Autumn honey mushrooms. Honey mushrooms: summer, autumn, winter and other Autumn honey mushrooms


Small mushrooms with round caps appear in friendly groups on green meadows or stumps. Fragrant and generous in harvest, honey mushrooms have a delicate taste and are suitable for a variety of mushroom dishes. They are successfully salted, pickled, boiled and roasted. A few small fragrant mushrooms will flavor potato soup or pasta, making the simplest dish original, satisfying and healthy.

Types of mushrooms

There are several species that differ in time and place of growth, as well as taste and appearance.

Autumn honey mushrooms (real) (Armillaria mellea)

Groups of autumn or true honey mushrooms can be found in late summer and early autumn on stumps and living trees, most often on birch, less often on aspens, maples and other deciduous trees.

This most delicious and aromatic species is quite large and is characterized by a rounded cap with a diameter of 5–12 cm, initially convex and then wide, which becomes smooth, prostrate, and brown in color with age. The young skin is light brown and as if sprinkled with dark scaly crumbs.

The leg is slender, up to 10 cm high, with a typical white ring, the color is light cream at the top and darker at the base. The plates are white, the flesh has a pleasant sourish, slightly tart taste.

Early small mushrooms with an orange-brown cap and a noticeable watery area in the center appear on trees from the end of May until late autumn. The cap, up to 5 cm in diameter, opens over time and sheds the lower cover. The leg is thin, hollow, up to 6 cm high with a dark ring.

Mushrooms grow together in colonies and sit tightly on damaged wood of deciduous trees. The plates are creamy-brown, the flesh is brownish-red, fragile, with a subtle smell of fresh wood. The fruit body is slightly bitter and can only be used boiled.

Colonies often form in the form of circles, leaving an empty bald spot in the center. In the old days, this phenomenon was called witch circles. In fact, the explanation is simple - ripe spores throw out long thin web-like threads in all directions, at the ends of which fruiting bodies rise along the entire circumference. There are few nutrients left in the center of the mushroom clearing, so the grass does not grow there and dries out, forming small round wastelands.

Even during winter thaws, under the snow on old poplars or willows, you can find beautiful, even caps of winter mushrooms. They are medium in size, up to 8 cm in diameter, the skin color is ocher-brown, slippery and smooth in damp weather, and glossy in dry weather. The leg is hollow, velvety, about 6 cm high, noticeably darkening towards the base, changing color from light brown at the top to dark brown or burgundy at the bottom. Thin pulp of cream color, neutral taste, with a subtle mushroom aroma, creamy plates, frequent.

Winter mushrooms are good boiled, pickled and in pickles. It’s amazingly pleasant to collect these gifts of nature from under the snow in the cold season. The species is cultivated on an industrial scale and is known under the names "inoki" and "enokitake".

Places of distribution and time of collection

In mid-May, a harmonious mushroom dance begins summer honey mushrooms, they are sometimes called spring ones. The species is found until the beginning of September, quite often among humid forests, appearing in large colonies on deciduous wood. It is advisable to collect them by cutting off the caps alone, since the hollow thin stem is hard, fibrous, and has no nutritional value.

At the end of May they appear singly or even in groups. meadow mushrooms, which flash a warm yellow-brown color among the grass in forest clearings, pastures, along paths and ravines. Harvests can be harvested before the beginning of autumn.

The end of August and the time of the first drizzling rains is the time to collect real or autumn mushrooms. It is easier to find them on birch and aspen wood - on stumps and old trees. These perky mushrooms are collected until late autumn. The frost can already silver the grass, but they are still visible on the stumps.

In mid-September the first winter mushrooms, appearing in fused groups on fallen trees and stumps of poplars, willows and maples. Their appearance is a sign of a weakened or old tree. You can find them in forests, parks, old orchards, and artificial plantings. Fruiting bodies are collected not only throughout the fall before the onset of winter and severe frosts, but also during winter thaws, until the arrival of the real May warmth.

False honey mushrooms

Everyone enjoys honey mushrooms - productive, tasty, fragrant mushrooms that can be collected all year round. But there is one significant drawback - the presence of similar species, which at best are classified as conditionally edible, and at worst, poisonous. The danger is aggravated by the fact that some look-alikes are not only very similar, but also grow next to edible mushrooms, literally on the same stump.

