Is it possible to perform baptismal rituals? Rituals and ceremonies for baptism. Where to store Epiphany water


Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are carried out on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany customs and traditions are associated with water, since on this day it has truly miraculous properties and can cure deadly illnesses and ailments, fulfill any desire, give beauty, luck and wealth. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:

“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    Holy water retains its properties throughout the next year. This liquid should not be drunk frequently. You need to sprinkle your home and household items with it to fill the house with powerful positive energy. It should not be poured under your feet; this water can be watered on flowers or poured outside under a tree.

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      Epiphany rites and traditions The main tradition for Epiphany is a church solemn procession to the Jordan River.

      • Tens of thousands of believers from all over the world take part in this procession. Both old and young plunge into the icy water of the Jordan River and wash away all sins and negative thoughts.

        Those who do not have the opportunity to go to Israel for Epiphany bathe in local reservoirs. When immersing yourself in water, you need to say the sacred text three times: “I plunge in the Name of the Father, I plunge in the Name of the Son, I plunge in the Name of the Holy Spirit.” However, not every person has the courage to dive into river water in the bitter cold. Therefore, people simply collect water in different containers and go to church to consecrate it, and then sprinkle their loved ones and themselves with holy water. When sprinkling, you need to read the prayer: “Lord Almighty, save Your people and bless Your property, grant victory over evil spirits and preserve Your residence through the Cross.”

        In the morning, when washing your face with tap water, you need to read a conspiracy for good luck and success in all your endeavors: “In the Jordan, the Lord was baptized and appeared to the whole world. For all eternity, there is one truth - Jesus Christ is the son of God, he can do everything. The Lord commands, God reigns, Jesus Christ helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Holy Son and the holy spirit forever and ever, Amen (say three times)."

        In order to attract beauty and health into your life, to be healed from all bodily and mental suffering, you need to defend the church baptism service and, having blessed the water, return home and read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God”, “Our Father”, “I Believe”. Then you should read the spell for water three times with good thoughts and a sincere heart: “Lord, heal my sinful soul and mortal body. Deliver, Lord, from ailments, dryness, aches, blood, pain. Heal my soul from malice, envy and fierce hatred. On this sacred day, heaven is open to all sinners. I ask, Jesus, to fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace and tranquility, for the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. After reading the plot, you need to take 3 sips of holy water, and wash your entire body with the liquid that remains in the container so as not to get sick this year.

        According to Greek traditions, the Baptism ceremony is performed by the sea. The priest must throw the cross into the sea water, and the person who finds it will become happy and receive great wealth. He must carry the found cross through the city streets, surrounded by a crowd.

        Rituals for Epiphany

        Ritual for good health, cure for male diseases and female ailments at home:

        • fill the bathtub to the top with hot water and pour holy water into it;
        • first lower your pectoral cross into the bath, and then immerse yourself in the water for 10-15 minutes;
        • relax and let go of all negative thoughts and emotions;
        • You should not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath; the water should dry on its own.

        To preserve youth and female beauty, you need to collect a basin full of snow (it must be clean) and bring it into the house. When it melts, you need to wash yourself with melt water, saying: “Heavenly water will heal everything, and will give me (the name of the girl who performs the ritual) beauty forever. In the name of all the Saints in heaven. Amen.”

        Attracting wealth

        To attract money on Epiphany Christmas Eve, all household members need to count their money, saying: “The Almighty Lord will appear to the world, and money will appear in our wallets. Key, tongue, lock. Amen (three times).”

        Another monetary ritual to attract wealth: on the night of January 18-19, you need to bless water in the temple and bring it home. A person needs to go around all the rooms in an apartment or house and sprinkle them with holy water, saying the following words: “Holy water came to my house and brought prosperity and well-being with it. Poverty and losses in my house will pass, but prosperity and wealth will come to me. Failures I won’t know, but happiness will always accompany me.”

        Sacred water should be placed in the place that a person considers the most important in the house. In the morning you should wash your face with this water.

        Rituals to fulfill a wish

        This ritual to fulfill a wish should be performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Need to:

        • pour sacred water into a glass and drop a silver coin of any denomination into it;
        • place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the light from the moon falls on this container;
        • then whisper your cherished wish three times, and in the morning pour the water onto the street;
        • hide the silver coin in a secret place and wait for the plan to be fulfilled.

        Another variation:

        • pour water blessed in the church into a glass;
        • when light ripples appear on the surface, go out into the street and, turning to heaven with good thoughts, say your innermost desire three times;
        • You cannot pour out holy water; you need to place a glass under the icon and leave it until the next feast of Epiphany.

        If the holy water in the glass is motionless and no ripples appear, making a wish is pointless; your plan will not come true.

        The desire should only be positive and not harm other people. This can be either material benefits or a request for the birth of a child or a meeting with your future spouse.

        Plot for good luck

        We need to remember all the people whom a person has offended or hurt with harsh statements towards them, and on Epiphany night ask for forgiveness before God for our sins. Let go of your own grievances, anger, envy, be sincere.

        On the day of Epiphany, light a church candle and pour holy water into a cup. Take a small piece of black bread in your left hand, and a cup of water in your right, read the following text: “It is true that the Lord Almighty gave five loaves, and the Lord’s son is Jesus Christ. And it is true that God is merciful to all people. Lord, turn my luck from north to south and from west to east. Give luck not three roads, but only one - to my threshold. And let misfortune and grief go into the womb of the snake. Only there is its place and its life. I will wrap myself in a talisman, girdle myself with silver and gold, and I will count the money, and I will never be able to count it, I will never know misfortune. I close the lock with the key, and throw the key into the deep sea, so that I will never know grief. .Language. Amen (three times)."

