The new dacha of Inga Karimova. Sechin's daughter's company became interested in turkey production. Sechin's daughter's company is interested in turkey production

The biography of a businessman is large and interesting. Timerbulat Karimov was born in the family of the Bashkir poet Mustai Karim. At the moment, Mr. Timerbulat is actively engaged in the promotion of literature to the masses at the Mustai Karim Foundation. By the way, the fund was created 4 years ago, however, information about it appeared in the public only in 2016, when writers-translators were awarded, grants were awarded to researchers. And already this year, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ordered the creation of a House of National Literature in the capital. This institution will be headed by none other than Timerbulat Karimov himself.

Also, among the projects of the head of the city of Plyos, there are two more funds: Traditions and Culture and the Dacha Festival. Moreover, the first was founded on May 11, and the second on May 13. The funds act as sponsors of the musical Dacha Festival named after Chaliapin in Plyos. This event is attended by federal politicians and well-known representatives of the arts. Only here, too, the president of the festival, Inga Karimova, the daughter of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the head of the Rosneft company, Igor Sechin, and the wife of Timerbulat Karimov, could not do without family ties. And, of course, Mrs. Karimova is on the list of founders of the Traditions and Culture Foundation and the Dacha Festival.

And now about the city of Plyos itself, in addition to the fact that the anti-corruption fund went through sneakers to Dmitry Medvedev's mansion, which is located there. Timerbulat Karimov became the chairman of the Council of the Plessky urban settlement in October 2015. And a year later, a new fund, Ples Development Corporation, was founded. Timerbulat Karimov and his wife also invest money in the city of Ples. In addition, a deputy of the Plessky Council, and businessman Kirill Ignatiev, recently announced his participation in the fund. Georgy Shebaev is the General Director of this corporation.

The property with the address where Ples Development Corporation is registered (2, Descent of the Mountain of Freedom, St.) belongs, according to the USRN, to Inga Karimova. Moreover, she bought a land plot even before the appointment of Timerbulat Karimov as chairman of the Ples Council. But they sold the site in advance a year before the elections of deputies of the local assembly.

In turn, Mrs. Karimova acquired this property from the ex-wife of the ex-head of Ples, entrepreneur Alexei Shevtsov. True, and with the ex-official, not everything is so simple. Although Mr. Shevtsov left his post back in 2012, he still owns all the resort facilities of this city. Simply put, Plyos is its own state, in which roles are clearly distributed.

Naturally, real estate in the Ivanovo region is not the only possession of the Karimov family. Inga Karimova is the happy owner of a land plot on Rublyovka, in Zhukovka. By the way, the family's plot is located next to the notorious house of Igor Sechin. Nearby is another plot of 14 thousand square meters. meters, the rights to which belong to a certain Varvara Igorevna Sechina - Mr. Sechin does not have a daughter with that name. But these sites were registered on the same day. Although, maybe November 12 was simply the only day of the year when plots were registered in Zhukovka. A simple coincidence, as we usually explain it.

In the same elite village, there is another house of the family of the official Sergei Chemezov. By the way, the family of Timerbulat Karimov and Chemezov are connected not only by similar tastes in choosing a place to live. Timerbulat Karimov and Sergey Chemezov are on the board of the Russian Cycling Federation.

Naturally, Mr. Chemezov is not the only official with whom Timerbulat Karimov is friends. The official is very fond of playing golf and last year he took part in a closed golf tournament. This event was dedicated to the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM-2016, as you know, the head of the exhibition is Denis Manturov. It was with him that Timurbulat Karimov made friends.

All other friends of Timerbulat Karimov appeared with him thanks to his career. He studied at the University of Bridgeport, USA, where he worked as an oil sector analyst for John S. Herold investment company. And in 2004, the young man was appointed director of capital markets management at Aton. There, the official met the founder of the Aton group, Yevgeny Yuryev, who, as many remember, during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev served as his adviser.

Well, already from the Aton group of companies, Mr. Karimov moved to the Uralsib corporation and already in 2011 he received the post of vice president of VTB Bank. In a few years, information will appear in the media that Timerbulat Karimov appeared in public with Inga Sechina. At the same time, it became known about the Mustai Karim Foundation.

