Is it possible to eat buttery legs? Boletus - edible mushrooms: photo, description. Useful properties of the oiler

The boletus mushrooms, widespread throughout our country, are known and loved by many. These are very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, which in addition have healing properties.

Butterfly or common oiler, whose Latin name sounds like Suillus luteus, is one of the species of the genus Suillus of the family Suillaceae of the order Boletaceae of the class Agaricomycetes of the Basidiomycetes department of the kingdom of Fungi.

In various works on botany, the following names of butterweed can be found: Boletus volvatus, Boletopsis lutea, Boletus luteus, Cricunopus luteus, Ixocomus luteus, Viscipellis luteus.

In Russian, the common butterdish is called: late, real, yellow and autumn.

In addition, there are such local names for the butter dish as: zheltyak, maslyuk, masleniki maslekha.

External description

An ordinary oil can looks like this:

  1. The hat, with a diameter of approximately 3-14 cm, is first semicircular, and later round-convex, flat-convex and flat in shape. The surface of the caps is very smooth and slimy. They are found with skin of different shades of brown and yellow. Its structure is radial-fibrous in nature. And it can be easily separated from the mushroom.
  2. The pulp is quite soft and juicy. It is painted in white and yellowish colors. And at the base it is painted in a rusty-brown tone.
  3. Ring. It has a brown color.
  4. Legs. They reach three to eleven centimeters in height and 1-2.5 cm in width. This part of the mushrooms is solid and longitudinally fibrous. Painted white.
  5. The hymenophore is tubular in nature. The pores are small and round in shape.
  6. The spore print of the boletus is rusty yellow and light yellow.

What forests do they grow in?

Common butterwort grows in groups and is found in those forests where there is a lot of:

  • pine trees;
  • birch;
  • oak

They form mycorrhizae mainly with Scots pine, as well as with other coniferous pines. Butterfly loves:

  1. Moderate cool climate.
  2. Thoroughly drained sandy soil.
  3. Sun.
  4. Glades, edges and roadside lands.
  5. The northern hemisphere, however, is also found in subtropical and tropical forests.

It also grows in a dark place, but does not tolerate wet soil, peat bogs and swamps at all.

It grows together with russula, greenfinches, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

On the territory of our country it is found: in the north-west of the country, in the forests of the North Caucasus, in the Siberian forests and in the forests of the Far East.

When they appear

The oil can appears in June and grows until October. The optimal temperature for breeding boletus is +15-+18 degrees Celsius. Mass fruiting occurs in September. At 5 degrees below zero, fruiting stops, and when the ground freezes 2-3 cm, it does not resume.


In addition to the common oiler, the genus Oiler includes about 44 more edible and inedible mushrooms. Here are the most common ones:

  • Goat – Suillus bovines.

  • Granular oiler – Suillus granulates.

  • Larch butterfly – Suillus grevillei.

  • Variegated butterfly – Suillus variegatus.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The calorie content of 100 grams of pickled yolks is about 18 kilocalories.

Butter consists of: 83.5% water, 2.4% protein, 0.7% fat, 0.5% carbohydrates, 1.2% fiber and 0.5% ash. .

Chemical composition

Butternuts are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, chitin, dietary fiber, fungal antibiotics, biologically active and resinous substances.

They include: vitamins A, C, groups B and PP, metals: iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, iodine, copper, salts and fatty and resinous compounds.

Beneficial features

Yellow oil can has such healing qualities as:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Painkiller.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Antitumor.
  5. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Eliminates salts.

Harm and danger

Common oil dishes contain a huge amount of fiber, which are impregnated with chitin. Such fiber interferes with proper digestion of the body, and therefore is not recommended for disorders of the digestive system.

The common oiler has the property of accumulating chemicals harmful to our health. Therefore, eating mushrooms growing near an industrial plant or a polluted area is very dangerous. A radioactive substance called cesium poses a great danger. Mushrooms collected in such areas must first be soaked in water several times before consumption, and then boiled more than once in different water.


  • individual intolerance.
  • acute diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • children's age up to 7 years.

How to choose and where to buy

If it is not possible to collect fresh boletus in the forest or at your dacha, you can buy them at markets. In supermarkets, as a rule, you can buy pickled butter in glass jars. Before purchasing, you must inspect the contents of the jar from all sides and read the inscription on the jar.

Here are a few signs of quality pickled butter:

  1. The jar itself and its contents must be cleaned of dirt and sand.
  2. There must be a label on the jar and full information about the manufacturer.
  3. Butter should be approximately the same size. The smaller the mushrooms, the tastier they are.
  4. The product must contain butter, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices. There should be no flavorings, preservatives, or dyes.
  5. The lid must be well sealed, otherwise the jar may contain substances hazardous to health.


