The main diseases of Kalanchoe - signs and methods of treatment. Kalanchoe diseases: what does the “natural healer” suffer from and how to treat it? What to do with aphids

As practice shows, most Kalanchoe health problems are associated with improper care and poor conditions for keeping the plant.

Often gardeners are faced with the fact that the succulent becomes covered with mold, plaque, and is overcome by the smallest pests. Sometimes the disease is practically asymptomatic and the owner begins to realize that something is wrong with the plant when it is no longer possible to save it. What signs can be called alarming and what mistakes can we talk about as a grower?

Late blight (infection with late blight spores)

The second name of the disease is late blight rot, in which the succulent becomes covered with brown spots or a brownish coating. The main causes of morbidity are poor ventilation and waterlogging of the soil.

How to revive Kalanchoe? First of all, you should adjust the irrigation regime, reducing the frequency and treat its above-ground parts with fungicidal preparations. In the future, it is important to choose fertilizers wisely, taking into account the special needs of the succulent plant.

Powdery mildew
This is a fungal infection, which is also called ashtray or linen. The appearance of powdery mildew on Kalanchoe can be recognized by its external signs: characteristic whitish spots appear on it, covered with a fungal coating.

The disease develops when the flower grows in excessively dry and warm air. This is why its leaves may fall off.

To cure a flower, the number of waterings should be increased and the pot should be placed in a cool place. But first it should be sprayed with a fungicide solution. If the owner reacts in a timely manner, he will be able to save the succulent.

It is important! Powdery mildew is a contagious disease; it can quickly infect vegetation that is in the same room as the diseased flower. Therefore, at the first sign of dew it should be isolated.

Gray rot

When a succulent is infected with this pathogenic fungus, its leaves are the first to suffer. They become sticky, covered with a grayish coating, and then acquire a mushy consistency.

  • completely replace the soil with fresh one, previously disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hot water;
  • water the succulent based on its needs;
  • provide it with good ventilation and suitable temperature conditions;
  • carry out fungicide therapy.

Such an event will help revive Kalanchoe.

Stem rot

A rather aggressive disease in which the fungus very quickly spreads to all parts of the plant and it dies. If brown areas appear on the stem of the succulent, and then it turns black, the foliage becomes smaller, then the Kalanchoe needs emergency help.

Often the cause of stem rot lies in the wrong temperature conditions and when the degrees drop, the flower freezes. As a rule, succulents are sent to a cool room for wintering, however, the thermometer should not be below +15 degrees.

The second mistake in keeping such flowers, which leads to the development of this disease, is excessive watering at low temperatures. When the Kalanchoe “rests” in the cool, it is watered no more than once a month.

Experienced flower growers know that, unfortunately, even at the first signs of stem rot, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save a pet.


Ring spot of foliage

If tiny speckled spots appear on the foliage of the succulent, the diameter of which is no more than 1–3 mm, their yellow color gradually changes to brown, then we are most likely talking about spotting, another fungal disease.

The disease develops rapidly, tiny specks turn into spots-circles, signs of stem rot appear, the foliage turns yellow and falls off. At this stage it is impossible to help the flower; it will die 100%. And if the disease has just struck a succulent, you should immediately remove the spotted leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide.

Most diseases of succulents are caused by fungal microorganisms and fungicides - antifungal chemicals - are used to combat them. The following products in this category are especially popular among gardeners:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Gamair;
  • Copper sulfate solution (Bordeaux mixture);
  • Tsineb;
  • Alirin;
  • Green soap (consists of potassium salts);
  • Fitosporin.

This is interesting! The need to treat vegetation with chemical compounds was first discussed back in 470 BC. e. Even then, the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus noted in his writing that in order to rid crops of powdery mildew, it is necessary to spray them with a water tincture of olives. The famous poet-storyteller Homer recommended treating plants from microbes and pests with the help of sulfur.

Not only diseases can be to blame for why Kalanchoe sheds its leaves, loses turgor, withers and dies. This can also occur as a result of damage by various pests. Of course, garden vegetation often suffers from them, however, apartment flowers are not immune from such “uninvited guests.”

Possible pests

Which pest is capable of encroaching on the health and well-being of such a strong, unpretentious and useful succulent? It turned out that there are only a few of them - mealybugs, scale insects, mites and aphids, but all of them are capable of causing irreparable harm to the plant. Experienced flower growers warn that it is important to act at the first signs of infection, otherwise you may lose your favorite flower. And besides, do not forget about preventive measures.


