The other world has been found; life after death exists. The abyss behind the white wall. What is Consciousness

Since the dawn of humanity, people have been trying to answer the question of the existence of life after death. Descriptions of the fact that the afterlife actually exists can be found not only in various religions, but also in eyewitness accounts.

People have been arguing about whether there is an afterlife for a long time. Ardent skeptics are sure that the soul does not exist, and after death there is nothing.

Moritz Rawlings

However, most believers still believe that the afterlife still exists. Moritz Rawlings, a famous cardiologist and professor at the University of Tennessee, tried to collect proof of this. Probably many people know him from the book “Beyond the Threshold of Death”. It contains a lot of facts describing the lives of patients who experienced clinical death.

One of the stories in this book tells of a strange event during the resuscitation of a person in a state of clinical death. During the massage, which was supposed to get the heart pumping, the patient briefly regained consciousness and began to beg the doctor not to stop.

The horrified man said that he was in hell and as soon as they stopped giving him a massage, he again found himself in this terrible place. Rawlings writes that when the patient finally regained consciousness, he told what unimaginable torment he had experienced. The patient expressed his readiness to endure anything in this life, just so as not to return to such a place.

From this incident, Rawlings began to record the stories that the resuscitated patients told him. According to Rawlings, approximately half of those who have experienced clinical death report that they were in a charming place from which they did not want to leave. Therefore, they returned to our world very reluctantly.

However, the other half insisted that the world contemplated in oblivion is filled with monsters and torment. Therefore, they had no desire to return there.

But for real skeptics, such stories are not an affirmative answer to the question - is there life after death. Most of them believe that each individual subconsciously builds his own vision of the afterlife, and during clinical death the brain gives a picture of what he was prepared for.

Is life possible after death - stories from the Russian press

In the Russian press you can find information about people who suffered clinical death. The story of Galina Lagoda was often mentioned in newspapers. A woman was in a terrible accident. When she was brought to the clinic, she had brain damage, ruptured kidneys, lungs, multiple fractures, her heart stopped beating, and her blood pressure was zero.

The patient claims that at first she saw only darkness, space. After that I found myself on a platform that was flooded with amazing light. A man stood in front of her, dressed in shining white robes. However, the woman could not distinguish his face.

The man asked why the woman came here. To which I received the answer that she was very tired. But she was not left in this world and was sent back, explaining that she still had a lot of unfinished business.

Surprisingly, when Galina woke up, she immediately asked her doctor about the abdominal pain that had been bothering him for a long time. Realizing that having returned to “our world” she became the owner of an amazing gift, Galina decided to help people (she can “human ailments and cure them”).

Yuri Burkov's wife told another amazing story. She says that after one accident, her husband injured his back and received a serious head injury. After Yuri's heart stopped beating, he remained in a coma for a long period of time.

While her husband was in the clinic, the woman lost her keys. When the husband woke up, the first thing he asked was whether she had found them. The wife was very amazed, but without waiting for an answer, Yuri said that they needed to look for the loss under the stairs.

A few years later, Yuri admitted that while he was unconscious, he was near her, he saw every step and heard every word. The man also visited a place where he was able to meet with his deceased relatives and friends.

What is the afterlife like - Heaven

The famous actress Sharon Stone speaks about the real existence of the afterlife. On May 27, 2004, a woman shared her story on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Stone claims that after she had an MRI, she was unconscious for some time and saw a room that was filled with white light.

Sharon Stone, Oprah Winfrey

The actress claims that her condition was similar to fainting. This feeling differs only in that it is very difficult to come to your senses. At that moment she saw all the deceased relatives and friends.

Perhaps this confirms the fact that souls meet after death with those with whom they were familiar during life. The actress assures that there she experienced grace, a feeling of joy, love and happiness - it was definitely Paradise.

In various sources (magazines, interviews, books written by eyewitnesses), we were able to find interesting stories that were publicized all over the world. For example, Betty Maltz assured that Heaven exists.

The woman talks about the amazing area, very beautiful green hills, rose-colored trees and bushes. Although the sun was not visible in the sky, everything around was flooded with bright light.

Following the woman was an angel who took the form of a tall young man in long white robes. Beautiful music was heard from all sides, and a silver palace rose in front of them. Outside the palace gates a golden street was visible.

The woman felt that Jesus himself was standing there, inviting her to enter. However, Betty thought she felt her father's prayers and returned back to her body.

Journey to Hell - facts, stories, real cases

Not all eyewitness accounts describe life after death as happy. For example, 15-year-old Jennifer Perez claims that she saw Hell.

The first thing that caught the girl’s eye was a very long and high snow-white wall. There was a door in the center, but it was locked. Nearby there was another black door that was slightly open.

Suddenly an angel appeared nearby, took the girl by the hand and led her to the second door, which was scary to look at. Jennifer says that she tried to run away and resisted, but it didn’t help. Once on the other side of the wall, she saw darkness. And suddenly the girl began to fall down very quickly.

When she landed, she felt the heat enveloping her from all sides. Around were the souls of people who were tormented by devils. Seeing all these unfortunate people in agony, Jennifer stretched out her hands to the angel, who turned out to be Gabriel, and begged and asked to give her water, as she was dying of thirst. After this, Gabriel said that she had been given another chance, and the girl woke up in her body.

Another description of hell is found in a story by Bill Wyss. The man also talks about the heat that envelops this place. In addition, a person begins to experience terrible weakness and powerlessness. Bill, at first, didn’t even understand where he was, but then he saw four demons nearby.

The smell of sulfur and burning flesh hung in the air, huge monsters approached the man and began to tear his body apart. At the same time, there was no blood, but with every touch he felt terrible pain. Bill felt that demons hated God and all his creatures.

The man says that he was terribly thirsty, but there was not a single soul around, no one could even give him some water. Fortunately, this nightmare soon ended and the man returned to life. However, he will never forget this hellish journey.

So is life after death possible or is everything that eyewitnesses say just a figment of their imagination? Unfortunately, at the moment it is impossible to give a definitive answer to this question. Therefore, only at the end of life will each person check for himself whether there is an afterlife or not.

Is there life after death? Probably every person has asked this question at least once in their life. And this is quite obvious, because the unknown scares us the most.

The sacred scriptures of all religions without exception say that the human soul is immortal. Life after death is presented either as something wonderful, or, on the contrary, something terrible in the image of Hell. According to Eastern religion, the human soul undergoes reincarnation - it moves from one material shell to another.

