Mass effect andromeda how to improve weapons. Mass Effect: Andromeda - tips for beginners on how to level up better. P.A.W combat rifle


Melee Weapons Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet

- You can find this weapon near Relic Monoliths or inside containers; it can also be researched for 150 relic points. This weapon has a short range, but can freeze enemies in one hit if they are not armored or shielded. If they are armored, this will slow them down (even larger enemies) and you will quickly knock down the enemy's shield and then freeze them if you want. Kett Carfalon

- What makes this special sword stand out is its fast attack. You can easily hit several enemies with one blow, and you will rarely miss. Asari Sword

- The sword launches a fast, biotic teleport straight towards your enemy before delivering a devastating blow. Great for closing the distance between enemies who have a high rate of fire or are hiding behind cover. The ideal tool for mid-range fighters who prefer firearms but aren't afraid to get close to the enemy.

Pistols Scorpion Pistol

- A very useful weapon against armored enemies. Instead of shooting regular bullets that reduce health, it shoots sticky mini grenades. Equalizer SMG (Equalizer)

- Remnant firearms, which are quite powerful, but with some disadvantages. The pistol is 100% useless when you are out of its range. But, it is powerful and has unlimited ammo. Sidewinder pistol

- The perfect small revolver that provides power and mobility during battle. It deals significant damage and has a fast rate of fire, allowing you to shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger.

Shotguns Razed

- Possibly the coolest type of shotgun in the game. Slow but very powerful, the shotgun offers stunning effect on even the toughest opponents. Hash - Semi-automatic Kett shotgun that fires plasma projectiles with.

big damage- Another Kett shotgun that fires charged projectiles that deal incredible damage. Additionally, he can create a damage field that damages an enemy over time.

Scatterershot- A weapon that shoots particles that can track enemies over long distances, making it the best "long-range" shotgun in the game. He also has endless ammo, just don't let it overheat.

Assault rifles

Soned- An absolute beast that fires a long stream of plasma projectiles that have a slightly explosive/burning effect that rips apart most enemies.

Valkyrie- This N7 assault rifle fires two shots, offering incredible control, accuracy and power. Her regular ammo is effective against shields, although you can upgrade the weapon to shoot electricity or even plasma.

Revenant- It's not the most accurate rifle, but it's powerful and tears enemies apart with great high speed shooting. Increase the damage and you will start to enjoy shooting

Falcon- This rifle fires projectiles that bounce and explode near enemies. Not the most powerful explosives, but a few shots will be enough.

Sniper rifles

M-90 Indra- Fires quickly, is fairly accurate, and you can carry a lot of ammo for it. If you've invested in sniper skills and are using the right add-ons and mods to increase your damage from small arms, you will have the perfect option for any enemy.

Naladen) - This Kett sniper fires precise, explosive projectiles that leave a burning effect on any enemy nearby.

Isharay- This weapon is clearly not for beginners. You only get one shot at a time, and you won't be able to take a lot of ammo with you, but this is the most powerful weapon which can be found. This rifle can easily take out most enemies in one shot, even some armored ones and those with a full shield. It has the highest base accuracy, allowing you to easily send any enemy towards their maker.

In this guide you will find out what the best weapon inMass Effect:Andromeda, rare, where to find it, how to craft it and other little things.

In the game, weapons are divided into 5 types: Melee, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Shotguns and Sniper Rifles, to suit each style or situation. And each category has its own, the strongest examples, we’ll talk about them and start with the simplest.

Mass Effect: Andromrda best melee weapon

Krogan Hammer (Krogan Hammer) - perhaps the most strong weapon Mass Effect: Andromeda , in the category, with damage of 400 at the first level and 613 at the fifth. Usually older krogans are armed with it, their field commanders, but also occurs in especially strong people. To unlock you will need 125 Research Data (ID) Milky Way



Conditions for crafting

Crafting material


125 ID Milky Way

Zero element x20;

Iron x120;

Lithium x60;

Omni-gel x30


140 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Zero element x20;

Iron x150;

Lithium x60;

Omni-gel x30


155 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Zero element x20;

Iron x160;

Lithium x80;

Omni-gel x40


170 ID Milky Way;

Level 20

Zero element x20;

Iron x180;

Lithium x90;

Omni-gel x40


185 ID Milky Way;

Level 30

Zero element x30;

Iron x200;

Lithium x100;

Omni-gel x50

Azari Sword (Asari Sword) - is as strong as the Krogan Hammer, but faster and has one interesting function, namely, it allows you to quickly teleport forward to enemies before striking. By right best sword VMass Effect: Andromeda .



