Teaching rhetoric on your own. Oratory: lessons of rhetoric. Good speaker techniques

The art of eloquence is of great importance, because a person with his word can convince people of anything. Good speech, both in personal life and in your career, is a hallmark. Therefore, many would like to know how to develop eloquence. Such a skill is absolutely essential in personal self-development. There are special trainings and courses in public speaking. But you can learn eloquence on your own. Simple tips and tricks can help you improve your communication skills.

The word eloquence has different meanings. This is the ability to build a reasoned speech, the ability to communicate on a variety of topics and the ability to present your thought so that it seems worthy of the listener's attention. In order to learn to express one's thoughts harmoniously and clearly, a special science was created - rhetoric. This teaching has certain advantages:

  1. Speech is a skill and technique of persuasion. If a person can correctly select words, then his argumentation is difficult to refute.
  2. With its help, you can express your thoughts clearly and without long pauses.
  3. The ability to speak beautifully creates the impression of authenticity in thinking. Most people have a stereotype that whoever thinks correctly expresses well.

The development of eloquence depends on the mood and state of mind, which affects the quality of speech. The ability to overcome your fear and nervousness is reflected in the ability to speak. High-quality preparation for the performance gives additional confidence. Experienced speakers before the performance plan and rehearse not only the report, but also facial expressions, gestures and even posture.

Rhetoric as a science is necessary in the educational field, where academic eloquence is applied. Political eloquence is considered a type of oratory, which is characterized by accessibility and simplicity of expression, persuasive power and the ability to infect many people with an idea. Communication skills are essential in the business arena. An important part of a business relationship is negotiation, presentation and contracting.

Basic rules for creating beautiful speech

The science of eloquence involves training the vocal cords in order to have a pleasant timbre. You also need to fill in your vocabulary and not use tautologies.

What exercises will help you become more eloquent?

Rarely are people immediately born with the ability to come up with original speech patterns, most of this skill has to learn for a long time. It is for training this skill that the following exercises are presented:

  1. The text is taken from any source and different words are crossed out with a pencil. Then the passage is read aloud, and on the go you need to replace the crossed out words with synonyms.
  2. Any topic is chosen, and within 4-5 minutes you need to talk only on this topic. Moreover, it is necessary to lead the story without hesitation and evenly.
  3. An exercise in creativity will help develop eloquence. It is necessary to talk about fantastic and most unusual topics. For example: if electricity were not invented, if fairy tales came to life, or if dinosaurs lived in the modern world. When answering, you need to fully disclose the topic with all the smallest details.
  4. You need to take words from the explanatory dictionary, starting with simple ones, and independently define them in your own words.
  5. An important exercise is finding adjectives. You need to take any word and pick up five adjectives that fit it in meaning, and then five that do not fit.

All these exercises will help you understand: how to develop eloquence. Experts advise you to read the meaning of a new word every day, select many synonyms for random words and record your speech on a dictaphone.

What books are worth reading?

When answering the question of how to learn eloquence, it is useful to study special literature. It is not necessary to study the dictionary for this, there are a variety of training and interesting manuals.

The following educational books will come in handy in self-study:

  • Irina Golub's book “The Art of Rhetoric. A guide to eloquence ".
  • Practical advice and recommendations are presented in the work of Radislav Gandapas "Kamasutra for an orator".
  • O. Bolsunov's "Oratory for Beginners" is popular thanks to his careful analysis of mistakes made by orators.
  • Karsten Bredemeier's Black Rhetoric includes exercises and techniques to help you speak persuasively and negotiate with the right reasoning.

Regular reading of fiction also enriches vocabulary. Classical fiction allows you to study the stylistic presentation of thoughts and to some extent adopt the beauty of the presentation of a syllable.

Specialized business literature will help you learn to communicate competently and professionally in your field of activity.

Literature on the psychology of communication will help to correctly formulate the logic of speech. There are different categories presented here: negotiation techniques, the art of communication, and public speaking.

Literature on the psychology of communication teaches the correct formulation of the logic of speech. There are different categories presented here: negotiation techniques, the art of communication, and public speaking.

For self-study, you should use the following tips:

  1. You need to monitor your speech and choose your social circle deliberately.
  2. Reading books will allow you to form a rich vocabulary and increase your knowledge.
  3. Better to say a little, but only to the point. We must strive to make each spoken phrase bright and complete.
  4. It is recommended that you prepare your speech for public speaking. It is important to prepare mentally for improvisation.
  5. You need to speak clearly, calmly and loudly, but not loudly.
  6. When reading a report, you need to look at people, not at papers.
  7. With the help of pauses, it is necessary to highlight the wording and important words.

A professional approach involves finding your own style in public speaking. The delivered speech helps to assert your beliefs and influence people, but at the same time you cannot impose your opinion. It is important to convince the audience that is willing to listen.

You need to gain experience, because only practice will help hone your skills.

Equally important is the question: how to improve the beauty of speech in your child. Such skill will allow not only to respond well at the board, but also to become a successful person in the future. For this, it is recommended to read books, listen to audio stories and arrange home performances. It is necessary to encourage the child to talk and ask him leading questions.

Regular classes and hard work in the development of eloquence can make almost any person a real speaker.

As you know, the impressions of people from communicating with each other are 55 percent based on body language, 38 percent on the timbre of voice and diction, and only 7 percent on the words they pronounce. Therefore, the problem of a good voice for a person is extremely relevant, since it determines almost 40 percent of his life success.

It is very important to breathe correctly. And the first few exercises will teach us this:

1. Take a breath at the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, at 5, 6 - hold your breath, at the count of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - exhale.

2. Repeat the task of exercise 1, but while exhaling, count out loud: 7, 8 ... 15.

3. Take a short breath, hold your breath a little, while exhaling, start counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Do not accelerate the counting rate, do not draw air.

4. Pronounce a counting tongue twister, taking a breath in the place indicated *, and continue on exhalation, as far as there is air: "As on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Yegorka *: one - Yegorka, two - Yegorka, three - Yegorka, and so on Further".