However, modern people are not ready to accept this truth. Everything requires proof. There is a discourse about various forms of life after death. A large amount of scientific and fiction literature has been written, many films have been made, which provide a lot of evidence of the existence of life after death.

We present to your attention 12 real proofs of the existence of life after death.

1: The Mummy's Mystery

In medicine, death is declared when the heart stops and the body does not breathe. Clinical death occurs. From this condition the patient can sometimes be brought back to life. True, a few minutes after blood circulation stops, irreversible changes occur in the human brain, and this means the end of earthly existence. But sometimes after death some fragments of the physical body seem to continue to live.

For example, in Southeast Asia there are mummies of monks whose nails and hair grow, and the energy field around the body is many times higher than the norm for an ordinary living person. And perhaps they still have something else alive that cannot be measured by medical devices.

2: Forgotten tennis shoe

Many patients who have experienced clinical death describe their sensations as a bright flash, a light at the end of a tunnel, or vice versa - a gloomy and dark room with no way to get out.

An amazing story happened to a young woman, Maria, an emigrant from Latin America, who, in a state of clinical death, seemed to leave her room. She noticed a tennis shoe forgotten by someone on the stairs and, having regained consciousness, told the nurse about it. One can only try to imagine the state of the nurse who found the shoe in the indicated place.

3: Polka Dot Dress and Broken Cup

This story was told by a professor, doctor of medical sciences. His patient's heart stopped during surgery. The doctors managed to get him started. When the professor visited a woman in intensive care, she told an interesting, almost fantastic story. At some point, she saw herself on the operating table and, horrified by the thought that, having died, she would not have time to say goodbye to her daughter and mother, she was miraculously transported to her home. She saw a mother, daughter and a neighbor who came to see them and brought the baby a dress with polka dots.

And then the cup broke and the neighbor said that it was luck and the girl’s mother would recover. When the professor came to visit the young woman’s relatives, it turned out that during the operation a neighbor had actually visited them, who had brought a dress with polka dots, and the cup had broken... Fortunately!

4: Return from Hell

The famous cardiologist, professor at the University of Tennessee, Moritz Rowling, told an interesting story. The scientist, who many times brought patients out of a state of clinical death, was, first of all, a person very indifferent to religion. Until 1977.

This year an incident occurred that forced him to change his attitude towards human life, soul, death and eternity. Moritz Rawlings carried out resuscitation actions, which are not uncommon in his practice, on a young man by means of chest compressions. His patient, as soon as consciousness returned to him for a few moments, begged the doctor not to stop.

When he was brought back to life, and the doctor asked what scared him so much, the excited patient replied that he was in hell! And when the doctor stopped, he returned there again and again. At the same time, his face expressed panic horror. As it turns out, there are many such cases in international practice. And this, undoubtedly, makes us think that death only means the death of the body, but not the personality.

Many people who have experienced a state of clinical death describe it as an encounter with something bright and beautiful, but the number of people who have seen lakes of fire and terrible monsters is no less. Skeptics claim that this is nothing more than hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the human body as a result of oxygen starvation of the brain. Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone believes what they want to believe.

But what about ghosts? There are a huge number of photographs and videos that allegedly contain ghosts. Some call it a shadow or a film defect, while others firmly believe in the presence of spirits. It is believed that the ghost of the deceased returns to earth to complete unfinished business, to help solve the mystery, to find peace and tranquility. Some historical facts provide possible evidence for this theory.

5: Napoleon's signature

In 1821. After the death of Napoleon, King Louis XVIII was installed on the French throne. One day, lying in bed, he could not sleep for a long time, thinking about the fate that befell the emperor. The candles burned dimly. On the table lay the crown of the French state and the marriage contract of Marshal Marmont, which Napoleon was supposed to sign.

But military events prevented this. And this paper lies in front of the monarch. The clock on the Church of Our Lady struck midnight. The bedroom door opened, although it was bolted from the inside, and... Napoleon entered the room! He walked up to the table, put on the crown and took the pen in his hand. At that moment, Louis lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses, it was already morning. The door remained closed, and on the table lay a contract signed by the emperor. The handwriting was recognized as genuine, and the document was in the royal archives as early as 1847.

6: Boundless love for mother

The literature describes another fact of the appearance of the ghost of Napoleon to his mother, on that day, May 5, 1821, when he died far from her in captivity. In the evening of that day, the son appeared before his mother in a robe that covered his face, and an icy cold wafted from him. He said only: “May the fifth, eight hundred and twenty-one, today.” And left the room. Only two months later the poor woman learned that it was on this day that her son died. He could not help but say goodbye to the only woman who was his support in difficult times.

7: The Ghost of Michael Jackson

In 2009, a film crew went to the ranch of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson to film footage for the Larry King program. During filming, a certain shadow came into the frame, very reminiscent of the artist himself. This video went live and immediately caused a strong reaction among the singer’s fans, who could not cope with the death of their beloved star. They are sure that Jackson's ghost still appears in his house. What it really was remains a mystery today.

8: Birthmark Transfer

Several Asian countries have a tradition of marking a person's body after death. His relatives hope that in this way the soul of the deceased will be reborn again in his own family, and those same marks will appear in the form of birthmarks on the bodies of children. This happened to a boy from Myanmar, the location of a birthmark on his body exactly coincided with the mark on the body of his deceased grandfather.

9: Revived handwriting

This is the story of a little Indian boy, Taranjit Sinngha, who at the age of two began to claim that his name was different, and he used to live in another village, the name of which he could not know, but he called it correctly, like his past name. When he was six years old, the boy was able to remember the circumstances of “his” death. On his way to school, he was hit by a man riding a scooter.

Taranjit claimed that he was a ninth grade student and that day he had 30 rupees with him and his notebooks and books were soaked in blood. The story of the tragic death of the child was completely confirmed, and the handwriting samples of the deceased boy and Taranjit were almost identical.

10: Innate knowledge of a foreign language

The story of a 37-year-old American woman, who was born and raised in Philadelphia, is interesting because, under the influence of regressive hypnosis, she began to speak pure Swedish, considering herself a Swedish peasant.

The question arises: Why can’t everyone remember their “former” life? And is it necessary? There is no single answer to the eternal question about the existence of life after death, and there cannot be.

11: Testimonies of people who experienced clinical death

This evidence is, of course, subjective and controversial. It is often difficult to assess the meaning of statements such as “I was separated from my body,” “I saw a bright light,” “I flew into a long tunnel,” or “I was accompanied by an angel.” It is difficult to know how to respond to those who say that in a state of clinical death they temporarily saw heaven or hell. But we know for sure that the statistics of such cases are very high. The general conclusion about them is the following: approaching death, many people felt that they were coming not to the end of existence, but to the beginning of some new life.