Having become a deputy, Karimov did not leave entrepreneurial activity: now he is a member of the board of directors of CJSC Russian Copper Company, one of the country's largest copper producers. In addition, together with his mother Alfiya Karimova and father Oleg Balaban, the businessman owns Arnix LLC. The type of activity of the company specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the lease and management of real estate.

Few people know that Timerbulat Karimov's fund is associated with the Bashneft oil company. The state share in which, by order of the government, was sold to Igor Sechin's Rosneft company. Of course, it turns out to be bad to connect this story, but if you think about it, then the manager from the homeland of Timerbulat Karimov - from Ufa, connected with Bashneft, manages the company of Igor Sechin's daughter.

The Ples Development Corporation is owned by Timerbulat Karimov only half, the rest is owned by Good People LLC. The sole founder of this company is Inga Karimova. Based on the official documentation, no special financial movements were noticed for the company. Only in 2015, the company managed to establish Novgorod Agropark LLC. According to the same documentation, the company is engaged in breeding poultry. Together with Inga Karimova, this company is managed by Investment Company LLC.

The investment company is owned by Ildus Fakhretdinov. And he also owns the majority of the company in the city of Ufa. For example, he is listed as one of the founders of the Ishstal steel-rolling plant.

But the director of this plant is already the manager Oleg Ignatov. By the way, Mr. Ignatov is the richest man and is in the Top 100 of the Bashkir elite. In addition to managing Ishstal, Oleg Ignatov holds the post of director of Ufa Motor Invest LLC - this is the company associated with Bashneft. The founder of this company is OAO Ufa Motobuilding Production Association, the largest engine manufacturer in Russia. The Bashneft Company and OAO Ufa Motor-Building Production Association are the two largest contributions by the founders of JSC Bashkir Trade and Investment Center.

Now in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Timerbulat Karimov is called the future head of the republic. This can be beneficial for all members of the Sechin-Karimov family.

VTB Senior Vice President Timerbulat Karimov resigned from the bank, where he worked for more than two years as a curator of large corporate clients. "This is his decision ... He is going to focus on his own projects and managing family assets," Kommersant quoted a source from the banker's entourage as saying. The 39-year-old grandson of the great poet Mustai, Timerbulat Karimov, is married to the daughter of Rosneft President Igor Sechin, Inga.

It's time to think about Khamitov's successor, and most likely the visit of R. Khabirov prepared some ground for a change of power in the republic. Karimov's interests lie primarily in the projection of the interests of Rosneft, and his appointment is connected with the acquisition by Rosneft of the Bashkir oil industry, which unanimously rushed to defend itself in an IPO ...
The idea that Khamitov “did his job and can leave” (we are talking about the Soda scam) has long been based on the opinions of people I respect very much. There is no particular joy about the appearance of a 39-year-old new president, since "effective" management can only frighten the layman. These "efficient" managers almost ruined the glorious "GAZPROMNEFTEKHIM" Salavat. And yet, he is not consolidated in any way with the local clans (I don’t want to call them “elite”), so he will come to the republic with his team. And Khamitov is already packing his bags...


The dismissal of Shafagat Takhautdinov from the post of General Director of Tatneft is indeed a significant event. This is a clear signal that serious changes are imminent in the structure of the company's owners, which, most likely, will be forced in the near future. Only this can somehow explain the sudden resignation of the oil general.

Rumors about Rosneft's plans to acquire Bashneft leaked into the public space in July 2013.

It turned out that the leadership of Rosneft "let slip" about the interest in Bashneft at meetings with investment bankers and consultants back in the days when they were preparing to buy TNK-BP.

Speaking about the possible purchase of Bashneft by Rosneft, it is important to understand that the most attractive asset of the Bashkir oil company is oil refineries. And we must keep in mind that the Ufa refineries, designed to process 24 million tons of oil per year, were originally built to process high-sulfur Tatarstan oil. During Soviet times, a special oil pipeline was built from Tatarstan to neighboring Bashkiria specifically for the supply of Tatarstan oil to Bashkir refineries. With the collapse of the USSR, the flow of raw materials from Tatarstan to Bashkiria sharply decreased, Bashkir refineries have been operating far from full capacity for many years.

If Rosneft acquires Bashneft, the question of loading the Bashkir refineries will arise. If Tatarstan oil is redirected to Bashkiria, two strategic tasks will be solved at once. The Bashkir refineries will be loaded and the “heavy” Tatarstan oil will leave the “common” oil pipeline, which will instantly lead to an improvement in the quality and cost of Russian oil on the world market.