        After reading this magical plot, you need to eat a piece of bread and put out the candle with your fingers. Take a few sips of holy water from a cup. You must definitely go to the temple before noon and light the candle that was enchanted in front of the icon of Jesus Christ. Pray before the Savior in your own words and ask for his blessing. After coming home from church, you cannot eat anything until sunset; you must remain silent and not tell anyone anything.

        Rituals for marriage

        Snow on Epiphany has a special power. To get married soon, you need to collect clean snow and wash yourself with it, saying the following words: “The heavens are open to the Holy Land, but I will get married soon.” Then collect the snow in a small container, come home and retire. After this, light three wax candles and place them around the melt water.

        You should take the candles one by one and baptize the melt water with them, holding the candle between your fingers and whispering a spell: “Just as on this festive evening of Epiphany the ground is covered with white snow, so my head will be covered with a wedding veil. My costumer, betrothed, appointed by fate and appointed by God himself, He will take me as a wife and lead him to the altar under white hands. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself (the girl’s name) for a happy and speedy marriage. The word is strong, and the deed will be fulfilled at the appointed time.

        After reading the plot, you need to wash yourself with melted snow, wash your shoulders and neck with it. Excess water cannot be wiped off; it must dry naturally. What remains in the container should be sprinkled around your bedroom and sprinkled on the threshold of the house, repeating the words: “So be it!” Then you need to extinguish the candles clockwise (without blowing them out) with your fingers. Take one of the candles to the church and place it in front of the icon of the Mother of God. This must be done before lunch. With the remaining candles, do the same manipulation as with the first, only on the second and third days after the ceremony.

        For the magic to work, you cannot invite anyone over for a week or give your personal belongings to anyone. It is strictly forbidden to pick up a needle or engage in sewing at this time. After the ritual, you cannot wash for 12 hours. The girl must sincerely believe in the power of this ritual and set herself up in a positive way so that her desire for marriage comes true in the near future.

        A couple in love should swim together in an ice hole on the day of Epiphany and bless the water in the temple, so that their future family will be strong and the young people will always live in love and prosperity. A similar ritual can also be performed by spouses who often quarrel and cannot find a common language, so that love feelings flare up with renewed vigor.

        If a mother wants her daughter to get married, on Epiphany night she needs to read the following spell from the healer Stepanova, having first washed herself with holy water and grasped the handle of the front door: “God Almighty, bless, our Heavenly Father, help! At once, in the first hour, like ardent beeswax lights up in the heavens in candles, so let mutual love burn in the zealous heart and in the clear eyes of the Servant of God (the name of the daughter) and the Servant of God (the name of the potential son-in-law). the holy crown and wedding ring of the Servant of God (the name of the daughter) with the Servant of God (the name of the potential son-in-law). . Lips. Language. Amen. Under no circumstances should you tell your daughter about the conspiracy; the ceremony should be kept secret from everyone.

        Stepanova's amulet for valuables

        In order to protect your family from dishonest people and from the loss of valuable property, you need to read such a conspiracy on Epiphany night, after washing with holy water and placing a valuable thing in front of you: “Just as a deceased person does not leave the coffin, so my thing will always be with me. Be The unclean hand of a thief is the same as that of a dead man. He will not raise his hand, which means that the thief will not take away my property. From now on, only serve me, and tie the criminal’s legs and arms!” Then you need to cross yourself three times.

        You can protect yourself from damage with the help of a talisman, which is made after washing with blessed water (you should wash with the backs of your hands): “Whoever wishes me grief, that person will instantly break my amulet like a dry splinter, like a thin candle. Always be my amulet with me with God's Servant (girl's name). In the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. (say three times)."

        Simoron magic

        This magic is a mixture of faith and self-hypnosis. A person must set himself in a positive mood and sincerely believe in a positive result. To carry out the Simoron magic ritual for weight loss, you need to take a sheet of ordinary white paper, imbue it with the word “Diet”, sprinkle it with holy water and place it under your buttocks every time you eat, sitting on it.

        You can also buy yourself the most ordinary shower gel and repeat to yourself every time during water procedures that this is a very effective means for losing weight. The result will not be long in coming if a person regularly inspires himself with the idea of ​​burning fat.

        To make any wish come true, according to Simoron teachings, you need to write it on a piece of paper, but this should be done in the present tense. For example: “I live happily and successfully, I always have (indicate the desired amount) money in my wallet.” Pour holy water into a glass and drink it in small sips over the next month, each time imagining that your wish has come true, and feeling great joy.

        Signs and folk beliefs

        Popular Epiphany signs and beliefs:

    1. 1. Dreams that are dreamed on Epiphany night almost always come true.
    2. 2. You cannot shed tears on the day of Epiphany (January 18), because the person will be unhappy all year.
    3. 3. Scolding someone, bragging or praising is also prohibited.
    4. 4. You cannot lend or take out bread (other food products) on the eve of Epiphany, so as not to experience need and poverty throughout the year.
    5. 5. You cannot leave your shoes outside the door of your apartment or house, otherwise the person will get very sick.
    6. 6. If a girl is wooed on the feast of the Epiphany, she will live in abundance and love.
    7. 7. Epiphany snowstorm promises a rich harvest.
    8. 8. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that water consecrated at Epiphany can remove damage of any strength and the evil eye. To do this, you need to douse yourself with holy water, while saying the following words: “God was born, was baptized on the feast of Epiphany, and became glorified in the name of Christ the Savior. Just as this cold water is now flowing from my body, so the strong damage, the evil eye, will leave me. In the name Father, son, Holy Spirit. Amen. You cannot take anything out of the house in the coming days and you cannot give anything to anyone.
    9. 9. The person who first draws water from a river or well for Epiphany will not need anything, he will be filled with vitality.
    10. 10. If there is discord and constant quarrels in the family, you need to wipe the shoes of all household members with holy water, then adversity will leave the house.
    11. 11. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that a housewife who draws crosses with chalk on all windows and doors on Epiphany Christmas Eve will protect her home and all household members from evil spirits and evil spirits.
    12. 12. If someone has put the evil eye on one of the household members or has caused severe damage to a person, a sediment will appear on the Epiphany water.
    13. 13. On Epiphany evening, the housewife should count all the tablecloths that are in her house, so that there are always many guests in the home.

