enemy submarines; to carry out anti-ship, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense of warships and ships at sea; support the combat operations of ground forces and ensure the landing of amphibious assault forces.

Design features and architecture

The hull of the ship is semi-lance, with an extended forecastle and fairly full contours in the surface of the bow. The ship has a three-island superstructure. The hull and superstructure of the ship are made of steel.

When creating the ship, in order to increase its security and survivability, methods of architectural protection were used, taking into account the stealth technology, and measures were taken to reduce acoustic visibility and protect against mass destruction.

As the main power plant, a two-shaft gas turbine plant of the COGAG type is used, consisting of two afterburner gas turbine engines (GTE) and two cruise GTEs operating through complex gearboxes for two fixed-pitch propellers. The total power of the power plant is 56,000 hp.

The power system includes 4 WCM 800/5 diesel generators with a total capacity of 3200 kW.

Basic performance characteristics of the frigate

Displacement, t:
Normal - 3830,
Full - 4035,
Maximum length (at design waterline), m - 128.4 (115),
Maximum width (at design waterline), m - 15.2 (14.2),
Draft, m:
by design waterline - 4.2,
average (at normal displacement) - 4.64,
maximum (at full displacement) - 6.8,
Main turbo-gear unit М7Н.1Э - 1 GGTA,
Maximum power on shafts at an outside air temperature of +15 - 2X28,000 l / s
Full speed, knots:
at an outside air temperature of + 15 ° - 30,
at an outside air temperature of + 40 ° - 28,
Cruising range at an economical speed (14 knots) with the greatest fuel supply, miles - 4850
Crew, people - 220 (plus 20 Marines),
Autonomy for provisions stocks, days - 30,
PU SCRC "Club-N" - 1x8,
Ammunition PKR 3M54E - 8,
PU SAM "Shtil-1" - 1,
Ammunition 9M317E SAM - 24,
ZRAK 3M87 "Kashtan" - 2,
SAM ammunition - 64,
Ammunition for 30 mm shells - 6000,
MANPADS "Igla-1E", pcs. - eight,
Artillery - A-190E
533 mm DTA-53-956 - 2x2,
PU RBU-6000 - 1,
Aviation - Ka-28 or Ka-31.


Rocket complex Club-N: The basis of the strike weapons of the frigates built by the Baltic Shipyard for India is the Club-N missile system, designed to defeat surface ships and submarines of various classes and types, ground-based stationary and restrictedly mobile targets with known coordinates under conditions of fire and electronic countermeasures. The Club-N system consists of 8 homing high-explosive penetrating missiles. Anti-ship cruise missiles 3M-54TE (with a low-flying supersonic combat stage) and 3M-54TE1. The firing range is from 10 to 220 and 300 km, respectively. The mass of the missile warhead is 220 kg, the maximum flight speed is up to 700 m / s.

Prelaunch preparation, formation and input of the flight task are carried out by a universal fire control system. There are no direct foreign analogues of the Club-N missiles.

This is the first vertical launch launcher in Russia. The complex was designed and manufactured by the Novator OKB (Yekaterinburg) specially for export to India, complete with warships. Part of the funds in the development of the Club-N complex was invested by the Baltic Shipyard.

Due to the vertical design of the launcher, the Club-N complex is located below deck in the bow of the ship. This makes its placement more compact, and also provides the least vulnerability to defeat by the enemy.

The modular under-deck launcher of the Club-N complex, in which the missiles are located, is manufactured by the Baltic Plant. The unit was designed by the Design Bureau for Special Engineering (St. Petersburg). In addition to the missiles that are part of the Club-N complex, this launcher can store and launch three more types of anti-ship missiles. This opens up wide opportunities for the supply of such launchers both to India and to other foreign customers.

Artillery complex: for firing at air and sea targets, the frigate is equipped with the latest single-gun 100-mm artillery system, which provides a high efficiency of firing at air, sea and coastal targets with a minimum reaction time. Consists of a single-gun artillery mount A-190E and a fire control system 5P-10E.

