How much will housing and communal services increase per year? Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Percentage increase


From July 1, 2017, new tariffs for housing and communal services will come into effect in Moscow. Rates and prices for utilities will be indexed by 6.7%.

Tariff growth below inflation

For the past three years, utility tariffs have been kept below inflation. The overall increase in utility tariffs from 2014 to 2016 does not exceed 26%, while the increase in inflation over the same period is 36%.

In the second half of 2017, heating will cost 2202.39 rubles/gcal (now 2101.5 rubles), cold water – 35.41 rubles/cubic meter (now 33.03 rubles), sewerage – 25.12 rub./cub.m (now 23.43 rub.), hot water - 180.77 rub./cub.m (now 163.24 rub.), electricity (one-rate tariff) - in houses with gas stoves 5.38 rub./kWh (no change), in houses with electric stoves 4.04 rub./kWh (now 3.77 rub.), gas – 6.4 rub./cub.m (now 6.16 rub. .).

Muscovites' expenses are the lowest in the country

Despite the increase in tariffs, Muscovites' spending on housing and communal services remains the lowest in the country - 3% of income. The average for Russia is 6%. This is achieved through budget subsidies for the maintenance and repair of common property, landscaping of courtyards, and waste recycling. The district control rooms are maintained entirely at the expense of the city. In other cities, all these costs are paid entirely by residents.

They did not introduce a social norm for electricity consumption in the capital, as in other cities. Otherwise, electricity bills for the average family of 3 could rise by more than a quarter.

Discounts on housing and communal services for socially vulnerable citizens range from 30 to 100%. In Moscow, 52 preferential categories have been established - this is the largest number in the Russian Federation. The largest category of beneficiaries are labor veterans (more than 1 million people). Also, about 1 million disabled people and families with disabled children enjoy rent discounts; 96 thousand large families; more than 30 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Targeted assistance in the form of housing subsidies is provided to Muscovites with low incomes, regardless of their membership in preferential categories. Both homeowners and tenants can apply for a subsidy if the rent exceeds 10% of the total family income. This is the lowest threshold in the country; in other regions it is 22%. In 2017, more than 700 thousand families with low incomes will receive subsidies to pay for housing and communal services. From July 1, 2017, families will be able to receive a subsidy if their total monthly income is no more than 43,356 rubles. (1 person); RUB 67,136 (family of 2 people); RUB 93,564 (family of 3 people).

Since the beginning of 2017, significant changes have occurred in the system of payment for housing and communal services. Since changes in housing and communal services affect all citizens, everyone should know about them.

Below IQReview provides updated information on utility bills.

From January 1 The list of services itself began to look a little different payment . Now the bill for the maintenance and repair of the house is transferred to the payment for the maintenance of residential premises and the costs of utilities, which are used for the maintenance of common property. Previously, such an innovation was planned to be introduced in the spring of 2016, but was then postponed.

It would seem an insignificant innovation, but it allows you to regulate the transfer of funds for general household needs. Before this normal payment procedure in fact, it was not: there were situations when management companies charged more for the maintenance of the house than the amount for individual consumption in apartments.

Previously, the use of light bulbs (on landings, above the entrance doors), elevators, intercoms, as well as water for washing entrances was paid for by residents (the costs for this were distributed evenly among all apartments in the building). Since 2017 Fixed standards are established for the listed expenses. If the standards are exceeded, it will no longer be the residents (as before), but the management companies who will pay for the overexpenditure.

Also, such a line as garbage collection will move from housing services to utilities. In this direction, too, they had to restore order. According to Law No. 458-FZ, municipal solid waste is now classified as municipal solid waste. As a result, a revision may occur andtariff changes.

This is a change in the receipt it happened for a reason: it should encourage citizens to throw away garbage separately. The more waste is recycled, the less the amount will be housing and communal services receipts. It is also expected that this will facilitate the emergence of new operators whose task will be to control waste recycling. This area is quite complex: in both large and small cities (especially) there are a lot of unauthorized landfills, and the process of collecting and processing waste itself is poorly organized.