Conditions for crafting

Crafting material


150 ID Milky Way

Beryllium x150;

Fluorite x70;

Vanadium x20;

Omni-gel x40


175 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Beryllium x180;

Fluorite x90;

Vanadium x20;

Omni-gel x40


200 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Beryllium x200;

Fluorite x100;

Vanadium x30;

Omni-gel x50


225 ID Milky Way;

Level 20

Beryllium x230;

Fluorite x110;

Vanadium x30;

Omni-gel x50


250 ID Milky Way;

Level 30

Beryllium x250;

Fluorite x120;

Vanadium x30;

Omni-gel x60

Of course, there are also Remnant Cryo Gloves, which slow down enemies, or Ket Carthalon, which deals damage to several enemies, but their damage is half that of the types presented above.

Mass Effect: Andromrda best pistols

Yushior (Usior) - incredibly powerful and most best gun in Mass Effect: Andromeda, already on entry level gives 500 damage. For crafting, Helius data and the following materials are required: Angaran Meditation Crystals, Thread Sheath, Vanadium.

Ticket (Talon) is a slow, but also quite strong semi-automatic pistol that fires like a shotgun. Damage at the first level is 315. For crafting you will need Milky Way ID and Omni-gel, Graphite, Nickel, as well as Element Zero.

Scorpion (Scorpion) - with damage under 300 you will easily cope with many armored enemies. It shoots not with ordinary bullets, but with real grenades, which becomes very useful in battle. To create, you will need Milky Way ID and Omni-Gel, Graphite, Lithium and Element Zero. Very rare weapon Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Speedwinder (Spiderwinder) is a fairly fast-firing and powerful option, if you want to have a balanced gun, then this is the one that will suit you. Milky Way technology and to collect and improve it you need: Omni-gel, Beryllium, Nickel, Vanadium.

Mass Effect: Andromrda best shotguns

Daan (Dhan) – The most powerful weapon in Mass Effect: Andromeda, among shotguns. Fires plasma projectiles with devastating damage that can knock down opponents and even generate plasma fields. By collecting enough Helium ID and some materials (Kett alloy, Fibers, Nickel, Vanadium) you can assemble it and improve it.

Student (Discipline) - Milky Way technology. Second only to Daan in terms of damage power. To create such a shotgun you will need Omni-Gel, Fluorite, Element Zero and Iron.

Diffuser (Scattershot) – the advantage of this specimen is its range and endless ammunition. For production you will need Polymer Shards, Magnesium, Lithium, Vanadium.

Mass Effect: Andromrda best assault rifles

M-37 Falcon (M-37 Falcon) is the most popular weapon class and the one you'll most likely use the most, so you need to choose wisely. Falcon is just what you need! It shoots grenades, but it does it quite quickly and is definitely the most powerful rifle with 266 damage at level one. For production you need Milky Way ID, Omni-Gel, Copper, Nickel, Zero Element.

Valkyrie (N7 Valkyrie) - shoots two cartridges at once and easily penetrates enemy shields. Collect enough Milky Way ID, as well as Omni-Gel, Iron, Lithium and Element Zero.

Zalkin (Zalkin) – releases three charges of plasma in one shot. Helius technology. Materials for crafting: Kett alloy, Beryllium, Nickel, Vanadium.

Mass Effect: Andromrda best sniper rifles

IsharAAnd (Isharay) - you have one deadly cartridge in your clip that will demolish any enemy, this is Isharai. 615 damage at the first level and maximum accuracy is what any camper needs, but first it still needs to be collected, and for this you need Helius ID, Angaran Meditation Crystals, Thread Sheath, Fluorite and Vanadium.