    Fortune telling

    You can guess on Epiphany night about the fulfillment of a wish, the future, love.

    On request

    Fortune telling on a ball: take a ball of wool and throw it in front of you, before mentally making a wish. If the ball rolls to the right, the plan will soon come true, if to the left, the dream is unrealistic.

    Another fortune telling for a wish, which is performed on Epiphany night:

    • write different wishes on twelve pieces of paper (one on each);
    • fold the sheets of paper under your pillow before going to bed;
    • In the morning, take out three pieces of paper at random and read the wishes that will come true this year.

    Card fortune telling for a wish: take a new deck of playing cards, carefully shuffle and say your wish out loud, asking the cards a question about its implementation. Then draw any card from the deck. If the card suit is red, your wish will come true in the near future. If it is black, your plan will never come true. You need to guess after sunset on Epiphany Eve.

On January 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - Epiphany and Epiphany (Vodokreshchi). On this day, the Orthodox people remember the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan. The holiday received its second name - Epiphany - due to the fact that at the baptism of the Savior, “the appearance of three persons of the Divine took place: the Father from heaven testified with a voice about the baptized Son, and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, thereby confirming the words of the Father.”

The people called the holiday Vodokreschi. The name appeared because of the main baptismal rites - blessing of water, or baptism with water.

In the folk calendar, Epiphany was one of the most important holidays from the beginning of the year. From this day on, Christmastide ended, and people's contact with the other world was interrupted. In this regard, the main part of baptismal rites was of a cleansing nature. We prepared for Epiphany the day before: we washed the huts and carefully swept away the rubbish, in which, according to our ancestors, an imp could hide. According to legend, in the morning before the blessing of water, all the little devils must drown in the water. In the evening, if possible, all people went to church for a service, at the end of which the great blessing of water was performed. The peasants considered it a celebration of special importance.

Upon returning from service, people performed cleansing rituals, the whole family drank holy water, sprinkled it on their cattle, house and outbuildings. At Epiphany, snow was collected, and the resulting water was poured into a jug and saved in case of illness. It is believed that this water heals cramps, dizziness, and numbness in the legs. If you sprinkle snow Epiphany water on a canvas, it will whiten it in a way that neither ash nor the sun can do. Epiphany snow was also added to the feed of horses so that they would not get sick, and it was given to chickens so that they would start laying eggs earlier.

According to popular belief, the heavens open on the night before Christmas. According to legend, this happens at the moment when the Savior enters the river. A sign of this event is the agitation of water in a glass or cup, which most often occurs at midnight. Having waited for this sign, you need to quickly go outside. If a person is lucky enough to see the “open heavens,” then he can ask the Lord for whatever his heart desires.

Baptism: rituals and signs for January 19

The main celebration of the holiday was the blessing of water and the “walk to the Jordan.” To do this, an ice hole was made in one of the reservoirs at a previously established location - Jordan. The whole day of Epiphany for Christians was full of special meaning. They took part in the solemn procession and receiving holy water. After the prayer service, they bathed in the river to cleanse themselves of sins and be cured of illnesses. Those who dressed up for Christmastide swam in the ice hole to wash off the “demonic mask” from themselves.

The ice hole and the place near it are considered sacred. A stick was stuck into the hole so that pigeons and bees would breed. Cattle were driven to the Jordan, which the priests sprinkled with water blessed in the river.

After mass, the owners in the courtyard laid out unthreshed sheaves of various crops, bread broken into pieces and rye cakes left for Epiphany from the New Year and Nativity holidays. The cattle were released from the barns to the food that had been laid out, and while they were eating, they were sprinkled with water brought from the ice hole. At the same time, the owner who sprinkled the animals put on a fur coat with the fur facing out.

The use of New Year's and Christmas bread, as well as an inside-out fur coat, in the ritual is associated with the idea of ​​offspring: fur and ritual food in the traditional consciousness were endowed with producing powers. Feeding various types of unthreshed bread was carried out to ensure that the cattle were well-fed all year round.

As on Epiphany Eve, so on the day of Epiphany after the blessing of water, a ritual of cleansing of houses and households was carried out. buildings to drive out the Yuletide evil spirits from everywhere. Blessed water was used for this. Young people on horseback rode through the courtyards, hitting all the nooks and crannies with whips and brooms, screaming and squealing, reciting a special spell.

From January 19 and throughout the week, it was forbidden to rinse clothes on the river. According to popular beliefs, the evil spirit that goes into the water after Christmas time can grab onto the linen and get out.

The candle, which was brought along with holy water from the service on Epiphany Eve, was carefully preserved. It was lit during a thunderstorm to prevent fire. She was credited with protective powers against evil spirits. On the day of the first cattle pasture, a piece of this candle was attached under the mane or under the bangs of horses, and between the horns of cows. It was believed that this would help protect cattle from goblin and water spirits.

People believed that a child baptized in Epiphany would become a very happy person. And those who dreamed of becoming rich and successful, or of acquiring an invisibility cap, performed a special ritual on Epiphany. It was necessary to dress in everything new and, during the Epiphany blessing of water, bury oneself in a haystack that had been mowed with a completely new scythe on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6 to 7). Such hay must be collected with a new rake and carried on a new stretcher. While the person is in the heap, the evil one will begin to lure him out of there with various promises. You should go out after the devil gives you the invisibility cap, otherwise he may stab the person with a pitchfork.

