Review of the game expeditions conquistador.



In 2013, my faithful frigate reached the shores of the New World. Once on land, the band of conquistadors, under my leadership, began to smoke potatoes, eat tobacco on both cheeks and mingle with the natives. I am considering the possibility of building a resort on this coast and below I will explain why you should definitely pay to come to our cozy abode. However, when booking a room at our hotel, keep in mind that you may want to leave home earlier than you plan...

At its core, the game is divided into four components: map exploration, turn-based combat, team management, and roleplaying. The latter is the best, because contains serious dilemmas directly related to the game world, resolved during well-developed dialogues and affecting no less than the problems and relationships of the characters. RPG aspects are present in team management, but resources for leveling up, equipment and skills are taken from a common basket, which reduces the personal progression of each character by an order of magnitude. In particular, with the improvement of equipment, the strangest thing happens. Weapons and armor that are in the general basket can be spent on points, which, in turn, are used to form the upgrades themselves. Thus, they are not obtained during forays into the jungle and are not bought externally, unlike the “raw materials” from which they themselves are composed, i.e. from weapons and armor. Then these improvements are applied, in fact, to the equipment itself in accordance with the character’s profession.

This is true for most objects - traps and barriers that are used before the start of a battle can only be constructed by studying certain techniques. Medicine requires herbs and the ability to mix them. Food, not surprisingly, is sent to the stomach to protect the colonizers from starvation. Some of these resources can be purchased or found during a trip, and some can be created and stored for future use during a rest stop.

When moving through the wilderness, a team can make a limited number of moves before needing to stop for the night. Then a screen appears where each character is given a task, be it setting up a camp site, guarding, exploring or hunting. Depending on the type of terrain, the chance of finding certain items and the difficulty of guarding the camp vary.

The system seems pretty fun at first, the kind of thing that adds realism and interactivity to the team's controls, making the wilderness more than just territory to traverse. Unfortunately, selecting tasks and balancing resources quickly becomes a chore - a means to create the necessary reserves that could be put on autopilot if the automation worked well enough.

In general, one way or another, the map still becomes just a territory that needs to be crossed, simultaneously looking for new tasks and completing current ones. Settlements are more interesting than the unexplored corners between them, if only because they contain people you can talk to. And therefore, the opportunity to make more important decisions - random events that brighten up a boring campsite, as a rule, do not entail serious consequences, with the exception of the appearance of extra (or the reduction of unnecessary) resources at the team’s disposal.

The situation is aggravated by the jungle, which is never interesting to contemplate. And also a camera that seems to be attached to the team, which makes it difficult to get a clear idea of ​​the scale of the surroundings. It's quite unfortunate that in a game that beckons you to step into the unknown, the world can seem like a series of checkpoints rather than an endless landscape with a life of its own.

The battles gradually become similar to each other, but do not lack originality. The game provides opportunities for skillful use of tactics, especially with the advent of new skills and equipment, and many fights seem very painful, because... can lead to big troubles. While the Heroes of MM style of trading blows between units may seem comical, there is always a risk of serious injury or death. Characters cannot be replaced, so over time I became accustomed to even the worst of them. The combat screen also has the kind of visual touches that the map usually lacks - watching the first skirmish (massacre) with the Indians is confusing, because... you see ordinary townspeople who, with trembling hands, grab knives intended, rather, for preparing all kinds of cooking than for killing.

While both the script and the characterizations (both American and European) do not shy away from the horrors of the situation, they are complex enough to avoid generalization. Sure, the game uses fantasy tropes—mysterious shamans, forbidden rituals, abandoned temples—but then turns them on their head. The writers avoided the temptation to create innocent and noble natives who had the misfortune of encountering the terrible Europeans. People, no matter what culture they belong to, are flawed, interesting and often very unusual.

The characters and story are such a strong point of the game that even when I was exhausted from traveling, running a camp, and fighting, I still wanted to continue to find out what would happen next. In its depiction of theme and era, the script finds a happy medium between historical accuracy and flexibility, allowing female characters to play a much more significant role on the front line than might be expected, as well as making decisions peculiar to our era, drawing on the past and anachronism. worldview.

You can become the ultimate bastard who sows confusion and discord, not only because the events are plausible and based on history, but because the games often focus on an individual or family member. Conquest may be dictated by ideology or greed, but elections are a personal matter. Several times I realized that I was obeying orders that I shouldn't have obeyed, justifying my decisions as necessary evil for the good of my group, or trying to make up for the loss of time by acting blindly.

And while I didn't realize it until I finished the game, part of the problem was the freedom it offered you from the start. While group members have personality traits, the leader does not. A leader is simply you. And you probably don’t consider yourself better than the people of those distant lands? I hope you don't think you're so superior to them that you get the "great" idea of ​​enslaving them or killing them.

However, the solutions present in the game may make you feel similar thoughts or at least sympathy. When you experience tragic events followed by terrible consequences, you experience the same feelings as your team. The jungle is a home for an unfamiliar people who honor a foreign religion. Hiding in the forest, away from the lights of cities, they become truly invisible. It's more than reasonable to be afraid of them, especially considering the stories you've been told. But accepting this role is difficult. The game doesn't try hard enough to convey the feeling of anxiety, allowing it to remain on the other side of the screen. It was very easy for me to distance myself from events that happened hundreds of years ago.

I felt like I was making MY decisions, i.e. for their own purposes, only under the almost condescending gaze of the game's least anachronistic characters. I often wished - and this is very unlike me - that there was less freedom in the early stages of the game in favor of fiddling around with character creation. Perhaps a few early decisions that define a leader's identity, as well as limiting my ability to act as a 21st-century person by eliminating some choices and adding others. A sort of Fallout-style walkthrough, where consequences are shaped by empathy and rationality rather than ability.

