General methods of organization theory. Subject and tasks of organization theory. General systems theory


Social organization as a social institution is characterized by various ways of ordering and regulating the activities of people and groups, which must be comprehensively studied and systematized. For this purpose, an independent discipline has emerged among the organizational sciences - organization theory. Organization theory studies modern organizations (enterprises, institutions, public associations

), the relationships that arise within these organizations, the behavior of organizations and their relationship with the external environment. Organization theory as a scientific discipline studies general properties

, laws and patterns of creation and development of an organization as a whole. Maintenance object are social organizations

, i.e. organizations that bring people together. Subject The study of technical support is the analysis of processes occurring in organizational systems, including patterns and problems of development of organizations. In other words, the subject of maintenance is organizational relations arising in the process joint activities

of people. Prerequisites. The activities of any company are based on industrial relations

between workers in the process of social production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material resources.

Industrial relations are conventionally divided into economic, technological, organizational, legal, social, etc. Organizational relationships connect the entire set of constituent relationships. Organizational relations

include impacts, interactions and counteractions during the creation, reorganization and termination of the activities of organizational objects, hereinafter referred to as “organizations” for brevity.

Main types of organizational relationships:

Organizational relations develop in the processes of organization: production as a whole or its branches; labor at the enterprise; spheres of circulation; creation, reform, reorganization, restructuring and liquidation.

General maintenance method is dialectical method research. To solve specific problems, science uses systems approach.

1.2. Organization theory: its place in the system of scientific knowledge

Organizations cannot be the subject of study of only one science - organization theory. They should be considered as a subject of interdisciplinary study. The system of organizational sciences is presented in Fig. 1.

The decisive role in ensuring the viability of the organization and achieving its goals belongs to management science . The issue of distinguishing between organization theory and management science in ongoing research and published works is resolved ambiguously. In some works, organization theory is considered as an integral part of management science. This is motivated by the fact that control as a purposeful activity to transfer an object to a desired state cannot be considered in isolation from the nature and properties of the controlled object.

There is also big number works that highlight organizational problems into a relatively independent field of knowledge. The starting position of their authors is that “organization” answers the question of what to manage, and “management” answers why and how to influence the object.

Contribution psychology in organization theory is manifested to the greatest extent through the study and prediction of individual behavior, determining the possibilities of changing people's behavior. Psychology identifies conditions that interfere with or promote rational actions and behavior of people.

Research in the field sociology expand the methodological foundations of organization theory by studying social systems where individuals perform their roles and enter into certain relationships with each other. The study of group behavior is fundamentally important, especially in formal and complex organizations.

Fig 1. System of Organization Sciences

The special contribution of sociology is due to the study of the nature of social conflicts (and above all interpersonal conflicts) between small, medium and large social groups. For TO, the study of motivation acquires great scientific significance human activity, places and roles of man in social and technical systems, analysis of factors of social activity and social pathology, modeling of the social significance of human activity, study of his social capabilities, expectations, restrictions, social movements, mobility, identification.

Questions that arise in the process of functioning of an organization, about how individuals behave in group activities and why they behave the way they do, are answered by a relatively new scientific discipline - social Psychology . When studying interpersonal behavior, the main guideline is how changes occur, in what forms they take place, and how barriers to their perception are overcome. Of exceptional importance for organizations are studies devoted to the assessment and analysis of changes in people's positions, forms of communication and ways to satisfy individual needs in group activities.

Contribution anthropology in the theory of organization is due to the fact that this branch of knowledge, among other problems, studies the function of the culture of society, i.e., a unique mechanism for selecting the values ​​and norms of the past, transmitting them to living generations, armed with certain stereotypes of consciousness and behavior. This social memory of the past underlies the differences in fundamental values, attitudes and norms of behavior of people that manifest themselves in the activities of organizations. In TO, it is extremely important to take into account the nature and degree of influence of these factors on the formation of people’s priorities and their behavior in organizations.

Organization theory connection With economic science is determined by the objective need to formulate the goals and strategy of organizations as the basis for their construction and ensuring their internal and external interactions. Research into property relations, market and government regulation, macro- and microeconomic aspects of the functioning of business entities, problems of efficiency and its measures, methods of economic stimulation are directly related not only to the orientation of organizations, but also to all aspects of their effective activities.

Of particular importance is the connection between organization theory and legal science, studying law as a system of social norms and various aspects of law enforcement. The formation of key sections of organization theory is directly influenced by such branches of legal science as civil, labor and business law. The same applies to administrative law, which regulates social relations arising in the process of organizing public administration and carrying out executive and administrative activities. Let us especially highlight corporate law - a set of legal norms governing legal status, the procedure for the creation and operation of business companies and partnerships.

Important role are played by modern information systems that link together all the processes of functioning of organizations and the management activities, and Informatics as a science that studies laws, patterns, methods, methods and means of implementing information processes in these systems. In recent decades, the development of modern information systems has been carried out at a high pace due to the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the development of computer networks and telecommunications. A new discipline deals with this area of ​​knowledge information Technology management.