Boletaceae are the most delicious edible mushrooms among the Boletaceae. They are eaten boiled, fried, stewed, dried and canned. They are used to prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, salads, as well as fillings for pies, appetizers, and casseroles.

Required ingredients:

  1. Butter - 5-6 liters.
  2. Water – 1 liter.
  3. Dry dill seeds - a pinch.
  4. Black pepper – 15 peas.
  5. Bay leaves – 6 leaves.
  6. Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
  7. Dry citric acid - half a teaspoon.
  8. Salt – 2 tablespoons.

Rinse thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Put some mushrooms in a saucepan, or better yet in a cauldron. Pour water and just a little oil into the bowl. In this case, the fire should be slow. Salt and add citric acid, bay leaves, dill seeds and pepper. Without ceasing to stir, add the rest of the butter. Once the mushrooms are gone, cook for 5-8 minutes. Then distribute into already sterilized jars. Screw on the lids and wrap the jars.


In this recipe for pickling butter mushrooms, you can put them either whole or cut into pieces, and you can pickle the stems and caps separately. To do this you need:

  1. Rinse 2 kg of soil and butter leaves thoroughly with water.
  2. Remove the film from the mushroom caps using a knife.
  3. Mix a large volume of water with salt.
  4. Acidify the water with citric acid or vinegar.
  5. Boil mushrooms with this water.
  6. After 15 minutes, remove the mushrooms from the heat and drain in a colander.
  7. Cut 3-4 cloves of garlic into slices.
  8. Distribute mushrooms and garlic into sterilized jars.
  9. Add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3-5 black peppercorns, 2-3 clove buds and other seasoning to taste to 500 ml of water.
  10. Boil everything for 3-4 minutes.
  11. Remove from heat and add 1.5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  12. Cool the marinade.
  13. Pour the marinade into the jars to the top.
  14. Close the jars with nylon lids.
  15. Place in the refrigerator.


  1. Clean the mushrooms from leaves, sand and dirt.
  2. Remove the top film and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  3. Boil the butter in slightly salted water for 15 minutes.
  4. While the mushrooms are cooking, peel one onion, cut into small pieces and fry until golden brown in vegetable or butter.
  5. At the same time, remove excess foam from the mushrooms.
  6. Then drain the water and add the mushrooms to the onions.
  7. Fry over low heat for another 15 minutes.

Fried mushrooms can be served with a potato side dish.

Frozen for the winter

In winter, boletus is a very valuable source of nutrients and nutrients. Since they are one of the few mushrooms that can withstand any type of processing and still retain their beneficial qualities. For the purpose of consuming butter in winter, they can either be frozen or pickled.

In order to pickle boletus, you need to collect small mushrooms; larger mushrooms are suitable for freezing.


  1. Clean the boletus from needles, leaves and dirt. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. When salting butternuts, you can cut off the stems and remove the top film. Each housewife makes this decision according to her own taste and discretion.
  3. Boil the mushrooms in lightly salted water for 20 minutes.
  4. Skim off the foam when it appears.
  5. Then drain them in a colander, rinse with cold water and leave for a while to drain.
  6. Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the enamel dish.
  7. Place a layer of butter caps down.
  8. Add bay leaves, dill, chopped garlic, pepper and sprinkle with salt again.
  9. Repeat layers. Don't forget to add spices and salt.
  10. When the mushrooms are finished, cover with a plate and place something heavy on top so that the mushrooms release their juice.
  11. If there is not enough brine, you can add a little boiled salted water.
  12. Place the mushrooms for 24 hours at room temperature.
  13. After this, distribute the salted mushrooms among the jars, fill to the top with brine and screw on the lids.
  14. The salted butter dishes will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Application in medicine

Oils are used to treat headaches, arachnoiditis, gout, arthritis, and arthrosis. They also help with rheumatism, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. In addition, they are used in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

They are used to prevent stroke and heart attack.

Alcohol tincture

An alcohol tincture is prepared from boletus, which is a strong pain reliever. This tincture is able to remove salts from the body and relieves all of the above diseases.

In order to prepare such a tincture, you need to take a liter jar, fill it to the top with butter caps and fill it to the top with good vodka. Then you need to seal it well and put it in a dark place for two weeks. After this, you need to strain the tincture and squeeze out the mushrooms. The finished tincture should be kept in the refrigerator.

This tincture can be taken internally and externally. For internal use, take 1 teaspoon of tincture with chilled boiled water twice a day, half an hour before meals. For external use, rub into sore areas.

Treatment of gout

For gout, in addition to the tincture, you need to consume the mushrooms themselves. You can prepare various dishes from them, while maintaining the healing properties of butter. Since the substance that affects patients with gout is not destroyed by heat treatment and salting.


