Natasha Koroleva explained why she gave birth to only one child to the stripper. “It’s clear that we need to get a divorce”: pregnant Natasha Koroleva left her husband for a young lover. Does Natasha Koroleva have a second child?

I came up with it a long time ago. And looking at the boy, I realized that I was not mistaken. The name Arkhip suits my son very well. The birth took place in the capital's Family Planning Center, on Sevastopolsky Avenue. Natasha went to the clinic a week before the “X-hour”. Doctors set the initial due date for February 14th. They say that Natasha even clapped her hands: “On Valentine’s Day, this is fortunate.” But that day the baby did not appear, and Natasha decided not to resort to stimulation. Like, let everything take its course. Natasha's birth was attended by the head physician of the Center, Mark Kurtser. When Natasha went into labor, he dropped everything he was doing in the middle of the night and rushed to his famous patient. By the way, Mark Arkadyevich will soon be a dear person to our entire pop fraternity. He delivered births to almost all the famous women in labor in the Center. And many gave birth here - Kristina Orbakaite, Anzhelika Varum, Masha Rasputina, Valeria, Lada Dance, the wives of Valery Meladze, Andrei Makarevich, Dima Malikov. Natasha gave birth quickly and without complications. She immediately put the baby to her breast. And fifteen minutes later, when she was transported from the maternity ward to the ward, she called her best friend Marina: “I gave birth!” Now Natasha is in a separate room with her child. Of course, if she gets tired, the boy will be immediately carried away. But it seems that Natasha is full of strength and energy and does not part with the newborn. Everything in Natasha’s room is of the highest standard. TV, a refrigerator full of all kinds of fruit, a cozy transparent cradle for the baby, a soft bed for mom. The windows have dark beige blinds, and double-glazed windows are provided to prevent outside sounds from distracting the young mother from communicating with her son. All the time that Natasha was in the clinic, her family and friends visited her. Igor Nikolaev and Natasha’s mother and sister, who had specially flown in from America, were constantly seen here. But Tarzan, who was enrolled in absentia as the child’s father, did not even appear here. However, Natasha's circle still does not reveal the name of the boy's real father. They say that journalists will find out everything on the day the woman in labor is discharged. If everything is in order, Natasha and the baby will arrive at the house prepared for their meeting on Saturday. This means that at the end of the week the father will finally be presented to the curious. Today, no one has any doubt that he is Natasha’s legal husband Igor Nikolaev. But, knowing this couple’s love for unusual PR moves, you can’t know anything in advance. After all, not only Igor Nikolaev and Tarzan, but also the presenter of “The Big Wash” Andrei Malakhov, and even Vladimir Vinokur, were “fathers” throughout Natasha’s entire pregnancy. What if a new contender appears for such an important post? home DUTY AT THE CHAMBER Bouquet for Natasha - from Komsomolskaya Pravda Yesterday we went to the Family Planning Center to congratulate Natasha. The saleswoman from the flower shop was delighted to find out who the bouquet she was making was intended for: - What, Natasha Koroleva herself? Has our beauty finally given birth? Well, now we’ll make her a miracle bouquet! ...The auntie receiving deliveries in the maternity hospital clasped her hands: “What a beauty! Lucky someone! Which room? For whom?" Having learned that our gifts were intended for Natasha Koroleva, she immediately became stricter: “I’ll take the gift! But I won’t let you into the room. She just gave birth today, you know what she looks like now. Tomorrow she will be young and beautiful, but now she only has her mother in the room.” Already from midday, luxury foreign cars were driving up to the Center, the owners of which were bringing flowers and fruits to the Queen. The people's path will not be overgrown here - we are calm about this... Oksana FOMINA. WHEN THE ISSUE WAS DETAILED

We got through to the stripper Tarzan, Sergei Glushko, whom Natasha herself presented as one of the possible fathers of the child. “Everything that concerns me and Natasha is my personal business, I don’t discuss it with anyone!” - he answered... Wow! For six months he fooled the party with hints about his upcoming marriage to Rusalka, and now - into the bushes?