Of course, organization theory widely uses methods, approaches and achievements of many other classical scientific disciplines. Among them:

mathematics, providing a formalization of the description of certain processes and phenomena occurring in the organization, and making it possible to present them in the form of systems of equations, formulas, graphs, tables, numerical dependencies and quantitative expressions;

probability theory, allowing to assess the qualitative state of organizational systems and the reliability of the occurrence or other event that determines the behavior of organizations in the future;

statistics, studying methods of analysis of mass phenomena and engaged in practical activities in the collection, processing, analysis and publication of data characterizing the quantitative patterns of development of organizations in their inextricable connection with the quality of management activities, which makes it possible to predict the development of organizational systems;

logics - the science of acceptable methods of reasoning, inference and methods of verifying their truth, including formal mathematical logic, dialectical logic and informal logic (intuitive, majoritarian), the role of which is especially great in making management decisions in conditions of partial uncertainty;

game theory, allowing you to solve combinatorial problems and apply a situational approach to analyze and predict the response of an organization's management system to various disturbing influences from external and internal environment;

graph theory, used in the form of tools for constructing a tree of alternatives and selecting the most optimal option for achieving the goal facing the organization;

matrix theory, applied sections of which are widely used in the study of management systems and generalization of the results of analysis of the organization’s activities in order to increase its efficiency.

1.3. The term “organization” as a process and as a phenomenon

The word "organization" comes from the Latin. the words “organizo” - to do together, look slender, arrange.

There are three approaches to the concept of organization.

1 approach. phenomenon (structural education)- it represents the physical combination of real elements to accomplish a program or goal. For example, a set of elements that make up the Stinol washing machine production company. In Russia, organizations as a phenomenon are regulated Civil Code RF.

Organization = Phenomenon

2nd approach. The organization is seen as process (special type of human activity)- is a set of actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of the whole, for example, the process of creating an efficient team. Organization as a process is regulated by labor laws, procedural and criminal codes.

Organization = Process

3rd approach. The organization is considered as a system (see paragraph 1.3.).

Organization = System

It is typical for any organization (company) vertical(by management levels) and horizontal(according to functions performed) division of labor.

When considering organization as a phenomenon, it should be noted that organization legally considered in four forms:

The legal entity is registered in government agency, has a seal and a bank account, for example, OJSC, LLC.

A non-legal entity not registered with a government agency, for example, divisions of a legal entity, a simple partnership, a number of associations;

A non-legal entity registered with a government agency, but without a separate registered office or official seal, for example, an unincorporated entrepreneur;

An informal organization of citizens, for example, activists of a residential building, an association of beach volleyball fans.

The main organizational and legal forms (OLF) of organizations are presented in more detail in Fig. 2. At the same time, the characteristics of commercial organizations according to various characteristics are presented in Appendix 1.

General features for them are availability, by at least, one person, at least one goal aimed at meeting the needs or interests of a person or society; joint activity to obtain surplus product in various forms (material, spiritual, informational).


Organization theory studies modern organizations (enterprises, institutions, public associations), the relationships that arise within these organizations, the behavior of organizations and their relationship with the external environment.

Organization theory as a scientific discipline studies the general properties, laws and patterns of creation and development of an organization as a whole. The provisions of the theory of organization are based on economic laws and the laws of a number of sciences: systems theory, cybernetics, management theory, etc. At the same time, this science also relies on specific laws and patterns inherent only to it. The theory of organization formulates the principles on the basis of which the construction, functioning and development of organizations are carried out.

Organization theory as an independent field of knowledge has its own object and subject of research, its own conceptual apparatus. An object is a phenomenon that is studied by one or another science. The object of organization theory is social organizations, that is, organizations that unite people. Item science determines what it does this science, what aspects of objective reality she studies. The subject of organization theory as a science is the organizational relationships that develop between people in the process of their joint work in organizations of various types.

Organizational relationships connect the entire set of constituent relationships.- these are relationships:

1) expressing objective forms of association of people and material factors of labor processes;

2) between people arising regarding the joint work of workers;

3) providing connections between the technical side of the activities of organizations and property relations.

The general method of science “organization theory” is the dialectical research method. To solve specific problems, science uses a systems approach, which is understood as a systematic method of thinking, according to which the process of making and justifying decisions is based on determining the overall goal of the system and the consistent subordination of the common goal of many subsystems, their development plans, as well as performance indicators and standards. The practical significance of organization theory lies in the development of forms, methods and conditions, the implementation of which can ensure the effective construction, functioning and development of organizations.

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It is known that the subject determines what a given science does and what phenomena of objective reality it studies. The theory establishes the laws and patterns of processes or phenomena studied by a particular science. The method of science characterizes a system of means and techniques for studying and generalizing the phenomena of reality in a given field of knowledge.

To date, the subject and essence of organization theory have not been comprehensively substantiated. Organization theory, as already mentioned, is a fundamental universal organizational science about the laws of functioning and the principles of the formation of integral formations (systems) of the most varied nature. Moreover, if the word “organization” denotes a system, then first of all the question arises: what kind, and if it is a process, then what.