6. This is an exercise for training the diaphragm. Say the text below without closing your mouth. You can imagine that you got a seal and you can't close your mouth:

Don't eat for two hours? Terrible!
I have not eaten breakfast in vain.
I want to eat more than ever! ..
Wait two hours? Nonsense!
There is character, there is will,
If you can't - I won't eat!

We are on the right track and the following exercises are aimed at development of the voice itself: his strength, mobility and euphony

7. Name the floors that you mentally climb, raising your tone of voice each time, and then “go down” down.

8. Pronounce the words slowly at first, then gradually accelerate to a very fast pace, followed by deceleration: "Drive fast, drive fast, drive fast ... drive fast ... drive fast."

9. Pronounce long and smoothly (as when singing) the syllables: mi, me, ma, mo, mu, we.

The most interesting is ahead, bringing us closer to the success of performances in front of any audience: exercises for the development of diction.

10. Pronounce difficult combinations of sounds slowly at first, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch, kzhda, kkzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, ksht, kshtu, kshto.

11. Pronounce words with difficult consonant combinations, first slowly, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplant, supersonic, disheveled, counter-breakthrough, blast point, Protestantism, agitate, over-alarmed, hit the barrel, department, hose, supersonic, flirt, philosophize, monster, gossip.

12. Practice pronunciation of long consonants:

To Klara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to Gala, to Katya, to Kiev, to the end, to the city, distant, get involved, give up, kindle, vent, get rid of, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, restore, confirm, push away;

13. Work on the combination of sounds can be carried out in the form of a game using onomatopoeia:

  • Hammer in the nails: GBDU! GBdo! GBDE! GBD! GBDA! GBDI!
  • Simulate a horse stomp: Ptku! Ptko! Ptka! Ptky! Ptke! Ptki!
  • Throw imaginary cymbals to your partner: Kchku! Kchko! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

14. Pronounce tongue twisters with difficult combinations or alternations of consonants:

  • Tell us about your purchases. - About what purchases? - About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.
  • Buy a pile of rush.
  • There is a mop with a podrikopenochkom, and under the mop a quail with a quail.
  • There is a bull standing at the gate with a blunt-lipped wide-mouthed mouth.
  • The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in a Kolpakov style; the bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not in Kolokov style; the cap must be repacked and repacked, the bell must be repaired and repacked.

This is a small part of the existing exercises aimed at developing speech and voice. But if you devote 15 minutes a day to such training, you can learn to control your voice and easily win over those around you.

"A poet is born, and a man becomes an orator himself" (Mark Tullius Cicero)

Even such a famous speaker of the 20th century as "The Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher had a shrill voice from birth, not very pleasant to the ear. She was lost in front of a large audience, frightened by hundreds of human eyes, while forgetting the words and did not know where to look.

But in fact, Thatcher became "iron" later. Having perfectly understood and realizing that without oratory, she would not be able to achieve significant success in politics, Margaret began to work on herself. "The Iron Lady" signed up for voice training classes, took courses in public speaking.

Long months of preparation for a public speech, rehearsals and auditions, consultations with a theater teacher, an experienced image maker led her to the result that we all know well.

As you can see, each of us can become a great speaker. The main thing is desire... If it is, then the first step on the path of your comprehension of the art of eloquence has already been taken.

To be continued...

Training for everyone who has to speak in public!

What they say about the training

Jet Money Microfinance LLC
Executive Director

Top managers, business owners


Executive Director

Top managers, business owners

Liked everything. Namely:

- emotionality;
- trainers;
- a lot of practice is cool;
- interesting exercises.

Gene. director

Middle managers

PJSC Rostelecom
Department head

Middle managers


2. There are many living examples.

GC "Granel"

Middle managers

Group leader

Sales managers


Ostec-Integra LLC
Leading Sales Specialist

Sales managers

Clear reasoning.
Helpful feedback.
I managed to work out:
1) look into the audience
2) control over the purity of speech


Sales managers

InfoSuit company
Sales Manager

1. Thank you!


Account managers

FGC "Leader"
PR manager

Account managers

FGC "Leader"

Financiers, IT specialists

Megafon, central branch

Financiers, IT specialists


Financiers, IT specialists

Thanks to!


Thanks a lot!!!


Coaches, teachers, HR specialists


Coaches, teachers, HR specialists

LLC "Synton", training center
Assistant coach

Senior consultant

Lawyers, consultants, insurers


Marketing Manager

Lawyers, consultants, insurers


- Clear practice!


Organon company
medical representative

Doctors, pharmacists, honey. representatives

City Clinical Hospital No. 50

Doctors, pharmacists, honey. representatives

City Clinical Hospital No. 20

Students, learners


Students, learners


Students, learners


I liked the clear and structured presentation.
Theory complemented the practice perfectly.
The handouts are specific and descriptive, presented in MIND MAP form.
I would like to note the involvement and proactive participation of the trainers, their attentiveness and useful feedback.
Thanks for the training, I will apply what I have learned in my life!

Jet Money Microfinance LLC
Executive Director

Excellent training! Was on many. This one is really the best.
9 hours of classes fly by like an instant. You do not have time not only to get tired, but even to notice that it is already the end.
I was amazed that the presenters manage to maintain energy and drive for the whole day and even by the end of the ninth hour they are still gushing with positive, life, creativity.

ANO "Center for Youth Development"
Executive Director

Liked everything. Namely:
- the intensive format is very successful;
- emotionality;
- trainers;
- a lot of practice is cool;
- interesting exercises.
I managed to learn how to properly stand in public, to relax and relax on stage. Got invaluable experience of performing in front of an excellent audience :) YOU ARE GOOD !!!

Gene. director

The training is useful, first of all, because most of the time is devoted to the practical development of skills, and the theory is just as much as is necessary to master a specific technique. With each lesson, you observe how you have already learned to do something new. And it is interesting to note that some things are already applied unconsciously. This is an unforgettable experience! Drive, excitement, lots of positive! Thank you, I look forward to the training "Structure and content".