Butterfly is grown both in industrial mushroom growing and in amateur farming. Cultivation in the first case is limited due to the lack of necessary technology. In the second case, growing boletus has been established for a long time and requires compliance with certain rules. An important and unconditional condition for growing butterfly is the presence of coniferous trees - pine, cedar, larch or spruce, depending on the type of butterfly. The age of trees should not exceed 15 years. Oilseeds are usually grown using mycelium. In this case, the mycelium itself is first prepared and the soil is prepared.

In addition, there is a very simple and easy way to grow butterwort. To do this, you first need to get a pine tree in your garden or vegetable garden. Then collect old mushrooms in the forest and “plant” them under a pine tree. Sometimes they need to be watered with a watering can; there is no need to loosen or weed them. The harvest should appear in the second year. You can collect half of the young boletus, half must be left for breeding.

These mushrooms are called butter mushrooms because of the specific oily, slippery surface of the caps.

Those who like to pick mushrooms know that boletus appears only when the pine tree blooms.

The oil can got its name because of its slippery cap and characteristic mucus, which sometimes appears on the cap in large drops.

Butterfly belongs to the category of edible mushrooms and is found in the summer.

This is a representative of the Agaricomycetes class of the Boletaceae family.


Externally, false boletus is very similar to real ones. The main difference is the color. Real mushrooms are colored in rich shades of purple and yellow, while false mushrooms are brown and gray.

Mushroom dimensions

Butterfly is a small mushroom. Its average size is 10-15 cm. A large dark cap is connected to an oblong stem. There are both small and large species. The largest oil dish is 20 cm in diameter.


The oiler cap is smooth. There are flat and convex shapes. The surface of the entire cap is covered with mucus, which is why it acquires a shiny surface. The color of the cap can vary from dark purple to light brown. In diameter, on average, it does not grow more than 12-15 cm.


The pulp of the oil can is soft. With age, it can change its color from white to yellow. There are species with gray flesh. When cut, the color may change to red or blue.


The leg is oiled solid. The size of this part of the mushroom can reach 10-15 cm. Thickness is 2-3 cm. The stem feels smooth or grainy to the touch. There are species with a “skirt”. Color can vary from white to grayish and brown. In some species, the leg has several colors: white at the top, brown at the bottom.

Most often, boletus can be found in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Despite this, boletus is found all over the world, but in smaller quantities. Butterfly is one of the rare types of mushrooms that can be found in Africa and Australia.

Butterflies prefer coniferous forests and are in excellent symbiosis with spruce and pine. These mushrooms can be found in the coniferous forests of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. They survive well under needles and cones in winter. But leaves and branches do not save them from the cold.

In deciduous forests it is difficult to find at least one oiler. These mushrooms prefer to grow under the crown of spruce rather than birch or oak, which is why they migrated to coniferous and mixed forests.

The oil harvest in the mixed forest is small. As mentioned above, this group of mushrooms survives only at the expense of coniferous trees, therefore the number of fruits is appropriate. The more pine trees there are in the forest, the more the harvest is harvested.

Also, boletus is found in sunny glades and meadows. In such places, mushrooms survive on long grass and direct sunlight.

This type of mushroom is often found under spruce and pine, rarely under deciduous trees. Butterflies do not like moisture very much, so they are not found in swamps and near lakes. Their favorite habitat is forests.

The oilcan mycelium bears fruit in early summer. If we talk about the oil harvest season, then it is the month of June. Mushroom time lasts two to three weeks. The next season falls at the end of July - beginning of September. A massive invasion of boletus begins in August. That's when the sun's heat is enough for them.

For a good harvest, oilseeds need a lot of sun. These mushrooms do not like moisture, so they can survive in deserts. Also, the viability of the oiler is not possible without light, so in the dark the mushrooms feel uncomfortable. Too much sun can dry out the pores of the fungus, while shade and clouds can slow down the development of the fruit.

Butterfly is an edible mushroom, but there are types of butterfly that are strictly prohibited to eat.

In order to distinguish a real butter dish from an inedible one, you should pay attention to its smell. The mucus should not have an unpleasant odor. If it smells like fish or vinegar, then you should not eat such mushrooms.

In color, fake boletus has a brown cap with a dark stem. The flesh is soft and easy to bend. To the touch, the mushrooms are more watery, and the mucus is viscous and has a brown tint.

The best way to cook butter is to fry, stew or boil. These processes will not take more than 30 minutes. You can also salt or dry the butter, but this will take several weeks.

Types of butter

All types of oil are similar to each other, but have certain differences. Let's get acquainted with them now.