Natasha Koroleva is not only a successful singer, but also the happy wife of stripper and actor Sergei Glushko. They have a charming little son. And today Natalya hinted to her friends that there will soon be a new addition to her family. They say Natalya is expecting a daughter. The star's rounded belly has already been noticed by her close friends.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously. It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition. Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly. - Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy. - I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed. In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy. In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality. - We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told. We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko. - I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered. We also called the Queen herself. According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life. We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage! The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.

Not yet, but my husband and I are working on this issue,” the Queen answered flirtatiously.

It was noticeable that she had gained weight, although before that she had been fanatically watching her figure. But anything can happen... However, today our assumptions have become reality. The organizer of the tour secretly reported that the Queen was refusing to perform - she said that now she could not fly on planes: she did not want to risk her health. At the same time, with her characteristic playfulness, she noted that she was risking not only HER health! So the concert organizers were convinced that the star was expecting a new addition.

Rumors about the Queen’s pregnancy also reached television crews. We even came up with such a move - to offer Koroleva to take a pregnancy test and in front of the camera to debunk the rumors already circulating around the party. The Queen loves non-trivial moves. But creative Natasha, who usually easily agrees to different tricks, rejected the offer with the words: “I don’t need this. I already know everything!” - and smiled slyly.

Natasha, will it be a boy or a girl? - one filmmaker asked her, nodding to her tummy.

I will not say! - the mischievous girl laughed.

In television circles I was told that negotiations are already underway with Natalya to purchase an exclusive - who will be the first to have the Queen officially confirm her second pregnancy.

In an informal conversation, one of the heads of the jewelry company, whose face was the Queen, hinted that the rumors had a basis in reality.

We are uncomfortable talking about Natasha’s personal life. But she actually has personal news! - KP was told.

We reached the artist’s husband Sergei Glushko.

- Sergey, they say you and your wife are expecting a second child?

I don’t talk about personal things. Even if Natasha is pregnant, why should I shout about it and comment something in the press?! - Tarzan answered.

We also called the Queen herself.

- I have been dreaming of a second child for a long time. But it’s too early to comment, let everything happen first,” the singer avoided specifics.

According to rumors, out of superstition, she is in no hurry to talk about herself. Friends noticed that she began to monitor her diet, including high-calorie and healthy foods in her diet, but previously she was on a strict diet. Now he is refusing to tour. I started spending more time at home. And constantly chirps about children. As it seemed to some, he was simply beaming with happiness. She told one of her friends that she was already looking for undershirts for her future child. And in general, he prepares for pleasant events in his life.

We wish happiness and health to one of the most charming singers of our stage!

The artist has never hidden that she dreams of having a large family with many children. And she is a purposeful girl, she will achieve her goal.

  • The singer became a guest of the program “The Fate of a Man” with Boris Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1”. The Queen openly spoke about how she left composer Igor Nikolaev and started an affair with Sergei Glushko. The artist also decided to tell why, in her marriage to a stripper, she had only one son, Arkhip.

Natasha Koroleva explained why she gave birth to the stripper only one child

The singer became a guest of the program “The Fate of a Man” with Boris Korchevnikov on the TV channel “Russia 1”. The Queen openly spoke about how she left composer Igor Nikolaev and started an affair with Sergei Glushko. The artist also decided to tell why, in her marriage to a stripper, she had only one son, Arkhip.

The day before, Natasha Koroleva celebrated her 45th birthday. The artist has been happily married to Sergei Glushko for almost 20 years. The star couple's heir, Arkhip, is growing up; he turned 16 this year.

The Queen admitted that in her alliance with composer Igor Nikolaev, she was not ready for children. Although the musician asked her to give birth to heirs.

The queen said that Nikolaev was the first to cheat on her with another woman. For the singer, as she admitted, this came as a shock. However, she did not immediately leave the musician; the Queen decided to give him a year, during which the composer and singer had to understand himself and his feelings. The artist decided to take a break from their relationship for a while.

That same year, the Queen met Sergei Glushko. According to the singer, she immediately realized that he was her man. The chosen one’s profession did not bother her, but Natasha’s mother Lyudmila was against her new son-in-law.

“In the year I separated from Nikolaev, I lost 25 kilograms, I was under extreme stress. At the same time, I toured and worked a lot. All strength had to be given to the profession. A year passed, Igor was not very interested in my fate. Then my difficult period just gave way to a light and airy, beautiful one,” Natasha recalled.

