Folk signs about a broom, its magical properties, broom spells. Signs for a broom at the door, for a new, old, bath, wedding, for purchase, housewarming, as a gift. The magical properties of a broom


1. the broom is always placed with the handle down - preserves well-being; ·

You can’t sweep the threshold with a broom, so as not to sweep away the money; ·

You can’t take revenge after sunset, so as not to get sick; ·

you cannot step over the broom; ·

you can’t hit with a used broom - it means illness; · they beat me with a new broom fruit trees

- to the harvest; ·

they beat children on the doorstep with a new broom to make them behave; ·

they swept the babies with a new broom so they could sleep; · new broom

to attract wealth, buy the waxing moon, make a wish for it; · ·

you cannot take revenge with two brooms in one day - you will lose your wealth; ·

You can’t have someone else sweeping your house - you’ll lose your luck;

· an old broom should not be burned or thrown away near the house; ·

when moving to a new place, take the old broom with you; ·

You cannot take revenge if one of the household members is on the road; ·

if they wanted to get rid of an unwanted guest, then after he left they swept the garbage over the threshold; · You cannot take revenge while there is a dead person in the house.

2.How to take back luck

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sweeping near someone else's yard was theft of luck and good fortune. To take someone else's luck with the help of a broom, you do not need to be a magician or perform complex rituals. When cleaning the site, it is enough to sweep under the doors of prosperous neighbors with a dustpan and say:

“Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself,” etc. (arbitrarily).

Do not throw the garbage into the garbage chute, but throw it in your own trash can so that it “spends the night” in your apartment.

They don't sweep after sunset.

You can watch neighbors sweeping garbage from their door to someone else's door, muttering something. This is how you get rid of diseases and problems. The words spoken are arbitrary, something like:

“I get rid of diseases, and you take them”

or “Take away my misfortunes and sorrows,” etc. Never found it under front door

or someone else's garbage under the rug? Such garbage should not be picked up by hand, it should be carefully collected (you can use sheets of paper), taken out and burned with the words:

"Go back to where it came from"

or “Go back to whoever did this.”

If your neighbors harmed you in this way or you simply had a series of failures and lack of money, a broom will also help correct the situation. You need to buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep your apartment with it. You need to sweep from the farthest corner to the exit, saying:

“With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

On the same day, the garbage is taken out and burned (it is better to burn it, not just throw it away), and they throw the broom at a pedestrian intersection and leave without looking back.

Therefore, when you see a discarded broom, never touch it or step over it.

4. Spell on a broom to attract money

On the waxing Moon, buy a new broom; you can tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in all corners of the apartment. Let them lie overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect the coins on a dustpan, saying:

“I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.”

Then put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and put it out of sight. You cannot take coins from there. This is a money bait.

The broom can be used on the farm for its intended purpose. You just need to put it in a corner with the handle down. To attract money and as a talisman, in general, it’s a good idea to have a broom in the house, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner. Let it even be a decorative broom. Just hang it on the wall with the handle down and the broom up. In the corridor near the front door, a broom is placed in a corner or hung on the wall (decorative) to keep troubles and evil spirits out of the house; in the kitchen - for money and prosperity.

Even in ancient times, people knew how to attract good luck to their home. Various signs with a broom helped them in this. Here are the most famous of them, apply them and you will know how to attract luck:

  • To protect yourself from demons and maintain your well-being, you should always place the broom with the handle down.
  • You cannot step over the broom.
  • In order not to sweep money out of the house, you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom.
  • You need to take an old broom with you when moving.
  • Revenge after sunset is a sign of illness.
  • A new broom is used to sweep newborns so that they sleep well.
  • Children are beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to make them behave.
  • To attract suitors unmarried girls you need to jump over the broom 9 times.
  • You need to beat fruit trees with a new broom - for the harvest.
  • Revenge cannot be taken with two brooms in one day, since the house will lose its wealth.
  • While there is a deceased person in the house, you cannot sweep.
  • You need to buy a new broom for the waxing moon and make a wish on it.
  • If one of the family members is on the road, revenge is not allowed in the house.
  • You cannot have someone else sweeping your house: you will lose your luck.
  • An old broom should not be thrown away or burned near the house.

However, it is important to know not only how to attract good luck into the house, but also how to carelessly take away good luck with a broom.