Immediately after Epiphany, the meat-eating began - it was time for weddings. Therefore, the “Choice of Bride” ritual was popular on the day of Epiphany. On this day, young people dressed up in their best outfits. The girls wore several shirts with embroidered hems, whitened and blushed. A sundress was worn over the shirts, and on it were 3-4 aprons with abundant embroidery. A sheepskin coat trimmed with marl fur was thrown over the clothes. On the occasion of the “Choice of Brides” ritual, boys and girls from neighboring villages, planning to start a family in the new year, came to the larger local centers for the blessing of water and the festive service.

They began to look after brides in the church during the service, at the blessing of the water, when the girls stood on a hill above the river, and the boys stood below. The viewing itself took place after lunch. The girls stood in one or several rows near the ice hole or near the church fence, and the guys walked between them.

In addition to the boys, the “brides” were also examined by their parents. They assessed not only the girl’s external qualities (beauty, height, plumpness), but also her ability to weave, spin, sew, lace and embroider, which was revealed when viewing the outfits she was wearing. Attention was also paid to the health of future brides. In addition to external data, warm hands were a criterion for good health: the boys’ mothers took the girls’ hands, which remained without gloves during the viewing (about 2-3 hours). If a girl's hands were cold, then she was considered sick and unsuitable for marriage.

Signs for Epiphany (January 19)

  1. If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany, then expect a snowstorm at the end of April.
  2. Cold and clear weather means a dry summer; snowy and cloudy - to a good harvest.
  3. Cloudy skies, heavy frost and falling snow foretell a fertile year.
  4. A clear day means a bad harvest.
  5. At noon, blue clouds mean harvest.
  6. Strong whirlwinds rise at Epiphany - a good swarm of bees.
  7. If the day is warm, the bread will be thick.
  8. Starry night - for the harvest of peas and berries. This is also a sign that the sheep will lamb well this year.
  9. A full month means high water in the spring.
  10. If the day is sunny and warm, then the good weather will continue for several more weeks.
  11. If it rains, it will rain until the end of the month.
  12. If snow piles up against the fence, the summer will be bad. If there is a gap, then it is fruitful.
  13. Dogs bark a lot - there will be plenty of game.
  14. The day is good for fortune telling.

A person born on January 19 will live a long and happy life. He should wear jade.

Video: signs for the Epiphany (January 19)

Epiphany, the traditions and customs of this holiday date back to the first centuries of Christianity. The holiday is also called the Epiphany, since on this day the Lord appeared in full for the first time - as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Holy Consubstantial Trinity appeared to us, in which Christians believe.

Until the 6th century, Epiphany was celebrated together with Christmas, thus completing the meaning of Holy Epiphany. Subsequently, the events were divided into independent celebrations, each of which acquired its own traditions over time.

Epiphany of the Lord: history of the holiday

We read about this event in the life of the Savior in all four Gospels: Matthew 3:1-17, Mark 1:1-11, Luke 3:1-22, John 1:15-33. “The voice of one crying in the wilderness” - John the Baptist preached repentance and baptism with water. In fulfillment of the law, the Lord Himself came to him to perform this sacrament. Seeing Him, John saw with spiritual eyes Who was standing in front of him and wanted to hold him: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” (Matt. 3:15). The Lord said that this is how they must fulfill all righteousness. After the baptism, at the time when Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove, which descended on Christ. A voice came from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

Thus, for the first time the entire Holy Trinity appeared to people:

  • the Father who revealed His presence by pointing to Christ and testifying to Him;
  • The son who, after baptism, went out to preach;
  • and the Holy Spirit is the third hypostasis of the Trinity, the Lord is the Comforter in whom Christians believe.

John the Baptist called on the Jews to repent - to rethink their actions, admit their sins and start a new life based on the commandments. Repentance means a change in mindset, that is, the ability to look at life in a new way. Those who repented sincerely and openly announced their sins (in Christianity it is still customary in some denominations to voice their sins to the community) - he baptized them in the Jordan. Immersion in the waters of the Jordan was accompanied by prayer and symbolically meant the cleansing of sins. Symbolically - because only God Himself could really forgive sins.

This means that the new baptism will be a grace-filled transformation of a person. The Holy Spirit burns with fire everything unclean and creates a new essence in man, striving to serve God. Those who accept the Messiah will enter the Kingdom of God. Those who have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior will be burned by this fire and will no longer be able to assimilate it and repent.

Having performed baptism, the Lord sanctified this sacrament and showed confidence in his words that those “who are not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5).

January 19 Epiphany: traditions

The main tradition of the holiday is attending a service where water is blessed. Epiphany water, which is called clean drinking water after consecration in a certain way with the help of prayers, is carefully stored all year and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach with prayer.

Such a popular tradition is due to the observation among the people that such water can heal diseases and has an overall positive effect on the body and soul. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

As we have already learned above, at the moment of the Savior’s baptism the Holy Trinity was revealed to us, which until that moment had kept its essence secret and was not revealed to people. This event is of such magnitude that it would not be an understatement to say that the phenomenon marked the beginning of a new worship - trinitarian, as it is sung in the troparion for the holiday. This is a reminder of our spiritual birth, which began after the baptism of each person.

We ourselves, or our godparents for us (who were supposed to explain to us the meaning of the sacrament) received from God and made promises to Him. If everything is more or less clear with our promises - to keep the covenant with God, remember at what price redemption was given and believe in the future eternal life. Then less is said about God’s promise: at the moment of baptism, the grace of the Holy Spirit descends onto the water, which, as can be seen from prayers to the sacrament, gives incorruptibility, sanctifies and forgives sins, heals illnesses, is harmful to demons and an angelic fortress.