It would be unfair to end this review on a negative note. Expeditions: Conquistador is much more than a remake of King's Bounty. This is a game that explores a historical era with confidence and professionalism. The combat system is effective and while some aspects of the controls become a chore, the emphasis on story and characters means that you'll almost always be involved in at least one interesting story. If I start the game again, the cards will be the same, so I'm not sure I'll want to take part in these adventures again. However, if there are new Expeditions in the future, I will immediately pack my backpack again and be one of the first to jump on board.

Release date: May 30, 2013 Publisher: BitComposer Developer: Logic Artists Genres: RPG / Indie / Multiplayer / Strategy Platforms: PC In: 389th place Editor's rating: 60 %

Is it worth playing? (based on reader ratings)

How do you like the game?

The success story of the Dungeon Keeper series ended abruptly and awkwardly. The announced Dungeon Keeper 3 disappeared (we don’t consider the mobile hack a sequel), and no one was in a hurry to fully occupy the niche. Either Dungeons will be released - a murky game very “based on”, or Evil Genius, also about building a lair and all sorts of atrocities, but in the world of super spies and supervillains of the Cold War. It took fifteen years for people with warm hearts to figure out a sane home-made sequel. At the same time, the release was obviously rushed. Three years of development was clearly not enough, and War for the Overworld is still desperately floundering. All information on the game is available on our website: Our magazine on Google Play: Our magazine in the App Store: “Gaming” magazine for Android smartphones and tablets on Google Play Press: http://www News application Gambling online for Android on Google Play Press: Official website of the application: http://igromania. ru/mobile/ Twitch channel: See also: Game news / Game news - What to play / What to Play - Reviews / Reviews - Unboxing / Unboxing! - Live broadcasts / LIVE - Reports / Reportings - list=PL06CDF44BE0C83C34 Gameplays / Gameplay - Preview / Preview - We are on social media. networks: Public VKontakte - Group VKontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Google+ - Instagram - Viber:

The Pearl Fishers
Going south from the landing site, we will find a village of pearl fishers where we will be very warmly greeted by local residents. And the village leader will offer to marry his daughter Tayanna. If we agree, we will add trapper Tayanna to the team. If you refuse, nothing will happen, but you will still receive a reward in the video of experience and money. If the leader of the detachment is a woman, then the leader of the tribe will offer to marry his son.
+600 gold, +50 experience, two new cities of Shalapa and Tenochtitlan will appear on the map.

On the way to Shalapa, the central city of the Totanok tribe, we find a cave in which a huge jaguar lives (number 22 on the map). We can catch the beast in a cage; it will still play its role in our further adventures. If, when visiting the cave, Anacona is in the party, then you can hear an interesting comment from her about this jaguar...
+25 experience, huge jaguar.

Quests dedicated to Gutierrez.

Gutierrez's Cannon
On the road from Xalapa to Tenochtitlan you can look into this interesting place (number 2 on the map). Here we will find traces of Gutierrez's expedition, as well as an abandoned and broken cannon. We take the gun with us, the gun can be repaired at the next night halt.
+2 cores, +cannon

Gutierrez's Cross
Not far from Cuautitlan there is another place where Gutierrez's expedition took place. Here we can find some medicine and equipment.
+25 medicines, +3 equipment, +25 experience.

Gutierrez's Fate
To the south of Papantala we find an abandoned village (number 7 on the map); in the village we learn that not far from this place Gutierrez set up a warehouse where he stored valuables. In the village we will be attacked by a group of Indians under the command of two Spaniards. The battle is not difficult, the main thing is to correctly use the house standing on the battlefield...
+230 gold, +2 equipment, +50 experience.
After the battle, we move along the river to the southwest to the place where Gutierrez’s treasures are stored ( marked on the map with number 8). This is where we will find what's left of Gutierrez and be able to bury his remains. As a reward, we can take Gutierrez's banner or leave it at the grave site, for if we take the banner we will receive a minus to the morale of the entire squad.
+50 experience, + 50 medicines, + 500 gold.

Quests for Totanok:

Tepiktoton chief of the Totanoks

Tepictoton's Idol
At the first meeting, the leader of the city of Shalapa Tepiktoton gives him the task of getting him an idol - a shrine of the natives. We go to the village of Totanok for the idol, where the idol is hidden, Tlali knows, but don’t rush to tell, you can either buy the idol for 1500 coins or force it to be given back by force. Having found out where the idol is, we go after it (number 1 on the map)
+25 experience, +120 gold, +3 medicinal herbs.
Having received the idol, we take it to Tepiktoton and receive a reward.
+800 gold.
Unlocks the quest “Protect the Envoy”

When we receive the quest "The Idol of Tepictoton", immediately after leaving Shalapa we meet the daughter of Tepictoton, who wants to join our journey. Having taken the daughter of the leader Shalapa under our wing, we will receive a translator for our expedition. Tekpiktoton will be somewhat offended by us, but this will not play a significant role in the future. Anacona is a civilian in his class, so this character has no special skills. After Anacona joins, the battle will begin, the people of Tepiktoton set off in pursuit of her, our task is to reach the exit point from the mission, there are 10 opponents against us.
+50 experience.

The daughter of the Totanok leader is Anacona.

Protect The Envoy
The Totanocs need an alliance with Tlaxcala to oppose the Aztecs. A place for a secret meeting of ambassadors has been appointed; we need to escort Ambassador Siwaton to the place of negotiations and monitor the security of this meeting. Meeting point "Tomb of Tlaxcala" ( marked on the map) the ambassadors are attacked (a simple battle, 5 opponents will attack us, but we can place only 4 fighters on the field), having dealt with the enemy we will receive +60 gold, +2 equipment, before the battle we can get 4 barricades if we give the appropriate order.
After the battle, we accompany Siwaton back to Shalapa.
+600 gold, +100 experience.
Opens the quest – “Raze the farms”

Raze The Farms
After guarding the ambassador, Tepiktoton will give us a new assignment, to destroy the Aztec farms, they are located on the way to Tenochtitlan from Cuautitlan (number 20 on the map).
For the destruction of the farms we will receive a small reward; the quest will end when we tell the leader of Shalapa about the destruction of the farms.
+21 rations, +120 gold, +3 wood, +1 rope, +100 experience. Upon returning to Tepiktoton, we will receive +100 experience, +1000 gold, and a new location, Gutierrez Fortress, will open on the map.
Opens the quest “Rebuild Gutierrez’s fortress.”