It can be assumed that the all-powerful head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, who received a political carte blanche to develop the Russian fuel and energy complex, is starting his own game.

Karimov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Bashkir State University (1993) and the University of Bridgeport (1997). In 2001, he received a bachelor's degree in industrial relations management and an MBA degree in finance. He worked as an oil and gas industry analyst at IK Aton, held senior positions at Nomura and Lehman Brothers investment banks, as well as at UniCredit. In 2009-2011 headed the IG "Summa Capital".
According to SPARK-Interfax, Karimov is a co-founder of the Mustai Karim Foundation (People's Poet of Bashkiria, Timerbulat Karimov is his grandson). Registered in the summer of 2013, the foundation is engaged in publishing activities. Karimov also owns a 33% stake in Arnix LLC, Ufa. Created in the early 1990s. The company is a retailer of pharmaceutical products. The wife of Timerbulat Karimov, according to SPARK, has no shares in the companies.

A surge in street activity, personnel changes in the apparatus of the head of Bashkortostan and the sudden appearance of Sergei Veremeenko against the backdrop of increased talk about potential candidates for the post of head of the region - all this gives reason to believe that in 2018-2019. The Republic is in for a big change.

The rally in defense of the Bashkir language on September 16 and the anti-Khamitov rally on September 21 were formally organized by two different organizations. But the main message of both actions was the same - in all problems, including the language issue, the leadership of the region is to blame and personally Rustem Khamitov.


Few analysts paid attention to a remarkable moment - in addition to the Bashkir associations Congress of the Bashkir people And "Bashkorta" only obscure organizations like sports communities were officially represented at the rallies. None of the previously known political or human rights organizations took part in the "opposition coalition". This is especially significant if we compare the newly-minted coalition with the "first" Coordinating Council of the opposition, which operated at the end of the 2000s under the former president of the Republic of Belarus Murtaza Rakhimov.

The Congress managed to "become famous" for statements about the need to limit the activities of Tatar public organizations in the Republic of Belarus

As for the prospects for the Congress of the Bashkir people (informally called "Congress of Former Chief Physicians"), they are very vague. The organization, which set as its main goal the resignation of Rustem Khamitov, did not find additional allies. The reasons should be sought not in the lack of resources (which, as it turned out, they have), but in ideological constructions. In addition to two rallies, the organization that suddenly appeared managed to "become famous" for ambiguous statements about the violation of the principles of ethnic representation in the republican authorities (the statements were not supported by a real fact) and the need to restrict the activities of Tatar public organizations on the territory of the republic (this call was actually reflected in the memorandum). Plus, the constant appeal to the positive, in the opinion of the members of the CBN, the experience of the national policy of the former president of the republic. It is not surprising that none of the well-known socio-political organizations in the republic supported the Congress.

The only exception was the first secretary of the Bashkir Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who spoke at both September rallies. For participation in these actions, an administrative case was brought against him.

Considering that the head of the Congress of the Bashkir people Firgat Bayramgulov recently achieved his reinstatement as head of Ufa perinatal center, we can assume that in the near future he will try to distance himself from the organization. According to rumors, other chief doctors received offers to "freeze" activity in exchange for promises to "find work" back in May. Therefore, it is not surprising that they also fade into the background or even the third plan, giving way to activists known in the Bashkir environment.


But the main result of these rallies is, of course, the mobilization of resources. The only thing it can be converted into now is the elections to the State Assembly, which will be held in September 2018. The anti-Khamit opposition will undoubtedly try to take advantage of the upcoming elections. Resources - both financial and human - are available. The bulk of the participants in the rallies were from the south-east of the Republic of Belarus. So the main struggle will be for the votes of the Bashkir electorate in the south-east of the republic. The only real chance to get into the coveted passing lists is "belonging" to any active party. Otherwise, you will have to collect signatures that the election commission can easily reject.

And, judging by the appearance of Yunir Kutluguzhin at the rallies, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can become such a "base". The Communist Party in the republic no longer has a strong ideological asset capable of really fighting in the elections. The purges in the regional branch were carried out by Yunir Kutluguzhin himself, removing those who could compete with him within the party. This, for example, is an ex-presidential candidate of Bashkortostan Hasan Idiyatullin. Or -​ Mikhail Kodyakov.

