Inexpensive New Year. New Year's menu

home On the eve of the New Year, you want to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Of course, first of all, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the house, remove all the dust, dirt and clear out all the accumulated trash. After that you need to dress up christmas tree

and decorate all the rooms.

And only then you can move on to creating a menu for the New Year 2018. The New Year's table is the most important and at the same time difficult task. After all, it is important that the treats turn out not only elegant, but also very tasty.

Before you start preparing dishes for the festive table, it is worth developing a New Year's menu, according to which all the treats will be prepared. New Year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to food that this particular animal will like.

What food should be on the table

The New Year's table should be festive, hearty, plentiful. It should consist of treats that are easy to prepare and present. But the main place on the table must be occupied by meat. The meat must be cooked in different options

  • and be present in a variety of dishes, snacks:
  • in salads, slices, snacks;
  • hot or cold;
  • in aspic and aspic;

chopped, portioned, whole carcass (chicken, for example). The ideal option would be several varieties of meat - beef, lamb, chicken. Don't get carried away pork meat

, because dogs can't eat fat.

The main dish should not be heavily decorated. It can be served with a small amount of side dish - baked vegetables, potatoes, rice. Serving without a side dish is also allowed. But when arranging the cuts, it’s worth showing your imagination and culinary skills.

Other Meat-Free Treats In addition to meat treats, you can put vegetable dishes on the table. This is especially true for those who adhere to healthy eating

. In addition, these treats are suitable for ardent vegetarians. Dishes made from fresh vegetables will ideally complement the festive table - cabbage salads with carrots, fresh cucumbers

, tomatoes seasoned with vegetable oil with a few drops of lemon juice. You can add some nuts and cheese to vegetable snacks.

Don’t forget about sweet treats for the New Year 2018. Some dogs don’t mind eating desserts, sweets, fruits, and chocolate.

  • You can prepare various delicacies and baked goods:
  • cakes with fruit and whipped cream;
  • cheesecakes with berries and sour cream;
  • berry smoothie;
  • jelly with pieces of fruit;
  • New Year's cookies;
  • various cakes with cream.

The best recipes for the New Year 2018

Rabbit with potatoes in the oven

What ingredients will be needed:

  • rabbit 2-2.5 kg;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • carrot root vegetable - 1 piece;
  • 80 grams of mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • a little ground black pepper;
  • a couple of sprigs of greenery.

Cooking time – 2.5 hours.

Calorie content – ​​220 kcal.

How to prepare a holiday dish:

New Year's duck baked with tangerines and kiwi

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • duck carcass weighing 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • 10 tangerines;
  • three kiwis;
  • 80 ml soy sauce;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • several branches of dill and parsley for decoration;
  • a little salt;
  • a couple of pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time – 3 hours.

Calorie content – ​​330 kcal.

What the cooking process will look like:

Meat rolls with mushroom sauce

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • beef pulp – 1 kilogram;
  • kilogram of porcini mushrooms;
  • a can of green peas;
  • onion head;
  • flour – 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste;
  • a few pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time – 1.5-2 hours.

Calorie content – ​​250 kcal.

Cooking procedure:

Salmon with white sauce

We will prepare this fish for the New Year 2018 from the following products:

  • salmon in the form of steaks – 6 pieces;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • a glass of natural white yogurt;
  • 1 large spoon of fish spices;
  • 300 grams assorted vegetables– peas, broccoli, carrots;
  • lemon – ¼ part;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time – 1.5 hours.

Calorie content – ​​180 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Snack “Christmas trees”

What you will need for bright, delicious Christmas trees:

  • 250 grams of curd cheese;
  • 1 pita bread;
  • 2 pieces of red sweet pepper;
  • a few lettuce leaves;
  • ¼ cup of chopped olives and a few pieces for decoration;
  • ¼ cup chopped basil;
  • 60 grams of Parmesan cheese.

Cooking time is two hours.

Calorie content – ​​120 kcal.

The procedure for preparing snacks for the festive table to celebrate the New Year:

  • 5 slices of rye bread;
  • 130 grams of butter;
  • 130 grams of feta cheese;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cilantro and parsley - 5-6 sprigs;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper.

Calorie content – ​​120 kcal.

What does the procedure for preparing cheese balls look like, which will really appeal to the symbol of 2018 - the Yellow Dog:

Ham, cheese, garlic rolls

What ingredients will you need:

  • ham – 270 grams;
  • hard cheese product – 180 grams;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • a little mayonnaise;
  • parsley - 7 branches.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​175 kcal.

The entire cooking process will be as follows:

Magnificent salad "Rose"

What products will we cook from:

  • champignons – 250 grams;
  • canned corn – 250 grams;
  • 2 onions;
  • two potatoes;
  • 300 grams of smoked chicken meat;
  • potato chips – 1 package;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Calorie content – ​​185 kcal.

How to cook:

New Year's salad "Fireworks"

What we will make it from:

  • four chicken eggs;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pieces of different colors;
  • ham – 200 grams;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​165 kcal.

How we will do it:

Dessert “Clapperboard”

For dessert you will need the following components:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 large tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 1 large spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 oranges;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 2 kiwis.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​195 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Chocolate meringue

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1 spoon of corn starch;
  • 120 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 3 eggs;
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar;
  • 3 large spoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content – ​​185 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Drink recipes that will perfectly complement the New Year's menu 2018

First of all, be sure to buy champagne. This drink is a symbol of the New Year; not a single New Year's celebration is complete without the festive pop of the cork. It is better to buy high-quality champagne, even if it is expensive, but it will be tasty and sparkling.

In addition to champagne, the following drink options may be on the table:

  1. Wine;
  2. Cocktails;
  3. Liquor;
  4. Cognac;
  5. Vodka;
  6. Whiskey;
  7. Mineral water.

You can also prepare various cocktails yourself for the New Year 2018.

Cocktail with vodka “Citrus Boom”

What components will be required:

  • vodka – 40 ml;
  • orange liqueur – 15 ml;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​85 kcal.

How to do:

Champagne cocktail “Make a Wish”

What components will be required:

  • grapefruit juice – 300 ml;
  • grapefruit – 1 piece;
  • champagne;
  • some raspberries for decoration.

Cooking time – 15 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​90 kcal.

How to make a cocktail for the New Year's table 2018:

  1. Using a grater, grate the grapefruit zest;
  2. Pour 75 ml of grapefruit juice into the bottom of a cocktail glass;
  3. Add champagne to the top;
  4. Sprinkle everything with zest shavings and add raspberries on a skewer.

Table setting for New Year 2018

After everything is prepared, it is important to set the New Year's table correctly. To make your table sparkle with festive decorations, you should use some tips for decorating it:

  1. First, cover it with an elegant tablecloth. It would be nice if she had drawings in the New Year's style;
  2. Place a hot dish in the center. It could be baked meat with vegetables or fish with sauce;
  3. We place salads on the sides. Salads can be different, the main thing is that they shine with multi-colored colors. Therefore, when decorating salads, use vegetables - bell peppers different colors, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, greens;
  4. Don't forget the snack. By the way, this treat will go perfectly with strong drinks and cocktails;
  5. Make slices of sausage, cheese, ham, lard;
  6. Be sure to install fruit. These can be apples, oranges, pineapples, bananas, tangerines, kiwis, pears.

Festive menu for New Year 2018 is main part throughout the holiday. The table should be bright, rich and beautiful. Try to make as many appetizers and salads as possible. After all, they are the main dishes.

Also, don’t skimp on hot food. Be sure to make a main dish of meat or fish. Everyone should be full and happy! Happy New Year, friends!

In the next video there are several interesting ideas, how to beautifully and unusually design the usual New Year's salad Olivie.

1. Salad with shrimp

1/2 head of Chinese cabbage

300 g peeled cocktail prawns (king prawns will not work!)

12-15 crab sticks

1 jar canned pineapple

Large ripe pomegranate



Chop the cabbage (without the white part), finely chop the sticks (almost into dust), finely chop the pineapples.

Mix shrimp, chopsticks, cabbage, pineapple and pomegranate. Season with mayonnaise

2. Salad 'Neptune'

Ingredients: shrimp-300 gr. squid-300 gr. crab sticks-200 gr (can be replaced with crab meat) 5 eggs 130 gr. red caviar mayonnaise Preparation: 1. Boil the eggs, cool, separate the white from the yolk, chop the white. The yolk can be left for decoration. 2. Cook the shrimp in lightly salted water. 3. Then throw the squid into boiling water, having previously cut it into rings. 4. Cut crab sticks. 5. Now add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix, and only then add red caviar (so as not to burst). 6. Salt and pepper to taste, but I recommend adding salt after mixing everything, because... caviar and mayonnaise can provide enough salt.