Black Widow (Black Widow) - more interesting option for “everyday” use, because it has a larger volume of ammunition and less weight, and at the same time slightly less damage.



Conditions for crafting

Crafting material


150 ID Milky Way

Beryllium x120;

Zero element x10;

Lithium x60;

Omni-gel x30


175 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Beryllium x140;

Zero element x20;

Lithium x70;

Omni-gel x30


200 ID Milky Way;

Level 10

Beryllium x150;

Zero element x20;

Lithium x70;

Omni-gel x40


225 ID Milky Way;

Level 20

Beryllium x170;

Zero element x20;

Lithium x80;

Omni-gel x40


250 ID Milky Way;

Level 30

Beryllium x190;

Zero element x20;

Lithium x90;

Omni-gel x50

Now you know what weapon it is the strongest inMass Effect: Andromeda and all that remains is to craft what you like and improve it.

Have a good game!

Publication date: 03/21/2017 13:38:12

While it may not have received the highest scores from critics, the game isn't all that bad. Perhaps someone expected more, perhaps someone did not like some changes, but in this guide we will talk about something completely different.

Several tips revealed in this material will help you both initial stages, and during further planning of character development and the entire colonization mission.

Don't jump at all the extra content on Eos

The game doesn't say this outright, but once you've finished exploring the Vault on Eos, the atmosphere will gradually begin to clear of the pesky radiation contamination covering most cards. This will not happen right away - you need to reach a certain plot point, but after that you will be able to explore almost all corners of the map without receiving constant serious damage.

Do not try to find all the side content as soon as you get to the planet, this is a special restriction that was made by the developers not to challenge you, but to protect you from completing tasks ahead of time. Naturally, you can try to complete some missions right away, but it's not worth it.

In addition, additional missions will appear on the planet later, so it would be better to complete everything at once, saving time on travel. Moreover, the game opens up more fully once you get a little further into the main story.

Don't bother too much with research and crafting

In general, you can beat Mass Effect: Andromeda without learning new weapons and armor at all, but if you plan to do this, it is better to wait until later stages of the game. This way you will have a more precise idea of ​​what you need - for example, you will understand that you like biotic abilities most of all, and you will focus on them.

The reason for this is a very limited supply of materials and research points. So if you decide to research and create all possible options for level 1 equipment, by the end of the game finding the resources for something more impressive can be very problematic. This is especially true for research in the technology branch. Milky Way. It is very difficult to earn points for them, but there are very interesting views equipment that will especially appeal to fans of the series.

In any case, most of the items in the crafting menu can be obtained as loot or purchased in stores. The purpose of crafting is that you can apply all kinds of improvements in the process of creating equipment. Thus, the fifth level weapon you create will be significantly better than a similar weapon sold in a store or obtained through other means.

Another reason to return to crafting a little later is to wait until you get comfortable in the vast world of the game and understand all the mechanics. Just follow the advice - leave the crafting and exploration alone new equipment at later stages of the passage.

How to properly level up a hero

The main thing is to fully understand the possibilities of upgrading your skills at the very beginning. Anything with a round icon is an active skill, occupying one of the three slots. This means that any such skill will take one of the three available places in the selected profile, and to activate the skill you will need to press a special button.

Skills with triangles next to them are passive abilities that act constantly. Combined with the information above, it is not difficult to conclude that you should focus on developing three active skills. The remaining points are better spent on passive abilities that will work to support your playstyle.

Your active skills should also complement each other. A good option will use a couple of abilities that prepare the enemy for a combo, and a third that activates it. You can find out which skills are preparatory and which activate combos from their descriptions.

Then in battle you can easily carry out combinations, preparing the enemy for a combo with one ability and executing it with another.

Don't level up many classes at once

Mass Developers Effect Andromeda presented players with the opportunity not to tie the main character to only one class, but to allow them to switch between them, as if in multiplayer mode. In fact, using this approach will only make you weaker - up to the sixth level of development, an ability requires a lot of pumping points, and having two or three skills of the maximum level is significantly better than ten entry level.