Nikolaev publicly tried to bring the Queen back, made loud statements from the stage, but the singer made a firm decision to leave. When the composer saw that she was expecting a child from someone else, he agreed to a divorce.

“Then it was no longer possible to save the marriage. I was in a relationship with another man and there was no turning back. We got a great divorce! We divorced better than we got married. With champagne, we even cried and were sad, kissed each other. Everything was cordial, I’m proud that we have such a divorce,” said the Queen.

Soon Sergei and Natasha had a son, Arkhip. The artist admitted that she wanted more children from the stripper. But it didn’t work out. Today she hopes to become a grandmother of many children.

Natasha Koroleva became a mother again

The singer showed her little son.

Natasha Koroleva shared her joy: she has another son! She became godmother to her good friends' baby. The baptism ceremony took place in Prague, where the performer arrived in advance. The singer was very excited about what was happening.

“I have another son! My sweet godson Maximilian! I am so happy for my friends Roma and Yulianna! This radiant, long-awaited boy has brought so much joy, light and positive emotions into your and our lives! May God give him great happiness!” - said the Queen.

Meanwhile, Natasha expects that she herself will soon be able to give birth to another child, about whom she dreams so much. The singer says that at one time she and her husband spent a lot of time and effort trying to get pregnant again. The couple even experienced unsuccessful IVF. “There was a period when we sought medical help: there were transplants and egg donation. This was all - and nothing happened, God did not give it. “- admitted Natasha. However, the 43-year-old singer does not even think of despairing and hopes that she will be able to give her beloved husband, Sergei Glushko, another child.

Pregnant Natasha Koroleva broke up with her husband and left for another

Natasha Koroleva has been on stage for over 30 years. The poet, composer and performer Igor Nikolaev gave her a start in life. Their song “Dolphin and the Mermaid” became a hit and a calling card. The creative union very quickly turned into a family union, but years later the marriage collapsed. “We got along very well! Much brighter than when we got married. They did it solemnly in the registry office - the wedding was celebrated at home,” noted the Queen.

By the time of the divorce, Natasha was deeply infatuated with Sergei Glushko, better known under the sonorous pseudonym Tarzan. “I was already six months pregnant and, of course, Igor and I understood that we needed to get a divorce. Well, how could it be different? I would have to register the child in Nikolaev!” – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the popular performer.

On May 31, Natasha Koroleva turned 45 years old. However, according to her admission, she feels 30. The artist will celebrate her anniversary in the Moscow region with family and friends. “I do this holiday more for my mother, who will fly straight to the table - while the parents are alive, this is their holiday,” the artist expressed her opinion.

Of course, Natasha Koroleva’s 16-year-old son Arkhip, who lives in the USA, will also congratulate her. “He has been studying in America for the third year as an experiment. Now he’s coming home for the summer holidays, straight to his mother’s for her anniversary. Arkhip doesn't like America. He says: “Mom, not my story.” He studies Japanese, so all his thoughts and desires are connected with this country. He is drawn to the East. He chose Japan himself, began to learn the language using a self-instruction manual, and when he could no longer cope alone, he asked for help from a tutor,” the singer boasted.

The Queen followed in the footsteps of her stripper husband

Tarzan commented on Natasha Koroleva’s pregnancy: “It will be a huge surprise for everyone!”

It's no secret that the famous singer Natasha Koroleva has been dreaming of a child for a long time. The other day, the artist was intrigued by the news about the replenishment, which was immediately perceived as news about Natasha Koroleva’s second pregnancy. The artist’s husband Tarzan spoke out about this.

In recent interviews, Natasha Koroleva said that she wants a daughter, but so far she has not been able to get pregnant even with the help of IVF. That’s why there was so much noise around Koroleva’s intriguing Instagram photo.

The Russian edition of StarHit talked with Sergei Glushko (Tarzan) to find out what was happening in their family, and what exactly the Queen wanted to say with her publication about “expecting a miracle.”

So fans of the couple do not give up in their assumptions that Natasha Koroleva is pregnant for the second time. Previously, the star, who was unable to get pregnant, said that she was counting on a higher power.

Maybe one day the couple will really please everyone with the news of a second child. Let us remind you that the piquant video of Tarzan and the Queen is also being discussed now.