The gun mount was developed by the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" and is produced in St. Petersburg at the Arsenal machine-building plant specifically for delivery to a ship exported to India. Today it is the fastest-firing naval gun. With a 2-way supply of ammunition, the A-190E fires 80 rounds per minute and provides an effective firing range at a distance of about 20 km.

For the purpose of setting on a frigate, as well as on ships of the third rank (with a displacement of up to 2000 tons), the gun is made in a lightweight version. The A-190E weighs 2.5 times less than the previously produced A-214 gun mount, whose mass without ammunition was 35.7 tons.

The fire control system 5P-10E "Puma" (developed by KB "Ametist", manufactured by JSC "RATEP") provides automatic search, capture and tracking of targets.

Information management system "Requirement-M": collection and processing of information, as well as the issuance of target designation to all weapons and defense systems of the frigate is provided by the "Requirement-M" combat information and control system (BIUS). Especially for the spacecraft of this project, BIUS "Requirement-M" was developed and supplied by NPO "Meridian" (St. Petersburg).

"Requirement-M" independently generates tasks for all general ship weapon systems based on the danger situation: it determines the number of launches and shots, displays information about the state of the ship's combat assets, and transmits information to protection systems. The system is capable of processing information received simultaneously from 250 sources.

Shtil-1 multichannel medium-range anti-aircraft missile system: Used to repel massive air attacks (up to three missiles can be simultaneously targeted at each target).

Shipborne anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex "Kashtan": provides the ship's defense against high-precision enemy weapons (including anti-ship missiles), as well as the defeat of small targets. For the first time, the Kashtan complex combines missile and artillery weapons: solid-propellant anti-aircraft guided missiles and two 30-mm six-barreled AO-18K assault rifles. The high combat stability of the complex is ensured by the presence of channels for simultaneous tracking of targets and missiles in radar and television-optical modes.

Anti-submarine weapons: 2 paired 533 mm DTA-53-11356-2 torpedo tubes, one RBU-6000 rocket launcher; designed to combat enemy submarines.

Electronic and hydroacoustic weapons the frigate serves to detect targets and control weapons.
Radar ("Fregat-M2EM" type radar) provides target detection, determination of their coordinates and tracking.

Hydroacoustic stations (Humsa APSON in bulb, SSN-137 towed) serve for the timely detection of submarines and enemy weapons.

Weapon controls- 4 radar control anti-aircraft weapons, radar 3T-25E "Harpoon" artillery installation control.

Electronic warfare armament- 2-4 PU false targets PK10, anti-torpedo protection system "Udav" and others, serves to counter enemy weapons.

Aircraft armament- anti-submarine helicopter Ka-28 or Ka-31, serves to perform reconnaissance and other tasks in the fight against enemy submarines. For this, the frigate is equipped with a hangar and a landing area.

The solemn ceremony of raising the Andreevsky flag and the transfer of the Project 11356 warship to the Russian Navy took place on the territory of the Yantar Baltic shipyard in Kaliningrad.

A total of six similar ships will be built at this enterprise. They are planned to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. "Admiral Grigorovich" is the first of them, it is named after the Russian admiral, who became famous during the defense of Port Arthur and who, after Tsushima, managed to recreate and strengthen the naval power of the Empire. Interestingly, by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, all battleships, 40% of cruisers and 30% of destroyers in the USSR Navy were built or laid down according to programs drawn up by Grigorovich.

The following frigates will bear the names: "Admiral Essen", "Admiral Makarov", "Admiral Butakov", "Admiral Istomin", "Admiral Kornilov".

Before becoming operational, "Admiral Grigorovich" went through a full cycle of required tests. All of its operational and combat characteristics were confirmed. More than fifty times, shipboard helicopters landed on the frigate's deck, practicing anti-submarine missions and search and rescue support.

Soon the ship will head for Sevastopol. In addition to protecting Russian waters in the Black Sea, he and other frigates of a similar class will display the St. Andrew's flag in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in other waters of the world's oceans.