The most dangerous of the doubles, a very poisonous species. The cap is thin, up to 6 cm in diameter, mustard-yellow in color, reminiscent of sulfur, with a darkening center - brown or burgundy. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, while old mushrooms have a wide-spread cap. The plates are fused with the stalk, yellow-brown, later brown. The leg is hollow, curved, greenish, dark underneath. The pulp is poisonous-bitter, with a disgusting odor, yellowish in color. It is this bitter wormwood taste that prevents serious poisoning.

You can find groups of these mushrooms from the end of June until September, in places where edible species grow. In addition to their poisonous color, bitterness and unpleasant odor, false mushrooms can be distinguished by the color of the spores: the sulfur-yellow false mushroom has greenish spores, the summer mushrooms have brown spores, and the autumn mushrooms have white spores. However, twins grown on coniferous wood may not have spores at all.

A noticeable difference between real honey mushrooms is the presence of a ring or “skirt” - the remnants of a discarded cover, which is not present in false species.

Appears in small colonies on rotting wood in late summer and early autumn. The cap has a large tubercle in the center, light yellow or cream, up to 6 cm in diameter, covered with whitish flakes along the edge.

The pulp is fragile, thin, whitish-yellow, at first the plates are dirty white, grayish, and become purple with age. The legs are thin, brittle, yellow at the top, brown at the bottom, fused at the base. The species is classified as conditionally edible.

The bright mushroom forms large colonies, visible from afar with its red tones. The caps are shiny, reddish-red in color, the light edges are sprinkled with grayish flakes. The pulp is mustard yellow and bitter. Appears in late autumn on the stumps of deciduous trees, most often oak and beech.

The fruit bodies are suitable for consumption, but due to the bitter taste they require boiling twice with changing water.

Another name is watery psatirella, and there is no consensus on its use - sometimes the mushroom is considered inedible, and in other cases conditionally edible. The cap is 3–5 cm in diameter, slightly convex or prostrate, with cracked, thinned edges. The skin is glossy, brown, with aging it lightens from the center and becomes creamy; there are flaky remnants of a blanket on the edges. The spores are brown-violet.

The pulp is brown in color and has a characteristic watery consistency, neutral taste, sometimes with a slight bitterness, and odorless. The stem is up to 8 cm tall, hollow, often curved, covered in the upper part with a weak powdery coating.

Appears in the autumn months in damp places near trees or on stumps, remains of wood, both deciduous and coniferous. Sometimes it develops in the form of large colonies.

This mushroom is a close relative of the previous species and is also known as Psatirella Candolla. The cap is slightly convex, then spread, up to 8 cm in diameter, with wrinkles running radially from the center to the edges, drying, becoming white or cream. The skin is brownish in color; in young mushrooms it is covered with scales, which disappear with age. The pulp is thin, brittle, tasteless with a slight mushroom aroma. The spores are brownish-purple.

Psatirella Kandolla grows from late spring to early autumn, in groups on the wood of deciduous trees and near stumps. Its use as food is controversial - the mushroom is considered conditionally edible or inedible. Connoisseurs find it quite tasty when soaked, boiled, and then used for marinades and frying.

All of the listed conditionally edible species are boiled for a long time before consumption, changing the water several times, and only then used for food.

Beneficial features

Honey mushrooms are recognized as tasty, aromatic mushrooms and, being productive and affordable, are readily collected by mushroom pickers. The fruiting bodies contain easily digestible proteins, including valuable amino acids. At the same time, they have a low calorie content - only 18–20 kcal per 100 g of finished product and can be successfully used as a source of valuable nutrients when losing weight.

Honey mushrooms are rich in microelements useful for the hematopoietic system - zinc and copper; just 100 g of these mushrooms will satisfy the daily need for these elements. They contain B vitamins, especially a lot of thiamine, and ascorbic acid, which have a positive effect on the immune system and nervous system.

The anti-cancer substance flammulin, which has an inhibitory effect on the development of sarcoma, was discovered in winter mushrooms.

In the tissues of honey fungus, researchers found antibacterial compounds that slow down the development of Staphylococcus aureus and other virulent microorganisms.

Contraindications for use

Honey mushrooms of various types are grown on an industrial scale on wood waste or straw, considered a healthy food product, and in some countries a delicacy.