So relying on the mobilized asset of the anti-Khamit opposition is the only chance for Yunir Kutluguzhin to compete for seats in the parliament of the republic, thus demonstrating his professional suitability for the leadership of the Communist Party. At the same time, there is a more than tangible risk of losing their positions to small parties like the Patriots of Russia. For example, in North Ossetia, the local branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was left without mandates, having lost its positions just to the "patriots".

So, it seems that the elections to the State Assembly have already been given an unofficial start. So far, a trio of contenders is clearly looming - the party in power, the anti-Khamit opposition, which Yunir Kutluguzhin will probably try to rely on, and a third force represented by individual deputies of the current State Assembly - Zagir Khakimov ("Patriots of Russia") and Rufina Shagapova ("The Greens"). The latter, judging by their activity and public statements, are trying to put together their own "coalition" from among public organizations, the only use of which can also be a bid for the upcoming elections. It seems that the main struggle in the elections will unfold just for the seats of the opposition in the parliament of the republic.


But changes are expected not only in parliament. In this regard, attention is drawn to the departure from the post of deputy head of the administration of the head of the Republic of Belarus Ramilya Dilmukhametova. This is another episode of the "personnel reshuffling", in which the current head of the republic is quite rightly accused.

Khamitov had to immediately carry out a complete reset of power, and not drag out this process for many years. With rare exceptions, the cadres nurtured by the former leadership calmly continued their work and, what is most fatal in this situation, these cadres retained their positions on the most important front - the ideological one. The main direction of which in the specific conditions of Bashkortostan remains the national policy.

Not only did these cadres not solve the national problems inherited from the previous president (first of all, the "Tatar question"), but they added new ones - this time in the "Bashkir question." Rustem Khamitov had a huge credit of trust from the society, which was waiting for the most drastic changes. But Khamitov's, like Medvedev's "under-thaw", ended before it really began. Some signals were given, but without real support they were doomed to failure. Meanwhile, the entire "socio-political bloc" of the administration of the head, which continues to use the old management technologies, has long been demanding a complete reboot.

All this may not have the best effect on the situation in which the change of the head of the republic will take place. And it is inevitable due to the expiration of the term of office of Rustem Khamitov in 2019.


Unexpected Appearance Sergei Veremeenko in the republic can hardly be called accidental. This is a sign of building a new political coalition, only not for elections to the State Assembly, but for a change in the leadership of the republic.

And now the coupling of the former presidential candidate of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Veremeenko with the current mayor of Ufa is already obvious -​ Irek Yalalov. The latter is considered one of the likely contenders for the post of head of the republic. And the support of a major businessman, a former partner of a well-known banker in Russia Sergei Pugachev, would be very helpful. Implementation of ambitious promises to complete the main Ufa long-term construction Cathedral Mosque on Salavat Yulaev Avenue - would strengthen the image position of the current mayor of the capital of Bashkiria.

Another potential contender for the post of head of the Republic of Belarus is Timerbulat Karimov- the grandson of the famous poet Mustaya Karima and "part-time" - son-in-law Igor Sechin. Such family ties make him one of the most likely candidates for this post. The influential media of the republic and some representatives of the bureaucratic cohort of Bashkortostan are already making unambiguous curtsies in his direction.

However, running ahead with estimates in the current situation is very reckless. It is possible that these potential replacements were "lit up" on purpose, as a distraction - the federal center in recent years has become famous for its habit of appointing unexpected candidates to the posts of heads of regions.

In addition, now being the head of any subject of the federation (with the possible exception of wealthy Moscow) is not the most pleasant burden. This is a huge burden of responsibility with minimal independence and meager financial support. And being the leader of Bashkortostan - a region with a complex tangle of internal contradictions, from national to elitist-clan - is a double headache.

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Kommersant has learned that Senior Vice President Timerbulat Karimov has resigned from VTB. He worked for a bank for over two years as a handler for a large corporate clientele. The departure of the top manager coincided with the launch of the bank's cost optimization and personnel cost reduction program. Now the son-in-law of the president of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, intends to focus on his own projects and the management of the family business.