Executive Director

The impressions are very positive.
1. Stiffness, fear of performance is gone.
2. I understood my shortcomings in performance technique - now I will fight with them.
3. I realized my strengths - I will improve and apply.
4. I came to the conclusion that the external impression of my performance is very different from my internal one.
5. Received a charge of good mood, enthusiasm, self-confidence.

"Sam Couturier" chain
General manager

1. Positive, free, friendly, creative atmosphere.
2. Balance / contrast of coaches.
3. Condensed excerpt, concentrate "on the case" (specifics to achieve goals).
4. Colorful, catchy handout.

Thank you for a pleasant, useful, joint pastime! Clearly, specifically, to the point and most importantly to the goal! Keep it up and get better!

Helicopter Sales Director

I liked everything, i.e. the training met my expectations.
The structure was perfectly structured. The topics are broken down. 10-15% of theory and the rest is practice.
The greatest achievement during the training is performing even during the excitement. Unexpected discoveries of their abilities.
Nastya, Nikita and Eugene are just super! I wish you success and new projects!

Director of Legal company

1. Atmosphere: benevolence conducive to openness, disclosure and learning.
2. Intensity (lots of practice).
3. Very professional work of trainers.
4. Music during breaks !!!
The most relevant topics (new things I learned): improvisation, debates, the whole theory on the technique of speech and the format of the speakers.
Thanks! It was useful, interesting and dynamic!

JSC "Aeroflot"
Deputy department director

I liked it unambiguously!
Very helpful, informative.
The optimal number of practice sessions.
The dedication, interaction and attentiveness of the trainers impressed, really liked it!
Handouts are clear and understandable.
Perfectly created atmosphere in the group.
Thanks a lot!

Director of the Russian representative office

I liked almost everything. It is even difficult to make additions and comments.
- Coaches' answers to all questions.
- Encouraging the audience to ask questions.
- An interesting and lively theory. part.
- Good organization. Enough coffee breaks.
- I got everything I wanted.
The request stickers idea is good.

Deputy Director for Logistics

1. I liked that almost all the time there was practice in a pleasant playful way.
2. It was possible to identify a problem that I did not know about, and on the first assignment, which helped to work on it.
3. Evgeny's enormous involvement and openness, his amazing professionalism.

PJSC Rostelecom
Department head

1. Lots of practice and interesting cases.
2. There are many living examples.
3. A lot of attention to each participant.
4. An interesting training format - a variety of tools were used in the training.
Many thanks for the high information content and usefulness of the training, as well as the sincere and friendly atmosphere!

GC "Granel"
Lead the mortgage lending team

I liked the light structure of the training, the number of skills training. The training was progressing and covered all topics of interest to me.
Nice coach job. Well involved all the participants in the process.
There was a kind and positive atmosphere.
Unusual presentation of handouts after the topic.

Group leader

First of all - the "liveliness" of the training: real stories, examples, adaptability to the audience as a whole and each listener.
In the second - the format of the presentation of the material: briefly, concisely, without overloading, that is, such a volume that can be "carried away" and digested.
Thirdly, the feedback from the coaches and the proximity of practical training to reality.

Senior Project Manager / Account Manager

I liked the structure of the training.
I saw the weaknesses.
Permanent inclusion.
Interesting exercises, practice, I see the result.
I liked that specific answers were given to all questions.
I liked the coach and the group.
I liked to feel on an equal footing and to learn, and not to be a leader.

Head of department

Friends, I liked everything 200% (out of 100 possible).
- Excellent experience;
- Friendliness;
The opportunity to express yourself by accepting the "-" and rejoicing in the "+". Understand what to look for, what to refrain from.
I am sure that I can use and will definitely use all that you have taught us.

LLC "NPA Vira Realtime"
Project manager

I liked the friendly atmosphere, dynamics and richness of practical exercises. It has indeed been possible to reduce the fear and anxiety of public speaking. You have given many practical ways, clues on how to create, improve, and achieve your mastery as a speaker. The first time was at a training session, where there were several presenters - great, I liked the switch. All in all very cool, very helpful and got a good brain shake in many ways. Thanks a lot for that!

Head of department

I liked the ease of presentation / assimilation of the material. Despite the large amount of information, the classes were held "in one go."
I managed to realize that all the "problems" are only in my head and are often invisible to others.
Areas for further work are clear.
I managed to reveal my strengths for myself.

Tula branch of OJSC "Rostelecom"
Head of the Marketing Department

This training allows a person to sound differently - more Clearly, Vividly, Emotionally, Energetically, wisely using and applying his strengths and hiding his weaknesses. Disadvantages are also a thing of the past, if you work on them. The training just shows how to deal with them.
At first it was scary - the first 5 minutes, then - the remaining 24 hours - in one breath in a single emotional outburst. Great!

VTB 24
Head of Department

Liked everything.
The video filming was especially valuable, because only it helped me to understand what happens to me when I speak in front of people. These were not very comforting conclusions, but they do not lose their value from this. It’s just that I hadn’t seen it before, I was in the dark. When you realize something, there is already a chance to change it, rework it and comprehend it in a different way.
I liked all the trainers. How much charm, humor, sincere interest and warmth! In such a relaxed atmosphere, you can afford a little more than it always has been. This is valuable to me. I was always very restrained in words (and on paper too), but now it seems that the ice has broken.


The training made an excellent impression. Very cool feedback: look at yourself from the outside, get the necessary recommendations from leading experts.
It's great that there is not enough water and a lot of practical exercises.
I am sure that I will use all the acquired skills and they will help me in public speaking !!!

Ostec-Integra LLC
Leading Sales Specialist

Useful information on the structure of the speech.
Chips that I will take into service.
Clear reasoning.
Helpful feedback.
I managed to work out:
1) look into the audience
2) control over the purity of speech
3) the ability to simply and clearly convey information.