12: Resurrection of Christ

The strongest evidence for the existence of life after death is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even in the Old Testament, it was predicted that the Messiah would come to Earth, who would save His people from sin and eternal destruction (Isa. 53; Dan. 9:26). This is exactly what Jesus' followers testify that He did. He voluntarily died at the hands of the executioners, “was buried by a rich man,” and three days later left the empty tomb in which he lay.

According to witnesses, they saw not only the empty tomb, but also the resurrected Christ, who appeared to hundreds of people over 40 days, after which he ascended to heaven.

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Since the creation of the world, every person on this planet has been tormented by a sacred question: is there life after death? The best minds of humanity are trying to answer it: scientists and esotericists, magicians and skeptics to the core - everyone has asked the question of the possibility of immortality at least once.

In this article

How long does it take for a person to die

Quick death is the highest good; unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of it. Depending on the cause of death, the process of extinction of body functions can occur instantly or last for hours, days and even months.

No expert can give the exact time of brain death: classic physiology textbooks indicate an interval of 3–4 minutes. But in practice, it was possible to “resurrect” people even 10–20 minutes after cardiac arrest!

There is a whole science dedicated to the rituals and features of farewell to life - thanatology. Thanatologists distinguish 3 types of death:

  1. Clinical death - a person’s heart and breathing have already stopped, but the body still has a reserve for medical intervention, and one can get out of this state.
  2. Biological death is the death of the brain, today it is an irreversible phenomenon, although a number of body functions are preserved, cellular memory has not yet disappeared.
  3. Information death is the final point of no return, the body is completely dead.

Today, doctors are able to bring a person back from clinical death, and the latest developments of scientists in 10 years will reach such a level of development that a person will be brought out of biological death. Perhaps someday death will no longer be considered an irreversible phenomenon.

Doctors can bring a person out of a state of clinical death if not too much time has passed

Everyone's feelings before their last breath are extremely individual. A person remains alone with himself and his thoughts: we come into the world alone, and we leave it alone. Everyone will experience their own unique sensations, but the stages until the end of life are approximately the same.

The process of physical death by stages, their duration and symptoms is shown in the table.

Stages of death What happens to the body Symptoms of the onset Duration
Predagonic state The body tries to reduce the torment of the body caused by the cause of dying The functions of the central nervous system are impaired, breathing becomes frequent and irregular, pain is dulled, loss of consciousness is possible From several minutes to several hours, in some cases there is no phase
Agony The body's last attempt to survive, concentrating all its strength on the fight for life Rapid heartbeat, consciousness returning to the person, heavy breathing From 5 to 30 minutes
Clinical death The body shows no visible signs of life, but is still alive The heart stops beating, oxygen no longer reaches the brain From 5 to 15 minutes depending on the cause of death and the age of the patient
Diagnosis of death The body is dead Stopping breathing and heartbeat, the central nervous system shows no signs of life 5–10 minutes

Lama Ole Nydahl will talk about the process of death and biological dying, the separation of the soul from the body: in addition, he will share useful practices that will make a complex process easier.

A man feels his death

Many people are actually able to feel the icy breath of death years and months before its physical onset. But more often death is predicted a few days in advance; this can be explained by simple changes in the body:

  1. There are no pain receptors in the internal organs, but they can make themselves known, signaling the imminent cessation of functioning.
  2. A person even feels an impending cold; it is not surprising that he can feel something more serious.
  3. The body is in many ways wiser than consciousness, and its reluctance to fade away is colossal.

Do not panic because of a sudden deterioration in health and immediately write a will. But a trip to the doctor will come in handy.

A few hours before the expected death, you can predict a quick outcome based on the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, it’s hard to breathe and from lack of air the chest feels like it’s being torn from the inside;
  • dizziness - a person becomes partially insane, he is no longer responsible for his actions and words;
  • fear - even if a person is completely ready for what is happening, a feeling of fear hovers somewhere nearby;
  • fever - body temperature does not increase, but the person feels that the room is stuffy.

Some artists and poets predicted their death in creativity long before its actual occurrence: for example, A.S. Pushkin described the death of his literary prototype Lensky in a duel 11 years and 11 days before Dantes’ fatal shot.

Celebrities who predicted their deaths

Psychological aspect of death

Death is one of those phenomena, the anticipation of which is much worse than the process itself: many people poison their existence with constant thoughts about the horrors of transition to another world. It is especially difficult for older people and those who are terminally ill: constant thoughts about physical death can lead to severe depression.

There is no need to panic and devote too much energy to questions about studying the mechanisms of death. This can lead to panic and a general deterioration in well-being.

Death is an inevitable process, it is part of life, so we must treat it calmly. You can't be upset about something that you can't change. If you can’t look at death with optimism, you should at least try to maintain presence of mind. As a result, no one can say with complete certainty what awaits a person outside of life. But many testimonies from survivors of clinical death set a positive tone.

What after death

It is impossible to say with certainty what awaits a person, but most agree that death is far from the end. This is just parting with the physical shell and moving it to a new level.

Separation of the soul from the body

The difference in views on death and its consequences between religion and science is reflected in the summary table.

Question Religion's answer Scientists' answer
Is man mortal? The physical body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Man does not exist outside of his physical shell
What awaits a person after death? Depending on the actions during life, a person’s soul will continue to exist in heaven or hell Death is irreversible and is the end of life
Is immortality real? Everyone will gain immortality - the only question is whether it will be full of joy or torment The only possible immortality is in leaving offspring and memories of loved ones
What is earthly life? Earthly life is only a moment before the endless life of the soul Physical life is all that a person has

After the death of the physical soul, it does not immediately go to another world: for some time it gets used to the new form and continues to be in the human world. At this time, consciousness practically does not change, the etheric soul continues to feel like the same person as during life. Only on the 3rd day the soul is finally separated from the body and is ready to move on to another world.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

Peoples who developed in cultural isolation demonstrate surprisingly similar systems for organizing the afterlife: for the righteous there is a place of eternal bliss - Paradise, for sinners endless suffering is prepared in Hell. This overlap of plots speaks of something more than poor imagination: the ancients could have more extensive information about the afterlife than modern people, and their records may turn out to be not just a fairy tale, but reality.