Project 11 356 frigates are small in size, good seaworthiness and very powerful weapons.

The main strike complex consists of 8 missile launchers of the Kalibr-NK complex, the missiles of which are designed to defeat surface ships and submarines, ground stationary and restrictedly mobile targets with known coordinates under conditions of fire and electronic countermeasures.

One missile is guaranteed to destroy all types of surface ships up to the cruiser. A salvo of 8 missiles can disable even an aircraft carrier, transforming it from a floating airfield into a floating pile of twisted iron. At the same time, it is almost impossible to shoot down a warhead flying up to the target at supersonic, and it will also not work to suppress the guidance by means of electronic countermeasures. So just one frigate can become an insurmountable obstacle for an enemy squadron of 8 warships and will pose a threat even to an aircraft carrier order. The effectiveness of the "Caliber" was demonstrated last year in strikes on the positions of terrorist militants fighting in Syria.

The ship's air defense consists of 36 missiles of the Shtil-1 anti-aircraft missile system, two installations of the Kortik or Broadsword anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex. These are, perhaps, the most powerful of the small-caliber artillery systems, which are guaranteed to destroy all air targets on approach to the frigate, including anti-ship missiles. True, the Admiral Grigorovich has two six-barreled 30 mm AK-630 mounts without additional missiles.

Special mention should be made of the 100 mm gun mount A-190. In its caliber, it is the fastest-firing naval cannon in the world. It fires 80 rounds per minute and provides an effective firing range of up to 20 km with a high probability of destruction. The A-190 is capable of destroying high-flying air targets, high-speed and maneuvering boats, as well as ground targets.

It should be noted that the frigate has a very powerful electronic warfare system that protects it from the enemy's most high-precision missiles.

The frigate can carry on board the Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopter or the Ka-31 long-range radar reconnaissance helicopter. They allow you to search for and destroy any enemy submarines, including nuclear ones, and detect the appearance of foreign warships at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

The maximum speed of the "Admiral Grigorovich" is 30 knots, the autonomy of navigation is 30 days. Crew - 180 people plus 20 marines, who may be on board during anti-piracy operations.

Infographics: Infographics "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Mikhail Shilov / Sergey Ptichkin

More recently, it seemed that the fate of Project 11356 frigates was extremely sad. Ukraine's refusal to supply gas turbine power plants for them (despite the advance payment made to the manufacturer) unilaterally left the second "three" frigates unfinished. Fortunately, at least the first three ships managed to receive propulsion systems before the political crisis in Ukraine in 2014.

Initially, it was decided to get rid of the unfinished frigates, and not wait until the start of production of power plants in Russia, because ships idle uselessly on the slipway, which must be freed for the construction of other ships. Under these conditions, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) negotiated the sale of these ships to India. The Indian fleet has 6 Talwar-class frigates, on the basis of which the frigates of project 11356 for the Russian fleet were created, and India would very much like to strengthen its fleet with unfinished Russian frigates. However, given that they were unfinished by the Indian side, deliberately unacceptable conditions were demanded - it was offered to sell them at the price of almost scrap metal, and in fact it was a matter of simply "presenting" them to India. For obvious reasons, such a proposal did not suit the Russian side at all.

Finally, the Ministry of Defense reconsidered its attitude to the question of what to do with the unfinished "troika" of frigates and it was decided that they will be completed after 2018, when the production of gas turbine power plants in Russia will be established. Prior to that, unfinished frigates will be launched without power plants and will stand at the plant's wall in this state until the start of completion, which will be carried out afloat.

Obviously, this is the most adequate decision that could be made regarding the further fate of the second "troika" of pr. 11356 frigates. The ships have a high degree of readiness, and getting rid of them is not only unprofitable, but also simply stupid, given the urgent need of the Russian fleet for new large ships. The statements that a "cheap replacement" has been found for these frigates in the form of small missile ships of pr. 22800 (the construction of which began at the Pella shipyard in St. Petersburg and at the Crimean shipyards) does not correspond to reality. Even a few small missile ships do not even come close in terms of the capabilities of a modern frigate, especially in the field of providing collective air defense of the formation and anti-submarine defense, not to mention the fact that small missile ships are designed to operate primarily in the "coastal zone".