There are many types of mealybugs, however, the most dangerous for indoor vegetation are the bristly, seaside, citrus and grape bugs:

  • Bristly

Only females and larvae of insects harm the plant; they form colonies on the underside of the leaves, climb into the axils and attack young shoots. Scale insects have well-developed legs, so it is not difficult for them to move not only along the affected bush, but also to move to neighboring flowers.

Females of this species have a wide oval body, yellow or pinkish, covered with a whitish coating. There are very few male grape bugs, and the larvae spread throughout the entire flower very quickly, affecting foliage and shoots. Insects reproduce intensively, forming numerous colonies.

Kalanchoe loses all its nutritional juices, loses its leaves, the shoots dry out and the bush dies.

  • Seaside

The most common type of mealybugs, females have a gray-pink oval body up to 4 mm long, covered with a whitish powdery coating. Males are smaller, but in the summer they fly because they have wings.

If a white, fluffy coating appears in secluded places—twisted leaves, cracks in a trunk, or on the forks of branches—then the female seaweed has managed to lay so-called egg sacs. From them mobile larvae appear, which after 4 weeks turn into an adult.

So, if the leaves become sticky, yellow, shrink, white fluffy lumps and a waxy coating appear on the leaves, then the succulent is “inhabited” by mealybugs.

If the flower is slightly damaged, you can use folk remedies. They have a gentler effect on plant tissue and sometimes turn out to be very effective. The following formulations can be used against mealybugs:

  • Tincture of calendula or horsetail flowers

The product is prepared simply - 50 g of dried raw materials should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The container is covered and left until it cools, then the leaves and stem of the flower are treated with the solution.

  • Garlic tincture

The head of garlic is peeled, the cloves are crushed to a paste and poured with a liter of water. After 5–6 hours, soak the sponge in the liquid and treat the affected succulent.

  • Emulsion with oil

For 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp is enough. l. olive oil, mix the composition thoroughly and spray the flower with it.

In order to protect a flower, which has a huge list of medicinal properties, from insect pests, it is worth paying due attention to prevention. First of all, it is important to provide the flower with suitable care and inspect it regularly. And since scale insects primarily attack the lower part of the leaf, they are inspected first. It is recommended to remove all dried leaves immediately, as they attract the attention of insects.


This small insect looks more like a bloat or a piece of garbage, as adult scale insects are so shapeless and unsightly. Beginner flower growers most often do not immediately understand that their green pet is inhabited by insidious pests.

The scale insect is not particularly picky; it can stick to the trunk, shoots or leaf plates of a succulent, absorbing its nutritious juices. Growths appear on the affected areas, and the tissues hypertrophy.

Particularly vulnerable to insect damage are weakened succulents that lack light, water, and the soil contains too much nitrogen.

It is important! Experienced flower growers advise that only purchased flowers be sent immediately to a 1.5-2 week quarantine. Such a warning will help protect the existing vegetation from possible diseases and pests that the “newbie” may have.

Signs of Kalanchoe scale infection are as follows:

Often, against the background of insect infestation, the foliage of a succulent turns black, becoming covered with a coating reminiscent of soot. This sweet span, which is secreted by scale insects, leads to the development of sooty fungus. It can also cause the development of bacterial diseases.

Is it possible to revive the affected plant and how to do it? As with other pests, a number of procedures will be required:

  1. The sick succulent is examined and isolated from other vegetation.
  2. All nearby flowers are also inspected.
  3. The window sill must be washed thoroughly using disinfectants.
  4. Severely damaged shoots and leaves should be carefully trimmed.
  5. The top layer of soil is replaced with new soil.
  6. Using a cotton swab, toothbrush or small sponge, carefully remove all pests; You can make the procedure easier if you soak the “tool” in an alcohol solution, which is prepared from 5 ml of alcohol, 5 ml of tar soap, which are diluted in 500 ml of water.
  7. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for removing insects with a solution after a week.

If the event was carried out correctly, and the scale insects did not have time to seriously damage the succulent, then the Kalanchoe can be saved.


Another reason why the leaves of a home flower turn yellow, harden, bend, and eventually fall off. In addition, when attacked by mites, the above-ground parts of the succulent become covered with brownish scabs.