Changes in payment of debts for housing and communal services

We took seriously those who have debts. Now those who have not fully paid for housing and communal services have It will be possible to write off money from bank cards to pay off debt. True, this can only be done if there is a court order against the debtor (that is, only in court). If the court decides on collection, the debtor will receive a notice. In this case, citizens have the right to challenge the specified amount of debt and apply to cancel the order.

Cases of debts that do not exceed 500 thousand rubles will be considered in the magistrate's courts. Arbitration courts will take on cases where the amounts do not exceed 400 thousand.

Financial responsibility will be introduced not only for debtors, but also for management companies. If they make a mistake on the receipt If they incorrectly calculate the amount for utilities, they will be charged a fine of up to 50% of the erroneously indicated amount.

Amount of penalty for late payment of housing and communal services

This point, by the way, is quite relevant: in 2016 alone, and in Moscow alone, about 14,000 requests were sent regarding errors in invoices. Of these, about 10% of complaints were confirmed (due to a lack of information about accruals, debts, recalculations carried out, and accrual procedures incomprehensible to the population).

Important laws that came into force on January 1, 2017

Since the beginning of the year, the following important laws have come into force:

    When calculating the total area of ​​living space for terraces, balconies, verandas and loggias, reduction factors are established (according to the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2016).

    The state is strengthening control over the expenditure of subventions for disabled people and veterans (in accordance with Law No. 461-FZ).

    A Unified Register of Real Estate and a Unified Accounting and Registration System is being created. It will store information from the real estate cadastre and the register of rights.

About changes in the rules for major repairs

Almost two years ago, a new column appeared in the housing and communal services receipt - for major repairs. The population has already figured out and gotten used to contributions for major repairs.

This year, this area has also been affected by changes:

    Now local self-government bodies have specific deadlines (1 calendar month) for performing a number of actions (previously these deadlines were not regulated in any way). We are talking about the formation of a capital repair fund on the account of the regional operator (if the residents did not choose or create a fund on their own), about making a decision to carry out major repairs in accordance with the program for the region.

    Information about the current state of the capital repair fund should be made public. Now the account holder must submit a report to the State Housing Authority body on the following data: the amount received as contributions; the amount spent on major repairs; account balance; concluding a loan agreement to carry out major repairs.

    In case of emergency, home repairs are carried out out of turn. The scope of work is limited to only the most necessary - what is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the accident is done. This addition applies only to houses for which the capital repair fund is formed on the account of the regional operator.

Tariff increase

The most important nuance for most citizens is the next increase housing and communal services tariffs. In 2017, this event is scheduled for July 1st. The order on this was published on November 21, 2016.

Tariff increase index

The tariff increase indices will be as follows:

    North Ossetia – 2.5;

    Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kursk, Murmansk, Sakhalin, Tver, Tambov regions and Chukotka - 3.4;

    Altai Territory, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Mari El, Udmurtia, Pskov, Voronezh, Novgorod, Saratov regions - 3.5;

    Ingushetia, Rostov region – 3.6;

    Karelia, Transbaikalia, Stavropol, Oryol and Kostroma regions – 3.7;

    Amur, Kurgan, Ivanovo, Leningrad regions – 3.8;

    Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chuvashia, Ryazan, Bryansk, Smolensk regions – 3.9;

    Krasnodar and Perm territories, Vladimir, Kirov, Moscow, Orenburg regions – 4.0;

    Komi Republic, Khabarovsk Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk District –4.1;

    Mordovia, Tatarstan, Volgograd, Arkhangelsk, Tula, Lipetsk regions, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – 4.2;

    Samara and Vologda regions – 4.3;

    Astrakhan and Nizhny Novgorod regions – 4.4;

    Magadan, Omsk, Tomsk, Penza regions – 4.5;

    Jewish Autonomous Region – 4.8;

    Yaroslavl region – 4.9;

    Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk regions, Tyva, Primorsky Territory –5.0;

    Tyumen region – 5.4;

    Bashkortostan – 5.8;

    Kemerovo region – 5.9;

    Kamchatka, Sakha, St. Petersburg – 6.0;

    Moscow – 7.