After the start of the completion of the frigates of pr.11356, one can count on their commissioning by 2020, given the high degree of readiness. It is difficult to say where they will serve, in the Black Sea, as originally intended, or in some other fleet, but it is obvious that they will contribute to strengthening the power of the Russian fleet.

Pavel Rumyantsev

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all the efforts of the creators of unique warships that were able to wipe out small states came to naught. At the turn of the 90s, the shipbuilding industry in Russia, like the armed forces, was undergoing colossal difficulties. During the entire period of the country's restoration, the ships already in service with the Russian fleet have not even been modernized. It has become important to revive the old practice of building ships with great potential and rejuvenate the Black Sea Fleet in the current difficult conditions. It is planned to return the Russian fleet to its former glory through the implementation of projects 22350 and 11356.

Refusal from project 22350

The beginning of the construction of various types of frigates, provided for by project 22350, caused an ambiguous reaction from military experts. The appearance of new ships, in the opinion of many experts, would entail an increase in the costs of their maintenance and repair. The adjustment of the system of an untested ship may take more than one year, so work on project 22350 was temporarily suspended.

Vessels for the Black Sea Fleet

A completely different situation has developed with the ships of Project 11356. The Russian industry has already mastered these frigates. Six ships, manufactured at the Baltic shipyard Yantar, are successfully used by the Indian Navy.

It was decided that the Russian Navy ships of Project 11356 would serve in the Black Sea and adjacent waters. The main tasks of these ships will be to demonstrate the St. Andrew's flag, to participate in anti-piracy activities, as well as to carry out defensive and strike missions. The lead patrol frigate of project 11356 "Admiral Grigorovich" has become a symbol of the return to service of the ships-titans.

What is a watchdog?

The lead patrol frigate 11356 "Admiral Grigorovich" got its name in honor of Admiral IK Grigorovich, who from 1911 to 1917 was the naval minister of Russia.

Work on the creation of this vessel began in December 2010 at the Kaliningrad slipway "Yantar" under the serial number 01357. In April 2015, frigate 11356 "Admiral Grigorovich" was already ready for testing. This ship was tested until the end of the same year. In 2016, after the signing of the acceptance certificate and the raising of the naval flag, the frigate 11356 "Admiral Grigorovich" was officially put into service with the Russian Navy. Today it is assigned as a surface patrol ship to the 30th division of the Black Sea Fleet.

Engineering works

Frigate 11356, according to the developers, should be as comfortable as possible for the crew. This was achieved by improving ergonomics. Careful work was carried out by the design engineers to distribute the frigate space as efficiently as possible. At the same time, all the little things were taken into account: combat posts and resting places were calculated more than once. The hull of each "patrol" of Project 11356 was equipped with superstructures with a modified architecture, ensuring low visibility of the ship.


During the inter-fleet passage to Sevastopol (May-June 2016), the "Admiral Grigorovich" was used as part of mandatory tests to detect "enemy" submarines.

In the Black Sea, this frigate conducted artillery fire at a towed special shield. Shooting was also carried out at targets that were thrown into the water by aircraft. The seaport in Novorossiysk became the place where this frigate took part in the competition "Sea Cup-2016". In August, the ship underwent training exercises to eliminate enemy submarines. In the role of the enemy, the submarine "Rostov-on-Don" was used. The ship took part in the "Russian Week in the Ionian Islands" (public forum).

In November 2016, the Admiral Grigorovich left the port of Sevastopol and headed for the Syrian shores. The mission of the frigate is to strengthen the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean.


"Admiral Grigorovich" is the most protected frigate of Project 11356. The photo presented in the article shows a general view of the ship. The frigate is protected by the "Shtil" - an anti-aircraft missile system. In the event of a threat, the missiles of this air defense system are the first to enter the battle.