Rebuild Gutierrez's fortress
We can find the fortress without Tepiktoton’s instructions, in which case this quest will not exist and immediately after the destruction of the farms there will be the quest Destroy Cuautitlan. Arriving at the gates of the destroyed fortress, we find that a group of Indians lives on its territory. Since we really need the fortress from the new owners, we will have to get rid of it, there are different ways to do this:
1. We can bribe them for 3000 gold.
2. Or we simply attack them and defeat them in battle, 8 opponents.
One way or another, the fortress is now ours, to restore the fortress a new task will appear - “Fortress of Gutierrez”, after its completion we return to Shalapa and receive a new task.
+ 50 experience.
Opens the quest “Destroy Cuautitlan.”

Destroy Cuautitlan (Raze Cuautitlan)
To make it easier to capture the city, you can release the giant jaguar from the Shochiyoua event into the city, this will make it easier for us to capture the city. We attack the city, the battle is quite simple, after the battle the city is ours. If you received the task “Conquer Papantla” in Tenochtitlan, then it will receive the status failed, it is from this moment that we break peace with the Aztecs and completely side with the Totanoks.
+200 experience, +7 rations, +110 gold, +2 equipment, upon returning to Shalapa we will receive +100 experience, +1000 gold.

The Aztecs have begun military operations; their squad is moving towards our fortress, we need to protect it. Upon returning to the fortress we get +6 barricades and +2 thorns. For me personally, this is the most difficult battle in the game, so I recommend pumping up your squad well and stocking up on cannonballs, as well as lanterns for setting the enemy on fire. There are 18 enemy soldiers opposing us.
+300 experience
Opens the quest – “Clear the embankment”

Clear the Causeway
Here comes the most interesting part: the Totanok troops are leading the assault on Tenochtitlan, our task is to break through the defense of one of the embankments that protect the fortress island. The fight is pretty simple.
If Coyotl is in the squad at this moment, he will want to move from us to the Aztecs. Moreover, if you play as a female character and you previously had an affair with him, then you can persuade him to stay. Otherwise, you'll have to fight him later.
+200 experience. After we break into the city, we send one of our people with Tepiktoton to help in capturing the market, and we ourselves go to storm Montezuma’s castle.
Opens the quest - “Capture Montezuma's Palace”

Take Moctezuma's Palace
We are clearing the palace from Aztec warriors. The complexity of the battle is normal, we need to destroy all the Aztec warriors in 15 moves.
+200 experience, After the Totanoks take the palace under guard, we go to the market and pick up our companion, returning to the palace we meet Tepiktoton there, we get +100 experience and begin the final battle.
Opens the quest “Kill Montezuma.”

Kill Moctezuma
Before the battle we get +10 equipment; for the final battle, instead of one of our people, we can take Tepiktoton, he is a good fighter so he can come in handy. The main thing in the final battle is not to try to break forward, since the territory of the green lawn is mined, I usually spend the battle at the very entrance, the main thing is to place the soldiers correctly. You don’t have to take a shooter on this mission, he won’t be of much use, but of course everything depends on the tactics you choose...
+200 experience.
Opens the quest “Feast”.
If there are 500 soldiers in our garrison, the quest “Conspiracy” opens.

The Feast
Well, Tepiktoton is now the emperor, we attend a feast in his honor and, as participants in this war, we receive generous gifts from him.
+12000 gold, +100 experience.
Opens the quest “Return to Spain”. Our work here is completed, we can return home, if you have unfinished quests, you can calmly complete them (the game will continue indefinitely), or board a ship in the port and sail home.

Quests for the Aztecs:

It’s simply impossible to miss this huge city, here we can get quests in three places and this is where it’s time to start making a choice on which side we are on: the Aztecs, led by Montezuma, or the Totanocs, led by Tepiktoton. We can receive tasks in the royal palace, in the temple or in the market of Tenochtitlan.

Montezuma - Aztec Emperor.

Cuautitlan's Tribute
When we come to see the Aztec tlataoni Montezuma, we will lose -1000 gold or -50 medicines, or servants as slaves. The gift chosen will go towards Montezuma's gift. After the offering of gifts, the adviser to the Aztec ruler, Cappiatl, will communicate with us; he will give the task of collecting tribute from the neighboring city of Cuautitlan. There are different options for solving the quest:
1. We can help Cuautitlan, we tell the leader of the city about our task and provide assistance to the city, giving 100 units of rations. Then he will tell us where the food for the city is hidden, and we will give it to the Aztecs. We take food from the hiding place (number 5 on the map) and go back to the palace to Kappipatl.
2. The same as in the first option, only we give away not rations, but 1000 gold.
3. We can agree with the leader that we will deceive Cappiatl and tell him that there is no food in Cuautitlan. In this case, the payment for completing the mission will be reduced.
4. You can start killing civilians in front of the leader, then he will reveal the place where the food is hidden.
One way or another, we tell Cappitl about completing the mission and receive our reward.
+1000 gold. (in the case of the third option we get +400 gold)
Opens the quest – “Secret Diplomacy”