In ancient times, it was believed that by sweeping around someone else's yard, people were stealing good fortune. Today, neighbors can do the same by sweeping next to your apartment. For example, while cleaning, they can sweep under the doors of prosperous residents and say, “I’ll take your money and luck for myself.” They can take the garbage to themselves at night so that it attracts someone else's well-being.

In the same way, neighbors can “give away” their problems and diseases by sweeping garbage from their door to someone else’s. At the same time, they say something like “Take my misfortunes and illnesses for yourself.” Therefore, if you find someone else’s garbage at your door, collect it on paper and burn it with the words “Go back to the one who did this.”

Getting rid of failures and negativity

If a streak of bad luck has entered your life and failures are literally pursuing you, buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep the apartment from the most distant corner to the threshold. At the same time, say “With this rubbish, let all failures and misfortunes leave me.” The garbage should be taken out on the same day and burned, and the broom should be thrown at a pedestrian intersection, then leave without looking back. That is why, if you see a discarded broom on the street, do not touch it or step over it.

Attracting money and good luck with a broom

You need to buy a new broom on the waxing moon and tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in the corners of the house and leave them overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect your coins on a dustpan. At the same time, you need to say “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.” After this, put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and hide it, you cannot take coins from there, as it is a money bait.

Buy a broom to attract money and good luck!

To attract money, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to have a broom in the house, at least a decorative one. But remember that it should be hung with the handle down. In the corridor, an ordinary broom should be placed in a corner to protect against evil spirits. In the kitchen, they hang a decorative broom on the wall to attract wealth and money.

Signs associated with a broom.

There are quite a few signs in the world. One way or another, people noticed any events taking place and equated them with natural phenomena, household items and more. And so they appeared folk signs. Today we will find out about the signs associated with household items, namely a broom.

Magical properties of a broom: signs

  • In Rus', the broom was treated with respect and distrust at the same time. After all, on the one hand, a broom is the same broom, which is a means of transportation for all witches, but a broom can also sweep away evil spirits, negative energy and dirt from the house.
  • Also, the magical properties of the broom have long been used to resist demons. By placing the broom with the handle down, the path for the penetration of evil forces was closed.
  • If the guest, in the opinion of the owners, had an eagle eye, then after leaving they would throw a broom after him.
  • A broom also helped with quarrels and disappearances in the house, for which someone else’s brownie was blamed. They just needed to knock on the threshold.
  • The magical properties of the broom also contributed to the treatment of diseases. Especially if this broom is a bath broom. In Russia, the most popular was a birch broom, which was prepared on Trinity Day. Such a broom was not only a talisman, but also an excellent healer in the bathhouse.
  • In Ancient China, by the way, there was a goddess of the broom, who, according to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, commanded the weather.
  • The Aztecs also worshiped the goddess Tlazolteotl, who, in their opinion, swept away all vices and sins from their homes.
  • In England, houses are not swept after sunset. Because people believe that in this way they sweep good luck out of their homes.

New broom in the house, buying a broom: signs and superstitions

In everyday life, appliances and other items sooner or later require replacement. But there are many signs associated with buying a new broom:

  • If you bought a new broom, the old one should be thrown away immediately.
  • Using a broom can cause harm to a family in the form of damage. Therefore, it must be thrown away and so that no one can use it.
  • Don't throw away your broom near your house because it can cause insomnia and illness.
  • It is also forbidden to burn a broom, because this will lead to worsening weather, an invasion of cockroaches and quarrels in the family.
  • The new broom could be used to spank children to make them obedient. But under no circumstances should this be done with an old broom.

  • The babies were swept with a new broom so that they could sleep peacefully.
  • You should only buy a broom during the waxing moon.
  • You cannot buy a broom in August, as this will bring trouble to the owner and his family.
  • When you make a wish when purchasing, get ready for it to come true.
  • Use the new broom immediately - sweep the trash out of the house and onto the street. This way you will attract material success to yourself.

New broom: signs and conspiracies for money

A broom can not only cure diseases, but also attract money into the house. And to do this you need to listen to the advice below:

  • Buy a broom on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. When you get home, place it with the handle facing up.
  • If you use a vacuum cleaner, then this is not a reason not to buy a broom. But it can be decorative. It should also be hung in the kitchen with the handle down.
  • A broom should be bought not only on men's day, but also from a man. At home, tie it with green ribbon.
  • Scatter the change around the house and let it sit for 24 hours.