Baptism also gives the strength necessary to keep the commandments, the ability to love God and neighbors is given - the basic requirement for all Christians, which helps to overcome all difficulties on their path in life. The goal in this perspective is to rekindle within ourselves those abilities and love that were given to us in the waters of baptism. Every year we have the opportunity to replenish these forces with the help of fertile waters that renew the whole world and people.

An additional tradition is swimming in an ice hole on the night when Epiphany is celebrated - January 19 and three days after this holiday. This folk custom has a symbolic meaning; it reminds people of the great sacrament and the need to cleanse the soul during confession.

Catholic Epiphany is separated from Epiphany - it, like in all historical churches, also has a date, but due to the use of different calendars, just like Christmas, this holiday is celebrated 13 days earlier: on January 6, Catholics celebrate Epiphany, and on the first resurrection after it, the Baptism of the Lord. The same order of celebrations applies to a number of Protestant denominations.

Holy Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord differ among Catholics in that the first is dedicated to the three kings - the Magi, who came to worship the Infant Christ and brought him gifts. What date is the Epiphany of the Lord in the Western tradition - January 6, this holiday is often celebrated together with Epiphany in some European countries.

Traditions and customs of the Epiphany holiday vary in different countries and denominations. But in the main thing, people are united - they recognize this great holiday as very important for everyone. Even the custom of immersion in water is present among Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. On this day, all humanity partakes of Divine grace, and Christian believers renew their strength to serve God and love their neighbors.

Rituals and ceremonies for Epiphany

Happy upcoming holiday to you! All rituals and ceremonies Baptism The Lord's Day is associated with water, because on this day it has special miraculous powers. The main rituals of the holiday are the religious procession to the Jordan River, in which thousands of pilgrims from around the world take part, and the rite of blessing of water in the church. But, even if you do not have the opportunity to take part in the procession or are afraid to swim in the icy Epiphany water, you can perform several simple rituals at home to help cleanse yourself of sins and get rid of bodily ailments.

When immersed in water, they say:

1. In the name of the Father - plunge.
2. And the Son - plunge.
3. And the Holy Spirit - immerse yourself.

If a person cannot take a dip, then he sprinkles himself and reads while sprinkling:
“Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance, granting victories against resistance, and preserving your residence through the cross.”

After triple immersion or sprinkling, you must read:

“Lord my God, may your holy gift, your holy water, be for the illumination of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Your infinite mercy, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all your saints. Amen."

So that everything works out.

"The Lord was baptized in the Jordan,
the light has appeared to the whole world.
How true it is that Jesus.Christ
son of god
so true that there is enough for everything
I have strength.
The Lord reigns, the Lord commands,
God helps me in everything I do.
In the name of father and son and the holy spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen. »

Read three times when washing your face baptism water and then everything will be in harmony with you and things will work out.

Healing on Baptism

To fully defend the Epiphany service, take holy water from the church.
When you come home, read the prayers over it (alternately three times) in the sequence: “Our Father,” “I Believe,” “May God Rise.”
Then, on the Epiphany water, whisper the spell three times (sincerely, with warmth in your heart):

Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and in sin my soul and body hurt. Please, heal, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of our Eternal Heavenly Father, my body from illnesses, from aches, dryness, pain, blood. Heal my soul from envy, malice, hatred. On this day the heavens open on us sinners, I ask, Lord Jesus Christ, fill my body with health and strength, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Take three sips of water and wash your body with the rest.
You won't get sick in the new year.

Ritual for physical health and mental balance

Fill a bath full of hot water. Add a little water blessed in the church to it. Place your baptismal cross in the water. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers your entire body. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath; let the water dry on its own. It is best to perform this ritual on the night of December 18-19 or on the first day of Epiphany.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

In the evening on Epiphany Eve, pour some holy water into a cup and throw a silver coin into it. Place the cup so that the moonlight falls on it. Make a secret wish, say it in a whisper three times. In the morning, go outside and pour out the water. Hide the coin in a secluded place that only you will know about. This ritual is most powerful when Baptism falls on a full moon.

This ritual can be performed a little differently. On Epiphany night, pour holy water into a cup. When there are light ripples in the water, go outside and, looking at the sky, mentally say your wish three times. Ask sincerely, don’t wish anything bad on anyone, otherwise you’ll get into trouble! Place holy water under the icon in the morning; it can remain there even until the next Epiphany. If the water in the cup remains motionless, there is no point in making a wish; it will not come true.

Ritual of attracting good luck

On Epiphany night, perform a forgiveness meditation. Remember everyone who, voluntarily or unwittingly, was offended: in deed, word, in thought.
Forgive everyone from the bottom of your heart, destroy the negative blocks towards these people.
The more positive emotions and thoughts accompany the manipulation, the more effective and, most importantly, the faster the ritual will work and the plan will come true.
In the morning, prepare a glass of sacred water and a piece of black bread. Light a church candle.
Holding a slice in your left hand and a glass of water in your right, looking at the candle, read the spell three times:

“Just as it is true that the Lord gave five loaves of bread, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn, Lord, my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake’s womb. That's where you belong. Your life is there. There is your being. And I’ll put on a talisman, tie myself in gold and silver. Counting money for me is beyond counting, grief and misfortune will never be known. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Eat bread, drink water. Extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out).
Before 12 noon, visit the church, light the candle you brought with you and place it in front of the icon of the Savior.
In your own words, from the bottom of your heart, ask the Lord for help.
When you come home, do not take any food until sunset. Try to remain silent and calm.
Don't tell anyone about your actions.