It is not difficult to rid a bush of “uninvited neighbors”; it is enough to treat the trunk and foliage once every 1-1.5 weeks using a soap solution or mineral oil. If mites have significantly damaged the plant, then it is best to treat it with insecticidal preparations: Akarin, Fitoverm or Vermitek.


This common garden pest is quite ubiquitous and has no particular difficulty in entering homes, for example, through open windows and settling on indoor vegetation. Insects like soil oversaturated with fertilizers.

Aphids can enter a house in different ways - they can stay on diseased plants and quickly spread to existing vegetation. Therefore, it is recommended to plant purchased succulents in a new container with a complete replacement of the soil and keep them in quarantine for at least a week. Sometimes aphids are carried by people on their shoes or by pets on their fur. It is recommended that garden soil be heated in the oven before use, as it may contain not only aphids, but also fungal spores, bacteria or other harmful insects.

It is important! If there are ants in the house, then you can expect the appearance of aphids, the sweet secretions of which are so loved by these “hard workers”. Therefore, before treating plants affected by the pest, it is worth taking care of removing ants.

It’s easy to find out that Kalanchoe has these tiny pests:

  • a syrupy substance appears on the foliage and stem - a product secreted by aphids;
  • young shoots, which are a treat for pests, begin to curl and wither;
  • black marks appear on the leaf blades - another pathogen - sooty fungus - appears in the sweet exudate of aphids;
  • on the underside of the leaves you can see colonies of insects - this can be done when their number increases significantly;
  • if Kalanchoe decides to bloom, then its buds become ugly, the flowers become smaller or do not bloom at all.

How to get rid of this scourge? Weekly treatment of the succulent with a solution of laundry or potassium soap will help. At least 4–5 procedures will be required.

Kalanchoe is a fairly strong plant that retains its decorative properties even during long droughts. However, it is a succulent, which means it needs special conditions that differ from the needs of ordinary flowering crops. And if the florist makes mistakes, then the ward gets sick. How to prevent illnesses in your green pet and take proper care of it?

Succulent care

The owner definitely needs to know what is harmful to succulent plants. Kalanchoe is afraid of:

  • drafts;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • excessive soil moisture;
  • excessive heat;
  • dry air.

The above factors lead to a weakening of the flower, it becomes more susceptible to diseases and pests. It is not difficult to care for it, especially if you pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Watering regime - you cannot be too zealous in this matter, since the succulent can withstand a lack of moisture, and when overwatered, its roots rot; Water the succulent infrequently, depending on the season - more often in summer, less often in winter, in small portions, when the soil dries out. When waterlogged, the foliage of the flower softens and may rot and fall off.
  2. Lighting - Kalanchoe loves the sun, without it the plant stretches out, loses its bright color, grows poorly, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out and curl. Only during the midday heat it is advisable to take care of shading your pet, otherwise sunburn in the form of brown spots may appear on its leaves.
  3. You should not keep a succulent in a room where the temperature is too high or low.
  4. The room should be regularly ventilated - stagnant air harms the Kalanchoe, in such conditions it can shed its leaves.
  5. The soil suitable for a succulent should be light, breathable and low in nutrition. But this does not mean that the soil should be very poor in nutrients and this flower needs periodic feeding. Otherwise, the plant will go into "energy-saving" mode and begin to shed leaves to preserve the more important root system.
  6. An excess of fertilizer is also not good for Kalanchoe - if the soil mixture contains a large amount of peat or nitrogen, then its leaves will begin to curl.

Kalanchoe is a calm flower that responds well to care. But he is also susceptible to diseases that can simply be “looked through”. If you are a novice gardener, then do not wait for the deterioration in the appearance of Kalanchoe to increase, carry out diagnostics and begin treatment. We’ll tell you point by point how exactly a flower is sick, how it is expressed, and how to help the plant.

Symptoms and causes

Based on the symptoms, you can determine what kind of disease has affected the flower. The signs are usually bright, it is difficult to confuse the disease if the symptoms are pronounced. When looking for the cause of diseases, refer to the following list.