The same applies to profiles (classes) - it is better to choose one direction (attack or defense) and upgrade two of the three directions (fighter, technician or biotic), choosing three active skills and supplementing them with passive abilities for the remaining points.

If you realize that you messed up, you can always completely upgrade the main character on the lower floor of the medical compartment on the Tempest.

Try new weapons in action before dismantling or selling your old one

There are a lot of weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda, and even within the same class they are very different from each other. And this means not only weight, clip size or firepower, but their uses are completely different. If necessary, you can with the best weapons in different classes.

For example, one of the assault rifles does not fire as usual, but requires a certain amount of time to charge after pressing the fire button before actually firing. After this you need to wait for the charge again. Having bought such a weapon, gotten used to using another and dismantled the past, you may not be very happy with the new product.

It is better to dismantle unnecessary equipment than to sell it

Although credits in Mass Effect: Andromeda have a significant higher value, than it was in previous games in the series, you can still collect enough of them thanks to all the junk found during missions. Such items do not take up inventory space and can be easily sold in one click when visiting a store. But take note - some of these “trash” may be interesting to study before selling, especially to fans of the series - they contain many Easter eggs and funny references.

It is better not to sell the found weapon, and after you decide that you no longer need it (read the previous advice), open your inventory and disassemble it. This way you will receive additional resources for crafting, some of which are very difficult to find. So if you find something that can be taken apart, don’t be too lazy to pick it up and use it for materials. It is possible that they will be useful to you in the future, even if they are not needed now.

Another plus is that you can disassemble items right in the middle of a mission, so unnecessary equipment will not take up space in your inventory.

Don't forget about the weight of your equipment

As you level up your main character, you will be able to carry more equipment - up to four types of weapons and consumables. There may well be a desire to use all the slots, but think about whether it is worth it.

Mass Effect veterans should already know this, but again, weight matters. Each equipped weapon adds a total weight, and the higher it is, the longer the cooldown of your non-weapon abilities becomes. So the more you want to use abilities, the fewer guns you put on the hero. If you want to carry an impressive arsenal with you, be prepared for a long reload.

In general, we wouldn't recommend completely loading up a hero with weapons - it's the abilities that make fights effective and interesting, so just pick up good weapon. And, by the way, some weapon improvements can either increase or decrease its weight.

Don't forget about melee and consumables

Another good innovation in Mass Effect: Andromeda is the presence of a slot for melee weapons. You start with an omni-tool, but be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to upgrade this equipment slot as well. New melee weapons can often be found among other loot and can also be crafted. This way you can get both a more powerful omni-tool and elementally enhanced swords or hammers.

By the way, the Azari sword is perhaps the best melee weapon. Melee weapons will be especially useful for biotics.

As for consumables, they replace some of the skills previously available only to certain classes. There are freezing or igniting cartridges, and all sorts of bonuses for boosting health or shields. They do not affect the weight in any way, so take the maximum, open additional slots on the Tempest and use them during battles. They may well change the outcome of the most difficult battle in your favor.

Have something to break through enemy shields

Shields are a real lifesaver for you and your companions, but they also a big problem, if your opponents are equipped with them. Just like you, enemies can quickly reload them by running away and hiding behind cover.

At the same time, many powerful skills have virtually no effect against shields. Consider taking at least one active skill aimed at destroying shields, and develop it well in this direction. If you don’t want to waste a valuable slot for a specialized ability, weapons with a high rate of fire will help you deal with shields very quickly.

If you want to be a god in confronting particularly strong opponents with shields, buy special ammunition and use it actively in battles. Knock down the shield, switch to a powerful weapon and finish off the victim. You can also burn or apply any other pillbox to your opponent.

And also take something against armor

Even though enemy armor does not cause as many problems as shields, it still makes it very difficult to quickly destroy enemies. Armor in the game is represented by stripes yellow color, like health red or shields blue.