After the day has passed, you need to put the money into a scoop. By the way, it should also be green. At this moment say:

  • Now this change needs to be placed in the left corner of the room where you keep your savings.
  • After 3 days, put the change in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. It should never be opened.
  • Using the broom for its intended purpose, at the end of the work, place it with the handle up where the coins were.

Signs about a broom for housewarming

If you are moving to new house, then be sure to take an old broom with you. Since it was there that your brownie chose a place for himself. You don’t want to forget him in the old house, otherwise he might start to do you harm.

Therefore, transport the broom to new apartment, place a brownie in a new home for good luck, and only then, if you want, buy a new broom.

Gave a broom: a sign

A broom as a gift is symbolic and practical. But there's enough various options broom transformation for a gift:

  • Tie a regular broom with multi-colored ribbons. It should be presented with cheerful songs, poems and wishes for more happiness, good luck and prosperity.
  • You can also attach a broom made of money to a regular broom. Tie banknotes with ribbons and complete your practical gift.
  • A person who is sick or simply very concerned about his own health should be given a bath broom that will ward off all illnesses. You can also give it other bath accessories - a hat, a large towel.

  • You can also give a money broom, which can attract wealth into your home. Such a household item should be hung in the kitchen with the rods up.
  • By the way, a money broom can be decorated not only with ribbons. But also complement it with symbolic patterns. For example, make a horseshoe out of ribbon for good luck.

A broom at the door, threshold: a sign

  • After the house has been cleaned, as mentioned earlier, the broom should be placed near the threshold with the rods up. This attribute in this position will protect you from the evil spirit.
  • In addition, this advice contains practical aspects, because when turned upside down, the rods do not deform and dry out well.
  • Some people who especially believe in omens also hang the broom with the handle down. In this way they pay respect to a valuable magical household item.
  • But by hanging a broom at the threshold with the handle up, you will also scare away an evil person. Perhaps because he simply won’t understand why you did this and won’t risk entering.

A broom fell: a sign

You shouldn’t believe too much in signs and equate something with every action or look for explanations for this or that event. For example, a fallen broom does not mean anything bad, but only means that:

  • You didn't place it quite firmly
  • Perhaps one of the pets or animals caught a household item

Wedding broom: signs

Signs of marriage were also associated with the broom, namely:

  • If a girl sweeps the floor in the house thoroughly and well, it means she will get married soon. And the better she cleans using a broom, the sooner the groom will knock on the door.
  • If you sweep the road before the church, when the newlyweds go to the wedding, then prosperity and peace will forever settle in the family.
  • If after the wedding a broom falls apart in a young family, then you can expect a new addition soon.
  • Girls wishing to get married were given a broom - this gift symbolized the need to “sweep” the lingering girl out of the house.
  • A broom was also given as a wedding gift, as a symbol of the fact that now it was time for the newlyweds to “sweep” prosperity and good luck into the house.

Bath broom: signs

  • You cannot use a broom to break branches from a burnt tree. Make sure that the tree for the broom is healthy and strong, without growths and other diseases.
  • It is also a bad omen to break branches from a tree for a bath, which is divided into 2 large trunks from the very root.
  • Do not torture the tree by cutting off a whole broom from one branch. So you will lose the favor of the bannik - the spirit of the bathhouse.
  • Ask the tree for forgiveness when you break its branches and cause pain to it. And then the broom will be softer.
  • Tie a broom during the full moon - that’s when the trees have more power, and the shoots have magical properties.
  • Brooms, which were prepared on July 6, are healing. It is on this day that the collected herbs and plants have special healing powers.
  • You cannot take someone else’s bath broom - this way you can take away his illnesses for yourself. By the way, it’s not just about signs. After all, if a person has skin diseases, then with a steamed broom you can easily transfer them to yourself.
  • The ancestors considered it absolutely unacceptable to use a broom that had previously been used by a woman. Since often in ancient times women were equated with witches.