Regional Sales Manager

I express my deep gratitude to our coaches for their sparkling humor, liveliness of thought, interesting presentation of the material. In fact, it is very rare to find such a well-coordinated and interesting teamwork.
After the second training session, I noticed strong changes in myself in terms of freedom in communicating with others and the ease in transmitting my information to them.
Thank you for all the guys! You are best!!!

InfoSuit company
Sales Manager

I liked the coaches very much, their positive attitude literally “energizes”. Thank you very much for this!
A lot of exercises, less theory, the absence of boring texts, which, of course, cannot but rejoice :)
In addition to oratory, there was a lot of acting in your courses. And this, sometimes, is not enough for us. Therefore, after completing these courses, I had the feeling that I was simultaneously taking initial courses in acting.
You were right that by the end of the course, people we didn’t know will become familiar for a long time !!!

representative office of Braze International Europe Limited, Moscow
Sales Assistant

Great training for those who want to feel calm when speaking in front of an unfamiliar audience, as well as for those who sometimes lack words to support a conversation. In addition, the training identifies what the trainee needs to work on in order to improve their public speaking skills.

Head of Sales Department

Organization of training - 5 points.
Excellent, competent coaches, great gym.
I learned to express my thoughts beautifully and correctly, my speech became more mature and confident.
I would recommend this training for anyone who wants to learn how to speak and be heard.

Innovation Sales Manager

A wonderful training, very rich both informative and emotionally.
An absolutely amazing atmosphere that allows you to open up and feel free from negative attitudes and complexes. In eight lessons, you become just a different person, your wings grow behind your back and you want to talk, talk and talk.
Thank you all very much.

MIEL-real estate company
Sales Manager

1. Thank you!
2. I liked the tight, attentive work of the coaches with the audience: everyone had enough feedback, attention, comments, and advice.
3. I liked the differently planned nature of the program (different important topics / issues were covered).
4. I liked the positive and active attitude of the audience, preserved until the end of the training.

Head of Customer Relations Department

A lot of useful and really necessary information that can really be applied in life;
Excellent relationship between theory and practice, all exercises reinforced the material covered;
Separate respect to Anastasia and Eugene - they are great!
Thanks to them, I realized that I had underestimated myself before.
Leaving the door of the training, I understand that I am no longer afraid to speak, I have something to say, my thoughts are not so confused now, I can and will structure them.
Thank you for showing my cons, and most importantly, how to work on them.
I need to get more serious - and I can (because I know HOW)!

FGC "Leader"
PR manager

I was incredibly impressed. I leave with positive emotions and a clear plan of action to “improve” myself and self-improvement. Two intensive days showed that there is always something to learn, and most importantly, from whom to learn. I heard a lot of positive reviews about Evgeny (the coach), so I’m just very glad that I managed to get there myself.
I will work on myself, thanks.

FGC "Leader"
Deputy Head of Public Relations Department

I learned how to correctly position myself in front of the public. Learned several techniques for dealing with fear. Learned the basics of catchy tricks. I managed to learn to catch eye contact. I also managed to add emotionality to my performances!
Nikita is an excellent coach who knows his job and really disposes to himself, this person is not difficult to trust.

Company Fuel region
Specialist in working with customers

1. The tools for working on oneself have fit in my head.
2. The tension was relieved (decreased) during public speaking.
3. It is good that there are many illustrative examples.
4. A very exciting process, no fatigue and overload were felt.
5. Answers to individual questions of each.
6. The process is very positive.

Art. Account Manager

Energetically, coaches have an amazing ability to charge. All training techniques are laid out in such a way that it is very convenient to use them yourself, i.e. the action of the training continues. I want to point out a subtle approach to fear. Maximum gentleness and loyalty to people. Objectively very good ...

I really liked the attentive attitude of the coaches. Desire to work with our real requests. A lot of practice, enough theory, a good audience, in which everyone was tuned in to work together.
Professional behavior of coaches.
Eugene and Anastasia kindled charismatic orators in us.

Megafon, central branch

I liked the form of presentation of the training very much.
There are many exercises on the theory listened to and, most importantly, the presence of feedback, both from the trainer himself and from the training participants themselves.
I would also like to note the atmosphere during the entire training (pleasant, calm, interesting, despite the fact that it was necessary to leave the comfort zone).
I learned, rather began to learn to apply important components.

Head of Business Controlling for Expenses

I liked the practices - great exercises.
Bright and really helpful handouts!
Great trainers - energize!
Cool videos explaining what they are about.
The best records on Whatman paper. Visual and thoughtful. Beautiful!
Thanks to!

Lead Accountant - Excel Master

Clearly, systematically, professionally.
I was impressed by the level of the training. Guys, I want to look up to you!
Real training on the case. We managed to get a lot of feedback and form a whole picture of how to speak in public.
I will definitely come back here for new knowledge and skills.

Renaissance Credit
Beginning Exercise banking projects

The organization and professionalism of the coaches are at their best.
It seems that I did not learn anything new, but at the same time, many participants noticed an improvement.
I am sure that the state of emancipation received during the training will help to solve both personal and work problems.

Lead Economist

I felt confident!
Fear is not scary.
The trainers worked with everyone, full dedication, very positive.
There is a development plan. I began to calmly look into my eyes.

Systems Analyst

I liked the training very much. Instead of dryness and abstractness, there are lively, unfailing methods and ways of presentation. I liked the feedback very much, and positive feedback - it allows you to grow and realize both your advantages and disadvantages, and feel and understand the reaction of the audience. The interest and dedication of the coaches wins over. Excellent energy. Super!!! I think I would recommend the training to close friends interested in self-development, especially in the field of public speaking.