3. Salad from smoked chicken with potatoes

Ingredients: 150 g smoked chicken

3 potatoes

1 carrot

2-3 pickled cucumbers

2 tbsp. mayonnaise

1 bunch of green onions

canned peas -

salt and pepper

Cooking method:

Pre-cook the potatoes and carrots. Cool and peel.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and finely chop.

Cut potatoes and carrots into cubes.

Also cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

Mix potatoes, carrots and eggs. Add diced chicken and peas

Salt and pepper. Add mayonnaise and mix everything.

Sprinkle with finely chopped green onions

4. Squid salad with egg and corn

Squid - 1kg

Egg (boiled) - 4 pcs.

Onions - 3 pcs.

Corn (canned) - 1/2 can

Walnuts (shelled) - 3-4 tbsp.

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Mayonnaise - optional.

Cooking method

Place the squid in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, clean it properly and cut into strips. Also cut the eggs into strips (I use an egg slicer - the size is just right).

Chop the onion into smaller pieces and simmer in vegetable oil until it begins to turn yellow (do not fry). Before putting the onions in the salad, you can squeeze out the oil with a spoon if you plan to dress it with mayonnaise. You can leave the oil, then it is not necessary to season with mayonnaise.

5. Appetizer "Cheese balls with grapes"

Blue cheese "Dor Blue" (room temperature) - 100 g,

creamy or cottage cheese(room temperature) - 100-150 g,

a bunch of sweet large grapes (red or green),

pistachios (peeled) - 120 g

Wash the grapes, dry them and separate the bunch into berries.

Carefully make a cut on each berry and remove the seeds.

Place Dor Blue cheese in a bowl, add cream cheese and mix well.

Cover the bowl with the cheese mixture with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes (the cheese mixture will thicken in the refrigerator).

Chop the pistachios with a knife or grind in a blender (should not grind too finely).

Carefully cover each grape with the cheese mixture to form a ball.

Roll the ball in chopped pistachios.

Place the cheese balls on a platter, cover with cling film and refrigerate until serving.



Tartlets - 11 pcs;

Processed cream cheese - 150 grams;

Red caviar - 120 grams;

Eggs - 4 pcs;

Dill - a small bunch;

Mayonnaise - to taste.

Finely chop the dill, grate the egg whites, mix with melted cheese, adding a little mayonnaise.

Fill the tartlets with the resulting mixture.

Place red caviar on top

Serve the tartlets on a platter, garnished with dill sprigs.

7. New Year's Snack

300 gr. lightly salted salmon (or trout)

350 gr. Philadelphia cheese

1 tbsp. gelatin

100 ml. cream 20% fat

Mix the cream, gelatin and leave for 5-7 minutes for the gelatin to swell.

Heat water almost to boiling. Place the container with gelatin and cream in hot water, stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Finely chop the dill.

Mix cheese, dill and cream.

Cover a mold (I have 20x10x10) with cling film so that the edges hang down by 10 cm. Lay out the fish pieces overlapping.

Spread half of the cream filling.

Place a layer of fish.

Spread the remaining half of the cream filling.

Place the fish pieces.

Fold the edges of the film so that the fish is completely covered. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Before serving, cut the roll into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

8. Cheese "Raffaello"

processed cheese - 200 g,

butter - 200 g,

garlic - 2 cloves,

olives - 1 jar,

crab sticks - 1 package

Grate the cheeses and cold butter on a coarse grater.

Pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer.

Mix the cheeses, butter and garlic until smooth.

Make small balls from the resulting mass and knead each ball so that you get flat cakes.

Place a stuffed olive in the center of the flatbread and bring the edges of the flatbread together so that the olive is inside the flatbread.

Place the grated crab sticks on a plate and roll the finished balls in them.

9.Pita roll with cod liver

Thin pita bread - half a large one or 3 small round ones

Cod liver – 1 jar (190 g)

Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.

Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons

Green onions - feathers of 1 onion

Hard cheese – 125 g

Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons

Ground black pepper

For the filling, grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens. Drain the oil from the liver, and chop the liver itself with a fork. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Lay out three small pita breads overlapping each other. To prevent them from flaking later, you can lightly grease them with mayonnaise.

Place the filling on the pita bread and roll it tightly into a roll. The roll turned out to be long and I cut it in half. I wrapped each half in foil and put the pita roll in the refrigerator.

Before serving, cut the lavash roll into pieces and place on a plate.

10.Trout with caviar sauce


Lemon juice

Trout fillet (or salmon) - 400 grams

Olive oil – half a teaspoon

For the sauce:

Red caviar – two teaspoons

Cream 22% - 100 milliliters

Dry white wine – one tablespoon

The trout fillet must be cut into two portions.

Season with a little pepper, salt, and lightly sprinkle lemon juice on top.

You need to preheat the oven to 170 C. The baking pan needs to be greased a little. olive oil and place the prepared pieces of fish into it

Add a little water on top, carefully cover the top of the mold with foil and place it in the oven for about 15–20 minutes.

To prepare the sauce for this fish, you need to carefully pour the wine into the saucepan, then, stirring thoroughly, add the prepared cream.

Over low heat, stirring constantly, bring the resulting mixture to a fairly thick mass. Add a little salt and pepper.

Remove the prepared sauce from the heat, add the caviar to the slightly warm sauce and mix everything carefully so that the caviar is evenly distributed in the sauce.

Carefully transfer the finished fish to plates and pour the prepared sauce on top.

Chicken "Stump"

Baguette - 1 piece

Chicken fillet - 500 g

Onion - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 tooth.

Champignons - 6 pcs

Cream (20%) - 5 tbsp. l.

Tomato - 1 piece

Cheese - 100 g

Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Butter (for frying)

Spices (thyme, basil, parsley, marjoram) - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Salt (to taste)

Black pepper (to taste)

You can grind chicken fillet (it’s better to take the meat from the thigh, it will be juicier) in a meat grinder, but I chopped it finely.

Purified onion cut into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Cut the bar crosswise into several pieces of 5 centimeters each. Carefully remove the crumb using a sharp knife.

Mix minced chicken with fried onions, add spices, garlic, salt, mix and stuff the loaf with this mixture.

Peel the champignons and slice thinly.

Fry in vegetable oil + butter until golden brown, add cream, a little salt and simmer a little.

Pour mushroom sauce over the stumps.

Slice the tomato, place it on the mushrooms and pour sour cream over it

Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top.

Bake in the oven at 200-220*C for 25-30 minutes.

12. Potato gratin

1 kg potatoes

100 g sour cream

2 cups cream

2-3 cloves of garlic

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

salt and pepper

Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices.

Place the potatoes in a mold, like fish scales. Salt and pepper each layer.

Finely chop the garlic. Add it to the cream. Mix well.

Lightly beat the cream with sour cream, add a little salt and add freshly ground nutmeg.

Pour cream over potatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Preheat the oven to 200 C degrees. Bake for about 1 hour.

13.cake "Esterházy"

For the test:

· 8 proteins

· 1 cup of sugar

· 200 g walnuts

· 3 tbsp flour

· Pinch of cinnamon

· A pinch of salt

· Almond petals

For cream:

· ½ cup milk

· ½ cup heavy cream

· ¾ tbsp sugar

· ¼ cup condensed milk

· 4 yolks

· 300 g butter

· 200 g white chocolate

· 50 g dark chocolate

· 2 tbsp cream 33% fat

How to cook:

1. Beat the whites with sugar, add chopped toasted nuts along with cinnamon and flour. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake 6 cakes at 160C for 40-50 minutes.

2. For the cream, mix milk and cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Mix the yolks with sugar and temper the mixture with hot milk. Cool. Beat the butter with condensed milk and add to the custard. Coat the cakes with cream.

3. Melt white chocolate in a water bath and mix it with cream. Cover the surface of the cake. Melt the dark chocolate and pipe a spider web design onto the cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with almond petals.

And of course, sliced ​​vegetables, fruits, martinis, champagne and cognac

Birthdays, February 23, March 8. May 1, New Year, family holidays are a reason to set the table. All self-respecting housewives try to please their loved ones and friends with a variety of dishes. Of course, every cook has his own signature recipes. But sometimes you want to cook something new and unusual. In this article, I publish an approximate holiday menu of 14 simple, but tasty and original dishes, which may give you some inspiration. own ideas. And for dessert you can bake something extraordinary.