Secret diplomacy (Clandestine Diplomacy)
Cappiatl gives us a new task, we must go to the Toltec temple east of Tenochtitlan to interrupt a secret meeting of conspirators from the Aztec nobility with representatives of Tlaxcala ( marked on the map with number 19). The task is extremely simple, we arrive at the meeting place and mercilessly kill everyone. After the end of the massacre, we return to Cappiatl and report to him about the completion of the task.
We will receive +130 gold, +100 experience in the temple and upon returning to Tenochtitlan we will receive +1000 gold and +100 experience.
Opens the quest - “Conquer Papantla”

Conquer Papantla (Subjugate Papantla)
Our new task is to capture the city of Papantla in the north of Tenochtitlan. To make this mission easier, we can poison the source of drinking water that supplies the city ( marked on the map with number 6). Or we just attack openly. The battle is quite difficult with about 15 opponents, I advise you to stock up on cannonballs or lanterns to set enemies on fire.
+1000 gold, +100 experience, +21 rations, +7 medicines; upon returning to Tenochtitlan we will receive +1000 gold and +100 experience.
Opens the quest - "Challenge of Tepiktoton"

Summoning Tepictoton
The Aztecs begin an offensive against their main enemy, the Totanok leader, Tepiktoton. We must assist in the capture of the city of Shalapa. We go to Shalapa where the battle takes place, the battle is quite difficult, there are 15 opponents against us.
If there is Anacona in our squad, then Tepiktoton will surrender the city without a fight in exchange for his daughter.
+130 gold, +200 experience, +3 equipment upon returning to Cappiatl we will receive +100 experience.
Opens the quest - “Strengthen”

The Totanok army is still strong despite the defeat inflicted on their leader Tepiktoton, one of the detachments is moving towards our fortress. We return to the fortress to meet the enemy, the time for returning is not limited in any way, so I recommend pumping up your team and accumulating more cannonballs and lanterns. In my opinion this is the most difficult battle in the game. 18 opponents will come against us, we begin the battle outside the walls of the fortress, and Totanok is located approximately 2-3 moves from our fighters. I recommend placing a cannon outside the gates of the fortress and firing at the enemy as often as possible; fighters go outside the gates and meet the enemy with fire from all available long-range weapons. When the enemy approaches, we go back outside the gate and meet the enemies in the narrowest place; when they gather at the gate, we set everyone on fire with lanterns.
+300 experience, and before the battle we will receive 6 barricades and 2 thorn traps.
Opens the quest - “Defend the Embankment”

Protect the Embankment
The main forces of the Totanoks are approaching Tenochtitlan, upon returning to the city we will find ourselves surrounded. Cappiatl will direct us to defend one of the embankments that lead to Tenochtitlan. The battle is very simple, during the dialogue before the battle you can collapse one of the embankments, then the battle will become very easy. The main task in the battle is to prevent enemies from breaking through to the exit point.
If Citlali is in the squad at this moment, she will want to move from us to the Totonacs. At the same time, if you previously had an affair with her, then you can persuade her to stay.
+200 experience.
Opens the quest - “Recapture the military quarter”

Cappiatl is the “right hand” of the emperor.

Recapture the military quarter
Despite our efforts to defend the city, the Totanok army was able to break through. They captured one of the city's quarters, we are heading to the military quarter of the city to recapture it from the enemy. On the spot we meet the well-known “queen” of the Amazons, Citlali. The battle itself is quite difficult; in 8 moves we must destroy 8 opponents. Limited time forces us to act quickly, and opponents hide behind barricades.
+300 experience, +10 equipment.
Opens the quest - “Save Montezuma”

Save Montezuma
After we recapture the military quarter from the enemy, we head to the palace. This is where the final battle with the Totanoks will take place. 9 opponents will come against us, led by their leader Tepiktoton, if we betrayed Anacona before, then she will come for our head... We will control the ruler of Tenochtitlan, Montezuma, and 5 fighters from our expedition.
+200 experience
Opens the quest – “Feast”
If there are 500 soldiers in our garrison, the quest “Conspiracy” opens.

We attend a feast in honor of Montezuma's victory and receive a generous reward from him.
+12000 gold, +100 experience.
Opens the quest “Return to Spain”. Our work here is completed, we can return home. If you have unfinished quests, you can calmly complete them (the game will continue indefinitely), or board a ship in the port and sail home.

Other quests not related to the main storyline.

Papantala Trust
Since the path to complete the quest “Protect the Envoy” lies through the town of Papantala, you can receive a task from the local leader Calliandra, in order to earn her trust, she asks us to deal with the Aztec tax collectors. There is no need to travel far to complete the quest; we will meet the collectors in the south of the city on the way to Cuautitlan. Having dealt with the Aztecs, we receive Calliandra’s trust and a small reward in the form of things collected from the bodies of the killed Aztecs.
If you are good with diplomacy, then you can negotiate with Calliandra without attacking the patrol.
+20 rations, +500 gold, +2 ropes, +1 oil, +5 medicinal herbs, +100 experience.

Gutierrez Fortress (Fortaleza De Gutierrez)
The quest is available after liberating the fortress from the Indians. To restore the fortress, we leave in it one of the participants in our journey and 5000 gold to restore the fortifications. The work will take 10 days, at the end of this period we return to the fortress, the quest is over, now we have our own fortified monastery. In it we can build various buildings.
+50 experience, +to the morale of the entire expedition.

Commander of the Amazons, the beautiful Citlali.

Kill Citlalli
In the temple of Tenochtitlan we meet Momoztli who will give us instructions to kill Citlali, the leader of the Amazon tribe, she is located to the west of Tenochtitlan. We must return to Momoztli with her talisman. There are two options for the development of this quest, either we kill Citlali, or enter into a conspiracy with her and kill Momoztli. In any case, no matter what we choose, we go to the Amazon camp ( marked on the map)
1) If we decide to kill the leader of the Amazons, we challenge her and win the battle against 7 Amazons.
+13 rations, +210 gold, +50 experience, when we bring the Sitlali amulet to the temple we will receive another +20 medicines, +500 gold, + 50 experience.
2) If we support Citlali, the quest “Kill Momoztli” is activated.