Armor is also almost the exact opposite of shields. What is effective against one works very poorly against another. For maximum damage against armored targets, use weapons with a high rate of fire. Fire weapons like a flamethrower also work well.

Consumables will also come in handy here - freezing and setting them on fire will help you quickly deplete those damned yellow stripes from your enemies.

Movement in battles is now more important than before

The original Mass Effect trilogy gradually moved towards the need to hide in shelters, but here everything changes. The main thing is to be mobile and use the right moments to attack.

Covers now work dynamically, and their use does not require additional actions from the player - just bring the hero to a place near the cover. It may seem a little strange for users who are used to the previous control scheme, but you quickly get used to it.

Remember also that health, shields and biotic shields regenerate much faster when in cover.

If your shields are not depleted, try to move around the zone more often. Use a jump pack, hover in the air and dash - all these are not just spectacular innovations, but also useful tools fighting.

Visit the Tempest and Nexus after important story events

This should be obvious to anyone who's played Mass Effect before, but if this is your first BioWare RPG, take note - visit important NPCs after completing every major story mission or the discovery of a new planet.

Certain conversations with party members cannot be activated until a certain point in the story, and if you want to unlock loyalty missions or progress in romance, interact with characters regularly. Sometimes the possibility of further development will be communicated through a personal message on the Storm, but not always. So take the time to talk to each group member after each task.

It’s also worth returning to the Nexus and walking around the main locations - try to visit the docks, the control room, and even the Hyperion zones. Even if you have completely completed exploring a zone, new tasks may appear in it.

Improve Nomad and use it correctly

The new Nomad has several new features that the familiar vehicles from the original trilogy did not have. Although this time you can get stuck somewhere in the gorge if you don’t drive very carefully.

Also remember that “Nomad” can and should be improved in research center. You can get more blueprints for improvement from the Angaran Engineer at the rebel base after reaching a certain point in the storyline. The most useful improvements are acceleration and six-wheel drive mode, switching traction modes and additional protection after leaving the vehicle.

Battlefield Changes

On a purely tactical level, the combat in Mass Effect Andromeda feels very fast and dynamic, much more dynamic than in the entire trilogy. Three main changes since the previous parts:

  • jetpack;
  • evasion;
  • temporary and destructible shelters.

Jetpack is undoubtedly the most noteworthy of all the new ingredients. Gone are the days when you had to climb awkward ladders to get to the top - now you can just jump up there. As we found out during our hands-on preview, the jetpack provides the ability to quickly escape from a risky battle, even without a specific destination. Another tactic to gain an advantage over enemies in cover is to jump up and then hover average height, which you will use to better aim or cast an ability.

Andromeda replaces the roll from Mass Effect 3 with a faster dodge using the same jetpack. You can move around, forward or backward in the split seconds it took Shepard to tumble between covers, and this short rollback adds to the feeling of agility. Both dodging and jumping on the jetpack can change depending on the chosen profile, including one high-level Explorer perk that allows you to move even through walls.

Speaking of walls, the Rider will now hide automatically as soon as you press against cover, without requiring a button press. When we had a chance to try this system, it mostly worked fine, but we need a more thorough review to make sure that obvious pitfalls such as the lack of response to the player wanting to enter or leave cover are completely eliminated.

Some of the cover in Andromeda will also be destructible, so you'll be able to shoot at your enemies by simply blowing something up. Of course, enemies will be able to do the same to you, and some will have the same abilities as you, including jumping and camouflage.

All of these changes combine to create the most vibrant, ever-changing battlefield in the entire series. But on the other hand, you've never been better equipped for this - you're more agile and agile than ever.

Finally, powerful combos are back. They were a feature of Mass Effect 3 (and Mass Effect 2 if you count biotic explosions), where one ability could prepare a target and another could "blow it up". The different explosions were whenever possible dependent on the abilities used in the combo, with a variety of effects (fire, freeze, biotic, or technique) to name just the most obvious of many options. Fire explosions dealt double damage to armor, freeze explosions could slow down enemies, and so on.