Salads and snacks without eggs

Puff salad with pineapples

- 6 items boiled potatoes;
– a can of pineapples approximately 560 grams;
– 3-4 cloves of garlic;
– hard cheese about 300 grams;
- mayonnaise.

Mix mayonnaise with garlic squeezed through a press. Rub boiled potatoes on a coarse grater, add salt. Place the layer on a flat dish. Spread with mayonnaise-garlic sauce. Place sliced ​​pineapples on top. Lubricate with sauce too. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Simple but very delicious salad ready. You can arrange it as in the picture.

For a simple salad that even a beginner in cooking can handle, see.

Black bread croutons with herring mousse.

The mousse itself can be prepared in advance, but the croutons (croutons) will have to be made immediately before serving.

Ingredients for 4 slices of Borodino bread:
– 1 herring fillet or half a whole herring:
– 2-3 pieces of green onions;
– processed cheese;
– 2 boiled carrots;
– ground black pepper;
– 4 slices of black bread.

Cut off the crusts from the bread and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees to dry. This will take 5 – 7 minutes.

Cut the herring and onion into small pieces. Carrots and processed cheese grate on a coarse grater. Place everything in a blender, add pepper and mix well. Don't have a blender? Use a meat grinder, just insert a fine mesh. Was the mousse a bit dry? It depends on the herring. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise or vegetable oil and mix well.

Using two spoons, carefully form the mousse and place on the croutons. You can garnish with dill and leeks or as you wish.

Pancakes with salmon.

For pancakes.

– flour 400 gr;
– eggs 2 pcs.;
– milk 1 liter;
– vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
– a pinch of salt;
– vanillin.

For filling.
– lightly salted salmon about 100 g;
– hard cheese, also about 100 g;
– pickled cucumbers 2 pieces;
– mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons;
– ground black pepper;
– green onion feathers.

If you know how to bake pancakes, you can make them according to your own recipe. And for the rest I will continue. If you have a blender, place all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly. If not, use a whisk or fork. First mix the eggs, then add milk and all other products except flour, mix well. Then add flour little by little, mixing the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form.

Don't forget to heat the pan well and grease it with oil.

I think that for the holiday it is better to bake intricate pancakes in the shape of snowflakes. This is done quite simply. Pour the bulk of the pancake into the middle of the frying pan, and, turning it slightly, let the dough spread a little.

Then you scoop some dough into a spoon and draw patterns around it. You can put the dough in a small plastic bottle and draw from it. This is somewhat more convenient, but more dough is consumed.

When all the pancakes are ready, cover them with a plate or cling film to soften them.

In the meantime, let's start with the filling. Cut the salmon into small squares. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the pickles too. Pepper, add mayonnaise and mix everything.

Divide the onion into feathers and steam with boiling water to make them more elastic.

Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle of each pancake, form a bag and carefully tie with onion feathers. During this procedure, it is better to involve your children or husband, let them also take part in the preparations for the holiday.

These bags are served cold, but if you are making them on the eve of the holiday, it is better to heat them in the microwave for a few seconds so that the pancakes are not too hard.

Meat rolls with cucumber and mustard.

– pork 400 grams;
– pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.;
– red onion 1 pc.;
– mustard beans 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt pepper;
– flour for breading.

Cut the meat into thin slices, cover with film and beat well, add salt and pepper. Cut the cucumbers and red onion into strips. Place grain mustard, slices of cucumber and onion on each piece of meat.

Roll into rolls and secure with toothpicks to prevent them from unraveling. Gently roll in flour. First place seam side down in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on all sides until golden brown crust.

Cut the finished rolls in half at an angle of 45 degrees. Drizzle with Lazy Tartar Sauce.

Lazy Tartar Sauce

– pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs.;
– a head of red onion;
– garlic 2-3 cloves;
– half a bunch of parsley;
- salt pepper;
– mayonnaise 2 tablespoons;
– grainy mustard.

This sauce is prepared very simply, and most importantly, quickly, but it requires a blender. Chop all the ingredients, put everything except the mustard in a blender and blend until smooth. Now add mustard to taste and mix with a spoon. You can, of course, chop everything finely, but this will take time, and during the New Year's troubles, this is precisely what is missing.

Herring under a fur coat in a roll


– herring – 1 pc.;
– potatoes – 4 pcs.;
– carrots – 1 pc.;
– beets – 1 pc.;
– mayonnaise – 200 g;
– onion – 1 pc.;
– vinegar for pickling onions.

Pre-cut the onion randomly and marinate in vinegar for 2-3 hours. But you can put it raw, at your discretion.

Boil potatoes, carrots and beets, cool, peel and grate or cut into small cubes.

Peel the herring, separate from the bones, cut into small pieces.

It is better to squeeze the beets through cheesecloth to remove excess moisture. If your carrots are also juicy, then it is better to squeeze them.

To make a roll, spread cling film, a cut plastic bag or foil on the table, whoever has what. Mix beets with mayonnaise and spread evenly onto film. Cover again with film and compact the layer thoroughly. Remove this top film. You can salt the beets a little. Try to make each subsequent layer slightly narrower in width than the previous one. We do the same with carrots, only now we spread them on the beets. The third layer is potatoes with mayonnaise, spread on the carrots. Don't forget to salt it. Next we put the onion, if you pickled it, you need to let it drain so that it is not too wet. And the last layer is herring. It is better to lay it not over the entire surface of the roll, but as a long log in the middle. We compact all layers in the same way using cling film.

Carefully roll the roll around the herring log. We compact the edges well. Wrap it in the same film. We put the appetizer in the refrigerator until guests arrive. Before serving, remove the film and cut into portions.

Snack “Callies”

– 100-200 gr. ham or any boiled sausage;
– 100 gr. any cheese or fatty cottage cheese, it must be salted;
– 1 carrot;
– 2 cloves of garlic;

Grate the cheese and carrots on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. If you use cottage cheese, the taste will be different. I usually make half with cottage cheese, half with cheese.
Cut the sausage or ham into thin slices. Roll up into a ball and secure with toothpicks to prevent them from unrolling. Fill with salad. Garnish with herbs, pieces of red bell pepper, olives or just ketchup.

Stuffed Peaches

The appetizer has an interesting taste due to the sweet peaches and salty filling.
– small, 200 grams, piece of turkey meat;
– a can of canned peaches in halves;
– a can of canned corn;
– any spicy cheese, 200 grams;
– mayonnaise or homemade sauce;
– salt, pepper to taste.

For the sauce:
– a jar of yogurt;
– lemon;
– mustard.

Boil the meat in salted water, cool.

While we prepare the sauce. Add a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of lemon juice to the yogurt and add a little salt. Mix all ingredients well.

We take the peaches out of the jar and place them on a towel. They need to be dried well. To do this, you can place them bottoms up to drain excess juice, or blot each piece with a napkin.

Then the bottoms must be cut off for stability, but be careful not to make a hole.

Now cut the turkey into small pieces, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add 3-4 tablespoons of corn without juice. Carefully add the sauce or prepared mayonnaise. The salad should not turn out wet. Soy or mayonnaise is used here simply to bind the products together. Add salt and pepper if necessary.
Stuff the peach halves and place them on a flat plate.

See also in another article.

Salads and snacks with eggs.

Stuffed crab sticks.

I want to warn you right away, the snack is used great success, so do more.
Ingredients for 10 pieces of chilled (do not use frozen) crab sticks:

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, set aside a third for sprinkling. Leave the yolk of one egg too. Grate or crush the eggs with a fork. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Finely chop the greens. Add sour cream and mayonnaise. Mix everything. If you like pepper, you can add it too.

Carefully unwrap the crab sticks and place the filling on the edge. Now the sticks need to be rolled up just as carefully. Place 4 sticks on a plate, 3 on top, then two and place the last one on top. We ended up with some kind of hut. Sprinkle it with “snow” - cheese and egg yolk or white, as you prefer. The appetizer is ready.

Cheese balls


  • boiled potatoes 4 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.;
  • crab sticks 10 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 200 gr.;
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and set aside for now. Cut potatoes, eggs, crab sticks as finely as possible, season with mayonnaise and pepper. In principle, you don’t need to add salt, but if you really want to, you can. Mix everything well. With clean hands, roll into balls slightly smaller than a chicken egg. Roll them in cheese. Insert skewers or toothpicks.