And yet, consumption is associated with risks for people suffering from inflammatory processes of the stomach and pancreas.

Contraindications for use are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, including its resection.

Improperly prepared, undercooked mushroom dishes without sufficient heat treatment can cause digestive upset and allergic reactions.

Mushroom products should not be included in the diet of children under three years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

Recipes for dishes and preparations

Before processing, mushrooms are thoroughly washed and cleaned. In most cases, the legs have no nutritional value (except for autumn mushrooms) and are therefore removed. To successfully wash fragile caps, they are immersed in a colander and repeatedly dipped into a basin of clean water, which is changed as they become dirty.

Pickled autumn mushrooms

For 1 kg of autumn mushrooms take 50 g of salt, 20 g of dill - herbs and seeds, 20 g of onion, allspice and bay leaf to taste.

Mushrooms are poured with boiling salted water and boiled for 20 minutes, and after cooking, drained in a colander. First, pour a thin layer of a mixture of dill with pepper and salt into the prepared container. After cooling, the workpiece is placed in a container in rows 5–6 cm thick, sprinkling each layer with a mixture of salt and spices, as well as finely chopped onions.

The pickles are covered with a piece of cloth on top, pressed down with a circle and a weight, and taken out to a cool place, making sure that the brine completely covers them, which should happen in a few days. The food is ready in two weeks, after which it is stored in the refrigerator.

Frozen honey mushrooms

One of the best ways to preserve the nutritional value of mushrooms for a long time is to freeze them. This is a simple and labor-intensive method that allows you to postpone the cooking process until the winter period, which is free from work. Before freezing, mushrooms are cleaned, washed and dried. Then the workpiece is placed in portioned plastic bags or plastic containers and placed in the freezer.

This frozen product can be stored deep frozen at -18°C until the next harvest. Having taken a portion out of the freezer, they immediately begin cooking without waiting for complete defrosting.

Canned honey mushrooms

Freshly collected caps are suitable for preservation. They are washed and filled with cold water at the rate of 200 g of water per 1 kg of mushrooms. Then cook over low heat until the juice begins to release, after which continue cooking for another half hour, skimming off the foam and stirring frequently. Salt the preparation to taste, add a little citric acid - 1 g per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Bay leaves, black pepper and allspice are placed at the bottom of the jars. The boiling caps are placed in jars and filled with mushroom broth. Preservation is sterilized for at least 40 minutes.

Video about honey mushrooms

A variety of honey mushrooms, growing compactly near stumps and among lush meadow grass, are healthy, nutritious and tasty. They are suitable for preparations, first and second courses, and contain valuable antibacterial substances, vitamins and minerals. A knowledgeable mushroom picker will not ignore these small fragrant mushrooms, and there will always be a place for them in the basket, next to the noble boletuses and bright saffron milk caps.

Autumn honey fungus, real honey fungus(lat. Armillaria mellea) - a type of edible mushrooms of the genus Honey fungus of the Physalacriaceae family ( Physalacriaceae). The diameter of the cap of autumn mushrooms is 5-10 cm (sometimes up to 15), in young mushrooms it is spherical, with a curved edge, then flat-convex with a tubercle in the center, gray-yellow or yellow-brown, with small brown scales. The flesh of young caps is dense, whitish, becoming thin with age; the stems are fibrous; mature mushrooms have a coarse consistency. The smell and taste are pleasant. It is believed that the color of the cap depends on the substrate on which the mushroom lives. Honey mushrooms growing on poplar, white acacia, and mulberry have a honey-yellow hue, on oaks - brownish, on elderberries - dark gray and on coniferous trees - reddish-brown.

The plates are relatively sparse, adherent to the stem or slightly descending. Young ones are whitish or flesh-colored, when ripe they darken slightly to pink-brown, and may become covered with brown spots. The legs are 8-10 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter, solid, with a light yellow-brown surface, darker in the lower part, to brownish-brown. The base may be slightly expanded, but not swollen. The surface of the stem, like the cap, is covered with flake-like scales. The fruiting bodies are often fused at the base of the stalks. The ring in the upper part of the stem, usually right under the cap, is clearly visible, filmy, narrow, whitish with a yellow edge.

Autumn honey mushrooms are found from August to October on both dead and living trees. They prefer deciduous trees, especially birch. They grow in so-called “waves” for up to 15 days, one or two waves per year, at this time they are found in huge quantities.