Late oiler

Late oiler is the most common species in Central Russian forests. This mushroom appears at the beginning of summer; October is considered the end of harvesting for this species. Late oilseed bears fruit most in August and September.

The hat of young representatives is spherical. Size – no more than 12 cm. With age, the shape changes to wide-conical. The color of the surface of the mushroom depends on the sun's rays - the more sun, the darker the flesh. The most common caps are chestnut-brown and red-brown. The stem of the later ones reaches 10 cm. With age, a darkish ring may appear. Above the “skirt” the color sharply turns into dark gray.

Summer oil can

Summer butter can is a type of butter that can be eaten raw. The harvest season for this mushroom is considered to be May and July. It bears fruit best under coniferous trees and grows in small groups.

The diameter of the cap does not exceed 10 cm. Its shape in young fruits is round, in old ones it is flat. The color can be either yellowish or brownish-brown. The flesh of the mushroom is also yellow. And the leg reaches 8 cm in length and 2 cm in width. There is no ring on the stem, but it is covered with mucus just like the cap.

Larch oil can

The larch butterfly prefers deciduous and cedar pines. It can be found both at the beginning of June and at the end of August. The harvest season for this species is all summer. It grows best in eastern Ukraine.

The deciduous oiler cap does not exceed 15 cm in diameter. It can change its shape depending on age - the older it is, the more rounded it is. Color – olive or yellowish-brown. The pulp is soft, with a yellowish tint. The leg can grow up to 12 cm, and the diameter is no more than 1.5 cm. The color of the leg can be either light brown or brown. The leg does not have a “skirt”, but instead there is a light yellow ring.

Similar species

Butterflies are often confused with chanterelles. The difference between these two groups of mushrooms is the color - boletus is darker with a round cap, and chanterelles are orangeish and flat.

Also, do not confuse edible boletus with inedible ones. In inedible species, the entire surface of the mushroom is covered with an unpleasant mucus, after which the fingers begin to stick. When cut, the pulp does not change its color and can lie for a very long time in the same form as it was cut. In addition, the older the mushroom, the more difficult it is to distinguish it from the inedible, so it is better to simply not touch suspicious mushrooms.

Growing at home

It is not customary to grow butternuts at home. They cannot be planted in pots or jars. In order to get a good harvest of these mushrooms, you will need land planted with coniferous trees. If you do everything correctly, then within a few weeks the mycelium will begin to produce its first fruits.

First, you need to choose the right trees - they should be 10-15 years old. You don’t need to look for a whole forest—a few pines are enough. This choice is due to the fact that young trees take fewer microelements that are needed for good mushroom growth.

Before planting, you need to remove the top layer of soil up to 20 cm. Then you need to add wilted leaves and soil fertilized with humus. Pieces, and ideally whole mushrooms, are placed in this mixture. Boletus plants need to be watered rarely; it is best to ensure that they get enough sun. If a problem arises such as lack of solar heat, then you need to cut off tree branches.

Calorie content is oily

Butterflies are mushrooms that are ideal for weight loss. The table shows the calorie content of 100 grams of fresh butter.

  • Butterflies are mushrooms that synthesize the largest amount of vitamin D.
  • Butterflies grow towards the light. One could notice that this group of mushrooms is never straight - it is always tilted to the side. This happens precisely because of the “gravity of the sun.”
  • Butterflies were specially sown on the territory of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in order to reduce the level of radiation. In tropical conditions, butterflies feed on ants and midges, dissolving them in their mucus.
  • Butterflies are banned in many countries and are considered poisonous mushrooms in England and Germany.

Among the abundance of forest mushrooms, there are few that have managed to become truly universal favorites. Butterflies are one of them. They are easy to assemble, delicious and nutritious, and incredibly healthy.

Where to collect and how to find out

The boletus got its name from the slippery and oily-to-the-touch cap, which is the main characteristic of these mushrooms. It can be convex or flat in shape, but is always smooth and sticky. The flesh of butternut squash is white or yellow, but when cut when exposed to air it turns blue or red.

Distributed in the European part of Russia, in the forests of Belarus and Ukraine. Experienced mushroom pickers say that these mushrooms grow in sunny glades of pine forests or among young spruce trees. Large mushroom families are found in places where pine needles have packed together, but in addition to this there must be grass and bushes - without them, boletus does not grow. Depending on the region of growth, there are Siberian, cedar, marsh, larch and other types of butterweed.

Deciduous boletus, as the name suggests, grows in deciduous forests. Young ones have a convex cap, old ones have a flat one. These mushrooms are yellow-orange or brownish.

Summer boletus (another name is granular) grows in pine forests. The caps are yellow-brown or even brown, and their creamy flesh smells slightly of fruit.