  • After visiting the bathhouse, leave the bathhouse with soap and water and a broom. Otherwise, he will be offended and next time he may scald you with boiling water or split a stone.
  • Tie the brooms well, as a broken broom means an imminent outbreak of disease.
  • If it’s time to throw away the broom, then unlike a regular broom, a bath broom can be easily thrown away and burned.
  • To remove the damage from yourself, after reading the “Our Father” you need to give yourself a good beating with a broom. Leave the broom to dry and burn it after a week.
  • For a successful life, a young family needs to be steamed with a broom of 7 branches, which should be plucked from different willows growing near the water.
  • After the bath, take 2 twigs from the broom and, after reading “Our Father,” put them under the pillow. The sleep will be very sound.

Wheat broom in the house: signs

If you make a broom from ears of wheat and add rye and oats to it, this will help increase wealth and attract comfort and goodness in the house. Such a broom should be placed in a vase and then it will not only attract prosperity, but also neutralize negative energy in the house.

And if from December 25 to January 6 you leave cookies and bagels near the vase, then you will soon conclude a profitable deal.

Signs and conspiracies for the New Year with a broom

Buy a broom and red ribbons on December 31st. Tie the broom with ribbons and place it as it should be - in the corner with the rods up. Then you will have a rich year all year.

Sweep a person with a broom: a sign

This sign is very important and exciting. Since it can have an extremely negative impact on a person’s future. It is strictly forbidden to sweep a person. This negatively affects both female and male genders.

For unmarried and unmarried people, this can bring loneliness for life. But children and teenagers can and even should be swept - this action will sweep away laziness and other negative character traits from them. After sweeping, you need to shake the broom in the direction the wind blows

Meeting a woman with a broom: a sign

The meeting of a woman with a broom is sad in several cases:

  • For fishermen, this means that there will be no bite. You can return home.
  • If the woman is elderly and with a broom, then the day will not be good for everyone who meets her.

Broom spells: text

In order to attract money to yourself, find an aspen tree in the fall and, clasping the trunk with your hands, say three times:

After you come home, place the broom with the handle facing up.

If you have difficulties in your life, then a new broom will also help you cope with them. To do this, buy a broom a few days after the full moon. While sweeping the house, say:

When you have swept the entire house, collect and burn the garbage. And throw away the broom at the intersection. By the way, under no circumstances raise a broom if you see it at an intersection. Even if you decide to do a good deed and get it out of the way. Otherwise, you will take away all the failures from this item.

To sell your house quickly, buy a new broom on Friday. Before sunrise, sprinkle holy water on it and say:

Thoroughly sweep the house and repeat the steps 3 days in a row.

You can use another, simpler method. At 3 o’clock in the morning, say, holding a broom in your hands (you do not need to buy a new attribute for the ritual):

Sweep the house with this broom for three days in a row. And within 3 days you will meet a serious buyer.

As you can see, a broom is not only a household item. Our ancestors paid a lot of attention to the signs associated with the broom. And even if a vacuum cleaner is used more often now, you should not neglect the broom. Buy and place it in the corner, as indicated in our tips, and let it protect you from evil forces and attract wealth and prosperity to your home.

Video: The magical properties of a broom

Every time we clean our home, we use a broom. Who ever wondered what day is best to clean? What kind of power does this simple but irreplaceable tool have?

Using magical rituals with a broom, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home

Broom as a magical tool

There are the following signs that relate to a broom:

  1. In order for the house to be filled with luck and prosperity, the broom should be placed up in the corner of the corridor, as close as possible to the front door. This will also prevent evil spirits from crossing the threshold of the house.
  2. In order not to sweep money out of the house, you need to collect garbage in a dustpan and throw it in the trash can, rather than sweep it out the door. To be healthy, you should clean before sunset.
  3. A woman should not step over the broom; she may lose the opportunity to have children.
  4. In order not to bring illness to a person, you should not hit him with a broom that was used in cleaning. In order for the trees to bear fruit, they must be beaten with a new broom in early spring.
  5. If the baby is not sleeping well, you can cover him with a new broom.
  6. A broom can fulfill a wish by increasing profits and prosperity if you buy it on the waxing moon and make a wish. By jumping nine times over a new broom, you can attract your betrothed.
  7. In order not to lose wealth in the house, it is better to have one broom. In order not to lose luck and good fortune, you need to clean the house yourself, and not trust the procedure to a stranger in the house.
  8. If you have a new home, it is better to clean it with an old broom from your previous place of residence.
  9. You can’t burn an old broom, you just need to take it and throw it away from home. It is necessary to postpone cleaning if one of your relatives is on the road; by sweeping, you can complicate the road for him. If there is a dead person in the house, there is no need to sweep.