Financial management LLC "Lik-Comfort"
Head of the Department of Budgetary Control

To say that I am proud that I came to this training and incredibly happy that I have chosen EXACTLY THIS TRAINING is to say nothing. I AM DELIGHTED! All the acquaintances noticed the burning eyes and are already waiting for the beginning of the same.
The problem of speaking was painful for me. The training made me perform more often, overcome my fears and be good for myself. Of course, I clearly realize that there is something to work on, but this process is now not scary, but interesting and exciting.
I am grateful to the coaches for the work done - from the bottom of my heart, with enthusiasm, with passion. Guys, YOU ARE SUPER! Thanks!

JSC "Pharmstandard"

Very good training, excellent emotional state, the effect is noticeable immediately, because everything is applicable in life and useful, I have already "intimidated" one audience, I think I have many more. My brother noted that my “non-verbal” was improving (although I considered myself an emotionally gesticulating person). I will definitely recommend it to my friends. And most importantly, there is still a lot of work to be done, but now I know how. Thanks!

accounting department accountant

I really liked the kindness and unquenchable enthusiasm of Anastasia and Nikita.
Thanks to illustrative examples, obvious (seemingly) theses became applicable to life situations and settled down in my head ready for further use.
Certain topics (for example, the need to use emotions) have become discovery, showing a completely new facet of the topic.
Thanks a lot!!!
Special thanks for the music!


1. I liked the friendly atmosphere (welcome coffee, tea), handouts (briefly, for better memorization and perception).
2. Conducting debates (the opportunity to receive a video recording after the training).
3. I understood for myself the main attributes of the speaker (what are the techniques for managing the audience).
4. Most importantly, the training is easy, in one breath, in a short time we managed to go through many topics that we trained in practice.


1. Feedback - wow, a lot of new knowledge, where to improve, how to improve - and all this in a friendly way.
2. Speeches - practicing postures, gestures, gaze - I didn’t even pay attention to so many important things before.
Now I understand, and I immediately see how important it is.
3. Bright, brilliant trainers - I got great pleasure from the training, everything was perfect.

LLC "Synton", training center
Assistant coach

Liked everything!!!
Coaches are super! Audience too)
Two days passed quickly.
- I learned to cope with anxiety (for which, in fact, I came mostly).
- I understood what to work on and how - the most important thing!
- Very helpful feedback.
- Thank you very much, I received more than expected)))

GBOU School 1905, Moscow
Deputy dir. on water resources management

Dear organizers!
Thank you for the training. Despite the fact that the material was not new for me, I managed to anchor interesting moments for myself. For me, this training was no longer about new things, but about the placement of accents.
Very!!! happy with the topic difficult participants + practice exercise!
Special thanks to Eugene for beautiful speech formulations, books !!! and many useful quotes. Good luck!!!

Training department

I liked the training very much. Just 5+.
- general positive atmosphere
- despite the long duration there was no fatigue
- a lot of practice and material
- a big charge of positive, energy and ideas
- very professional presentation
- a fountain of a sense of humor on the part of Nikita and Nastya.


I liked the abundance of practical tasks, the skill of the trainers, and the graphic handouts.
I am pleased with the friendly atmosphere at the training, informal communication. The program of the school of rhetoric stands out especially in that it focuses not only on business communications, but also on methods of informal communication.

CJSC "Mercedes-Benz RUS"
Distance Learning and New Technologies Specialist

First of all, I would like to highlight the professional coaching work. Trainers actively participate in feedback, support and develop participants.
Organization - 5, well done, the best I've seen (from registration to coffee breaks).
I managed to outline the growth zones, to look at the performances in a more systematic way.
Small failures, like losing a debate, stimulate reflection and develop the art of speaking.

Digital technology network "DIS"
Training specialist

I participate in the competition of pedagogical skills, I felt that I lacked the skill of public speaking, especially from the stage.
There was a lot of practice where I was able to feel how best to perform. Received a lot of feedback from both the presenters and the participants. It was very valuable.
I will definitely apply everything I have received in my work.
Special thanks to the coaches for creating a very comfortable environment.
The exercises are very interesting and educational.
The handouts are awesome!

I work at the Lyceum No. 1581 at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Presentation of the material: very lively, many examples, a brief summarization of what was told in the form of paragraphs helped.
- The correct balance of theory and practice.
- Variety of presentation forms: speech, whiteboard, audience involvement, video, etc.
- I learned interesting techniques: involving listeners with questions, gestures, looking into the hall, etc.

MUREX (software for investment banks).
Senior consultant

We learned to say toasts, verbally improvise, play emotion, explain with gestures, tell stories in an exciting way, accelerate energy to the maximum!
And also - a large company of different people, communication, humor, fun.
Special thanks to the coaches, you gave me confidence.

Marketing Manager

- Great, friendly atmosphere!
- Affordable feed by trainers of theory!
- Clear practice!
- A clear awareness of the sense of time by the organizers of the training (they do not phony and do not save).
- Coach Anastasia was happy to explain the difficult moments!

MCA "Yurasov, Larin and Partners"

I liked the abundance of tasks, the amount of material on the structure of the speech that can be applied in practice.
I managed to speak many times and put into practice the recommendations of colleagues and the coach on adding emotions, movements and posture (including the base of the hands).
The structure (3 theses, details, summary) and strategies for working with a complex audience, as well as voice parameters (follow them) are easy to apply in practice.

Technical support (consultant)

I liked the training very much - an amazing atmosphere. Zhenya and Nastya have been creating positive emotions for so many hours, time flies by.
I liked that a lot of quality feedback and a lot of practice.
On the mistakes of other people, you better understand yours.
I will recommend it to everyone.
And from the feedback from other people, you understand that everything is not as bad as you thought.

Jungheinrich PPT LLC

> p> I liked the atmosphere, the energy of the group - very lively, fun, positive.
I liked how the training was structured - different aspects of the speaker's skill were covered, there was an opportunity to work on each one.
Lots of feedback practice.
The presenters are professional and attentive.

Mikhail Rybakov and Partners
Business consultant

Liked that there was a lot of practice;
- managed to become a more self-confident speaker;
- a very important realization for me came that all people are worried before and during the performance, after which she herself stopped worrying.
Guys, Nikita and Zhenya, thank you very much!