Fans suspected 43-year-old Natasha Koroleva of being pregnant

43-year-old Natasha Koroleva surprised fans with a post on Instagram. The singer posted her own portrait, captioning the frame: “Waiting for a miracle!” The singer added the hashtag “magic of love” to the post.

Fans immediately assumed that Natasha was expecting her second child, and rushed to find out all the details: “Maybe there will be a daughter now?”, “If this is so, then I am sincerely happy for this family!”, “She is 100% pregnant,” “ Natasha, we are waiting for an addition to your family” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

Others suggested that Natasha was probably talking about upcoming concerts: “Most likely in anticipation of a repeat solo concert in the Kremlin,” “We are waiting for more new songs. Everyone misses you! It's time to launch a new hit! "

Let us remember that Natasha recently admitted that she and her husband have long dreamed of a second child, but she cannot get pregnant even with the help of IVF. Now the singer is philosophical about the problem. The Queen stated that she and her husband have not yet closed this issue and if God wills, they will still be able to give birth to a child.

Is Natasha Koroleva pregnant with her second child?

Natasha Koroleva is pregnant - this was the conclusion made by journalists who saw a recently appeared headline on the performer’s official website, indicating that very soon information about the singer’s life and personality, as well as “her interesting situation,” will appear on the resource. An interesting situation is usually understood as pregnancy, but the flashy announcement on the website could be mistaken for an ineptly composed proposal or, conversely, a skillful advertising move, if not for the facts that indirectly confirm the Queen’s pregnancy.

People have always been interested in watching the biographies of famous people and what new things are happening in their lives. They get married, get divorced, give birth to heirs, record albums and act in films. Today we will find out what happened to Natasha Koroleva, the latest news and significant events that happened in the life of the popular singer.

Biography of the artist

Natalya Koroleva was born on May 31, 1973. From early childhood, the girl developed a love for singing. The girl performed on stage for the first time at the age of three. A little later, the talented girl began recording and performing children's songs.

The girl studied vocal skills at a pop school for three years. After completing her studies, the young singer began touring. A few years later, the Queen moved to the capital of Russia and began to actively participate in various television projects and television competitions. The hit “Yellow Tulips” brought the aspiring performer incredible fame and recognition from fans. In a marriage with the famous musician Igor Nikolaev, a second album was recorded under the name “Dolphin and the Mermaid”, with which Natalya toured the Russian Federation.

For the second time, Natasha tied the knot with the popular stripper Sergei Glushko. Together with her husband, the girl performed on a project called “Two Stars”. The singer took part in the project “Dancing with the Stars”. The Queen wrote the book “Male Striptease” and released a line of jewelry.

What happened to Natasha Koroleva?

During a rehearsal for a new concert show, the singer suddenly developed a headache. The singer heard noise in her ears and her heartbeat suddenly increased. A little later, Natalya broke out in an icy sweat, and she began to choke. Colleagues on stage immediately called an ambulance. Arriving doctors measured my blood pressure, and the tonometer showed 220/110. The artist was urgently hospitalized; a blood vessel could burst at any second.

If a vessel in the performer’s brain had burst, there would have been a stroke, a myocardial infarction in the heart, and Natalya could have died.

Koroleva has long had serious health problems and high blood pressure. Today, the singer has a colossal load on her body, as she is recording a new album and starring in a comedy series. According to doctors, depression and extreme fatigue lead to hypertension. And 43-year-old Natalya works very hard. The next day after the attack, she wanted to be discharged from the medical facility, citing the recording of the album, but the doctors did not let her leave the clinic.

  • Go on a strict diet;
  • Eliminate table salt from your diet;
  • There are black currants;
  • Take medication.

Is Natasha Koroleva seriously ill?

According to doctors, the famous performer is undergoing irreversible changes in her body. Since childhood, Natalya has suffered from a severe allergy to pollen and, unfortunately, the allergy gets worse every year, and medications do not have a positive effect.

Doctors gave the singer a terrible diagnosis: immune system disorder, which can subsequently lead to autoimmune diseases.

Doctors forbade Natasha Koroleva:

  • Visit nightclubs;
  • Eating junk food;
  • Drink alcoholic beverages.