Method number 2


  • processed cheese 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 100 gr.;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • paprika;
  • mayonnaise.

Wash the dill in advance and dry well.
Grate the eggs and cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic through a press and add a little mayonnaise so that the mass is not too wet. Mix everything thoroughly.
Finely chop the dry dill. We leave. Three also have cheese on a fine grater. And we also leave it aside. Pour paprika into a plate. As in the previous recipe, we form balls and roll one at a time in seasonings. We got funny colorful balls.

Method No. 3


  • large package of crab sticks;
  • 150-200 grams of cheese;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.

Grate the crab sticks on a fine grater and set aside - this is our topping. We also grate the cheese and eggs on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a press. Add mayonnaise, mix everything well. We make balls as in previous recipes. Roll each ball in shavings of crab sticks.

As a decoration for all three methods of preparing cheese “Rafaelok”, you can use marinated champignons, pinned with skewers or toothpicks.

Recipes for hot holiday dishes

Pork meat and potatoes in the sleeve.


  • pork meat, preferably neck, 1 kg;
  • pitted prunes 200 gr. It can be replaced with dried apricots, cherries, any berries or mushrooms. For the marinade:
  • one and a half teaspoons of wig:
  • mustard beans 2 teaspoons;
  • regular mustard one and a half teaspoons;
  • garlic 3-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil 4 tablespoons;
  • non-bitter honey 1 teaspoon;
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

For potatoes.

  • medium size potatoes 1 kg;
  • vegetable or olive oil 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt about half a teaspoon;
  • any dry to your taste half a teaspoon.


Steam the prunes with boiling water. Dry.

Wash the meat and dry with a napkin. Make deep cuts not completely at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade well, squeeze the garlic through a press.

It is good to coat the meat with marinade, not forgetting about the pockets.

Place all the prunes in each pocket. Carefully transfer the meat into a roasting bag. The sleeve should be 2 times longer than the piece. Secure the sleeve on both sides and put it in the refrigerator for a day or a little less.

When you need to cook, take the potatoes and cut off the bottom on one side.

Mix the oil, salt and seasoning well and pour the potatoes on top, not forgetting to get into the holes. Now place the finished potatoes along with the mold into a baking sleeve and secure it on both sides.

Remove rack from oven to keep cool. Preheat the oven itself to 200 degrees. Now place the form with potatoes and the form with meat on the grill. Bake for an hour.

When the finished potatoes and meat have cooled a little, transfer them to a dish, first tearing the sleeve and cutting the meat into portions.

Cut the meat in large pieces, salt, pepper and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown. Place in a saucepan.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in the oil that remains after frying the meat. Place the prepared onion in the pan on top of the meat.

Top up hot water so that it does not lightly cover the meat. Simmer for an hour on low heat.

Fry the walnuts in a frying pan or in the oven for about 3 minutes.

Add to stew tomato paste, diluted in a glass of warm water, seasoned with salt - a level tablespoon and sugar - a heaped tablespoon, and pepper to taste. Add bay leaves, prunes and nuts. Close the lid and cook the meat until cooked, about half an hour. Don’t forget to taste the dressing to adjust the taste in time if something is not to your liking. Serve with any side dish.

Bon appetit! I hope you have a lot of fun this holiday!

Ah, you will find 5 simple diets with menus for every day .

Tell VK

Friends, let's continue our conversation about the upcoming holiday. It's time to think over 2018 and decide what to prepare for the new year 2018, so that the table will be a success and to attract good luck by appeasing the Yellow Earth Dog.

The holiday is knocking on my door,
And New Year's menu
It's time for me to come up with
To a very solemn day.

New Year's salads,
And desserts and appetizers...
I will set the table richly,
It will be festive and delicious!

What to cook for the New Year 2018

We will not discover America if we say that there are many worthy recipes and you can sit for hours, leafing through culinary pages in search of the treasured dish. But to save your time, we have already created a useful selection for the New Year's celebration. Here we will tell you what the menu for the New Year's table 2018 should be and offer options that you will surely like. In addition, we will discuss not only recipes for the New Year 2018, but also talk about setting the festive table. But first, let's make a plan for the future menu.

What should the New Year's table menu 2018 be like?

Since 2018 is the year of the Dog, we will have to take into account its taste preferences. It's good that she is an omnivore and loves a variety of foods. Therefore, we will select different recipes for the festive table, taking into account the tastes of those guests who will share the festive dinner with us.

What is allowed

  • meat. Chicken, pork, beef, any. The dog loves meat products, so meat dishes must be on the holiday table;
  • fish;
  • nourishing flour products;
  • sweets.

It is necessary to have yellow and brown colors. After all, the symbol of next year is the Yellow and Earth Dog.

So, we’ve decided on the main products, it’s time to think about it New Year's table 2018 and choose special and delicious recipes.

New Year's menu 2018 for home

  • potato side dishes;
  • salty pastries;
  • stuffed dishes.
  • rolls;
  • baked poultry;
  • options for slicing.
  • salmon in cream sauce;
  • baked fish under a “fur coat”.
  • julienne buns;
  • liver cake;
  • “snowballs” with squid.
  • mulled wine;
  • punch.

Hot dishes for New Year 2018

Even the simplest menu New Year Can't do without hot dishes. And we just need to choose the right recipe for the festive feast. What to cook? Yes, everything you want. For example, serve beautifully plain potatoes, prepare hearty rolls or bake fish.

Let's start with potatoes

Country style potatoes

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • peeled potatoes 800 g;
  • vegetable oil 4 tablespoons;
  • salt 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper 0.5 tsp


  1. Cut the well-washed potatoes lengthwise into 4 parts and mix with salt, pepper, and oil.
  2. Place each slice on a greased baking sheet and bake for 35 - 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

This same recipe can be made more refined. For example, add cilantro, basil and a special seasoning for potatoes as seasonings. Or mix potatoes with crushed garlic and soy sauce.

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • peeled potatoes 1 kg;
  • hard cheese 50 g;
  • chicken yolks 2;
  • nutmeg (at the tip of the knife);
  • pepper and salt


If you don’t have a nozzle at hand, you can give the potato mass a beautiful shape in this way: form a ball in your hands and press it on both sides to make a neat medallion.

Salty pastries

Ingredients (10 servings):

  • chicken fillet 1.5 kg;
  • garlic cloves 5 – 6;
  • hard cheese 250 g;
  • flour 1 cup;
  • mayonnaise 6 - 7 table. spoon;
  • mustard 2 tsp;
  • greens (optional);
  • salt and pepper;
  • seasoning for meat or chicken;
  • vegetable oil.


First, divide the chicken breasts into portions (thickness - about 1.5 cm).

Afterwards, rub each piece with salt, pepper, seasonings and lightly beat with a kitchen hammer, having previously wrapped it in cling film. Next we remove the film.

Then, the prepared meat must be rolled well in flour and fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil until light golden brown.

Let's start preparing the filling. To do this, mix half a portion of grated cheese with herbs, garlic, mayonnaise and mustard.

Place each fried piece on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and cover the meat with filling on top. Add another layer of grated cheese on top.

Bake the finished pieces under the “fur coat” at 200 degrees for 15 – 20 minutes.

It is not necessary to use chicken for this dish. Pork will also work. But then you don’t need to fry it, but put it in the oven right away.

And cook for about 35 minutes. You can also add chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers or fried champignons with onions to the filling. You can also, instead of the specified filling, put a piece of canned pineapple on each chop, and sprinkle grated cheese on top and pour mayonnaise on top. It will also turn out very tasty.


  • pork (pulp);
  • bulb onions;
  • vinegar;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • spices;
  • pepper and salt.


Stuffed dishes

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • drumstick 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp;
  • whole walnuts 3;
  • lingonberries 50 g;
  • salt and pepper, seasoning for chicken;
  • sugar 2 tsp;
  • fresh parsley 2 branches.


  1. Lingonberries, wash the drumsticks, peel the nuts.
  2. Then chop the peeled nuts well with a knife and mix with lingonberries, sugar and finely chopped parsley.
  3. Next you need to prepare the drumsticks for stuffing. To do this, cut them lengthwise and carefully separate the flesh from the bone. If everything is done correctly, the drumstick should remain in its original shape.
  4. Salt and pepper, sprinkle seasoning on the chicken pieces.
  5. Then place the minced meat inside the drumsticks and secure the edges with a toothpick.
  6. Place each piece on a baking sheet with heated oil and pour oil over the drumsticks as well.
  7. Bake until golden crust 45 - 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

If desired, lingonberries can be replaced with prunes, it will also turn out very tasty.