The fact that Timerbulat Karimov resigned from VTB was told to Kommersant by a source close to him and confirmed by a source close to the bank. "This is his decision. As far as I know, he is going to focus on his own projects and managing family assets," says one of Kommersant's interlocutors (the 39-year-old banker is married to the daughter of Rosneft president Igor Sechin, Inge). Another Kommersant source says that Mr. Karimov "decided to take a break in order to decide on his plans."

Kommersant's interlocutor adds that the departure of the top manager from VTB coincided with the launch of a cost optimization program and reduction in personnel costs at the bank. The program is promoted by Deputy Chairman of the Board Yulia Chupina. According to Kommersant's interlocutor, the bank was "somewhat disappointed by the lack of positive dynamics in the work of the department dealing with large clientele." VTB declined to comment. Timerbulat Karimov himself did not answer calls yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Karimov became Senior Vice President and Advisor to the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Yuri Solovyov in the fall of 2011. Commenting on this appointment, Mr. Solovyov then said that VTB was counting on "expanding work with large clients, establishing strong ties with them." One of Timerbulat Karimov's former colleagues specified that "recently he has focused on interaction mainly with mining and oil companies." Last summer, Mr. Karimov was named as one of the candidates for the presidency of the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development (RRDB), Rosneft's main bank, but the appointment fell through. Kommersant's sources close to Igor Sechin note that recently the head of Rosneft has not taken part in the fate of Mr. Karimov.

Timerbulat Karimov graduated from the philological faculty of the Bashkir State University in 1993, and in 1997 from the University of Bridgeport (USA). In 2001, he received a bachelor's degree in industrial relations management and an MBA degree in finance. He worked as an oil and gas industry analyst at IK Aton, held senior positions at Nomura and Lehman Brothers investment banks, as well as at UniCredit. In 2009-2011, he headed the IG Summa Capital.

According to the SPARK-Interfax database, Timerbulat Karimov is a co-founder of the Mustai Karim Foundation (the people's poet of Bashkiria, Timerbulat Karimov is his grandson). Registered in the summer of 2013, the foundation is engaged in publishing activities. In addition, Mr. Karimov owns 33% of the shares of the Ufa LLC "Arnix". Established in the early 1990s, the company is a pharmaceutical retailer. The wife of Timerbulat Karimov, according to SPARK, has no shares in the companies. Artur Shamilov, head of the board of directors of the Top Contact recruitment agency, calls Timerbulat Karimov "a talented investment banker and a self-sufficient professional." "I've known him since his time in the Summa group. Even then, he managed large teams and was involved in large investment projects. I'm sure he will be successful in future endeavors," the expert says.

Elena Kiseleva, Kirill Melnikov

Timerbulat Karimov bought up the Volga village of Plyos, near which Dmitry Medvedev settled with his residence.

On January 13, 2017, a significant event took place in the life of a teacher and part-time municipal deputy of the city of Plyos Tamara Gubina: she was invited to the Kremlin.

“This trip,” she recalls, “was organized for us by our chairman of the Council of the Plyossky Urban Settlement. The best people of the city were called there, the priest was... Unforgettable impressions. After all, they took us everywhere, including places where ordinary tourists are not allowed to enter. They showed, for example, the hall where Putin's inauguration ceremony took place, can you imagine! Yes, the commandant of the Kremlin personally met us there and even invited us to come. This is the gift our chairman gave us.

Perhaps, today the chairman of the Plyossky Council is the only speaker of provincial deputies in the whole country who is able to arrange such a high-level excursion for his supporters. And it's not even that this man's name is Timerbulat Karimov. The fact is that his father-in-law's name is Igor Sechin, also the chairman, but already the board of the Rosneft company. Before this man, all the doors in the Kremlin are open. Or almost everything.

One day candidate

At the same time, Sechin did not hear about visits to Plyos directly in the city. Medvedev lives, but this one - not a foot. They say that the initiative to be elected to local deputies did not come from the head of Rosneft, but really from his son-in-law:

“Karimov had a dacha here by the Shokhonka River, but... Either the road to it will be turned all around, then the covering was dismantled on the square where he is going to hold the event, so he decided to go to the authorities and put things in order. True, the Plyos people only vote for their own, so Moscow intervened: for the sake of Karimov, they even decided to remove two United Russia members from the elections so that there would be no competition.

“They also bought votes in those elections,” added Irina Maltseva, a local activist of the “Voice” movement. - Where for 500 rubles, and where for 1000. Personally, I handed over to the police a man who admitted to me on camera that he was bought. True, the police did not find any corpus delicti in bribing voters for some reason.

