Sea squids. Amazing squid creatures. The contents of the stomach of a sperm whale, revealing new facts to science

The first mentions of this only representative of the genus Mesonychoteuthis date back to the beginning of the 20th century. The famous zoologist Robson G.K. described a colossal squid, the weight of which reached half a ton. In subsequent years, information about him was not received, and the giant creature was almost forgotten. But in 1970, the larvae of this deep-sea monster were found, and after 9 years an adult was found more than a meter long. The world first learned about the existence of these molluscs in 1856. After the scientist Stenstrup decided to compare the size of the beak found on the ocean shore with the size of an ordinary squid. The result was shocking - according to the data obtained, it turned out that the mollusk should be just huge.


The colossal squid has an elongated torpedo-like body. The length of his mantle reaches three meters, and together with the tentacles - all ten. The weight of especially large representatives can be 500 kilograms. However, there is information about larger mollusks 20 meters long and weighing more than a ton, but these data have not been documented.

The mantle is wide, the last third of its length is completed by a narrow, pointed tail, surrounded by powerful, thick, terminal fins. They make up almost half the length of the mollusk's body and, when expanded, form a shape resembling a heart. The mantle is soft, about 5-6 cm thick. The funnel and occipital cartilages are thick, short, slightly curved, lacking tubercles in adults.

The colossal squid has amazing eyes. The photo below allows you to see them well. Consisting of two photophores, they are truly huge - their diameter reaches 27 centimeters. Such gigantic eyes are not possessed by any of the known animals on the planet.

The tentacles are equipped with two rows of circular suction cups on clubs, two rows of hooks located medially, and small lateral suction cups. The squid also has powerful long trapping arms, massive at the base with a wide membrane and thin ends. On the tentacle-grips, or rather in their middle part, there are several pairs of hood-shaped hooks, and their lower part is equipped with suction cups.

The main weapon possessed by the colossal squid is a tough, powerful chitinous beak.


The giant mollusk is found mainly in Antarctic waters, where it can form clusters of several individuals. In the northern regions, their numbers are less, and they hunt mostly one by one. Squids are also found off the coast of South Africa, New Zealand and South America.

The Antarctic colossal squid, the photo of which is posted here, is found at a depth of 2-4 thousand meters and practically does not float to the surface. This makes it difficult to study his behavior in natural conditions.

The location of the hypothetical location of the mollusk can be determined by the temperature of the surface of the water. So, the greatest probability of meeting with him is possible at a water temperature from -0.9 to 0 ºС. From December to March, they can be seen in high Antarctic latitudes.

Dimensions (edit)

Sexual dimorphism is somewhat unusual - females of colossal squids are much larger than males. The remains of shellfish of both sexes have been found in the stomachs of sperm whales. The length of their bodies was 80-250 centimeters, and their weight was up to 250 kilograms. The largest ever colossal squid was caught by New Zealand fishermen in 2007 in Antarctic waters. The length of his mantle was 3 m, the total length was 10 m, and the weight was 495 kg.

Features of nutrition and reproduction

Of course, little is known about the life of these giant molluscs, but scientists were able to identify a unique ability in them. Their body contains a large amount of ammonium chloride, which helps to reduce the specific gravity, which gives squid neutral buoyancy. Thanks to this, they can cut through the water column, practically without moving. Thus, predators have the opportunity to disguise themselves and wait for their prey. They grab prey that has swum too close with tentacles and tear it apart with hooks.

The giants feed mainly on luminous anchovies, mesopelagic fish, and Antarctic toothfish. However, cannibalism is not excluded in their kind. Adult molluscs can eat fry and immature specimens of their own species.

Individuals become sexually mature when the length of the mantle is at least 1 meter, and the weight is more than 25 kg. Spawning occurs in late winter or early spring.


Despite its impressive size, the colossal squid described above has its enemies. Chief among them is the sperm whale. It was possible to find out by the found remains of colossal squids in their stomachs. Albatrosses and Antarctic toothfish can feed on small immature individuals.

Naturally, humans are a particularly serious enemy of the deep-sea mollusk. Tender squid meat is used to prepare various dishes. However, if you make a traditional calamari dish out of this giant, then the diameter of the rings cut from it will be comparable to the diameter of the tractor tires.