Kill Momoztli
After we decide to kill, Citlali will give us her medallion, we return to the temple and inform Momoztli that we have killed the warrior. He throws a feast in honor of this. During the feast, we start a battle, there are only 10 opponents on the field, some of which are civilians, the battle is quite simple, our task is to kill everyone.
+50 experience, upon returning to the Amazons we get +20 rations, +500 gold, +50 experience, and we can also persuade Citlali to join our squad. Sitlali is an Amazon class and a very good warrior who will be useful in the expedition.

The Spotted Curse
On the road to Tenochtitlan we will meet the house of a local healer named Patli (number 4 on the map). Patli is struggling with a disease that threatens the local residents and asks you to help him and bring the sick person to him. To complete the quest, we go to Cuautitlan and find a patient there, take him to the doctor.
We can add Patli (Shaman) to our team.

Silence Coyotl
In the market of Tenochtitlan, the merchant Matlal is dissatisfied with the actions of the war eagle Coyotl, he gives us instructions to kill Coyotl. You can find the war eagle in Teshkoko, on the eastern shore of the lake (number 21 on the map).
There are three options for the development of events in this quest.
1) we agree with Coyotl that we will help him get food and rob the market, as a result of which the quest begins - “Raid the market”
2) We can kill the war-eagle, in this case a battle will begin against 6 opponents, the battle is quite simple.

3) The last option involves passing without bloodshed, but it is very expensive, we give Coyotl 300 rations, for which he gives us his shield. Returning to Matlal, we say that we killed Coyotl and present his shield. The quest is completed.
+600 gold, +20 iron, +50 experience.

Eagle Warrior - Coyotl.

Raid the Market
We may not kill the war-eagle Coyotl, but take his side, in which case we will need to rob the market. The robbery will fail and we will have to engage in battle, the main goal of this battle is to leave the battlefield, it is not a very difficult battle.
+600 gold, +20 iron, +50 experience. Upon returning to Coyotl we will receive +50 experience.
The task “Silence Coyotl” will receive the status failed.

Mayan Bandits
In the territory of the Mayan tribes we find the Masaya village ( marked on the map). To earn the trust of the tribe, we need to find the bandits who are terrorizing the local lands. The robbers are located in the south of the village near the abyss (indicated on the map as number 16). We have a fairly simple battle ahead of us.
+100 experience, +14 medicines, +430 gold, +1 equipment.
For your help in destroying the robbers, we will receive a guide to the volcano and the opportunity to complete the quest “Masaya Volcano.”

Masaya Volcano
The task to explore the volcano will appear when visiting the Masaya village, but in order to get an aboriginal guide we need to gain the favor of the leader Titul Shiu. After completing the quest “Mayan Robbers” we will receive a guide to the volcano. You will find something interesting in the volcano...
+200 experience and Mictlan crystal.

El Dorado Plaza
During our travels we can find the legendary golden city of Eldorado ( signed on the card). The entrance to the city is preceded by a small puzzle; clues to its solution are written on four pillars in front of the gate. If you specify the wrong option when trying to open the gate, the gate opener will be injured. To enter we select - Jaguar, Snake, Cloud (Rain cloud - depends on the translation), Waves. I won’t tell you what awaits us inside, but I will warn you that a difficult battle awaits us, opponents will attack from both sides. For a successful victory, I recommend placing fighters closer to the enemy’s northern group and destroying it as soon as possible, and then meeting the enemy advancing from the south.
In addition, it is important to know that if we try to take all the gold from the city, we must be ready to sacrifice the life of one of the expedition members...
The reward you can earn will be:
+100 experience, + 1800 gold
You can also get a special item - the Golden Spear, but to get it we must sacrifice one of our people or donate another special item.

Poisoned Spring (Papantla Spring)
Bring 25 herbs to the source that supplies Papantal with water. This will significantly weaken the settlement's defenses.

Capture of Tenochtitlan

And the most interesting thing about how to capture Tenochtitlan is to do it through the “Conspiracy” quest. To activate this quest, you must fulfill one condition - recruit 500 soldiers to garrison your fortress. In order for the number of soldiers to grow as quickly as possible, you need to build all the buildings available in the fortress. The quest we need will appear no matter which side we take in the Totanok-Aztec war. The quest appears after the final battle simultaneously with the Feast quest.

After the final battle, Noriega will appear and offer to meet at the Temple of Tenochtitlan. We go to a meeting, there we draw up a plan according to which we go to a feast and organize a coup there. We go to the palace of Tenochtitlan, there we distract the emperor, lure him into the palace garden where we kill him. The battle is quite simple from us Noriego and 5 of our fighters from the Aztecs or Totanoks 6 soldiers.
So Tenochtitlan now belongs to the Spanish crown, so we repeated the adventures of Cortes...
+12000 gold, +200 experience.

Events and battles.

There are simply a huge number of different interesting places and random battles in Mexico. We tried to describe them all, if there is something missing here, write to us, we will be happy to add what is missing.

Flooded ruins
Here we are waiting for a battle with the Indians, in a dilapidated building there are many rooms, our task is to destroy all opponents in 12 moves, then the reward is ours. Marked on the map with the number 11.
+1200 gold, +50 experience, +7 iron, +5 oil.

Temple of Death
A group of Indians will meet us in front of the temple; it will not be possible to negotiate with them about peaceful passage to the temple; we will have to get involved in a battle. There are 6 opponents against us, the battle is not difficult.
+100 gold, +1 equipment, +100 experience.
Having dealt with the guards, we go to the temple, based on the results of passing the temple we will receive a reward, but our two companions will be wounded. Marked with number 9 on the map.
+2400 gold, +50 experience, +6 iron, +3 oil, +5 herbs.