According to experts, training or training activities with the participation of a frigate are no different from combat ones. In order to intercept the target both during training and in a combat situation, the crew of the frigate is given only a few seconds.

Control system

Automation of the ship "Admiral Grigorovich" is provided with the help of the CIUS management system. This information system processes data on the bearing, range, course and speed of the target using high-performance computing systems.

BIUS is considered the best in the world, since it is capable not only of processing data, but also of controlling the ship's weapons. The system displays the tactical situation rapidly changing in combat conditions. Collection, processing and display of data are carried out automatically. Further, the transformed information is received by the navigation of the ship and the weapon system. Thus, the frigate can conduct combat operations both in operational connection with the Navy, and independently.


The ship can carry out massive rocket fire with the help of new installations "Caliber-NK" (cruise missiles). Each frigate 11356 is equipped with this weapon. The photo presented in the article shows the armament of the ship "Admiral Grigorovich". In November 2016, the Kalibr-NK missile launchers were effectively used in Syria during the destruction of the targets of the infrastructure of the Islamic State.

Project 11356 ships can carry out attacks using, in addition to cruise missiles, the A-190 shipborne artillery mount. Its creation was carried out by employees of the Central Research Institute "Burevestnik". This armament is a 100-mm 15-ton installation, which is capable of firing 80 shots per minute.

Especially for the ships of Project 11356, the Tula CPB created an artillery anti-aircraft missile system "Broadsword". It is a single turret installation with efficient multi-mode missile armament and built-in control system. According to experts, a ship equipped with such a weapon will become invulnerable when the enemy hits simultaneously with four anti-ship missiles.

What has been improved?

Contrary to the prevailing belief that a single ship can only perform one specific task, Project 11356 ships are designed to work with several types of targets.

The frigate 11356 "Admiral Grigorovich" is effectively used both for the destruction of enemy submarines and for shelling surface ships. This became possible thanks to a special identification system that assigns the meaning of "alien" to any enemy target. It is planned to equip the Admiral Grigorovich with a similar system and the Project 11356 frigate Admiral Essen, which will serve in the Black Sea.

Second patrol ship

The second patrol ship of Project 11356 was the Admiral Essen. Frigate 11356 was created by the engineers of the Northern PKB. The ship got its name in honor of Admiral N.O. von Essen. The third ship "Admiral Makarov" is being tested, the construction of the rest of the frigates has been suspended due to Ukraine's failure to supply the necessary equipment.

Design work on the frigate "Admiral Essen" began in 2011. The laying of the ship was carried out in the Baltic States by employees of the Kaliningrad shipyard "Yantar". The frigate was listed under number 01358.

In the fall of 2014, the Admiral Essen was ready for a sea trial. On November 7, it was launched under No. 751. After successful factory tests in November 2015, the frigate was first launched, and in 2016 it was successfully tested at the state level. On March 23, the ship put out to sea from the Baltic naval base and set off in the direction of the Northern Fleet.

The frigate was supposed to make an inter-fleet transition. During the movement, the crew carried out work on joint maneuvering with the accompanying ships. The inter-fleet passage allowed the sailors to check the ship's navigation, communications and radio equipment. The crew of the Admiral Essen successfully conducted compulsory shooting practice. The ship's weapon systems have also been successfully tested in the Barents Sea. Mandatory state tests were completed in April 2016.

Initially, it was decided that this frigate would be handed over to the Black Sea Fleet at the end of May 2016. It was assumed that this date would be May 26. However, on the 25th, it was decided to conduct an additional test. On June 7, 2016, the naval flag was raised on the frigate "Admiral Essen". On the same day, the new ship entered service with the Russian Black Sea Fleet.


Project 11356 multipurpose patrol boats are equipped with the latest weapons and electronic equipment. These vessels are adapted to withstand both surface and underwater combat units of the enemy. It is expected that the release of all patrol boats planned under Project 11356 will provide a cardinal rejuvenation of the Russian Navy.

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