  • minced pork and beef 150 g each;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • onion 1 onion;
  • ready dough yeast-free 300 g;
  • yolk 1.


  1. Mix the minced meat with pepper, salt and finely chopped onion.
  2. Roll out the dough thinly (5 mm) and cut into narrow strips (“strings”).
  3. We form small meatballs and wrap them with dough like a ball.
  4. Place the prepared “kebabs” on a greased baking sheet, grease with yolk and bake for about an hour at 180 degrees.


Karlovy Vary


  • beef tenderloin 500 g;
  • bacon 40 g;
  • ham 70 g;
  • pickled cucumber 2 pcs;
  • chicken eggs 2;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) 1 tsp spoon;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Beat the eggs with a fork, add a little salt and pepper.
  2. Lightly grease the pan with a silicone brush and heat it up. Place the eggs here and fry the omelette in the form of a large pancake.
  3. We cut the tenderloin along the grain and divide it into several portions (the width of each piece should be about 5 cm, length - 10 - 15 cm).
  4. We wrap each piece with cling film and beat it. Remove the film and sprinkle with pepper.
  5. 5. Place thin slices of bacon on each chop so that they cover the entire surface of the meat.
  6. The next layer will be thinly sliced ​​ham.
  7. Then - a layer of omelette.
  8. Next: a layer of cucumbers thinly sliced ​​lengthwise.
  9. We roll the workpiece into a roll and tie it with thread.
  10. Place in a greased frying pan and fry on all sides until golden brown (not cooked).
  11. Next, put the half-finished rolls in a baking dish, pour some water into the container and place in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.
  12. Bake for 50 - 60 minutes, basting with the released juice every 10 seconds.


  • 1 piece of pork pulp (a rectangle of tenderloin about 1 kg measuring approximately 12 x 22 cm);
  • onion peel from 7 medium onions;
  • parsley;
  • 1 -2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • seasoning for meat.


  1. Cover the meat with cling film and beat with a kitchen hammer.
  2. Sprinkle the resulting rectangular layer with seasoning, pepper and salt, and on top with grated garlic and chopped parsley.
  3. We twist the layer with the filling into a roll and wrap it with thread. We pierce the meat with a needle in several places.
  4. We wash the husks and place them in a colander to drain all the water.
  5. Pour the husks into a saucepan, fill with water and place the roll here. You need enough water to cover the entire surface of the meat. Cook for 1.5 hours.
  6. Remove the finished roll from the water and place it on a paper towel for a few minutes.
  7. Next, rub the meat on top with garlic, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator.
  8. Before serving, remove the film and thread and cut into portions.

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • chicken fillet 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese 100 g;
  • butter 70 g;
  • vegetable oil 10 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cut along the fillet, cover with film, and beat. Remove the film, salt and pepper.
  2. Divide the cheese and butter into an equal number of servings (the same as the fillet servings) in the form of rectangles.
  3. Place a piece of butter and cheese on each fillet, roll it up and secure with a toothpick.
  4. Fry the pieces in a frying pan until golden brown, and then put them on a greased baking sheet and put them in the oven. Bake for about half an hour at 200 degrees.

Baked bird


  • 1 whole chicken (1.5 kg);
  • 1 can of canned pineapple;
  • spices for chicken;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cooking chicken carcass. We inspect to see if there are any hairs (if there are, pluck out and tar over the fire). Rinse well and dry with paper towels.
  2. Mix the spices with salt and rub the chicken with them.
  3. Stuff the carcass with pineapples and sew it up with thread.
  4. Place in a deep container and pour over pineapple syrup. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the marinated chicken on it.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for an hour and a half, basting with marinade every 20 minutes.

To prevent the legs from getting burned during baking, you can wrap them in foil and remove it when serving.

To make the meat juicier and there is no need to baste it, you can bake the carcass in a sleeve, immediately pouring marinade over it.

For filling you can also use: pears, apples, fried mushrooms, buckwheat.

You can cook duck in the same way.


  • turkey 1 carcass (about 4 kg);
  • melted butter 40 g

For filling:

  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp;
  • pancetta (aka dry-cured brisket). Cut into 0.5 cm cubes 150 g;
  • 2 medium bulbs;
  • garlic 3 cloves;
  • chopped dry sage 2 tbsp;
  • roasted pine nuts 3 tsp;
  • grated zest of 1 lemon;
  • chopped parsley 0.5 cups;
  • fresh bread crumbs 2 glasses;
  • lightly beaten eggs 2.


Making the filling

  1. Fry the brisket in butter over high heat for 2 minutes.
  2. Reduce heat and add garlic and onion. Simmer for another 5 minutes until the onion becomes soft.
  3. Add the sage, remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Then, add nuts, lemon zest, bread crumbs, parsley, eggs.
  5. Salt, pepper and mix well.

Cooking turkey

  1. We wash the carcass and dry it with paper towels.
  2. Stuff with filling and tie the legs with strong thread. We bring the wings back.
  3. Place the turkey in a large frying pan and baste melted butter(half the norm), salt and pepper.
  4. Pour 2 - 3 glasses of water into the pan and cover the carcass with foil.
  5. Bake for 2.5 hours. Then remove the foil and grease with melted butter. If necessary, add water.
  6. Simmer for about 45 more minutes. The bird should be golden.
  7. Remove the cooked turkey from the oven, wrap it in foil and leave for another 20 minutes.
  8. Advice. If the turkey needs to be defrosted, it is best to do this in the refrigerator, focusing on the weight of the bird (for every 0.5 kg you need 5 hours).

Slicing options

What delicious things to prepare for the New Year 2018, so that it would be both interesting and appropriate on the festive table? Maybe a slice? We are used to buying ready-made sausage, ham, etc. in stores. What if you try to make something like this yourself, using new recipes?

Essentially, this is the same lard with meat streaks, cooked according to Italian recipe. Pancetta takes more than one day to prepare, so it’s better to make it in advance in order to be in time for the New Year’s table.


  • you will need a large, fairly fatty piece of brisket;
  • chopped garlic;
  • ground black pepper;
  • chopped juniper berries;
  • ground bay leaf and nutmeg;
  • thyme;
  • brown sugar and salt.


  1. Remove the skin from the brisket and shape it into a rectangle using a knife.
  2. Rub with spices, put in a bag, tie well and leave in the refrigerator for a week.
  3. It is important to turn the meat over and shake it every day.
  4. Then we check the brisket. If the meat is uniformly elastic everywhere, proceed to the next stage. If there is any looseness, leave it for another couple of days.
  5. Wash the aged brisket, sprinkle with pepper and roll into a roll. We tie it with a rope at a distance of every 3 cm and hang it in a dark, cool and not dry place for 2 weeks.

The same brisket can be cooked faster. To do this, you need to rub it well with spices, roll it tightly into a roll, wrap it in gauze and put it in the refrigerator for a week. In this form, it turns out more tender, but without the characteristic dried taste.


  • 0.7 - 1 kg pork ham;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Using a sharp knife, make small cuts in the flesh and stuff the meat with pieces of garlic and bay leaves.
  2. Rub the pork with spices and let stand for 2 hours.
  3. Wrap the meat in foil and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 90 minutes.
  5. Remove the foil and place in the oven until the boiled pork is browned.
  6. Once the meat is ready, remove it from the baking sheet and wrap it in foil for 20 minutes to keep it juicy.



  • salmon fillet 1 kg;
  • lemon 1;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

For the sauce:

  • medium fat cream 1 l;
  • Dijon mustard 1 tsp;
  • fresh parsley, dill, basil, tarragon 10 g each;
  • egg yolks 3.


  1. Grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice well into a separate bowl.
  2. Cut the salmon into strips 5 cm thick. Salt, pepper, and place in a baking dish. Pour in lemon juice and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  3. Separately mix the yolks with cream, then add mustard, herbs, and lemon zest.
  4. Pour the sauce over the fish and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  5. Serve with lemon slices and sprigs of herbs.

Instead of fresh herbs, you can use dried herbs; then the quantity should be adjusted to taste.


  • 400 g fillet of any kind sea ​​fish. River fish will also work, but then you will need to choose the bones more carefully;
  • 8 eggs;
  • 2 table. spoons of flour;
  • 2 onions;
  • 150 g milk;
  • 3 table. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper and other spices to taste.


Cut the fillet into pieces, remove the bones, salt and sprinkle with spices.

Bread the fish in flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Separately, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil.