The film of the Ren TV channel will tell you in detail about the secrets of the afterlife - it turns out that there is evidence that Heaven and Hell are real:


The concept of Paradise resembles a real state - it is not for nothing that it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, the angels have their own hierarchy, at the head of the sacred monastery are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Souls who have entered heaven are in a state of blissful peace and joy. The world opposite to Paradise - Hell - is a place for those who sinned a lot and did not repent of it.


Ancient religion does not have a single concept of the afterlife. But descriptions from the Holy Talmud indicate that this place is completely different from reality. People awarded heavenly places do not know human feelings: there are no discord and quarrels, envy and attraction between them. They do not know thirst or hunger; the only occupation of the righteous soul is enjoying the true light of God.


Beliefs boil down to a three-level system of organizing Paradise:

  1. The lowest level is where those who have sinned fall. Most resembles earthly reality. The souls of the deceased do not know the need for food and water, they sing and dance a lot.
  2. Middle level - Tlillan-Tlapallan - a paradise for priests and those who have comprehended true values. Here the spirit is more pleasing than the body.
  3. The highest level - Tonatiuhikan - only the most enlightened and righteous go to the House of the Sun; they will spend eternity side by side with the deities, not knowing the worries of the material world.


The dark kingdom of Hades awaited the soul that left the physical body: the entrance there can even be found in the vast expanses of Hellas. Nothing good awaited those caught: only endless despondency and lamentation about the wonderful days gone by. A different fate befell the souls of heroes and people endowed with fame and talent. They ended up on the famous Champs Elysees for endless feasts and conversations about the eternal.

Charon transports the soul to the kingdom of the dead


One of the most popular religions in the world thanks to the idea of ​​reincarnation. To determine what kind of body a particular soul deserves, Yama Raja looks into the mirror of truth: all evil deeds will be reflected in the form of black stones, and good ones - in the form of white ones. Based on the number of stones, a person is given the bodily shell that he deserves.

Buddhism does not deny the concept of Heaven - but you can get there only after a long process of reincarnation, when the soul reaches the highest point of development. In Paradise there is no place for sorrow and sorrow, and all desires are satisfied instantly. But this is the impermanent abode of the soul - after resting in heaven, it will return to earth for further rebirths.

Indian myths

India is a country of bright sunshine, delicious food and the Kama Sutra. It is from these components that the idea of ​​an afterlife for brave warriors and pure souls is formed. The leader of the dead - Yama - will take the worthy to Paradise, where endless sensual pleasures await them.

Nordic tradition

The Scandinavians prophesied heaven only for famous warriors. The souls of men and women who fell in battle were collected by beautiful Valkyries and taken straight to Valhalla, where endless feasts and pleasures unavailable during life awaited those who found eternal life.

The Scandinavian ideas about the afterlife are primitive and based on the dominant part of the life of ancient tribes - military operations.

Egyptian culture

Humanity owes the appearance in world religions of the Last Judgment description to the Egyptians: the famous “Book of the Dead,” dated 2400 BC. e. details this chilling process. After the death of the physical soul of the Egyptian, it entered the Hall of Two Truths, where it was weighed on double-sided scales.

Fragment of the Book of the Dead - judgment in the Hall of Two Truths

If the soul turned out to be heavier than the feather of the goddess of Justice Maat, it was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile, and if sins did not pull the soul down, Osiris took it with him to the kingdom of eternal bliss.

The Egyptians viewed life as a severe test and practically expected their death from the first days of their existence - it was there that they were supposed to comprehend true bliss.


In order for the human soul to find eternal peace and taste the joys of Eden, it must undergo a severe test - crossing the Sirat Bridge. This bridge is so narrow that its thickness does not even reach a human hair, and its sharpness is comparable to the sharpest earthly blade. The road is complicated by a squall wind that tirelessly blows towards the etheric body. Only the righteous will be able to overcome all obstacles and move to the heavenly kingdom, while the sinner is doomed to fall into the abyss of hell.


According to this religious worldview, the fate of the eternal soul will be decided by the just Rashnu: he will have to divide all human actions into bad and worthy of respect, and then appoint a test. The soul of the deceased will have to cross the Bridge of Separation in order to get into the kingdom of eternal bliss: but those whose sins were great will not be able to do this - the unrighteous souls will be picked up by a demonic creature named Vizarsh and taken to a place of eternal torment.

Can a soul get stuck in this world

After death, a person’s etheric body is in a state of stress, and many paths open before it. Sometimes the soul does not dare to go through one of them and remains between the worlds, which is tantamount to endless suffering and torment, in comparison with which hell is an entertainment establishment.

Even the most ardent righteous person can find himself imprisoned between worlds and experience terrible torment until the end of time if his spirit is not strong enough.

Physical death continues with the separation of the soul from the body shell: several days are spent saying goodbye to the material world. But it doesn’t end there, and the soul has to begin a journey through the invisible world. But if a person was lack of initiative, sluggish and indecisive during life, he will not be able to change after death: it is precisely such souls that risk not making a choice and remaining between worlds.

Peace and tranquility

People who managed to continue their earthly journey after the clinical death of their body talk a lot about what they managed to experience in a matter of minutes of being on the other side. More than half of those saved talk about meeting some intangible entity that has human outlines. Someone claims that this is the Creator of the Universe, someone speaks of an angel or Jesus Christ - but one thing remains immutable: next to this creature, a complete understanding of the meaning of existence, all-encompassing love and boundless peace envelops.


At the moment of separation of the ethereal essence from the physical shell, a person can hear unpleasant and disturbing sounds, similar to the sound of a raging wind, an annoying buzzing and even the ringing of a bell. The fact is that the etheric body, at the moment of separation from the physical shell, is sent to a completely different space through a tunnel: sometimes before death a person connects to it unconsciously, then the dying person says that he hears the voices of relatives who are no longer alive and even angelic speech.


The phrase “light at the end of the tunnel” can serve not only as a beautiful turn of phrase, it is used by everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death and has actually returned from the other world. The ethereal essence of the reanimated people saw a dazzling stream, the contemplation of which was accompanied by extraordinary calm and tranquility, the acceptance of a new form of existence.

After death, a person sees a brightly lit tunnel

No one will say for sure whether there is life after the death of the physical body: but numerous testimonies of people who have been on the other side inspire optimism and hope that the earthly path is only the beginning of a long journey, the duration of which is infinity.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Stories from patients who have experienced clinical death evoke mixed reactions in people. Some such cases inspire optimism and belief in the immortality of the soul. Others try to explain mystical visions rationally, reducing them to hallucinations. What actually happens to the human consciousness during the five minutes when resuscitators work magic on the body?