MGKA "Ostankinskaya"

Excellent training. In two days, of course, you cannot learn everything, but you can understand the area to which you need to pay attention, and what qualities in yourself and your speech and behavior to train.
During these days, I identified my shortcomings, learned how to fix them, and received a lot of useful information.
I am very grateful for the help provided.
I was pleased with the form in which the coaches present information, it is well remembered, and you get a lot of positive emotions.

LLC "Law Firm" Vash Representative "
Legal assistant

I liked the training very much. The theory is presented in a laconic, structured manner, with illustrative examples.
There is a LOT of practice, but you always want even more, because the exercises are interesting and varied.
The trainers managed to create a friendly, easy-going atmosphere that allowed them to overcome their initial fear of speaking and effectively improve their public speaking skills.
Thanks a lot. I will definitely come again.

Lead Consultant

I went to the training in order to solve two problems:
Firstly, it was a huge stress for me to go out and say something in front of an audience, even if it consists of 4 people with whom I am familiar.
Secondly, even if I was perfectly ready for a meeting or a performance, as soon as I started to speak, I immediately blushed and was already terribly nervous from this.
Thanks to interesting, simple and very fun exercises, both problems were solved in the first 3 lessons. And then I managed to improve my speaking skills, enrich my speech with gestures and intonations, learn to make a more favorable impression on the audience and keep their attention.


The training provides many excellent techniques that you can then practice, bringing your skill to perfection.
From the first lesson, fear of the audience disappears. Honestly, the guys tell simple things that everyone knows in essence, but when you hear these “simple things”, you start to feel like an orator.
I definitely recommend visiting the course to those who want to make like-minded friends, for all who come have at least one, but a common goal - to become an orator and learn how to speak in front of an audience.

Organon company
medical representative

This course is the first I attended. The classes allowed me to see my disadvantages, find out where they come from and how to fix them.
At the end of the course, self-awareness is completely different. I gained self-confidence when dealing with strangers. The inner feeling that I know what others do not know. I like it!

City Clinical Hospital No. 50

Incredible 2 days! Awesome presentation of information. Well-coordinated work of trainers.
Organization of work in a group, in subgroups. Everything is as if in one breath!
A large theoretical base, there is something to work on further.

City Clinical Hospital No. 20

I liked the style of teaching, methodology, attitude "on an equal footing".
I learned at least to think about my movements, eye contact, hand position (skill training ahead).

City Clinical Hospital No. 15, Moscow

1. Excellent organization of the training (time frame of tasks, sequence, etc.).
2. A lot of practice.
3. Friendly atmosphere.
4. An understandable and intelligible manner of presentation of the trainers.
5. I managed to learn:
- fighting anxiety before the performance;
- increase the energy of the performance at will;
- improvise on any topic;
- to understand yourself as a speaker - the pros and cons (there are much more pros than cons);
- control your body during the performance.

Ch. psychiatrist of the clinic of Dr. Vorobyov

- I liked the positive attitude of the coaches
- handouts, a lot of small things were taken into account (including colored pens)
- a large amount of information, the value of information.
I learned:
- decreased fear of performances
- began to communicate more freely on involuntary topics, speak in front of an audience without preparation
- where to put your hands, how to become.

Moscow region, dental clinic
Head surgical department

I really liked the teachers of the courses, their manner and style of presentation.
A large number of games makes it feel like time passes faster - you don't get so tired.
Leave the 2-day format.
I really liked the Charismatic Speaker course.
I believe that after completing this course, I got the result I wanted. She became more liberated, learned to switch (enter) into different roles and images. I learned some of the tricks in communications and presentations.


Sincere confession. When I came to these courses for the first time, I was horrified. After the first performance (self-presentation), I was shocked by the quality of the performance (very bad, although, it would seem, the topic is easy) and by the negative and abundant feedback that I was given. Only over time, when I listened to several lectures, took part in practical work, I realized that I was making progress and was gradually correcting all the negative aspects of my speeches.
No kidding, I immediately felt the result and feel a little more confident not on stage.
I highly recommend these courses to all dysfunctional speakers. They really help.
Good luck and success, all the best! Thanks!


I am very grateful to these courses, received a lot of useful advice, saw my shortcomings. I especially liked the practice, the work when they write to disk (you immediately clearly see your shortcomings).
I would especially like to note the originality and originality of all exercises (form of the game). You start to work on your shortcomings, be more critical of your mistakes, because they tell you about it.
I express my gratitude to the professors, whose professionalism is amazing.


P> I really, really liked it and, if it were possible, I would never finish this row "very". No, well, in fact, you come here and pay money not to learn something tedious, but simply to bring colors into your life, using not a TV or a computer, but communication, human communication , laughter, which we sometimes lack in this life, so in addition to communicating with a hitch, knowledge creeps in. So, anyone reading, thinking about whether to invest such a meager amount of money in this "dubious" project, cast aside your doubts and go to us, creating a healthy cell of society :)

School number 1112

When I completed the training, I did not expect such a good result. At the debates, I seemed to perform well, but still the camera influenced me. But when we were filmed for the second time, where I was telling the story, I did not even notice the camera, I felt confident, calm, as if in the circle of my friends.
I have already applied the knowledge gained during the training at the university where I study. I poorly understood and knew the topic, but, starting to improvise, I ended up being given a grade of "5", and the teacher told me that he was a real philosopher :)

Moscow State Construction University

Thank you for the welcoming atmosphere you have created; the support you always try to provide; for the invaluable experience that I have gained. I can say with confidence that even my attitude has changed, I "see" the world in bright colors, I want to work on myself, to improve myself.

graduate student

Very helpful. I came to this training to relax and get rid of my panic fear of public speaking. The seemingly unattainable goal was achieved in just 8 sessions. And besides being rewarding, these activities are also just plain fun. Already in the 2nd lesson, the feeling was created that this was not a training, but a pleasant company of nice people.
Great, sparkling, oh-fi-gi-tel-but !!!

student of the Russian Academy of Economics G.V. Plekhanov
Faculty of International Economic Relations

There is a thesis with which I completely agree:

A successful person is a speaker.

