Scientific and technical library of the State Budgetary Institution "Mosstroyinform". Architecture of modern libraries

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    students and graduates!

    Opening hours of the Scientific Library for September 2019

    Department of educational literature

    (Subscription: building 2, Ground floor)

    Department of Scientific Literature and

    Catalog department

    Reading room modern periodicals

    (building 2, 2nd floor, room 207)

    September 2-6:

    Monday - Friday:


    Monday 11:00-19:00

    Tuesday 11:00-18:00

    Wednesday 11:00-18:00

    Thursday 11:00-19:00

    Friday 11:00-18:00

    Doesn't work

    (closed for interior work)

    Monday doesn't work

    Tuesday 11:00-18:00

    Wednesday 11:00-18:00

    Thursday 11:00-19:00

    Friday 11:00-18:00

    Due to the fact that the Department of Scientific Literature (Reading Room) is not working,

    Central Scientific and Technical Libraryin construction and architecture


    Address: 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 9b


    (Subscription, building 2, ground floor)




    1st year – from 02.09. 2019

    2nd course – from 09.09.2019

    3, 4, 5 courses – from 09/16/2019

    1st, 2nd courses VF – c 09.09.2019

    3, 4, 5 courses VF – from 09/16/2019

    COURSE 1: To register in the library and receive textbooks, you must have:

    student ID;
    two photographs 3*4; book bag. COURSES 2-5: To re-register and receive textbooks, students must have with them:

    extended student card;library card; book bag.




    We would like to draw the attention of those who have not yet enrolled in the library:


    sent by email

    only for registered readers.

    Library card number also allows for remote access

    to full-text resources uploaded to the Electronic Catalog of the MARCHI Library

    (for example, to the texts of master’s theses in the “Qualification works” database).






    Information from the Scientific Library

    1. Electronic Bible edematous systems.

    The MARCHI library issues access passwords to the following electronic library resources:

    EBS, EBS IPRbooks, EBS « University Library Online» .

    The resources contain collections of educational and scientific literature, including topics related to architecture, urban planning, design, engineering and professional software - as well as literature in the humanities and natural sciences.

    2018 IPRbooks information

    EBS IPRbooks is the most important resource for obtaining quality education, providing access to educational and scientific publications necessary for teaching and organizing the educational process in our educational institution.

    The EBS resource IPRbooks combines the latest information technologies and educational licensed literature, designed for different areas of study, with the help of which you can gain the necessary knowledge, prepare for seminars, tests and exams, and complete the necessary work and projects. IPRbooks will be useful for EBS teachers when drawing up curricula and RAPs, preparing and conducting classes, and obtaining information about new publications of colleagues.

    Instructions for registering and working with Electronic Bible Edema Systems

    Students, graduate students, teachers and staff of MARCHI can obtain individual access passwords to the EBS in the SUBSCRIPTION department during its opening hours (building 2, 2nd floor, room 206).

    2. Periodical subscription publications.

    Subscribed periodicals are an integral part of the collection of the Scientific Library of the Moscow Architectural Institute.

    Over the course of many decades, the collection of scientific periodicals has been constantly replenished, both by domestic specialized periodicals and foreign ones. Thanks to this, today it represents a unique collection of newspapers and magazines on architecture, urban planning, design and related disciplines.

    The Scientific Library operates Modern periodicals sector, on the basis of which a Reading Room with an open access fund is organized (2 buildings, 2nd floor, room 207). In addition to serving readers, employees of the Modern Periodicals Sector prepare information materials on the topics of coursework and conduct reviews of modern architectural and urban planning projects.

    Information about upcoming presentations on course projects is on the MARCHI website and on the “Scientific Library” page in the “News” section.

    The collection of modern periodicals of the Moscow Architectural Institute library is constantly replenished with domestic and foreign publications, including:

    "TATLIN MONO: Russian architects",

    "TATLIN NEWS: news of world architecture",

    "Architecture. Construction. Design",

    "Architectural Bulletin"

    "Bulletin of Civil Engineers",

    “Bulletin Architect. 21st century",

    "Project Russia"

    "Project International"

    "Construction newspaper"

    "Construction Technologies"


    "ARCHITECT. The Magazine of the American Institute of Architect",

    "Architectural Design"

    "Architectural Record"

    "Architectural Review"

    "Architecture and Urbanism",




    "DBZ - Deutsche Bauzeitschrift & Brand Schutt",

    "Detail - Review of Architecture",

    "Interior Design"

    "JA - the Japanese Architect",

    Lotus International

    "Landscape Architecture"

    "Plan - Architecture and Technologies in Details",

    "Topos - European Landscape Magazine",

    "Werk Bauen und Wohnen".

    A separate block consists of publications reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission:

    "Academy. Architecture and Construction",

    "Architecture and construction of Russia",

    “Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Scientific and technical journal",

    "Bulletin of the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering",

    "Urban planning"

    "Housing construction"

    "Volga Scientific Journal"

    "Industrial and civil construction".