Cases of assault on a person

More precisely about their attacks on people, it was written in many works of art. The most famous of these are the works of Jules Verne.

But in life, cases are also described when a colossal squid attacked ships. So, one of the precedents happened with the French sailors during the round-the-world race.

According to one of their sailors, Olivier de Quersoison, a clam grabbed their yacht by the stern just a few hours after they left Brittany. The sailors said that the deep-sea giant wrapped its thick tentacles around the ship, thicker than a human leg, and began to pull the ship into the sea. With two tentacles, he blocked the rudder of the ship. Fortunately, the yachtsmen did not have to fight back. As soon as the yacht stopped, the clam loosened its grip and disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

As the sailors later told, the length of the squid's body exceeded 8 meters, and if the creature turned out to be more aggressive, it would be quite capable of turning over and drowning the yacht.

Little known predators

In total, scientists have recorded about 250 cases of a human meeting with a colossal squid, but only a few managed to see this giant alive. The scientists themselves did not have such an opportunity. They only have to study the remains removed from the stomachs of marine predators, and the bodies washed ashore or caught by sailors.

Although little known, the colossal squid is incomparable with any other representative of its class. The size, his photo can amaze anyone. Deep-sea colossus, according to some sources, reach a length of 20 meters and weigh up to a ton.

How many years these giants live in the world remains a mystery. Perhaps quite a bit, since the lifespan of many already studied squid species is just over a year.

Seafood lovers know a lot about dishes made from creatures such as squid. The benefits and harms of their meat depend on many factors: where the squid was mined, how it was stored, how it was cooked, how much it was eaten. In general, subject to all the rules of storage and preparation, squid is an extremely useful and, moreover, a dietary product.

About squid

Squid is the same mythical "neither fish nor meat", or rather, a cephalopod mollusk that lives in almost all latitudes. The most massive accumulations are observed in the subtropical parts of the oceans and seas (Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans). The body size of the mollusk varies from 25 cm to 16 m. The weight of giants can reach 300 kg. The squid's body looks like a torpedo with 10 tentacles. Molluscs have eyes, with the help of which they orient themselves in space. They also have three hearts and blue blood.

Squids are predators, and with a shortage of food they can become cannibals. They have suckers on each tentacle. With their help, they defend themselves from enemies and get their own food. Each individual has a bag of ink liquid, which the mollusk throws into space when danger approaches. Squids are one of the fastest underwater inhabitants, sailors have noticed more than once how, in pursuit of prey, the mollusk jumps high out of the water.

For food, a person uses tentacles and the carcass of a qualmar. Until recently, this shellfish was considered a delicacy, but with the development of the marine industry, the product became affordable and took root on supermarket shelves. Buying shellfish will not affect your budget, unlike other marine rarities like trout or sole. Today you can buy both individual parts and a whole carcass of a clam.

A variety of salads, soups and main courses can include squid meat. This product is popular not only among connoisseurs of shellfish, but also among athletes, as well as those who want to lose weight. Knowing the intricacies of cooking, you can pamper yourself and loved ones with dietary, but nutritious dishes.

How is it prepared

Clam meat is combined with other seafood (mussels, octopus), cereals, vegetables (cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, cabbage, onion), herbs, spices and herbs, some fruits (citrus, pomegranate, apples). Soup is made from squid (you can add octopuses), salads, barbecue, sushi. Any dish with squid meat acquires an original taste, without the smell of fish.

There are many cooking options:

  • boiled,
  • fried,
  • smoked,
  • pickled
  • grill,
  • stewed,
  • baked,
  • dried squid.

How Do I Pick a Good Product? Squid are sold in different forms: fresh frozen, canned, dried, boiled, peeled and unpeeled, whole and cut. The frozen squid parts should separate well from each other. If the carcasses are stuck together, then they were re-frozen. Such meat will taste bitter, and will disintegrate during cooking.

Pay attention to the color of the film covering the squid carcass. It can be gray, pinkish, and even purple. Polzateevo magazine advises checking the color of the carcass. Regardless of the shade of the skin, the meat underneath should always be white. If it has acquired the shade of a film, then it was defrosted several times, and the meat absorbed the color of the shell. Such a product is likely to taste bad or even spoiled.