The yield of autumn honey fungus depends on weather conditions in a given season. In favorable years, the harvest can reach 265-405 kg/ha, in unfavorable years (dry autumn) - up to 100 kg/ha (data obtained in the 1970s in the Rivne region). Season: end of August - beginning of winter, bears fruit most massively in the first half of September or at an average daily temperature below +15...+10 °C. Appears in many regions in two or three layers, each of which lasts 15-20 days.

In various sources it is mentioned as an edible or conditionally edible mushroom. Undercooked food can cause allergic digestive disorders. In the West, honey fungus is unpopular, considered of little value, sometimes even inedible, but in Russia and Eastern European countries it is widely collected and consumed, here it is considered one of the best agaric mushrooms. According to a questionnaire survey conducted in Crimea, up to 60% of mushroom pickers collect honey mushrooms, mainly in autumn. Many mushroom pickers select only young specimens or only caps for food.

An inexperienced mushroom picker may confuse the autumn honey fungus with the inedible sulfur-yellow false honey mushroom and the edible brick-red false honey mushroom, although this is a matter of simple inattention; they are not at all that similar. It is often collected together with the much more similar scaly plant (Pholiota squarrosa), which is not scary at all, since it is edible, tasty (albeit a little bitter) and also medicinal.

Autumn honey mushrooms are rich in vitamins. Among them are vitamins A, B2, B3, B6. A high content of polysaccharides and microelements (iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc.) was noted. The presence of such a “pharmacy” allows honey mushroom to be a universal tonic and stabilizer of the overall positive state of the body.

Honey mushrooms are eaten salted, pickled, fried, boiled and dried.

For many mushroom pickers, the favorite subject of hunting is the autumn honey fungus. But there may also be some dangers for newcomers to this business. The thing is that there are a huge number of species of honey mushrooms. Some of them are so inconspicuous that they are most often mistaken for toadstools. But dangerous false mushrooms look very nice, so an inexperienced mushroom picker may end up in a basket, and then on the table. Therefore, before you go mushroom hunting, you need to collect as much information as possible. This will allow you to take tasty and healthy mushrooms, and leave dangerous ones in the forest.

What does a mushroom look like?

As for mushrooms such as honey mushrooms, the description allows you to recognize these gifts of the forest without much difficulty. They grow on flexible and thin legs, which often reach a height of 15 cm. The color can be light brown, honey, brown or dark. It all depends on how old the honey mushroom is and where it grows.

Some species have a skirt on the leg. But this sign does not at all mean that there is a normal mushroom in the basket. Some edible honey mushrooms may not have such decoration, but toadstools sometimes have skirts.

The mushroom cap is round and may look like half a ball. It is covered with small scales. Old mushrooms often open like umbrellas. And the surface of the cap becomes smooth. The color can range from light to dark brown. Sometimes reddish mushrooms are found. It all depends on where honey mushrooms grow and their age.

Where to look?

When experienced mushroom pickers go hunting for honey mushrooms, they always know what area they need to look for first. It is worth noting that if you are lucky enough to find one area with honey mushrooms, then you must definitely look nearby. They are capable of “capturing” considerable territories. Sometimes a whole basket is collected from one stump.

Without leaving the spot...

Honey mushrooms feel good in lowlands, and most often they can be found near old trees, on stumps and even on broken branches that lie around on their own. However, these are far from the only habitats of these fungi. Some species prefer open clearings with a few bushes, meadows and forest edges.

Hemp mushrooms delight mushroom pickers almost all over the world. They are found in the subtropics and throughout the Northern Hemisphere, except for areas with permafrost.

It is worth noting that there are a huge number of species of honey mushrooms. Many of them are edible, but there are also some that should not be eaten. Each species differs in appearance and place of growth.

Types and varieties

One of the most popular varieties of honey mushrooms, which are found among hobbyists in baskets, are summer ones, which are sometimes called linden. These are edible mushrooms that grow in huge colonies on old deciduous trees. They love rotten and damaged wood. Mushrooms are small; as a rule, they do not grow more than 7 cm in height. The diameter of the leg can reach 1 cm. A young summer honey fungus will have a semicircular cap, but as it grows it opens. The color of the upper part is dark brown, and the diameter reaches 6 cm.