  • Brown spots. This is late blight. This disease affects the flower with improperly organized ventilation; the disease can also be caused by excess moisture in the soil. At the beginning of the disease, brown spots appear on the leaves, and gradually the leaves of the Kalanchoe bend upward.
  • White coating. This sign most likely indicates powdery mildew. This, unfortunately, is a common diagnosis for Kalanchoe; a fungal disease most often occurs due to too humid air in the room. At first it resembles a layer of dust, and if the gardener does not examine the Kalanchoe well, he may not attach any importance to the coating. But over time, the “dust” begins to look like flour. Because of this disease, the plant sheds its leaves and withers.
  • Gray rot. If the leaves curl and rot and the plant becomes soft, then it is gray rot. This leads to mold growing on the leaves. This kind of rot is precisely gray in color, which explains the name.
  • Stem rot. When Kalanchoe trunks dry out and darken, this is stem rot. First, a small black dot appears on the trunk, then it grows to such a size that the entire trunk turns black. This happens when the temperature drops sharply. If just such a phenomenon occurs in winter, the plant is in danger of death.
  • Round small spots. This is probably ring spotting. And this, unfortunately, is a death sentence for the plant. It dries up and dies, so don’t wait until it completely wilts, get rid of the diseased flower as quickly as possible.

But not only diseases attack Kalanchoe. The leaves turn yellow and curl due to attack by pests. If the tops of the plant are covered with black mold, and waxy discharge appears on the leaves and stem, it is a mealybug. If the flower has almost dried up in a short time, and its leaves are constantly curling, it is probably a scale insect. The leaves turn yellow from the mite, and if the Kalanchoe first turns yellow and then drops its leaves, it is probably necessary to fight it.

To prevent the flower from wilting, inspect it every day.

Common diseases

Now let’s talk in more detail about the diseases that are most often diagnosed in this crop.

Late blight is a disease that leads to ugly brown spots on the flower. If you literally exhausted the flower with increased watering or if it clearly lacks ventilation, it is likely to develop late blight. When a flower begins to hurt, dark spots dot almost every leaf. If nothing is done, the leaves will begin to curl upward and fall off en masse. The plant needs to be saved; to do this, buy the appropriate fungicide.

But besides the medicine, The flower also needs optimal care. To prevent diseases from plaguing your Kalanchoe in the future, start watering it properly and adding fertilizer to the soil as needed.

Another common diagnosis is powdery mildew. This is a common fungal disease that occurs due to excess humidity in the room. The disease provokes the shedding of leaves, followed by the death of the plant. Therefore, at the first suspicion of powdery mildew, start treating the flower. The disease is infectious, it will quickly spread to other plants in the house, so the first measure is to isolate the diseased plant. Therapy consists of the use of fungicides.

There are several other diseases of Kalanchoe that also need to be mentioned.

  • Stem rot. You can trust the folk method, wipe off the stem plaque, and then disinfect the area with potassium permanganate (instead of potassium permanganate, some gardeners use ash). It is important to normalize the temperature regime.
  • Gray rot. It is also treated with fungicides. But even after their use, the plant needs resuscitation: it will require replacing the soil and ensuring the correct light regime.

When Kalanchoe disease is detected, inspect other flowers in the room. It may be possible to discover the source of mass infection if it turns out that other flowers are also under threat.


One of the most important enemies of Kalanchoe is aphids. It begins to manifest itself vigorously in the spring. And if the flower is not helped in time during the period of aphid attack, then it will not spare it and those plants that are located next to the Kalanchoe. Even a beginner will not have difficulty identifying aphids: black or green small insects will be noticeable on the stems of the flower and on its leaves.

Because It is recommended to burn the diseased parts of the flower, and treat the remaining intact parts with an insecticide. This should be done once a week for about a month. Potassium soap is actively used among available means - 20 g of the product is diluted in a liter of water. The soil is wrapped in plastic film, then the flower is washed with a solution.

The scale insect is no less dangerous for Kalanchoe. This insect is small, mobile, its body is equipped with a waxy shield. Due to the attack of the scale insect, the crop cannot develop normally, it “misses” flowering, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Both aphids and scale insects usually land on the lower part of the leaf.

If you regularly spray Kalanchoe, the scale insect is unlikely to linger on it, since it does not tolerate water treatments. But if you do find pests, you will have to collect them.

How to save a flower?

Soap solution is the most popular folk remedy, which is used in many cases. This treatment can really help. Alcohol wipes are also used: about three times a week, wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. You can replace alcohol with garlic infusion: five young cloves are ground, then diluted in a glass of water. Infuse for two hours in a dark place, filter, and the infusion is ready for spraying. Scale insects can be removed from the leaf with a toothbrush.