Cleansing ritual for Baptism

Go to church, bless the water (it’s good if, when the priest sprinkles water on the laity, at least a few drops fall on you).
Before leaving the temple, purchase three wax candles. Don't talk to anyone on your way home.
Place a vessel of water in the center of the table, covered with a new white tablecloth.
Place one candle behind the container and one to the left and right of the jar itself. Light the candles with one match.
Look at the fire through the water, watch how it sparkles, reflects, refracts, fills the water with a warm, unearthly glow.
Place your hands on the vessel so that the flame of the candles illuminates their outer side, pleasantly warming you and cleansing you. When you feel a surge of strength, say:

“As the thoughts of Christ are pure, so be my soul pure. Just as holy water is pure, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove damage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen".

Wet your hands in water, wash your face with it, and pour the rest over the bath onto your head. At this moment, with your whole being, with every cell of your body, feel how a certain energetic blackness is washed off, rolls off, leaves you, and is immediately filled with shiny, iridescent golden-platinum clots of divine energy.
Over the next seven days, do not give anything from home to anyone and do not take anything from anyone.

Epiphany beauty ritual for marriage

It is believed that Epiphany SNOW significantly increases female attractiveness, and after washing with it, an unmarried young lady will soon walk down the aisle. It is collected with the right hand on the eve of Epiphany (after sunset and before the start of a new day). You need to turn your face to the north, bend down as low as possible to the ground and quickly throw handfuls into a small ladle until it is filled to the top. Tossing out the last part, say:

“The heavens are open to the Holy Land, and for me (your full name) there is a streak of luck. Amen".

Get some privacy at home, place the dishes you brought on the table, and surround them on three sides with lit church candles. Take them in turn, cross the melted water with a flame (place your hand in front of you, palm up, hold the candle between your index and middle fingers, then cross the water once, yourself once, and so on until you finish saying the whisper.) and at the same time whisper:

“Just as white snow covered the ground on Epiphany evening, let the wedding veil cover my (name) head. My betrothed, dressed in disguise, appointed by God and fate, will take her as his wife and lead her to the altar under white hands. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself for marriage. My word is strong. My cause is correct. It will be fulfilled on time. Amen" (repeat three times).

Wash your face, neck and shoulders with melt water. There is no need to wipe. Wait for it to dry naturally. Sprinkle the rest near your bed and along the threshold of the room in which you sleep. At the same time, mentally repeat: “So be it.”

Extinguish the candles clockwise. Before noon the next day, take one of them to the temple and place it in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Do the same with the remaining two, only on the second and third days after the ritual.

During this time, do not lend anything to anyone and try to avoid female guests. It is also prohibited to sew or even pick up a needle.
Take a shower (bath) only 12 hours after performing the “baptismal ablution”.
And the main thing is your confidence in a positive outcome and a sincere desire to change your destiny.

Epiphany is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. Almost all rituals performed on this great day involve the use of holy water. At Epiphany midnight, she is endowed with healing powers. On January 19, it is customary to wash your face with holy water, sprinkle your home with it, and perform special ceremonies and rituals using it. The sacraments performed at Epiphany have special power and help to quickly bring what you want into life.

Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are carried out on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany customs and traditions are associated with water, since on this day it has truly miraculous properties and can cure deadly illnesses and ailments, fulfill any desire, give beauty, luck and wealth. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:

  • Holy water retains its properties throughout the next year. This liquid should not be drunk frequently. You need to sprinkle your home and household items with it to fill the house with powerful positive energy. It should not be poured under your feet; this water can be watered on flowers or poured outside under a tree.

    The most important attribute of the holiday: holy water

    The blessing of water is one of the greatest church traditions. The action takes place on Epiphany Christmas Eve after the end of the liturgy. But you can stock up on Epiphany water yourself. It is collected from any body of water or from a tap on the night of January 18-19. From time immemorial it was believed that water at this time had miraculous properties. It is believed to be most powerful at night from 0:10 to 1:30.

    Prayer for accepting holy water

    Holy water is drunk on an empty stomach every morning to heal illnesses and get rid of sins. Before acceptance, read the prayer:

    “Lord God, All-merciful! May Your holy gift be for the remission of all defilement. Bless this water for the enlightenment of my dark mind, strengthening of spiritual strength and health according to Your goodness and mercy, O Father, Lover of Mankind. Amen.”

    Swimming in an ice hole

    The tradition of swimming involves complete immersion in the ice-hole water. They are carved in the shape of a cross on the eve of the holiday in reservoirs. After this, people go into the ice hole and plunge three times, making the sign of the cross. People believe that this custom allows one to be cleansed of sins.

    This tradition is a folk, not a church custom. Church rules do not force anyone to bathe in water.

    Epiphany signs

    The following folk signs are associated with the feast of Epiphany:

    • all dreams on the night of January 19 are prophetic;
    • predictions at Epiphany are the most reliable;
    • an engagement concluded on January 19 promises the newlyweds a happy marriage;
    • those who decide to be baptized on this day will live a very happy life;
    • If the eldest woman counts all the tablecloths in the house on Epiphany, the owners will have many guests all year.

    It is recommended to refrain from the following actions on this great holiday:

    • On Epiphany, you cannot give salt, bread, matches or money from home;
    • You can’t cry, otherwise you’ll have to shed tears all year;
    • You cannot spill water brought from the temple, otherwise the person from whose hands the container slipped will not live long in the world.

    Rituals for money and good luck

    The magic of Baptism will help improve your financial well-being. When this happens, you need to thank the Lord and do some kind of alms: feed a beggar, give a tangible amount of money to someone asking from the temple.

    Conspiracy to attract good luck

    At Baptism, they wash their faces with holy water, while uttering the words: “The Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in Jordan water, he appeared to the white light. How true it is that Christ is the Son of the Living God, so true that I have enough strength on my path. Holy God is in heaven reigns and commands, and helps me in all matters.”

    The words must be spoken three times.