Summer mushrooms can be found mainly in deciduous forests with high humidity. They begin to appear in April and grow throughout the summer and fall. But in regions with warm climates they can be found all year round. When collecting these mushrooms you need to be careful, as they are very similar to the poisonous Galerina fringe.

The height of the leg reaches 10 cm with a diameter of 2 cm. There is a slight expansion in the lower part. The color of the stem changes from light honey to dark brown. The mushroom cap is large. In an old mushroom, it can be opened up to 17 cm. In addition, there is a white skirt, which is located directly under the plates. The color of the upper part very much depends on the location of the mushroom. Light honey mushrooms live on poplars, dark brown ones live on oaks, and reddish ones live on coniferous trees.

The appearance of the first autumn species can be expected at the end of August. They are found in places with high humidity. Autumn honey mushrooms grow throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The only exception is areas with permafrost.

There are also winter mushrooms. They grow on old and fallen trees. Most often they can be found on poplar or willow. The stem of the winter mushroom is small, so it rarely reaches a height of 7 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. This species has a dense texture of light-colored pulp. The cap opens up to 10 cm, and its color is yellow, brown or orange. A distinctive feature of winter species is the rare arrangement of the plates. These mushrooms do not have skirts.

Winter mushrooms are found in forests in the Northern Hemisphere. They grow in late autumn and stop bearing fruit only in the spring. Often mushrooms can be found in the form of fused groups. It is difficult to find winter mushrooms under the snow, so experienced mushroom pickers go hunting for them during thaws. The preparation of this product should be as careful as possible. It is believed that winter species contain a small dose of toxins, but with careful heat treatment the fungus can be completely neutralized.

Meadow mushrooms, also called meadow mushrooms and clove mushrooms, are an edible product that can be found in meadows, forest edges and other open places. Beginners rarely pay attention to them, although they occur very often. They can even be found in gardens and cottages. Honey mushrooms grow on the ground and form even rows or semicircles. A distinctive feature of meadow grass is its curved leg. These mushrooms are short and very thin. They can be identified by the presence of a small tubercle on the cap.

The color of meadow grasses changes frequently. In good weather, the mushrooms are light in color, but after rain they can turn dark brown with a reddish tint. They don't have skirts.

As for taste, such mushrooms can give off spices. That's why they are often called cloves. Meadows grow all summer. They can be found in the territory from Spain to Japan. Even during severe drought, these mushrooms are able to survive. After they get moisture again, they recover and grow further.

When collecting these mushrooms you need to be very careful. Beginning mushroom pickers often confuse meadow mushrooms with wood-loving collibia. It is not recommended to eat it, as this mushroom contains toxins. A distinctive feature of collibia is its hollow leg, which is much thicker than that of the meadow honey fungus. Meadows can be confused with the furrowed talker. This is a poisonous mushroom, which is distinguished by the presence of a powdery coating on the plates.

This type of mushroom always has a skirt. It is light and located directly under the cap. The diameter of the upper part can reach 10 cm. Young mushrooms most often have a cone-shaped cap, which is tucked towards the bottom. Old honey mushrooms have a flat top covered with a small amount of brown scales. A distinctive feature of thick-legged mushrooms is the frequent arrangement of plates. Initially they are light, but darken over time.

There are several other types of similar mushrooms. Some of them are edible and very tasty, for example the spruce honey fungus. But they are quite rare and only on certain types of wood. For example, it is quite difficult to find the mucous honey fungus, which grows only on fallen beeches. In addition, there are species that grow exclusively on coniferous trees.

In the forest you can also find completely unusual species. As an example, we can take mushrooms, which have a persistent smell of garlic. That's what they call them - garlic mushrooms. They come in several types that differ in size.

Useful properties of honey mushrooms

These gifts of the forest are highly valued by real mushroom pickers. Honey mushrooms are not only easy to collect, but also simple to cook. They do not require special cleaning and have excellent taste. Honey mushrooms are great for frying and pickling.

But it is worth noting the high nutritional value of these mushrooms. First of all, this product is recommended for those who watch their figure. Honey mushrooms are considered low-calorie, but at the same time contain a considerable amount of useful elements.

The pulp of mushrooms contains vitamins C, E, B and PP. In addition, honey mushrooms are rich in potassium, zinc, phosphorus and iron. They contain fiber, protein and natural sugar, which does not harm the body.