The nutritional value

Squid meat contains a complex of micro- and macroelements necessary for humans. It contains some groups of vitamins. The value of the product is due to its amino acid content. Here is a list of all the nutrients in meat:

  • vitamin E,
  • vitamin PP,
  • vitamin C,
  • B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9,
  • cobalt,
  • manganese,
  • potassium,
  • molybdenum,
  • nickel,
  • copper,
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • iron,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • calcium,
  • polyunsaturated acids - lysine,.

Squid is the leader among seafood in terms of cobalt content. It is also 80% water. Shellfish meat is a source of protein. The ratio of BJU: 81% protein, with only 10% fats, and 9% carbohydrates.

The average calorie content is 100 kcal per 100 g, it depends on the cooking method. Per 100 g:

  • fresh meat - 98 kcal;
  • boiled - 122 kcal;
  • fried - 188 kcal;
  • stew - 156 kcal;
  • dried - 286 kcal;
  • grill - 115 kcal.


Clam meat helps maintain healthy health and, when combined with the right foods, can diversify a strict diet. Remember, the beneficial properties are revealed only with the proper preparation of the carcass and tentacles. These properties are:

  1. The product supports the work of the heart and blood vessels due to its iron content. There is no cholesterol in meat, which means that it normalizes its content in the blood, makes blood vessels elastic. Suitable for a preventive diet against diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Taurine normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Iodine in meat protects the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole.
  4. Selenium removes heavy metal salts.
  5. A high percentage of protein guarantees the maintenance of muscle tone. A shellfish diet can help build muscle. In terms of protein content, squid is not inferior to fish, chicken and beef.
  6. Meat has no purine bases, which means it is safe for joints and kidneys.
  7. The product is well absorbed, does not clog the intestines, but, on the contrary, promotes its cleansing. Squid meat improves the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Clam meat is recommended for persons with stomach diseases due to the content of molybdenum and B vitamins.
  8. For the liver, shellfish is useful for polyunsaturated fats. Arginine helps to detoxify the organ, and also regulates hormonal levels, enhances male fertility, and stimulates the pituitary gland.
  9. The amino acid lysine strengthens the immune system, accelerates collagen synthesis, and reduces the risk of diabetes.
  10. Potassium relieves puffiness.
  11. Squid meat has a diuretic effect. Toxins are excreted from the body, the genitourinary system is strengthened.
  12. Provides support to the nervous system, helps to fight stress.
  13. The product affects the ability to memorize new information: it stimulates memory.
  14. Vitamin E improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair, which is especially important for women. The substance triggers cell regeneration, helps the skin to cleanse itself.
  15. Meat is low in calories (it is 80% water), but very nutritious.

Let's summarize. The benefits of squid for the body include the following effects:

  • fortifying,
  • anti-sclerotic,
  • cleaning,
  • support of the CVS, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and genitourinary systems.


Despite the obvious benefits, the product has a number of contraindications. We advise you to carefully read them.

The benefits and harms of squid in nutrition depend on the method of preparation. The safest is cooking. This meat is the lowest in calories.

How to cook squid properly:

  1. Bring 2 L of water to a boil.
  2. Add salt, peppercorns and optional. Let the spiced water simmer for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Immerse defrosted and peeled meat in boiling water one piece at a time. Count to 10 in your mind and pull out.

Pickled squid. If you trust the supplier, you can cook the meat without cooking. This will save more nutrients. To do this, the fillets are kept in a marinade of wine vinegar and citrus juice.

To skin the carcass, pour boiling water over it.

Clam fillet can be stewed in wine. You will need:

  • olive oil,
  • onion garlic,
  • favorite spices.

Finely chopped onion and garlic are fried in a frying pan, then the squid chopped into rings is added. White wine is poured into the mixture in a thin stream, then spices are added. The dish is stewed for 20 minutes. Peeled tomatoes are the last to be added. Everything is stewed together for another 10 minutes. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving.

Good luck, and bon appetit!

More than 300 species of squid have been identified. However, it is believed that another 200 species remain outside the classification. Squids are the least studied underwater creatures.

In the family of cephalopods (octopuses, cuttlefish, nautilus), squids occupy a special niche. It is a common food source for many predators and is a favorite food of marine life.