An object studying organization theory - any studied object (system) that can be represented through the relationship between parts of the whole or the whole with its surrounding external environment. It should be borne in mind that the laws and principles of organization are the same for any objects, and heterogeneous phenomena themselves are identified through the analogy of connections and patterns. Now let's move from the level of organization theory to the level of organization theory in order to specify the object of application of this science.

The object of application of the theory of organizations is predominantly socio-economic systems, primarily economic entities: industrial, trade, construction organizations and enterprises, research institutes, educational institutions of all types, government institutions, distinguishable depending on the tasks they perform, the means used and size .

Any of the listed organizations is a complex socio-economic and technical system. The most common organizational division of social systems in practice is the division into subsystems focused on the implementation of certain functions of the system. The main elements of social systems are people, objects and means of labor.

The subject of organization theory, according to A.A. Bogdanov, are the laws and principles of construction, functioning and development of any systems of various natures. For example, according to the law of synergy, the sum of the properties of an organized whole must be greater than the sum of the properties of all the elements included in it.

Let us consider the specific subject of organization theory. Let's move on to the level of the theory of organizations of social systems.

Item theories of organization - organizational relations, i.e. connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of an organizing and disorganizing nature.

The main feature of social systems is that their organizing principle is joint work. It is he who connects people working together with each other and with the means and objects of labor and is a system-forming factor. As a connecting factor, it unites all intrasystem processes into a single integrated process focused on achieving specific purpose organizations. Labor connects the three main elements of the social system - people, means and objects of labor. For an organization to exist, there must be connections between people and these basic elements, i.e. appropriately connect them together in space and time. These connections are the subject and result of organizational activity in social systems. Thus, specific organizational relationships, connections and patterns are the subject of organizational science.

Man is an active element of the social system; rational organization of the labor process presupposes rational connections in the elementary system, which are ensured by appropriate planning and equipment of the workplace, and the use of certain techniques and methods of work.

Elementary part(person, objects and means of labor) is part of a larger subsystem, therefore it is necessary to ensure the existence of stable connections between the elements of the subsystem. Then it is necessary to ensure stable links of interaction between subsystems and establish rules that determine the order of their relationships, expressed through the organizational structure. And finally, the system must have stable connections of interaction with the external environment. Exactly the totality of these interaction links - internal and external - and is the subject of organizational science.

A social system is usually viewed from two perspectives:

  • statics, which should be understood as the structure of connections between its elements and subsystems. This structure of connections is reflected by the organizational structure of the system or part of it;
  • speakers, which should be understood as activities aimed at establishing and ensuring appropriate connections between the elements and parts of the system that determine its normal functioning. These connections reflect the movement of material, energy and information flows.

Both points of view complement and condition each other.

Thus, the physical embodiment of organizational activity is to ensure the interaction of parts and elements of the system, which manifests itself in a set of purposeful actions of the organizer (or group of organizers), focused on:

  • creation of a new organizational structure systems;
  • improvement of the existing organizational structure of the system - restructuring of the system (redevelopment of parts, abolition of existing and creation of new technologies, etc.);
  • technical re-equipment of the system (without changing the existing structure, etc.);
  • expansion of the current system (in the territory current organization);
  • operation of existing systems;
  • implementation of rational forms and methods of organizing various processes in space and time (information, production, financial, etc.).

In its simplest form, the cycle of organizing a socio-economic system includes three main phases:

  • organizational analysis;
  • organization design;
  • implementation of the organization.

In practice, such a simplified cycle can be divided into a number of stages. This methodological approach to determining the essence of organizational processes allows:

  • clearly identify areas of organizational activity in socio-economic systems - this is the establishment and provision of appropriate connections of interaction in the field of activity of the organization;
  • look at this activity as designing and providing a relatively complete structure of expedient interaction links that determine the effective functioning of the socio-economic system.

From the same elements, by combining their mutual arrangement and interaction links, essentially different systems can be obtained, with different levels of organization and different levels of efficiency.

The science of organizational theory should cover the design and development of socio-economic systems and the processes occurring in them, and management has the goal of maintaining systems within given threshold values ​​of specific parameters. In this case, the organization directly correlates with the category of management. From a systemic point of view, they can be considered as properties of the system: organization - as a state, a measure of the orderliness of the system, and control- as a change in the level of its organization.

People are at the center of the design and development of an organization. Organizational model A new (or improved) system should therefore include subsystems and structural elements that provide:

  • implementation of the goal established for the system;
  • uninterrupted operation of the system and its constituent parts;
  • minimum level of operating costs;
  • optimization of working conditions, etc.;
  • maximum effect.

The tool for theoretical research on the subject of organization theory is the scientific method.

Under method Organization theory refers to ordered activities to achieve a specific goal, a way to achieve a goal.