Thoughtful use of combos is a more advanced tactic than simply spamming skills. At lower difficulty levels it's more additional opportunity, but combos become almost necessary in Madness, where casting the right combo is one of the best methods for destroying the shields, armor, or biotic barrier of powerful enemies.

Profiles and skills in Mass Effect: Andromeda

You'll use the skill points you get from upgrading your Rider to unlock new abilities. Unlike previous games, skills are not limited to your class. Instead, you can take and easily mix three familiar categories - soldier, vehicle and biotic. If you're wondering how such free access to biotics is explained by ENT, lead designer Ian Fraser says that both Ryder twins have innate biotic potential, but the one you're not playing with hasn't developed it.

Some key abilities from these categories are locked, according to the leveling scheme: if you start the game as an Operator, you will receive Tactical Camouflage from the start, but if you choose another training, you will need to spend 9 points on a vehicle before you can unlock it.

All three categories have active skills - abilities that need to be used - and passive skills, such as weapon skills, which, once unlocked, always work, regardless of profile. Each skill, including passive ones, has six ranks with increasing costs, and the last three ranks also have a choice between two upgrades.

The six classes of the original trilogy were associated with various sets skills. These are the same as profiles in Andromeda, which are named after the classes in the trilogy and are based on three categories of skills in various combinations.

For example, the Assault profile and class is a combination of combat and biotic abilities. To unlock it in Andromeda, you will need to spend three skill points on biotic and combat abilities. For profiles that are based on just one type of skill - such as Soldier - you will need to spend six points on skills of that type.

Andromeda also has a new profile: Explorer. Instead of pumping up 100% of skills in one category, or 50% in two, you can take 33% of all three, that is, spend two points each on combat, technique and biotics. BioWare's Andromeda is aiming for both depth and ease of learning, and Explorer seems to be a nod towards the latter: if you're not interested in delving into profiles and skill trees, you can just pick up Explorer and forget about their existence altogether. Well, mostly.

Each profile provides small bonuses when enabled and levels up as you invest in the skills it's based on. As they level up, they receive unique names and more powerful buffs. Each profile has 6 ranks and there is no maximum character level limit, so it is theoretically possible to unlock every single skill, although this will not be accessible without replaying.

Profile bonuses seem to be passive, but at least, they were like this while we were playing the game. At first they are boring and mediocre, but developing the profile adds additional effects that are more interesting. A few examples:

  • As a jack-of-all-trades, Pathfinders receive small bonuses to weapon damage, damage resistance, tech cooldown speed, and biotic damage; As they level up, they gain the biotic blink ability, which allows them to move behind walls;
  • Assault profile bonuses include additional melee damage and biotic effects when Rider jumps or dodges; with increasing levels comes the ability to recharge shields by attacking in close combat;
  • Scout's passive bonuses increase the reload speed of technical skills, accuracy and reduce weapon recoil, and also increase critical damage; As the level increases, scouts will be able to sight enemies through walls and on a short time automatically turn on tactical camouflage during evasions;
  • Adept's passives include a bonus to biotic strength, area of ​​effect, and duration of biotic effects; with increasing - bonus explosions during biotic combos;
  • Soldier's passives provide bonuses to weapon damage, accuracy, and magazine size, while level-up effects provide an incremental bonus for each enemy killed within a short period of time.

The vast majority of favorite skills will return, but some have been reworked. Others are merged, and others are new. Invasion is a new tech skill that infects enemies with a VI-controlled swarm of nanobots that reduce their defenses. It spreads to nearby enemies as it upgrades.

If you're unhappy for any reason, "full retraining is available in Tempest's sickbay," says Ian Fraser. It costs credits, but is cheap at first. It is also available to your squad mates.

Changing your profile and preferences

You won't be able to use more than three active skills at the same time - this has caused concern among some fans of the series. What you can do is save up to four different skill sets as Favorites and switch between them at any time, even in the middle of battle. Simply bring up the weapon selection wheel and access it by pressing the forward button. This will allow you to relatively quickly switch between twelve abilities in four sets, which you can tailor to a specific scenario.