About 1% of the diet of marine animals is squid. They are a huge survival factor for aquatic life and many species of creatures feed on them. Fishermen often use squid as bait. This is a great way to catch a wide variety of fish.

Interestingly, animals are able to digest the whole squid, except for a sharp beak (the remnants of a sharp mouth are deposited inside the stomach of animals).

The squid themselves feed on fish and crustaceans. And with a lack of food, they become cannibals, eat small squids.

The mature female squid is larger than the male. Female squid lay thousands of eggs on the ocean floor.

For many species, the life span of squid is limited to one year.

Squids have a body structure that is difficult for a mollusk

Just like fish, squids have gills. They are often mistaken for an octopus. Both are similar, but they are different types of creatures.

The squid is believed to have the highest intelligence among invertebrates. They have very large brains, and are considered very intelligent - smarter than fish and reptiles. They are extremely active and adapt well to changing environmental conditions.

They have a soft body. They do not have an outer shell, which is the common identifier for molluscs. Instead, they have an inner shell that supports the muscles in the body.

Squids can be quite colorful - they can change their colors to match the surrounding seascape! Their skin is covered with chromatophores (chematophores) like a chameleon. They are even capable of changing the texture of their skin.

They are also capable of releasing a cloud of ink to escape from attacking predators. All squid have a pouch of ink inside the mantle. Ink, a dark liquid, is pushed out through the funnel. If the squid encounters danger, it shoots ink and the ink cloud helps it escape.

Each squid has three hearts. The two gill hearts pump oxygen into the large systemic heart, which pumps blood throughout the body.

The squid's eyes are very large. In large squids, the size of the eyeball can be as large as a basketball. This is the largest eye in the animal kingdom.

Squids move along the water tail first. Squids are believed to be the world's fastest invertebrates. They are able to propel themselves 25 body lengths per second! Squids are strong swimmers. Some species can literally fly short distances. They have fins, but they do not use fins for movement. Squids quickly drain water from the mantle cavity through a funnel, this helps them to move. It is believed that in speed, they are second only to whales, dolphins and sharks.

The large Fin squid has 10 arms, the rest only eight. All tentacles are used as weapons by squid. Some squid have claws, hooks at the ends of the tentacles, in addition to the suction cups placed along the tentacles.

The colossal squid is the largest invertebrate animal in the world. He became the record holder in the world of squid, weighing up to 750 kg.

Even the Giant Squid was inferior to him in size, whose maximum length was recorded at 18 m and a weight of 450 kg.

The size of ordinary squids is 50-60 cm.

The smallest sepiolid squid are marine fireflies, less than 2-3 cm in length and weighing less than 2-4 grams.

And this is how the sea looks like, where the shimmering squid Watasenia scintellans live. Their bodies, 10 cm in size, illuminate an area of ​​20-25 cm around them. They can glow in the dark due to the available bioluminescent organs.

There are very aggressive types of squid. For example, the Humboldt Squid is capable of attacking even sharks in the water .. Despite the fact that the red devil is one of the most aggressive squids, it is not dangerous to humans.

More than $ 100,000 was paid in 2005 by an aquarium in Australia for a block of ice with the body of a giant squid in it.

The land dweller, mentally inhabiting the oceans with sailboats, flying fish, dolphins and whales, did not perceive squids as one of the most amazing creatures of the sea. How wrong he was! Few marine animals have such unusual features of the structure, or flaunt such beauty in water, extracted from which, compressed into a rubbery mass.

These cephalopods inhabit all oceans and among large creatures only fish outnumber them. Humboldt squids, for example, periodically dying mysteriously off the coast of Chile, can stretch their bodies like a ribbon one or two miles wide and several hundred miles long! Some tiny species are no larger than a ruble coin, while the giant squid reaches a length of about 20 m. The lifespan of most squid does not exceed 1-3 years, and only large oceanic species live longer.

Usually squid slowly ply in the water column only due to the movement of their fins. But if you need to hurry somewhere, they quickly move with the help of a jet stream like a rocket. Water is injected into a body cavity and then pushed out through a constricted funnel that can rotate in a wide variety of directions. No one knows for sure what the maximum speed of squid is, as their movements are quite erratic, but they are certainly one of the fastest animals in the ocean. Some can even jump 10–12 m out of the water, gliding over the waves for about 30 m.