The task of organization theory is to analyze, systematize and comprehend organizational experience, consisting of many factors. Let's consider specific methods for studying organization theory at the level of social systems:

  • empirical method(observation, perception and collection of information);
  • systems approach in an organization - a logical way of thinking, according to which the process of developing and justifying any decision is carried out on the basis of the overall goal of the system and the subordination of the activities of all subsystems to achieving this goal, including development plans and other parameters of the specified activities. At the same time, this system is considered as part of a larger large system, and the overall goal of the system is consistent with the goals of the larger system;
  • synergetic method- identification of general patterns and unity of methods for describing and modeling the processes of evolution and self-organization - physical, biological, social, environmental and other natural and artificial systems;
  • methods mathematical modeling (linear programming method, queuing theory, etc.);
  • specialized methods- static, logical, economic, etc.

It is known that the subject determines what a given science does and what phenomena of objective reality it studies. The theory establishes the laws and patterns of processes or phenomena studied by a particular science. The method of science characterizes a system of means and techniques for studying and generalizing the phenomena of reality in a given field of knowledge.

Until now, the subject and essence of organization theory have not been comprehensively substantiated. Organization theory is a fundamental universal organizational science about the laws of functioning and the principles of the formation of integral formations (systems) of the most varied nature. Moreover, if the word “organization” means “system”, then first of all the question arises - “which”?, and if “process”, then “what”?

Object The study of organization theory is any object under study that can be represented through the relationship between parts of a whole or a whole with its surrounding external environment. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the laws of organization are the same for any objects, and heterogeneous phenomena themselves are identified through the analogy of connections and patterns. Now let's move from the level of organization theory to the level of organization theory in order to specify the object of application of this science.

The object of application of the theory of organizations are predominantly socio-economic systems, primarily economic entities: industrial, trade, construction organizations and enterprises, research institutes, educational institutions of all types, government institutions, distinguishable depending on the tasks they perform, the means used and size .

Any of the listed organizations represents a complex socio-economic and technical system. The most common organizational division of social systems in practice is the division into subsystems associated with the implementation of certain functions of the system. The main elements of social systems are people, objects and means of labor.

, i.e. organizations that bring people together. The theories of organization are organizational relationships, that is, connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of an organizing and disorganizing nature.

Let us consider what the specific subject of organization theory is. Let's move on to the level of the theory of organizations of social systems.

The main feature of social systems is that their organizing principle is joint labor. It is he who connects people working together with each other and with the means and objects of labor and is a system-forming factor. As a connecting factor, it combines all intrasystem processes into a single integrated process focused on achieving a specific

Organizational goals. Labor connects the three main elements of the social system - people, means and objects of labor. For an organization to exist, it is necessary to provide connections between people and these basic elements, that is, to properly connect them to each other in space and time. These connections are the subject and result of organizational activity in social systems, that is, specific organizational relationships are the subject of organizational science.

Man performing active element social system, the rational organization of the labor process presupposes rational connections in the elementary system, which are ensured by appropriate planning and equipment of the workplace, and the use of certain techniques and methods of work.

Elementary part(person, objects and means of labor) is part of a larger subsystem, therefore it is necessary to ensure the existence of stable connections between the elements of the subsystem. Then it is necessary to ensure stable connections between subsystems and establish rules that determine the order of their relationships, expressed through the organizational structure. And finally, the system must have stable connections with the external environment. Exactly the totality of these connections - internal and external - is the subject of organizational science.

A social system is usually viewed from two perspectives:

    statics, which should be understood as the structure of connections between its elements and subsystems. This structure of connections is reflected by the organizational structure of the system or part of it;

    dynamics, which should be understood as activities aimed at establishing and ensuring appropriate connections between the elements and parts of the system that determine its normal functioning. These connections reflect the movement of material, energy and information flows. Both points of view complement and condition each other.

Thus, the physical embodiment of organizational activity is a set of purposeful actions of the organizer (or group of organizers), focused on:

creation of a new organizational structure of the system;

improvement of the existing organizational structure of the system - restructuring of the system (redevelopment of parts, abolition of existing and creation of new technologies, etc.);

technical re-equipment of the system (without changing the existing structure, etc.);

expansion of the current system (on the territory of the existing organization);

operation of existing systems;

implementation of rational forms and methods of organizing various processes in space and time (information, production, financial, etc.).

In its simplest form, the cycle of organizing a socio-economic system includes three main phases:

    organizational analysis;

    organization design;

    implementation of the organization.

In practice, this simplified cycle can be divided into a number of stages. This methodological approach to determining the essence of organizational processes allows:

    firstly, to clearly identify the areas of organizational activity in socio-economic systems - this is the establishment and provision of appropriate connections in the field of activity of the organization;

    secondly, it makes it possible to look at this activity as designing and providing a relatively complete structure of expedient connections that determine the effective functioning of the socio-economic system.

From the same elements, by combining their mutual arrangement and connections, essentially different systems can be obtained, with different levels of organization and different levels of efficiency.