By sweeping on a certain day of the week, you can not only gain order, but also invite wealth into your home by sweeping away waste.

People clean without thinking about what day they can do it and what day they can’t. Instead of cleaning for money and good luck, you can, without realizing it, perform a ritual for negativity and loss.

  1. To avoid losing money, it is better not to sweep on Monday.
  2. You will definitely find money if you clean the house on Tuesday.
  3. If the work is related to trade, then in order for the business to grow, it is necessary to take revenge on Wednesday, you can gain good luck and money.
  4. By opening doors and windows on Thursday, sweeping can get rid of poverty and troubles.
  5. If you don’t want to lose money, it’s better to wait for cleaning from Thursday to Saturday. Friday is not suitable for this procedure.
  6. It’s good to clean up on Saturday, thereby inviting money.
  7. Sunday is a day off. You can’t clean it up; you can cause trouble and complicate your financial situation.

A broom is not only a helper in the household, but also can be a talisman and a means of fulfilling desires. Even if there is no need to purchase a broom, since a vacuum cleaner is more convenient and almost everyone has one, it is necessary to ensure its presence in the house. Using magical rituals, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home. Clearing it of negativity.

Broom spell to attract money

A money ritual that, with the help of an ordinary broom, will help attract wealth into the house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a magical action, you must prepare the following set of magical tools:

  • new broom;
  • green ribbon;
  • coins;
  • scoop;
  • jar;
  • lid.

For a conspiracy to attract money you need a new broom

How to perform a ritual

  1. You need to wait until the moon is waxing and buy a new broom and a new green ribbon.
  2. Tie the broom with ribbon.
  3. Scatter coins in the corners of your home.
  4. Do not touch them all night, but leave them until the morning.
  5. At dawn, collect coins on a scoop, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.”

  6. Place the coins in the jar and close it with a lid.
  7. Hide it in a secluded place so that no one sees or knows about its existence.
  8. The coins in the bank serve as a talisman, so you cannot take them and pay with them.

Use a broom for cleaning, then place the fluffy part up.

To free yourself from negativity and failures

A simple broom ritual that will help protect your home from negativity and failure.

What is needed for the ceremony

You can reproduce the magical effect by preparing the following:

  • new broom;
  • garbage bag;
  • scoop.

How to perform the ceremony

  1. The ritual procedure is reminiscent of regular general cleaning of the house, before which you need to buy a broom.
  2. You need to buy a new broom, the main thing is to do it on the waning moon.
  3. Sweep the entire apartment, just start from the farthest corner and sweep to the threshold.
  4. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

  5. Collect the garbage with a dustpan and place it in a garbage bag.
  6. On the same day, without delay, the garbage must be taken out and burned.
  7. And leave the broom at a pedestrian intersection.
  8. Leave the place without looking back and without talking to anyone.

It’s good to have money, health and luck, but how often does a person find himself in a state of apathy due to feelings of loneliness and lack of love? You can use a broom to improve your family happiness.

So that there is money in the house

An easy ritual with a broom, which brings good luck, will help you get rid of debts and lack of money.

What is needed to carry out the ritual and how should it be carried out?

On a man's day, early in the morning you should buy a broom from your grandmother. Men's days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Returning home, you need to place the broom in the corner of the front door, with the handle down.

To find a groom

The magical effect will speed up the meeting with your betrothed.

What is needed to perform the ritual and how to perform it correctly

  1. You should wake up at dawn early in the morning on Friday, which should be the third of the month, and go to the market.
  2. You need to buy a new broom, you can’t talk to anyone along the way.
  3. Return home the same way.
  4. If on the way home a woman in a bright headdress appears, you should say hello and this will be a good sign.
  5. For three days before purchasing, you need to wear a scarf around your neck, any one you wish.
  6. Tie a new broom with a neckerchief and use it to clean the room where you go to bed.
  7. Sweep clockwise while reading the plot:

    “I sweep, I attract my destiny, come, my happiness, and don’t go!”

  8. Hide the broom behind the curtain of the room without removing the scarf.
  9. In the near future there will be a meeting with the betrothed.

A magical action with a broom will speed up the meeting with your betrothed

When a man wants to come to the house for the first time, he must sweep it with a magic broom before coming.