In general, the scheme of what to do to treat a flower looks like this:

  • he should organize proper care;
  • if a flower is attacked by pests, they must be eliminated in any suitable way without wasting time;
  • perform pinching;
  • maintain optimal humidity levels, light conditions and temperatures;
  • feed the plant.

These manipulations help Kalanchoe to recover. On average, feeding is carried out once a month. Very often, fertilizer for succulents is used for this purpose, but it is also permissible to use complex additives (they give good, lush flowering). Fertilizer should be applied as carefully as possible. If you overdo it with fertilizing, the plant will not tolerate abundant growth of green mass, and it will not even reach flowers.

Pinching a flower not only helps to heal it, but also prevents it from drying out. You can make a pinch with anything, the main thing is that the tool is processed, and the procedure is carried out carefully, without haste. If you can't pinch it off carefully, sprinkle the wound with ash or charcoal.

It will not be possible to get rid of diseases without emergency measures, but even if you have cured Kalanchoe, you will have to pay special attention to its rehabilitation. It consists in maintaining an optimal complex of care.

Proper plant care

You can grow a beautiful flower at home if you follow all the principles of proper care. And there are not so few of them.

  • Watering. The plant is naturally capable of absorbing and retaining moisture well, so it is afraid of overwatering, not lack of water. Moreover, a slight drought is even beneficial for him. If the weather is hot, then, of course, there is no need to torture the plant; water it as needed. But in winter, try to protect Kalanchoe from overflow. It’s good if the flowerpot has drainage, it helps keep the soil in excellent condition. The flower is not only watered from above, water is also poured into the tray.
  • Lighting. Many of Kalanchoe’s “neighbors” cannot tolerate direct UV rays, but this plant can withstand them well. But this is in the warm season. In winter, the plant goes into a kind of hibernation, so most often it is moved to a darkened window. In order for the plant to bloom, you will have to reduce the length of daylight hours, no matter how strange it may sound. Kalanchoe prefers to bloom in winter.
  • Temperature. In warm weather, the culture will be comfortable if the temperature in the house is from 18 to 28 degrees. In winter, it tolerates coolness - from plus 10 to 16 degrees. The plant takes root well on an insulated loggia and balcony.
  • Transfer. The plant needs it for comfort. The root system of Kalanchoe grows quite quickly, so in the second half of spring, during the period of active flower growth, do not forget to replant it. For this purpose, a new pot is used, much larger than the previous container. But the composition of the soil remains the same. Remove the flower from the pot carefully so as not to damage the earthen lump.
  • Trimming. During flowering, pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out only in case of crop disease. Diseased areas should be carefully cut off at the junction with healthy ones. Flowering usually weakens the Kalanchoe, so do not forget to organize quiet periods for the flower, for which you should cut off all flower stalks, place the flowerpot in a cool, shaded place, and do not water it for about a month and a half.
  • Humidity. There is a lot of controversy about this: some claim that their flowers are absolutely indifferent to such an indicator as air humidity, while other gardeners convince that Kalanchoe cannot tolerate low humidity and dies. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Therefore, do not forget about regular light spraying, which will definitely not harm the flower. After the procedure, the leaves of the plant can be wiped with a sponge - this can be compared to SPA procedures; the flower will be grateful for such care and will respond with health and beautiful flowering.

Violation of the conditions of maintenance and care of the plant is the main cause of flower disease. Unfavorable conditions for the plant cause diseases, for example: spots, plaque, powdery mildew and many others.

Important! Also, due to non-compliance with these conditions, pests may appear, which harm the plant no less than any disease.

You can read more about why Kalanchoe does not bloom.

Diseases and control methods

  1. Powdery mildew– the leaves have characteristic white spots with a mushroom coating. The reason is excessively dry and warm air. Water the plant more often and move it to a cool place. For treatment, spray with fungicides. If you react in time, the plant's health will be restored. Remember that powdery mildew spreads very quickly to other plants. Therefore, act immediately.
  2. Ring leaf spot– the stem of the plant rots and circular spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the flower begins to die and it is impossible to save it.
  3. Gray rot- sticky leaves with a gray coating, which later turn into mush. Replace the soil, water regularly, and maintain proper ventilation. For treatment, use fungicides and good temperature conditions.
  4. Late blight or late blight rot– brown spots or brown coating on the plant. This occurs due to poor ventilation and excess water in the soil. You need to reduce watering, select the right fertilizers, carry out preventive procedures and treat the plant with fungicides.