The science of organizational theory should cover: the design and development of socio-economic systems and the processes occurring in them, and management has the goal of maintaining systems within given threshold values ​​of specific parameters. In this case, the organization directly correlates with the category of management. From a systemic point of view, they can be considered as properties of the system:

    organization as a state, a measure of the orderliness of a system;

    management as a change in the level of its organization.

People are at the center of the design and development of an organization.

The organizational model of a new (or improved) system should therefore include subsystems and structural elements that provide:

implementation of the goal established for the system;

uninterrupted operation of the system and its constituent parts;

minimum level of operating costs;

optimization of working conditions, etc.;

maximum effect.

The tool for theoretical research on the subject of organization theory is the scientific method.

The method of organization theory is understood as orderly activity to achieve a certain goal, a way to achieve a goal.

The task of organization theory is to analyze, systematize and comprehend organizational experience, consisting of many factors. Let's move on to specific methods for studying the theory of organization at the level of social systems.

Specific methods for studying organization theory are:

    empirical method- observation, perception and collection of information;

    systematic approach in the organization, which is a logical way of thinking, according to which the process of developing and justifying any decision is carried out on the basis of the general goal of the system and the subordination of the activities of all subsystems, including development plans and other parameters of the specified activities, to achieve this goal. At the same time, this system is considered as part of a larger system, and the overall purpose of the system is consistent with the goals of this larger system;

    synergetic method- identification of general patterns and unity of methods for describing and modeling the processes of evolution and self-organization: physical, biological, social, environmental and other natural and artificial systems;

    mathematical modeling methods- linear programming method, queuing theory, etc.

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Ministry of Science and Education federal state budget educational institution higher vocational education"Ryazan State University

named after S.A. Yesenin." Faculty of Sociology and Management.

Department of Personnel Management.

on the topic: “Object, subject and method of organization theory.”


2nd year student of group U-21

Zabrodsky Dmitry Alekseevich.

Ryazan 2013

1. Introduction

4. Organization theory method

5. Functions of organization theory

8. Conclusion

9. References

1. Introduction

Every person is connected with organizations in one way or another throughout his life. It is in organizations or with their assistance that people grow, study, work, overcome illnesses, enter into diverse relationships, and develop science and culture. Human activity occurs everywhere within organizations. There are no organizations without people, just as there are no people who do not have to deal with organizations.

An organization is a complex organism. It intertwines and coexists the interests of individuals and groups, incentives and restrictions, rigid technology and innovation, unconditional discipline and free creativity, regulatory requirements and informal initiatives. Organizations have their own identity, culture, traditions and reputation. They grow confidently when they have a sound strategy and use resources effectively. They are rebuilt when they no longer meet their chosen goals. They die when they are unable to complete their tasks. Without understanding the essence of organizations and the patterns of their development, one cannot manage them, nor effectively use their potential, nor master modern technologies their activities. Why organizations are needed, how they are created and developed, on what principles they are built, why and how they change, what opportunities open up, why their participants act this way and not otherwise - the answers to these questions are intended to be given by the theory of the organization, based on a generalization of the latest world experience.

It's hard to overestimate the importance scientific justification all aspects of the functioning of organizations in conditions modern Russia when there is a radical change in socio-economic relations. New requirements for the construction and behavior of organizations are imposed by market relations, entrepreneurial activity, development various forms property, changing the functions and methods of government regulation and management. Organizational activities are influenced by revolutionary changes in the technological base of production. The transition to effective forms of organization and management, built on scientific principles, has become the main condition for success economic reforms. The competition of products and services has become, in essence, a competition of organizations, the forms used, methods and management skills.

The traditions of centralized typification of all structural structures, brutal formalization of internal and external relations of subordination, lack of freedom of all lower levels, mass distribution and long-term use of organizational schemes suitable only for certain conditions or emergency circumstances have given rise to a stereotype of conservative thinking and organizational constraint. theory organization method function

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the study of organization theory is intended to qualitatively change the approach to organizations, to understanding and regulating the processes occurring in them and, ultimately, to their adaptation to the conditions of market relations. It is important to know the object of this science, highlight the subject of study and consider the main methods.

2. Organization theory as a science

Organization theory studies modern organizations (enterprises, institutions, public associations) and the relationships that arise within these organizations, as well as the behavior of organizations in the external environment.

An organization can be compared to a living organism. Currently, the organization is acquiring all the features of an independent organism fighting for survival and a comfortable existence in market conditions.

Organization theory is the science of the basic laws governing the life of organizations as real-life objects of the surrounding reality.

Organization theory occupies a special place in a number of academic disciplines in the specialty “Organization Management”. Every person consciously or unconsciously participates in organizational processes. As for management, the organization (enterprise), on the one hand, is the environment for the manager’s activities, on the other hand, the organization (organization) is one of the main functions of management (Fig. 2). Organization as a management function aims to combine human, financial and material resources.