Place the fish in pots and sprinkle onions on top.

Separately, beat the eggs with milk, add salt and pour the egg mixture over the fish.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden brown.

The dish will become even tastier if you remove it from the oven a few minutes before cooking and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Instead of milk, you can use mayonnaise, then the omelette will be more fluffy.

New Year's snacks 2018


  • fresh champignons 500g;
  • onion 2 onions;
  • flour 40 g;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • hard cheese;
  • sour cream 300 g;
  • small buns with crispy crust 8 pcs.


  1. Cut the onion into strips and lightly fry.
  2. Add chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry until tender.
  3. Add flour to the prepared mushroom mixture and mix quickly. Slowly add sour cream and remove from heat.
  4. Cut the top off the buns and take out the middle.
  5. Fill the void in the bun with mushroom filling and sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Place the buns on a baking sheet and cover them with the cut off tops.
  7. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.


  • 0.6 kg of liver (better than chicken, it is more tender and fries faster);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 onions and carrots each;
  • 250 g mayonnaise;
  • 3 table. spoons 20% sour cream;
  • 2 table. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 table. spoons of flour;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp salt (half for dough, half for frying).


  1. Wash the liver well, remove the films and check for a gall bladder. If there is one, carefully cut it out.
  2. Mix the liver with eggs, flour, sour cream and beat in a blender until smooth. Salt.
  3. Grease a frying pan, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the future cake, with oil and heat it up.
  4. Pour the liver mixture into a hot frying pan using a ladle to get a thin pancake.
  5. Fry over medium heat until done. You need to turn it over carefully, in one motion, so as not to tear the pancake.
  6. We fry separately. To do this, cut the onion into cubes and grate the carrots. Fry over medium heat with vegetable oil for about 10 minutes (the vegetables should not brown, but just become soft). Salt and pepper.
  7. Divide the carrot-onion mixture into equal parts, the number of which is equal to the number of liver pancakes minus one (if you get 8 pancakes, then divide the vegetables into 7 parts).
  8. Mix mayonnaise with crushed garlic.
  9. Let's start shaping the cake. To do this, place the first cake on a dish, grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise, and place on top fried onions and carrots.
  10. Cover with the next pancake and grease with mayonnaise in the same way and sprinkle with vegetables.
  11. This way we create a cake, leaving the top pancake untouched.

To make the cake more elegant, you can grease it on the sides and top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with boiled grated eggs.
It is better to prepare such an appetizer a day before serving, so that the cake is soaked.


  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 – 3 squid;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 table. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • green onions.


  1. Cook the squid covered for 1-2 minutes. You can’t keep it longer, otherwise the meat will become tough. Cut into cubes.
  2. Grate the eggs on a medium grater, finely chop the onion.
  3. Mix all ingredients (except cheese).
  4. From the resulting mass we form balls and roll them in grated cheese.
  5. Place on a plate and decorate to your liking.


Of course, the main table decoration for the New Year of the Dog is birthday cake. You can, for example, bake a delicious and elegant one, or you can even build a beautiful one. But sometimes you want to cook something truly special and more refined. Then maybe we can serve some mousse and sweets?


  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 3 tsp honey;
  • 300 ml cream 33%.


  1. Break the chocolate into pieces.
  2. Separately, bring 150 ml of cream and honey to a boil and pour the hot mixture over the chocolate. Mix everything well so that there are no pieces left.
  3. Pour the rest of the cream cold into the chocolate mass and beat into a strong foam with a mixer.
  4. Place in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  5. Remove from the refrigerator and beat again.
  6. Next, put the chocolate in a pastry bag and squeeze it beautifully into bowls or glasses.
  7. Decorate with dark grated chocolate.

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • 600 prunes;
  • 250 g marzipan;
  • 100 g each of dark and white chocolate;
  • 200 g peeled walnuts;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • coconut flakes.


  1. Pour the washed prunes into brandy, cover with a lid and leave in a cool place for 40 hours. Shake the dried fruits periodically.
  2. Next, mix the prunes with marzipan and pass everything together through a meat grinder.
  3. We form balls by placing walnut pieces in the middle of each.
  4. We break the chocolate into small pieces and heat it in a water bath.
  5. We place each prepared ball on a wooden stick and dip it well in chocolate, and then in coconut flakes.
  6. Place the finished candies on parchment paper and place in the refrigerator.

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 3 glasses of milk or cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1/8 tsp salt;
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract.


  1. Preparing the molds. For this dish you need 8 ramekins with a volume of 115 ml. We put them on a baking sheet.
  2. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
  3. Pour 4 cups of water into a small saucepan, add 1 cup of sugar and place over medium-high heat. Cook for 6 – 8 minutes, stirring constantly. You should get an amber-colored caramel.
  4. Quickly pour the resulting caramel into the molds.
  5. Separately, pour milk (cream) into a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to a boil.
  6. In a bowl, beat the eggs, yolks, salt and remaining sugar.
  7. While whisking, slowly pour the hot milk into the egg mixture.
  8. Strain the resulting cream through a sieve, add vanilla and pour into ramekins.
  9. Pour enough water onto the baking sheet with the molds so that it reaches the middle of the height of the molds.
  10. Place in the preheated oven and bake for about 35 minutes. The cream should thicken.
  11. Using tongs, remove the hot ramekins from the water, cover and let cool for 3 hours or more.
  12. After the dessert has cooled completely, run a sharp knife along the edges of the molds, separating the cream from the walls.
  13. Turn the crème caramel onto serving plates and serve.

New Year's drinks 2018

Let's celebrate the New Year of the Dog with traditional New Year's drinks from different countries. In Germany, for example, they like to serve hot mulled wine, and in the UK they savor aromatic spicy punch.


  • 1 liter of red wine;
  • 1.5 cinnamon sticks;
  • 4 cloves;
  • a glass of natural apple juice;
  • 1 orange;
  • 8 table. spoons of honey.


  1. Cut the orange into slices and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients here and put on low heat.
  3. Warm up for 10 – 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not bring the drink to a boil. It is enough to warm it up to 70 degrees.
  4. Then remove the mulled wine from the heat and let it brew for another 15 minutes.
  5. Strain the finished drink through a sieve and serve immediately.
  6. By the way, to make a truly beautiful New Year’s table setting, you can pour mulled wine into tall glasses and serve on a dish decorated with cardamom stars and cinnamon sticks.


  • 0.75 liters of water and dry white wine;
  • 0.25 l white rum;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 6 oranges;
  • 1 lime;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 6 cloves;
  • 3 cardamom stars.


  1. Set aside one lemon and one orange each, squeeze out the juice from the remaining citrus fruits (except lime), after first removing the peel.
  2. In a saucepan, mix water with sugar, citrus zest and bring to a boil. Cook for 7 minutes.
  3. Strain the syrup and add orange-lemon juice and wine.
  4. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Add rum.
  5. Pour the finished punch into a beautiful decanter and garnish with the remaining citrus and lime.

So, we decided on the menu. How to decorate the table for the New Year so that it is truly festive?

Let's take into account that we are celebrating the New Year of the Yellow and Earth Dog, so we will set the table in accordance with her preferences.

Current colors

All natural:

  • green;
  • sand;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • golden;
  • white;
  • beige.

The best fabrics to choose are cotton and linen.

You can decorate the 2018 New Year's table with wicker baskets, dried flowers, and pottery. As for candles, it is better to light them only if you really want to, and scented candles are generally better left for another occasion. The dog is wary of open fire and really doesn't like strong smells.

Well, in addition to the delicious menu and beautiful serving, let's not forget the sincere smile and joy of celebrating the New Year. Let's make our most cherished wishes on such a special night and celebrate the upcoming holiday with a special mood. And may the New Year 2018 be happy, successful and rich in amazing events and meetings for us!

Celebrate the holiday with a meat menu, excluding pork. Vegetables and greens will help digest heavy foods. Focus on light, salads, fish dishes. Piggy will be happy with nuts and cereals. Combine porridge with dried fruits, or use them as a filling for pies. The pig prefers natural products and dishes, don’t get carried away with store-bought cooking. The more dishes you offer your guests, the better. If there is not enough room on the table for your imagination, serve several appetizers on one platter.
The pig is pedantic and loves beauty. You will have to try hard to decorate the dishes and table. Place New Year's decorations and candles between the dishes, and you can give the snacks an original shape.
A variety of drinks is also welcome. Prepare various cocktails and lemonades at home. Offer your guests Muscat wines for desserts, and strong alcohol, red and white wine for fish and meat.