    Family ceremony for money

    On the evening before Epiphany (celebrated on January 18), the following ritual is performed to attract money. All family members count coins and bills, saying the words: “Holy God Jesus Christ will appear to the world, and money will appear in my pocket. Money, small and large, silver and gold. Amen.”

    To protect against poverty

    This conspiracy for a rich life will serve as a good protection against impoverishment. During the all-night service from January 18 to 19, you should collect holy water in the temple. At home, they sprinkle it in the corners of all rooms and premises, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

    “Holy water has come to my home, bringing grace. Expenses and losses in this house will pass, and prosperity and joy will come every day. Good luck accompanies me in all matters, and I will not know failure in anything.”

    The remaining holy water should be left overnight in the corner of the house that seems most important.

    From all problems

    If family members are going through difficult times, you can use the following ritual. On Epiphany night they collect water. The container is placed inside the house near the threshold, without covering it with a lid. In the morning, it is necessary to wipe the shoes of each household member with water. The remains are poured from the container into the latrine, whispering: “Sink to the ground, Holy Spirit to the ground.”

    To make your wishes come true

    According to popular belief, if you ask Heaven to make your dream come true, it will come true within a year. The fulfillment of desires is due to the fact that the Lord hears people's requests through open heaven.

    Midnight Rite

    On the evening before Epiphany, they place a container of water, saying the words: “At night, the water will sway on its own.” The movement of water is a special sign that Heaven has opened. To check if this happens, you should wait until midnight. If at this hour the water really begins to move without external influence, you need to look out the window at the sky as soon as possible and ask the Lord to fulfill your most cherished dream.

    Sacrament with a coin

    A ritual with a coin in a glass helps to fulfill any desire.

    1. 1. On the eve of Epiphany, a glass is filled with holy water that has remained in the house from previous years.
    2. 2. Dip into a silver glass.
    3. 3. Write your cherished wish on a small piece of paper.
    4. 4. The glass is placed on the note so that moonlight falls on the entire contents.
    5. 5. On the water, the cherished wish written on a piece of paper is pronounced three times.
    6. 6. Then you can go to bed.
    7. 7. The next morning the water is poured under the tree.
    8. 8. The coin is hidden in a secret place.

    A dream written on paper will come true within a year.

    For physical and mental health

    Those suffering from various diseases will improve their health with the help of powerful baptismal sacraments. The cure may not occur instantly, but such rituals are quite powerful. Usually they are valid within several months after implementation.

    Washing with holy water

    To get rid of the most terrible ailments, at Epiphany midnight the sore spot is washed with holy water. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “Holy water, wash away the evil spirit.”

    For healing

    The ritual can be used both on Epiphany and on the old New Year. Exactly at midnight, they take off any old item, and then burn it, saying in a whisper: “I am burning this item (the name of the wardrobe item), I am driving away the illness from myself.”

    Boiled rooster for health

    On January 20, you can boil a rooster and charm the meat to heal from ailments. Text of the spell: “A loud rooster walked around the yard, and then a sharpened ax chopped it off. Just as the rooster has no head now, so that there is no leprosy or sickness in my body. Amen.”

    Against urological diseases

    If you need to get rid of male diseases, you should perform the following ritual:

    1. 1. On Epiphany evening, take a full bath of water.
    2. 2. First, the pectoral cross is lowered into the bath.
    3. 3. Then the person performing the ritual is immersed in the water.
    4. 4. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times (see below).
    5. 5. After this, you need to immerse yourself completely under water for a few seconds.
    6. 6. Get out of the bath and take two or three sips of pre-prepared holy water.

    Text of the conspiracy: “Christ appeared on earth and was baptized in water. As the Jordanian water baptized the Lord, so let the illness go away from me. In this place, at this hour. Amen.”

    For peace in the soul

    So that the whole year is calm, and the soul does not know worries, such a ritual will help.

    At midnight, a full can of holy water is drawn from the tap. The container must be metal, unpainted. An aluminum can works well. A cross made of softwood is attached to the edge. You can make it yourself using a knife or by tying two sticks.

    "In the dark night I rise, I gather some holy water. Holy water-sister, sanctify my mortal body and sinful soul. Come, holy angels of God, bring peace to my soul. I meet the Lord Christ, I seat him at the table. I offer a prayer to John the Baptist. John the Baptist, the great Forerunner, first martyr! Do not reject me, the servant of the Lord, do not leave me fallen in my sins. Renew my spirit with repentance, quickly cleanse my soul, defiled by sins.”

    After this, scoop some water into a mug and drink it. The remaining holy water must be used within a year.

    Epiphany magic of beauty: ritual with snow

    Girls who dream of preserving their beauty for a long time can wash themselves with snow to do this. On this holiday, in its magical power it is not inferior to holy water. They bring clean snow home and melt it in a basin. They wash themselves with the resulting water, saying in a whisper: “Epiphany water flowed from the sky of the Lord. It will correct all the flaws and vices, and add to me the babble of a girl. Amen.”

    Rituals for love

    Baptismal sacraments will help single people meet their lover or lover faster. With the help of rituals, it is possible to strengthen relationships for existing married couples. It is believed that the effect of the ritual manifests itself within a year after its implementation.

    A ritual to get rid of loneliness

    If you haven’t been able to find your soulmate for many years, this sacrament will help:

    1. 1. On Epiphany Eve they burn any old thing they have.
    2. 2. Take a small amount of ashes, three hairs from your head, some candle wax and roll it all into a small ball.
    3. 3. When midnight comes, you need to throw the resulting ball out the window, saying the words: “I drive away loneliness from myself, but I invite kindness and love!”