Ancient temple
You can take 6,000 gold from the temple, but in this case our entire squad gets sick. To cope with this, you need to prepare in advance: gather food (since no one will be able to hunt) and medicine. First, the leader of the squad helps the doctors. Then we treat the soldiers, simultaneously treating those whose condition worsens to critical. We immediately place soldiers to guard the camp. If we're lucky, they won't even have time to steal anything from us. Then we heal the hunters and everyone else. Marked as number 12 on the map.
+6000 gold, +25 experience.

The Scholar
In our wanderings we may stumble upon a lonely hut in the forest (number 18 on the map), the Spaniard Miguel lives in it. We can chat with him and get a little experience by eating his unusual Paella :) or we can join Miguel in our expedition because he is a scientist.
+25 experience, you can add Miguel (scientist).

Ship in Trees
In the middle of the forest there is a ship of clearly European origin (number 13 on the map). Let's explore this amazing object.
+250 gold, +25 experience.

The Exotic Flower
We find an unusual flower and allow our doctor to examine it ( marked on the map with number 14).
+20 medicines.

Wounded Native
We find a wounded native not far from the road, we can cure him (number 15 on the map). Minus 20 medications.

Fountain of Youth
A very useful place (number 10 on the map) where you can get bottles of living water that heals soldiers during battle. To get to the fountain of youth without any of your people being injured during the hike, you need to send a character of a certain class to each of the three stages. The first stage is the trapper, the Second stage is the scout, the Third stage is the soldier. Perhaps some stages can be completed with another class. After we reach the source, we will be met by 10 armed opponents. In this battle we have a very convenient point for defense; all we need for a successful victory is to hold our positions...
+250 experience, +6 bottles of living water.

The Shaman
In the middle of the forest not far from Shalapa there lives a shaman, he will demand that you bring all your valuables as a gift to the gods. We can kill him, ignore him, or give all the valuables as a gift to the gods. Marked as number 23 on the map.
When killing a shaman, we will receive +10 medicines.

Totonac Merchants
A group of merchants that can be found on the road near Cuatitlan. We can trade with them, or simply pass by, or attack them.
In case of attack, reward:
+300 gold, +5 equipment, +3 ropes, +3 oils, +20 meat, +10 herbs, +100 experience.

escaped slaves
During the journey, we notice two escaped slaves, you can kill them and wait for their pursuers and attack them. Two battles, the first against 2 slaves is very simple and a little more difficult to kill their pursuers, about 6 warriors.
+6 rations, +120 gold, +50 experience.

Be on top
Night attack, 7 opponents attack, our 6 fighters are randomly selected, quite a difficult battle.

Aztec Attack
Night attack against 8 opponents, attacked from two sides.
+100 gold, +2 equipment, +50 experience.

Gift of the Aztecs
A group of Aztecs passing by gives us useful items.
+5 equipment, +10 ropes.

Aztec Slavers
A group of Aztec slave traders lead slaves to a sacrifice along the road from a swamp village to Xalapa. We can attack them, ignore them, or, with a good level of diplomacy, negotiate with them and they will release the slaves. When attacking, it's an easy battle against 8 opponents.
+100 experience

Aztec Patrol
A small squad of Aztec warriors, an optional battle, can be avoided. If we fight, there are about 6 opponents against us.
+100 experience, +5 herbs, +1 oil, +2 ropes, +500 gold, +20 rations.

Treasure Hunters
We meet a small group of treasure hunters, they have run out of supplies and are asking for help. They will give you some gold for your kindness.
-16 rations, +150 gold.

Native attack
Occurs during a night halt. We are attacked by a group of Indians from two sides, about 8 opponents. The fight is not very difficult, a slightly unpleasant aspect is that as a result of the event one of the expedition members will be injured.
+32 rations, +11 medicines, +4 equipment, +100 experience.

Native hunting camp
You don't have to attack, you can just pass by. In the event of a battle, we can put only 4 fighters on the map who must kill 8 opponents in 8 moves.

The Swamp Encounter
Occurs in a swampy area, about 6 Indians attack.
+5 medicines, +400 gold, +3 ropes, +100 experience.

Totanok Hunters
A group of Indians attacks.
+55 gold, +23 meat, +6 herbs, +100 experience.

The attack takes place in the swamp area, on the road to the village of pearl fishermen.
+760 gold, +3 equipment, +100 experience.

Taken by surprise
A sudden night attack, the battle takes place in a camp among tents. All our fighters carry daggers instead of halberds and swords. There are a total of 8 opponents on the field, a rather difficult battle. A good way out for victory could be to retreat back to the south of the map...

False attack
During a night halt, we are attacked while our guards are moving away from the camp; a hidden part of the Indians robs our tents. Our task is either to kill all opponents or get to the camp in 8 moves. The option to run is very difficult, so I suggest destroying all opponents. If you win, you get nothing.

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We start the game by generating a character and collecting an expedition, first we will be asked to distribute the skills of our main character, there are 6 skills in total, initially they all have an indicator of 5 and can be raised to 10, for distribution we get 8 points, and most importantly the main skills We distribute a character only once per game; then their performance can only be increased through the members of our expedition.

Tactics-required to use items before battle; with a low tactics score, the number and range of use of items is limited. Plus we get 2 tactics units for each soldier in the expedition.

Diplomacy— the level of this skill affects success in negotiations, as well as prices when trading in the markets. Plus 2 units we get for each scientist in the squad.

Treatment— reduces the cost of medicines for the treatment of wounded participants in the campaign. Plus 2 units for each doctor in the squad.

Survival- improves the result of the hunt and increases the amount of meat obtained. Plus 2 units for each hunter on the expedition.

Intelligence service— increases the unit’s movement range on the strategic map. Plus 2 units for each scout in the squad.

Leadership— increases morale in the squad and reduces the risk of mutiny. Increases by three points for each sergeant in the squad and by 4 for each lieutenant.