In this article

Eyewitness stories

Not all scientists are convinced that after the death of the physical body our existence completely ceases. Increasingly, there are researchers who want to prove (perhaps primarily to themselves) that after bodily death, a person’s consciousness continues to live. The first serious research on this topic was carried out in the 70s of the 20th century by Raymond Moody, author of the book “Life after Death”. But even now the area of ​​near-death experiences is of considerable interest to scientists and physicians.

Renowned cardiologist Moritz Rawlings

The professor in his book “Beyond the Threshold of Death” raised questions about the work of consciousness at the moment of clinical death. As a well-known specialist in the field of cardiology, Rawlings systematized many stories from patients who survived temporary cardiac arrest.

Afterword by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)

One day, Moritz Rawlings, bringing a patient back to life, massaged his chest. The man regained consciousness for a moment and asked not to stop. The doctor was surprised, since cardiac massage is a rather painful procedure. It was clear that the patient was experiencing genuine fear. "I'm in hell!" - the man shouted and begged to continue the massage, fearing that his heart would stop and he would have to return to that terrible place.

The resuscitation ended in success, and the man told what horrors he had to see during cardiac arrest. The torment he experienced completely changed his worldview, and he decided to turn to religion. The patient never wanted to go to hell again and was ready to radically change his lifestyle.

This episode prompted the professor to start recording the stories of patients whom he had rescued from the clutches of death. According to Rawlings' observations, about 50% of the patients surveyed experienced clinical death in a beautiful corner of paradise, from where they did not want to return to the real world.

The experience of the other half is completely opposite. Their near-death images were associated with torment and pain. The space where the souls found themselves was inhabited by terrible creatures. These cruel creatures literally tormented sinners, forcing them to experience incredible suffering. After returning to life, such patients had one desire - to do everything possible to never go to hell again.

Stories from the Russian press

Newspapers have repeatedly addressed the topic of out-of-body experiences of people who have experienced clinical death. Among the many stories, one can note the case of Galina Lagoda, who was the victim of a car accident.

It was a miracle that the woman did not die on the spot. Doctors diagnosed numerous fractures and tissue rupture in the kidneys and lungs. The brain was injured, the heart stopped and the pressure dropped to zero.

According to Galina’s recollections, the emptiness of endless space first appeared before her eyes. After some time, she found herself standing on a platform filled with unearthly light. The woman saw a man in white robes that emitted a glow. Apparently, due to the bright light, the face of this creature was impossible to see.

The man asked what brought her here. To this Galina said that she was very tired and would like to rest. The man listened to the answer with understanding and allowed her to stay here for a while, and then told her to go back, since there was a lot of work awaiting her in the world of the living.

When Galina Lagoda returned to consciousness, she had an amazing gift. While examining her fractures, she suddenly asked the orthopedic doctor about his stomach. The doctor was taken aback by the question because he was really bothered by stomach pain.

Now Galina is a healer of people, because she can see diseases and bring healing. After returning from the other world, she calmly regards death and believes in the eternal existence of the soul.

Another incident occurred with reserve major Yuri Burkov. He himself does not like these memories, and journalists learned the story from his wife Lyudmila. Having fallen from a great height, Yuri seriously damaged his spine. He was taken to the hospital unconscious with a traumatic brain injury. In addition, Yuri's heart stopped and his body went into a coma.

The wife was acutely worried about these events. After getting stressed, she lost her keys. And when Yuri came to his senses, he asked Lyudmila if she had found them, after which he advised them to look under the stairs.

Yuri admitted to his wife that during the coma he flew in the form of a small cloud and could be next to her. He also talked about another world, where he met his deceased parents and brother. There he realized that people do not die, but simply live in a different form.

Born again. Documentary film about Galina Lagoda and other famous people who experienced clinical death:

Skeptics' opinion

There will always be people who do not accept such stories as an argument for the existence of an afterlife. All these pictures of heaven and hell, according to skeptics, are produced by a fading brain. And the specific content depends on the information given during life by religion, parents, and the media.

Utilitarian explanation

Consider the point of view of a person who does not believe in an afterlife. This is Russian resuscitator Nikolai Gubin. As a practicing doctor, Nikolai is firmly convinced that the patient’s visions during clinical death are nothing more than the consequences of toxic psychosis. Images associated with leaving the body, the view of a tunnel, are a kind of dream, a hallucination, which is caused by oxygen starvation of the visual part of the brain. The field of view narrows sharply, creating the impression of a limited space in the form of a tunnel.

Russian doctor Nikolai Gubin believes that all visions of people at the moment of clinical death are hallucinations of a fading brain.

Gubin also tried to explain why at the moment of dying a person’s whole life passes before his eyes. The resuscitator believes that memory of different periods is stored in different parts of the brain. First, cells with fresh memories fail, and at the very end - with memories of early childhood. The process of restoring memory cells occurs in the reverse order: first, the earlier memory is returned, and then the later one. This creates the illusion of a chronological film.

Another explanation

Psychologist Pyell Watson has his own theory about what people see when their body dies. He firmly believes that the end and beginning of life are interconnected. In a sense, death closes the circle of life, connecting with birth.

Watson means that a person's birth is an experience of which he has little memory. However, this memory is stored in his subconscious and is activated at the moment of death. The tunnel that the dying person sees is the birth canal through which the fetus emerged from the mother's womb. The psychologist believes that this is a rather difficult experience for the baby’s psyche. Essentially, this is our first encounter with death.

The psychologist says that no one knows exactly how a newborn perceives the birth process. Perhaps these experiences are similar to different phases of dying. The tunnel, the light are just echoes. These impressions are simply resurrected in the consciousness of the dying person, of course, colored by personal experience and beliefs.

Interesting cases and evidence of eternal life

There are many stories that baffle modern scientists. Perhaps they cannot be considered unconditional evidence of an afterlife. However, it cannot be ignored either, because these cases are documented and require serious research.

Imperishable Buddhist monks

Doctors confirm the fact of death based on the cessation of respiratory function and heart function. They call this condition clinical death. It is believed that if the body is not resuscitated within five minutes, then irreversible changes occur in the brain and here medicine is powerless.

However, in the Buddhist tradition there is such a phenomenon. A highly spiritual monk can, entering a state of deep meditation, stop breathing and the work of the heart. Such monks retired to caves and there entered a special state in the lotus position. Legends claim that they can come back to life, but such cases are unknown to official science.

The body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov remained incorrupt after 75 years.