    For marriage

    This ritual is performed if it snows on Epiphany. A girl who dreams of getting married lights a candle on the windowsill. Looking at the falling snow, the words are pronounced: “As Epiphany snow covers the damp earth from edge to edge, so let the wedding veil cover my little head. Amen.”

    For strong love

    If a couple has already been formed, future spouses can perform a ritual for a happy family life. To do this, they need to plunge into the Epiphany ice hole together. The same ritual will help breathe new life into relationships for legal spouses.

    For parents and those who want to become them

    Baptism is the day when a ceremony is performed to reveal the paths of life to the baby. Another ritual will help spouses who want to have a child.

    Conspiracy to bless the life of a newborn

    If there is a baby at home, on Epiphany you can encourage him to take an easy path in life. A piece of wax candle, along with which water was blessed in the temple, is carefully molded to the diaper. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “Lord Jesus Christ! The little child lives in his first year. Have mercy, send him (name) easy roads. Send him to the Kingdom of Heaven and to Your bright Paradise at every hour. For every good hour, for the good time. Amen ".

    After the ritual, the charmed diaper must be hidden in a secluded place. It is advisable that she should not come into view of anyone until the child comes of age.

    Ritual for spouses who want to have children

    Three days before Baptism, spouses must sleep in separate beds. On the evening of the 18th, the wife must go to church and attend the all-night service. After this, you can’t talk to anyone until she plunges into the ice hole three times on the morning of January 19th. The husband also attends church, but he must go to another temple. Like his wife, he must plunge into the Epiphany ice hole three times.

    After completing these steps, the couple must meet and spend the night with each other. After this, they will have a chance to become parents.

    Epiphany fortune telling

    At Epiphany, not only does Heaven open, but evil spirits also roam. For this reason, fortune telling on January 19 is one of the most reliable. Those who resort to divination should definitely wash themselves with holy water after the session and read several prayers.

    Find out the character of your future spouse: divination on glasses of water

    Take four faceted glasses and fill them with water. Then add additives:

    • put a spoonful of honey in the first glass;
    • in the second - half a spoon of salt;
    • in the third - a pinch of citric acid;
    • on the fourth - a little wine.

    The contents are mixed and the glasses are covered with a napkin. Then the woman dreaming of marriage is blindfolded and asked to take one glass. Her choice determines the character of her future spouse:

    • honey - the spouse will have a good disposition;
    • salt - to sorrows and anxieties;
    • citric acid - to a boring life;
    • wine - the husband will be a drinker.

    Fortune telling with pine needles for wish fulfillment

    On Epiphany evening they take a small spruce branch (it is allowed to take a pine branch). Then, without looking, two fingers of the left hand grab several needles. Whether a wish will come true is judged by the number of needles:

    • 0 - will not come true;
    • 1 - chances are low;
    • 2 - will come true if you put in a lot of effort;
    • 3 - will come true within a month;
    • 4 - will come true in 7 days;
    • 5 - will be completed in three days;
    • 6 - you will have to wait no more than a day;
    • 7 or more - the dream will come true very soon.

    Rituals against negative witchcraft influence

    Epiphany water has a powerful cleansing power and removes damage and the evil eye. With the help of the following rituals you can quickly get rid of induced witchcraft. After the negative has been removed, you should visit the temple and light a thanksgiving candle at the icon of the Savior.

    Ritual against corruption

    Before the ceremony, it is necessary to collect holy water from three or seven churches. The water is mixed, then the words of the spell are spoken over it:

    “The Lord Jesus Christ was born, baptized in the Jordan, and became glorified among people. As water flows from me, so that destruction also leaves me. Amen.”

    Wash your face with mixed water. The remains are poured into the sewer.

    A powerful ritual to remove negativity

    The ritual helps to remove even the most severe damage. This is done as follows:

    1. 1. On Epiphany night they collect holy water.
    2. 2. They go to church with her and consecrate her additionally.
    3. 3. When leaving the temple, they buy three candles. It is forbidden to talk on the way home;
    4. 4. At home, lay a new white cotton tablecloth on the table and place a container of water in the center.
    5. 5. One candle is placed behind the vessel, the other two - on the sides.
    6. 6. Candles are lit with one match.
    7. 7. For some time you need to look at the fire reflected in the holy water.
    8. 8. Place your hands on the container so that the fire of the candles warms them pleasantly.
    9. 9. When you begin to feel a surge of energy, you need to say the words (see below).
    10. 10. Wet your fingers in water, then wipe your face with water.
    11. 11. The remainder is taken to the bathroom and poured on your head.
    12. 12. During the week after the ceremony, it is prohibited to give anyone items from home.

    Conspiracy text:

    “The thoughts of Christ are pure and righteous. So may my soul be righteous. The water before me is holy, its power does not dry out. I wash myself, I remove the evil. I cleanse my soul, body and spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

    Home cleaning

    To cleanse the house, the following ritual is performed. A small amount of Epiphany snow is collected into the container. When it melts, you need to sprinkle water on all corners of the apartment, moving in a clockwise direction. After this, crosses are drawn in chalk on each door and each window. It is especially important to carry out this ritual for those who have done a lot of magic during Christmas time.

    Protective amulet against damage

    Take a leather cord or rope made of any natural material and moisten it with Epiphany water. Then they allow the future amulet to dry. After this, placing a lighted candle next to it, they begin to tie knots on the rope and at the same time pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    “I will tie the first knot from fierce enmity. The second - from vain and vanity. The third - from illness and sorrow. The fourth I will tie for joy, for health. No matter how much the rope twists, the end will be found. I lock up evil and dashing, sadness and dryness. Amen ".

    The rope is worn around the wrist.

    To make the rituals more effective, you should attend a service on Epiphany. If this is not possible, it is useful to spend the day in prayer. On this great holiday, it is important to refrain from bad words and actions and forgive enemies.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure; problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

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