What to download? This, of course, directly depends on your playing style, but still, if you are playing for the first time, I recommend not spending too much initial points on reconnaissance, treatment and leadership. I don’t recommend downloading reconnaissance because little depends on the speed of your movement on the map; the game does not limit us to a time frame. I don’t see any point in developing treatment much since it is much easier to buy or make medicine yourself than to save on their consumption with this skill. I do not recommend developing leadership since at the initial stage there is no problem of mutinies, and later you can improve this skill well at the expense of lieutenants and sergeants.

After we have chosen the name, gender and distributed the skills of the main character, we move on to assembling the composition of the expedition. To start, we are asked to choose 10 people, each participant can have one of 5 classes. Again, we assemble an expedition to our taste, I took a very average balanced composition - 2 doctors, 1 scientist, 3 hunters, 3 soldiers, 1 scout. Let's look at all the classes and their development.

Soldier- our main combat unit, medium range of movement, strong melee attack and low accuracy of shooting attacks. Depending on the rank, he has 5 special abilities.

Impeccable Defense— increases the soldier’s defense, recharges for 1 turn. Available with the rank of recruit.
Stun— the target loses the ability to walk and attack on the next turn and receives small damage of 10-20 units. Reload 2 turns. Available with the rank of military personnel.
Security— the defense of all nearby soldiers increases to the level of defense of the soldier who used the skill. Reload 2 turns. Available with Veteran rank.
Smoke bomb— affects an area of ​​7 cells, making it difficult to hit those standing in the cloud from the checker. The cloud lasts for 2 turns. Cooldown of the skill is 3 turns. Available at the rank of Sergeant.

Doctor- an obligatory participant in the expedition, doctors treat both in combat mode and in strategic mode, during night rests. The main value of a doctor in battle is treatment and the ability to revive killed allies. The main feature that we will have to come to terms with during the battle is that doctors cannot treat themselves. Doctors have 4 special abilities:

Recovery— restores 25-40 health units depending on the rank of the doctor. Reload 1 turn. Available with the rank of recruit.
Treatment— restores 15-25 health points and removes negative effects (poisoning). Reload 1 turn. Available with the rank of military personnel.
Bring to life- when your soldiers run out of health, they do not die, but lose consciousness, can bring a soldier to his senses and restores him a certain amount of health, depending on the rank of the doctor. Cooldown of the skill is 3 turns. Available with Veteran rank.
Collection— all fighters move 3 squares towards the lieutenant and no move points are spent. Available at the rank of Lieutenant.

Scout— a fast fighter who can move, ignore traps, move long distances in one turn, cannot use small arms. In battle it is useful for rear attacks. Scouts can use 4 abilities in battle:

Diversionary strike- goes around the enemy and hits from behind, and accordingly receives a rear attack bonus. Reload 1 turn. Available with the rank of recruit.
Stealth— a movement mode in which the movement range is reduced by half; in this mode, the scout ignores the effect of traps and attacks whenever possible (automatic attacks that occur when we move past an enemy fighter). Available with the rank of military personnel.
Throwing Knife— throws a knife in a radius of 3 cells, causing small damage of 15-25 units. Reload 3 turns. Available with Veteran rank.
Collection— all fighters move 3 squares towards the lieutenant and no move points are spent. Available at the rank of Lieutenant.

Hunter- an excellent marksman, weak in close combat, but formidable at long ranges. And of course the main provider of provisions during night stops. Hunters can use 4 abilities in battle:

Discard- a weak melee attack, its main advantage is that the enemy is thrown one cell away from the hunter. Reload 1 turn. Available with the rank of recruit.
Quick Shot— the hunter fires two shots instead of one, the accuracy of shots is reduced by 30%. Reload 1 turn. Available with the rank of military personnel.
Aimed Shot— half penalty to accuracy, you can use the skill only while standing still, if before use the hunter was moved at least one square, the skill will not be available that turn. Reload 1 turn. Available with Veteran rank.
Collection— all fighters move 3 squares towards the lieutenant and no move points are spent. Available at the rank of Lieutenant.

Scientist- a character who can provide support in battle, and during the campaign can study various improvements and craft items. Scientists can use 4 abilities in battle:

Logistics— increases the movement range of the selected ally depending on the rank of the scientist, by two cells if a recruit, by 4 if a veteran, by 6 if a sergeant. Reload 2 turns. Available with the rank of recruit.
Coordinated attack— the next attack against any enemy will deal 10% more damage. Reload 2 turns. Available with the rank of military personnel.
Abstraction- reduces the damage of all enemies by 20%, lasts 1 turn, reduces the damage of all attacks, both short- and long-range. Reload 1 turn. Available with Veteran rank.
Collection— all fighters move 3 squares towards the lieutenant and no move points are spent. Available at the rank of Lieutenant.


As you noticed, the skills of our subordinates depend on their rank. To promote in rank, we need experience, in the game it is common to the entire expedition; we can promote a soldier in rank at any time while in the strategic mode of the game. There are a total of five titles in the game:

Rookie- initial rank, no bonuses.

Serviceman— bonuses +5% attack, +5 defense, mid-level equipment unlocked (we can give more pieces of equipment in accordance with the fighter’s class). The upgrade costs 100 experience.

Veteran— bonuses +10% attack, +10 to defense, +1 to leadership, highest level equipment unlocked. The upgrade costs 300 experience.

Sergeant— bonuses +15% attack, +15 to defense, +3 to leadership. You can have no more than 3 in a squad. officers (including one lieutenant). The upgrade costs 600 experience.

Lieutenant— bonuses +20% attack, +20 to defense, +5 to leadership. You can have no more than one lieutenant in a squad. The upgrade costs 1000 experience.


Each soldier can use equipment to increase attack or defense parameters; for attack, the amount of equipment is the same for all classes, and for a shooting attack, any class can use 10 pieces of equipment.