Muscovites will feel the increase in tariffs the most - for the capital, the increase index was 7. Housing and communal services services will rise in price the least in North Ossetia (index - 2.5). The national average for utilities will increase by 4%.

About changes in housing and communal services in 2017 (video)

From July 1, 2017, fees for housing and communal services will increase in Moscow. New rates and tariffs were approved by Moscow Government Decree No. 848-PP dated December 13, 2016.

The document is posted on the Moscow City Hall portal. This information is also available in management companies.
social rent social rent But tenants who receive benefits and subsidies for housing and housing and communal services will pay 3.51 rubles/sq.m (in houses without an elevator - 1.48 rubles/sq.m).

Exact prices

/ Tuesday, June 27, 2017 /

Topics: Housing and communal services

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The new price for the maintenance and repair of residential premises will be 27.14.

Water supply


Heating fee


We will pay for electricity in houses with electric stoves:

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Please note that different fees apply . . . . . in municipal apartments. Yes, the fee for . . . . . for tenants who do not benefit from benefits, from July 1, 2017 it is 21.10 rubles/sq.m. . . . . .

New price for . . . . . residential premises will be 27, . . . . . will be 2199.24 rub./gcal (MOEK)

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Beneficiaries will pay for . . . . . in municipal apartments at reduced rates.

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Please note that different fees apply . . . . . in municipal apartments. Yes, the fee for . . . . . for tenants who do not benefit from benefits, from July 1, 2017 it is 21.10 rubles/sq.m. . . . . .

New price for . . . . . residential premises will be 27.14 rubles.

. . . . . will be 2199.24 rub./gcal (MOEK)

. . . . . Water supply
Cold water will cost 35.40 rubles/cubic meter; hot water - 180.55 rub./cub.m; water disposal - 25.12 rubles/cub.m.
The fee for a cubic meter of natural gas will be 6.40 rubles.

For electricity in houses with electric stoves you will have to pay:
- with single-tariff metering: 4.04 rubles/kW
- with two-tariff metering: 1.26 rubles/kW - at night; 4.65 RUR/kW - during the day
- with three-tariff metering: 1.26 rubles/kW - at night; 4.85 RUR/kW - peak; 4.04 RUR/kW - half-peak.
Electricity charges in houses with gas stoves will be:
- with single-tariff metering 5.38 rub./kW
- with two-tariff metering: 1.79 rubles/kW - at night; 6.19 RUR/kW - during the day
- with three-tariff metering: 1.79 rubles/kW - at night; 6.46 RUR/kW - peak; 5.38 RUR/kW - half-peak.

Paying for utilities is a heavy burden for many citizens of our country. Payments for gas, electricity, heat and water eat up a significant part of wages. Many are forced to save money to keep the utility load as low as possible. How will utility prices behave in 2017? Will there be an increase in the cost of housing and communal services and what is the government doing to reduce this burden for people.

According to analysts, prices for services directly depend on the state of the economy in the country. If we take into account the fact that Russia is in a deep economic crisis, we can assume that we cannot avoid tariff changes in 2017.

Today it is already known that the increase in the cost of utilities will be around 4%. It is planned to increase the cost of housing and communal services from July 2017. However, there are opinions that not all services will become much more expensive; for example, an analysis of the cost of electricity showed that thanks to the indexation of enterprises, the increase in the cost of light can be reduced to the 2012 level.

Why are prices rising?

Many of us do not understand why the cost of utilities increases from year to year. For many of us, receipts with new tariffs become a cause for concern, because wages remain at the same level. Pensioners are particularly concerned about rising prices, because they are the most vulnerable segment of the population in our country.

First of all, prices for housing and communal services depend on the cost of fuel; there are a number of other items that affect the pricing of utilities. Thus, the government should first regulate the cost of fuel, and develop an indexation plan for individual enterprises. Today, the government has already begun to develop an investment plan for 2017 for GazProm in order to stop the rise in gas costs.

According to the plan, investments should be designed for several years, which will help stabilize fuel prices.