Late (or ordinary) boletus is the most common. Popularly known as true or yellow. They are recognized by their sticky reddish-brown cap, which hides a deep yellow tubular layer. The pulp is white or yellowish. The favorite places of late butterflies are among moss and blueberry thickets.

In addition to edible ones, there are also false boletus. Their main feature is a red (instead of yellow) spongy or lamellar layer under the cap. False mushrooms turn yellow when cut. The inside of the cap of poisonous specimens is gray, and the stem has a purple tint.

Butterflies bear fruit from May to October in three stages. The first is when flowers appear on the pine trees, the second is when the linden trees bloom, the third is when the grain harvest is harvested from the fields.

Nutritional characteristics

Like most forest mushrooms, boletus is 9/10 composed of. But this does not mean that they do not contain useful substances. On the contrary, they are rich in minerals, vitamins,. Some believe that boletus mushrooms are even superior to porcini mushrooms in their beneficial properties.

An analysis of the proteins that make up butter has shown that they are almost identical to animal proteins. Mushrooms contain essential nutrients for humans, but their quantity and composition vary depending on the age and soil in which they grew. The most proteins are in young mushrooms, or rather in their caps, since the legs are less saturated with nutrients. It is also interesting that a kilogram of dried butter contains almost 3 times more proteins than the same amount of beef or fish. And although according to nutritionists, the body absorbs mushroom proteins worse than meat proteins, properly prepared boletus is an excellent source of useful components.

Another important component of mushrooms is (the same one that makes up mollusk shells). Most of this substance is found in the stems of mushrooms, which makes them tougher than the caps. Because of this, some people refuse this part of the mushroom, which is not always justified. Chitin is a type of plant fiber that, in addition to well-known benefits (quickly satisfies hunger, regulates the digestive tract, improves intestinal motility), absorbs and removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

If we talk about vitamins, then boletus belongs to the record-breaking products in terms of content. In terms of the concentration of these beneficial substances, they can compete with fish, liver, grains and butter. In addition to B-substances, boletus contains no less useful and. And at the same time, they remain an extremely low-calorie product: 100 grams of fresh butter contains no more than 19 kcal.

Medicinal properties

The use of mushrooms in medicine is not new. This practice is more than 2000 years old. In Rus' and China, traditional healers regularly resorted to this category of products to treat a variety of diseases. Many nations had a tradition of using boletus extract to prepare libido-increasing products. The resinous substances contained in boletus were also used for embalming.

Modern research has shown that these mushrooms, in particular the sticky skin on the cap, contain substances with antibiotic and immunostimulating properties. Today, mushroom extract is used to treat gout, headaches, visual impairment and metabolic processes, to improve the functionality of the nervous system and strengthen blood vessels. These mushrooms are useful as a tonic and strengthening substance. They are important for the prevention of salt deposits and for improving gastric secretion. Thanks to the lecithin contained in mushrooms, they are useful for the prevention of increased and formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Well, ancient recipes have not been forgotten - butter, as in ancient times, is used as an effective aphrodisiac. Today it is known that the effectiveness of this “love potion” is determined by the content of the caps. This substance has a beneficial effect on sperm motility, increasing their ability to fertilize.

Tincture of boletus

To prepare the remedy, you will only need caps.

They need to be finely chopped and placed in a liter jar. Pour over the prepared mushrooms and leave in a place protected from light for 2 weeks. The strained infusion is taken one teaspoon before meals. Can be diluted with a glass of water. In ancient times, this remedy was used to treat diseases of bones, joints and muscles, as well as for migraines.

Possible dangers

The special structure of mushrooms and their porous structure contribute to the rapid absorption of harmful substances from the air. For this reason, even edible boletus collected in environmentally unfavorable areas turns into poisonous. They cause poisoning, accompanied by stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and fever. It is important to know that the mushroom cap absorbs the most toxins.

Improperly prepared mushrooms are poorly absorbed by the body. It is important to adhere to the rules for preparing butter and it is advisable to exclude this product from the diet of young children and people with digestive disorders and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to prepare and what to cook

Before cooking, it is important to carefully sort the mushrooms, discarding unfamiliar or suspicious ones. To clean the sticky caps from pine needles, leaves and particles of earth, pour cold water over the butternuts for a while. Rinse the washed mushrooms again. Before cooking, it is advisable to pour the oils that are ready for use again with salted water (for about 3 hours). This technique will allow you to get rid of all the insects and worms “lost” in the pulp.

To make boletus dishes tasty and safe, before cooking it is important to soak them well in cold water and boil until fully cooked. It is important not to mix different types of mushrooms. Nutritionists advise using finely chopped mushrooms for dishes - this way they are better absorbed by the body. Another easily digestible option is dried and ground into powder. In this form they are suitable for most dishes. Prepared boletus dishes are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 30 hours.