Reference. The plant is also often subject to stem rot - the trunk or stem turns black. This happens because your plant is frozen. The optimal temperature for the plant in winter is 15°C. It is important to calculate watering at this temperature.

Common Pests

  • Aphid- the most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. Appears mainly in spring. If measures are not taken in time, it will spread to neighboring plants. Aphids are small green or black insects that appear on leaves or stems. She takes the sap of the plant and infects it with her poison. Damaged areas are covered with a sticky substance that prevents the plant from breathing.

    At the initial stage, it is difficult to notice the infection, since the insects are very small and settle on the back of the leaf. It can only be detected due to the unhealthy appearance of the plant. It becomes dirty and deformed. To get rid of aphids, you need to trim off the affected areas and burn them. Treat the remaining plant with an insecticide. Repeat once a week for a month. You can also use green potassium soap: dilute it in water and wash the plant with the solution. Can be replaced with laundry soap.

  • Multi-clawed mites- small glassy mites. When it appears, the leaves and petioles become covered with brown scabs, and the plant tissues harden and become distorted. Wash off the insects with soapy water and treat the plant with an insecticide.
  • Scale insects and false scale insects- insects with a two-millimeter body covered with wax on top. They form a coating (in which sooty fungus is formed) and an accumulation of insects on the plant. The leaves turn yellow, fall off, growth slows down, and flowering stops. For treatment, immediately remove all insects and wash the plant with soapy water. Before removing insects, treat them with alcohol. You can use folk remedies (wipe the plant with cotton wool and alcohol, use garlic or an old toothbrush).
  • Mealybug - an insect that feeds on the sap of Kalanchoe. It propagates the fungus “black mold”. If measures are not taken, the plant will die. The appearance is determined by the appearance of white waxy discharge. For treatment, use mineral oil to spray the leaves.

And this is how leaf diseases and flower pests look in the photo.

Preventive measures

  1. Avoid drafts.
  2. Beware of sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Avoid excess moisture and heat.
  4. Do not keep the plant in dry air.

Proper care

  • Proper watering is to water in small doses, avoiding excess water. Water no more than once every three days and after the soil dries out slightly.
  • Spraying is not recommended. The plant does not like high humidity.
  • The plant needs to be replanted at least once every two years (read about how to replant a Kalanchoe in we talked about how you can achieve abundant flowering after purchase.

    This is how it should be done at home.

    Kalanchoe is a delicate plant that requires your care. If you provide it and pay constant attention to it, then the flower will delight you with its beauty and health.

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Kalanchoe has healing properties. Despite the fact that growing this flower is not particularly difficult, Kalanchoe diseases can easily destroy the plant. In this article we will tell you what diseases and pests most often affect this plant, and how to get rid of them.

If you grow Kalanchoe, you should be fully aware of what leaf and stem diseases exist and how to properly treat the flower. Now we will describe the main diseases of Kalanchoe and tell you how to cure your home flower.

Late blight

If you notice brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe, this is almost certainly late blight. This disease occurs due to improper ventilation or excess water in the soil (so do not flood the plant when watering). When a plant begins to hurt, brown spots first appear on almost every leaf, and gradually the leaves may bend upward and wither.
What to do and how to save the flower? An appropriate fungicide, which can be purchased at a specialty store, will help you here. You should also pay attention to the conditions in which the flower is kept and provide the plant with the proper watering (correct watering regime and the required amount of fertilizer).

Powdery mildew

White coating on Kalanchoe leaves may be a sign of a disease called powdery mildew. Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is a common fungal disease that can occur due to excessive dryness of indoor air. The white coating itself, which can be found on Kalanchoe, at first resembles a layer of dust, but over time it thickens and becomes like flour (therefore, the white coating is called mealy).

Due to powdery mildew, the plant sheds its leaves and dies, so the disease must be treated immediately. The main danger of the disease is that it spreads quite quickly to other plants, so it is better to immediately isolate the diseased flower. Treatment is carried out using fungicides.

Gray rot

A dangerous disease due to which Kalanchoe becomes soft, its leaves begin to rot and turn into mush. Gray mold appears on the leaves, and the plant itself quickly begins to die.