  • Because speech is an important tool for a MODERN SUCCESSFUL person.
  • Each of you is sure purchases a mobile phone With maximum number of useful functions: so he can not only call, but also take pictures, shoot videos. So? And this no longer seems overkill.
  • So any employer wants to hire employees. with the maximum number of useful functions ... Skill protrude, make presentations, reportsuseful function of an employee, do you agree?

Is public speaking easy to learn?

Different people enroll in my Oratory courses. Both self-confident and insecure people. But after a while, they are already good speakers.

And one hundred percent.

Therefore, I know that it is easy to learn the art of public speaking. Anyone with any data.

Do not trust those people who tell you that it is difficult to learn rhetoric.

  • It's as hard and easy as learning to ride a bike, swim or cook in the kitchen.
  • For a long time I believed my friends that only a select few succeed in learning to play the guitar. Until the age of 18 he believed. And then I bought a guitar and after a month I was playing pretty well. After another half a year, I was one of the best (albeit not the best) in my hostel.

And I also heard that the speaker needs some kind of innate data and abilities. For instance, charisma or self confidence

Yes, they will.

This is all good. But most often people come to me without these qualities. But ... they do their homework, do the exercises (on their own or with a coach) ... And get great results in public speaking.

Acquiring along the way and charisma and confidence

We need data. But others. At least a slight sense of pride and a little self-discipline.

It is also useful to remember that this is not the most important thing in life.

Is it possible to learn oratory from a self-instruction manual?

The famous proverb says that "a donkey can be brought to the water, but no shaitan will make him get drunk."

No matter who teaches us, no matter how teaches us, we learn ourselves. And from how much knowledge we need, so much we learn.

There are two main elements in any training: theory and practice

Without theory learning is possible, but difficult. Theory helps to quickly master knowledge, and more meaningfully master practice.

Without practices(without lessons and exercises) learning is even more difficult. Knowledge without practices- simply gossip which gradually forgotten... Alternately receiving knowledge and securing them on practice, we learn any skill.

Later, when the skill is learned, we do not remember the knowledge, and we do not control our actions - we just do it.

Public speaking is not an easy skill.

Mastering rhetoric requires hands-on exercises involving speaking in front of others.

  • Exercise can be done by yourself, in front of the mirror.
  • You can - exercise before camcorder.

But in this case, it is useful to periodically find the practice of speaking on your own: at work, at meetings, at parties.

One way to organize a practice is to gather a group of friends yourself. Perhaps they will also be interested in mastering the art of public speaking for free.

This often happens. Friends or colleagues who wish to learn public speaking lessons for free are interviewed. There are always those who want to learn rhetoric. And after the first meeting, rumors about useful leisure time lead to unfamiliar people. And all the lessons and exercises in this book can be done together.

You can study together with a friend.

Do the practice exercises together.
And, alternately, be a demanding teacher and a talented student.

Very welcome to collect family evenings, and do the exercises with the family.

This is an interesting and rewarding family activity. You will find that all of your family members will love these public speaking lessons.

But if you, nevertheless, will be the rhetoric do it yourself- it's also good. After all, many practical exercises can be done independently.

So where do you start?

1. Theory.

2. Practice.

Lesson number 1.

Let's start with a simple exercise. Read any of these parables:

Stand in front of a mirror and tell any of them in your own words.

If you're already doing well in front of the mirror, turn on your camcorder.

A webcam, for example, or a video camera on a smartphone.

When it turns out well, tell this parable to a friend.

Next time you can do the same with any story(news) from the Internet.

Here's an example.

  • The most common story told by the most ordinary person:

I think it is useful to learn the art of public speaking once, so that you can use it for the rest of your life.

However, the preface dragged on - it's time to move on to the next chapters.

The oratory of our time originates from ancient Greco-Roman times, when special attention was paid to this type of creative activity and, when, like in no other culture, oral speech was not so perfect.

We will talk about what oratory and the art of speech are, how to improve oratory skills and become a good orator. Join us.

Who is a speaker

An orator is a person who has oratorical abilities, which consist in the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly, to master the instruments of acting perfectly, to have psychological knowledge.

The talent for speech can be innate. It is even believed that each of us has it, only manifested to varying degrees. This means that anyone can develop this gift, taking into account individual characteristics and working on themselves.

With the development of oratory skills, the skill of public speaking comes, which has its own properties:

  • special content of speech - linguistic and non-verbal, in the form of facial expressions and gestures, methods of influencing the listener;
  • purposefulness - getting feedback from the audience;
  • efficiency - as a result of the psychological state of the speaker and his authority with the public.

But you can build your speech competently if you use the rules of oratory:

And then she will have the qualities necessary for oratory:

The image of a talented orator is charismatic and closely related to such features and traits as self-confidence, inspiration, erudition, the ability to improvise, liveliness of thought, strong voice, expressive gestures.

We'll talk about how to learn public speaking on your own.

In the meantime - briefly about the basics of oratory.

The science of public speaking is called rhetoric.

The art of oratory, or eloquence, is a high degree of skill in speaking to and influencing an audience.

Depending on the composition of the audience and topics, eloquence is divided into types:

Oratorical speech can have different purposes of influencing the listener and it happens:

  • informational, introduces new facts, information, knowledge;
  • entertaining, has an amusement character;
  • persuasive, in which the speaker achieves the consent of the listener with his point of view;
  • inspiring, emotionally inspiring;
  • calling for action, agitating to take action.

In order for a public speech to achieve its goal and not leave anyone indifferent, it is built according to the intention and content in a certain order, which is called composition.

The introduction should attract attention, interest, establish contact with the audience, give an idea of ​​the topic of the upcoming message with a brief description of the problematic.