Any type of butter can be used to prepare boiled, stewed or fried dishes. But when choosing a cooking method, it is important to understand that heat treatment affects the concentration of nutrients in the product. If, when stocking up for the winter, it is necessary to preserve the maximum of vitamins and minerals, then it is better to dry the mushrooms than to pickle them.

And one more piece of advice from experienced chefs. Butterflies of the first wave, that is, early ones, are suitable for preparing soups, stews and seasonings from dried mushrooms. But it is not advisable to pickle them. But mushrooms of the second and third waves are ideal for pickling and pickling.

And if early mushrooms are considered the most fragrant, then late autumn ones are the most nutritious and tasty.

“Semi-finished product” from boletus

Butter prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator as “raw material” for a future soup or stew, or added to stew or meat. For cooking you will need washed and peeled butternuts. Boil the mushrooms until tender with 1-2 onions, drain, chop into small slices and fry in oil with 2 raw chopped onions. Towards the end of cooking, add salt and other spices.

Grind the cooked boletus, add chopped onion (can also be ground), a little soaked in,. Season the minced meat with pepper and other spices as desired. Form cutlets from the prepared mixture, dip in breadcrumbs, and fry.

Butter with potatoes

Place a couple of pieces of butter and sliced ​​raw onion in the bottom of an ovenproof dish. The second layer is boiled and then fried butter. The third layer is sauteed onions. The top layer is potatoes. Pour salted water over everything, sprinkle with dill and bake in the oven.

Marinated mushrooms

There are several ways to marinate boletus. Some recipes suggest using only caps, others - using small young mushrooms.

In any case, it is not advisable to mix old and small specimens in one jar.

Cook the peeled mushrooms (be sure to remove the film on the cap - it makes the mushrooms darken and get a bitter taste) with the onion. Place the prepared butter in a colander and, while the excess liquid drains, prepare the marinade. It will require 1.5 liters of water (150 ml), 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, 2 cloves, 2 bay leaves. Place the mushrooms in jars, pour boiling marinade over them and sterilize before rolling (liter jars for 25 minutes, smaller ones for 15 minutes).

How to grow your own mushrooms

An area under a coniferous tree is best suited for growing butternut squash in the country, but if you don’t have one, you can try to grow it under a deciduous tree. It is better if it is a 10-15 year old tree, under which a light shadow will form.

Regarding the soil, acidic soils and enriched peat bogs are ideal for boletus.

The correct “bed” for butterfish consists of several layers. To create it, you will have to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 20 cm. Cover the bottom with plant materials in the form of mown grass, fallen leaves, wood, and pine needles. For the second layer, use soil from the forest mycelium (in extreme cases, ordinary garden soil, previously enriched with humus, will do). Sow the finished bed with mycelium, cover the top with a thin layer of leaves and a small amount of garden or forest soil. During drought, moisten the mushroom bed. The first harvest will appear in a year. The mycelium created in this way bears fruit for 10-15 years.

Butter is incredibly tasty and healthy. But when going out into the forest, under no circumstances should you pick unknown mushrooms. The same rule applies when buying on the market. Only edible mushrooms can be beneficial. Otherwise, a jar of pickled butter can turn into poison for the whole family.

False boletus often ends up in the baskets of inexperienced mushroom pickers along with edible mushrooms. This happens because several poisonous species are outwardly quite easy to confuse with those that are suitable for food, if you do not look closely. Conversely, common early boletus is often mistaken for false, and later varieties closely resemble fly agarics. There are a number of distinctive features, in addition to the shape, by which you can tell whether a mushroom is edible or just looks like it.

Existing varieties of butter - characteristic features

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that combine many of the properties of plants and animals; in Latin they are called Fungi or Mycota. They are divided according to their place of growth into meadow, steppe, mountain and forest. Oil beetles, called Suillus, of which there are more than 40 species, including both useful and conditionally edible or unsuitable for food, grow in wooded areas.

The benefits of tubular mushrooms of the Boletaceae family lie not only in their nutritional value, but also in the elements they contain, such as carbohydrates, a number of amino acids, B vitamins and lecithin. Butter also has harmful properties characteristic of all organisms of the kingdom Mycota - chitin, which has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

According to nutritional value, there are 4 categories, which differ in the amount of useful elements contained and taste. In this regard, any species of the boletus genus does not belong to the second position, that is, the usefulness and taste are quite high, but inferior to many other mushrooms. There is another gradation.

  • excellent edible;
  • good edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • unfit for food;
  • poisonous.