The best remedy for this disease is fungicides. It is also worth thinking about how to revive Kalanchoe after the main danger has been eliminated: it is necessary to replace the soil and ensure the correct temperature conditions for your flower.

Stem rot

If you notice that the trunk of the plant has begun to darken and dry out, most likely you are faced with stem rot. First, a small black dot appears on the stem, which then grows into a huge black spot. Why does the trunk begin to turn black and the plant itself wither? A blackened stem can be detected when the temperature drops sharply - for example, in the winter, a flower can freeze and get sick.

How to revive a flower? A folk method that you can use is to wipe off the plaque on the stem, and then disinfect the area with potassium permanganate or ash.

Also try to normalize the temperature so that the plant receives enough heat.

Ring leaf spot

A disease from which it is impossible to save a flower. In this case, the stem also turns black, but this is accompanied by numerous round spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe. It is best to get rid of the infected plant immediately and not try to do anything.

Video “Saving indoor flowers from pests”

From this video you will learn how to properly treat indoor plants and save them from pests.


In addition to diseases, Kalanchoe is also affected by a variety of pests. Now we will talk about the most common types of insects that can encroach on your flower garden. In addition, we will also briefly describe the main ways to deal with annoying bugs.


A dangerous pest that can destroy a flower in a very short time. These are small, gray insects that can be difficult to spot. Usually they hide on the leaves and buds of a flowering plant, but in the case of Kalanchoe it is much easier to see small insects. The main signs of the appearance of an insect are:

  • falling leaves;
  • waxy discharge on the stem and leaves;
  • the appearance of black mold.


The scale insect most often sits on the inside of the leaf or on the stem. These are fairly large brownish bugs that are easy to spot. The first sign of an attack by these pests is the rapidly drying leaves of the flower.


Mites settle on the underside of the leaf, and their appearance is caused by dry air in the room. The leaves of the flower quickly turn yellow, in addition, the insects themselves weave a thin web, which can be seen on the leaves. The leaves also fall off. Therefore, if no measures are taken, the plant will simply die.

Get rid of nasty bugs using insecticides. You can also treat the flower with mineral oil or soap solution, and remove the pests themselves manually using napkins.


Aphids on Kalanchoe are a common problem that can be difficult to deal with. The cause is soil oversaturated with fertilizers, which these insects love. They settle on stems and the inside of leaves, so sometimes aphids are quite difficult to notice. Insects suck the juices from the Kalanchoe, secreting a sticky coating that prevents the flower from breathing.

If you see that the plant is beginning to smolder, you need to take immediate action. First of all, trim off the affected leaves. Then you can treat the flower with a soap solution. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, use insecticides.

Video “How to replant Kalanchoe”

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant Kalanchoe.

It not only decorates the interior, but also acts as an effective cure for most ailments and injuries. However, this unusual plant also gets sick, and therefore it needs care and proper care. If parasites appear on your pet, you need to take immediate action.

Main diseases of Kalanchoe, treatment at home

The main cause of the disease is improper care and poor conditions for the plant. Leaves and stems may develop spots, mold, plaque, small organisms, etc. You may not even be aware of why Kalanchoe leaves are falling off. Let us consider in more detail what leaf diseases Kalanchoe has and what else can be caused by improper care.

Insects love to breed in rich conditions. If you notice that your Kalanchoe is falling off, carefully inspect the stems and leaves. If you find scale insects, remove them with a paper towel and then throw them away. Also be sure to check the plant for larvae - they look like cotton balls. To prevent them from appearing, wipe the Kalanchoe with a delicate detergent.

Scale insects do not like moisture, so spray your favorite houseplant several times a week. And if bugs do appear, remove them and wipe the surface of the leaves with alcohol. After this, carefully wash the plant with a solution of soap and treat it with a special one. Simple and regular procedures will be enough to smell.

Did you know?Kalanchoe leaves contain juice that can heal cuts and also eliminate burns. In addition, the plant cleanses problem skin well if you make a mask from Kalanchoe.


In addition, the leaves begin to harden, bend, and a brown crust forms.

Measures to combat ticks are quite simple: treat the flower with a soap solution or mineral oil. If the plant is neglected, the remedy "Akarin", "" or "Vertimek" is suitable.

These small insects are often found on Kalanchoe plants because they fly in from the street through a window. She is attracted to, oversaturated and. Small black or green aphids love the inside of the leaves, stem and trunk of the flower.

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