When we hear the word broom, we always think only about cleaning. And there is also a bath broom, which is no less powerful in protection and in helping with rituals.

The rituals that are performed in the bathhouse are very powerful and give effective results. It must be remembered that before performing a magical action, it is necessary to appease the good spirits who are assistants in the providence of the ritual. At Epiphany and Christmas, you should definitely leave a plate of honey or sweets for the spirits. Sweets are the best gift for spiritual residents. In a bathhouse, such a spirit is called a bath attendant, so before performing rituals you need to win him over.

Ritual in the bathhouse against a rival

A ritual with which you can protect yourself from a person who encroaches on your own happiness

To prepare:

  • candle;
  • plate;
  • gingerbread;
  • bucket;
  • cold water;
  • broom.

How to perform the ceremony

To perform a magical action, you need to approach the bathhouse at midnight with a lit candle in your hands.

  1. Before reaching the threshold of the bathhouse, you need to bow to the bathhouse keeper and direct your thoughts about asking him to help.
  2. Go into the bathhouse and put a plate of gingerbread and honey in it. This is gratitude to the spirit for help.
  3. Take a bucket and pour cold water into it.
  4. Place the broom so that its loose part points upward.
  5. Read the following plot:

    “The bathhouse spirit helps and drives out the rival. Amen".

You need to go behind the plot of your house and pour the water out of the bucket, and place a broom near the threshold.

Leave the broom without touching it for seven days

Ritual with a pair of brooms for cleansing in the bathhouse

A ritual, a ceremony with a broom in a bathhouse will help relieve irritation and fatigue, save yourself and your loved ones from frequent ailments. This ritual with a bath broom is best performed at Christmas, as custom says, but it can also be done on an ordinary day on the waxing moon.

What will be needed for the ceremony

Before you begin the magical action, you need to prepare:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • broom;
  • wormwood grass;
  • lavender oil;
  • a thread;
  • vessel;
  • matches;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • chamomile oil;
  • Holy water.

How to perform the ceremony

The ritual is not very complicated and takes a fairly short amount of time.

The ritual itself should be done like this:

Stage one

  1. Go into the bathhouse and sweep away the cobwebs and sweep the floor.
  2. Wipe away dust and dirt from all corners
  3. Take a bucket, pour half of the running water into it and add the holy water.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with this water three times.
  5. Take the water out of the bucket and pour it over the threshold of the bathhouse.
  6. You must take dried wormwood grass and put it in a vessel.
  7. Add a little lavender oil.
  8. Stick a thread inside the vessel to form a wick.
  9. Light the thread with matches.

Stage two

  1. When the smoke is at its maximum, you should walk through the bathhouse and clean it of evil spirits.
  2. Stand in the corners longer.

A ritual with a broom in the bath will help relieve irritation and fatigue

During the expulsion procedure, it is required to say the prayer: “Our Father.”

When the action ends, open the windows and doors and wait until the room is ventilated.

Stage three

  1. Next you need to flood the bathhouse.
  2. For effective results, it is better to use a new bath broom.
  3. Use chamomile oil and eucalyptus oil.

Simple rituals on a broom

Every business has its own power and its own magic. We don't think about what should be done with old things and how to handle new ones. We don’t think about what day we need to clean, and then we wonder why the cleaning stopped or why our neighbors who don’t work have more money than those who practically live at work.

It should be noted that if such a situation affected you personally, perhaps there was a ritual for stealing good luck.

This ritual is simple, and its results are great.

  1. You need to sweep the trash from your front door under your neighbors’ door, saying:

    “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself.”

  2. Collect the garbage in your own bin and leave it overnight in the apartment.

If a purchased broom appears in the house, then you should not use it to perform any rituals for the decreasing monthly cycle. You should wait for the moon phase to change, hiding it so as not to sweep it up, accidentally or forget it.

Any magical action, even if it seems simple to perform, has power and produces results. You need to focus as much as possible on the task and tune your thoughts to desire. Thank you is required Higher power, for their help and for the fact that they provide the opportunity to welcome new wealth, luck, love and health into the home.

Few people have thought that ordinary cleaning in an apartment can be a magical action, and by picking up an ordinary broom, you can attract success and wealth into your life, and you can also bring illness and misfortune to your family. If you turn to Slavic mythology, then a broom and a broom were considered unclean, dangerous objects, sorcerers and witches used these objects in magical rituals, but at the same time everyone knew that a broom or a broom could serve as a talisman against evil spirits.