Fungi of the genus Suillus occupy the second and third positions, depending on the species. The fact is that false boletus is not included in this family and does not exist as a separate species. This is just the name given to some other representatives of the kingdom Mycota, which have a similar shape and color. The difference lies in the fleshy ring around the stem, which appears as it matures from the film covering the spore pockets of the young mushroom - false butterflies do not have this. Therefore, the fourth and fifth categories do not apply to Suillus.

Good mushrooms include such popular species among mushroom pickers as common butterfly (known as late, autumn), pale (or white), granular (or early), yellow-brown (or variegated, familiar to us as swamp moss). Suillus tridentinus (rufous or Tridentine), plorans (cedar or weeping), Siberian (this type is closer to the conditionally edible) and remarkable grow in Russia and Europe.

Conditionally edible, there are several types of butterfly: yellowish, larch, snork and gray. All of them are suitable for food only after thorough cleaning of outer films and long-term cooking.

How to recognize good and tasty Suillus species?

Although most mushrooms of this family have a hairy rim, similar to a collar, on the stem, some species lose this distinctive feature as they grow. That’s why they are often so easy to confuse with similar poisonous or simply inedible ones. In order not to make mistakes when collecting forest gifts, you need to know the characteristics of each species that is found in the surrounding area. The following boletus grows in Russia.

Common (Luteus)

You can recognize it by its brown, yellowish or brownish cap, with a diameter of 5 to 12 centimeters, the sticky, oily skin of which is very easily removed. Sometimes the shade is brownish-purple. The stalk is divided into two parts by a mossy ring, which is formed when the mushroom matures, after the veil on the spongy spore pulp ruptures. Above the ring the color is light, below - with a purple tint. The spore pulp under the cap is tubular and yellow.

Granular (Granulatus)

A very common and popular mushroom that grows in large quantities from June until November. It is recommended to collect only young ones, since as they mature, this species quickly becomes flabby and tasteless. The cap with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters in young animals is painted bright red, and in large ones it turns out to be yellow-orange. The shape also changes from a convex pyramidal to a flat one, similar to a round pillow. The easily peelable skin becomes mucous only at high air humidity; the rest of the time it is shiny but dry.

This mushroom does not have the ring characteristic of butter mushrooms; the stalk, up to 8 centimeters high, is light yellow; brownish streaks often appear on it from the liquid released from the spore sacs. This species has a pleasant nutty taste and a slightly tart smell of the pulp, the color of which is usually light, slightly yellowish. The cuts of the grain oiler do not darken.

Cedar (Plorans)

Quite a large mushroom with a stem height of up to 12 centimeters. The brown cap has a diameter of up to 15 cm. A characteristic feature is a shiny, but not oily, but waxy surface of the skin. Another feature by which this species can be recognized is the yellowish-orange flesh that turns blue when cut. The surface of the stem is often strewn with brown spots, because of which the cedar oiler is often confused with the boletus.

White (Placidus)

Forms small groups, mainly growing in cedar forests or pine forests. Like many species of the Suillus family, the cap of young animals has an almost pyramidal shape up to 5 centimeters in diameter, and with age it becomes flat and even has a small hole in the center, about 12 cm in size. The covering of the light yellow skin is slightly slimy, but not sticky, but smooth. Sometimes purple spots appear on the cap, because of which you can confuse it with a poisonous mushroom and pass by. This is also facilitated by the fact that there is no characteristic ring on the stem.

Yellow-brown (Variegatus)

Popularly known as the marsh or sand flyfly, this mushroom is large in size; its cap, yellowish with brown spots in color, often reaches 14 centimeters. Its shape is slightly semicircular, the skin does not have a characteristic oily coating; on the contrary, as the body ages, it cracks and begins to peel off. The flesh of the leg, which stretches 10 cm due to growth, always turns blue when cut. Variegatus grows in pine forests, singly and in groups.

Tawny red (Tridentinus)

Appears near coniferous trees, mainly in the foothills, from June to October inclusive. It is distinguished by a large semicircular cap, the diameter of which often reaches 15 centimeters. The main color is light orange, the skin is covered with a dense layer of bright red scales, which is why the mushroom acquires its characteristic color.

The spongy pulp of the spore tubes is also orange in color. The stalk, up to 10 cm high, has a slightly pronounced ring remaining from the spore cover. If you cut the flesh, it will quickly turn reddish, although it was originally yellow.

False boletus mushrooms - what are these mushrooms?

Many people classify the representatives of the Suillus family as false, conditionally edible. The same larch or gray (Aeruginascens) has a very pleasant taste and smell; just cook it for a while in boiling water. Therefore, it is more correct to consider similar mushrooms, which belong to other families, are inedible or poisonous as false boletus.