New Year's table with family

The main point in such an event is tradition. Crystal dishes will reflect the lights of the New Year's garland, grandmother's favorite cups will remind you of childhood, and a baked pie based on family secrets will not compare with any other. White starched napkins and tablecloth, candles, flowers in the center of the table, porcelain and cupronickel will create special warmth. Focus on dishes prepared with family. Young family members can be trusted to prepare salmon sandwiches. A ministerial hot schnitzel will remind the older generation of the recent past. For marshmallow cake, offer a refreshing orange juice drink.

New Year's table with friends

Have a fun night out with friends at home. Unusual recipes for the new year 2019, divide among those who like to cook. Think about what unites your friends, remember them taste preferences. The 2019 New Year's menu should be varied. It's better to make many dishes in small quantities. When decorating the table, you should use trendy ideas. Prepare traditional salads: herring under a fur coat, Olivier, mimosa and add 2-3 new dishes to them, for example, cheese balls and salad with pollock. For main course, offer duck with buckwheat, baked in the oven. And for dessert, serve sour cream jelly. A combination of traditional and new dishes - good idea in a big company.

New Year together

Create a certain mood. Nothing unites and charges you with the New Year's mood like joint preparation. Plan time to decorate the Christmas tree and home, and create a menu together. There is no need for a huge feast, think over the exquisite interior decoration, create 3-4 culinary masterpieces. For example, Garnet bracelet with pumpkin, Tender salad, duck breasts in orange sauce. Add dessert tiramisu and mulled wine to finish. Don't forget to leave time to prepare surprises.

Recipes for the holiday table

New Year's table 2019 according to our recipes will appeal to children and adults. Easy recipe, design ideas. We offer options for appetizers, salads, main courses, drinks and desserts. All you have to do is decorate the interior.

Snacks and salads

As a rule, they open the celebration. Preparing appetizers and salads is the most time-consuming part of preparing a holiday. Think carefully about the menu and decoration methods. Place compatible products on the table. Decorating salads should only contain those ingredients that are included in the dish.

Cheese and crab sticks balls

Simple, beautiful, very tasty dish. Make sure you have an extra batch of balloons if your guests ask for more.
processed or hard cheese - 100 gr.;
crab sticks - 200 gr.;
egg - 2 pcs.;
garlic - 2-3 cloves;
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
salt pepper.

Set the eggs to boil. If you put the eggs in cold salted water, they will not burst during cooking.
Using a fine grater, grate crab sticks and cheese into a bowl. Frozen sticks are easier to grate.

Crush the garlic and add to the cheese and sticks.
Mix everything with mayonnaise. Try making a snack with homemade mayonnaise.

Form balls from the resulting mass.
Serve the dish on a plate lined with lettuce and colorful peppers.

The softer the cheese, the more tender the balls will be. Melted can also be used. Make interesting figures from the mass and decorate them with greenery.

Sandwiches with salmon and avocado

A simple appetizer, but the combination of ingredients is so successful that it deserves a place at New Year's dinner.
avocado – 1 pc.;
lemon – 1⁄2 pcs.;
salmon s/s – 100 gr.;
bread – 3-4 pieces;
salt, pepper - to taste;
greens - for decoration.

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Carefully remove the pulp from the peel; it is not edible and should not end up in the salad. Crush the pulp with a fork.
Add salt, pepper, and juice of a quarter of a lemon.

Place avocado on toasted bread. You can quickly toast it in the toaster or make crispy croutons in a frying pan.
Cut the fish into thin slices and roll it into a roll. Simplify the task by buying sliced ​​fish at the store. Place on sandwiches.

Garnish everything with lemon slices and herbs.
Beef carpaccio

Italian appetizer will appeal to lovers raw meat, goes well with dry red wine. The secret of the dish is in thin slicing and high quality beef or veal.
beef or veal – 100 gr.;
salt – 2 pinches;
ground pepper – 2 pinches;
olive or sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
soy sauce – 1.5-2 tsp;
lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

Cut the frozen meat into thin slices and beat. It is impossible to cut raw meat so thinly.
Place the meat in a single layer on a plate and sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper.

After about 20 minutes it will give juice. Brush with soy sauce.
Apply olive or vegetable oil and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Carpaccio will be ready in 15 minutes, when it is completely saturated with marinade.
Decorate with nuts, lemon, herbs, cranberries.
"Kaleidoscope" from herring

The dish can be a worthy replacement for the “herring under a fur coat” salad. Unusual taste, affordable, simple ingredients, beautiful appearance- speaks in favor of this snack.
lightly salted herring (fillet) – 2 pcs.;
bell pepper red – 0.5 pod;
egg – 1 pc.;
red onion – 0.5 heads;
pickled cucumber – 1 pc.;
lemon juice – 1 tsp;
sour cream – 200 gr.;
cold boiled water – 40 ml.;
gelatin – 15 g;
ground black pepper - to taste;
salt - to taste.

Boil the washed carrots, cool and peel. Cut the egg and vegetables (except cucumbers) into small cubes.
Dissolve gelatin in warm water. If necessary, heat the gelatin in a water bath to completely dissolve, but do not boil.

Mix gelatin with sour cream and add chopped vegetables.
Salt and pepper everything, pour in lemon juice.

Place herring fillets skin side down on cling film.
Top with half of the vegetable mixture, pickled cucumber slices and the rest of the vegetables.

Cover everything with the second piece of fish, skin side up.
Wrap the sandwich tightly in film.

In the morning, the gelatin will harden and the dish will be ready.
Cut into circles, garnish with herbs and vegetables.

Garnet bracelet with pumpkin

Hot smoked pork and pumpkin are an unusual combination of ordinary products that will enhance the freshness of the pomegranate.
half a pumpkin;
meat (hot smoked) - 300 gr.;
cheese - 250 grams;
mayonnaise sauce - 150 - 200 grams;
egg - 2 pieces;
pomegranate - 1 glass of grains;
walnuts- 1/2 cup;
pepper, salt.

Grate the peeled pumpkin to Korean carrots, add a little vinegar and salt. The pumpkin will give juice.
Meanwhile, cut the meat into one-centimeter cubes.
Grind the boiled eggs and 2/3 of the cheese on a fine grater.

Mix eggs and some cheese with two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
Place a glass in the center of the dish on which the salad is served. Place the salad around the glass.
First, distribute the cheese mixture evenly and compact it.

The next layer is meat and a little mayonnaise (do not spread).
Squeeze the pumpkin and place it on the meat, add a little mayonnaise, as in the meat layer.

Sprinkle the pumpkin with lightly fried large pieces of nuts and apply a little mayonnaise. Compact the layers again.
The final stage is the remaining cheese and mayonnaise. Spread it evenly over the surface.

Top the salad with pomegranate seeds and remove the glass.

If there is too much or too little mayonnaise, the pomegranate seeds will not stick.

Salad with pollock

Fish dishes diversify the menu. A simple, tasty and beautiful pollock recipe is quite suitable for lunch and festive table.
Ingredients per serving:
pollock (fillet) - 250 gr.;
carrots - 1 pc.,
onions - 1 pc.;
egg - 1 pc.;
cheese - 40 gr.;
mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp;
salt, ground black pepper;
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Make a fry of onions and carrots: fry the onion in half rings in boiling oil for 3 minutes, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, cook for another 3 minutes.
Boil eggs and fish in salted water.
The next step is to coarsely grate the egg and cut the fish into fibers.

Place the salad in a serving dish.
The first layer is fish, add salt, pepper and a little mayonnaise on top.
Then add the roast and mayonnaise again.

The third layer is the egg. Pepper, salt and season with mayonnaise.
Just sprinkle the cheese on top and put the salad in the refrigerator.

The yellow color of the cheese will go well with red cherry tomatoes and parsley.
Salad "Tender" with chicken and pineapple

The dish is so popular that it has many variations. You won't spend much time on the salad if you boil the chicken in advance.
chicken fillet -350 gr.;
eggs - 2 pcs.,
canned corn- 150 gr.;
canned pineapple - 150 gr.;
cheese - 100 gr.;
sour cream - 150 gr.;
garlic 1-2 teeth;
mustard 0.5-1 tsp;
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Boil the chicken fillet and add your favorite spices to the broth for flavor.
While the chicken is cooling, we will have time to prepare a sauce based on mayonnaise or sour cream.
Add garlic, pepper, salt, mustard to the base.

Cut the pineapple into small pieces and squeeze out the juice.
Mash the boiled eggs.
Place layers in a deep salad bowl, soak each layer with sauce.