In Rus', since time immemorial, the protective properties of the broom and its ability to counteract dark forces have been used. For example, to prevent demons from entering the house, a broom or broom was placed in front of the entrance to the house with the handle down. To the glaring and to an evil person they threw a broom after him so that he could not harm the owners of the house, when everything in the house was falling apart, the family was arguing, things were disappearing, it was believed that this was the machinations of someone else’s brownie and in order to drive him out of the house they beat him with a broom on the threshold.

But it was not only in Rus' that magical properties were attributed to brooms and brooms. In Ancient China, the Lady with a Broom was revered - the broom goddess Xiao Chin Nian. This goddess controlled the weather and lived on Xiao Chou's Broom Star. If it rained for a very long time, the peasants cut out a broom from paper and hung it on the fence, thus calling on the broom goddess to take pity and send sunny weather. The Aztecs also had a goddess who was depicted with a broom - the goddess Tlazolteotl. It was with the broom that the goddess swept away all vices and sins.

The magical properties of the broom are revered to this day by many peoples. For example, the British do not sweep after sunset, because in the evening it is easiest to sweep happiness and good luck out of the house. In general, the floors were swept strictly at a certain time, they tried to do it before sunset and did not sweep throughout May and on New Year's Eve. It was believed that by breaking this custom one could lose good luck. Do not allow any stranger to sweep in your house - the sweeper can take away your luck. In general, in order not to sweep everything good out of the house, you need to move from the threshold into the middle of the room. You cannot sweep the house with different brooms, in which case all your wealth will go to the corners.

Never take an old broom into a new apartment, it promises misfortune for the owners. If you purchased a new broom, first sweep something into the house with it, and only then start cleaning. In general, it is very useful to make a wish when you first sweep with a new broom or broom. If the broom suddenly falls out of your hands, feel free to make a wish too, it will certainly come true! It is useful for girls who dream of marriage to jump over the broom 9 times, this ritual will attract suitors in your life. If you want there to always be money in your house, place the broom with the rods up, or even better, do the following magical ritual.

During autumn leaf fall find an aspen tree, clasp it with your hands and shake the tree trunk, repeating the spell three times: “How true it is that Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree, and how many leaves fall at my feet, so may I have just as much money and how true!” After that, go home and place the broom in the hallway with the handle down and the sweeping part up, while saying: My word is strong!

For magical rituals, it is better to use not the broom with which you sweep the floor, but one specially purchased for this. Nowadays there are a lot of decorative brooms on sale; they are perfect for these rituals; you can also make a broom yourself. If you place a cross of two needles in the rods of a broom and place this broom outside the front door, it will act as a talisman for your home, and people with bad intentions will not cross your threshold.

But if you hang a decorative broom on your bedroom door and put garlic under your pillow, you will get rid of nightmares once and for all. Never, even as a joke, hit a person with a broom, folk beliefs If you hit a person with a broom, he will become thin and dry, like a broom, and the child will not grow.

Mops and cloths

Not only brooms and brooms have magical properties, mops, towels and floor rags can also be used as amulets for the home. If you live in country house hang a doormat in the back of your house; according to popular belief, it will protect you and your home from black magic. Only after you hang up this rag can it not be used for cleaning floors. If a mop falls, try not to step over it, just like a mop, it is better to pick them up; it is believed that stepping over a mop and a mop will lead to trouble.

Dish towels, dishcloths and sponges that you use to wash dishes and wipe furniture can also be used as magical utensils. Try to do any homework using rags, sponges and towels, make movements only clockwise, then those items that you wash, wipe, clean will be filled with positive energy. It is very useful after you wash and dry the dishes with a kitchen towel and hang it outside in the rain, this magical ritual will attract good luck to your home.

But if someone steals your towel, he will take your luck with it, but don’t be upset - hang a new kitchen towel outside when it rains and luck will smile on you again! Like a broom and a broom, a kitchen towel and rags, do not take them from one house to another. Together with them you are carrying old dirt, but this negative energy. Be sure to get rid of old rags and towels every year; it is advisable not to just throw them away, but The best way cleanse the house of illnesses, quarrels and insults - burn old rags.

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