This is, first of all, the pepper mushroom (Piperatus), which belongs to the genus Chalciporus. Knowing what an oil can looks like, it is not difficult to confuse a glove with a similar shape, but it can be distinguished by its size, which does not exceed 6 centimeters in height and 8 centimeters in the diameter of the cap. The color of this species is entirely brown, and its flesh inside is yellow. The skin of the cap has a glossy sheen characteristic of the Suillus family, but is not slimy. Another similarity is the growing season, from June to October.

The picked mushroom has a rather pleasant smell, but a very hot, pepper-like taste. It turns reddish when cut. Piperatus is still suitable for food, but only in small quantities, after boiling in boiling water and drying, as a seasoning to add piquancy to the dish. If you cook it like a butter dish, gastrointestinal diseases will occur. Such a treat is especially undesirable for children, as the substances contained in such food cause poisoning.

Another mushroom with which some types of boletus can be confused is the panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina). Place of growth - deciduous forests. It has a semicircular long cap, brown or dark brown in color. On it, along the edges, it is easy to notice the thin terry from the early spore blanket, which often forms a ring on the white high (up to 12 centimeters) leg of the adult organism.

On the skin of the cap there are light specks of scales that are easily removed from the surface; the spore pulp is represented by plates, and not tubes, like in ordinary butternuts. The mushroom is very poisonous!

One of the most common mushrooms in forests is boletus. They are one of the first to please the eye of foresters, they are concentrated in one place and are able to grow in almost any terrain, which makes collecting them easy, quick and fun.

How do they look

There are about 50 varieties of butterfly, which are united by the main feature - a shiny, slippery oily cap. Thanks to her, the mushroom got its name: Maslyuk or Maslenik. Also among their distinctive features is a ring-skirt on a long leg.

The most popular edible types of butter:

  • Early or grainy oiler
  • Late or ordinary
  • Larch oiler

However, experienced mushroom pickers also welcome other, less known, but tasty species of the genus boletus: white, swamp, yellow-brown, American or gray.

Grainy early oiler

The surface of the short stem of this oiler has grainy formations and no skirt, so it is not difficult to distinguish it from its peers.

The early mushroom is distinguished by its somewhat flattened cap and orange, brown and brick-colored skin. It is a frequent guest in foresters’ baskets, as it has a very pleasant taste.

Late and ordinary

This oiler is also called autumn, yellow and present. It can be eaten, but with caution, as it can cause allergic reactions.

Late boletus is distinguished by a convex glossy cap of chocolate color with a purple tint and an average diameter of 10 cm. The flesh is dense, light in color, which does not change when cut.

The tubular layer does not exceed one and a half centimeters and has a color from white to yellow, depending on the age of the mushroom. Small pores are highlighted with a noticeable lemon tint.

The common oiler has a specific, ten-centimeter leg, dense, cylindrical and white-yellow.

Larch oiler

The oil can, found only at the roots of larch, is also edible, although it does not have a pronounced taste.

This mushroom can be recognized not only by its neighbors with needles, but also by its intense yellow cap, lemon or olive tubular layer and slightly curved “pin” stem.

Where to find boletus

Butterflies prefer sunny forest edges among pine trees or sandy soils strewn with pine needles. This unpretentiousness has led to their widespread growth in Europe, Asia, America and Australia.

They often prefer to be neighbors with porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, greenfinches and chanterelles. Mushrooms are not found in places with abundant moss, lichen and blueberry thickets.

Butter mushrooms are also famous for their “yield”, as they grow in families: several mushrooms in one place.

Maslenitsa season

In the forests you can find ripe boletus from mid-June to the end of October, although if the temperature remains warm, the collection period may extend for another month. However, the granular species in some regions is suitable for food as early as May.

What are boletus rich in?

Vitamins A, C, B, PP, iodine, manganese, zinc, lecithin, iron, copper, phosphorus - all this is contained in boletus and is of great benefit to the human body.

Thus, butterdish is actively used as a dietary product to prevent colds and flu, relieve headaches, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate stress and much more.

Choose edible ones

After looking at even one photo of mushrooms from the genus boletus, you can no longer make a mistake “at the exam” in the forest. However, you should be careful, as often inedible or too tasteless mushrooms are found under the oily caps.

For example, a false butterdish can have a bad effect on health, which can be recognized by the plate-shaped bottom of the cap, a yellowing cut and a gray tint.

Also, you should not put mushrooms in the basket that turn blue after contact with a knife and have darkish caps.

Butter can be boiled and steamed, fried and salted, dried and baked. Some recommend not salting them, others recommend eating them mainly with potatoes, and still others recommend pre-soaking them.

How to prepare them is everyone’s business, and it is better to decide it by having fresh and aromatic butter on the table.

Photo of butter mushrooms

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