Organization theory is based on research in various fields: the sociology of labor (the theory of motivation and encouraging staff to work conscientiously, taking into account the relationship between incentives and factors of job satisfaction, efficiency in various ways material and moral encouragement), psychology (when assessing the role of the individual in a team and the behavior of individuals in the process of organizational activity), social psychology (patterns of people’s behavior and activities, determined by their presence in social groups, the psychological characteristics of these groups). The science of cybernetics contributed to the theory of organization - the science of the general laws of control processes and information transfer in machines, living organisms and society. The connection between organization theory and computer science is explained by the fact that the subject and result of the work of the management part of the organization is information.

3. Object and subject of organization theory

Any modern theory is a system of scientific knowledge that generalizes practical experience and reflects the essence of the phenomena under study, their internal necessary connections, the laws of functioning and development. Theory performs an explanatory function. It shows what properties and connections the object of study has, what laws it obeys in its functioning and development. The emergence of a new theory is justified only when its own object and subject of research are discovered. The object of cognition is usually considered to be that to which the cognitive activity of the researcher is directed, and the subject is the aspects, properties, and relationships of the object being studied for a specific purpose. From a theoretical-cognitive point of view, both the object and the subject of knowledge are phenomena of the same order, they relate to the reality around us and are opposed to the subject.

The authors of various schools and directions in the theory and practice of management took different approaches to the choice of the object and subject of the organization. Thus, in the teachings of F.W. Taylor, the object of organization is the organization of labor, and the subject is labor processes, labor techniques, movements, and methods of work. For Henry Ford, the object of organization is the organization of production, and the subject is technological flows and production processes. In the classical school, the object is the organization as a whole, and the subject of the organization is the structures and functions of the management apparatus, regulation of the content and methods of work. The theory of human relations and various behavioral schools consider people as the object of organization, and the motives of people's behavior in the organization as the subject of research.

In organization theory, the object of study is the organizational experience of the reality around us. At the same time, the main tasks of cognition are to systematize this experience, to comprehend the ways of organizing nature and human activity, to explain and generalize these methods, to establish trends and patterns of their development and their role “in the economy of the world process.”

The object of organization theory is regulated and self-organizing processes occurring in public organizational systems, a set of organizational relations, both vertically and horizontally: organization and disorganization, subordination and coordination, ordering and coordination, i.e. interaction between people regarding the organization of joint activities, the production of material goods, and the reproduction of themselves as subjects of social change.

Since self-organizing, regulated processes are characteristic of all complex organizational systems, the object of organization theory is multi-level in nature - from society as a whole, its main subsystems to primary business, state and public organizations.

The subject of organization theory is organizational relations, i.e. connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of an organizing and disorganizing nature. The variety of types of organizational relations is quite clearly revealed through the introduction of A.A. Bogdanov regulatory mechanisms: conjugation (connection of elements and complexes with each other); ingression (“entry”, the formation of a connecting intermediate link between dissimilar links in the formation of a new integrity); disingression (“entry”, formation of a neutralizing, destructive link in the process of disorganization of a certain integrity); chain connection (unification through common links); selection and selection, spontaneous regulatory measures; biregulation (feedback), egression and digression (centralistic and skeletal methods of complex formation). Thus, organization theory is a theory of organizational relations.

It is advisable to include in the subject of organization theory the basic methods, categories, concepts that reveal the essence of this science and the nature of organizational activity.

Categories that primarily reflect organizational phenomena and processes occurring in social and socio-economic systems (organizational system, organization, structure of the organization, mission, goal of the organization, leader of the organization, formal, informal organization, laws of organization, organizational culture, etc.).

Categories that reveal the technology of organizational activity and management (rules, procedures, cycles, communications, resolution of contradictions, conflicts, composition, typification, classification, etc.).

The proposed division into categories of organization theory is conditional. In the process of studying organizational problems and in the practice of organizational activities, they are used comprehensively, in interaction with each other.

4. Organization theory method

The tool for theoretical research of a subject is the scientific method. The term "method" comes from the Greek methodos, which literally means "the way to do something." A method is understood as an orderly activity to achieve a specific goal. Cognitive activity human knowledge can be theoretical and practical, therefore the concept of “method” applies equally to both theory and practice. The scientific method is associated with the actions of the scientist and is a set of mental or physical operations carried out during the course of research. It contains knowledge of procedures for obtaining new knowledge.

The formation of the method is based on the properties, features, laws of the object under study, as well as the directed activity of a scientist who has certain needs, capabilities and abilities. Thus, the scientific method is both the result of human scientific activity and a means of his further work.

The method of organization theory is a set of cognitive-theoretical and logical principles and categories, as well as scientific (formal-logical, mathematical, statistical, organizational) tools for studying the system of organizational relations. The method of organizational science does not describe the object and subject of research itself (organizational experience and the system of organizational relations), but prescribes to the researcher what and how to use research tools in order to obtain true knowledge about the subject.

The main methods of organization theory include: inductive, statistical, abstract-analytical, comparative, etc.

The inductive method represents the movement of thought from the individual to the universal, from knowledge of a lesser degree of generality to knowledge of a greater degree of generality.