Squids achieve tremendous speed thanks to their unusual network of nerves, which is so strongly developed that a nerve impulse instantly flashes in all its parts, the muscles contract - and the animal rushes away. A big surprise awaited the scientists studying the nerve structures of squid. It turned out that some of them have nerve fibers that are almost 100 times thicker than those of humans. It is the most massive nervous system known in the animal kingdom and therefore the easiest to study. Therefore, since 1930, when the nerve fibers of squid were first discovered, they are constantly being studied and many modern knowledge of the action of human nerves, their physiology, biochemistry and biophysics, we owe to squid.

Squids feed on everything they can grab - from plankton to large fish and even their fellows. The gluttony of these cephalopods is phenomenal. For example, the Humboldt squid, which reaches over 3.5 m in length and is abundant along the western coast of South America, rises to the surface at night in search of prey. These ocean "wolves" quickly leave nothing but bones from 200-250 kg of marlin or swordfish caught on the longline hook.

As a carnivorous predator, squid needs keen eyesight. Its eyes bear significant resemblance to the human eye, and for certain functions they are even better. Some squids have one eye several times larger than the other, each of them adapted to different light intensities.

Most squid of medium depths have glow organs. Light is produced by a chemical reaction similar to that which produces the "cold" glow of fireflies. Certain species may even break out periodically. Some of the glowing organs of the squid are just dots, others reach the size of a 5-ruble coin. In a number of squid, the luminescence organs are simple formations consisting of lenses, a tissue that produces light, and a reflector. In other species, the luminescence organs are equipped with diaphragms, focusing mechanisms and light filters. There are squids that can produce even multiple colors of light.

Today, experts find it difficult to accurately explain the function of these luminescence organs. Many biologists believe that in the dark of the ocean depths, they help squid to stick together in flocks, attract food organisms and partners, scare off predators and simply light the path like lanterns. There are deep sea squids that use the glow in a very peculiar way. When a fish overtakes them, they throw out a cloud of "ink". Simple "ink" in the depths would be useless. But squid adds a charge of luminescent bacteria contained in a small bag to it, and the ink sparkles supernaturally. While the fish attacks the glowing cloud, the squid itself extinguishes all its glowing organs and flees away.

Squid "ink" is a suspension of a complex of organic substances related to pigments in human hair and skin. The vast majority of writers equated their action with the smokescreen thrown out by the fleeing squid. In fact this is not true. The squid exposed to danger throws out a cigar-shaped cloud of “ink” corresponding to its size, and it throws itself to the side, leaving the pursuer with a mouth full of “ink” water. Artists have been using this "ink" or sepia for almost 2 thousand years; their undoubted advantage over modern ink is long-term preservation.

Possessing incredible speed and sharp eyesight, armed with "ink" and luminescence organs, squids are well adapted to life in the sea, but in addition, in the originality of the palette and the speed of color change, these creatures significantly surpass chameleons. They can instantly change shade in accordance with the new environment, hiding their flight, attracting a partner or hunting prey.

However, despite all these adaptations, squids have many enemies - from the sperm whale to the common mackerel. Sperm whales feed almost exclusively on squid - from giant ones, 15–20 m long, to small individuals. Other whales and dolphins also eat squid in large quantities.

But the most important consumer of squid today is a person. These cephalopods play an important role in the economies of many countries, as they feed more people than any other seafood, with the exception of fish. A huge number of squid are used both directly for food and as bait for longline fisheries.


Theme: Squid

General characteristics of seafood:

Squids are cephalopods. They are widespread in the salty seas of our planet - from the Cold Polar Waters to the Coral Lagoons, from the surface to the Abyssal Depths. The squid order is divided into 2 suborders: Neritic squid (Myopsida) and Oceanic squid (Oegopsida).

Squid meat is an excellent delicacy, the dishes from which can boast of the national cuisine of the Mediterranean. Squid is one of the most famous seafood products, distinguished by its popularity and suitability for many culinary recipes, also considered a delicacy. After all, if you look at it, now many delicious and specialties are squid dishes.