You can see this in action in the second gameplay trailer, in which Mac Walters talks about the changes between the different skill sets. To deal with different enemies at different ranges, he attacks Kett with a freeze attack, then detonates her with biotics to deal extra damage and weaken enemies surrounding the target. Dealing with the burly alien Demon requires a different set of skills - here it focuses on booby traps and other abilities that deal damage to a single target.

Changing preferences is the only way to access more than three abilities in battle, with the exception of PC players: they will be able to set abilities to hotkeys directly. If you prefer to play on a controller, the game is able to switch between both input device options seamlessly. In our demo booth, we were able to put the controller down, put our hands on WASD and the mouse, and the game would immediately respond to the new device without having to go into the settings menu. Even tooltips and interface elements changed from controller buttons to keyboard keys. We used them in rotation, but we're not sure how the game will handle constant commands from two devices simultaneously, but it will likely be possible to fight enemies from a controller, using the keyboard to call up abilities not from your current preference list.

You can also change profiles in the middle of battle, although this will cause any devices launched from previous profiles, such as assault turrets, to disappear. It will also take all of your current skills to recharge, so it seems that changing your profile is a more drastic measure than changing your preferences. Keep this in mind if you decide that you need bonuses of a certain profile.

Mass Effect: Andromeda, weight and equipment

The gear weight system, similar to that found in Mass Effect 3, returns. So if you fill your loadout slots with heavy guns, expect your guns to take longer to recharge than usual. Soldiers who primarily talk through guns may give this up, while Adepts who prefer to bludgeon opponents with "space magic" may want to shell out everything but a light pistol.

By the way, the weapon slot is a thing: unlike Mass Effect 3, you don't have five weapon slots available from the start. Instead, you start with a melee weapon and two gun slots. You will be able to unlock an additional slot or several, among other things, using the skill " combat training" As suggested by Ian Fraser, whom we linked above, be prepared for the fact that using some skills and profiles will also reduce the cooldown of skills.

You can change both the selected weapon and modifications on it before starting missions or at the equipment table. Each weapon can have up to two modifications.

Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Finally, let's look at some great stuff: real guns that you'll use to blow the brains out of hot kett heads. Besides melee weapons, there are four categories firearms- pistols, shotguns, assault and sniper rifles. This is one less than in Mass Effect 3, but many of the submachine guns from that game have now been relegated to the pistol category. All guns are available to all players - no class restrictions.

In addition to type, weapons in Andromeda vary in origin. Milky Way weapons typically use mass effect fields to fire kinetic projectiles, which are good against most enemies without shields, but it depends on ammo. Elean weapons use the technology of the inhabitants of the Elea sector of the Andromeda galaxy. They are most often either plasma or chargeable. The former are characterized by a low rate of fire and homing projectiles, while the latter prepare a charge, the power of which depends on the duration of charging. Lastly, Remnant weapons use beams, meaning they are accurate and have a constant rate of fire. They also use an overheating system, meaning they don't need cartridges, but you will have to let them cool down from time to time.

Based on our time in the game, it's clear that a lot of beloved guns are returning. We spotted the Widow, M-96 Hoe, and N7 guns including the Hero, Crusader, Valkyrie, and Eagle.

One of our favorite rifles, the sniper rifle " Black Widow“, also returned. And we had a lot of fun using the crafting system to make modifications for laser shooting. In short, augmentations can be added to a weapon while you're crafting it, and will permanently change its behavior. Mods, on the other hand, are temporary and can be changed when you change equipment. Some of the modifications can change the color of the gun, but you won't be able to choose its color directly. However, you will be able to choose the color of the armor.

Among the toys new to Andromeda are at least two melee weapons: the Krogan hammer and the Azari sword.