The main part of the oratory is the presentation of the material itself, argumentation, the use of facts and logical evidence.

The conclusion is intended to summarize and generalize what has been said, to emphasize the main idea, draw conclusions, and inspire the audience.

It is desirable to be creative when working on a composition. Observing a clear sequence and consistency of its elements, it is important not to lose the individual style.

Features of public speaking

Oratorical speech is characterized by the following features:

Oral presentation. The process of communication with the audience occurs directly when voicing thoughts. Texts for public speaking are learned by ear and structured so as to be easy to understand.

Feedback. A good speaker feels the audience. He distinguishes between moods, catches reactions to what has been said, guesses the emerging questions and flexibly builds further dialogue.

The use of various means of communication. The use of gestures, pantomime, intonation and other non-verbal methods is inherent in oratory, which distinguishes it from ordinary oral speech.

The connection between the text prepared for the speech and its oral interpretation. Choosing the right tone of communication helps to present information in an intelligible form and find contact with the audience.

Public speaking techniques

Oratory techniques are used to improve the perception of information. They work either by orienting the listener to visual perception, or by stimulating his mental activity.

For instance:

  • visual comparisons, short illustration examples are especially appropriate when presenting numerical material;
  • repeating what has already been said in other words creates a new image;
  • the allegory clearly illustrates the ideas and thoughts of the speaker;
  • antithesis by opposition enhances their perception;
  • hyperbole with exaggeration emphasizes those points to which attention should be paid;
  • rhetorical questions do not require an answer, but stir up interest;
  • insertion, when a remark made in passing draws attention to what has been said;
  • unexpected words and actions increase the listener's curiosity.

Is there enough theoretical material? And now - the fun part.

How to develop public speaking skills

To master the secrets of oratory, you can enroll in courses and trainings in rhetoric, take lessons for beginners, choose online training, or study a self-instruction manual on eloquence. All these options are offered to our attention by the vast Internet.

If you like self-study on the development of public speaking, let's work on the technique of delivering a speech, prepare for the speech, learn how to interact with the audience, and take on board some practical advice.

Speech technique

The sound of the speech that you want to listen to depends on the following components:

  1. Breath. The pace should be measured, while the inhalation is shorter than the exhalation. Do not inhale "all the way" so that you can breathe again. It is the same with the exhalation. They contribute to the improvement of speech. For example, developing the skill to breathe with the lower lungs will give your voice strength and fluency.
  2. Volume. By controlling his voice, the speaker influences the public's perception of what he is saying. If your voice is naturally quiet, you can make it louder. To do this, read aloud expressively, count as you exhale to ten, gradually increasing.
  3. Diction. To speak clearly, clearly pronouncing sounds, tongue twisters will help, if you are not lazy and do not forget to load your articulation apparatus with them.
  4. Pace. We must try to express thoughts at an average pace, not to frequent words and not to stretch them. Since the temperament and internal state of a person at the time of the speech plays an important role here, it is important to calm down and tune in to a fruitful dialogue with the audience.
  5. Intonation. With its help, your speech will be remembered by the listener, because it will be alive. Practice reading aloud expressively as you are at school.

Preparing for the performance

At this stage, the text of the speech is being prepared. We already know what a properly composed public speech should be. In order not to read from what was written, you should first of all learn the text, and to meet with the audience, draw up a plan and main theses.

To be ready for improvisation, you must have developed logical and imaginative thinking, possess a rich vocabulary and a broad outlook. Read different literature, keep abreast of social events.

To maintain the proper mood among the public, stock up on some interesting facts, light jokes, and entertaining short stories.

So that you are not caught off guard by the technical side of your speech, be aware of organizational issues: the hall, audio equipment, video materials.

Do not forget that "they are greeted by their clothes." Make sure you look dignified and appropriate for the moment.

Interaction with the audience

A good speaker knows how to please them from the first minutes of meeting with his audience with his appearance, friendly manner of communication. With such qualities as honesty, openness, politeness, the speaker wins the trust of the listener.

He senses the audience, anticipates its reactions, controls the course of his performance and masterfully achieves its goal.

Here we will answer the most frequently asked questions.

  1. How do you learn to speak in front of an audience? Only by speaking repeatedly can one gain experience in public speaking. At work, at home, meeting with friends, participating in various activities, you should try to develop this skill. To do this, you will need to expand your horizons so that you have something to tell; train memory in order to memorize unusual facts, plots.
  2. How interesting is it to present information? Learn to use public speaking instruments. Facial expressions, gestures, body language, intonation, timbre of voice will cause genuine interest in the audience. Try it. Create a video of your presentation. Rate its level. Praise yourself.
  3. How to overcome audience fear? Such a necessary quality as self-confidence is acquired with oratorical experience. Mild excitement can even help you make your speech memorable and inspire the audience. Develop leadership qualities in yourself, tune in to positive communication with the listener. This will help to overcome the intense excitement that arises at first.

Public speaking for children

Today, rhetoric, as a scientific discipline about oratory, is also in demand for the harmonious development of children. She develops the personal qualities of the child, teaches the ability to communicate, competently and confidently express their thoughts, conduct a dialogue using intonation and facial expressions, and acquire the first skills of public speaking.

The objectives of teaching rhetoric are:

You can also work with children at home:

  • work on the technique of speech, pronouncing tongue twisters;
  • learn polite communication;
  • read and talk a lot on different topics to increase your vocabulary;
  • organize theatrical performances to develop acting skills;
  • learn and read poetry with expression;
  • train to perform in front of family and friends.

These activities will help your child to become more confident and not shy at public events, teach them to establish contacts with people, and unleash their creative potential.

The power of a word

The success of mastering public speaking skills will ensure work. Over the formulation of the voice, the content of speech, personal qualities. Try yourself, master new skills in order to carry out your plans, improve.

Remember, a word is a message. Carrying in itself the energy of the author, it has great power.

Ignite curiosity in your listeners. Motivate them to do good things.

What else to read