First - half of the finely chopped chicken, then the eggs - they need to be salted and peppered.
The next two layers are corn and pineapple.

The finishing note is the remaining chicken.
Sprinkle cheese on top, but without dressing, and garnish with pieces of bright vegetables and cranberries.

Hot dishes

There is a large selection of salads, appetizers and there may not be a long line for hot dishes. And the night time is not conducive to hearty hot food, but we offer recipes for dishes that are impossible to refuse, you can safely intrigue your guests with the second part of the feast. Let them save their strength for the hot one.
Duck breasts in orange sauce

Prepare a delicious meal for romantic evening. The recipe is made for 2 servings.
duck (fillet) - 2 pcs.;
orange - 2 pcs.;
butter - 70 gr.;
dried thyme - 1 tbsp;
rosemary - 1 tsp;
dried orange zest - 1 tbsp;
garlic - 2 teeth;
salt pepper.

Rub the meat, beaten through the film, with salt and pepper.
After 15 minutes, add chopped garlic and herbs.
Fresh orange zest and orange juice will complement the resulting marinade. Marinate in the refrigerator for an hour.

Pat the fillet dry with a towel and quickly fry in 1/2 part butter on both sides.
Bring the meat in the sleeve with orange slices and marinade until cooked - 15-20 minutes.
Prepare the sauce: heat the dried zest in butter for 30 seconds.

Place half of the orange slices on the frying pan. You can introduce sweet notes by adding a teaspoon of honey. Simmer everything for a minute.
Place the finished meat on a dish, garnish with oranges from the oven and sauce.

Serve with leek rings.
This dish does not require heating. Pairs well with vintage wine, cognac or orange juice.
Pollock with a crispy crust in the oven

Even children will be delighted with this dish. Serve for a holiday table or family dinner.
pollock – 1 pc.;
egg – 1 pc.;
ground corn flakes - 4 tbsp;
flour – 3 tbsp;
salt, pepper, paprika - to taste.;
vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.

Cut the fish into fillets. This is easier to do if the fish is frozen.
Sprinkle it with spices and salt.

Dip each piece in flour and egg
In a blender or by hand, grind the unsweetened corn flakes, but not very finely.
Sprinkle the fish with flakes.

Grease a baking dish with oil, place the pieces in a baking dish and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 120 degrees.
Duck with buckwheat in the oven

Duck meat is fatty and juicy, so the stuffing turns out incredibly tasty. Even after hearty snacks, guests will not refuse such hot food.
duck - 1–1.5 kg;
buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
duck giblets – 1 set;
onion - 1 pc.;
honey – 1 tbsp;
soy sauce- 1 tbsp;
lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
salt pepper.

Gut the duck. Excess fat, liver and kidneys are needed for frying.
Lightly fry the onion and giblets in fat.

Mix the cereal with roast and spices.
Place the stuffing into the bird and secure everything with string.

While the duck is roasting, prepare a sauce of lemon juice, honey and soy sauce.
Pour it over the dish 20 minutes after putting it in the oven.

After another 40 minutes, you can check the readiness: when the bird is pierced, the juice is clear, which means it’s ready.

Secure all cuts so that the fat remains inside the bird and soaks the filling well. Place the duck in a preheated oven.

Ministerial chicken schnitzel

The recipe has been very common since Soviet times. This dish could be found in any public catering establishment due to its ease of preparation and rich taste.
chicken breast- 300 gr.;
White bread- 2-3 pieces;
egg - 1 pc.;
frying oil;
salt pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into 2 layers, add salt and pepper.
Cut the crusts off the bread.

For breading, beat the egg with spices.
Roll the meat in the egg and cover with bread.

Fry in a preheated frying pan, pressing the future croutons tightly.

Desserts and drinks

Dishes from this part of our menu will delight not only children. Original and simple ideas will invigorate and refresh guests. The presented cocktails can be prepared with or without alcohol. You won't spend much time making the cake, but it will be cheaper than store-bought and no worse.
Sour cream jelly

Delicate creamy taste with a note of vanilla goes well with chocolate syrup, berries, and fruits.
sour cream – 400 gr.;
sugar – 100 gr.;
vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
water – 150 ml;
gelatin – 20 gr.

Pour gelatin warm water and leave to swell for 15 minutes.
At this time, prepare a syrup from the remaining water, sugar and vanillin. It is enough to boil for 2 minutes until the grains dissolve.

When the syrup has cooled slightly, add sour cream.
Heat the gelatin until it dissolves, then add a little sour cream to it and mix thoroughly.

Pour the resulting mixture into the main part of the sour cream sauce.
Pour the future jelly into molds and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

If gelatin is boiled, it will lose its properties. The mass will mix more easily if you first add a little sour cream to the gelatin and pour the gelatin rather than the sour cream into the gelatin.

Tiramisu with mascarpone

Bring a little Italian spirit to your holiday. This traditional recipe It's not at all difficult to repeat at home. It will become a bright final chord in New Year's Eve. Please the most delicate dessert loved one, friends or relatives.
mascarpone cheese – 200 gr.;
cream (fat content 35%) – 100 ml;
coffee liqueur – 40 ml;
ground coffee – 2 tsp;
instant coffee – 1 tsp;
water – 100 ml;
sugar – 3 tsp;
Savoyardi cookies - 8-10 pcs.;
chocolate or cocoa - to decorate the dessert.

In a blender, beat the mascarpone and cream.
Add instant coffee (not granulated) and sugar, beat everything again.

Brew natural coffee with sugar in a Turk.
In a bowl, mix coffee with aromatic alcoholic drink (brandy, cognac, coffee liqueur).

Place coffee cream and cookies, the bottom side dipped in the coffee drink in layers, into the bowl.
It will take about two hours in the refrigerator for soaking and cooling. Decorate with chocolate chips.
No-bake marshmallow cake

If you don’t tell your guests the secret of making this cake, they will never guess its composition.
There are a lot of calories in dessert, but who counts them on New Year's Eve?
marshmallows – 5-6 pcs.,
shortbread cookies – 250 gr.;
boiled condensed milk – 6-7 tbsp;
butter – 100 gr.;
currants, kiwi, strawberries, chocolate spread - optional.

Soften the butter and beat with condensed milk.
Place the cake in layers in a beautiful dish.

First, halves or pieces of marshmallows, then broken liver.
Fill everything with half of the condensed mass.
Place the next two layers, but crush the cookies into crumbs.

Pour out the remaining condensed milk. Fruits and other toppings make great garnishes.
Overnight the cake will soak and be ready.
Orange juice

In another way it can be called homemade lemonade. An original invigorating drink. Don't forget, orange helps digest heavy foods.
oranges – 3 pcs.;
sugar – 100 g;
vanilla sugar – 25-30g.

Peel the oranges, remove seeds, and white membranes. Squeeze out the juice.
Pour 100 ml of water into the pan, add sugar, vanilla, zest. Bring to a boil.

Pour in the juice and boil again, strain the drink.
Serve chilled with ice.
Mulled wine with orange and lemon

A warming aromatic drink is a great idea for a New Year's feast and a walk on New Year's Eve. Recipe for 4 servings.
semi-sweet red wine (for soft drink grape juice) – 600 ml;
cinnamon – 1-2 sticks; (with 2 sticks the taste is more intense);
star anise – 1-2 pcs.;
orange – 1 pc. (half for serving);
lemon – 2-3 slices;
sweet red apple – 1 pc.;
dried rosemary – 10-20 “needles”;
sugar (liquid honey) – 2 tbsp.

Place fruits and spices in a thick-bottomed container, add wine and place on low heat.
Slowly bring to seventy degrees and leave to simmer.

You can use various ingredients: add apple, ginger, honey, replace wine with cherry juice.

A sweet egg-milk cocktail for lovers of thick liqueurs. Recipe for 2 servings.
egg - 2 pcs.;
milk - 1.5 tbsp;
rum - 0.5 tbsp.;
sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
1 heaped teaspoon vanilla sugar;
1 cinnamon stick;
a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Combine eggs, sugar and vanilla, beat and add milk.
Add spices and place over low heat.

Once the eggs begin to infuse the milk, remove from heat and continue stirring for another 3 minutes.
Add alcohol to the mixture and serve the drink, garnished with a cinnamon stick.

The dishes in our selection do not take much time to prepare. They include available and non-available expensive products, and the result will exceed all expectations. Your New Year's table will make a lasting impression on your guests.

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