Nevertheless, in the East there are such incorruptible monks, whose withered bodies exist for decades without undergoing destruction processes. At the same time, their nails and hair grow, and their biofield power is higher than that of an ordinary living person. Such monks were found on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand, China, and Tibet.

In 1927, the Buryat lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov passed away. He gathered his disciples, assumed the lotus position and told them to recite a prayer for the dead. Going into nirvana, he promised that his body would remain intact after 75 years. All life processes stopped, after which the llama was buried in a cedar cube without changing its position.

After 75 years, the sarcophagus was brought to the surface and placed in the Ivolginsky datsan. As Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov predicted, his body remained incorrupt.

Forgotten tennis shoe

In one of the US hospitals there was a case with a young emigrant from South America named Maria.

During her exit from her body, Maria noticed someone had forgotten a tennis shoe.

During clinical death, the woman experienced leaving her physical body and flew a little along the hospital corridors. During her out-of-body journey, she noticed a tennis shoe lying on the stairs.

Upon returning to the real world, Maria asked the nurse to check if there was a lost shoe on those stairs. And it turned out that Maria’s story turned out to be true, although the patient had never been to that place.

Polka dot dress and broken cup

Another fantastic case occurred with a Russian woman who suffered cardiac arrest during surgery. Doctors managed to bring the patient back to life.

Later, the woman told the doctor what she experienced during clinical death. Coming out of her body, the woman saw herself on the operating table. The thought came into her head that she might die here, but she didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her family. This thought mobilized the patient to rush to her home.

There was her little daughter, her mother and a neighbor who came to visit and brought her daughter a polka dot dress. They sat and drank tea. Someone dropped and broke the cup. To this, the neighbor remarked that it was good luck.

Later, the doctor spoke with the patient's mother. And in fact, on the day of the operation, a neighbor came to visit, and she brought a polka dot dress. And then the cup also broke. As it turned out, fortunately, because the patient was on the mend.

Napoleon's signature

This story may be a legend. It seems too fantastic. This happened in France in 1821. Napoleon died in exile on the island of Saint Helena. The French throne was occupied by Louis XVIII.

The news of Bonaparte's death made the king think. That night he could not sleep. The candles dimly lit the bedroom. On the table lay the marriage contract of Marshal Auguste Marmont. Napoleon was supposed to sign the document, but the former emperor did not have time to do this due to military turmoil.

At exactly midnight the city clock struck and the bedroom door opened. Bonaparte himself stood on the threshold. He walked proudly across the room, sat down at the table and took the pen in his hand. From surprise, the new king fainted. And when he came to his senses in the morning, he was surprised to find Napoleon’s signature on the document. Experts confirmed the authenticity of the handwriting.

Return from another world

Based on the stories of returning patients, we can get an idea of ​​what happens at the moment of dying.

Researcher Raymond Moody systematized the experiences of people in the stage of clinical death. He was able to identify the following general points:

  1. Stopping the physiological functions of the body. In this case, the patient even hears the doctor stating the fact that the heart and breathing are turned off.
  2. Review your entire life.
  3. Humming sounds that increase in volume.
  4. Leaving the body, traveling through a long tunnel, at the end of which there is light.
  5. Arriving at a place filled with radiant light.
  6. Peace, extraordinary spiritual comfort.
  7. Meeting with people who have passed away. As a rule, these are relatives or close friends.
  8. Meeting with a being from whom light and love emanate. Perhaps this is a person's guardian angel.
  9. A pronounced reluctance to return to your physical body.

In this video, Sergei Sklyar talks about returning from the other world:

The secret of the dark and light worlds

Those who happened to visit the zone of Light returned to the real world in a state of goodness and peace. They are no longer bothered by the fear of death. Those who saw the Dark Worlds were amazed by the terrible pictures and for a long time could not forget the horror and pain they had to experience.

These cases suggest that religious beliefs about the afterlife coincide with the experiences of patients who have been beyond death. Above is paradise, or the Kingdom of Heaven. Hell, or the Underworld, awaits the soul below.

What is heaven like?

The famous American actress Sharon Stone was convinced from personal experience of the existence of heaven. She shared her experiences during the Oprah Winfrey TV show on May 27, 2004. After the magnetic resonance imaging procedure, Stone lost consciousness for several minutes. According to her, this condition resembled fainting.

During this period, she found herself in a space with soft white light. There she was met by people who were no longer alive: deceased relatives, friends, good acquaintances. The actress realized that these were kindred spirits who were glad to see her in that world.

Sharon Stone is absolutely sure that she was able to visit heaven for a short time, the feeling of love, happiness, grace and pure joy was so great.

An interesting experience is that of Betty Maltz, who, based on her experiences, wrote the book “I Saw Eternity.” The place where she ended up during her clinical death had fabulous beauty. There were magnificent green hills and wonderful trees and flowers growing there.

Betty found herself in an amazingly beautiful place.

The sun was not visible in the sky in that world, but the entire surrounding area was filled with shining divine light. Walking next to Betty was a tall young man dressed in loose white clothes. Betty realized that this was an angel. Then they approached a tall silver building from which beautiful melodious voices were heard. They repeated the word “Jesus.”

When the angel opened the gate, a bright light poured onto Betty, which is difficult to describe in words. And then the woman realized that this light, bringing love, is Jesus. Then Betty remembered her father, who prayed for her return. She turned back and walked down the hill, and soon woke up in her human body.

Journey to Hell - facts, stories, real cases

It is not always that leaving the body takes a person’s soul into the space of Divine light and love. Some describe their experiences quite negatively.

The abyss behind the white wall

Jennifer Perez was 15 years old when she visited hell. There was an endless wall of sterile white. The wall was very high and there was a door in it. Jennifer tried to open it, but was unsuccessful. Soon the girl saw another door, it was black, and the lock was open. But even the sight of this door caused inexplicable horror.

The angel Gabriel appeared nearby. He grabbed her wrist tightly and led her to the back door. Jennifer begged to let her go, tried to break free, but to no avail. Darkness awaited them outside the door. The girl began to fall rapidly.

Having survived the horror of the fall, she barely came to her senses. There was an unbearable heat here, which made me painfully thirsty. All around the devils were mocking human souls in every possible way. Jennifer turned to Gabriel with a prayer to give her water. The angel looked at her intently and suddenly announced that she was being given another chance. After these words, the girl’s soul returned to her body.