If the singer does not take her health seriously, then soon her body will begin to produce so-called killer cells that will begin to destroy healthy cells.

According to one publication, doctors forbade the singer from eating the following foods:

  1. Carrot;
  2. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, pomeloes, citrons and tangerines;
  3. Apples, mangoes and pomegranates;
  4. Smoked;
  5. Roast;
  6. Sweet.

The artist was very scared and began to strictly follow the doctors’ advice. She completely eliminated unhealthy foods from her menu and started running in the morning. But soon Natalya again began to eat unhealthy foods, drink alcohol and stopped running every morning.

Natasha Koroleva was given a puppy

The singer's older sister gave her a purebred puppy as a gift. The artist was incredibly happy when she picked up the dog. Natalya thought for a long time about what to name her dog, but in the end she settled on a fairy-tale name Malvina.

Now Malvina is the singer’s constant companion; she takes her to numerous events:

  • Concerts;
  • Social events;
  • Tour;
  • Rest;
  • Fashion shows;
  • Meetings with friends.

Natalya often takes her pet to the hairdresser, where she is washed, cut and pedicured. The Queen also buys her dog clothes from famous designers.

Is the singer expecting a baby?

Information has repeatedly appeared in all sorts of printed publications that the artist is expecting a child, but, unfortunately, each time the information turned out to be false. The singer herself has repeatedly stated in numerous interviews that she dreams of becoming a mother of many children.

Quite recently on my Instagram page the artist shared the good news with her fans, saying that she would soon become a mother for the second time. According to rumors, N. Koroleva and her husband, Sergei Glushko (“Tarzan”), will give birth to a girl, whom Natalya wants to name Lyudmila, in honor of her mother.

As the singer herself admits, for many years she dreamed of getting pregnant a second time, and now it finally happened. The woman will go to Miami to give birth with her husband and eldest son Arkhip.

Natasha Koroleva filed for divorce

After thirteen years of happy family life, the artist filed for divorce from her second husband, Sergei Glushko. The singer did not hide from the press and fans that the reason for the divorce was adultery.

Recently, Natasha was horrified to learn that her husband had been cheating on her for several years now. She more than once saw intimate photographs with other girls on his phone, but for the sake of her eldest son she endured everything. Sergei often did not spend the night at home, deceived his wife, and sometimes even raised his hand to her.

Now Sergei has a new girlfriend, according to rumors she is a fashion model who came from St. Petersburg. And, despite the fact that Natalya is expecting her second child, she decided to file for divorce from her husband. Now the Queen is supported by her mother, older sister and son Arkhip.

Significant events often occur in the lives of famous people. Ordinary people want to know what is happening in the lives of their favorite artists. Today we found out what happened to Natasha Koroleva, the latest news from her stellar life, and also what happened to the artist over the past time.

Video about the life of a star

It's no secret that Natalya Koroleva loves children very much. She glows when she holds a child in her arms, she wants to hug the whole world. The other day it turned out that Natasha Koroleva, it turns out, has another son!

It's been a year since Natalya became godmother to her close friend's son. Natalya was not afraid of responsibility and happily agreed to take part in the sacrament of baptism. The queen loves her godson as if she were her own son. She gives the boy Maximilian all her kindness and care.

The star believes that children are the best thing that can happen in life. Natalya always posts photos from her life. She also posted a photo from the baby's christening. Koroleva always shares her most intimate things with her fans, and this significant event was no exception.

“I have another son! My sweet godson Maximilian. I am so happy for my friends Roma and Yulianna. This radiant, long-awaited boy has brought so much joy, light and positive emotions into your and our lives! May God give him great happiness."

The singer recently posted a new photo with her grown-up godson. She smiles and gently hugs the baby. “My sweet godson Maksik is already one year old!!! 🐣🐣🐣"

It is worth noting that Natalya is a caring mother. Fans dream that the singer has many children, since her love is enough for everyone.

The baptism ceremony took place in Prague. The queen loves the beautiful country of the Czech Republic. Often visits Karlovy Vary. While traveling, the celebrity begins to think about the sublime, reads a lot, and especially loves Nabokov.

Subscribers like the singer’s life and thoughts. Natalya Koroleva is the person who brings goodness, and people see it.


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