The statistical method consists in quantitatively taking into account factors and the frequency of their recurrence. Study of mass phenomena in the surrounding world using methods of probability theory, groupings, averages, indices, graphic images, etc. makes it possible to establish the nature and stability of organizational connections of structural elements in various complexes, to assess their level of organization and disorganization. This method helps to find stable connections and patterns between organizational relationships.

The abstract analytical method allows us to establish laws of phenomena that reflect connections and constant trends. The means for this is “abstraction”, i.e. mental isolation of the essential properties and connections of an object, abstraction from particulars, which allows you to see in pure form the basis of the phenomena being studied. In all cases, abstraction is carried out either by calculating the phenomenon under study from some integrity, or by drawing up a generalized picture of the phenomenon being studied, or by replacing a real empirical phenomenon with an idealized scheme.

The essence of the comparative method is the selection of similar organizations as objects of study. Exclusively important This method is used to clarify the processes of change, development, dynamics of the phenomenon under study, to reveal trends and patterns of functioning of the development of organizational systems.

The effectiveness of using the comparative method in practical organizational activities and scientific research is determined by the rules developed by centuries of research experience:

firstly, only interrelated, homogeneous and comparable events (facts) can be compared;

secondly, it is necessary to identify not only signs of similarity in the compared events (facts), structures, but also signs of difference;

thirdly, the comparison should be carried out, first of all, on such signs of similarity and difference that are important and significant. The unknown (explainable facts) should be compared with the known (previously established knowledge).

Organizational processes and phenomena are all-natural in nature and cannot be described by the methods of any single-disciplinary science. Therefore, under these conditions special meaning acquire new methods of comprehensive and functional analysis, systemic and historical approaches (Fig. 1.1). Thanks to their widespread use, it becomes possible to conduct the most complete, in-depth and comprehensive study of the problems of organization theory.

Using an integrated approach allows you to gain new knowledge about the organization by studying this phenomenon in an interdisciplinary aspect at the intersection of various sciences.

The study of organizations from the perspective of a systems approach makes it possible to reveal such properties of an organization as integrity, consistency, organization, to describe the laws of the relationship between its elements, intra-organizational relations and the relationships of the object in question with others.

Using a functional approach makes it possible to:

study the manifestation of the purposefulness and activity of the organization;

establish the place occupied by this or that organization in natural and social processes;

identify the interaction of the organization in question with other systemic and non-systemic entities, the dependence between individual components within a given system.

The systemic-historical approach determines and integrates a given state and movement of an organization, takes into account the increasing pace of development, allows one to establish patterns of transition from one state to another, and organically connects the genetic and prognostic interpretation of objects and processes.

5. Functions of organization theory

Organization theory as a scientific and educational discipline is closely related to economic, political and social life society. It performs a number of functions, the most important of which are cognitive, methodological, rational-organizing and prognostic.

The cognitive function is manifested in the disclosure of processes of organization and self-organization of social systems, natural trends in organizational development, dynamics of various social phenomena and events.

The methodological function is closely related to the cognitive function of organization theory. Unlike particular theories, organization theory is a complex, integrating science. She explores organizational relations at the macro and micro levels as holistic, systemic formations, organically connected with each other.

The laws-trends of organization theory reveal larger-scale processes of formation, development and functioning of organizational systems; their knowledge is a necessary condition the correct approach to the study of more particular, relatively narrow laws-trends of social systems. Organization theory is a methodological basis for particular theories that study individual aspects of organizational activity.

The rational-organizing function of organization theory is manifested in generalizing the experience of organizational activities both in the past and in the present, developing optimal models of organizations and their structures, determining social technologies for the relatively painless resolution of social and political conflicts.

The predictive function allows you to look into the “social tomorrow” and predict organizational phenomena and events.

6. The place of organization theory in the system of related sciences

During the period from the emergence of universal organizational science A.A. Bogdanov (1913), who laid the foundations of the theory of organization, to this day, scientific directions close to it in content and subject matter, such as cybernetics, general systems theory, structural analysis, catastrophe theory, synergetics, theory of organizations, theory of management, as well as applied theories of social direction that are in demand in life: management theory, sociology of organizations, organizational behavior etc. They, in the literal sense of the word, picked up the basic conceptual ideas of organizational science, subjecting them to further research and development. Despite the similarity of the general problems solved by these related scientific directions, each of them has its own clearly defined range of problems under study.

Thus, cybernetics studies the laws of operation of a special type of systems, called cybernetic, which are associated with the perception, memorization, processing and exchange of information. The theoretical core of cybernetics is: information theory, theory of algorithms, pattern recognition, optimal control, etc.

For the same reasons, structural analysis, synergetics, and management theory cannot replace theories of organization, because each of them studies its own part of the world around us. As for applied theories: organizations, management, sociology of organization, organizational behavior and many others, they refract the general laws of organizational processes in the specific conditions of their action.