Hellish heat

Bill Wyss also describes hell as a real inferno, where the disembodied soul suffers from the heat. There is a feeling of wild weakness and complete powerlessness. According to Bill, it didn’t immediately dawn on him where his soul ended up. But when four terrible demons approached, everything became clear to the man. The air smelled of gray and burnt leather.

Many describe hell as a realm of burning fire.

The demons began to torment the man with their claws. It’s strange that no blood flowed from the wounds, but the pain was monstrous. Bill somehow understood how these monsters felt. They exuded hatred towards God and all God's creatures.

Bill also remembered that in hell he was tormented by unbearable thirst. However, there was no one to ask for water. Bill lost all hope of deliverance, but the nightmare suddenly stopped, and Bill woke up in a hospital room. But his stay in the hellish heat was vividly remembered by him.

fiery hell

Thomas Welch from Oregon was among the people who managed to return to this world after clinical death. He was an assistant engineer at a sawmill. While carrying out construction work, Thomas stumbled and fell from the walkway into the river, hitting his head and losing consciousness. While they were looking for him, Welch experienced a strange vision.

A boundless ocean of fire stretched out before him. The spectacle was impressive, a power emanating from it that inspired horror and amazement. There was no one in this burning element; Thomas himself stood on the shore, where many people had gathered. Among them, Welch recognized his school friend, who died of childhood cancer.

The crowd was in a state of stupor. They seemed to not understand why they were in this frightening place. Then it dawned on Thomas that he and the others were placed in a special prison, from which it was impossible to leave, because fire was spreading all around.

Out of despair, Thomas Welch thought about his past life, wrong actions and mistakes. Unwittingly he turned to God with a prayer for salvation. And then he saw Jesus Christ walking by. Welch was embarrassed to ask for help, but Jesus seemed to sense it and turned around. It was this look that made Thomas wake up in his physical body. Sawmill workers stood nearby and rescued him from the river.

When the heart stops

Pastor Kenneth Hagin from Texas became a priest thanks to the experience of clinical death, which overtook him on April 21, 1933. He was under 16 years old at the time and suffered from congenital heart disease.

On this day, Kenneth's heart stopped and his soul fluttered out of his body. But her path did not lie towards heaven, but in the opposite direction. Kenneth was plunging into the abyss. There was pitch darkness all around. As he moved down, Kenneth began to feel a heat that apparently came from hell. Then he found himself on the road. A shapeless mass consisting of flames was approaching him. It was as if she was drawing her soul inside herself.

The heat covered Kenneth completely, and he found himself in some kind of hole. At this time, the teenager clearly heard the voice of God. Yes, the voice of the Creator himself sounded in hell! It spread throughout the entire space, shaking it like the wind shaking leaves. Kenneth focused on this sound, and suddenly a certain force tore him out of the darkness and began to lift him upward. Soon he woke up in his bed and saw his grandmother, who was very happy, because she no longer hoped to see him alive. After this, Kenneth decided to devote his life to serving God.


So, according to eyewitness accounts, after the death of a person, both heaven and the abyss of hell can await. You can believe it or not believe it. One conclusion definitely suggests itself - a person will have to answer for his actions. Even if hell and heaven do not exist, human memories exist. And it is better if, after a person passes away, a good memory of him remains.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

One of the eternal questions to which humanity does not have a definite answer is what awaits us after death?

Ask this question to the people around you and you will get different answers. They will depend on what the person believes. And regardless of faith, many are afraid of death. They don’t try to simply acknowledge the very fact of its existence. But only our physical body dies, and the soul is eternal.

There was never a time when neither you nor I existed. And in the future, none of us will cease to exist.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter two. Soul in the world of matter.

Why are so many people afraid of death?

Because they relate their “I” only to the physical body. They forget that in each of them there is an immortal, eternal soul. They don’t know what happens during dying and after it. This fear is generated by our ego, which accepts only what can be proven through experience. Is it possible to find out what death is and whether there is an afterlife “without harm to health”?

All over the world there are a sufficient number of documented stories of people who have experienced clinical death.

Scientists are on the verge of proving life after death

An unexpected experiment was carried out in September 2013. at the English Hospital in Southampton. Doctors recorded testimonies of patients who experienced clinical death. The head of the research group, cardiologist Sam Parnia, shared the results:

“From the early days of my medical career I was interested in the problem of “disembodied sensations.” In addition, some of my patients experienced clinical death. Gradually, I collected more and more stories from those who claimed that they flew over their own body in a coma. However, there was no scientific evidence of such information. And I decided to find an opportunity to test her in a hospital setting.

For the first time in history, a medical facility was specially refurbished. In particular, in the wards and operating rooms, we hung thick boards with colored drawings from the ceiling. And most importantly, they began to carefully record, down to the seconds, everything that happens with each patient.

From the moment his heart stopped, his pulse and breathing stopped. And in those cases when the heart was then able to start and the patient began to regain consciousness, we immediately wrote down everything he did and said.

All the behavior and all the words, gestures of each patient. Now our knowledge of “disembodied sensations” is much more systematized and complete than before.”

Almost a third of patients clearly and clearly remember themselves in a coma. At the same time, no one saw the drawings on the boards!

Sam and his colleagues came to the following conclusions:

“From a scientific point of view, the success is considerable. General sensations have been established among people who seem to crossed the threshold of the “other world”. They suddenly begin to understand everything. Completely freed from pain. They feel pleasure, comfort, even bliss. They see their dead relatives and friends. They are enveloped in a soft and very pleasant light. There is an atmosphere of extraordinary kindness around.”

When asked whether the experiment participants believed that they had visited “another world,” Sam replied:

“Yes, and although this world was somewhat mystical for them, it still existed. As a rule, patients reached a gate or some other place in the tunnel from where there was no turning back and where they had to decide whether to return...

And you know, almost everyone now has a completely different perception of life. It has changed because man has passed through a moment of blissful spiritual existence. Almost all of my students admitted that no longer afraid of death, although they do not want to die.

The transition to another world turned out to be an extraordinary and pleasant experience. After the hospital, many began to work in charitable organizations.”

The experiment is currently ongoing. A further 25 UK hospitals are joining the study.

The memory of the soul is immortal

There is a soul, and it does not die with the body. Dr Parnia's confidence is shared by the UK's leading medical luminary. The famous professor of neurology from Oxford, the author of works translated into many languages, Peter Fenis rejects the opinion of the majority of scientists on the planet.

They believe that the body, ceasing its functions, releases certain chemicals that, passing through the brain, actually cause extraordinary sensations in a person.

“The brain does not have time to carry out the ‘closing procedure’,” says Professor Fenis.