Claymore fans will be happy to know that we'll be seeing a new Krogan shotgun, the "spiritual successor" to the brutal short-range weapon. The list of other confirmed melee and ranged weapon models includes:

  • Angaran Firaan (melee)
  • Biotic Booster (Melee)
  • Executioner Pistol (augmentations include grenade launcher)
  • Pistol M-3 Predator
  • Pistol M-5 Phalanx
  • Gun Equalizer
  • PP Charger
  • PP Shershen
  • Shotgun M-23 Katana
  • Shotgun Dan (Elean Shotgun)
  • Shotgun Apostle
  • Shotgun Hash
  • Assault shotgun N-7 Piranha
  • Shotgun Poison
  • Scattergun (shotgun)
  • Shotgun "Razed"
  • Carbine Rigar
  • M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle (augmentations include shooting with electricity)
  • Cyclone assault rifle
  • L-89 Halbird assault rifle
  • Assault rifle M-37 Sokol
  • P.A.W Assault Rifle
  • Assault rifle "Sandstorm"
  • Tokin assault rifle
  • Sniper rifle Fang
  • Inferno sniper rifle
  • Isheray sniper rifle
  • Sniper rifle Lanat
  • Sniper rifle M-90 Indra

IN Mass Effect Andromeda has weapons , thanks to which it is much easier to deal with enemies. Here is a small list of the best options.


Relic Cryo Gloves - a weapon for contact combat with a freezing effect. Found in ruin containers near the Monoliths, they can also be explored by spending 150 relic points. The short range of the attack is compensated by the frostbite effect, which stops unprotected enemies for a while. Enemies wearing armor or shields are greatly slowed down by frostbite.
Karthalon Kettov- a sword with a good melee attack radius, thanks to which you can conduct effective battles with a group of enemies.

Azari Sword- an excellent weapon for its class, since it has a built-in biotic ability that allows it to get closer to the enemy when attacking. It has a high damage parameter, and also allows you to quickly get to opponents standing at medium distances in order to force melee combat.


Scorpion- a gun familiar from the trilogy. Fires sticky explosive charges. The explosion occurs some time after the charge hits the surface, so be careful when using Scorpion against enemies with a high damage rating.

Equalizer- a relic pistol-cannon, has high damage at close and medium distances, but at a high distance between you and the target, its damage is reduced to almost 0.

SideWinder- this is a kind of space revolver. The weapon has a high rate of fire, which ensures good indicator damage to one target.


Razed. Don't expect a hail of bullets from this weapon, as it has one of the slowest fire rates in the game. But the shotgun’s damage at medium distances is simply enormous.

Hash- plasma weapons based on kett technology. The small dispersion of shells when fired and the ability to fire both single cartridges and a salvo make it extremely convenient in any skirmishes.

Dan also made by the kett, but has some differences from its predecessors. Firstly, each shot must be charged for maximum effectiveness, and secondly, the damage from each charge is several times higher. Enemies you hit will take additional damage every second.

One of the coolest weapons in the game is Diffuser. Not only does it have almost no spread as such, but this gun has an extremely high damage rate. Even at long distances, all particles will hit the target, causing maximum damage due to the built-in guidance system. Has infinite ammo, but can overheat, preventing you from firing it for a while.

Assault rifles

Soned- shoots stream beams that explode the area they hit and can set objects on fire. Capable of destroying most enemies in the game after a few hits.

Valkyrie- weapons from the N7 series, you can select the type of ammunition to fire. Thanks to possible improvements, it is a universal model.

If you want only scraps left of your enemies, take Ghost. Yes, this is by no means the most accurate weapon, but the highest rate of fire in the game makes it worth it. You just need to improve your damage a little and no one can stand against you.

Falcon- an extremely unusual rifle because it fires explosive shells. The damage is enough to kill small groups quickly.

Sniper rifles

There are only three worthy candidates for the role of the best sniper rifles in the game.

M-90 Indra- This is more of an assault rifle with a scope than a sniper. Excellent rate of fire, high damage rate and good ammunition, everything you need to start the game.

The kett have a weapon called Set up, just one hit can tear apart an enemy. The magazine contains four explosive cartridges with a small blast radius.

The highest damage per shot in the game is Isharey. If you have good accuracy and reaction, then you can easily kill a dozen armored enemies with a clip.

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