Honey mushrooms are a low-calorie product

Nutritionists note that in terms of the number of useful elements, honey mushrooms can compete with many well-known products that have always been considered leaders. For example, they contain the same amount of potassium and phosphorus as river fish. That is why this product is recommended for people who do not eat meat. Mushrooms will help the body get all the necessary elements in sufficient quantities, but at the same time not deviate from its principles.

In addition, honey mushrooms contain magnesium, zinc and iron. Therefore, the use of this product has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Honey mushrooms are recommended for those who suffer from anemia.

Just 100 g of this useful product per day makes it possible to fully provide the adult body with all the necessary substances and vitamins to keep hemoglobin at a normal level. But different types of honey mushrooms can differ significantly in nutritional value. Some mushrooms are good for hair and nails, while others have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and thyroid function. It is believed that consuming honey mushrooms will be a good prevention of cancer.

There are no significant contraindications to the use of these mushrooms. However, children under 12 years of age should not eat honey mushrooms, like any other products of this type.

These mushrooms are quite easy to recognize; they have a long (sometimes more than 15 cm) stalk of light or dark colors. It depends on the place where honey mushrooms grow. Some mushrooms have a stem dressed in a “skirt”.

The cap of the mushroom is rounded towards the bottom and has a lamellar shape. It can have different shades - from light to brown.

Where do honey mushrooms grow?

Forest mushrooms can grow in a wide variety of climates. They are able to cover fairly large areas and grow in large areas. Most often they can be found near stumps and small bushes.

As a rule, they can be hidden under leaves or in the grass, although sometimes you can find a mushroom standing alone in the middle of the path.

Types of mushrooms

Summer honey fungus

Such mushrooms grow in large groups, mainly near deciduous trees; they especially love old, weak stumps and damaged trees. In the mountains they find places on spruce or pine trees. They are small in size. The length is no more than 7 cm, and the diameter of the cap is no more than 5-6 cm.

Young mushrooms have a convex cap, but with age it flattens, leaving only a small light tubercle. In the temperate zone, summer honey mushrooms are found in areas of deciduous trees.

Under favorable conditions, they can bear fruit all year round.

Autumn honey fungus

In the photo, these honey mushrooms are similar to the previous species. However, they are distinguished by slightly larger legs (up to 10 cm) and a larger diameter of the caps (up to 15 cm). Like summer mushrooms, the cap is convex at first, but flattens with age.

The autumn species appears at the end of August and bears fruit for about 3 weeks. They can grow singly or in large groups on more than 200 species of trees or shrubs. These can be stumps, fallen trunks, branches and even cuttings of fallen leaves.

Sometimes the fungus can grow on some plants, for example, on potatoes.

Winter honey fungus

Like other species, it likes to settle on weak or dead trees. These are mainly poplars and maples. In this case, the wood gradually deteriorates. It is approximately the same size as the summer one, only with a slightly larger cap.

It grows in large groups, which are often fused. Very often they gather during a thaw - they appear in thawed patches.

It is believed that winter honey mushrooms contain a small proportion of toxins. For this reason, they need to be subjected to greater heat treatment before consumption.

Meadow honey fungus

Such mushrooms grow in open areas. They can often be found in ditches, ravines, clearings and forest edges. Often found in summer cottages. They are small in size - a thin stem and a small light-colored cap.

It can be found from late spring to mid-autumn. It tolerates arid climates well and begins to bear fruit immediately after rains.

Honey fungus thick-legged

Judging by the photo, honey mushrooms of this species are very different from their relatives. In fact, the difference lies only in the size of the leg, or rather in its thickness. Most often it grows on damaged, weak trees, stumps of spruce, beech, ash, etc.

The height of the stem is approximately the same as that of summer mushrooms; the cap has a large diameter of up to 10 cm. The young mushroom has a cone-shaped cap. With age, it flattens and tucks towards the edges.

Properties of mushrooms

This type of mushroom is very popular among us. It got its name due to its place of growth. As a rule, it can be found in large quantities near the stumps of various trees.

Based on natural conditions, production of honey mushrooms is organized.

In addition to excellent taste, mushrooms have low calorie content and such a rich composition as:

  • Vitamin groups B, C and E;
  • Microelements - phosphorus, zinc, iron;
  • Amino acids;
  • Cellulose;
  • Squirrels.