“For example, during a heart attack, a person sometimes loses consciousness at lightning speed. Along with consciousness, memory also goes away. So how can we discuss episodes that people cannot remember? But since they clearly talk about what happened to them when their brain activity was turned off, therefore, there is a soul, spirit or something else that allows you to be in consciousness outside the body.”

What happens after you die?

The physical body is not the only one we have. In addition to it, there are several thin bodies assembled according to the matryoshka principle. The subtle level closest to us is called the ether or astral. We simultaneously exist in both the material world and the spiritual. In order to maintain life in the physical body, we need food and drink, in order to maintain vital energy in our astral body, we need communication with the Universe and with the surrounding material world.

Death ends the existence of the densest of all our bodies, and the astral body's connection with reality is severed. The astral body, freed from the physical shell, is transported into a different quality - into the soul. And the soul has a connection only with the Universe. This process is described in sufficient detail by people who have experienced clinical death.

Naturally, they do not describe its last stage, because they only get to the level closest to the material substance, their astral body has not yet lost contact with the physical body and they are not fully aware of the fact of death. The transportation of the astral body into the soul is called the second death. After this, the soul goes to another world. Once there, the soul discovers that it consists of different levels intended for souls of varying degrees of development.

When the death of the physical body occurs, the subtle bodies begin to gradually separate. Subtle bodies also have different densities, and, accordingly, different amounts of time are required for their disintegration.

On the third day after the physical, the etheric body, which is called the aura, disintegrates.

After nine days the emotional body disintegrates, after forty days the mental body. The body of spirit, soul, experience - casual - goes into the space between lives.

By suffering greatly for our departed loved ones, we thereby prevent their subtle bodies from dying at the right time. Thin shells get stuck where they shouldn't be. Therefore, you need to let them go, thanking them for all the experiences they have lived together.

Is it possible to consciously look beyond life?

Just as a person dresses in new clothes, discarding the old and worn ones, so the soul is embodied in a new body, leaving behind the old and lost strength.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 2. Soul in the material world.

Each of us has lived more than one life, and this experience is stored in our memory.

You can remember your past life right now!

It will help you with this meditation, which will send you into your memory storage and open the door to a past life.

Every soul has a different experience of dying. And it can be remembered.

Why remember the experience of dying in past lives? To look at this stage differently. To understand what actually happens at the moment of dying and after it. Finally, to stop being afraid of death.

At the Institute of Reincarnation, you can gain the experience of dying using simple techniques. For those in whom the fear of death is too strong, there is a safety technique that allows you to painlessly view the process of the soul leaving the body.

Here are some testimonials from students about their experiences with dying.

Kononuchenko Irina, first year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

I watched several deaths in different bodies: female and male.

After natural death in a female incarnation (I’m 75 years old), my soul did not want to ascend to the World of Souls. I was left waiting for mine soul mate- a husband who still lives. During his lifetime he was an important person and close friend to me.

It felt like we lived in perfect harmony. I died first, the Soul exited through the third eye area. Understanding my husband’s grief after “my death,” I wanted to support him with my invisible presence, and I didn’t want to leave myself. After some time, when both “got used to it and got used to it” in the new state, I went up to the World of Souls and waited for him there.

After natural death in the body of a man (harmonious incarnation), the Soul easily said goodbye to the body and ascended to the world of Souls. There was a feeling of a mission accomplished, a lesson successfully completed, a feeling of satisfaction. It took place immediately meeting with the Mentor and discussing life.

In case of violent death (I am a man dying on the battlefield from a wound), the Soul leaves the body through the chest area, where the wound is. Until the moment of death, life flashed before my eyes. I’m 45 years old, I have a wife, children... I really want to see them and hold them close.. and here I am... it’s unclear where and how... and alone. Tears in the eyes, regret about the “unlived” life. After leaving the body, it is not easy for the Soul; it is again met by Helping Angels.

Without additional energetic reconfiguration, I (the soul) cannot independently free myself from the burden of incarnation (thoughts, emotions, feelings). A “capsule-centrifuge” is imagined, where through strong rotation-acceleration there is an increase in frequencies and “separation” from the experience of embodiment.

Marina Kana, 1st year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

In total, I went through 7 dying experiences, three of them violent. I will describe one of them.

Girl, Ancient Rus'. I was born into a large peasant family, I live in unity with nature, I love spinning with my friends, singing songs, walking in the forest and fields, helping my parents with housework, and babysitting my younger brothers and sisters. Men are not interested, the physical side of love is not clear. The guy was wooing her, but she was afraid of him.

I saw how she was carrying water on a yoke; he blocked the road and pestered: “You’ll still be mine!” To prevent others from getting married, I started a rumor that I was not of this world. And I’m glad, I don’t need anyone, I told my parents that I wouldn’t get married.

She did not live long, she died at 28, she was not married. She died of a severe fever, lay in the heat and was delirious, all wet, her hair matted from sweat. The mother sits nearby, sighs, wipes him with a wet cloth, and gives him water to drink from a wooden ladle. The soul flies out of the head, as if it is being pushed out from within, when the mother comes out into the hallway.

The soul looks down on the body, no regrets. The mother comes in and starts crying. Then the father comes running to the screams, shakes his fists at the sky, shouts to the dark icon in the corner of the hut: “What have you done!” The kids huddled together, quiet and scared. The soul leaves calmly, no one is sorry.

Then the soul seems to be drawn into a funnel and flies upward towards the light. The outline is similar to clouds of steam, next to them are the same clouds, circling, intertwining, rushing upward. Fun and easy! She knows that she lived her life as she planned. In the World of Souls, the beloved soul meets laughing (this is an incorrect husband from previous life). She understands why she passed away early - it became no longer interesting to live, knowing that he was not incarnated, she strove for him faster.

Simonova Olga, 1st year student at the Institute of Reincarnation

All my deaths were similar. Separation from the body and smoothly rising above it... and then just as smoothly upward above the Earth. Mostly these are dying of natural causes in old age.

One thing I saw was violent (cutting off the head), but I saw it outside the body, as if from the outside, and did not feel any tragedy. On the contrary, relief and gratitude to the executioner. Life was aimless, a female embodiment. The woman wanted to commit suicide in her youth because she was left without parents. She was saved, but even then she lost the meaning in life and was never able to restore it... Therefore, she accepted violent death as a benefit for her.

Understanding that life continues after death gives true joy from existing here-and-now. The physical body is only a temporary conductor for the soul. And death is natural for him. This should be accepted. To live without fear before death.

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