Organization theory studies the principles, laws and patterns for the organization and management of companies, personnel and other resources of public entities. It is necessary for the scientific organization of public (social) structures - companies, firms, workshops, departments, etc. Organization theory is one of a series of management sciences, the basis of which is management theory (Fig. 1.2.).

Organization theory is closely related to the natural and social sciences. They are sources of ideas, images, and organizational experience. A lot of information is drawn from biology, chemistry, and physics to understand general organizational patterns and principles, as well as extend them to the processes of preservation and destruction of all types of systems. Mathematics not only provides tools for quantifying organizational connections and relationships, but also provides a clear example for illustrating the organizational forms of the whole.

Of particular importance is the connection between organization theory and the system social sciences. It is thanks to the study of the patterns of organizational processes that she has positive influence on the development of the theory of social management, covering management science national economy, theory of public administration, etc. However, organization theory cannot replace either management theory in general or production management theory, but can contribute to the development of applied scientific research in these areas.

Thus, the theory of organization is based on three main spheres of scientific knowledge: mathematical, natural and social sciences. This determines the connection between organization theory and other areas of scientific knowledge.

7. Modern approach to the theory of organization

Traditional organization theory focused primarily on the individual elements of an organization and considered methods for dividing its activities into separate tasks or work activities. She did not pay enough attention to the mutual connections and integration of the activities of the elements of the organization. Neoclassical theory, which sought to include a person with his motives, aspirations, desires and limitations, did not advance in this direction. None of these approaches makes it possible to create an integrated, system model organizations.

The idea that the most useful way to study organizations is to view them as systems is gaining increasing attention. This A New Look seeks to present the organization as a system consisting of interdependent parts and variables, and views the enterprise as a whole as a social system that is part of a larger system - society. This view is reflected by Parsons in his definition of organization: “It seems appropriate to define an organization as a social system that is organized to achieve a specific purpose; achieving this goal is simultaneously the fulfillment of one of the functions of an even broader system, namely society.”

Modern organization theory and general systems theory are closely related, and organization theory is an independent element of general systems theory. Both systems theory and organization theory study the general properties of an organization as a whole.

Modern organization theory in various aspects considers both each subsystem separately and their relationships. Traditional organizational management theory focused on the hierarchical pyramid of jobs and tasks, emphasizing the vertical relationships in this pyramid.

Modern management theory, on the contrary, considers the entire system as a set of its constituent subsystems and various elements that interact and communicate with each other. Here, not only vertical, but also horizontal and intersecting connections are taken into account. In a modern organization, it is these connections that become extremely important. The function of horizontal connections is to simplify the solution of problems arising from the division of labor. Their nature and characteristics are determined by the members of the organization, who have different organizational subgoals, but whose interdependent activities require “interconnection”.

The traditional approach to administrative power pays great attention to some types of relationships within the organization, but does not take into account others that are no less important. According to modern ideas about the essence of administrative power, the relationship between managers and subordinates is the result of the integration of formal structure and processes of change. Golembievsky states: “Power relationships are “integrated” because they include “traditional,” “functional,” and “behavioral” interrelated elements. For the practical application of this principle of “integrated” power, the critical point is to improve the coordination of these various intersecting elements so that they significantly reinforce each other.”

Thus, modern organization theory examines the system and its components from various points of view, focusing on Special attention integration of subsystems and change processes.

The individual components of an enterprise are combined into a viable, efficient system through the organization function. More complex relationships between people are put into order, into a system as a result of the process of organization. Thus, the principles of organization become vital to the systems approach. The organizational function is the primary means, or “linking agent,” by which individual human and material resources are brought together to form an integrated, workable system.

8. Conclusion

Consequently, organization theory should be considered as a complex scientific discipline that has absorbed the achievements of related social sciences, as a result of the development of which a wide range of organizational disciplines has been formed in science: organization of entrepreneurship, organization of scientific research, organization of labor, organization of production, organization of management.

All organizational sciences are based on general laws, patterns and principles. Organization theory establishes categories common to all these sciences, develops forms and methods of organization, and equips scientists with them. Organization theory is directly related to a number of related disciplines: organizational behavior, personnel management, strategic, financial, production and innovation management, quality management, marketing, logistics.

So, organization theory as a scientific discipline studies the general properties, laws and patterns of creation, development, functioning and liquidation of an organization as a whole. The provisions of organization theory are based on economic laws and the laws of other sciences: systems theory, cybernetics, management theory, although it relies on laws that are unique to it.

List of used literature

1. Akimova T.A. Organization Theory: Textbook. manual for universities / T.A. Akimova. - M: UNITY-DANA, 2003. - 367 p.

2. Zhuravlev, P.V. Personnel management technology: a manager's handbook / P. V. Zhuravlev. - M.: Exam, 2007. - 575 p.

3. Milner B.Z. Organization Theory: Textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - XVIII, 558 p.

4. Prigozhin A.I. Methods of development of organizations. - M.: MCFR, 2003. - 864 p.

5. Rogozhin S.V., Rogozhina T.V. Organization theory: Tutorial. - M.: Exam, 2003. - 320 p.

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