- In small constituencies, buying votes is indeed a very effective pre-election technology. But in this case, I can’t say anything about money,” explained Stanislav Radkevich, CEO of PR-3000, whose team helped promote Karimov in Plyos in September 2015. “But in my memory, this is the only candidate whose election campaign lasted one day: on Friday he spoke to the voters and won their sympathy so much that on Sunday they unanimously voted for him. And then other elected deputies, apparently trusting Karimov a lot, made him their chairman.

The guard gets up

The chairman's wife, Inga Karimova (nee Sechina), was received in Plyos. Not as their own, of course, but still respected:

- Sweet, friendly, gently communicates with her children, knows how to smooth out conflicting things. And most importantly, do not climb into administrative affairs.

But her husband Bulat Karimov walks around the city-museum not in soft slippers, but with a firm master's gait. When, of course, there appears. True, this happens infrequently: it’s good if once or twice a month.

“He has security – you won’t get through,” complains a local resident Petr Shevchenko. “I wanted to ask him why he didn’t fulfill his promise to install water supply, but they told me: “We won’t let him in, you are not so inclined!” And how to be tuned if he himself does not solve problems, and without him - in general, stagnation. Other deputies say: "We must first discuss with Karimov." The head of the settlement says: "We must wait for Timerbulat Olegovich." The secretary says: "But how do I know when he will arrive. And in general, he is not obliged to meet with anyone." Only language all grind. They turned a nice town, where normal people came to relax, into a polished lifeless object: instead of sandy beaches, they built concrete piers, put up lanterns that never burned. It's a shame. Plyos for Karimov is just a springboard for a future career.

Advice and dislike

However, not everyone in the city dares to openly criticize the new Plyos broom. There, the former head of the settlement, Elena Yudina, did not please Karimov, she lost her post and for several months now she has not been able to get a job anywhere:

— Karimov? Sorry, I won't say anything about him. Do not want.

Deputies openly only praise:

We have a good, wonderful chairman. It would be bad for us without him. He bought a big Christmas tree for the city at his own expense.

And behind their backs they complain that not all initial hopes were justified, that Karimov is ready to help the school museum, but you will not wait for the solution of serious problems.

Here is the local "architect" (as he is called here) Vladimir Grishin is dissatisfied:

Nothing has changed in these one and a half years. And in some ways it got even worse. For example, Karl Marx Street in the center of Plyos was for some reason assigned to a zone where construction is not allowed. And there, after all, the site was allocated for the intended purpose for the construction of a mini-hotel. As a result, tourists come, but there is nowhere to settle.

Well, you don't have to worry about the tourists. The Karimov family has several houses in Plyos, one of which is marked on the local map as "Guest house" Lastochka "(opening soon). So not everyone in the city is forbidden to build.

“I get the impression that the obstacles to the tenant from Karl Marx Street are custom-made,” shared Vladimir Grishin. - I even contacted the prosecutor's office. Maybe this is done in order to keep the city in the same hands?

A huge plot of the former park of the rest house on Karla Marksa, next to the Levitan birch grove, belongs to Zavolzhskoye LLC, a subsidiary of the Gradislava fund. "Gradislava" today is listed as the formal owner of the Milovka estate, where Dmitry Medvedev is resting, but Milovka is on the outskirts, and Karl Marx is the very center. It would not be bad to build a boarding house there, too, but Karimov does not allow it.

The general director of Gradislava, Ivan Karabinsky, said that he does not discuss official matters with journalists. But lately, activity has unfolded in the park: a watchman has appeared, a construction trailer has been brought in, a generator has been brought in ... So Plyos is looking forward to who will win this battle on the Volga - the Sechin clan or the Medvedev clan. Such a small town and such big passions.

Dossier: how Bulat was tempered

Timerbulat Karimov was born in 1974 in Ufa. Grandson of the national poet of Bashkiria Mustai Karim. Studied in the States. He worked in the management of a number of companies, was the president of Summa Capital. Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Copper Company. Runs his own business.

  • Medvedev Dmitry
  • Sechin Igor
  • Karimova Inga
  • Karimov Temirbulat
  • Government of the Russian Federation
  • Rosneft
  • Russian copper company
  • Ivanovo region

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