For the defense modifier, soldiers have a bonus; they can equip 20 pieces of equipment, scouts and hunters - 10, doctors and scientists - no more than 5 pieces of equipment.


These are various things that help us defeat the enemy in battle, most of them can be made by ourselves during overnight stays. When making items, you will need resources; the amount of material spent directly depends on the skill - craftsmanship. That is why we will not write how many resources are required to manufacture an item, but will only indicate which ones are needed for its production.

- the simplest defensive item, placed at the beginning of the battle. The barricade occupies one cell and has 100 hit points, very useful on the battlefield with narrow corridors or many obstacles. Of course it is best suited for the battlefield where we need to hold the defense.
- Tree
— Ropes

— the trap is placed before the start of the battle and occupies one cell. If an enemy soldier steps on this square during battle, he loses his turn.
— Ropes

— illuminates the area within a radius of one cell, can be placed directly during the battle. The torch reduces hit penalties in night battles, making the enemy a good target. A very questionable item in terms of its usefulness...
- Tree
- Oil

— placed before the start of the battle, occupies one cell. An enemy who steps on the trap receives damage of about 40 units. I highly recommend using this useful thing.
- Tree
— Ropes
— Metal

— placed before the start of the battle, occupies one cell. Anyone who steps on a trap loses some turn points. Not a particularly useful thing, but sometimes it can help out.
— Metal

- used during battle, a very useful weapon. When thrown, two cells light up, the fire gradually grows. Everyone who gets caught in the fire takes damage and catches fire, and even when leaving the fire they continue to receive damage. The lantern is indispensable in battles against a large number of opponents; you just need to make them bunch up and set them on fire.
- Oil
— Ropes
— Metal

- appears after we find a cannon; to use it before the battle, you need to place a cannon on the battlefield, after which you can fire at opponents. Each shot hits 5 random cells around the target. Deals approximately 30-40 damage.
- Oil
— Metal

Unique items - there are very few of them, only four, we will get them for passing various special places. To get some of them you need to make a sacrifice...

Flask with healing water - received for completing the Fountain of Youth. A one-time use item that can be used during battle. Fully restores the selected character's health.

- an extremely useful item, we will get it when passing the Masaya Volcano. The crystal can be used once during a battle, but is available again in the next battle. Crystal is able to subdue one of your opponents at the sergeant level or lower. The enemy will be under your complete control for three turns.

— we can get the item when passing El Dorado Plaza. Installed on one cell, the enemy who ends the next move on this cell will receive 150 damage. It’s a good thing, but it’s very difficult to guess where the enemy will stand... A reusable item, can be used once in each battle.

— we will receive the item by completing the quest Gutierrez’s Fate. We place the banner on the battlefield before the battle, the morale of the fighters standing next to the banner is doubled, and is valid within a radius of one cell.

Gutierrez Fortress (Fortaleza De Gutierrez)

During our adventures in Mexico, we will find and restore Gutierrez's fortress. Let's look at what can be built in a fortress, how much it will cost us and what each individual building is needed for.

To restore the fortress, we will need to leave one of the expedition members in it; the work will take 10 days and will cost 5,000 gold. After 10 days, returning to the fortress, we will pick up our man and meet there our old friends from our adventures in Hispaniola. In the restored fortress we will be able to build a number of buildings, each of which gives us something useful.

Barracks- costs 1500 gold, takes 5 days to build. Allows you to assemble a garrison of the fortress; if you have 500 soldiers, we can capture Tenochtitlan on your own, quest - Conspiracy. Soldiers appear in the garrison gradually; the more buildings in the fortress are restored, the faster the garrison is replenished.

Update pantries - costs 2000 gold, takes 5 days to build. With the help of storerooms, we will be able to leave the necessary resources in the fortress, this allows us to keep them safe, unlike traveling where you can be robbed or robbed during an overnight stay.

Restore the chapel - costs 500 gold, takes 3 days to build. When entering the fortress, visit the chapel; once a week, such a visit will raise the morale of the pious participants in the campaign.

Build a trading post - costs 1000 gold, takes 12 days to build. The factory will allow you to open a trade route with Santo Domingo. In fact, this is an ordinary market where we can trade, and naturally the prices are very loyal to us.

Build a workshop — costs 1500 gold, takes 7 days to build. A very useful building; you can always buy items in the workshop - barricades, a torch, spikes, a lantern, a cannonball. In addition, it supplies the resources you need - wood, metal, ropes, oil. To start supplying a resource, we go to the workshop and select which resource we need, after which we simply periodically go to the workshops and they give us the accumulated materials.

Build stables — costs 1000 gold, takes 5 days to build. When visiting the stables, the movement range will double, one turn until the next overnight stay.

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Expeditions: Conquistador is a strategy game developed by Logic Artists for the PC platform. The environment in the game belongs to the style of history, and the following features can be distinguished: role-playing game, strategy, turn-based, indie, turn-based strategy, history, exploration, tactics, isometric, deep plot and others. You will have access to such game modes as “single player” and “multiple player”.

Expeditions: Conquistador is distributed worldwide on a one-time purchase model by publisher THQ Nordic. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 05/30/2013. Expeditions: Conquistador cannot be downloaded for free, including via torrent, since the game is distributed on a one-time purchase model. The game supports Russian language.

MMO13 has not yet rated Expeditions: Conquistador. The metacritic website rates this game 7.7 out of 10. The game is distributed on the Steam store, whose users rate this game 7.9 out of 10 in their reviews.

The official description of the game reads:

“Expeditions: Conquistador allows you to conquer an unknown continent in single or multiplayer modes, or fight alongside the indigenous peoples of America in defense of their homeland. You will have to show not only your talent as a strategist in battles, but also your diplomatic skills in the upcoming negotiations.”

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