In addition, the government stated that the owner of the gas must invest his personal funds in the development of the enterprise. This will help increase fuel consumption growth and consequently lead to higher profits.

The economic blockade of Russia plays an important role in increasing the cost of gas. Sanctions do not allow our country to attract investors from abroad, which negatively affects the economic situation as a whole. The lifting of sanctions may improve the situation, but there is no hope for this today.

In accordance with this situation, the government can take the following measures:

  • Limiting the growth of tariffs for the population.
  • Tougher measures against debtors.
  • Drawing up a new tariff calculation scheme.

Gas and heat cost forecast 2017

Gas prices will rise the most. The increase in fuel tariffs will occur in accordance with inflation and will reach 3%. The price increase will begin in July and will continue for 3 years. At the same time, the level of price increases may be significantly higher than predicted.

Gas bills will increase not only for residents, but also for industry, but for them the price will not rise so sharply.

Heat payment figures will also increase from July 2017. Presumably the index will be around 4.9%. Today, the President’s Office is considering the option of linking housing and communal services tariffs to inflation of the national currency. This is the only way, according to government representatives, that the country will be able to stay afloat in this difficult time for everyone. With GDP growth, the situation will stabilize and the increase in the cost of utilities will not be so significant for the population.

Water price forecast

Regarding the rising cost of water, Elena Dovlatova (executive director of RABB) said that this measure is simply necessary, and it is absolutely impossible to abandon it. According to Dovlatova, people generally do not want to pay for water, believing that it should be supplied to their homes for free. But then how can pipelines and treatment plants be maintained?

Today, most of these enterprises are already unprofitable, and if we want to have clean water in our homes, we need to invest in their modernization. According to experts, the price of water will rise by 4.9% in 2017. Price increases will continue until 2019 inclusive.

Light price forecast

Unlike the cost of gas, the price of electricity will not rise as rapidly for residents of the country as previously expected. Tariffs most likely will not reach the final price announced by the Ministry of Economic Development. It was previously announced that the increase in light prices in 2017 will be 7.1%.

Thus, it can be assumed that electricity will not become the main part of costs for housing and communal services for consumers. At the same time, the government is also developing a plan of measures to tighten the fight against persistent defaulters.

When will receipts with new tariffs arrive?

Tariffs for housing and communal services in our country are growing every year. However, price increases do not occur at the beginning of the year, but from July 1. So, in winter, we do not need to be afraid of rising prices, because this can become a huge burden for the population.

In general, all public utility services for the population will increase by 4.9% in 2017. The government says that this increase is justified by the inflation forecast.

The most vulnerable segments of the population will have their wages and pensions indexed, which will help reduce the financial burden on paying their bills. services.

Also an increase in the cost of com. services will continue in the next two years. According to forecasts in 2018, com. services will rise in price by another 4.4%, and in 2019 the price increase will approach 4.1%.

Rail transportation services

In addition to utilities, it is planned to increase prices for rail transportation. This will affect both freight and passenger transport. From July 2017 we will pay 4.9% for tickets. This figure is also due to the forecast for rising inflation in the country.

Discontent among the population

The government is confident that raising tariffs will inevitably cause discontent among the population; of course, who wants to pay more for utilities than usual. However, as analysts explain, it is impossible to do without raising tariffs.

Today in the country more than half of public utilities are recognized as unprofitable. There are not enough funds to modernize and maintain networks. However, the planned price increase will not cover even part of the necessary expenses.

The increase will only cover the inflation rate and help utilities stay afloat.

At the same time, the government is developing measures to reduce the burden on the population. Careful monitoring will be carried out over the activities of public utilities in order to exclude unreasonably increasing tariffs. For this purpose, special commissions have been created that will exercise control over the owners of farms.

Today in the media you can often find horrifying news about rising tariffs for electricity. services. However, price increases occur in our country every year, and we are all already accustomed to it. It is worth noting that the government of the country is doing everything possible to make this burden as less noticeable as possible for the Russian population. Today, strategies are being developed to get the country out of the difficult economic situation. Let's hope that Russia will still be able to restore its economy, despite the sanctions and negative policies of the West.

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