Appearance and biology:

Reddish squids - powerful, moving in a reactive manner, similar to torpedoes in the water, becoming the prey of fishermen look inexpressive. Squids usually reaching 25-35 cm in length and weight from 300 g to 1 kg, lives at a depth of 30 to 1200 m. Well-swimming marine animals. The body is streamlined, pointed at the posterior end, with two triangular fins on the sides. The head is directed backwards when swimming. It has 10 tentacles with suction cups, 8 of which are short ("arms"), and two are especially long. The tentacles are used to seize prey. The shell in squid is transformed into a narrow corneous plate, which lies under the skin of the back. Giant squids reaching length. 18 m (with extended tentacles), the largest invertebrates. Giant squids live at a depth of 200 to 1500 m. The squid feeds on small fish and crustaceans, and they themselves often serve as the main food for many fish, toothed whales, seabirds and seals. Delicacy human food; are also used as medicinal raw materials. Juveniles are often found near the surface, adults stay at the bottom, but make diurnal migrations, rising at night into the water column.

Squids are one of the fastest growing marine animals and grow in abundance. Argentine squid reaches a length of about 40 cm in one year, multiplies, and dies after breeding !!!

Features of primary culinary processing, techniques and features of heat treatment:

Basically, squids are delivered to catering establishments in frozen form, cut (carcasses) or frozen headless (fillets). Frozen squid is thawed in air or in cold water (because in warm water tissue staining occurs) with a small addition of salt, after thawing, you need to grab the head at the base and carefully break the ligaments between the mantle and the head part and separate the head together with the insides with a slight jerk. Perform this operation carefully so as not to crush the sepia bag, otherwise the mantle will turn black.
So that during frying or cooking the squid fillet does not shrink and does not become tough, it is beaten from both sides. Squids are considered thawed if the temperature in the thickness is t ° = -1 ° C. After that, you need to remove the remnants of the viscera, chitinous plates and mark the carcasses or fillets in warm water (60-65 ° C), and the volume of water should exceed the volume of the squid in 3-4 times. “It should be remembered that squid meat does not require long heat treatment; if it is cooked or roasted for too long, it quickly loses its taste and nutritional properties. The average processing time for squid meat is 3-5 minutes. ”After 3-5 minutes from the moment the water boils, the carcasses or fillets must be removed and cleaned from the film. This is most conveniently done with a soft brush. Prepared carcasses and fillets are washed 2-3 times in cold water or left in the broth to cool them.

Assortment of Squid dishes:

Stewed squid with onions

Stewed squid

Stewed squid with rice

Fried squid in breadcrumbs

Squid with vegetables in sour cream sauce

Stuffed squid

Squid roast

Squid stuffed with fresh cabbage

Squid in sour cream sauce

Squid shashlik

Stewed squid with vegetables

Hwe from squid

Squid with red wine

Beef stroganoff from squid

Squid stew

Squid in tomato juice with vegetables and sour cream

Stewed squid with pickles

Squid stuffed with crabs

Squid in coconut milk

Squid stewed with peppers and sesame seeds

Squid in nut batter

Squid brizol

Squid with cheese and garlic


Squid in sour cream with soy sauce

Squid fried with onions

Squid stuffed with ham

Squid stewed with mayonnaise

Squid with ketchup

Squid in teriyaki sauce

Squid meat with tomato sauce

Rice with squid in Spanish

Spicy squid with bulgar

Squid rings

Squid in garlic sauce

Azu from squid

Squid with celery or parsnip root

Squid with apples

Pickled onions with squid

Fried squid

Squid in mustard sauce

Squid with wine and tomatoes

Squid with basil

Cooking technology for an interesting Squid dish:

Azu from squid

The recipe will require:

Squid (fillet) - 500g

Cucumbers (pickled) - 2 pcs.

Onions - 2-3 pcs.

Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon

Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon

Butter - 80g

Parsley (chopped greens) - 2 tablespoons

Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Allspice (peas) - 3-4 pcs.

Salt to taste.

Cooking technology:

Cut the onion into strips and save on the butter. Add tomato paste diluted with a little water and sauté for another 5 minutes. Peel and seed the cucumbers, cut into slices and simmer in 1/2 cup water. Cut the squid fillet into strips, salt, bread in flour and fry in the remaining oil until golden brown.

Combine the prepared ingredients of the dish, add bay leaves, pepper and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Serve the basics with mashed potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.

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