    The list of subscription publications is constantly updated and adjusted in accordance with the requirements for higher educational institutions and the requests of readers of the Scientific Library.

    The first libraries appeared around 2600 BC. At that time, they were archives of clay tablets that were placed in temples. Over time, they evolved and turned into special majestic structures. Today, modern libraries have taken another huge step forward.

    New library in Birmingham

    The largest public library in Europe is located in Birmingham (England). The project was developed by the Danish design company Mecanoo. The library is distinguished by its original interesting facade in the form of intertwined metal rings.

    The exterior of the building features an original design, which was inspired by a famous jewelry workshop in the city. The glass facade is decorated with a filigree pattern in the form of metal rings. The library has a ground floor, a mezzanine and a middle floor located slightly below the ground floor.

    A new public library has appeared in the Netherlands and is called Book Mountain and Library Quarter. This is a project of the Dutch company MVRDV, which is located in Rotterdam. The appearance of the library resembles a huge mountain of books under a glass dome.

    The library occupies an impressive area of ​​9,300 square meters with corridors and platforms accessed through a network of stairs. The library also has an educational center, a number of conference rooms, auditoriums and several offices.

    The modern library, the project of which was developed by Helen & Hard specialists, is located in Norway. In addition to the library itself, the building also houses a cafe, conference rooms, administrative and training centers.

    The library is the central building of the city of Vennesla, because it is located on its central square. As for the design of the library, the building consists of 27 wooden floors made of wood and plywood.

    The National Library is located in the Korean city of Sejong. Construction of the 21,076 square meter building was completed in 2013. The project was developed by architects from Samoo in collaboration with engineering company Keun Jeong. The library building is easy to recognize, because in appearance it resembles an inverted book page. The unique shape of the library turns an ordinary building into a unique architectural monument.

    Sammamish Library is located in Washington. The project was designed by Perkins+Will Architects. The building's open and bright design has made it a popular listed building.

    The library also has a conference room, an internet café and an area overlooking the square. The main reading room is very well lit. The glass roof and large windows are the main source of natural light, so the need for artificial lighting appears only after sunset. The library's construction is very stable. There is also underground parking here.

    New library in Almere (Netherlands)

    A modern library in Almere (Netherlands) is an excellent project from Concrete Architectural Associates. The library has about 5,000 meters of bookshelves. There is a café, high-speed Internet access, multimedia and research departments. In this library, books are arranged not by numbers, but by thematic principle. All books are placed not only on shelves, but also in bookcases.

    Cooroy Library is a digital information library located on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 2010 as part of the Mill Place Master Plan for Cooroy. The library covers an area of ​​1,650 square meters and is one of the central buildings of the city.

    The library project was designed by Brewster Hjorth Architects. The building has a modern, stylish interior with a bright color palette and varied shapes, in addition, it is distinguished by the fact that there is a garden on the roof. The building consists of two pavilions.

    The Brasiliana Library has an area of ​​21,950 square meters and is located in Brazil. The project was developed by Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb + Eduardo de Almeida. Construction of the library was completed in 2013. It houses a rare book collection of 17,000 titles. The design of the library uses design elements from such libraries as the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Yale University, USA) and the Saint Geneviève Library (Paris, France).

    This library was built in two years in Brisbane (Australia). Its construction was completed in November 2006. The project was designed by Donovan Hill + Peddle Thorp Architects. This is the result of a complete transformation of an existing building. Old structures and designs have been expanded and new elements added. The area of ​​the library increased by 12 thousand square meters (the original area of ​​the building was 10,000 square meters).

    The construction of the 4,527 square meter library was completed in 2010. The project belongs to Aflalo and Gasperini Architects. The building, which after numerous transformations is now used as a library, was previously a prison.

    Spacious interior with flexible layout, colorful furniture and original graphics. The library is organized like a bookstore. There is also a small auditorium and spacious reading rooms.

    The library is located in Aberdeen (Scotland). It was founded in 1495. The local university ranks fifth in the list of oldest English language universities. It houses a collection of 250,000 ancient books and manuscripts.

    The 15,000 square meter building, which contains 1,200 reading spaces and special rooms for rare books, has been renovated and rebuilt by architects and designers from the Danish company Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects. On the ground floor there is a space for exhibitions, seminars and poetry readings, as well as a cozy cafe. Overall the building looks very stylish and modern.

    The official opening of the library took place on October 21, 2011. The Yi Architects project won the competition for architectural innovative projects in 1999.

    The library was built of pale gray concrete and frosted glass bricks. The facade resembles a shell. Overall, the design is simple and symmetrical. In the center of the building there is a cube-shaped hall with a fountain in the center. This space is for meditation
    Mexico also boasts an original one in Monterey.

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