In terms of their composition, mushrooms can easily compete with various types of fish. This means that vegetarians can get the necessary microelements from honey mushrooms. Mushrooms have a positive effect on hematopoietic function. The daily dose of iron can be easily obtained from just 100 g of honey mushrooms.

Some types of these mushrooms can help strengthen hair, skin and eyes, while others can affect the body's immune and hormonal systems.

It is noteworthy that honey mushrooms are often used in folk medicine to treat the thyroid gland, liver and cardiovascular system.

Photo again

Of course, the weather makes its own adjustments to when honey mushrooms start to appear in the Moscow region in 2016. But, traditionally, summer honey mushrooms can be collected at the end of summer, but the most delicious - autumn honey mushrooms - appear in the forests somewhere in mid-September. Again, it all depends on the weather, but, as a rule, if there are no disasters, then mushroom pickers can focus on this period.

Mushrooms are a gift of nature and many people strive to collect mushrooms in the summer and autumn. You should always check your plans with the mushroom calendar in order to clearly understand what, where, and when you can collect. Again, you need to be 100% sure of the harvest, so put in the basket only those mushrooms that you know for sure.

When to wait again

This year in Moscow and the region the weather was good for mushrooms. Already in July, many people were picking porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. From the end of August, when there were good rains, summer honey mushrooms began to grow actively. But the season of these mushrooms is extremely short, and if you didn’t have time to enjoy the summer honey mushrooms, then there is still a season of autumn honey mushrooms ahead.

Russula and pigweed are the first to appear among the autumn mushrooms in the forests at the beginning of September. The peculiarity of these mushrooms is that they grow in families and, if you find a good clearing in the forest, you can immediately collect a bucket of mushrooms. As for pre-treatment before eating or storing for the winter, it is enough to simply boil the russula, but the pork will need to be soaked in cold water for several days.

But even after the appearance of these gifts of the forest, the time has not yet come when honey mushrooms will begin to appear. After pigs and russula, porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms actively appear. They grow one at a time, as a rule, and it takes a long time to find them. But the taste, of course, is excellent; these mushrooms are considered “noble” among mushroom pickers.

And only then, somewhere in mid-September, autumn honey mushrooms appear in the forests. These are small mushrooms that grow in large groups. Suitable for frying, freezing and for winter canning. The most delicious are the young little mushrooms, but with age they do not lose their taste, they only slightly change their appearance.

Important! Autumn honey mushrooms are very different in appearance from summer ones. For example, summer ones have a denser stem and a darker cap. And from the name it is clear that they grow in the summer. As for autumn mushrooms, they can be collected until the end of the mushroom season in the Moscow region, this is during September and October. We recommend reading it before consuming.

You need to know not only the approximate dates when honey mushrooms will start in the Moscow region in 2016, but also the directions where to go on a quiet hunt from the capital. Mushroom pickers recommend considering the Leningrad highway in the area of ​​the village of Tarakanovo, Dmitrovskoye highway, as well as Yegoryevskoye and Ryazanskoye highways, forests near the village of Zakharovo.

As for preserving the harvest, it is best not to store mushrooms for a long time. First they need to be cleaned and boiled, and if there are a lot of mushrooms and the product cannot be prepared right away, then it is best to freeze it. As an option, make pickled mushrooms; all edible autumn mushrooms, without exception, are great for making mushrooms.

Mushroom picker's summer calendar:
1. In June, in the first ten days of summer, boletus can be found in pine forests, and the first boletus mushrooms appear in birch groves. Porcini mushrooms appear in the second half of June.
2. July is an active time for collecting saffron milk caps, as well as porcini mushrooms. The first russula may appear if the weather is humid enough. During this period, pigs and chanterelles grow on the edges of the forest.
3. In August, many mushrooms already appear in the forests - these are boletus and milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, boletus, boletus, aspen, and boletus.

Mushroom picker's autumn calendar:
1. September is considered the most mushroom month, because autumn mushrooms are added to summer mushrooms. In large quantities you can collect honey mushrooms, tremors, white mushrooms, and pigs.
2. In October, the collection of honey mushrooms and milk mushrooms continues. As soon as night frosts begin, mushroom picking stops.

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